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01x03 - Sucker

Posted: 11/12/16 05:19
by bunniefuu
So here we got the heavy bag, and there's the speed bag, 'cause I did my research.

You mean you watched "Creed"?

Hey, sometimes business and pleasure mix, Thomas.

[fists smack]

Yay, okay, I actually think you're gonna be pretty impressed with my skills.

You know, I watched a lot of kung fu movies, kind of all up in here "Matrix" style.

[rock music]



Yeah, that's what I thought.

Training starts tomorrow.

Yup, sounds good.

Choose your target, keep your eyes locked on it, and then throw.

You need to look at where you're throw...

[knife thwacks]



Oh, I hate you.


[electricity crackles]

[crickets chirping]


Hey, can you come get me?

I'm near Leimert Hall.

I didn't want to, but he didn't listen to me.

He held me down, and it's so bad.


It hurts, Jenny.

No, no, no, no, no.

I... I can't... I can't go to the nurse.

I don't want anyone to know.

Jenny, I'm really scared.



You don't have to cry for me.


His name was... his name was Max.

♪ I'll go crazy ♪

Let's get this sucker.

♪ You're going to the party ♪
♪ Yeah, you're going to the show ♪

So I say we meet here later tonight at about 9:00.

I have a couple beers, obviously not you.

What's your vice?

I'm getting, like, a sugar cookie vibe from you.

Ooh, maybe a digestive biscuit. What do you say?

We're not pregaming a takedown.

All right, Mom, I'm just trying to have a little fun.

Oh, you think what we're doing is fun?


[quietly] But yes.

So I don't know Max personally, but apparently he att*cked this girl that he met on Mate.

Way to ruin a good thing, Max.

[phone chimes]


Why the ghost treatment? I thought you liked Tyler.

I do. I just...

We k*lled his brother.

That's kind of a deal breaker.

I have to go study.

I'm practically failing statistics.

Kennedy's so scared I'm gonna lose my scholarship, she didn't even argue when I said I had to miss a huge event at the house today.

I can help.

I mean, I did get an A in advanced statistics freshman year, and I can explain fractionals using M&Ms.


But I want the pretzel ones.

I know you're not trying to cut into my me time with this ish.

I need to finish getting ready.

What's there to finish, huh?

You look amazing.

You always look amazing.


Kennedy, Leslie's almost here!

Wait, wait, wait.

I can be fast.

[laughs] Oh, really?

Yeah. Come on.

[laughs] No.

I will give you all the time in the world... later.

Oh, make sure that we have plenty of copies of Leslie's book, "Yes, Girl."

Coach wants us at his table for the lunch tomorrow.

Got it. No mimosas with my frittata.


Get out.


Okay, the house is all cleaned up.

The bongs are in the bong closet.

The pledges forgot to pick up the crudités.

Can you guys go get some?

Leslie's gonna be here any minute.

We have pizza.

We can't serve Leslie Garner pizza.

She's been on "Oprah."

What's going on?

Why are you guys looking at us like that?

I'm doing an extra credit assignment.

You're getting extra credit for meeting Leslie Garner?

For what class, business strategy?

I want extra credit.

We took mushrooms.

Don't worry, we timed it out so they won't kick in until after... Leslie...

Are you kidding me?

Both: Oh...

You guys, this is really important to me.

I have been waiting for two years to get Leslie Garner to come speak to us.

[doorbell rings]

Oh, my God.

Okay, that's her.

Gaby, Fiona... okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, you need to go to the record store, okay?

Jules is gonna look after you.

No, no, no, this way, this way, this way.

Thank you, Mackenzie.


Oh, I found the girl that Max att*cked.

I'm leaving.

My law journal essay is due tomorrow.

I'm gonna strip down to my Calvins, put on some DeBarge, and get real with my ideas.

Oh, sh**t, we have to reschedule.

Gaby and Fiona took mushrooms, and Kennedy wants me to babysit.

But we have to study.

A lot of studying to do.

[bell jingles]

Am I making this music, or is it coming from a speaker?

It's coming from our hearts.

So beautiful.

I have to hug you.

[both sighing and moaning]

Nope. Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Come on.

Jules has a huge test tonight, and your paper isn't due until tomorrow.

It won't take that long, maybe an hour or two.

Kind of depends on how many mushrooms they took.


Probably three. Pack your things.

No, do not pack your things.

I will pay you $300.

I don't want your money.

Thank you, Harris.


Don't boop me.

Sorry, Harris.

Harris, come join us. Fiona's dancing.



So here's what I found.

Couple weeks ago, Max went on a Mate date with this girl, Jessie.

They texted back and forth a bit.

"Hi, you're hot," you know, deep stuff.

Then they set up a time to meet.

A day after the meeting, she asked him if he wants to go get coffee, 'cause she wants to talk, and clearly the vibe wasn't, "Let's talk about how awesome things were."

He never responded, but that doesn't necessarily mean he sexually assaulted her, so just to be safe, I walked through her digital life.

I found this one.

Something happened the other night, and I keep going through every moment in my head, trying to understand what happened.

I mean, he was so sweet, and he gave me his jacket when I was cold.

And I keep thinking, "Did I send mixed signals?"

I liked how he smelled, and the little heart-shaped birthmark on his collarbone.

He asked me to go to Leimert Hall, and I said yes.

I'm so stupid.


Maybe... maybe this is my fault.

He held me down in that gross bathroom, and I can still feel the concrete.

I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

[dramatic music]


Oh, my gosh, are you okay?

I will be.

In a minute, once my... my windpipe reforms.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, my gosh, you have incredible reflexes.

You can't compliment me.

I just punched you in the throat.

Seriously, that was as impressive as it was painful, ow.

[clears throat]

I, um...

I'm sorry I haven't been returning any of your texts.

I just... I've been really busy, and now I've just punched you, and I feel awful.

I won't press charges if you let me walk with you.

That seems like a fair deal.


So you... you grew up in Westport, right?

Yeah, yeah, born and raised.

I actually stole a pack of gum from this hardware store when I was seven.

Yeah, my mom made me return it and apologize.

Oh, yeah, the forced apology. It's so humiliating.

Will you give me just a second?

Of course.

What's going on, man?

Carter never showed to make a statement.

Yeah, and I haven't talked to him in over a week.

All right? You know the guy.

He's probably off on a bender somewhere.

Okay, well, he's got to show up sometime, right?

[sighs] Thanks.

Hey, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

You know, that looked heavy.

I'm just... I'm gonna go.

It was, uh... it was nice to see you.

Hey, are you still home?

Where are you? We need to talk.

[light rock music]

♪ Outside the Wall ♪
♪ Plays on our♪

We have a Carter problem.

Hold on. Look.

Max Conner.

He's like the spring break of people.

I set up a bunch of fake Mate profiles.

Once he swipes right, we can tell him where and when we want to meet.

Did you even hear me before?

The police are looking for Carter.

I couldn't hear the whole conversation, but I...

I think it's about the r*pe accusations.

I mean, if the police are gonna try to talk to him, then Tyler's gonna try and find Carter.

You just spit, like, right into my mouth.

I have to show you something, but you please... please don't get mad at me.

Um... whose phone is that?


I snagged it off of him when we laid him in his final resting place... that and 40 bucks I found in his pocket.

Stealing from the dead... nice.

Oh, come on, where is he gonna spend it?

It's not like they have Natty Light in hell.


Actually, they might.

Look, before you start yelling at me, please just listen.

As long as the phone is in the cage, I can turn it on, and then I can program it to say it's anywhere in the world we want it to say just in case it's being traced.

And now I can take it out of the cage.



Carter being in trouble with the law actually works in our favor.

You know, we can say that he was spooked with the cops looking for him and decided to run away.

There's a lot of pictures of him snowboarding in Canada.

What's their deal with extradition?

Oh, there's no charges against Carter, so extradition doesn't matter.

The problem is is that Tyler is looking for Carter.

You know, I just... I don't feel good about this.

Sending Tyler a text as his dead brother feels kind of twisted, even for us.

Okay, fine, we can always go with option two: life in prison.



[phone chimes]

Back... off.

You know what's not cool?

Licking a grown man's face.


Your face looked like a lollipop, but the dr*gs wore off.

Are you writing a legal brief?


I'm writing an essay to get onto the law journal about the race bias within the local police force.

Are you using these cases to support your thesis?

'Cause they don't work.

Whoever att*cked Skinny Jeff took his wallet and his watch.

Tommy Cope and Will Powell weren't robbed.

It's a different crime.

Your control group is wrong.

"Floyd et. al versus The City of New York."

That'd be a better case to cite.

That's a stop-and-frisk case.

Mm. But it establishes bias.


How do you know all this?

I'm pre-law, and my mom is a Federal Circuit judge.

Melinda Price.

The Honorable Melinda Price is your mom?

Have you read her interpretation of Prop H?

"The court vigorously rejects that corporations have more of a right..."

"To safe, secure housing than individual citizens."


I have to admit, I'm very attracted to you right now.

I've always been attracted to you.

So, yeah.

Thanks for helping me.

Fyi: there are no drapes.

Do you mean "There is no carpet"?

I'm shaved.


Want to see some fake Mate profiles I created to bait Max?

Now, he is into some real basic b*tches.

This is Amber.

Amber likes sunset photos on Instagram, hairless cats, and being real.

I like sunset pictures on Instagram.

This is Ashley.

Now, Ashley likes binge drinking and hanging out with other girls named Ashley.


[phone chimes]


It's from Tyler.

Damn, he really likes you.

He's so gonna confide in you about Carter.

It's perfect.

Uh, no, it's not perfect.

The guy I like is related to the guy that we m*rder*d.

I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

[phone chimes]

I got it. [laughing]

Oh, it's from Tyler. Double duty.

"Hey, man, you can't run away from your problems.

You have to come home."

"Sorry, bro, no can do."

[phone chimes]

It's like a symphony of dysfunction in here.

Max swiped right on Ashley.

You know, this could really distract us from all the Carter stuff.

There's really nothing like an old-fashioned ass beating.

You down?

[phone buzzing]


Hey, Leslie.

[whispers] It's Leslie Garner.


What about dinner?


Yeah, then lunch it is.

Okay, thanks.

You... you got to be kidding me.

I'm so sorry.

You didn't even mention to her that you have my luncheon?

I can't tell Leslie Garner about your football luncheon, Nate.

She doesn't care. [laughs]

Well, what about you? Do you care?

Of course.

Nate, of course I care, but I mean, this is a huge opportunity for me.

She wants to talk about my future.

Being named team captain is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, unless it happens again next year.

I shouldn't have to plead my case.

Okay, but what is this?

Is there something else going on that I don't know about?


You're my girlfriend, and I want you there.

What do you think it looks like if I show up without you?

Oh, okay, so, um... so I'm supposed to give up on something that's really important to me, why, because you're Nate Griffin, Wolverines quarterback?

You know what, I'm sorry you feel hurt, but this is a meaningful opportunity for me, and I'm gonna take it.

My stomach feels really weird, and I don't know if it's nerves or my burrito ultimo.


Jules, are you out here?

Is that Kennedy?

What is she doing here?

All the sisters have the Find My Friends app.

I forgot to turn it off.

Just... just stay here and don't do anything.

Kennedy! Oh, my gosh, hi.


What are you doing out here?

I just had...

I had a project for my botany class... just get samples of ragweed.

What is ragweed anyway?



Are you here?

Oh, screw it.

[yelps, grunts]
[modulated voice] Hello.


[Taser zapping]

What is this?

What's happening?

I know what you did to Jessie.

What? Who's Jessie?

Let's see that heart.


O... kay.

Wait a minute.


It was some patriarchal nonsense.

I mean, telling me I can't go to lunch when he knows... he knows that Leslie Garner is my idol.

Everything okay?

Um, yeah, totally. I'm sorry, continue.


Give me your wallet.


This is a mugging.

Give me your wallet!


[hip-hop music]

I liked kissing his neck and the little heart-shaped birthmark on his collarbone.

[dramatic music]


Hey, so Max Conner isn't the guy we're looking for, 'cause Jessie was catfished.

Okay, call me back.

You know, cool stuff. Talk to you later.

Please don't get mad. Okay, bye.


How could you not notice that Jessie had been catfished?

Okay, chill out, Find My Friends.

Neither of us are doing great here, okay?

He's really good at what he does.

So good, in fact, that when I went to check his conversation with Jessie this morning, it was totally wiped clean.

He must have seen that I traced his IP packet.

I am both deeply troubled and incredibly horny when I think about his skill set.

Great. So what do we do?

Well, I was able to get his name.

Um... Darren Ford.

And I can see what he sends out, but I can't get in.

It's like a fortress.

There is another way.

I'm listening.

[rock music]

Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you.

No worries at all. What's up?

I just... I noticed that you were reading Braken.

Are you in Rothbart's or Jenkins' class?

'Cause I'm just... I'm always looking for recs on what to take next year.

A tech girl, I love that.


That's great.

Actually I am the TA for Rothbart's class, but just between you and I, I think Jenkins is a better professor.

Got it. I mean, thank you.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I'll go get you some napkins.

It's fine.

Seriously, I am... I'm so sorry.

It's fine.

Thanks for the advice. I'll request Jenkins.

And if you have any more questions, I'm Darren.

And you're...


It was so nice to meet you.

Yeah, it's a pleasure.

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]


I thought you'd never want to see me again after yesterday.

Very happy to be wrong.

I just wanted to talk to you about the whole police thing.

That officer was there to talk to me about my step-brother.

Right? Not because of anything I did.

Why don't they question him then?

Because my brother has decided to run away.

He's currently snowboarding.

That's classic Carter.

Well, what are you gonna do?

What can I do?

Truth is, I'm relieved he's gone.

So can we change the topic, talk about something more fun?

Like, who is this guy?

This is Mr. Freckles.

He is a retired astronaut who loves to snuggle.

Wow, well, I got my eyes on you, Mr. Freckles.

You're sharing a bed with my girl.


Um, what just happened?

I'm sorry. It's... it's a knee injury.

It's super sensitive.

It's fine.

Yeah, we're fine.

Oh, I got to run.

My essay is due by midnight.

Actually, about that...

Oh. Oh, no.

I babysat two super high sorority girls yesterday.

I don't want to hear anything, because I'm not listening.

Shh! I'm gone.

Damn it.

Are you sure he's gonna show up?

Trust me, he'll be here.

["Problem" by Natalia Kills]

Oh, Becky.


Sure he can't trace the text?

Positive, I rerouted the IP.

Are you sure he can't trace the text?

Positive. I rerouted the IP.

Are you sure he can't trace the text?

Positive. I rerouted the IP.

Are you sure he can't trace the text?

[smack, yelps]

[modulated voice] Surprise.

♪ Sweat, dripping down your chest ♪
♪ Thinking 'bout your tattooed knuckles ♪
♪ On my thigh, boy, boy, boy ♪
♪ Cold shower ♪
♪ You got no power to control ♪
♪ How I make you my toy, toy, toy ♪

We heard you like to have fun in this bathroom, Darren.

Or should we call you Max?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, please!

What was that? Did you say no?

[Taser buzzing]

No, no! Ah!

♪ But you know what they say about me ♪
♪ That girl is a problem ♪
♪ Girl is a problem ♪
♪ Girl is a problem problem ♪
♪ Ooh, baby, you so bad, boy ♪
♪ Drive me mad, boy ♪
♪ But you don't care what they say about me ♪

♪ That girl is a problem ♪


♪ Girl is a problem ♪
♪ Girl is a problem problem ♪

You thought you were so smart with that filtering software.

Joke's on you, Mr. Brobot.

[Taser buzzing]


And don't even think about going to the police.

We'll just say that this was a Mate hookup.

What did you expect would happen?

And if you even look at a girl without consent, we'll be back to finish the job, got it?

[grunts] Mm-hmm.

♪ g*dd*mn problem ♪
♪ That girl is a God damn problem ♪
♪ That girl is a God damn problem ♪
♪ That girl is a God damn problem ♪
♪ g*dd*mn problem ♪
♪ We're hell-raising ♪
♪ And we don't need saving ♪
♪ 'Cause there's no salvation for a bad girl ♪



Make some room. I haven't heard from Nate, and I am not calling him.

Are you okay?


He thinks he can disrespect me and then just ghost?

F that noise.

Hey, did I ever tell you that before my mom had me she was VP of Marketing at the hospital where my dad worked?


She had a full career, but my dad was a traditional guy.

So she just gave it up to raise us.

You know, now I look at her, and my sister's about to graduate high school, and, like, what does my mom have?

You know?


I just never want to be like that.

I thought Nate understood that, but... maybe not.

I think he just wants a girlfriend who will be his plus-one.

Well, on the bright side, if you guys break up, it means more time for us.

That's true.

[knock at door]

What are you doing here?

Kennedy, can we talk?

She doesn't want to talk to you.

It's okay.

Wait, wait.

I'm, uh...

I'm sorry.

I'm an ass, and if you never want to talk to me again, I get it, but...

[sighs] Can I explain?

I'm listening.

You're amazing.

I think you are so incredibly talented, and your ambitions are so sexy.

And I'm terrified that one day you're gonna realize that you're too good for me.

When you said you were gonna talk about your future with Leslie, I freaked out.

I'm a big man around here, but I blow out my knee, that's it.

I'd have nothing to offer you.

Wait, you don't think that I only date you because you're the quarterback of the football team, right?

Because, if I'm honest, I think football is boring as hell, and I love you because you're sweet and you're funny.

You make me laugh, and you always have my back, except for yesterday.

And... if you give me another chance, I'll never let you down again.

I read Leslie Garner's book.

Wait, you did?

I love that you have big dreams, and I want to be there to help you make them happen.

Hey, thank you.

Love you.

Come on. Let's go in my room.

Come on.

[door clicks shut]


You're gonna love this.

[bell jingles]

Hey, you get your paper in?

I did.

No thanks to you.

How'd it go last night?

Oh, it was... it was dead, like zombie apocalypse dead.

Yeah, that's kind of what happens when the store is closed.

I can't do this anymore, Ophelia.

I'm letting you go.

What? Come on, I'm sorry.

I didn't know you'd be this upset.

You're an unreliable person.

You sell weed out of the store.

You steal money from the register.

I should be fired for not firing you sooner.

You left me to take care of the girls when you know I had my law journal essay to finish, but you didn't care about that, did you?

I'm sorry, but I've been really busy lately tutoring Jules.

Don't, Ophelia. Don't.

You're a horrible employee, but you're an even worse friend.

Leave your store keys.

Yesterday I woke up, and I felt okay.

Today not so much.

I found out Max isn't even his name.

Living in the aftermath of that night is somehow worse than what happened.

I mean, how am I supposed to go to class if I can't even walk across the campus without having a panic attack?

But the thing that really kills me is thinking how unfair it is.

My r*pist isn't having any trouble sleeping.

He gets to go to class and hang out with his friends and just live his life.

But me?

I'm failing out of school.

I'm a mess, and I'm probably gonna have to drop out and go home.

[knock at door]

What's the point if Jessie doesn't know?

Like, aren't we doing this so she can feel safe?

Um, hello to you too.

How do you know she doesn't feel safe?

Did she post another video?


Yeah, actually... I don't know.

I kind of know her.

She's in my r*pe survivor support group.

It's how I knew about Darren.

Are you serious?

You didn't choose the name randomly.

You actually know her, and you had a piece of information that you didn't share with me?

That's, like... it's a lie.

I didn't know if I could trust you yet, and don't even get me started on the fact that you purposely put that virus on the text you sent.

He needed to know that I was the superior hacker, okay?

It was completely necessary.

He brought a bat, Ophelia.

We're doing this to make Darlington safer, not have a pissing match with the bad guys.

You're a whole piñata full of issues, and for this to work, you need to let me in.

I'm on your side, and I just want to help, so let me help.

Yeah, you're right. You're right.

I'm sorry. I just...

[sighs] I don't know.

I'm not used to this yet.

We're figuring this out together.

In other news, I got fired today.

No, because of Gaby and Fiona?

Well, no, that didn't help, but that's not what did me in.

I've just been so caught up with this lately that I have been really unfair to Harris.

Yeah, it's hard to keep secrets.

Kind of bad for relationships.

Mm, Tyler?

Yeah, that's not happening.


I mean, he's not looking for Carter.

Carter's not the problem. It's me.

I don't sleep, and when I do, I have horrible nightmares.

And I can barely be touched without jumping out of my skin, and the only time that I feel like myself is when I'm wearing that black suit.

You know, I can barely remember the girl that I was before I got r*ped, and I just know that I miss her.

So, yes, you are right.

I'm a... I'm a mess.

Actually I said you were a piñata full of issues, but we can go with mess if you want.

Can I ask you something sort of personal?


You're attracted to Tyler, right?

I mean, all your wiring still works, so you have to change your underpants...

Yes, stop. Stop.

Yeah, I don't know. It works.

Well, it just seems to me that, you know, maybe you're not as messed up as you think you are.

Maybe you should just take things slow, and I am not normally an advocate for dating someone who definitely wears a beanie in summer, but I don't know.

Tyler seems like one of the good guys.

Yeah, maybe.

Oh, hey, for what it's worth, I walked through Vinylton this morning, and I didn't see a "Help Wanted" sign.

Yeah, okay.

So what should we do about Jessie?

I have an idea.

[rock music]

[phone chimes]


Got your text.

Thanks for coming.

Um, I think I've been sending some confusing messages.

Punching me in the throat, abruptly running away from me.

I think you've been pretty clear.

No, because those actions might send the message that I don't like you and that I don't want to see you...

And I do.

I want to see you a lot.

I mean, only if you're into it, 'cause, I mean, otherwise we could just share this most embarrassing moment of my life and just go our separate ways.

No, I'm into it, very into it, but, yeah, it's been a little confusing.

Yeah, I think I was a little unsure, but I'm... but I'm not anymore.

I just... I think I need to take things really slow, like super, super slow.

I can roll with that.

I just want to get to know you better.

That's all.

So are you comfortable with me telling you that I think you look incredibly beautiful right now?


Yeah, I think I can handle that.

And... and, uh... would it be okay if I kissed you?

[soulful music]

[bell jingles]

[clears throat]

Hello, I heard there was a job opening, and I'd like to apply for it.

Your résumé?


"Job experiences: marijuana entrepreneur"?

And you listed Rick Ross as a reference.

Nice touch.

Though my résumé seems short, let me speak to some of my strengths.

For example, I can find any record in this store with my eyes closed, and I have saved countless people from the irreparable mistake that is Nickelback.

All that being said, I do have some shortcomings.

I do sell weed at the store most/all the time, and most importantly, I can be pretty selfish.

But I'm working on that one, truly.

Right now...

I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him for her job back.

Damn it, Ophelia, you know I can't resist "Notting Hill."

Hugh Grant wears goggles to the movies.

It's delightful.



But you have to show up to all of your shifts and some of mine, while you're at it.

Done and done.

Shall we beans it up, toast to our happy ending?

Actually, I have plans.

[bell jingles]


This one, right? Ugh.

We're closed.

She's here with me.


Oh, oh.


[sighs] Wow.

Harris got accepted into the law journal, so we are going to celebrate because I helped him with his essay.

You got into the law journal?

Why didn't you tell me? Congrats.

Did she say that she helped you write your essay?


So seems like you should be thanking me.

Good-bye, Ofeefs.

See you tomorrow at opening on time.

You got it, dude.

Let's go, boo.

She's literate?

Hey Mike, what...

What's this?

It's a warrant for your brother's arrest.

I'm sorry, Tyler.

Come on. I need more time.

There's nothing I can do.

The girl's lawyered up.

[rock music]

♪ Can you please sit the [...] down? ♪

♪ Protesting in your paper crown ♪

♪ You love to feel offended ♪

♪ Fighting from computer trenches ♪

♪ You got a semi-a*t*matic mouth ♪

Hey, it's Carter. Later.

Yeah, hey, it's me.

I came by your place to grab some stuff, and I don't know.

Find it a little odd that you're in Canada snowboarding without your snowboard.

Just call me, okay?

Whatever trouble you're in, I can help you.

Just call me.

♪ You got a ♪
And it's so loud ♪