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01x03 - You Must Remember This

Posted: 11/11/16 07:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Pure Genius...

Bell: This isBunker Hill Hospital.

Anything that you need to know or the patient wants to know is available at any time.

CT scans, MRI, all the labs.

I didn't build this hospital to deliver bad news.

I have the same philosophy here as I did building my company in Silicon Valley.

Best idea wins. We're pairing the most brilliant minds in medicine with the most brilliant minds in technology.

is the revolution, Dr. Wallace.

Cheng: Here he comes, man of mystery.

I can't believe he's a priest. He's always so calm and innocent looking. He is definitely living some kind of lie.

Oh, my God, you're obsessed.

Why don't you just ask her out?

Bell: Who?

Wallace: Dr. Brockett.

You bought Zoe a park?

Most people just buy flowers.

Thank you.

(elevator bell dings)

Uh, excuse me.

Good morning.

Yes, it is. Hi.

Sorry, I'm so busy today.

So, about last night...

Oh. Yeah, you know, like I said, I'm so busy.

I don't want this to be weird.

Weird? No, it's not weird. But it is, like you said, a good morning, so...


Automated female voice: Third floor.

(elevator bell dings)



Um, can you hack into the hospital's security footage?

Yeah, of course I can. Why?

Something happened last night by the third floor elevators.

You can't tell anyone.

(scoffs) Who would I tell?


Look, I would never...

You would and you have.

Okay, look, I promise. Just tell me.

Malik kissed me.

No. I was tired, my guard was down...

Okay, look, you don't have to explain...

I don't date guys at work, and you know that, so I need you to find that footage and I need you to delete it.



I can't believe he's a priest.

Are all priests celibate?

Thank you.

Uh, yeah, I think so.

We need to find out for certain.


Morning. Morning, Father...


Oh, here you are.

Wonderful morning for a revolutionary metabolic sensor.



Let's do this.

Melissa, you are pre-diabetic, with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardiac hypertrophy... a potential indicator of heart failure.

That is the nicest way anyone has ever told me that I'm super fat.

Suzie: You know I hate that word, sweetie.

Diets are hard. But this new sensor we've developed is gonna take all the guesswork out of dieting and exercise.

You are part of a revolutionary study that's gonna change the way we control our weight.

Melissa, we're gonna help you in ways that nobody ever has.

This sensor is calculating, in real time, your exact caloric intake and expenditure.

Brockett: And this shows your real-time blood glucose, ketones and triglycerides.

And this right here shows your rate of ingestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Bell: And then we feed all this data into an app on your phone that instantly creates a personalized plan to lose weight in the smartest and most efficient way possible.

It's the Fitbit of the future.


Brockett: No more yo-yo dieting, no more guesswork. If you follow this plan, you will lose weight.


I'm trying to be optimistic.

But nothing's ever worked in the past...

We're gonna do this, sis. We've got this.

I'll call Dave and I'll tell him to make sure that the kids are fed and clothed and get dropped off at school so that I can be here with you as long as you need.

So that's me up there, all those numbers?

That's you.

Well, come on, numbers, help me out here!


Channarayapatra: Ryan Hamilton is an Oakland police officer.

Two months ago, crashed into a parked car while on duty.

Upon cognitive testing, it was found that he not only had no memory of who he was, but seems to think, talk and present himself as someone with the maturity level of a seven-year-old.

Fascinating. I never heard of amnesia linked with regression. Any theories?

Not yet, but that's why we brought him here.

Could he be faking it?

Police officer driving recklessly on the job, causing property damage is a good reason to fake amnesia.

Could just be a good fibber.

I've met him, and I feel he's very much not a fibber, but why don't you decide for yourself.

(imitates whooshing)

Officer Hamilton.

He doesn't answer to that anymore, not since the accident.

Ryan, honey? These nice people would like to talk to you.

I'm playing.

Ryan, remember me from before?

I brought two people I want you to meet.

Not now.

So, no memories at all?


Hard to believe.

How are you doing?

I'm so confused.

You know, I-I try to talk to him, I try to tell him that I am his wife, but he mostly just wants me to play with him, like I'm a babysitter.

I've taken him to so many hospitals.

No one can do anything for him.

Please help me.

We were planning on starting a family of our own, and now...

I need my husband back.

Ryan: Kayla, where's my juice box?

It's... it's right here, Ryan.


I got that. I got that. Yeah, I got it.



James, you should let a doctor...

I'm fine. (chuckles)

So, Ryan, tell me, how old are you?



James. Easy.



These are pretty cool, huh?

I guess.

This one's the coolest.

(chuckles softly)

Everyone loves Dr. Wallace.


But what about this guy?

(imitates whooshing)

That's Mr. Evil.


That's funny.

(imitates expl*si*n)

He's gonna k*ll everyone with green lasers that sh**t out of his eyes and out of his butt.

(imitates expl*si*n)

I don't think he'd do that.

Then I'm gonna chop his head off.

(imitating explosions)

Yeah, that might be hard to do since he's composed of reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene.

Then I'm gonna throw him out the window!

Maybe you should give him back to me instead.

No, he's got to suffer.

Hey, hey.

Let go.

Let go, Ryan. Please let go.

Thank you.

Give it back to me.

(gasps): Oh, my...

I am so sorry. James, are you okay?

He hasn't forgotten how to throw a right hook.

It's okay, Ryan.

Bell: Wow.

Wallace: I'm a doctor. It's okay.


(birds chirping, quiet chatter)

Hey, Scott?

Take a look at this.

The results from Melissa's blood work.

This be a mistake?

Her metabolism's abnormally slow, even for someone of her weight.

We need a full-body MRI.



But what?

Do we have her measurements?

You mean her vitals?

No. Her waist size.

If her metabolism is too slow, you can fix it.

So you found the problem. This is good news, right?

Let them talk, Suze.

I am. Go, talk.

Well, the first step is to find out what's causing the abnormal metabolism.

Well, it's all about yo-yo dieting.

I mean, I ruined my metabolism.

Melissa, at this point, we don't know what's causing your metabolic issue.

Not without some more detailed blood work and an MRI.

Brockett: Unfortunately, um, our scanner was designed to accommodate a limited range of body shapes and sizes.

In cases like these, hospitals will sometimes send patients to an off-site facility.

What facility?

Like a place with humongous MRIs for hippos like me?

Oh, my God.

The zoo.

Are you sending me to the zoo?

May I speak to you two for a moment outside?

This is Bunker Hill Hospital? This is what James Bell comes up with... taking my sister to the damn zoo?

We realize this is not in any way ideal.

Not ideal?

Do you get what you're dealing with here?

She's been trying her whole life to get in control of her weight, and it's been one humiliating thing after the next.

Surgeries, radical diets.

And you're saying that you want to take her to the zoo and put her in the same MRI that you use for animals.

No. That is not gonna work.

Suzie, this is the only facility in town with this specialized piece of equipment.

It's the only one.


We get it.

We do. You are a good sister.

And you have your sister's best interests at heart, but sometimes, as hard as it is, love means you need to let go a little.

And I think I can see you doing that for Melissa, because this is truly what's best for her.


One time.

You make sure you get the scans you need, because my sister will do this one time.

Is that clear?

As a bell.


(quietly): Wow. You really just charmed the pants off her.

Sorry, Father.

Wallace: Peas? We don't have hyper ice or a cryotherapy g*n? Robot-operated ice pack?

Channarayapatra: Everybody here?

Tried them. Peas are better.

Let's start.

I believe Ryan Hamilton suffered a focal injury to his memory center from his car accident.

His functional MRI shows decreased activity in his hippocampus... the part of the brain that seeks out and retrieves stored memories.

The question is: how do we reactivate the hippocampal neurons Ryan needs to help him remember who he is?

And if we bring his memories back, will that bring his maturity back?

How is amnesia usually treated?

Typically, it's treated with therapy.

Yes, but progress is slow and outcomes are unpredictable.

Well, we're Bunker Hill. We can do better. May I?

How about optogenetics?

You mean that thing where they tried using light to activate neurons in mice brains?

Didn't just try, they succeeded.

Ooh, cyber mouse.

If we can implant a network of microscopic lights over Ryan's brain, I could use a computer to code that network in order to reprogram his memories.

I've always wanted to reprogram someone's brain.

Yes. But light is not likely to penetrate a human brain.

The hippocampus is too deep.

I was thinking of something, uh, a little less...



Instead of light, we use electricity.

We use neurostimulation to jump-start his hippocampus.

We send electromagnetic pulses that can penetrate brain tissue.

Even if that works, how do we know for certain that Ryan's memories are still in there?

We don't.

But we don't know for certain that they aren't.

Exactly. The only way we know for certain whether his memories are gone is if we try to go in and get one.

You sound like James.

She sounds like me.

Brockett: Okay, Melissa, we'll need you to lie still during the scan.

There's gonna be a really loud banging noise, so just, uh, raise your hand if you feel any discomfort.

370 pounds... I don't really know what it's like not to feel discomfort.



Man: Uh, I have Stefane scheduled for an MRI.

(zebra whinnies)

Suzie: Excuse me, we are here.

You and Stefane need to leave now.

Man: Right. Sorry. Didn't realize it was taken.

(zebra huffs)

That is unacceptable.

Melissa (quietly): It's okay.

It's okay.

Do you need something? What do you need?

Do I really have to do this?

Melissa, we are in no rush here.

Okay? You take a moment, you take whatever time you need.

(sobs softly)

Sweetie, do you... do you need a snack?


It's a granola bar; it's healthy.

Is it okay? It's not gonna screw up the scan?

No. It's fine.

Okay. Shh.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Kayla: New blocks.

Thanks, Kayla.

Okay. Now, you can play, but you have to stay still and answer the doctor" questions, okay?

Yeah, okay, okay.

If we can get him to recall even one memory, that's a great sign.

Whoa, what's that?

We're gonna use this to send focal electromagnetic impulses into your brain to try and wake up your dormant neurons.


Wallace: Ryan, this is really cool.

You got to see it. It's, um... well, it's like a ray g*n that sh**t ray beams into your brain that'll read your mind.

(whispers): Cool.

(chuckles): Yeah.

Do you want to hold it?

(imitating lightsaber whirring)


So now we just need you to answer our questions so we can get a good read.

If you do that, then Kayla has a new box of blocks for you, okay?


Thank you.

Ryan, Ryan, stay still, okay?

Wallace: Okay.

Ryan, do you know where you live?

Um... no.

Can you... ask me something else?


Do you remember being a police officer?

Ryan: Um...

I see a flicker. I don't remember.

Ryan: Will I still get new blocks if I don't remember?

Of course.

Wallace: Just need you to try the best you can.

Ryan, do you remember your wedding day?

Do you remember getting married to Kayla?

I don't remember.

Bell: No memories yet. Go back to the policing.

I think there was something there.

He loved his time at the academy.

Ryan, do you remember learning to be a policeman?

Going to the academy?

Maybe, uh, how it felt to be there, a smell.

Think back on when you wanted to become a police officer.

I... I...

(softly): Flicker's back.

I'm gonna try increasing magnetic flux density.

This might be a memory.

Channarayapatra: Ryan, what can you remember about the academy?

(blocks clacking)


What, Ryan?

Ryan: I remember the smell of fresh-cut grass.

It's hot.


Forgot my sunglasses.

That's great, Ryan.

Keep going.

Chief... Chief pins a badge on me.

Kayla (chuckles): Oh, my God.

His graduation day.

"Officer's best w*apon is compassion," he says.

I couldn't help it.

I start to cry.

(Kayla crying)

Oh, my God.

He's still in there.

Hey. If you had a second before we meet, I had a quick question.


Go ahead. I'm listening.

About Zoe.

What about Zoe?

She seem off to you lately?


I was wondering if maybe she had something stressful going on. Maybe not.

Maybe things are cool.


Can you think of a reason why things would not be cool?

No, not really. That's why I was asking you.

You guys seem close.


Seems like you're really invested in finding out how Zoe feels about things.

I wouldn't overstate it.

Just a little concerned.

It's really sweet.

You know, I think coworkers should be able to feel concern for each other.

And I also think you should just ask her.



How you doing?


Listen, I was...

We need to discuss surgery for the obesity case. Wallace, we'd love your input.

Yes, I know.

That's, um, why we're here.


So, we found a small, noncancerous tumor on her adrenal gland.

Wallace: Normally, we'd do a simple adrenalectomy to remove Melissa's tumor, but it's simply not safe for a patient of this size and weight to undergo this surgery.

Melissa's five times more likely than a non-obese person to get a post-op infection, a heart attack, peripheral nerve injury, chronic wound ulcer or even die.

Bell: So, I already ran a multivariable logistic regression analysis, and we can go a long way towards closing the gap on the risk level if Melissa loses 10% to 15% of her weight.

Just 40 or 50 pounds?


How can she possibly lose weight when the tumor's constantly telling her she's hungry?

Wallace: She has to lose the weight before we can do the surgery.

It's the only way we can help her.

Kayla: Now that we got that one memory, when he wakes up, will there be more?

Will... we get him back?

Well, as we said, there's no way to know.

No, I know. Just... what does your gut say?

I'm not sure.

And what about the whole acting like a child?

Well, we hope as we restore more memories, his maturity level will return, but again, we don't know yet; it's still a bit of a mystery.

(Ryan groaning softly)

When I look at him, he looks just like my husband, and then when he wakes up, I have to be his mother.

I love him... and I know that he can't help being sick, and I take my vows very seriously, but what if I can't look at him again like he's my husband?

(Ryan groaning softly)

Officer Hamilton.

Ryan: Who...

Who are you?

We're your doctors.

You're in a hospital.


You did a stim session yesterday where you talked about your graduation day.

Do you remember the police academy?


Do you know your name?

Do you know how old you are?

Please... please go away.

Please go away!

Kayla: Ryan? Ryan?

Go away.

Ryan, it's Kayla.
You want this? Want this?

Why did he lose that memory?

40 pounds?

40 pounds?

40 to 50.

Strauss: That's how much would make Dr. Wallace feel comfortable.

I can't lose 50 pounds.

You yourself just told me I have a tumor that makes me feel hungry.

I want the surgery.

My whole life, I have thought that this was my fault.

My weight. And now you're telling me after all this time that it's not me at all, it's this stupid tumor that's making me hungry when I'm not even hungry?

It's simple. I want this thing out of me.

And if you can't do it, I will find another hospital that will.

Melissa, you are completely entitled to do that, but that would be a tremendous risk.

You can find someone else to perform that surgery.

We are telling you if you don't lose the weight first, you will be putting your life in serious jeopardy.

We want another hospital to do the surgery.

That's what we want.


Don't worry, honey, we'll... we'll find another hospital.

Wallace: I don't understand this.

We were able to get Ryan to retrieve a long-term memory and bring it into consciousness, so it should have stuck.

Right. I can only guess that there was some kind of neurological event between the time we retrieved that memory and now.


It's Ryan... he's in cardiac distress.

(alarm beeping)

What is going on?! Oh, my God!

What's happening?!

We're gonna help your husband.

Okay, you need to wait outside, please.

Will you take her?

Come on, Kayla.

He's going into rapid A-fib at 170.

Wallace: Okay, Ryan.

We need to cardiovert him.

Get the defibrillator.

Hold on. We can't if he's already forming a blood clot in his heart.

Converting him back to a regular sinus rhythm would throw it to his brain.

I know.

Yeah, there it is... clot in his left atrium.

We need to slow his rate with meds.

I'm pushing I.V. diltiazem.

(alarm stops beeping)

I think you got it.

(alarm beeping)

Third-degree heart block.

His A-fib is due to atrioventricular node dysfunction; the meds will k*ll him.

Give a dose of calcium and atropine, and let's start the transcutaneous pacer.

No. We need a permanent fix.

Get me a central line kit and two pacing catheters.

We're putting in a pacemaker.

(urgent chatter)

I'm going to float a lead wire in through his left subclavian vein.

No spikes.

You're not capturing his heart rhythm.

I'm only in the right atrium.

I'm gonna push through into the ventricle to try and capture.

His heart rate is 30, Doctor.

I'm almost there.


Channarayapatra: 15. Ten. 15.

I got you.


(monitor beeps)

That's it.

(steady beeping)

Pacemaker's working.

I think I might know how Ryan lost his memory.

Kayla, we always thought the accident that your husband was in caused his illness, but it was the other way around.

We were able to pull some security footage from a bank a block away from the accident.

Uh, yeah, freeze it.

You see, he's clutching his chest.

This is before the accident.

Then he loses consciousness.

This is time-stamped ten seconds before the accident occurred.

So he had a heart attack.

That's what caused the accident. Oh, my God.

Your husband had a series of mini-strokes, causing ongoing damage to his brain.

And that's what caused the regression and his memory loss.

Wallace: The pacemaker we put in should help tremendously to prevent future mini-strokes.

A-And the mini-strokes were what were keeping him from retaining the memories, right?

Yes. So any memories that come back, he should be able to retain.

(chuckles): That's amazing.

So how long before he can do more neuro stim sessions?

Um, unfortunately, um, neurostimulation is no longer a viable option.

Channarayapatra: Neurostimulation creates an electromagnetic field that will interfere with the pacemaker and cause it to malfunction.

Ryan is still in there, somewhere.

We saw him.

His memories are still there.

But you're saying that you just don't have a way to go in there and get them?

Wallace: We will keep trying to find a safe way to reach those memories.

We won't try. We will.

Kayla, have you ever heard of optogenetics?


We're gonna go in and reprogram your husband's brain.

With your permission.


Hi. Yeah. Hey.

I was on my way to the garage to meet with Scott and Angie.

You okay?

Me? Yeah. I... Why would you say that?

Say what? I didn't actually say anything.

Well, you kind of implied that I'm not okay. But I am.

I'm totally okay.

Okay. Great.

'Cause for a little while there, I thought maybe you were feeling weird about the fact that we kissed.

Oh. (sputters)

No. Of course not. No.





Hold on.

We... didn't kiss.

You kissed me.



And, by the way, I don't date coworkers.

All right.

Yeah. Suffice it to say, I tried it once and it did not work out. Anyway, I got to go.

Uh, to the garage, to figure out a way to help Melissa with Scott and Angie.

So you said.

I did say that.

So I'm gonna... I'm gonna do that.

That was a good, uh...

Thank you for this.

For this talk.

(door opens)

(door closes)


Bell: Just checking the fiber array is positioned over the hippocampus.

Okay, we're live.

Now activate Ryan's neurons in random order; I'm gonna try and target them with the UV lights.

Ooh, yikes.

I'm gonna need a little help.

Can I get a kombucha, please?



Brockett: Hey, Scott.

We're brainstorming appetite suppression techniques.

Too late.

Melissa checked out this morning.

Oakland County just asked for her records.

Damn it.

If only we could've talked to Melissa alone.

No. The sisters are a unit.

We need Suzie on board, too.

Yeah, well, together they wound up making a really bad decision.

Codependence. I could write a book.

Let's bring 'em back.


We bring Suzie in, talk to her first.

Well, we don't even have a good solution to help Melissa lose the weight.

Bell: Guys, this negativity's really breaking my concentration.

Of course we have a solution.

We already have the weight loss sensor.

It tells her when she's had enough calories, right?

So, when that happens... um, thinking... can't we just shock her or something?


What is wrong with you?

Actually, you could do that.

Okay, you guys have been spending way too much time at this hospital.

No, seriously, we could implant an inhibitor onto Melissa's vagus nerve to suppress her hunger.

Exactly! Kombucha next to the keyboard, please.

And then we link the inhibitor with the sensor.

When the sensor registers enough calories...

The inhibitor will k*ll her hunger.

That could actually work.

Not could, it will.

Are you guys done now?

I'm trying to reprogram someone's brain over here, okay?

No more talking. Feel like I'm back at Code Jam in college.

Strauss: We think that once we implant the inhibitor, it'll give her a new tool for losing the weight.

We will work with both of you to get there.

And we will do the surgery, but we're gonna do it when it's safe.

She's already checked out.

We know.

You guys don't give up, do you?


Melissa already has her surgery scheduled at Oakland County.

She's made her decision.

And you agree with her decision?

I might not agree with it, but I can't stop her.

Even to save her life?

My sister can't walk down the block without agonizing pain.

Without being stared at.

And for no good reason but some stupid genetic lottery that I won and she lost.

And so, yeah, okay, this surgery might be a huge mistake, but I will not be one more voice in the world standing in judgment of her, telling her that there's something wrong with her.

And I'm the only person she has.

So she needs to know that I'm in her corner.

Yes, but being honest with her is the best way to be in her corner.

You're strong, Suzie. You can use that strength.

You can help your sister.

If there was ever a time for a tough conversation, this is it.

Brockett: Suzie, she's making a life-and-death decision right now.

Can you get her to come back?

(monitor beeping steadily)

Kayla, we're implanting a fiber optic array of microscopic infrared lights over Ryan's hippocampus.

Then we'll ask him questions and analyze the neural activity to determine which neurons are healthy.

I'll write code to turn on the lights in the correct sequence in order to activate the healthy neurons and create new memory retrieval patterns.

Okay, are we ready?

Channarayapatra: Yes.

Ryan, do you know the name of the street you grew up on?

Ryan: I...

I don't know.

Wallace: That's completely fine.

Do you remember your mother's name?




I don't know.

Kayla, do I have to keep doing this?

Ryan, this is actually very helpful. As you concentrate, I can see which neurons are working.

I can help you turn them on.


You're doing great, Ryan.

Don't worry. It's okay.

Let's hear more about Mom.

Okay, Ryan, what do you remember about your mother?

Ryan: I remember... when she got sick.

All right, we're headed into new territory here.

Wallace: What else do you remember, Ryan?

I remember her trying not to cry.

And I told her, I said, "Don't worry.

I'm gonna take care of you from now on."

I remember, the last Christmas before she died, she came with me to a homeless shelter.

Our unit was handing out presents.

And a little boy looked up at me with...

...big eyes.

"One day, I want to be just like you," he says.

And she says...

"Then your mother will be so proud."

Look at our boy.

He's all grown-up.

Wallace: James.

You did it.

Ryan, you're coming back.

You're gonna come back to me.

(muffled): Ryan?


Do you know where you are?


Some water for Officer Hamilton, please.


I'm sorry, what did you say?


I'm Sergeant Ryan... Hamilton.

Yes, you are.

You remember me?


You're Kayla.

My helper.

No, Ryan, I'm your wife.

I-I've never been married.

Yes, you are.

Yes, you are. You're married to me. Kayla...

No, I can-can help him remember.

Ryan, it's me.

We're married for nine years.

We live on Rosewood Street, a little crooked house we keep meaning to renovate.

We have a mutt, Henry, wakes us up every morning.

We had our first date at Mount Tam.

You have to remember our first date.


I'm sorry, I'd really like to help you.

But I-I don't remember any of that.

I've made my decision.

I have a hospital that's going to do the surgery.

I just want this done.

I'm taking the risk.

I've made peace with that.

Here's stuff about me.

My marriage isn't working.

Hasn't for a long time.

Dave's been... cheating on me with a 23-year-old bartender.

I've known about it, but I can't confront him.

Also, you're not the only one with body image issues.

I've... basically been starving myself since I was 14.

(sighs softly)

(sighs, sniffles)

So when I do things for you, like give you snacks and tell you things you want to hear, it's as much for me as it is for you, because you're basically the only person in the world that I truly have, and I just don't want to lose you.

I think that you should cancel the surgery and come back to Bunker Hill.

And I think that the best way that I can help you right now is for me to leave, because when we're around each other, you are not the strongest version of yourself, and I'm not the strongest version of myself.

And right now we really need to be strong.


I am gonna go and I am gonna confront my husband.

I am gonna do the hard thing.

And I really think that we both should.


(chuckles softly)


I love you. (laughs)

(laughs): I love you, too.

Ryan: Thank you so much.

What you've done for me is incredible.

You've given me my life back.

He's gonna be all right. (chuckles)

Thank you so much.

Give it time, Kayla.

His neurons will learn new patterns, and more memories will come back, okay?

Wh-What if they don't?

What if I'm always a stranger to him?

I'm sorry. That is not your problem.


Thank you so much.



God, I wish we could do more, somehow.

I have a dumb idea.

I love dumb ideas.

Strauss: Can I get the inhibitor, please?

(monitor beeping steadily)

Thank you.

Gangway. Power walking coming through.

Everything all right?


You know, that's the first time in modern history that I've ever walked past a cookie without the urge to stop and binge.

Nice. (laughs)

So proud of you, Melissa.

Hey, sis!

Did you talk to Dave?

Oh, we talked.

He begged for marriage counseling, and I agreed to give it a shot.

And don't worry; I gave him a good swift kick in the nuts for you.

Good. (laughs)


Well, I did it.

You're amazing.

Hey, do you want to walk with me?

I need 10,000 steps just to get some celery sticks and a dab of hummus around this place.

I love celery sticks.

So does he.


Good work, Doctor.

Everyone needs someone.

That's interesting insight, considering you're celibate and all.

Unless you're not... anymore.

I left my parish to become a doctor, but I'm still a priest.

Hmm. I honor my vows.

That probably makes things easier.

Just in terms of relationships.

It's so complicated.

That's why I don't date guys at work.



Not to get too personal, but, uh, you're here 80 hours a week.

Who else are you gonna date?



I heard about the good news with Melissa.

Excellent work.

Thank you.


And... you actually coded a man's brain, so, you know, there's that.


It's unbelievable.

It's a new frontier. It's never been done before.

Until now.

(chuckles) I feel like one of you.

Like I'm one of the doctors after saving a life.

I'm so high. What do you guys do with all the adrenaline?

Uh, well, usually, we drink.




Do you want to?

Do you want to go out for a drink?

Uh, yeah.


Guess I could try that.

You could try that.

Absolutely. Uh, okay.


Let me... I'm just gonna get my...

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

You know, I don't need it, I don't need it. Should we go?

Yeah, let's just go. You ready?

Cheng: Zoe.



Brockett: Oh, Ang, hey.

James and I are gonna, we're gonna go out for a drink. You want to come?

Uh, just the two of you or everyone?

Everyone, right?


The more the merrier, right?


Uh, but you need to see something first.

A video.

Oh. Mm-hmm.

I-I'll get...


Um, I got confirmation on the other thing.

Still a priest, still celibate.


Everything okay?

Yeah, everything's... everything's great.

I'm gonna... You guys go. I'll meet you there.

Turns out that you're quite the romantic, Dr. Wallace.

Oh, well, let's see if it works.

So, um, does this feel like our other first date?

(chuckles softly)

No. Not at all.

(birds chirping)

So do you remember anything about this?


No, I'm sorry. I-I don't.

They thought maybe if they brought us out here, it might spark some memories, but...

We should go.

Did we stay for the sunset?

We stayed beyond the sunset.

We did?


We couldn't stop talking.

And, well, it got dark.

And, uh, batteries ran out in our flashlight, so we almost got lost trying to get back.

And then...

You fell.

You ran ahead of me... and you went down... and you scraped your knee really bad.

(softly): Yeah.

But you got up, and you laughed about it.

And-and I said to myself, I said, "Wow."

I said that that's one really cool girl, and I...

Do you remember, Ryan?

Do you remember what you did?

I knelt down.

I kissed your knee.

And it tasted like blood... salt...

(crying softly)

...and dirt.

Yes, you did.

You did that.

♪ My ginger voice ♪
♪ Was raw with smoke ♪
♪ They hid their smiles ♪
♪ When I stood and spoke ♪
♪ Some sunny lawn, some Saturday ♪
♪ A face was flushed when I went to sing ♪
♪ Wild Mountain Thyme ♪
♪ But I was crying ♪
♪ Before the second line ♪
♪ The strawberry stripes ♪
♪ Across my ruddy cheeks ♪
♪ Got 'em giggling ♪
♪ My eyes are red ♪
♪ And wild and white ♪
♪ As I choked up over another line ♪
♪ For years and years ♪
♪ I disappeared ♪
♪ Tonight I'm here ♪
♪ And I'm giving my best ♪
♪ It's all I have ♪
♪ The grandkids laugh ♪
♪ My linen vest ♪
♪ Is yellow stained ♪
♪ And my teeth are chipped ♪
♪ And my beard is gray ♪
♪ Your mother left ♪
♪ She's not impressed ♪
♪ The wedding guests ♪
♪ Are starting to get restless ♪
♪ And I think I've worn out my welcome ♪
♪ But I swear I caught you smile ♪
♪ From the corner of my eye ♪
♪ I swear I saw you smiling ♪
♪ You'll always be my darling. ♪