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02x06 - Forced Entry

Posted: 11/10/16 03:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Romeo Section...

[bottle smashing]

Rufus: I thought I asked you to leave it to me to deal with Andre.

You could've started a street w*r.

Maybe you have already.

[bottle smashing]

Do you wanna see the f*ckin' security video of him burning down my back door?

Andre: I would.

Turn this shitbag Shorts in to us for punishment.

You'll be safe here.

For how long?

If you sabotage my job, you'll only be punishing yourself.

Don't forget this.

I don't like g*ns in the house.

Wolfgang: If you're considering working with Professor Song, I hope you realize that she's connected to the People's Republic.

Michael Gary, you know him?

Charlie: Is he poking into this Quiller Inquiry, the t*rror1st thing at the ballpark?

I need a living, breathing, credible witness.

S02E06 Forced Entry So what do you got?

Got some real nice down these days.

Not interested.

What about percs?

I like to maintain the illusion of respectability.

All right, uh...

30 in there.

You're a prince.

[knock on door]

Everybody decent? I'm coming in.

I'm back!

[knocking] Sonya?



[chatting quietly]

I guess no one thought to tell me you were going to disappear.

I'm sorry, honey.

I left you a note.

It's not his fault. I wanted to get outside.

Don't scare me like that.

I didn't know where the hell you went.


I apologize.

I'm sorry.

Forget about it.

I was just worried you'd wandered off alone.

I'm sorry.

I'm glad you're feeling a little better.

I have more energy.

Did you take your meds today?


You need to be careful doing that.

Cut down slowly. Take halfs.

Is it okay if I take a shower?

Of course.

Use the towels on the right, and be careful, it gets hot fast.

Please remember to eat something today.

I will.


[pills crunching]



This is lucky.

I've wanted to get a moment alone with you.

You've known Norman a long time.

Long time. 25 years.

He calls you the only decent friend he's ever had.

You'd think he'd know me better than that by now.

You seem relatively decent to me.

Do you know he has HIV.


He doesn't want you to know.

He's afraid you'll drop him.

I wouldn't.

I won't.

He's says it's perverse, but he's having more fun than he's had in years and years.

But I can see it's putting him under enormous stress.


In the scheme of things, is whatever you're doing really all that important?

I don't know.

So... maybe you could think about firing him or something.

That's it.

Who's this?



He runs a security business.


He was there.

At the ball game.

[cell phone rings]

Oh, shit.

[cell phone ringing]

The customer you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please leave a message. [beep]

Hey. It's me.

I didn't hear back from you last night.

I hope everything is okay. Talk soon?

Sproule mutters: Damn.

[knock on door]

Who is it?

It's me.

I'm right outside.

You'll be interested to hear what Sonya has to say.

She spotted him.


I saw him.

We spoke.

She saw him, and they spoke.

What did you speak about?

I just told him what I saw.

They had drinks a couple days later.

We had drinks.

Okay, breakfast is on the table.


Can you bring me up to speed?

Maybe start with the day of the baseball game.

It was a hot day.

You were thirsty...

I remember now, you don't have to remind me.

Um... I was thirsty, so I went down into where they sell the drinks.

Concession stand.


Then what?

You saw somebody arguing.

I saw two men arguing.

One was in uniform.

The Security Guard.


He was arguing with him.


What was the argument about?

They were shouting.

The Guard shouted, "Take it, take it!"

But he wouldn't take it.

She means the backpack.

I'm a little confused.

Who had the backpack?

The Security Guard.

I told the police all this...

Then Michael Gary shows up.

He asks Sonya to tell him what she saw, and then he asks if he can talk to her later.

He called up, they had drinks.

Why did he want to talk to you later?

I don't know.

I just remember we had drinks.

I don't remember what we talked about.

I wasn't feeling well, and I woke up the next morning, and I was seeing things.

She was hallucinating.

That's when she checked into the hospital.

Where did you have the drinks?

At his apartment.

It's near here.

Can I speak with you for a minute?



If all that's to be believed, he drugged her.

[whispering] I think he drugged her.

With what?

Well, of a couple of things maybe.

LSD, that would account for the hallucinations, popular in mind control experiments, MK ULTRA, that guy in Montreal.

And maybe a hypnotic.

A date r*pe drug, that would account for loss of memory.

A cocktail mixed for the occasion.

Something he's used in interrogations before.

A while ago, she told me she was having hallucinations about people climbing into bed with her.

You think he might have r*ped her?

I don't know.

[sighs heavily]

I wouldn't press her on that.

Get her to record a statement on your phone.

Get her to go over everything again.

They would destroy her in court.

That's why you have to get it on camera.

Maybe it's time to tell her I'm not an insurance man.

Do not do that.

Stick to your cover.

Get it on camera.

And get the address of that bastard's apartment.

[cell phone rings]


I heard you been having a bit of trouble.

No trouble at all.

Who said I did?

Well, I don't know, maybe it's me, but I get a little nervous when the firebombs start flying.

That had f*ck all to do with me.

Why don't you and I get together a little later and we can... [disconnects call]

This better be an unfortunate coincidence.

Wanted to get a word with you directly.

That's not how this works.

You talk to Andre.

You know what Andre's like.

I'd rather talk to somebody with a little more maturity about this situation.

There's a situation, is there?

I got a steady supply of really good quality.

Way better than the stuff I assume you're dealing to Andre.

Don't assume anything.

You're way out on a limb rolling up on me like this.

If you don't like what I have to say, I can turn around, and this conversation never happened.

Either way, it never happened.

I understand.

Take this, check it out, get back to me at the shop.

And... action!

Why do you stand in the window all night and day?

I count the growing number of British ships gathering in the harbour.

And I have you to thank for that.



I loathe them and the opium they bring.

You cannot blame me.

[chuckling] Oh, you please me.

I followed your advice.

I spread rumours I would allow opium to be traded in return for a small tax.

Now they come, all the greedy Europeans, with ship-loads of opium.

They unload them, they will store them in warehouses, and then I will command my army to confiscate every last barrel.

But... that will provoke w*r.

You do not want w*r.

I do not want opium either.

And who is to say what the greater evil is, and which will take more lives.

The medicine man has arrived.

Get something for my stomach.

It is burning.

What is it you need?

The Emperor wishes a potion for his stomach, and another to allow him to sleep a very deep sleep.

To dream?

No, to sleep for a day and a night.


Then I have this for you.

The seed of the nightshade.

He must be cautious, use only one seed.

Only one seed?

One seed, and he will sleep through the night.

Two, you will sleep day and night.

Three, you will never wake again.

[coins jingling]

I should take more, in case you do not pass this way again.

I will give you four seeds within this ring.

And never pass this way again.

Be careful in your endeavours.

How credible is this witness?

She's had hallucinations, possibly a psychotic break.

She's been under psychiatric care for a year and a half, and until recently, she's been on a heavy drug regimen.

So, to answer your question, she's about as credible as anybody else in this f*cking thing.

But you believe her?

I do.

Where is she now?

Seeing as she's quite possibly the last remaining witness to this event, I think it's prudent to keep it to myself.

As you wish.

Get me the witness statement when you have it.

I'll call you.

So, what did you think?

Before we talk next steps, I want to know where you get your supply.


What do I look like?

Like a guy in over his head, who might need a hand.

I need to be comfortable with who's on the other end of that package, or this doesn't go any further.

He's a fisherman.

Totally independent.

I want to meet him.

I introduce you to him, then what's stopping you from cutting me out of the picture?

You mean, just like you're standing here, trying to cut around Andre to make a deal with me?


Everything flows through me.

That's the arrangement I have with the guy, and he's gotta be happy in the deal, too.

Without him bringing in the good stuff we wouldn't be talking.

Do you like it or not?

I do.

Then what more do you need to know?

What's the address?

2862 Pacific Boulevard.

Suite B.

[typing rapidly]

That sounds familiar.

I thought so.

I know who has the maintenance contract.

I pay you double the bill if you can get it to me as soon as you can.

You'll have it.

How long has it been since you heard from him?

Two days.

That's unusual, is it?

Lately it is.

He's been calling two or three times a day, and then nothing.

Has he shown any signs that he might be suspicious of you?

He was a little distant the last time we met.

I thought he was just out of sorts because of what he's going through with his wife.

You should call him.


Why not?

[beeps phone contact]

[cell phone ringing]

[plastic bags crinkling]


Hello. Are you all right?

I was worried.

That's sweet, I'm fine.

I'm sorry I haven't been in touch.

It's been totally chaotic dealing with my wife.

You don't have to explain.

I think the situation is improving. She's agreed to the separation.

That's good to hear.

I've somehow managed to clear my desk, and I was wondering if you'd, uh... like to get away with me this weekend.

I know a place up the Sunshine Coast.

It's not far, but it feels like going to a whole other world.

That sounds like a great idea.

I could use a break from this one myself.


I'm pleased.

I'm just tidying up some loose ends, and, uh, I'll call you tonight and give you the details.

Perfect. Bye.

You heard.

He wants to get away this weekend.

There you go.

An opportunity to advance your intimacy.
[breathing hard]

[deliberate knock on door]

[turns off television]

[firm knocking]

Who is it?

Rufus. Open up.

Jesus, man.

This f*cking maid, she's on my case.

Smokes, drinks, a few snacks.

Anything else for me?

[exhaling] Thank God.

I'm going crazy cooped up in this place.

Help is on the way.

Oh, yeah?

I got a guy who can get you out of the country.

It's a short hike through the mountains and over the border, then somebody else will pick you up on the other side, drive you as far as Seattle.

From there, you're on your own.

That's fine. I'm good from there.

He'll be here first thing.

Meantime, do not answer the door for anybody else.

Not even the maid.

[chuckles] Ha. Yeah, don't worry about that.


How's your head?

[sighing] Better now.

Look, man, I'm sorry about causing all this grief.

Don't come back, we'll call it even.

This for me?

Somebody comes through that door you don't know, protect yourself.

It's not going to happen, but it'll make you feel better.

Yeah, not really.

I found him.

Where is he?

He's meeting me tonight at midnight.

The City Centre Motel.

Thinks I'm gonna help him get out of town.

What room?


He's all yours.

And you'll be there?

I'll be there.


So sorry for the last minute.

They like to pack my schedule to the gills.

Well, it's not every day the Deputy Minister comes West.


We'll be seeing a lot more of each other when you land in Ottawa.

Hope so.

Just a few more hoops to jump through.

You've already been cleared for the important ones.

The rest is a formality.

Music to my ears.

How's Evelyn?

Great, great...

I talked to Roger and Bettie Jo last week.

Did you now?

It's okay.

Forget about work.

This is family.

Obviously, the situation with Evelyn is not ideal.

How are you surviving?

My head's above water.

Can you find a way to make it work?

At least until parliament confirms you for the position?

It'll be tricky, but, yes, I can find a way to make it work.

Is there anything else that we need to be concerned about?

Call girls, n*zi gold, you name it...

Don't even kid.

If it's an affair...

It's not an affair...

If it is, I just need to know.

Edmund Sproule?

You've been served.

What? Hey!

Do not touch me.

I will f*cking taze you...

[gently] It's okay.

Excuse me, sir?

It's fine.

I'm fine.


I apologize.

Sorry you had to witness that.

If there's anybody on the side, she needs to be way out of the picture.

If you need help with this...

There's nobody.

If you can't handle a divorce discretely, you can hardly expect to be trusted at the controls of our secret police.

Day or night?

Ideally, I prefer between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m., but as he'll likely be sleeping there, why don't we look at the day.

I prefer the day.

Easier access, lots of comings and goings.

How much time would we need?

Five to ten.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

That's him, right?

Is that him?

That's him.

You got the key?

I do.

[elevator dings]

[digital lock beeps in error]

[beeps in error]

[beeps and clicks open]

I'll look on the computer.

We're looking for dr*gs, right?


[pills rattling]

What have we got?


Another laptop.

The print on these things keeps getting smaller.


Never heard of it.

Fantanamine, sounds delicious.

I'm going to take a sample.


You got something?

"Exclusive Golden Escort Services."

Perhaps he's gone for some exclusive entertainment this evening.

"In-call or out, 24-7."

All right, come on.

Come on.

[whispering] Wolf!

We need the other laptop.

I used to work in Toronto, but I've got family here, so I came back.

[whispering] He's back!


It was vodka and orange, if I remember?

Yes, please.

You can take the blindfold off.

Go on into the bedroom, I'll be right along.

Here we go.



Finish the drink and take off your clothes.


[whispering] Oh, f*ck...

How do you feel?

I feel good.

When I say "the light is green," what do you do?

I just need to use your toilet.

Go ahead.

I'm in here when you're ready, love.

What are you doing?

[pulling trigger]

[empty g*n clicks]

Very good.


Yellow light.

What the f*ck was that?


What is that?

Show me.

What have you done?

Why are you so angry?

Why are you so stupid?

What does that tattoo mean?

It means I have joined the great brotherhood.

Why would the privileged son of the Emperor join a secret society of thieves and murderers?

They invited me.

They find me intelligent and a worthy friend.

And the biggest fool who ever took a breath.

Do you not realize they treat you like a clown, and you are their sl*ve?

I wear this tattoo with pride.

And if you do not treat me better, I will see to it that my father throws you back in the gutter where he found you...

I say this because I love you and I do not want to see you k*lled like a dog in the street when the society is done with you.

Tell me, what have they asked you to do?


I told them where it is the opium is being stored, and who the guards are.

You plan to rob the opium?

You are an even bigger fool than I imagined.

When do you do this?

Today, tomorrow, whenever.

My father has gone away.

He is not paying attention.

Please, I beg you, do not betray your father.

He is doing this for the good of our people.

[scoffs and laughs]

Our people decide for themselves.

Come, my son.

I have made your favourite dish for supper.

You're quiet.

Got something on your mind?


Not even midnight.

You'd tell me if I should be running for the hills, right?

It's not gonna come to that.

We're all gonna get together and make peace.

Glad to hear that.

You ever think Bennie was an informer?

He hated the police.

Doesn't mean he wasn't a rat.

[cocks g*n]

[g*nf*re cracking inside]

[multiple sh*ts blasting]

[guests shouting in panic]

Police! Clear the area!


Clear the area!

Police. Back in your rooms.


[door creaking]

[distant sirens wailing]

[cell phone rings]


All done.


Thought you didn't want to have anything to do with me.

I'm not here for me.

I'm worried about one of my crew.

He got himself into a beef with the boys down at Andre's Club.

So, that's what these fire-bombings were about, a little tit-for-tat?


Now my man's gone missing, and I'm...

I'm worried he's probably gonna do something stupid.

Which guys are we talking about?

Andre and Alonzo.

You know 'em?


Those guys are not to be trifled with.

Who's your guy?


Bennie's guy. Came with the shop.


Well, I'd say it looks like you went and got yourself in over your head pretty quick.

Maybe, yeah.

Don't worry about it, we can help each other out.

I'm not gonna rat out any of my own guys.

I wouldn't ask you to.

But taking out a couple of the other team, now, that's a different story.

[security alarm countdown alert beeping]

[entering deactivation code]

[alert stops beeping]

[scraping of lint brush]

What are you trying to prove?

What do you mean?

For the insurance?

It must be important.

You spend so much time with me.


Well, it is important, crucially important, to understand who did what to whom, and why, and who's going to pay for the damage.

Why is what I saw so important?

Because it presents an eyewitness account that contradicts what others have been saying.

I wish I could remember everything for you.

I'm sorry I can't.


I hesitate to tell you this, but I'm going to because you have every right to know.

It may explain some things, it may not, and it may confuse you, so just think about it.

I think somebody slipped you a drug, and that may be why you don't remember, and that's perhaps why you put yourself in a hospital.

What drug?

That's a good question.

Perhaps a combination of some things?

Like a date r*pe drug?

Quite possibly.

Something strong enough to cause a psychotic break, or at least suggest that to the doctors.

[quietly] Why would they do that?

Because you saw something you weren't supposed to see.

I'd like to get some cigarettes.

Give me a second, I'll come with you.


Hey! Wait!

Sonya, wait!



[screaming] Help!

He's trying to k*ll me!


Help me!

[screaming] Help!

[tires screeching]

He's trying to k*ll me!

Help me!

Help me! He's trying to k*ll me.

He's trying to k*ll me!

He's trying to k*ll me!

Stop the f*cking car!

[tires squealing]

Stop the f*cking car!

[Sonya sobbing in panic]


[sobbing in panic]

He's trying to k*ll me...

Stop the f*cking car!

He's trying to k*ll me, he's trying to k*ll me...

PSZ 949, PSZ 949, PSZ 949...

Oh, God... Oh, God...