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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 11/04/16 17:42
by bunniefuu
I think you'd make a fantastic supervising producer on 'The Breakfast Bar'.

Wow! Thank you. Wow.

Are you interested?


I think I'm being replaced.

I've heard some rumours.

The thing is, who would they replace me with?

I mean, I feel quite relieved I've made a decision, finally, you know?

How does this sound?

"Hi, my name is Lily Woodward and I am the new supervising producer of 'The Breakfast Bar'."

All: Surprise!

Job's yours. Good luck.

It's for 30,000.

Mitchell: I was gonna wait till the baby was born, but I thought you could use it now to get set up.

It's nothing to Mitchell.

Pete: That's not the point!

I don't want to be 30 grand in debt to your ex-boyfriend.


You know what, Mitchell?

This whole situation is just getting a bit much.

In what way?

You're always here or on the phone.

This is Anouk. I work with her.

Good to meet you.

Good to meet you too.

This is Pete.

You interested in writing something nobody reads?

Good. Well, there's a job that pays peanuts that's yours if you want it.

Thank you.

Are you interested in Jack?


If you lie to me, I can't be your friend and that would break my heart.

Can you feel this?


What the hell is she doing?



Bloody hell! Simone!


So you don't feel anything for me?



I'm stuck.

Song: ♪ A friend in need ♪
♪ Is a friend indeed ♪


♪ Know that I can call on you ♪
♪ Whenever I so please ♪
♪ If something gives you trouble ♪
♪ Well, I'll see what I can do... ♪

Happy birthday, Lily.

♪ We can talk it through ♪
♪ No time to scare off ♪
♪ You give a little love ♪
♪ You gimme love... ♪

I love your face...

I love your face.

♪ You gimme love... ♪



You know when the baby is small, it'll be in with us.

Uh, yeah.

But what about after that?


Can't we just clear out the second bedroom?

Have you ever thought about moving to the country?



I was talking to Lily's dad last night about the ecohouse he built.


And I think it'd be nice to raise a family in the country.

You know, like kids riding around on bikes and big blue skies.

Fruit trees.

Yeah, I mean, if you get someone else to pick the fruit.


Lily: It's not that I'm bad in the kitchen.

It's just that I'm limited.

But what I do make, I make very well.

Like what?

I don't want you to laugh, but I'm really good at making popcorn.

So you can open a packet and put corn into some oil?

If only it were that simple.

It seems, my friend, that I can teach you a thing or two because you missed out the most important step, which is putting on the lid.

I learnt that the hard way.

I'm impressed.

Yeah, the packet says four minutes, but it's actually 3 minutes and 45 seconds and that's where you can run into all sorts of lid issues.

Lid issues? Can you walk me through it again?

Shut up. Shut up!

I get the packet...

I'd like to try your popcorn.

No, no, no.

I don't need your judgement in my kitchen.


I promise to avoid all judgement.


Hey, Jack.


Uh, didn't mean to just turn up on you...

...which is also not true.

But I did try and call.

And then I thought I would surprise you with a thank-you breakfast.

Um, seeded ficelle and pistachio torsade.

I don't actually know what that is, but it's not easy buying breakfast for a celebrity chef.

You don't need to thank me.

Simone: I'm appalled at my behaviour last night and I'm grateful that you helped me regain a small scrap of dignity.

What can I do to get you to forgive me?

Already forgiven. Really, it's... it's no big deal.

It's what friends do.

Uh, call me if you want to hang out.

Definitely. Definitely.

Well, um...

...enjoy your breakfast, then.




What are you doing? I wasn't gonna invite her in.

I'm stuck.

This is a serious achievement.

This was a huge mistake. Simone is my best friend.

I know it's complicated right now, but we can work it out.

(GROANS) What am I supposed to say to her?

"I'm sorry, Simone, I drank too much last night and made a stupid decision to sleep with Jack."

There's a little more going on than that.



Lily: Oh, Jesus, it's Simone.

Don't reply. Just talk to her when you're ready.


I've gotta go.

Thank you. I'm sorry. You bought me breakfast and everything.

You can thank Simone for that, actually.

She wanted to surprise me.

See, now I'm even eating behind her back.




Jesus Christ. What happened to you?

(WHISPERS) I slept with Jack.


Wow. I did not expect that.

And it gets worse. I told Simone that I stayed at your place.

What? Why?

'Cause she turned up to Jack's house and she was texting me and I panicked.

Well, what are you gonna do?


Oh, I figure, well, there are three options.

One, I tell her the truth.

Two... I lie to my oldest friend.

Or, three, I go home, climb into bed and say nothing.

Well, I think you...

No, I'm gonna tell her the truth.

I'm gonna look her in the eye and say, "I slept with Jack," and then beg for forgiveness.

Bloody hell, Lil. Just be careful.

You know, once you say it, you can't take it back.

She's my oldest friend.

I hate myself.




What are you doing here?

Simone: Hey.

Well, I didn't want to announce it at your party, but I got a place.

Move in next week.


Congrats, mate. That's awesome.

How did you manage to keep this a secret?

Uh, just the standard method, by telling no one.

Does Mum know?

That's where having a baby sister's gonna come in handy.

I want this place.

I went around to Jack's this morning.

I thought he had someone there.

I'm a train wreck.

You're not, Sim.

I'm sorry about last night, Lily.

It's okay.

I had too many sh*ts. I know.

But when I sat on Vincent's lap, I never thought for a moment that we could fall over.


I ruined the party.

You really didn't. I don't think anyone noticed.

Vincent: I noticed!

And I'm... I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed.

Sim, um...

Did you stay at Pete's because you didn't want to come home?

No, we just...

...went back there and I fell asleep on the couch.



Song: ♪ Through the window of my car ♪


♪ I see beautiful girls... ♪





Um, listen.

I know you've been thrown in the deep end and I'm here to make sure you know that I'm on your team.

Thank you.


And I know you gals get all anxious about things and of course, uh, men often get great advice from other men, so I want to share with you the three pointers I was given when I started working in television.

You might wanna write 'em down.

No, it's all right.

I'm sure I'll remember them.


One, learn how to play golf 'cause anyone who's anyone plays golf.

Contacts are way more important than talent.

I mean, you saw what happened to Sasha.

You know what?

If she'd spent more time at the 19th hole with the big man... she'd have had a job for life even if she was crap.



Um, two. Don't waste time on celery.


Yes, you know, we've all spent hours chewing that shit and we've hated it.

I'm using 'celery', by the way, as a metaphor for 'content'.

Now, content matters and celery is...

Well, you know, celery...

You know what a metaphor is, right?


Thank you for coming by, Eric, but, you know, I actually have a meeting pretty much now, actually.

Oh, okay... Oh, hang on! Three, don't screw the crew.

You won't have to write that one down 'cause everyone knows that.

Okay, I know this is short notice, but upstairs have said yes to trialling a new segment and I want to focus on women in the workplace.

Now, I've got some great ideas and I'm really looking forward to hearing all of yours.

The door to my office, always open.

Did you actually get this approved?

Not yet, but I will.

Now, smart is what we're looking for.

I'm thinking an international piece.

Women in the boardroom perhaps.

Well, I'm smart and I don't wanna watch this.

Dale: Women hold only 12% of boardroom seats worldwide and only 4% actually chair boards.

We could interview some of these women about how they got where they are today, the hurdles, the challenges and the achievements.

It will be uplifting, powerful and insightful.

Lily: Now, the only problem is Eric. How do we get him on board?

I mean, you know he'll get all "political correctness gone too far" with it.

Alice, I want you to talk to him. Tell him we want his input.

I'm all over it.

Also, someone needs to take over producing Jack.

May I put my hand up for that job?


Also, Alice, I want you to step up and start producing some of your own segments.



Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You're not gonna regret this... at all.

I better go find Eric.

Nikkii, phone mirror down.


Avocado and sardines?


Can you pass the basil?

Isn't it beautiful?

Yeah, if you like living in the middle of nowhere.

Daylesford's not nowhere.

Hang on.

Are you serious about this?

Well, I'm considering it.

If I sell this place and the cafe, I could buy it and be mortgage-free.

Yeah, and employment-free.

(SIGHS) Can you open your mind to it?

Hang on, since when did we go from needing a spare room for the baby to packing up and moving to Daylesford?

Can you open your mind to it?

Who am I gonna review?

I mean, there's the same fiddle band every second Tuesday night.

Why is your first reaction always negative?

Oh, my God, if I disagree with you about anything, then you say I'm not being open to it.

It's like if you picked up a g*n and announced you were gonna sh**t someone and I tried to stop you, it's like I'm still just not being open to it.

(SCOFFS) What? Sometimes I wonder what is underneath all this anger, Pete.

Anger. Anger's underneath this anger.

And then another layer of anger. I'm like an anger onion.

Okay. Well, I'm gonna check it out and Mitchell's offered to come with me and we're gonna go tomorrow morning.

Has Mitchell? Wonderful.

Well, you and Mitchell have a wonderful time in the fields.




Would you like to try my gulalung salsa?

Yep, sure.

I know you're freaked out.

I've really been thrown in the deep end.

And because of that, you no longer have to make any decisions regarding food.

I'm making it safer for everyone.

It's completely unprofessional to sleep with the talent.

"The talent"?

Meet your new producer!




Oh, what are these? Little cucumbers?

Uh, finger lime or gulalung.

Oh, what language is that?

Uh, Bundjalung.

Gulalung. So cute!

I'm helping Vincent move tonight so, um, we'll catch up tomorrow?



Wow, it... That looks good!

Oh! So when do you move?

Well, it's empty so... tonight.

There's just a few things to go from here and everything from storage is there.


I didn't want to worry you, Mum.



Lil will, um... She can help you with the rest of this stuff.

I would just get in the way.

Mum, don't be like that.

What? No, no! I was gonna play tennis tonight.

Mum, you've been amazing.



Good luck.


She didn't cry.

She's crying.

She's crying right now.


I bet your father knows.

Ha! I can tell by that look.

What? Anthony's going over to help him unpack?

Mum, Vincent just wants his own place.

And you know what? The place is great.

The kitchen bench is too high.

The cupboards are unreachable.

And what about the bathroom?

What about it?

There are no rails!


Oh, I... (WEEPS)

You did such a good job of pretending to be happy for him.

I'm really, really proud of you.

Thank you.

Simone: Okay.

Lily: I knew you stole this!

Anthony: Hello!

Vincent: You weren't using it.

Hey, Dad!



Hi, Lil. Hey, mate. How are you?

I thought a bit of a housewarming drink might be in order.

We can't stop now, Dad. Look at the mess this place is in.

It's fine, everyone. Really. I've got it. It's fine.

I can come back tomorrow.

No! I can do it. It's fine.

All right.

You could come to dinner, though, if you wanted.


Hey, Pete, where's the lady?

Oh... she's at home.

Get that into ya, mate.

Family and friends.

All: Family and friends!

Hey! Whee!

Pete: There go you, buddy. Congrats.


I've had the greatest idea.

You said your door was always open.

(CHUCKLES) Well, the door was actually closed, but...

So when it's closed, it's not open?

Tell me. What is it? Tell me.

Ready for this?

A date with Jack.

Who's Jack dating?

Nobody. But let's be honest. We all want to be.

So why not auction him off?

On air?

A charity fundraiser for, like, a women's refuge or something.

We could use vox pops from Dale's interviews with survivors.

Vox pops on domestic v*olence?

Only the positive, upbeat ones.

No. No, Nikkii. Just no. No. There's no way Jack's gonna agree to being auctioned off on air anyway.

Well, I'm sure you know him better than anyone else, so...

You know, I'm just a huge supporter of women.

Fantastic because I...

There's not enough of them at the top.

I want to be around to address that, okay?

Now, what I always say is, "Better to be part of the solution than part of the question..."


Problem. That's right.

Yes. You are sharp.

On that note, I'd like to start targeting professional women with a new segment.

I like it.

In the past, all the items we've run on women in business have had a really great response...

Uh-uh-uh. Okay, you've just identified a major problem right there.


The past. We're all about the future.

What about... future women in politics?

Hmm, too risky.

We've got some good prep on a domestic v*olence segment.

No. I mean, really?

Does anyone want to wake up to breakfast on a Saturday to that?

The new segment needs to be less about women and more for them.

Like, what do women want?


What do the partners of women want?

What do the children of women want? What do you want?

An on-air auction, live.

Give me more.

Uh, audience bidding and, um, Jack cooks dinner for you at his restaurant.

It was actually Nikkii's idea.


But I don't...

I love it!

A date with Jack. That's gold!

It wouldn't really be a date, but...

Women love Jack.


A date with Jack, a hot date with Jack.


Lil, how's it going?


I'm just hoping we can maybe do some more things from the road now 'cause, you know, Sasha always said no 'cause of budget.

The budget's still the same, Hamilton.

Yeah, I understand that, but what I'm thinking is weather from Antarctica, right?

Okay, so there's the global warming thing there, but I'm thinking we can do a Bear Grylls thing as well, like, "Oh, no. Hamilton's trapped in a snow cave.

"Can he get back to the studio?"

I don't really have time to talk now.

I need to find Nikkii.

Yeah, of course.

I've actually got a really detailed PowerPoint presentation I can email through.

Okay. Fantastic.

Or possibly if you want, 'cause it's a massive file, maybe I'll do it on a thumb drive or I could burn a CD.

For you what's better?

Either is fine.


I wanna say I was so excited when I found out you got the promotion.

You're an amazing mentor.

Aw, thank you.


See ya.

Who is that?

I'll do a thumb drive.

Hey, I've been looking for you.

How about dinner, tonight?

Alice said you were looking for me?



Alice told me you'd had a great idea of auctioning Jack.

I know, which is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.

You know it's bad karma to take credit for someone else's idea, especially when you told them that the idea was stupid.

I didn't take credit for it, Nikkii, and I didn't say it was stupid.

I said no.

But upstairs love it so I need you to get Jack to agree to do it.

Why don't you ask him?

You two seem to have a great relationship.

I thought you were Jack's producer, Nikkii.

Just a suggestion.

You and Jack, it's obvious.

But not everyone around here is a "people reader" like me.

So your secret's safe.


Nikkii, just so we're clear, my relationships, personal or professional, are actually none of your business.

I want that auction sorted. End of story.

You know, I really admire you.

Taking your boss's job isn't easy.

But then again neither is taking your best friend's boyfriend.


Oh, shit!


Yeah, coming!


Yeah, hold on!


Yeah, coming!


Mimi: Hello?




A little bit of mess. I thought Dad and Lils were gonna help you unpack.

(GASPS) Whoa, God!

Yeah, they... it's...

Oh, no. Not helping.

Mum, I can do it.

Yeah, no, no. I'm not helping.

I'm not even here. Huh!


Hey, Lil, we should get going.

Lily: Oh, shit!

Pete, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about the gig.

You're not coming?

There are some issues with the show and I haven't had a chance to talk to Jack about everything.

Yeah, I guess you gotta catch him up on your lies.

Don't say that.

I just wish you hadn't implicated me.

I don't... I don't want to be part of lying to Simone.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, 'bye.


Song: ♪ Your soul will fly ♪
♪ Let go tonight ♪
♪ Our bodies collide ♪
♪ Just like June and July ♪
♪ Yeah-ah ♪
♪ We seek, we hide ♪
♪ Behind the lights ♪
♪ Don't open your eyes ♪
♪ Just hold on tight ♪
♪ Yeah-ah ♪
♪ And we'll go where nobody goes ♪
♪ Into our world nobody knows ♪

♪ Just what I feel inside ♪


♪ It's like I'm hypnotised by you ♪
♪ But you can take your time ♪
♪ Yes, you can take your time. ♪

(SIGHS) Okay, I've got to admit it is pretty good.

Apart from the unreachable cupboards and the benches are too high.

Ooh! Don't. You'll cut yourself.



Thank you.


So who is she?

I'm not telling.

Come on!

Well, okay. (CLEARS THROAT) I'd better go, then.

Thanks, Mum.

See you, darling.

Love you.



I'm expecting a good review.

These guys should have made it 10 years ago.

Uh, yeah, I agree.

It should have happened with their first album.

Are you looking for anything in particular or just a bit of everything, the band, the crowd, the energy?

Start with a bit of everything.


There's nothing the music world needs more than great journalism.

It's the only way stupid people develop taste.

(CHUCKLES) I guess so.

Oh, the place looks amazing.

I still feel bad about toppling you over the other night.

It wasn't a problem.

Nearly k*lled you.

It wasn't your fault.

Yeah, I'm gonna blame that terribly drunk lap dancer.

Ah, yeah, her. I had a really good time with her.

She's also pretty beautiful.


It's too much, isn't it?


I'm at a bit of a turning point in my life right now.

I, for some reason, keep choosing relationships that are really bad for me and even when they're good, I screw them up.

It's really just about me figuring out... me.

And also I promised Lily I wouldn't have meaningless sex with you.


Uh, that's a bummer because meaningless sex would have been great.

Oh, dear.

Anouk: I know!


What even was that? (LAUGHS)

Pete: I don't know. It was a bit like Zeppelin and...

The Cure as well. It was amazing.

Yes, exactly what I was thinking.



Do you want to come back and I'll show you what sh*ts I took tonight?

I just live around the corner.



Pete. What the hell are you doing?

How was dinner with the chef?

I didn't go.

Come inside, you idiot.


So where's Meredith?



The mother of your soon-to-be child.

(GROANS) What are you doing?

I'm going to work.


Today is my first show in my new role.

Mmm, you're gonna smash it.

Meredith has gone to the country with Mitchell.


Maybe she's supposed to be with him.

Don't say that.

I'm not sure I'm supposed to be with her.

That's stupid. We're not supposed to be with anyone.

Okay, talk later?

Oh! Please tell me this means Jack is on board.

Nikkii got him.

Which makes him way more shallow than I thought.

He said he's happy to do it.

He said he likes the segment idea and he wants to support Project Safe House.

No one here is concerned about auctioning a man to fund a charity that supports women completely traumatised by men?

All: No.

I thought I should say sorry.

You texted that.

I know, but I thought I should say it again.

Now, my first thought is that we stop all contact outside of work and important meetings for at least three months.

That gives me time to consolidate my career here at the network.

(SOFTLY) And I also think the whole you-and-I thing needs to be kept a secret.

So I really need you to be on board with that.

Simone will eventually start seeing or dating someone else and that will really help and then maybe...

Well, then maybe we can talk.

About what?

About you and I.

I'm not someone you can slot into your life when it suits you.

How dare you create some sort of relationship timetable and expect me to sign off on it?

What we have or had is not some segment for you to produce.

What's up with the man of the moment? I need him in wardrobe.

I'm thinking we can ramp up his hot date factor for the auction.


So do I have free rein?

He is definitely wearing clothes, Nikkii.

Yes. Oh... Yes.


Have a good show, everyone.

Good luck, Lily.

And five, four, three, two.


Camera 2.

Good morning and welcome to 'The Breakfast Bar' with me Eric Albrectson and of course the beautiful Erica Jones.

Oh-ho-ho! Do you know what? We've got a surprise in store today.

To raise money for Project Safe House, we've decided to auction off a studio valuable.

Yes, it's a dinner with our resident chef and possibly the most genuine gentleman I've ever met, Mr Jack Winters.

Eric: Whoo! Smooth!

Erica: Oh, give us a spin.

Jack: You like? Yeah?

Looking good!


It's getting so hot in here, I might need to take all my clothes off.

Dale: Just letting you know you said that out loud.

Jack: Oh, look, it's an absolute privilege to raise funds for the survivors of domestic v*olence.

The volunteers at Project Safe House give hours and hours of time to help women and children in crisis and my contribution is really nothing in comparison.

Seriously, the whole of Australia is going to be in love with him by 10:00am.

Erica: But tell us about this date.

What happens? Will you cook for me?

Well, are you thinking of making a bid, Erica?

Because I would love to cook for you.


Well, you're only human.

All right, let's get the bidding started, then.

Tell our viewers how they can win a date with Jack.

Well, you can make a bid directly on our website.

Whoa. 23 bids in the first two minutes.

Australia is frothing for Jack Winters!

Erica: Jack, I do have a confession to make.

I am a big dessert girl. Shocking sweet tooth.

(JACK CHUCKLES) Well, deconstructed banoffee pie is a classic from a new angle.

Ooh, stop it! My mouth is watering already. (CHUCKLES)

Didn't expect that to happen. Too much cream.

Erica, we've hit 2,700 with Jemima1.

Oh, we have Jemima1 in the lead with a bid of 2,700.

And we're going to a commercial in five, four, three...

Alice, can you get me some comments?


Eric, we'll get some bidder comments down to you for you to read out.

Can you take them down and give them to the floor manager?

Eric: No, no, no, I don't want to read bloody bidder's comments.

I mean, how is that journalism, Lily? Honestly.

I know how important this cause is to you and I want the viewers to know that too.

Your endorsement gives our segment integrity.

Woman: Five, four, three, two...

Camera one on Eric.

Well, Sandy from Williamstown says she'd like to make Jack a part of her complete breakfast.

Well, Sandy, that's why we have him on 'The Breakfast Bar', don't we?

(ERIC CHUCKLES) You know, I was auctioned once.

Oh, Jesus, Lily, can I move off him, please?

As quickly as you can.

How did that cattle sale go, Eric?

Lily: I need to see the candlelit table and Erica is to join Jack.

Can you get one of our bidders so we can put them through to Eric?

I'm on it.

This really is a dream date.

Now, look, I have to ask you, Jack.

Our highest bidder, can they just request any meal they wish?

Jack: Not exactly.

You tell me anything you don't like, I'll work around that.

But I'm hoping to give the winner some new taste sensation.


Hey guys, we've got a bidder on the line.

Hello there, bidder. What's your name?

(On phone): Yeah, hi. My name's Duncan.

Hello, Duncan. Glad you could phone in, mate.

So, Duncan, tell me, why do you want to have dinner with Jack?

I really like the stuff he cooks.

Eric is loving this.

Duncan: I think he's a good guy.

Erica: That's great, Duncan.

Now, Jack, I'm sure that this is the question on all of our viewers' lips.

I have to ask... are you single?


Yes, I'm... I'm single.


No partner! I have to say, I'm shocked.

Well, it's hard working like I do.

Between the restaurant and the show, there's just no time.



Uh... Sassydame86 just bid $3,900!

Sassydame86 just bid $3,900.

Erica: Wow. That's... that's a bid of $3,900.

Sassydame86. And I'm pretty sure that Jack is worth every cent.

Oh, Duncan, did you hear that?

Can you give me Sassydame's email address?

There you go.

Eric: You're no longer the leading bid!

Dale, can you take over for five minutes?

Dale: Sure.

Lils, did you see?

You have to stop bidding.

Simone: Why?

You just... You can't.

It's perfect.

It's a televised dinner.

I know.

A televised dinner!

Not the way to try and get back together when it already didn't work out.

Did Jack tell you to call me?

No, no, he didn't, Sim. I just...

I don't want you to embarrass yourself.

I don't care if I look stupid.

Jack was great to me and, in a way, I rejected him.

I want to do something to fix that.

What will you do, go on TV and say you're sorry for doing coke and sleeping with Lucas?

What's going on, Lil?

Has he spoken to you since you turned up at his house with breakfast?

No, he hasn't. Please, Sim, just leave it alone.

I don't... I don't want you to be embarrassed.

How do you know I brought him breakfast?





Duncan: I'll eat anything Jack gives me. Yeah.

I fear where this might lead.

Duncan won.

I'm pretty excited.

Erica: Congratulations, Duncan from Geelong.

$5,100. What a bid that is!

What a bid indeed.

Hey, Duncan, make sure you get your money's worth.

Dale: And I was right.

What do you mean by that, Eric?

Like to be a fly on the wall on that date!

Oh, God, get off Eric. He's gonna say something h*m*.

Jack, can you give me a wind-up for about 30 seconds?

To everyone who bid today, I'm humbled by the interest you've shown in Project Safe House...

Look at that dimple!

Jack: There is nothing more important to me than getting men in behind the campaign to stop v*olence.

Duncan, you took the lead here, mate, so you sound like you're definitely my kind of guy.

Look forward to meeting you soon.

Bring on the pink dollar sponsors, people!

Erica, back to you. Do not let Eric say anything.

Man: Camera one.

Erica: Thank you, everyone.

And thank you to our ever generous chef.

Enjoy your Saturday.

We'll be back tomorrow morning with Jack to spice up your weekend.



That was a great first show, Lily.

Thanks to all of you.




Sim, I'm really, really sorry.

It was a huge, stupid mistake and it will never happen again, I promise.

The problem is, Lil... it's not about the sex.

You lied to me.

I know. I wanted to tell you.

But I...

I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

What about Jack? He must have been in on it.

And Pete. He must have known.

No, Pete... It wasn't... it wasn't like that.

You were at Jack's when I was there.

Did you know it was me?

I hid in the wardrobe.

You're pathetic. I...

Do you love him?

Do you love Jack?

'Cause that's the only way that this will make any sense.

I don't... I don't know what to say.

I'll do anything, I'll do anything, please.

You used to say that I had bad taste in boyfriends.

But maybe the real problem was just... bad taste in friends.

I'm sorry.

I can't.


Song: ♪ I want you till I feel your touch ♪
♪ I keep you close, close enough ♪
♪ I'm only here with half of me ♪
♪ Can I give you what you need? ♪
♪ I feel myself closing up... ♪




I get it. You don't want to move to the country.

It's just my life's here.


My dad, my friends, my work...

Yeah, yeah. Look, I get it.

What do we have in common, Meredith?


We have a baby in common.



I went out to a gig last night and got way too drunk.


No, it gets worse.

I... I kissed a girl from work and she invited me back, but I didn't go.

I stayed at Lily's.

Are you mad?


Are you gonna keep being weird about Mitchell?

Only if you move to Daylesford with him.

Okay, I... I might have put my hands down Anouk's pants, but I thought about having sex with her, didn't do it.

(TEARFULLY) Have sex with me.


Song: ♪ Feel me fading ♪
♪ Feel me fading ♪
♪ We weren't scared ♪
♪ Drenched and obsessed ♪
♪ But well-dressed... ♪


♪ We are fading... ♪