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02x08 - We Fight Death on Thick Lone Waters

Posted: 11/10/16 04:22
by bunniefuu

Patterson: Nothing unusual so far.

Everything looks normal.

Reade, Zapata... Anything suspicious?

Reade: Negative, just the support staff coming and going.

Something's not right.

The message said to stand by.

I think they want us to wait.

All right. We wait.

I went to the precinct and broke into the crime lab.

I stole the knife that k*lled Jones.

I was trying to protect you.

Tasha, I didn't k*ll him. Why can't you believe me?

Well, I believe you now. The knife isn't yours.

It's Freddy's.

What? How do you know it's Freddy's?

I saw him with it when he was staying in your apartment.

I have evidence for a m*rder case underneath a beach towel in my closet, and I can't figure out how to put it back without getting caught.

Put it back? What are you talking about?

That knife convicts Freddy, you can't put it back now.


Zapata: sh*ts fired inside the west end of the building.

(people shouting)


On the ground, now!

Get on the ground!


Zapata: Ohh!

Everyone all right?

Zapata: Yeah.

It's Burton. I got her.

Stand up. Hands behind your back.

On me.

(handcuffs snapping)

Fan out, we need to find the rest of 'em.

I got Doyle.

Hey! Where are they?

(grunts weakly)

The man and the woman you were with, where'd they go?

Anyone got eyes on Jane and Weller?

Nas... they're not here.

Okay, uh, take them to interrogation.

Reade: Those two are our best shot at finding Weller and Jane.

We gotta get them talking soon.

How the hell did this happen?

I'm awfully curious about that myself.

Matthew Weitz, Assistant U.S. Attorney.

There is not a lawyer in the land who can get you out of this.

What are you doing here?

Monitoring this investigation.

U.S. Attorney has assigned me to audit this team today, which is standard procedure when the FBI gets involved in a matter of Homeland Security... in this case, a car b*mb going off outside a major political summit between the U.S. and China.

Hi, you must be Nas Kamal.

I came here expecting to actually talk Assistant Director Weller, but instead I was sent to you.

It seems as though Weller and his asset Jane Doe simply vanished from a crime scene.

It's funny how that keeps happening to members of this team.

You know what I find funny?

You being assigned to audit us after you tried to put our boss away for m*rder.

Is that standard procedure too?

Nas: Reade, why don't you start with the interrogations?

Are you making an accusation of misconduct?

Not yet, but this is a team with a proud history of breaking the rules, and now they're working a joint task force with an NSA agent.

I'm sure I'll find something.

I have two missing operatives, okay?

This is... this is a waste of my time.

Pardon me if I can't take your word for it.

Now, you are gonna tell me everything you know about whatever ill-conceived op you were running at that summit.

So, let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Agent Patterson had a case this morning.

So, remember Jane's Ashwell Creek Kennels tattoos?

Reade: How could we forget?

They pointed us to that online puppy forum that led us to Rich Dotcom.

Patterson: After that case, I thought it would be a good idea to put up some coded posts listing criminals for hire, see if we could catch anyone else, all under the disguise of dog adoptions.


So, I put up profiles for all of us, and no one was biting until now.

Congratulations, Jane and Weller.

You've both been hired for a heist crew.

Well, do we know who hired us?

Unfortunately, no.

The account was untraceable, like, crazy untraceable.

But here's the good news.

There were two other people who were hired for the same crew.

Lynn Burton, young hacker who surfaced on the dark web a couple years ago, believed to have stolen over $100 million, all through bank cyber heists.

And Clive Doyle, your standard violent career criminal, rap sheet's a mile long.

Half of it is homicide charges.

This is great work, but we should send another team.

That's not an option. I used real descriptions, real skill sets.

The profiles are specific to Jane and Weller. It has to be them.

This is a straightforward sting op.

Yeah, but it's still risky.

We'd be putting you and Jane undercover for an op that's not really relevant to our larger mission.

What... larger mission?

No... that's above your clearance.

Uh, no. See this... this warrant states that there is nothing above my clearance.

That warrant covers information that is relevant to today's events, and I'm telling you that it is not relevant.

You know, if you didn't approve of the op, then why did you agree to it?

Who's calling the sh*ts here? Is it you or is it Weller?

Look, Assistant Director Weller and I trust each other.

He made a very good case as to why we should do the mission, and that's why we did it.

Jane: Do we have to cover my tattoos for this one?

I'm supposed to be a criminal.

Well, you're supposed to be a con artist, which means being able to blend in, and those do not blend.

Nas: And you'll be wearing this.

There's a burst transmitter woven into the fibers that's completely undetectable.

It won't emit a signal to us until you press the top button.

I'll hit that as soon as Clive and Lynn get there.

We'll be outside to make the arrest. Should be a clean job, in and out.

Well, that is great, because you all need to prepare your taste buds for this pink or blue party cake.

Now, I did a third test batch last night.

One word... scrummy.

I know Baby Weller is the star here, but this cake is gonna give the kid a run for its money.


It's a small party.

No, I get it.


Allie wanted to throw it.

Please, really, it's fine.

The cake is terrible, it's just uneven bake, s-soggy bottom.

Good save.

Nas: We put a mobile TAC team together and dropped Jane and Weller off at the meet.

See you in there.

Nas: And that's the last time I saw them, at an abandoned warehouse in Green Point.

So, just to be clear, you sent two highly-trained operatives into a mission that, by your own account, should have taken a matter of minutes, and instead, they turned what was a peaceful, diplomatic gathering into a w*r zone, and then disappeared without a trace.

How did that happen?

I don't know, okay?

But Jane and Weller do, so if you want answers, then... why don't you help me get my people back?

How do you propose that we do that?

Through our original targets, Lynn Burton and Clive Doyle.

They're sitting in interrogation.

Look, my guess is, is that they have information that could help us track them down, because right now... they could be anywhere.


Resist all you want.

(g*n cocks)

Either way... your life's over.


Neither one of 'em is talking yet, but Lynn's our best bet.

Clive's done a lot of hard time and he's used to being interrogated.

Lynn's never been caught before... she's terrified.

Good, I'll take her.

(door opening)


Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Weitz, and I am your best friend in this building.

You know why?

Well, look, no matter what happens in this room today, you're going to prison.

Grand larceny, fraud, a whole mess of cyber crimes.

But hey, nice middle-class girl, nonviolent, you're looking at, I don't know, if you're lucky, eight years in a white-collar joint.

You'll be out in plenty of time to get your life started again.

But if these FBI agents turn up dead or they don't turn up at all, then you're looking at a life sentence, Lynn.

Supermax. And nice middle-class girls, ooh, they don't do so well in there.

So... I'm your best friend in this building because I'm the only one who can offer you a deal.

But you're gonna have to tell me where they are.

I don't know.

Then you gotta tell me what you do know.

I was hired on the message boards.

It said to meet at this warehouse.

I was the last one there.

It was me, Clive, the cops.

Mm-hmm, Jane, Weller.


And Emile, the one who hired us.

Emile: You've been brought here today to steal a high-value item from the Evergreen Environmental Summit.

What's the target?

That's not important, the point is, security is extremely high.

Both Secret Service and their Chinese counterpart, the CSB, will be present.

It's a risky job.

But my employer has had his eye on this item for a long time.

If you succeed in delivering it to him, you'll each be wired $2 million.

Pfft, eight-mil on one job.

Who's bankrolling this, the Queen of England?


Nico Marconi.

Did she just say...

Patterson: Nico Marconi, number eight on the FBI's Most Wanted List.

One of the most notorious arms dealers in the world.

No one's ever been able to put a face to him, let alone get in the same room with him.

That's why Weller didn't send the signal.

He must have decided to stay undercover to get to Marconi.

So, they could be with Marconi now.

I'll dig a little deeper into Marconi's history, look for any known locations within a few hours of New York.

And I'll start working on Clive.

No, let me have him.

Nico Marconi.

We know that you were working for him.

Is that why you're not talking?

You're scared of him.


I'm not scared of anyone, lady.

You see this? I got this at Rikers.

It's Sanskrit for "brass balls."

Well, that's funny, though, because, uh...

Lynn was saying that you froze up back there.

That sounds like a classic case of "he said, she said."

Except she's the only one who's talking, so unless you tell your side of the story, that's all we've got to go on.

But that's fine, I'm sure your prison rep can survive a five-foot hacker saving your ass.

Hey, don't believe a damn word that comes out of that IT nerd's mouth.

Then give me something to believe.

Five years... and I want conjugals.

No, no, you know what?

I wanna go to Otisville.

My buddy Kevin's doing life there.

I'll see what I can do.

Start talking.

Emile had everything planned out.

He arranged for us to go undercover as a bunch of caterers.

Emile: If we run into any trouble at the summit, we'll communicate through these.

Emergencies only!

Clive: I was in charge of smuggling in all the weapons.


Slapped the hardware together, and we were ready to go.

No, it wasn't just him.

Jane and Weller were helping.

After they put the g*ns together, we changed again to look like we were attending the summit.

There was something going on between Jane and Weller.

I think they were having problems.

You damn right they were having problems.

She was vibing with me and he was jealous.

This is my favorite.

Let me show you how to use that.


Don't hurt yourself.

Clive: Oh, yeah, Lynn gave something to Emile.

Some sort of equipment with "Timberland" on it.

Zapata: Timberland Defense Systems.

Manufactures radar jammers for the U.S. military to hide their boats and planes from enemy radar.

It sounds like that's what Lynn gave Emile.

And she didn't want us to know.

Weitz: What did he want with a radar jammer in a conference center?

Reade: If the jammer wasn't for the heist, then it had to have been for the escape.

Maybe Emile had to get the item out of New York after they stole it.

And the only use for a jammer like that is to cloak a boat or a plane.

So if Jane and Weller are still with them, then that's what we're looking for.

We should search the Coast Guard and FAA for radar disturbances.

Okay, do it.

So, you armed up, you blended in to look like the delegates... then what?

We split up.

Lynn and Emile were supposed to cause a distraction while the rest of us secured the item.


Emile had done all the recon ahead of time, so he explained each layer of security we had to get through.

We'll take it from here.

Clive: Hell, we had access to everything but the vault.


Clive! Help us!

(neck cracks)


Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

(snickers softly)

You're telling me that you rescued two FBI agents?

Yes. Yes, I am.

Did you get the item or not?

(Weller gasps)

(latches snap)

Well, that was very anticlimactic.

Jane: That looks like the design for the green energy device.

Corporate espionage.

Definitely not in the Nico Marconi's style.

(alarm trilling)

Damn it!

It's weight-censored.

But Emile knew the security to this place inside and out.

How could he not tell us there was a weight censor?

'Cause he wanted us to get caught.

That alarm just sent every guard on this floor to this room.

We're not the ones stealing the item.

We're the distraction.

Just throw the knife out.

I can't!

Someone saw me at the precinct.

An old coworker.

At any moment, the lab is going to realize that the knife is missing, and when that happens, I will be screwed.

You should have thought about that before you decided to steal evidence.

I did! You think I didn't realize that I could go to prison for this?

But you are my best friend.

That was the risk that I was willing to take to save you, but I will not go to prison to save Freddy, and that is exactly what will happen if we don't put that knife back.

You don't understand. I made Freddy testify.

I brought this back into his life.

If I hadn't done that, maybe none of this would have ever happened.

How am I gonna turn him in?

So, Emile lied about the briefcase?

It was just a distraction?


They weren't stealing the real item, we were.

The real target was being monitored 24/7 by two CSB guards.

But Emile knew their emergency protocols.

When the alarm sounded, the guards would head to their helicopter on the roof.

He had me rewire the elevator so that when you select "roof," it went to the basement instead.

(elevator bell dings)

(alarm blaring)


I never saw what was in the bag.

Come on.

We just ran to the van.

We've got two minutes.



(distant crowd screaming)

Damn it... the van's blown.

We gotta find a new way out.

But all my equipment's in there, I need to get it.

There's no time.


Lynn said that you never made it back to the rendezvous point.

What happened?

(alarm trilling)

They've got us trapped.

(g*n cocks)

Hey, uh-uh.

No, no, no. It's a steel box.

The b*ll*ts will ricochet like crazy.

It's gonna have to be hand-to-hand combat.

Weller: What? No.

Hand-to-hand combat, I-I-I...

I can't make a fist after that fight.

Don't worry.

I got it.



Let's just skip the part where you singlehandedly fought off 20 armed guards.

What happened next?

I got us out of the vault, but those Secret Service guys, they... they caught up to us.

Those are some trigger-happy sons o' b*tches.


Emile: Change of plans, new getaway vehicle is a black Cadillac. Get to the east entrance in 60 seconds or get left behind.

All right, okay, come on.

We don't have enough time.

You go, I'll hold 'em off.

Clive, no.


Hey... go.


I'll never forget you.

I took out as many guys as I could before I got KO'd.

Then I woke up to you poking me like a damn porcupine.

Right, so the last time you saw Jane and Weller, they headed for a black Cadillac.

As far as I know.

Oh, by the way, that tattoo?

Uh, it's not Sanskrit, it's Arabic.


What does it mean?

Ah-ah, don't do that, what does it mean? Yo!

A black Cadillac left the east entrance shortly after the b*mb went off.

No plates, but we tracked it for about a mile.

It got on the 87 going north.

Of all the locations in the northeast with ties to Nico Marconi, only 15 are near water or an airfield, and only one of them is off 87 North.

A plot of land on the waterfront.

Marconi's shell company owns it.

It's a defunct state park that closed down due to contamination, so no one goes near it.

A pretty good spot for covert weapons deals.

Okay, let's move.
Weitz: We've been driving for an hour.

Are you sure this is the best use of our time?

Reade: There's a lot of ground to cover.

Zapata: Wait, up ahead.



Are you okay?

Just winded.

Nas: Where's Weller?

He went on the boat with Chen.

Who's Chen?

She's what we stole from the summit.

Patterson: Dr. Mingxia Chen, she's a leader in plate tectonics who was giving a talk at the summit.

She invented a method of converting tectonic shifts into green energy.

What does a weapons dealer like Marconi want with an earthquake scientist?

I think I might know. Over the past year, China has been conducting a massive study on tsunami activity off their coastline.

But there's been chatter that it's a cover, and that what they're really doing is developing a tsunami b*mb.

A what?

It's a b*mb that's detonated on the ocean floor to mimic a tsunami.

Concept was created during World w*r II, and they thought it could be just as deadly as an atomic b*mb.

But they've never actually made one work... have they?

Well, last month, a small island near China's research station was completely wiped out overnight, literally.

On the map one day, gone the next.

It's believed that that was their first successful test.

And Mingxia Chen is...

Head of R&D for the project.

Instead of stealing a tsunami b*mb, Nico Marconi kidnapped the only person in the world who can make one.

So, the question now is... who's he gonna sell her to?

Clive and Lynn both said they were stealing an item, not a person, which means either Emile kidnapped Chen from the summit all by himself, or one of them knows something they're not letting on.

And if they knew that Chen was the target, they might know where Emile is taking her.

We need to compare their stories to Jane's, see what doesn't add up.

When we got to the summit, Weller filled me in on Nico Marconi.

We both agreed we should stay undercover to try to get to him.

We disabled the g*ns without Clive seeing.

We knew we had to get a line out to you with our location.

Hey, how'd you put that Ruger together so fast?

Jane: He couldn't risk speaking, so he dialed 1-0-1-2 instead.

Police code for "do not engage." We got the message.

We know Clive lied about the casualties in his story.

None of the bodies were found at the scene.

How'd you stop him?

Weller, whispering: No. No, Clive.

No g*ns.

(clears throat)

Sir, I was just...


We made it out of the vault before security arrived, but the Secret Service was on our tail quick.


(g*n clicks, Clive grunts)

So, Clive was with you the whole time like he said?

Which means that Lynn must have known about Chen.

Well, that would make sense.

I'm pretty sure they knew each other.

Jane: They were the first two there when we got to the warehouse, and she pretended that she didn't know him, but later, I overheard her.

We cut it close.

The conference badges almost didn't clone.

You told me they'd be the same as last time.

You weren't just another hired hand, were you?

Emile and you are associates, and you planned the heist with him.

I... Just part of it.

What part, the part where you kidnapped a woman?

It wasn't a duffel bag that you took, was it?

It was Professor Chen, right?

(smacks table) Right?!

I swear to God, if you don't start talking, I'm gonna make sure that you never see sunlight again.


It was Chen.

(elevator bell dings)

(sil*ncer g*nshots)

So why didn't you tell us about Chen?

Because I was trying to protect myself from kidnapping charges!

So, when you guys got to the Cadillac, that was the first time you saw Chen?

No, we didn't see her till the boat.

(Chen whimpering)

Who the hell is that?

This is the item.

(speaking foreign language) _

Chen. Chen Mingxia.

Don't talk to her.


Chen: Please, help me.

Good work. Marconi will be pleased.

Take it in the woods and burn it.

You can find your own way back.

All right, what do we do? We can't just leave Chen.

Wherever she's going, that's where Nico Marconi is.

There's too many of 'em to take down without g*ns.

We're at least 20 miles from civilization.

You start running out of here, all right?

Try and find a way to contact the team.

I'm gonna get on that yacht so we don't lose 'em.

No, I'll get on the yacht.

No, Jane.

We both know how dangerous this is.

You have a baby on the way. You have Sarah, you have Sawyer, people who would miss you if anything happened to you.

Look, I'm just being practical.

But no one would miss me. So, I'll get on the yacht.

Do you hear that?

There's a guard.

He's on the other side of this building.

He must be staying behind.

All right, let's box him in, see if we can take his w*apon, his phone.

All right? Go right.


Wait, Emile paid you in cash?

Yeah, I buried our cut in the woods.

Lynn said the money would be wired.

Maybe she just misspoke.

Maybe, or maybe she slipped up and actually told the truth.

Whoa, what are you doing?

She's still lying to you, but it's not for Emile.

That equipment that you were trying to get out of the catering van, there was a hard drive in there.

The blast damaged the fireproof housing pretty badly, but the inside was intact.

And I just cracked it.

Yeah, very, very not good for you.

She builds the money transfer sites for Marconi's sales, and they're pretty good, actually, super secure, unhackable, but the real beauty is... that her cut is automatically wired to her on completion of the sale.

You want this Chen sale to go through because you're still getting paid.

Except I just found your offshore bank account that you're transfer empties into... and it's just been seized by the FBI, so you're not gonna make a cent off this sale.

And if it does go through, you'll be implicated in human trafficking, so I suggest you hand over the site you built and let us shut it down.

It's not a sale this time.

Marconi thought Chen was one of a kind.

Wanted to see how much he could get.

It's a dark web auction.

Tell us how to access it.

(background chatter)

Okay, so I've been doing some thinking... and you're right, we gotta return the knife.

Good. (sighs)


We just have to figure out how.

I think I found a way.

You can't bring it into the lab yourself because you were already seen, but what if we make somebody do it for you?

Why would somebody do that?

Same reason why Lynn's lying: self-preservation.

So... so, last year, a lab tech got suspended for misplacing evidence.

It cost them a case.

He's still on probation.

Now, what if he were to find the knife in his car?

He wouldn't report it and risk getting fired.

He'd just put it back.

Yeah, but what if he panics and throws it away?

Not very smart... if anything comes up missing, he's gonna be the first person they blame.

You got a better idea?

Patterson: Reade, Zapata, get in here now!

What's going on?

The auction's going live.

(computer beeping)

Patterson: Oh, my God.


A top FBI official for sale on the black market is a unicorn.

Weller is a wealth of intel.

Nas: Look, the auction site is airtight.

I've got my whole team trying to trace it to a location, and so does Patterson, but... that would take weeks.

Weller and Chen will be long by then.

Can't Lynn just shut it down?

That's not the way that it works.

She lost control of it as soon as she handed it over to Marconi.

There's gotta be some other way to find them.

We win.

Zapata: What?

We pose as a buyer, we get in on the auction and we win.

Marconi will have to provide a location for us to collect the merchandise.

Uh, in case you've all forgotten, the United States does not negotiate with t*rrorists.

We are pouring our best resources into finding them through legitimate channels, and that is all we can do.

Nas: Fine, understood.

Jane, let me see you in the conference room in five minutes to make a more specific ID on Marconi's boat.

Reade: That boat's a dead end.

You know that. Why are you giving in to him?

I'm not.

I have an idea, okay? But it's risky and... it's not exactly legal, so I don't wanna involve any of you.

We're already involved.

We're a team.

If there's a chance to get Weller back, we're in.

(metal groaning, lock rattling)


You've been sold, 40 million, even more than I expected.

I guess an FBI assistant director fetches a pretty good bonus.

But you... I've had my eye on your for months... just waiting for you to figure out that b*mb.

I knew you could do it!

You're Nico Marconi.

Guess neither of us was who we purported to be.

(door opens)

Jeep's ready.

I'll wait there.

I want to leave as soon as the second half of the payment comes through.

(lock clicking)

I think that I can get us out of here.

(grunting) But I'm gonna need your help.

Were they circular windows here or rectangular?

Or no windows?


I'm sorry, this will have to wait.

Excuse me?

You need to request that a rescue team be sent to this location immediately.

That's where you'll find Weller along with Nas, Reade, and Zapata.

What the hell are you talking about?

They won the auction.

Nas used the money from Lynn Burton's offshore account, 20 million in total, although that's just the first half.

Marconi will be expecting the second half as soon as they get there, and they do not have it, so they're gonna need some serious backup.

They defied my direct orders, and you expect me to go bail 'em out?

Well, the way I see it, you can either stick to your g*ns and let four federal agents and a kidnapped civilian die, or you can get credit for capturing the FBI's Eighth Most Wanted.

(door opening, keys jingling)

Moving day. The buyers are here.

It's time to go.

No, please, I feel sick.


Weller: You gotta help her.

Please, look!



(whispering) Go hide behind that tree.

I'm gonna need you to wait here.

No, take me with you.

No, we don't have a chance of getting out of here on foot.

Our best bet is Marconi's jeep, so I'm gonna go and take that from him.

But it's safer if you stay here.



You must be the lucky winner.

Where are they?

You paid half up front.

They're not yours yet.

Transfer the other 20 million.

Then you get your prize.

As far as I know, they're not even here.

Or you could have beaten them half to death, and they're of no use to me.

I need to see them first.

Fair enough.

They're running!

They were just there. Find them.

Make sure my property isn't damaged.

I need them alive.





Stay down!

man: We got cops! The buyers are cops!


(machine g*n fire continues)





Here, come on.


Are you okay?

We have to find Weller.

Chen said he ran off that way.

He's going after Marconi.


All right, let's go.

(branch snapping)

Looks like you could use some backup.

Nice to see you both.

Are you okay?

Yeah. You?


And you?

Let's get the hell outta here.

Go around. Nas.

FBI! Freeze.

Hands up!

Drop your weapons!

Drop 'em!

Down on the ground, keep your hands where I can see 'em.


Down on the ground. On the ground!

Turn around.


Nico Marconi... you're under arrest.

You went behind my back and stole 20 million dollars from the U.S. government... that is a federal crime!

But we have Marconi in custody!

I mean, we'll get all of that money back.

What if you lost him?

This was not a calculated, tactical decision.

This was a coin flip.

And you don't get to keep your job just because it came up heads.

You don't have the power to fire me.

Oh, then I will walk it up the chain till I find somebody who does.

You will never work for the United States government ever again.

That's a promise.

(chuckles) You know, Matthew, I have worked with a lot of men like you.

You get off on instilling fear, 'cause it makes you feel more powerful.

You wouldn't know what to do with real power.

How'd it go?

Is he bringing up charges?

It's fine, there's nothing to worry about.


Yeah, it was... just a slap on the wrist.

Patterson, can I talk to you for a second?

You know, when I first brought my theory about Sandstorm to my superior... she laughed at me.

The only proof I had that these lone wolf att*cks were connected was this one man in a lime green hat.

She thought that it was a coincidence, and that the link that I was looking for wasn't there.

She gave me the lecture, "When you hear hoofbeats... think horses, not zebras."


But... I just knew that it was connected.

It made perfect sense to me long before I could convince her.

You know, Patterson, it's not always gratifying to be the person who sees things that no one else can see.

We both know that.

But it's a gift.



This grants you access to all the systems in this room.

It's six years of my life's work, everything that the NSA has on Sandstorm.


I... I'm honored.

Well, your work on the tattoos has been exceptional.

I look forward to seeing what you do with this.

Come to the party.

You really don't have to do that.

What you said on the pier, it wasn't true.

I... never thought I'd say this again, but... if something happened to you, I'd miss you.


You're my friend, Jane.

So I want you at that party.

Okay. I'll be there.

All right.

(soul music)

Wash it down with that.


So, uh, where is this, uh, mysterious boyfriend of yours?

Conor is stuck on a stakeout, unfortunately.

Yeah, and I was so excited to introduce you as my baby daddy.


By the way, I'm feeling pretty confident we're having a boy.

Game on.


50 bucks it's a girl.


You're on.

Wait, why... you can't take that.

We gotta cut the cake to find out.


It's not fair.


It's done.

I put it back in his car. Now, we just wait.

If he puts it back tomorrow morning, they should trace it back to Freddy by... end of day.

You okay?

I just want it to be over... yeah.

Thank you.

For what?

You... you thought I k*lled somebody and you still stuck by me.

You'd have done the same.

Uh... I...



You're kidding me.

The hazards of being a bartender.

Let me... let me do it.

All right.

(scrubbing fabric)

Weitz is coming after you, isn't he?

Yeah... maybe.

Whatever happens, we fight it together, okay?

You were only in that position because of me.

You know, when you were missing, I was...

(whispering) Don't.

Patterson: Weller, it's cake time!

Good timing.


Let's go get some cake.

All right. All right, coming!

♪ We looked a shadow of a man ♪
♪ From where we're standing ♪
♪ Which made us laugh and lift our heads ♪
♪ And say rise ♪
♪ We knew our hearts were made of glass ♪
♪ Which comes from sand and... ♪
♪ We let it slip throughout our hands ♪
♪ Into night ♪
♪ Into the night ♪
♪ Into the night ♪
♪ Let it be known ♪
♪ That we're all ghosts, could have stayed... ♪

You can never come back.

♪ Let it be known I loved you most ♪
♪ Let us be brave ♪

Wh-what are you doing here?

Shepherd doesn't know I'm here.

What's going on?

We have been through so much.

You haven't always been by my side, but it's better when you are.

I'm better when you are.

I don't wanna do this without you.

I need you to see that, understand how great this can all be.

I want you by my side when it happens.

When what happens?

Phase two.

It's time.

In a few hours, we're gonna change the world.
