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02x06 - The Parent

Posted: 11/07/16 08:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Secrets and Lies"...

Did you k*ll my wife?

What are you talking about?

You set up an account so you could siphon money from this firm!

That's insane!

Neil, leave.

I quit.

Eric: Who is she?

Greg: It's none of your damn business.

You're married to my sister.

Then talk to her.

I'm talking to you!

I moved out.

You're single now, right? Is that what I heard?

I told Patrick that you and Greg split.

I should have known that he would tell Melanie.

Tech division showed me footage of a woman outside the building a few hours before the m*rder, but no one could I.D. her.

I'm N.Y.P.D.

You need to stay out of sight and stay out of my investigation.

Either place that cop under arrest or you're suspended.

He has a bench warrant out for his arrest.

I would leave before the cops get here.

Cornell: I had to get that cop out of here.

You're in enough trouble.

What the hell are you thinking? Cornell just cleared you.

You read her wrong.

Danny says she won't stop looking at me until she puts someone else in cuffs.

Why would you listen to anything her spy has to say?

Because he's a cop.

And I think he knows better than you what that woman is thinking.

Have you just stopped caring?

Have you?

What is that supposed to mean?

What's going on with your marriage?


If you weren't so busy taking care of everyone else instead of paying attention to what's going on in your relationship...

Greg filed for divorce.

I've had the papers for a couple weeks now.


Just leave it alone, Eric.


Kate's gone.

You can still fix this.

You got to decide what's important.

You can't have it all.

It ain't fair.

It ain't right. It just is.

[Voice breaking] I want kids.

He doesn't.

How do I fix that?


Don't. Don't do that.

I don't want your pity. [Sniffles]


This is why I kept it to myself.


I just need to get over it.

There's still time.

You can have babies with someone else.

Maybe for you. You're a man.

You can have them whenever you want.



[Groans softly]


You would've been a great dad.

You were always there for me...

Especially when Dad wasn't. [Sniffles]

But I'm a big girl now.

I can handle my own life.


That's Mr. Peterson. He says he has a meeting.

With Kate.

All right. I'll take care of it.

Mr. Peterson.

I'm Eric Warner.

Oh, hey, hi.

I understand you have a meeting with Kate.

Uh, she's unavailable, so can I help you?

Yeah, I-I'd rather deal with her. Can I... Can I reschedule?

What's the meeting about?

Uh, investments.


Um... I drove a long way to see her.

Are you a reporter?

W-what? No.

What's your angle?

Why do you want to meet with my wife?

Why are you interrogating me? I've done nothing wrong.

Had to be sure.

My wife died two weeks ago.

I'm... I'm so sorry.


What happened?

She was m*rder*d.

So, why did you want to meet with her?


Like I said, i-investments.


I-I need to go.

Mr. Peterson, my wife didn't handle investments.

So what was this really about?

I'm so sorry for your loss... truly.

I don't eavesdrop on my customers, Detective.

That's you... close enough to hear exactly what's being said.


Her lunch guest was threatening her about a man.

What did they say, exactly?

[Sternly] I wasn't listening.

But those two cats were fighting over some guy.

That, I know.

It's hard to do a job well if you can't hear what your customers want.


I've been waiting tables for 10 years. I do all right.

Did you hear Kate call the woman by name?

Not that I remember.

Is there anything else? My shift starts in an hour.

Please go.

I got a bolo hit on that New York cop.

The Major wants it checked out.

Danny Voss is staying at a motel nearby.

I can take it if you're busy.

I got it. Thanks.

Look, I-I know it's... It's a tough day for you.

I heard two years ago that...

I got it covered.


Do you need any help?

You coming?

Motel clerk I.D.'d Voss from a six-pack.

Gave me a passkey. Says he's in room 18.

Put this on.

Detectives don't wear armor.

Unless we breach hot.

Everything I've heard about Voss says he's stand-up police.

Do you really think he'd sh**t at us?

He's looking for his missing daughter, and I don't think he'll go quietly until he finds her.



[Door closes]

Danny's long gone.

Coffee's still hot.

He must have known we were coming.

Or somebody tipped him.

And you think that someone is me?

Wouldn't put it past you.

You used Voss' kid as leverage to make him spy on your prime suspect.

That's ruthless.

No, Detective, that's resourceful.

Hand over your phone.

You want proof that I didn't warn Danny we were coming?

It'd be a start.

After all, you gave him plenty of time to bail by distracting me with a vest I didn't need.

See anything in my text history to prove your theory?

You just brought me along to prove that you obeyed an order so you don't get ripped by the Major.

Why would I bother if you're not his eyes and ears?


Pick another stooge.

Bryant: So, let me get this straight.

Danny Voss eluded you. Is that what I'm hearing?

Cornell: Yes, sir.

I'm not talking to you.

Voss is a street cop.

Probably greased a few palms at the motel.

Have you I.D.'d the woman from the Warner building footage yet?

I'm sorry. Were you talking to me? I couldn't tell.

You know, you're gonna look real nice in that new uniform, directing traffic.

Not yet, but the unidentified female did have lunch with our victim the same day she was k*lled.

Find out who she is and sit her down.

Ralston's not finding out anything. It's my case.

It's my unit.

Frankly, I'm a little worried about you.

Are you gonna be okay today?

Why wouldn't I be?

Stress, fatigue, anxiety... All cop-K*llers.

You should take the day, maybe talk to someone.

I'm fine. Anything else?

Yeah. Your husband stopped by earlier, looking for you.


Did he leave a message?


Must not have been important, then.

[Door closes]

[Water running]

[Water stops]

So, I guess it's true... I'm your errand boy.

Ran into the security guard.

He said to bring this to you right away.

So, who is Mark Peterson?

Don't worry about it.

W... y-you don't trust me anymore?

Of course I trust you. You're my brother.


I don't trust your wife.

What the hell, Eric?

I don't want Melanie in my personal business.


If you have to ask, that's a problem.

No, not to me, man.

She is my wife, which makes her part of this family.

Then why doesn't she act like it?

Your sister's marriage tanks, and she uses it like a hammer.

How do you think Mandy felt?

The same way that my wife feels every time the two of you look down on her.

You act like she doesn't even exist.

I don't see how.

She's just so damn loud.


I get it.

You're the boss, right?

So, what, do I kiss your ring or your ass before I go?

I have a right to decide who knows what about me.

I guess it's my turn.

What are you talking about?

You cut Dad off first, your little bromance with Neil.

Where is he? Have you... have you checked in?

Has he?


So, clearly, I'm next.

I'll just save you some trouble. Huh?

Your father called... Twice.

Should I get him back for you?


It's not like you to hold a grudge, Eric.

Whatever he's done, you should talk to him.

I'd like for you to collect the firm's mail and start storing it in my office from now on, please.

No problem.

Are you looking for something specific?


I'm looking for a statement from a bank we don't use.

Someone set up an account without authorization?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

I'll start sorting the mail right away... discreetly.


See what you can find out about Mark Peterson.

He claimed to have a meeting with Kate today.

[Keyboard clacking]

He did.

Looks like Kate scheduled the meeting herself.

There aren't any notes on what it was about, though.

Any other appointments on her calendar?

There's one with the S.E.C...

And another one with the I.R.S.


Reach out to a few headhunters today.

We need to hire a new compliance officer right away.

I'll make some calls.

[Door opens]

I wiped it clean already.

I trust you know how to dispose of it properly?

Thanks for the warning. I owe you.

It's the last one you're gonna get.

Go home, take the stand in your narcotics trial, then come back and find your daughter.

No, I'm not going anywhere without my kid.

She's an adult.

If she was a minor, the judge would Grant you emergency leave.

You're out of moves here.

You know what?

Now... now that you mention it, without Carly, I'm S.O.L.

Can you reach out to vice?


Look. No, no, no.

To nab Carly, I need the escort service that sells her, okay?

Just give me that, and we're done.

We're done already. I stuck my neck out for you.

Oh, because I lost access to your perp?

Not for nothing... Eric doesn't act like a doer.

You work dr*gs, not bodies.

Fine. You chase your own tail.

Just help me find Rachel, please.

No. And if I see you again, I put you in cuffs.

You're tearing Patrick apart.


When you told him he had to choose between me and you.

When did I do that?


What was my husband supposed to think when you told him you couldn't trust me?

Just... That.

You can't expect a man not to talk to his wife.

I can when it's my personal business.

Oh. So you never complained about Patrick to Kate?

Never dissed the family screw-up to your little wife?

That's different.

'Cause it's you or because it's Kate?

That's right... I didn't measure up when she was alive.

Oh, it's... It's not a competition.

I'm a scrapper, Eric.

I fight for what I want.

Never thought I'd have to fight you.

You hurt Patrick...

I'll hurt you.

Big words...

From a loud, obnoxious little brat.



Well, Patrick tells me everything, and all you got from precious little Kate were a bunch of lies.


But, you know, Kate was an accomplished, educated woman.

And all you are is...


Please excuse me.

I have work to do.



Hi, baby.

Nothing I can fix.

Uh, I'm sorry, but I've been unable to find a reason why Kate would schedule a meeting with Mark Peterson.

Who is he?

A civil engineer who works for the city of Charleston, south Carolina, where he lives with his wife and kids.

Who's that?

Mark's wife, Belinda Peterson.


Okay. Thank you.

I'm not ready to talk to you.

I know.

You look well.

I stopped using.

Even cleared up my skin.

I can see that.

I've been clean 18 months, Andrea.

That's good.

Don't get excited or anything.

Is your father home?


He left you alone?

Dad has this new blanket.

She's like 30 and makes him laugh.

They can't keep their hands off each other.

I guess he trusts I can be left alone for an hour.

I want your sobriety to go well this time.


Way to throw my failures back in my face.

That's not what I meant.

So, what, Mom?

You're just gonna leave? Hmm?

You want to fight. I'm tired of being your punching bag.


I just wanted to apologize for earlier.

Oh, forget it.

Did you find out the name of the woman that Kate had lunch with?

Well, the canvass turned up zip. No one at the restaurant knew her.

Well, the restaurant's in a hotel on a street full of them.

Show the desk clerks a picture of the woman and find me her name.

Why do you think she's not a local?

Letters that were sent to Kate's P.O. Box were from adoption agencies.

She was pregnant. She had to be looking for the boy that she gave up.

Do you think she found him?

I think she found the adoptive mother, which is why I want to speak with her sooner rather than later.

All right.

I understand you and Jennifer had a very nice chat.

Why would you leave her alone?

She could relapse, Ethan.


That's not why I'm here.

I don't care.

You need to watch Jennifer, not bang your new girlfriend.


You should take a moment.

You're enraged.

That's not an appropriate response to anything that's happened.

Stop shrinking me!

Don't come to my work.

So you won't digress, Jennifer and I have come up with a recovery plan.

Without me?

I have met someone, but that's a topic for another day.

Well, it's none of my business.

We both know that's not true.

I love you, but I find it impossible to live with you.


What's today, Andrea?

I'm breaking in a new partner.

Everything's fine.

Well, that's probably what set you off.

I don't need therapy, Ethan.

Yes, you do.

You're this close to an episode.

What's today?

You know nobody's gonna answer their door for us.

[Engine shuts off]
[Paper rips]

Split it. I can be home for dinner by 6:00 P.M.

We're supposed to do follow-up interviews together.

You really think anyone here is gonna cop to seeing the m*rder?


My daughter just got accepted to Princeton, and I'm taking all the credit.


Want to come? [Singsong voice] There's gonna be cobbler.

Ethan wants to divorce me.

Tell him no. Tell him I said so... damn fool.

[Sighs] Wish it were that easy.

Putting your kids before your marriage is dumb.

Kids grow up. They leave.

Plus, he loves you.

You married an idiot, Andrea.

I'll tell him you said so.

[Lawn mower motor starts]

[Dog barking in distance]

[Indistinct conversation in distance]

[Doorbell rings]

[Lawn mower motor stops]

[Barking, conversation continue]


[Doorbell rings]

[Shotgun cocks, g*nsh*t]


[Breathing heavily]

Woman: 911. What is your emergency?

Detective Andrea Cornell, badge 764.

Put me on the patch! Officer down!




[Coughing, sputtering]

[Voice breaking] You stay with me!


[Sirens wailing]

No! God!!

You stay with me!


Ethan: Why are you so angry?

Dale's m*rder is still open.


Well, you speak for the dead.

It's a calling.

Dale's family wants to know who k*lled him.

And I can't give them that.

Why not?

He was my partner, and I can't investigate his m*rder.

It's against regulations.

That's never stopped you before.


If I look in his file, I get dinged.

I ask a detective for an update, I get dinged.

And the case stays open.

That must be frustrating.

Ivan Dale, Kate Warner...

They won't let me do my job.

They keep getting in my way.

Who's stopping you?


[Seagulls crying]

[Engine shuts off]


What do you want, Mr. Warner?

May I come in?


There are things we need to discuss.

I don't think you want to do that out here.

You should leave, or I'm gonna call the police.

Use my phone.

But right after, Charlotte homicide will be talking to you and your wife.

How's that sound?

Let him in, Mark.

[Door closes]

Would you like something to drink?

This isn't a social call.

Okay. I'm... I'm nervous. I-I don't know what to say.

You can start by telling me what you were doing at my building the same day that my wife was k*lled.

I went there to warn her off.

You threatened my wife?


I know how it sounds, and...

I would take it all back if I could.

I-I want to tell him everything.

I won't lie... My past isn't pretty, but...

Charlie needs to hear that I would've kept him if I could.

I loved him so much.

He was mine. He was perfect and beautiful and...

I mean, you must...

The answer's no.


He's not yours.

Charlie's my son.

I know that.

I-I only had him for a little while...

Just long enough to watch him sleep and to fall in love, but...

Look, you've had him for 20 years.

He wouldn't know me if he passed me on the street.

He can meet you later.

If he wants.

Charlie's in college, and he's working hard, and you would just be a... distraction for him.

When I talked to you and your husband, I thought that you were okay with...

I changed my mind.

Stay away from my family.

I'm Charlie's mother.

I will decide if and when he meets you.

No. Please.

You loved Charlie when I couldn't.

And from everything that you've told me, he is smart and wonderful.

And because you chose him, I am so grateful to you.

Please just think about it, okay?

[Cellphone vibrates]


Look, I have to go.

My husband's firm is celebrating him tonight. I'm really late.

Please just think about it.


Eric: I know Kate. She would have gone to that roof with you.

Did you k*ll my wife?

Whoa. Let's take a minute.

Answer me!


I... I didn't k*ll her.

You met with Kate earlier, at the restaurant, so why'd you come to the building?

Don't say anything else, Belinda. Let's just get a lawyer.

I didn't do it.

I saw you on the security tapes.

The cops are looking at the exact same footage.

Explain to me why you were there.

That's enough!


Stop talking.


Y-you don't think that I...

You were upset. I-I couldn't even reason with you.

Is that why you scheduled a meeting with Kate yesterday?

I wanted her to meet Charlie.

You went behind my back.

I had to.

Our son had a right to know his mother.

I'm his mother, Mark.

Kate gave birth to him.

Look, we talked about this when we decided to adopt him.

We swore that we would never be those people.

For most of his life, all I could think about was the knock at the door.

And then the minute you stop worrying...

It's why you were angry.

You didn't want Kate near your son.

Check the security feed. Look at the tapes.

It... they will say when I left.

That's too bad.

Because someone erased the footage.


I think I know who did.

[Indistinct conversation]


[Door opens]

It was a woman. She was blond and very thin...

Very big-busted. She was...

She was wearing this gold... gold lamé tight, tight dress and had a lot of makeup and high heels and jewelry.

She was... She was hard to miss.

Does she sound familiar?

I know who she is.

I get it now.

Why Kate was so insistent about meeting Charlie.

She was pregnant.

She told you?


But when I read about her m*rder, I-I realized she didn't want to give birth to a new baby till she knew that the one she gave up had everything he needed.

I did.

Mr. Warner.

You know who I am?

The husband.

I saw you with my mother.

You look a lot like her.

What was she like?

You said that, uh, you saw us together.

When was that?

Her letter came from an agency.

They said she wanted to meet me, and since I'm of age...

It was my choice.

And did you want to?

I had questions.

"Why'd she give me up?" "Did I have any siblings?"

Things that...

Everyone else takes for granted.

You didn't do anything wrong, Charlie.

But I hurt you.


I should have made it easier on you instead of on myself.

I was afraid.

What if she didn't like me?

I just wanted to look at her first.


Belinda: I followed you.

And I saw the way you were looking at Kate, and I thought...

Your mother found the letter and then... and then lost it, and then she showed it to me after she'd followed you, Charlie. I...

[Sighs] I'm sorry, Mom.

I-I just wanted to know what she was like.

Oh. And because of me, now you never will.

I am so sorry.

Mr. Warner?

Do you know who my father is?

He is.

I found Kate's lunch guest.

Her name's Belinda Peterson. She lives in south Carolina.

You notify Charleston P.D.?

Told them you were on the way.

Feel like taking a ride?

Only if I can drive.

[Indistinct P.A. announcement]

What's up, Eric?

A Reuben.

With a side of crow.

My favorite.

Apology accepted.

Seems all I do anymore is apologize to everyone.





You lost your wife and a baby.

If feelings get hurt...

[Inhales deeply]

I think your family will give you a pass.

That's just it... You're not family anymore.

I didn't say that to point fingers.


It's true. I'm not.

Is that why you didn't bring me any pickles?


Next time.

Right. [Chuckles]

Amanda said you're throwing in the towel.

She didn't give me a choice.

We couldn't agree about kids.

Kate had a son she gave up for adoption.

I met him.

She would have been so proud.

His name's Charlie.

He's not even mine, but I still felt protective.

He's looking for his biological father.

He's, uh... He's not a good guy?

Would have let him down in the worst way.

And his adoptive parents are stellar.


I wanted to adopt, too.

What? I-I thought you didn't want kids.

Of course I do.


Look, I'm an only child, Eric.

I wanted a house full of them. [Chuckles]

But the, uh...

The fertility issues made that impossible.

[Exhales shakily]

Let's just stop.

We just have a couple more rounds, and then we can take a break.


I mean, stop, Amanda.


I want a family.

So do I.

All right? There are kids out there who need a home...

Loving parents.

That is us, isn't it?

I want my own baby.

We can adopt.

We can raise as many babies as you can handle.

Will you just consider it?



If this next round doesn't work, I'll think about it.

Y... [Sighs]


How long did you give it a try?


You know, sometimes Mandy was in so much pain that she couldn't get out of bed.

T-that's a hard way to live.

You know, everything revolved around this one lousy day in a cycle.

We became slaves to it.

I begged her to quit.

[Pager beeps]

When she wouldn't, I walked away.

I got to go. Thank you for the sandwich.

May: Detective Cornell's here to see you.

[Sighs] Send her in.


If you didn't k*ll your wife, then I'm not your enemy.

That's comforting.

Our relationship became adversarial the moment you decided I was the k*ller.

And I know I'm still on your short list, so please... don't lie.

That's not entirely accurate.

Now you're dissembling.

It's okay for you to lie to me, but if I lie to you, it's proof I k*lled my wife.

Why would you lie to police, Mr. Warner?

The real question is, why does anyone talk to you at all?

I speak for the dead.

I'm the only one who speaks for Kate now. Not your family, not you, but me.

[Clears throat]

How's that working out for you?

The best way to find out who k*lled your wife is to talk to people who had access to her...

People like Belinda Peterson.

Very nice lady.

Imagine my surprise when I went down to Charleston and found out you'd already been there.

Listen, I had my suspicions about the Petersons, but I'm satisfied.

What about you?

Oh, they wouldn't talk to me without an attorney.

Very thorough advice they got from you.

Mm. But it makes sense.

Innocent men have gone to prison talking to you without one.

You've cost me a lot of time and effort...

Time better spent finding out who k*lled your wife.

Or don't you care?

I care a great deal.

Then help me.

Stop interfering with my investigation. Cooperate with me.

I don't want to get in your way, Detective.

But as long as I have questions about what my wife did up until the moment she died, I will continue looking into it.

See, that's a problem for me.

I'm sure you'll get over it.

Be careful, Mr. Warner.

The system hasn't changed all that much since the last bid you served.

Did you find anything?

Yes. And you're not gonna like it.

The statement is from Tricoast Bank.

We've never done business with them.

Who opened the account?

Doesn't say.

And they don't give out that information over the phone.

Well, whoever did it leveraged a $12 million line of credit against the fund. Using investor capital is fraud...

Many, many counts of fraud.

If Kate was onto them...

The bastard may have k*lled her to cover it up.

I don't want to bring this up right now, but I have something to tell you.

What is it?

A few days ago, Detective Cornell brought me downtown and questioned me.

I let slip something I shouldn't have.

What'd you tell her?

I overheard Kate having a heated argument with Neil Oliver.

She caught him having sex with someone in his office.



I'm pretty sure it was Melanie.


[Groans softly]

[Clears throat]

Okay, you were right to tell me.

Listen, don't tell anyone about Tricoast.

I need to know exactly what this means for S.E.G. Can you do that?



You wanted to see me?

Three forensic reports, 72 witness statements, and hundreds of man-hours.

Why are you telling me this?

As of this moment, Ivan Dale's case is unsolved, but it's not for lack of trying.

Give them a gold star.

It was a drug house, Andrea.

There was no way to know and nothing you could do.

If we didn't split up...

You could be dead, too.

Look, I just thought you should hear it from me that no one is giving up.


[Door closes] [Sighs]

It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Warner.

I hope the terms we offered on the account are satisfactory.

Your terms are impressive.

We like to think so.

Have a seat, please.

[Exhales sharply]

So, how can I be of service?

I need a copy of the original paperwork.

Not a problem.

And a record of all account activity, please.

May I ask why? You get a statement every month.

Sir, is there a problem?

My wife was an officer in the company and recently died.

I'm... terribly sorry.

Thank you.

I figured the best way to get a handle on things is to come straight to the source.

Well, I'm glad you did.

Here's, uh... Here's the opening paperwork. I'll have someone else pull the rest for you.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]