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01x09 - Help Out

Posted: 11/12/16 05:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Van Helsing"...

I am going to find you.

Do my bidding.

Your life can be good.

I need to get this woman to the base.

That's what I'm going to do.

This is my file.

It's empty.

Gorman Jones.

I hid out here.

I heard you guys coming.

We can't defend this place.

Then what do you suggest?

They call this place "the farm".


This is the only way in or out of this place.


I was trying to kiss her!

What the hell!

It looks like Cynthia's finger.

Don't make me do this!!!

Hey, no, no!

We got that.

Morning, by the way.

All wrapped up and ready to go?

Let's get this piece of shit in the grave.

Oh for god sake, I'm sorry I called him a piece of shit, can you help me out?

I am kind of looking forward to puking my guts up here.

I had a couple of beers hitting the bunk.

I had to k*ll him, right?

I mean, there was no choice.

We all saw that he did it... he had the finger!

Hey, look you did what you had to do.

You can't let this mess with you.

Not here, not now.

Listen to me, you're good.


Come on, one, two three.

No ashes to ashes for you, John boy...

Axel you ever heard of respecting the dead?

What, like he did?

Cutting off people's fingers after they died?

He doesn't deserve shit.

That's nice.

All the rotten eggs.

That's a shame.

I could use a crazy breakfast to kick this hangover in the ass.

I thought Marines could hold your liquor...

Back in the day... wouldn't worry too much about him.

It might not be over.

Might thaw him out in the future... once they've found a cure for assh*le.


There you go... you're smiling.

Now you're human.

Hey, Axel, whatever happens, thanks for getting us this far.

Just doing my duty...

You keep saying it's your 'mission' and everything, but I know what's going down.

Oh, Christ!

Oh, God! What is that?


Freezer must've gone bust months ago.

Oh, man!

Jesus Christ!

That's not good.

Okay if I bunk with you?

This place gives me the creeps.

Of course.

Dead guys can't hurt you, you know.

There's more and more of 'em every day.

You did the right thing.

That guy was going to k*ll me.

You saved me from another drunk assh*le.

Just like the old days.

The old days.

You see me lose my shit back then...

I go mental out of nowhere.

For nothing.

Not for nothing.

No... But But what?

I wanted to do it.

Last night, and before... I wanted to k*ll.

I couldn't wait to do it again...

Well, like my Dad always used to say...

Life's good when you enjoy your work.


Remember I used to tell you about my folk's farm?

It's not far from here.

On the way to Denver.

The woods are full of deer Mom's jam and pickled beets Disgusting.

Dad's probably sitting on the porch right now.

Picking off vampires two at a time, eating 'em raw, right off the bone...

Tough old buzzard.

Like to see 'em try and take that one down...


I always loved that about you How you could laugh even though everything was shit.

Everything's always shit.

Unless I'm with you.

Hey... you should rest.


The organs might tell us something.

They are not going to tell us who put those bodies in the freezer and where they went.

I'll prepare some slides, see if on a cellular level I can...


What? You see something?



You okay, Doc?

I'm fine, I'm fine.


It's okay.

I feel so stupid.

I don't normally drink.

I'm so sorry.

Don't. Please.

Thank you.

We should get the rest out of those bodies out of there If there is a virus or something that might be airborne.

Put them into the quarantine zone.

Through those sealed doors.

That'll be safer Sure. No problem.

Yeah, I can help.

Nah, nah, that's good. I got it.




Uh... it's nothing.

Dead body run.

Don't worry about it. I got it.



So Susan, huh?

We're friends.

Special friends, it looks like.

You wish.

Yeah, kinda do.

Listen, I just wanted to...

Yeah, what?

I wanted to say thank you for having my back, for being someone I could trust.


There aren't a lot of people in my life like that, especially men so thank you.

Thank you.

It's cool.

The trust might be kind of stupid, though, these days.


Not with me, just in general.

The apocalypse.

Anyway, I got this cart of rotting corpses so I am going to take care of this.

We'll chat some more later.

Trust is stupid.

How am I going to make this work?

Why is trust stupid?

I stole your file, back at the base.

I read the whole thing.


I'm sorry.

I stood guard over you for three years.

I figured I deserved to know why.

What did it say?

Not that much.

About your childhood, mostly... some forms having to do with your mother giving you up.

My mom died in childbirth.

She didn't give me up.

I grew up with foster parents.


What else did it say?


Just some military stuff, it's all blacked out.

Even your real name is blacked out.

Where is the file, Axel? Give me the g*dd*mn file?

I left it back at the base.

Come on, hey, open the door Vanessa!

Come on let me out!

Come on open the door!


Shut it!

Where the hell did he come from?


Who's there?

Is it one of you?

Look, I'm not going to hurt you or anything.

I just saw you and followed you.

You should go now.

Look, I'm not going to leave you here by yourself and shit.

Let me at least protect you or something.

You look hungry.

Here, want some?

They're just nuts and berries.

You know, you are bat-shit crazy for staying here by yourself.

I could've k*lled you in seconds.

I'm collecting things for medicine.

So I've got to forage.

You thought I was a feeder back there, didn't you?

And you tried talking to it?

You'd have been screwed.

Not necessarily.

Ah, yes necessarily.

No doubt.

I know a place where there's mushrooms.

They love the darkness and the ash.

Wanna come?

I'm 'Emma, ' by the way...


I'm 'Mohamad.'

He's dragging a leg... must have got hit by a land mine.

Looks like he was blind too.

Eyes were seared right out of his head.


What's going on with you and Vanessa?

Oh, you know... nothing near as much fun as what's going on with you and Vanessa.

Shut up!


You're such a d*ck.

Yeah, I know.

Holy shit!

What the hell is this place?

I don't know and I don't want to know.

Blood trail looks like it's dried up.

Must have healed.

I say the hell with it.

Let's close up in here.

Button is only on one side of that door anyway.

Are you sure it can't get back to the other side?

Baby, I'm not sure of nothing.


There are traitors in our midst.

They would create chaos, upset the balance that keeps us all safe and alive.

We cannot allow it.

But many of these traitors have now been caught and purged.

All thanks to this woman... Quaid.

She should be an example to you all.

Cooperate and live.

Resist and die.

(muffled grunts)


They won't believe your lie.

It's your word against mine.

You cannot see their eyes like I can... their minds are already made up.



Oh God...

Where is it? Where is it?



Axel... Axel...

We've checked the hallway but didn't find it.

You said it was blinded?

Yeah, eyes blasted out of its head.

That's not changing. But the leg healed.

So it's pissed it's in pain...

And it's somewhere in here ready to strike.

That's great.

We've got to flush it out one way or the other.

Not if those doors work... or if there's some other way back in over here.

That's a big 'IF.'

Well, how'd it get in here, anyway?

Stairway's collapsed I don't know. Could've been in here for weeks...

Where's Doc?

Still shut up in the lab, working on that soldier, I guess.

You left her there alone?!

I'm not the one that let a feral in here!

Neither am I, dipshit!

I'll find that mother sucker.

(pounding on door)


(pounding on door)

Come on, I need you to open the door now! Come on, I need you...


You got to unlock the door, Doc.


(pounding on door)

There you go, there you go.


Whoa, whoa, what the hell is going on?

It's radiation.

It's radiation!

This whole place is contaminated.


These soldiers must've holed up in here when their base fell... until the radiation got them.

Axel... what is this place?

The guys called it 'the Farm.'

They said they did 'experiments' here, that's all I know.

I promise you.

Yeah, If we don't get out of this place...

How could we do that? The front door caved in.


Maybe it's time to start digging...

You're kidding me?

We gotta be 50 feet down... at least.

You got a better idea?

Maybe you can steal a pick-axe and a shovel from someone...

What the hell was that all about?



Listen to me.

You're sure about the...?

Dead sure.

As in 'dead.'

We've got to get out of this place right now or we'll all die... soon.


Everything and everyone in this place is contaminated.

Here. Take these iodine tablets.

What's caused it, Doc, do we know?

Isotopes, maybe.

Radioactive particles used to alter DNA.

Something they were doing down here... in this place called 'the Farm.'

More like a slaughterhouse...

Axel and I found this room covered in blood...

Didn't look like vampires.

I think it was those tests he was talking about.

Yeah, you wanna elaborate on that, Axel?

I don't know any more about this place than you do.

I wonder... you wanted to bring us down here pretty badly...

Yeah, because I thought it was safe.


Yeah, right.

How much time do we have, Doc?

I don't know.

The iodine will keep us feeling better until we run out of it.

But the Geiger counter's reading 6 units.

If it gets to 10 we'll die a slow and painful death whether we get out or not.


God, you're always such a ray of sunshine, aren't you?

I'm just telling it as it is.

Yeah, with such care and compassion...

Sometimes I wonder if you're not still just a little bit...


You know.

Say it!


You are going to say that to me?!

And you are just so calm and collected telling us how we're going to die!

Screw you!

Take it down a notch.

I'll do what I want, thanks!



Sam's right.

We're all just sick and bitchy, so let's not...

You don't seem sick at all.

What do you mean?

Radiation is not affecting you?

You know something, don't you?

It's just an observation.

Axel... tell me what you know!

I don't know shit...

Maybe you're the next step in this whole evolutionary mess, part us, part them...

Able to survive whatever this dying planet throws at you.

Mushrooms, some kinds of moss, lots of roots.

Not everything died.

No! Spit that out!

Some people are allergic to those ones!

You can't survive like this.

Like, where do you even live?

You wanna see?

It's okay.

No, no, it really isn't.

(whispers) Wait! Emma!



Don't ever say my name!

It's a lie...

I had nothing to do with their ambush.

I would never betray the cause...

Campbell knows...

Campbell's dead.

They all are.

Because of you.

You're playing straight into her hands.

The feeders want us to turn against each other.

Wipe out your cell, the ones on the outside.

If we k*ll each other, there's fewer for them to turn or feed... don't you see that?

Just what did you tell them?

Not a word.

I swear.

She's lying.

She must be.


You're alive?

They took me.

They tortured me.

So why didn't they hurt her?

I would never tell them anything.

No matter what they did to me.

It's her... Sheema!

She's the one...!

I would do anything for the cause.

You know that.


I do now.

Get word to the outside.

We've been compromised.

Have someone tend to those wounds.

Then we'll talk.


Jesus Christ...

Can't I have five minutes?

I just want to be alone.

What is your problem?

You want to know?


I didn't try and save Smitty.


The day I was bit?

I was trying to shut the door on him.

I panicked, okay?

I saw the vampire coming and I was trying to keep them out, both of them out, I didn't care...

I was just trying to save myself.

That's it.

I'm no hero.

And I can't stand you looking at me every single day like I am.

I'm a horrible person.

I'm a coward.

No, you're not.

I am a coward.

No, you're not.

I am a coward.

You are not a coward, okay and you're not a liar.


You never said you tried to save him.

I put that on you.

Look, we've all done some terrible shit.

I know I have.

That old lady at the hospital, that poor son of a bitch I stabbed to death with a screwdriver.

All that bad stuff that's not who you are.

Not in this world.

In this world we do what we gotta do to survive.

And that's it.

I'm sorry... what have we become.

It's okay.


I wish I'd saved him.

I wish I had saved him!

I am so sorry.


Have you guys seen Gorman?

He didn't take his iodine.

No, I haven't seen the guy since last time I was in here.

Yeah, me neither.

Jesus Christ, Sam. What the hell?

Holy shit!

Well, at least I know how that thing got in here...

More than that, I think we just got our lives back...


He was in the kitchen.

Same as you guys.

He could be dying in here somewhere.

Or already dead.

We can't stay much longer.

The radiation is climbing...

WE are going now!

Come on, let's go!


Let's go!

Go ahead... but not me.

There is something I gotta do.


I've left one too many people behind...

I can't do that again...

I'm gonna take another quick look for Gorman...

It's a gong show up there because of that expl*si*n and you got ferals everywhere, You are gonna have to take point, you ready for that?

Always gotta be last man out, don't' you?

Yeah, I do.

I'm gonna help Doc with this Gorman idiot again.

Axel, hurry up!!

You sure you wanna do this?


Just hurry.

If we don't make it up in 10 minutes, we're not coming up.

Stop it.

Keys are in the visor...

I'll see you up there.

Stop dragging out the good-byes.


Axel, let's go!!

I will tell you later.

You count to 500, then you get outta here.

I should be the one to do this.

No, just wait here for me.

Can you do that?



We got company!



Where are you, you stupid son of a bitch?

Hey, hey, hey, k*lled the feral, maybe you're not such a piece of shit after all.



Sam! Look out!


Sam, Sam!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!




217, 218...


Come on Axel, come on.




(fighting grunts)


(fighting grunts)

Axel! We need to leave now!

Coming Doc, I'm coming!

(loud bang)

(snarling and growling)


(snarling and growling)

(snarling and growling)


I'm coming Doc!

(grunting and growling)


Axel! Doc!

Axel, we gotta leave!

(snarling and growling)

Son of a bitch!

(fighting grunts)

(fighting grunts)


Come on Axel!


Die you piece of shit!



Doc, Doc, here!

Where is Axel?

Is he behind you?

Where is Axel?

Where is he?

He didn't make it.

What do you mean, "he didn't make it?"

What do you mean, "he didn't make it?!"

The radiation. The radiation.

It's not affecting me!


It's Gorman, he turned!

He bit Axel.

Maybe I can turn him back!

Vanessa, you don't understand, Gorman k*lled Axel!

He didn't make it, he's dead.

Axel's dead!

Get off of me!

Come on, Vanessa, he's dead!

Oh, my god! We gotta go!

We can't make it without you!!

We gotta go! Come on!

Oh, my God!

Vanessa, let's go!!

(loud whistle)

(snarling and growling)

Wanda is completely out of gas.

Unless we could get more.

Around here, what are the odds of that.

I'm sorry, I know how much he meant to you.

Jarhead lied to me.


"Missing Hemo Project subject №Y7UH982 has been potentially located.

Marine squad dispatched for recovery and returned to the farm."

This is you?

Check the date.

This is the day of the rising.

And look where they were sent... the hospital.

Axel was sent to recover me.

You think he knew... about you?

I don't know.

I don't know what to think.

The farm, shit.


Don't say anything, ok.



(bells tolling)

Let's go!

Could be a trap.

Maybe so... maybe it is.

(cocks g*n)

But if they're looking for a fight...

I'm gonna give 'em one.

Sam, Flesh.

Pack it up! Let's go!

You think that's a good idea?

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