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10x06 - The Green-Eyed Monster

Posted: 11/07/16 04:13
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

Here are the teams: Georgie and Adam, and Jade and Clay.

Jade: Uh, no way.

Georgie: What's going on?

There's no way I can work with Clay.

You have to switch partners with me.

I'd much rather be spending time with my boyfriend right now, but instead I'm stuck here with you!

I mean, there's something between us that's undeniable, but this new business, it's gonna be my entire life and...

I just wouldn't want you to have to wait for me.

(Spartan whinnies sharply)

Jack: Whoa, easy, easy, easy.

(Spartan snorts)

(Hooves thud)

Easy. What are you thinkin'?

Spartan! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, easy, easy.

Settle down.



Amy: No, today is perfect.

Yeah, come by any time. (Hooves thud)

Okay. I'm looking forward to it.

(Spartan snorts loudly)

Another client?

Yeah, a riding instructor!

Should be fun.

Hi, bud.

Are you sure you don't want to take a couple days off?

You just finished up with Lex.

I appreciate your concern, grandpa, but you're starting to sound a bit like dad.

Okay, okay.

Just tryin' to look out for my granddaughter.

I know, but I'm fine.

I am.

Okay. You've just been keepin' yourself awfully busy is all.

I know what you're thinking, but this has nothing to do with Ty.

All right.

I'll be around if you need any help.

Thanks, grandpa.

(Country Music plays in diner)

Oh, that's so cute.

Your boyfriend's back. Again.

What is his superpower?

Knowing your location at all times?

Jade, be nice.

Come on, admit it. It's a little much.

Every shift you work, There he is sitting at the counter.

Georgie: It's not so bad.

Okay, maybe it is a bit much.

I love hanging out with Adam, just not every second of every day.

Well, you better do something about it before he decides to join the Extreme Team or something.

Actually, I'd pay money to see that.

Lisa: So many jars!

Why are we keeping them? Let's do some recycling!

(Bottles clank)

I like this one!

Oh, you know what?

There's so many, just put it in the recycling box.

Jack: You ladies are up and at it early!

Katie: I'm helping Lisa!

Jack: You are!

Lisa: We are doing a little tidying up so things are nice when Lou gets here.

How was your ride?

He gave me a bit of a hard time, that horse.

I know Spartan's always had a bit of the nick in him, but, I don't know, (Water flows) this feels like somethin' else.

Did you talk to Amy about it?

Oh, no. I didn't even mention it to her.

I think she's got enough on her plate right now.

Speaking of which, I promised Georgie that I would pick her up from Maggie's.

Could you watch Katie for a little bit?


Thank you, thank you.

(Kiss) All right.

I'll see ya.

Yup. (Door opens)

Where'd she go? (Door shuts)

So, about this weekend...

I was thinking we could go to a movie on Saturday and maybe check out that new exhibit at the Science Centre on Sunday.

So, Saturday and Sunday, huh?

Do you have plans?

Jade: (Clears throat loudly)


Oh, nothing, it's just...

I should probably just check with Lou.

She gets in today and she probably has tons of stuff planned.



(Taxi rumbles)

(Door opens)

(Door shuts)

I coulda picked you up from the airport you know.

It's fine. I grabbed an earlier flight.

Oh, here let me help you with this.

Thank you.

(Grunts with effort) Jeez!

Someone went a little crazy at the duty-free.

(Grunts with effort) Maybe not there, but I might have gone a little bit overboard with gifts for everyone.

(Trunk slams shut)

You? Overboard? Can't picture it.

Taxi dispatcher: Dispatch to Car 1122.

Thank you.

Mmm hmm.

Taxi dispatcher: Car 1122 you're where?

So, how was New York?

It was great, actually.

Better than anticipated.

I expect nothing less from Hudson's Entrepreneur of the Year.


You know, I don't really feel right about the way we left things before New York.

Now's not really a great time, Lou.

Uh, maybe we can talk soon though?

Of course.

Welcome home.

(Dog barks in the distance)

(Truck rumbles)

Hi, I'm looking for Amy Fleming?


Hi, you must be Rhonda, and this must be the guy who's biting all your students.

Yeah, he is. And you're...

Expecting. Yeah, it's our first. We're pretty excited.

You're not riding while you're pregnant, are you?

No, I'm not.

Okay, then. Uh, I'm sorry. I don't think this is gonna work.

Why? Because I'm expecting?

Well, in order for you to be able to fix my horse you need to be able to ride, and how are you supposed to do that if you're pregnant?

You should've mentioned this on the phone.

I, I can still help you...

You know what? Don't worry about it.

We'll find someone else.

S10E06 - The Green-Eyed Monster

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

(Annoyed sigh)



Oh, oh, mmm, mmm.

Right. I can't even have real tea anymore!

Okay, why don't you have a seat and I'll make ya a cup of your tea.

You mean my raspberry lemon no-caffeine, no-taste tea?

(Laughs) Yeah that's the stuff.

(Annoyed sigh) Is this what pregnancy's like?

Is this what my life is gonna be like from now on, everybody treating me like an invalid?

This is ridiculous!

Did mom ride when she was pregnant? I bet she did.

Well, you know, people did a lot of things back then that they probably shouldn't have.

I just think it's crazy. I don't know why I can't ride.

Even Cassandra said the baby's well-protected in the womb.

Is everything okay with you?

'Cause you seem a little on edge.

You know that client I was telling you about, the riding instructor?


She took one look at me and turned tail.

How am I supposed to keep working without any clients?

Come on now, we both know you've helped plenty of horses without riding them.

Don't get all wound up.

I know, grandpa, it's just...

I wanted my life to stay as normal as possible until this baby came, and so far it's changing so quickly.

Lou: I thought I heard a familiar voice!

Lou, I didn't even know you were back!

Hey! (Gasps) Look at you. You're showing!

You look amazing. I don't feel amazing.


Nobody told me about the heartburn.

Ugh, yes, one of the many joys of pregnancy.

Amy: (Sighs) (Door opens)



(Kiss) Let me look at you. I missed you!

And look at you in your adorable Maggie's uniform!

How do you like working there?

It's pretty awesome!


Lisa, thank you so much!

Welcome home. My pleasure.

Okay, I hope you're not scheduled this weekend, because I want to do something with just the three of us me, you and Katie.

Sounds fun.

You don't seem excited.

Well, it's just...

I was supposed to hang out with Adam.

He wants to see a movie.

How come that sounds like such a chore?

It's not. I should probably go get changed.

What was that about?

I have no idea.

Maybe a little trouble in paradise?

Well, I was booked but now my schedule's completely open, so I'm gonna go to Maggie's and pick up the feed order.

But I do want hear all about New York, so we'll catch up later?

Sound good. All right, Kitty Kat!

It's gonna be just me and you this weekend.


What?! Don't tell me you have plans too?

Lisa: Abraham's birthday party.

Lou: Oh, okay.

Well, that's fine. No big deal.

Can we go pick some flowers?


Do we have enough?


Honey, don't go too far, okay?


Lou: Stay where mommy can see you.

All right.

Going fishing?

Yeah. (Door closes)

I asked Jack for a couple days off, so I'm headed to his secret spot in Moose Creek.

Katie and I went for a picnic there last summer.

It's beautiful.

Not to brag, but I used to be pretty good at fly fishing myself.

What? You fish?

Yeah, don't look so surprised.

My dad took me. He said I was a natural.

We should go sometime.

Yeah, I'd like that.

Yeah, me too.

Well, I should, uh, should head out.



Thank you.

(Laughs) You're welcome.

(Door opens)

(Door shuts) (Truck starts up)

Have fun.

Thanks. I will.

(Truck rumbles)


You're quiet. What's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

Tell me.

I'm just worried about Amy.

She had a client cancel on her this morning and only because she was pregnant.

What?! You're kidding.

Ah, I think it kinda shook her up.

Well... let's get her some new clients.

I'll make some calls.

In fact, yeah, I think I know someone who would be perfect.

But whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I don't think we should interfere.

Oh, nonsense. That's what families do.

(Phone beeps)


(Truck rumbles)


You've gotta come see this!

(Loud thwack)

That's pretty impressive!

You know, even the hunters I know aren't that accurate!

It takes a lot of practice.

Norah, this is Amy, my granddaughter.

Amy, this is Norah.


Jack: Her mom's a friend of Lisa's.

Well, it's nice to meet you.

It's a pleasure.

Norah here is a mounted archer.

She's does that on horseback.

Wow! That's amazing.

Yeah, she's a pretty big deal.

She's competed all over the world.

Norah: I've been dying to work with you, and when Lisa told me about you cancellation this morning I packed up the truck and I came right over.

Why's that?

I need your help.

I would love to, but the timing's not right. Full disclosure: I'm pregnant.

Congrats! I just had a baby ten months ago.

Really? Well, that's great.

Yeah, it is great, but ever since, me and my horse have been outta sync, and the way things are going now, I don't know if we'll ever get back to competing.


Take a look at Doc, please?

I really value your opinion.

Okay, I... I'll have a look.



Hello? Tim.

Yup. Amy? She's good.


How would I know if she's getting enough folic acid, ya...

You know what? I'll just- I'll have her call ya.

Say hi to Casey at the hot springs.

(Phone beeps off)

Tim again, huh?

Yeah, you know, if I have to listen to him any more about his pregnancy nonsense.

You know, it's like he's the one that's havin' a baby!

Well, imagine how Amy feels.

How did things go out there with Amy and Norah?

Oh good. There're out there right now.


Are you lookin' for something?

Yeah, well, I was gonna make my stew for tomorrow, kind of a welcome home dinner for Lou, but I can't see my jar in here.

A jar?

Yeah, it's supposed to be right here.

What did it look like?

Well, it's a jar.

It's got a white top, some tape on it, some marks.

It's how I measure my- my spices for the stew.


(Hooves thud)

This is so cool!


(Hard thwack) (Hooves thud)

Easy, Doc!

(Doc snorts loudly) Doc!

Come on!

See? That's what I'm talking about.

If Doc pulled that during competition we'd be disqualified.

I'm sorry! I just... really want to prove to everyone that I've still got it.

I know what you mean.

(Bottles clank)

Hey Lisa!


(Exhales nervously)

You startled me.

Are you looking for something?

Yeah, just something in the recycling.

Oh, grandpa probably took it to the depot.

No, it was here today.

Is everything okay?

I think I accidentally threw out your grandfather's jar.

You threw out grandpa's jar?!

I know! I don't know what the big deal is.

He needs it for his stew!

Yes, so he said.

I don't know what that means, but you know...

(Bottles clank)

You know what? (Bottles clank)

I'm gonna buy him a new one.

Jack will never know!

Jack will never know what?

Well, I'd love to work with Doc.

I'd like to see how he responds to liberty.

Liberty? You think that'll help?

Yeah, it's definitely a great way to get back the oneness you used to share.

Can I work with him a little first?



Um, hey, Norah, do you think you could teach me some mounted archery stuff while Amy works with your horse?

Sure! I'd love to! But you have to start on your feet.


(Hard thwack)

Okay, so, you want to attach the nock of the arrow here.


Then you just drawback towards your ear or your chin, whatever you're more comfortable with, and release.

(Hard thwack)



Norah: Mmm hmm.

(Soft thud)

Okay, try putting three fingers underneath the arrow, supporting it.

Like this?



Try again.

(Hard thwack)

I hit it!

(Excited laugh)

Not bad! You're gettin' it!

Thank you so much for all your help!

No worries.


Oh, keep it.


Yeah, well, for the weekend anyway.

Have some fun practicing. Bye!


(Cell phone beeps)

Adam: Why not?

Georgie: (On phone) I just don't think I can hang out this weekend.

Amy's working with this mounted archer and she lent me some equipment I can only use for the next two days.

You're not mad, are you?

No, it's fine.

Georgie: Okay, well, it might be nice to have some space, you know, give us a chance to miss each other a little.

Right. Okay.




(Phone beeps off) (Troubled sigh)

So New York was amazing?

Oh, you have no idea.

Look at this space we found in Brooklyn.

(Spartan snorts)

Oh wow.

It's perfect.

(Spartan snorts angrily)

(Hoof bangs stall)


(Spartan snorts angrily)

Since when did Spartan become such a diva?

He's been acting like this for days.

I don't know what's gotten into him.

Wait a minute, you don't know what's gotten into your own horse?

(Hoof bangs stall)

I don't! Grandpa's been riding him daily.

There's no reason for him to be this upset.

(Spartan snorts angrily)

Poor guy.

(Hard thwack)

(Door shuts)
Clay: Hey, Georgie, what's up?

(Hard thwack)

Georgie: Nothing. What are you doing here?

Tim said I could borrow some equipment while he's out of town.

You know you're supposed to aim for the middle, right?

What, you think you could do better?

(Chuckles) Probably.

Of course you can.

Clay's great at everything.

That's awfully nice of you to say.

I was being sarcastic!


After how much fun we had orienteering?

That hurts.

Now give me the bow. Let me show you how it's done.

You're holding it wrong.


Hi Lisa!

Good morning, ladies.

Wait till you see what I found at the new kitchen boutique in town!

(Chuckles) (Bottles clank)

Jack: And just what do we have here?

Well, we don't need an old outdated jar.

We can find the recipe ourselves.

That jar was my recipe, Lise.

Without it... there is no stew.

Lisa: Come on, give it a try.

Who knows? Maybe the stew you're about to make may be even better.

(Whip whips) (Clicks tongue)

(Whistles) (Doc snorts)

(Whip whips) (Whistles)

(Whip whips) (Clicks tongue)

Good boy!

(Clicks tongue) (Doc snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

Come on, come on.

Come on.

Good boy, Doc!

(Doc snorts) (Clicks tongue)

(Whip whips) (Whistles)

Who knew the old boy could be so graceful?

Amy: He catches on pretty quick!

Seems like Doc is really bonding with you but...

I got to ask, isn't the point of all this to get him to bond with me?

Well, that's the next step.

I would like to see you do some liberty work with him.

What do you think? (Nervous laugh)

I think liberty looks a lot like dancing and I was never the ballet kinda girl.


Well, it's not about being delicate or dainty, it's about being one with your horse.

Give it a try?

Okay, but no laughing.

I promise.

You either.




(Doc snorts) Come on!

Good boy!

That's it.

(Doc snorts)

Good boy!

(Doc snorts)

Amy: There you go!

Norah: Good boy. Come on.


I feel stupid!


(Gasping) Okay.

(Gasps for air)

I'm totally winded!

Really? Well let's take a little break.


You guys keep up the bonding.



Good boy.

(Hard thwack)

(Satisfied exhale)

Here. So, you talk to Jade lately?

Yeah, all the time.

Yeah? What she say about me?

Pretty much nothing. (Hard thwack)

(Chuckles) I have a hard time believing that.

See? That's exactly the kind of macho crap Jade hates about you.

Ah ha, so she does talk about me!

(Hard thwack)

Just shut up and take your sh*t.

Oh. Let's, uh, get a picture of this.

It's gonna be epic.



(Camera click)


(Hard thwack)

Also perfect. Well, see you later.

Good luck with this, Katniss!


Hey, you drop Katie off?


Since when does my 5-year old have a more exciting social life than me?

Come on, Lou, you just got back.

Yeah, I know, but I was kinda hoping that I could just pick up where I left off.

You have, haven't you?

Not with everyone.


I want to be honest with him about how I feel, Amy.

I want to tell him that the whole time I was in New York, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I have never heard you talk about Mitch like this.

Sounds like you really missed him.

I did.

You know, you're right. This is big, Amy.

Do you think I should go talk to him?

Didn't he go away for the weekend?

Yeah, but he practically invited me along.


Yeah, we were talking about fishing and he said we should go sometime, but Katie was there and...

I don't know, I felt like there was more he wanted to say.

I bet he thought I was just busy all weekend with the girls.

Yeah, probably.

You know what, Amy, you're right.

I need to go out there, and I need to tell him how I feel.

Well, are you sure?

Yeah! 'Cause if I don't, maybe I never will.

Thank you.

For what?

(Birds chirp) (Water gently flows)

(Chain clinks)

(Brush rustles)

Lou: (Pants)

Uh... (Chain clinks)


Lou: Hi.

What, what are you doin' here?

You said we should go fishing sometime.

The girls are busy today so...

I thought it'd be nice to spend the day together.

Give us a chance to talk.


Talk, yeah, um... (Fishing rod clicks)

You know, most people they come out here for the solitude.

Talking's really not part of the equation.

Oh, all right, um...

I'll just stay out of your way then.

You won't even know I'm here.


(Fishing rod clicks)

(Brush rustles)


Oof! (Brush rattles)

Not really catchin' much over there, are ya?


You got any pointers?

I thought you were a natural.

(Lure plops in water)

Yeah, I uh...

My dad never took me fishing growing up.

I kinda made that up.

He was always busy on the rodeo circuit.

He wasn't around much when I was a kid.

Daddy issues.

Starting to make a lot more sense to me now.

Hey, I do not have daddy issues!

Oh no? Coulda fooled me.

(Lines whip, lures plop)

(Resigned exhale)

You're not movin' your line enough.


(Water sloshes)

You know... the key to fly fishing is to match the movement of your fly with the movement of an actual insect.

I know.

Here, let me show you.

(Line whips)

See that?


Back... (Line whips)

Yeah. Like that.

Like this? (Line whips)


See? I'm a natural.


Good. You're good.

(Water sloshes)

(Water sloshes)

Amy: Okay, let's try this again.

(Hooves thud)

(Dramatic music)

(Loud thwack)

(Dramatic music)


(Doc whinnies sharply)

(Grunts with pain)


(Sighs) Amy: Norah, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm so sorry. I really thought you guys were ready.

I don't know what happened.

Maybe you were right. Maybe you can't help us.

(Birds chirp)

(Water laps gently)

Oh my God, I think I caught something.


(Fishing rod clicks)

I think I caught a fish!


I caught a fish!


(Excited gasp)

All right, easy, easy, easy, easy!

Oh it feels heavy! Whoa.

(Shrieks) I got him, I got him, I got him, I got him.

Reel him in.

Get away!

Yup, one minute. (Grunts with effort)

Got it?


(Excited squeal)

Oh wow, you're a natural after all!

See? Yeah.


So now what?

Well... the law says we gotta throw him back so uh...


(Chuckles) (Water sloshes)

That was fun.

Yeah. Good job.

Thank you.

Well... (Chuckles)

(Chain clanks)

Lou, I think you should go.


You know, I... I came up here to be alone and I don't know why you can't respect that.

(Chain clinks)

I'm sorry. This was obviously a mistake.

You know, it was a mistake to think that we could actually behave like adults for once and express how we actually feel!

Enjoy your solitude.


(Door opens)

(Door shuts)

Rough day?

I'm in over my head, Lou.

(Tearful) I can't seem to fix the connection between my client and her horse.

What, what if I can't work with horses the same way anymore?

I just wish Ty was here.

I know.

(Sighs) I know.


I must be crazy to let my husband travel halfway around the world where there's poachers.

I mean that's dangerous, right?


You know, I think I've made a terrible mistake.

I thought I could do this without him, but I can't.

And, and babies!

The only baby I've ever held has been Katie and...

I get horses, Lou, but kids?

Listen, you're just freaking out because you had a tough day and you're pregnant.

You're allowed to freak out.

What if I can't fix this horse, Lou?

I know you.

You are gonna find the solution.

You're the miracle girl, right?

I used to be.

Still are.


Hey, how did... how did it go with Mitch?

Oh, don't ask.

I should never have taken your advice.


(Crickets chirp)

(Cutlery clinks)

Katie: Can I go play, mommy?

Sure, sweetheart.

(Cutlery clinks)

How do you like the stew?

Oh, uh...

Yeah, it's okay I guess.

It has a little bit of a sour flavor.

(Disapproving grunt)

(Foot thuds on floor)

I knew it. You are all terrible liars!

What, it's not bad, it's just different!

(Cutlery clinks)

Come on, come on, come on, it's not that bad.

It just needs a little refining on the recipe.

No, grandpa. N-no...

(Sighs heavily)

Your other half's not here.

I know.

I'm not here to for Georgie. I'm here for a milkshake.

Look, I know it's none of my business, but a little word of advice... maybe try being a little less available.

What do you mean?

You know what I mean.

You stick to Georgie like a shadow.

I like to spend time with her.

That's what couples do. They spend time together.

Yeah, but not every moment of every day.

Did she say something to you?

(Phone chimes)

(Chuckles) What a loser!


Clay. Look at this picture he just sent me.

Since when is he into archery?


(Phone beeps on)

(Whooshing game sound effect on computer)

(Cell phone rings)

(Phone beeps) (Ringing stops)

(Phone clicks off)

(Computer rings)

(Computer beeps)


I hope I didn't wake ya.

It's so good to hear your voice.

I've missed you so much.

Ty: I miss you too. I woulda called sooner it's just, we're in the middle of nowhere and it took forever to get here.

That's okay. I'm just glad you got there safely.

Ty: I think you'd love Mongolia, Amy.

What's it like?

Ty: Well, I haven't seen much of it, but from what I have seen it's pretty cool.

There's horses everywhere and Bob and I are actually going out tomorrow to examine some of the local livestock.

That sounds amazing.

How's our little nugget doing?

Good. Really good.

I have a doctor's appointment coming up.

It's the one where we get to find out if it's a boy or a girl.


Ty: No, it's just uh...

I just, I really wanted to be there for that but...

Don't worry. I promise I won't find out anything without you.

So what are they feeding you over there?

Ty: If you can believe it goat.

Did you say goat?

Ty: Yeah.

We had goat stew for dinner.

Well, it was probably better than the stew we had.


Ty: Just hold on. I'm gonna take you on a tour of the camp, okay?


Ty: So this is my yurt.

It's pretty simple, but check out the design on the door.


Ty: Beautiful, huh?

(Birds chirp)

(Gate clanks)

(Hooves thud)

Norah: At it already I see.

We're not giving up that easily.

Hoo, are we, boy?

Who's this?

This is my son, Milo.

Amy: Hi, Milo! (Chuckles)

I hope it's okay. I couldn't find a babysitter so I brought him along.

Of course. He's adorable!

(Milo cries)

(Doc snorts)

Norah: It's okay, Milo, it's okay.

(Doc snorts angrily)

Hey, easy. (Doc snorts angrily)

Hey, whoa, what, what?

Shh, shh, shh. (Milo quiets down)

I think I understand.

Doc's jealous.

No offense, but that sounds crazy.

There's nothing crazy about it.

Before Milo was born, Doc was your baby.

I bet you used to spend hours a day with him, and then as soon as your son was born he got all the attention.

Doc's jealous.

I have been distracted lately.

My husband's been looking after him.

I haven't had time.

I get it. A new baby needs his mom's attention, but so does your other baby.

(Light pats)

Do you mind?

Of course not.

Hi. Hey, you.

Want to go over here? Huh?


Hey boy. Can you forgive me?

(Milo fusses)

So what do we do now?

We go back to the basics.


I think he likes me.

Norah: Yeah!



Okay, what are we painting today?


Oh, you sure are!

And look, she's posing for you!

Do you have all the colors you need?


What is that?

Katie, you have gg's jar!

(Laughing) Oh, ho ho ho ho ho!



Yeah. There's a good boy.

You like that, don't you?

So, Milo's in good hands.

I just met your husband out there.

Norah: Ah, you know, I...

I told him I needed to spend more time with Doc.

It's weird, I... I love being a mom, but I don't want to forget who I was before having Milo.

I've been thinking about that a lot too lately, how things are going to change.

Not everything changes.

I'm still the same girl I always was, and mounted archery's a huge part of that.

Doc is a huge part of that.

(Truck rumbles)

Good boy.

(Door opens and closes)

Good boy. (Light pats)

You're back.

Yeah, just dropping off some of Tim's stuff.

What are you doing to that horse?

I'm getting Phoenix used to the archery equipment.

Norah: Good work, Georgie. He doesn't look scared at all.

I would be if I were him.

Amy: Do you guys want to see how a professional does it?

What, you think we're ready?

Amy: I really think you are.

Okay, let's do it. (Gate clanks)

(Hard thwack)

(Hooves thud)

(Hard thwack)

(Hard thwack)

(Hard thwack)

(Clapping) (Happy laugh)


Good boy! (Affectionate pats)

That's the horse I remember!

Norah, you're amazing!

I have never seen anything like that.

Well, now we just have to get our time down.

If you can't do the course in under 16 seconds you're kinda out of the contest.

Clay: 16 seconds?!

Huh, you got some work to do.

(Bike clicks)

Adam, hey!

Looks like you two are having fun.

I thought you would be at the Science Centre.

And I thought you wanted space.

I didn't think that meant ditching me to hang out with him for the whole weekend.

I didn't. Just I...


I hope you two are very happy together.

Clay: Okay. (Bike clicks)

I can try that. I get it.

Lisa: (Clears throat)

We have something for you.

It's not more measuring cups, is it?

No, it's not.

My jar! Where did you get that?!

Funny story. So, yes, I did try to recycle it, but Katie found it and used it for her paint brushes.

Your paint brushes?

Well, can I have it back?

Mmm hmm.

Thank you, honey.

You're welcome.

(Birds chirp)

(Footsteps crunch)

You should get one.

A horse?

Yeah, a horse.

What woman lives on a ranch doesn't own her own horse?

A busy one.

Look, Lou, I think I owe you an apologize for yesterday.

The reason that I was so anti-social was...

Look, I get it, okay? Enough said.

I was the one who made the wrong move.

You don't have to say anything more.

No, you don't understand...

No, I do understand.

You obviously need to be alone right now, and I'm just the girl to make that happen.

Adam! I've been looking everywhere for you!

What do you want?

I didn't ditch you to hang out with Clay.

I didn't even know he was gonna be at Heartland!

He wasn't invited! He just showed up!

And in case you were wondering, all he wanted to do was talk about Jade.

I love hanging out with you, just not all the time.

Sometimes I want to do my own thing and I'm sure you do too!

Look, hey, I miss you, a lot, and I'll, I'll go the Science Centre exhibit if you want to.

Nah, I don't want to smother you.

Norah: I can't thank you enough, Amy.

Your reputation doesn't do you justice.

You're amazing.

I need to thank you, too.

What for?

You and Doc made me realize something.

I have to work at keeping the connection with my own horse.

He's been agitated lately and now I realize that I haven't been giving him enough attention.

He's already taken a backseat to the baby.

Pregnancy's tough. I'm not gonna lie, but it's all worth it in the end.

You take care.

Norah: You too. (Truck starts up)

♪ Waiting there ♪
♪ A dawn before a darkness fell ♪
♪ I'm lost, but not alone ♪
♪ And all my words have turned to stone again ♪
♪ Take me with you when you carry me away ♪

(Clicks tongue)


♪ And I will throw all of these words I have to say ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪
♪ One for me and one for you ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪
♪ One for me and one for you ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪

(Hooves thud)

♪ You say reverie ♪
♪ Came over me ♪

(Arrow whistles)

♪ Like fire, like blood, ♪
♪ Like sunlight ♪
♪ You say reverie ♪
♪ Came over me ♪
♪ Like fire, like blood, ♪
♪ Like sunlight oh oh... ♪

(Hard thwack)

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh Good boy! ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪
♪ One for me and one for you ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪
♪ One for me and one for you ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪
♪ One for me and one for you ♪
♪ And I broke my heart in two ♪
♪ One for me and one for you ♪