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01x05 - I Fought the Law

Posted: 11/04/16 08:54
by bunniefuu
Well, I think the results speak for themselves.

What does it say?

It says she's a match.

But no, it's wrong.

How many people handled my swab?

Did you give it to him or her?

Chris: No.

I didn't touch anything.

There was no contamination.

You want me to be absolutely honest?

Yes, Dad.

Your mum was two months gone when I met her, Bill.

I bequeath my entire estate between my wife and each of my offspring.

She gets exactly the same as the rest of us?

Billie needs to know that Bruno is asking a ton of questions about her.

I'm pretty sure we're safe here.

Bruno: You seen the paper today, Gus?

She's a beauty, your girl, huh?

Yeah, she must be worth a bit now, huh?

So either you find her or I will.

Got it.

When you have a chance, can we talk?

I don't know if this is the best time.

They want to reintroduce live music to Jack's bar.

Sounds like a great idea to me.

Are you insane?

I'll look after it like it's my own.

Do what you want. I'm outnumbered anyway.

Aren't you gonna ask me where I've been all night?

I know where you were.

Jamie is...

He's hot. I know. You've told me a thousand times.

Yeah, but this time I was gonna say 'amazing'.

This yours?

The bag is mine, yeah.

I've already said it was me. They'll leave you out of it.

I'll pay whatever fine you want.

Yeah, I wish it was that easy.

Billie has a prior conviction for armed robbery.

Without a strong advocate, it could be rather tricky.

Let's make it tricky for her.

What did he say to you?

He reckons he was only pretending to work for Bruno so he could protect me.

(WHISPERS) I think that's probably the truth.

I hope so, although his track records aren't that great when it comes to that.

No. But in this case I believe him.

I know. I want to.

What look are you going for?

Shy, innocent, apologetic.

It's not court, though, right?

No, that's tomorrow.

I've gotta meet with this lawyer fella who's gonna help me practice saying I'm sorry.

"I'm sorry, Your Honour."

So you want us to believe you're here for Bill?

Bruno's trying to earn anything he can out of this place.

I've just got to stall him.

But you can't even be honest about being awake.

Layla. You treat dogs better than this.

Go on, then. Roll over.


Oh, sorry, babe.

I'm just trying to figure out if he's ghosting me.

What, no reply yet?


So Jamie messages me and I write back...

Wait, he texted you first and then you replied?

Yeah, but he didn't.

If you're not interested in having a conversation, don't start one.

I might be old-fashioned. Just call him.


You can't follow up a text with a call.

That's worse than double texting.

Hmm. That one.


Quick shower, then I'll give my silly brother a lesson in text etiquette.

Susan: I'm sorry, they're here now?

They're not supposed to be here for another 20 minutes.

Isn't Chris supposed to be dealing with this?

I didn't realise he was so interested in the bar relaunch.

Harriet, wait.

I'm running late.

Just a sec.

Yes, I'll be down in a minute.

Uh, darling, could you help me put this on?

Why don't we... do something together tonight?

Something special. You and me.


That's nice.


Thank you.

It's so important we stay close, Harri.

You and me, keep talking about Dad.

How we can help each other.


I've got to go.

I'll call if something comes up.

Modern dating blows.

Boys suck at it.

Come on. We're not all bad.

Hey, hey, hey. I've turned over a new leaf, all right?

For me, it's the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth from now on.


Hey, looking good, Bill.



Oooh, got the pulsing dots.

Maybe he does have some manners.

Nup, they've stopped.

I thought those things were supposed to make our lives less stressful.


Cool. You're still here.

Just leaving.

I wanted to wish you luck.

Yeah, me too.

Good luck, Bill.

Hey, same rules. No minibar, no room service.

I just thought...

No discussion.

Catch you later.

Ta. Bye.

So a friend of a friend's brother's gay room-mate got caught shoplifting and she just got a fine.

The trick is to convince them that you won't do it again.

"It was just a brain snap, huh? I don't know what came over me."

Look, I really am sorry.

I feel awful.

Hey, don't worry too much.

I'm just gonna meet with this lawyer fella today, figure out what I'm gonna say tomorrow and that'll be it.

Okay. Can we meet up after?


See you then.

Hey, what about that time Tina Arena came here? How old were we?

Old enough to have a crush on her, I remember that.

Hey, thanks for coming on board with this, Chris.


Yeah, no worries. Should be fun.

But if it loses money, I was against it from the start. Clear?


There you are.

Gee, this place is lookin' real good.

When's opening night?

When are you free?


For opening. To head the bill.



No. Really?

Just joking. (LAUGHS)

Bloody idiot.

Still trying to find a headliner.

But he will need a support act. It's true.

And that could be you.

Wait. Hang on.

Let's just lock in a headliner first and then we can talk support.

And, oi, about Layla, if you're into her, tell her.

If you're not, don't lead her on. She's real sensitive, you know.


About time, buggerlugs.

Yeah, hello.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yep, fine.

But, look, I don't waste my time on guys that don't wanna go out with me so do you wanna go out or what?

Are you kidding? I'd love to.

So, what are you doing the rest of the day?

Hey, Billie. Things are really shaping up, huh?

How good's that?

Sounds amazing.

Yeah. What about you?



They did ask you to be the support act.

Oh, Carmine, I don't think that's a great idea.

(LAUGHS) Sure it is.

No one knows me.

Well, they will know that Jack's Bar is about the Norton family.

And you're part of that now.

Jack lives through you, Billie.

And the way you sang at his wake, well, if he was still alive, he'd book you in a heartbeat.

Do it for him, Billie.



♪ You don't know what you don't know And you're good like that ♪
♪ You can get the one you love when you get like that ♪
♪ And you don't get the one and not the other ♪
♪ Keep digging through the pain to find your lover ♪

Now, it was larceny, right?

Shoplifting, yeah.

Which, under the Crimes Act, is in fact larceny.

Now... Billie Carter.

Have you given a statement to the police already?


Is that your signature?

So, in here, you say that you knew the value of the item was over $900... and you knew you hadn't paid for it.

I was just being honest.

They really should just teach this to kids in schools.

If you're arrested, say nothing. It's that simple.

Really does make my job a lot easier.

Okay. What now?

Um, plead guilty, say you're sorry, cop a fine, hope we get a nice magistrate.

So it'll just be a fine?

Yeah. Yeah, probably.

So, thanks for popping in.

See you at court tomorrow.


Bruno: Gus? Oh, about time you picked up. You found anything?

Gus: Yeah, yeah, they got a lot of nice stuff here, mate.

But they've got a lot of security and cameras and crap too.

Don't give me excuses.

No, no, no, mate. I'm not. I'm not, I swear to god.

Hey, wait.


Cars, mate.

Good morning.

They got a lot of flash cars here too.

Great. Now we're talking.

I have to score a job parking the bastards first, you know, and then I can go, like, undercover and shit, find out where they keep the keys, who watches them...

I'll plan it real proper, like, you know. Might take some time, mate.

They've got a lot of security here, Bruno.

Gus, stop mucking about.

Yeah, no, no, no. I don't want to scare the horses, mate.

I mean, slowly, slowly, catchy monkey.

Can you just give me a call the minute a convertible comes in, all right?

And then I'll meet you at Mikey's. You got it?

Hey, Gus, who is she close to?

Oh, younger brother, Jamie. Half-sister.


Yeah, yeah.

That's her name, I think. Why?

Just doing some online research.

Hell, she's got more friends than Kim Kardashian.

Yeah, all right. See ya.

Hey! Hey!

Hey, I haven't...


He is hard work.

If Jamie could get me a job parking the cars, it'll help me stall Bruno and that'll help me to help you, without helping him.

Hey, Bill. How'd you go?

Like we thought. Gotta say sorry and probably cop a fine.

Did you tell them how silly the other thing was?

What thing?

The pizza robbery.

Uh, he didn't ask.

He didn't ask about prior convictions?

Should he have?

Always threw mine in my face, Bill.

A record?

Do they have to know?

Well, yeah. I mean, you didn't tell me you had a criminal record.

Aren't you meant to ask her that?

Yeah. But, I mean... (EXHALES) Well, what did you do?

Uh, it'll say armed robbery, but...

Armed robbery? Holy mother in heaven!

It was just a plastic fork and a pizza.

But if that's on your docket... I mean... if they're weighing up what to give you and you have a prior for armed robbery, whew!

What do you mean, "Whew"? What's the worst that could happen?

Community service?

Oh, no.

No, she's going to jail. That's almost certain.

Well, don't blame me.

You said it was in hand.

It is.

No, no, no.

He's an incompetent prat who doesn't give a damn about her.

He didn't even ask her if she had a record. Who chose him?

I just told Nick to brief someone with experience in these sort of cases.

Why not a barrister?

It's a minor summary offence. She's pleading guilty.

Why would I think she needed a barrister?

Because she might go to jail.

Well, I didn't know that.

If it was one of us, you would've found a barrister.

Not for something like this.

Oh, crap.

You don't like her. You never have.

You won't lift a finger to help her.

After everything I've done for you and your brother, you have the gall to think I'd, what, actively sabotage her?

Well, we need to find the best we can now.

With a day to go? Who's gonna be available?

We have to try.

All right. I will.

But don't expect miracles.

You know what, forget about it. Leave it to me.

It's all right. I'll do it.

Where is she anyway?

Trying to find a character witness, which is her only other chance of staying out of jail.


Have you ever used an iron?

Didn't think I'd be going to court.

All right, you want my advice?

Dob in the klepto. You don't owe Harriet anything.

Hey, she just lost her dad. I can't.

Don't tell anyone. Promise.



Especially Jamie.

Bill, when you get out of this, and you will get out of it, we're gonna lay down some ground rules.

Number one, do what Layla says.

Number two, sing the roof off at Jack's Bar.

And number three, stop putting everybody else before you.


Ah, right.

Let's find a suit.

Oh, yeah. Nose hair trimming.

Very delicate operation, that.

You were trimming nose hairs with nail clippers?

Oh, yeah. It'll be fine by tomorrow. Just gotta stop the bleedin'.

Hey, you ever wear this?

It's one of Dad's old ones.

Where are your ties?

I don't have many.

Check the back of the top drawer.

I better make some calls.

The way Susan was talking, I don't think she's gonna be much help.


There we go.

Oh, ta.

Don't think I've ever been to court before where I'm not the defendant.

It's gonna be a whole new experience.

Normally I just say, "Guilty, Your Honour. Dunno what come over me."


Yeah, well, this time it'll be different.

I know you really wanna be a father to me, so here's your chance.

My name is Augustus Carter and I'm not actually Billie's father but I've known her all her life.

And I would swear on a stack of bibles taller than Uluru that I have never witnessed her steal anything from anyone, ever.


Um, do you need that to sound a little bit more professional?

Well, ideally, a good character witness would be someone of high standing in the community.

I'm not that short.

No, no, I mean, if you were asked your profession, do you think you could say a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher?

I'd say whatever you want me to say.

Mr Carter, please.

Have you ever actually held a position of even moderate responsibility anywhere?


Yes, I have, actually.

I was the principal of the Walperinga Primary School, nine years. Retired in 2010.

I mean, that was before the pizza incident.

Does that count?

Um, yes.



I oversaw the teachers, ran the assembly, managed the finances, caned all the stirrers every Friday afternoon.

Well, they did outlaw caning in public schools in 1990, so...

We leave the caning bit out.

In fact, I'm glad they got rid of it. Jeez, it used to hurt.

Mr Carter...

Look, okay...

I could pass a lie detector test if I had to.

You just tell me what I have to say and I'll say it.

This is my Billie we're talking about here, okay? I'd die for her.

So just tell me, how can I help ya?

Frankly, stay away.


You were a partner in her armed robbery charge.

There's another strike here for theft...

That was dropped.

If you come within a mile of the courtroom, we will be worse off than we are now.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Come on, let's go.

Um... you go.

Give the suit back. I'm just gonna go get some air.



♪ Breaking rocks in the hot sun ♪
♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪
♪ I needed money 'cause I... I had none ♪
♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪
♪ I miss my baby and I feel so bad I guess my race is run ♪
♪ He's the best guy that I ever had ♪
♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪

Well, did he have any other suggestions?

No. Not as such.

Well, maybe I could be a character witness.

Sorry, Layla. You work in a bar and you're her best friend.

What about me or you?

We've known her for, like, a minute and a half.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Well, I would mind saying I've known her for years.

You're willing to lie in court for someone you barely know?

At least I'm doing something to help her. What are you doing?

Paying her legal fees. What else do you want me to do?

How about ditching her useless lawyer and finding a barrister that can actually make a difference?

Call Nick McKay. Ask his advice.

Why can't he do it?

No, his specialty's corporate but he knows every barrister in town.


Yeah, that's what the lawyer reckons, depending on the magistrate.

But that... that's... No! They can't send you to jail!

I've got to tell the truth.

Jamie: Nick, come on. You brief these guys all the time, don't you?

I know the best are always busy but we... we just have to find someone marginally better than this idiot she's got at the moment.

Thank you.

Can we push it back a week?

I don't think "We need a better lawyer" is a good enough reason.

I'll keep trying.

Mr Stryver.


I thought we were meeting in court.


Your school uniform's a nice touch.

Dressed like that, you might only get six months.

No, I'm not Amy. I'm here for Billie.


Billie Carter.

I'm Harriet Norton, her sister. Here about a shoplifting charge.

Oh. Yes. Right.

The thing is, it wasn't her, it was me.

But she knew how much trouble I'd get into at home so she took the blame, and you've got to let me tell the truth.

You've had plenty of time to tell the truth.

I know, but I didn't realise that she might...

I mean, how serious it is.

So you're fessing up now just to make sure that Billie doesn't go to jail?


Well, no. I mean, sort of.

It's mostly so everyone knows the truth.

Okay. So here's what you'll be telling the court.

On the day that Billie was arrested, she told the cops she did it.

She told me that too.

I know.

But now, when you've suddenly realised there might be jail time, you're saying you did it?


But it's true.

If it's true, then you were both lying in the beginning.

And if it's false, you're lying now.

Either way, you're asking court to believe a liar.

We're stuffed.

In the future, own up to these things immediately.

They only get worse the longer you leave them.

Dad would've found a way to sort this out.

Yeah, and he would've made sure that his little firecracker stayed out of trouble.

Just like I am.

I'm your big sister now, all right, so you better get used to it.

Billie, I should...


If you're gonna say something, go for it.

Listen, I made a choice. I'll live with it.

And you always learn something.

I just know I'm not going back to that shop ever again, especially with you.

The shop owner.

Give me your phone. Mine's dead.

I'm gonna appeal to the shop owner publicly.


Get the social justice warriors on our side.

They can help?

They can topple governments.

Harriet: (ON VOICEMAIL) Hi, this is Harriet.

If you're hot, leave a message. Bye.


You might have to get something a bit groovier now that you're opening a music venue.

Groovier? What, you want to be my stylist?




What have you two been up to?

We were just in the bar, putting up the last of the boxes on the mezzanine.

Actually, there's a lot of Jack's old photo albums and stuff.

You might wanna have a look some time, see if there's anything you want to keep.

Thanks. I will.

Uh, you haven't seen Harriet, by any chance, have you?

Not tonight.


Ah. Here they are.

Hi, darling.

Hey, Mum. Soz. Forgot about us.

Yeah. I tried calling.

My phone died.

Well, hope it didn't suffer too much.



Uh, anyway, home now. You coming up?


See what happens in the morning.


I'm so sorry the news from today wasn't as positive as we hoped but I've spoken to Nick and he's checking all other options.

So, how's school?

Good. (YAWNS)

I think I'll... go to my room. Do you mind?

Love you.

Love you too, darling.



Jamie: You'd think out of all those barristers someone could do something.

I've left over 50 messages.

We won't hear anything till the morning now.

Is there anything more we could've done?

Not today.

Still can't believe she actually did it.

We've all done something stupid.

Like, yeah.

But to end up in jail...

It's ridiculous.

Shouldn't you be with her tonight?

I asked, but she really wanted to be alone.

What you've tried to do for her today has been amazing.
♪ Pinch me Am I still breathing? ♪
♪ Lines blurred and colours bleeding ♪
♪ I trace your figure with my hands ♪
♪ Hang on the words you're speaking I've never known this feeling ♪
♪ Your moves have got me in a trance ♪
♪ But I don't mind at all ♪
♪ Come closer, come closer ♪
♪ Heaven only finds me here with you ♪
♪ In this moment, this moment ♪
♪ Loving you is all I want to do ♪
♪ Too much is not enough, yeah ♪
♪ Let go and I need your touch again ♪
♪ Come closer, come closer ♪
♪ Heaven only finds me here with you ♪
♪ Oh-oh... ♪


I wish we could just keep it going.

We can't?

I want to.

So do I.

But you can see why it's complicated.

Does it have to be?

If we're both happy and we both want it, can we just be open about it?

With me the boss and you the employee?

Well, I'm not saying we have to advertise it.

We shouldn't have to hide it. We are both adults.

I think we better... Just for now.

Who'd you leave in the kitchen?

Just Brad. He'll cope.

What if he's not?

I think we should...

Get back.

Yeah. Just in case.




Bill. How are you feeling about court today?

Well, I'm not giving up. We've still got a few hours left.

I'll let you know once we've found someone.

How was your night?

You're okay with us, yeah?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

He's your brother.

Nah, it's cool. Go for it.

He really is one in a million.

I mean, there's everything he's doing for you and this place and...

Billie, last night...

Nah. No details.

Yeah, sorry. Um... can I do anything for ya?

I'm all right. I just can't believe how much everyone's doing to help.

Need some space to sort myself out.


Woman: Hi, how are you?


Hey, little sis.

Billie, my post got over 2,000 likes.

It totally went viral.

And I've got a meeting with the shop owners in five.

What's that?

Keep your phone on.

If I can do a deal and get them to drop the charges...

What deal?

Don't worry. I've got a plan.

I'll call you ASAP.

Harriet... Harriet!


What is she doin'?

Hey, Bruno. Back in town. Lookin' sharp.

You know, a spot of business, follow the dollar.


Hey, listen, last time you were here, that guy you were with...



That's the bastard that still owes me money.

Look, if business goes well today, I'll square off his tab, okay?

Now, remember, the more specific the figure, the more realistic it sounds, okay?

Is that her?


Miss Norton. Glad you could make it.

Please, can I introduce you to my business partner?


You're not the girl on your profile pic.

No, but we handle Ms Farinacci's business and financial decisions.

Please, have a seat.

Now, they've incurred a long list of costs over this but we are prepared to drop the charges if those are met.

We've consulted our legal advisers.

We feel a fair figure is $9,736.

And 52 cents.

I can't get you that sort of money.

Then what are we doing here?


I do have this.

Have we got a deal?


Hello. Susan Norton.

Looks like no one can help at all.

Jamie, have you seen Harri this morning?

Isn't she at school?

No, they just called.

No doubt she wants to help Billie through her day in court.

The hold your friend has over my daughter is becoming absurd.

Have you tried calling her?

Yeah. She never answers.

They're probably holding up a service station as we speak.

God knows why Harriet needs a role model.


Did you or Nick have any luck finding another lawyer?

Sadly, no. At short notice, no one's available.

Did you try?

Of course.


If she's right about how much this is worth, then we're still four Ks short of what we're asking.

Dad, this is all we're gonna get today.

Let's take it, regroup and work out how we're gonna con the rest of the family, the ones with the real dough.


But she's gotta have a letter of provenance.


I learnt that from the Rolex. There's fakes everywhere.

If she can prove that it's the real deal, we'll take it.

Brilliant. Done.


I know. I know. I know.

I know you said stay away but I just wanted to wish you luck, all right?

I won't go inside, I won't talk to anyone...

I won't touch anything, all right?


I just wanted to let my girl know, okay?

Whatever happens, there's an old fella here who loves you so much and I just hope beyond hope everything works out all right.


Harriet, what have you been doing?

It's sorted. The owner's dropping the charges.

You should get a call from your lawyer soon.


Well, in the end, I had to give them one of Mum's necklaces.

Harrier, you can't just steal Susan's necklace.

Well, they wouldn't take anything else.

Love you.

Love you. But wait...

See you back at home.

What's going on?

Harriet reckons the shop owner's dropping the charges.

Can they?

Can't they?

I don't think so, mate.

Well, the whole conversation's been online.

They might want to but if the police charge ya, only the police can drop the charges.

I mean, I should know if anyone should.

Here, look.

Maria Farinacci.

Those bastards.


Harriet's not talking to the owners.

That's the calendar girl from Bruno's workshop.

Wait. What?

I'll see you soon.


You go inside.


I'll fix that up, sweetie.

No. No, this shouldn't take long. It's just a plea, then a sentence.

Yep, I'll be in town by 3:30.

When do we have to go in?


Can it wait? Give me ten.

No, no, no, no, no. Come on. We're inside.

It's happening now.

Oh, Bruno, Bruno, Bruno.

You creature of habit.

Yes. Can I... can I have the police, please?

Hello. Yes. Yes.

Look, I've been robbed. Yes.

These people have stolen my wife's very, very expensive necklace and they're still here, sitting in this cafe.

Yeah, they threatened me with a cricket bat... once.

Yes, I need assistance, please.


Where have you been?

The school rang. You weren't answering my calls.

I was keeping Billie out of jail.

One of us had to.


The dress shop.

I met with the owner's partners and they agreed to drop the charges.

In return for what?

Mum... it's okay.

I know you'll hate me but it was an expression of loyalty and love for my beautiful sister and if you look at it that way...

You took my necklace to save her?

Someone had to.

Hang on. Who did you meet?

Her business partners.

What business partners? Maria Farinacci runs her own company.

In fact, how did you even know how to contact them?


They replied to a post.

And you just believed they were her business partners? (SIGHS)

This is insane.

There's no one. It's down to us.

But she really didn't want any of us there.

I don't care.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know yet.

Man: Matter number 435 in your criminal list, Your Honour.

Mr Stryver, solicitor, appearing for the defendant.

Hello again, Mr Stryver.

Your Honour. At this point, we'd like to enter a plea of guilty.

Do you have any matters to put into mitigation, Mr Stryver?

We'd like the court to take into account that, as to her prior charge of armed robbery in company, many years have passed and she has since been of refined character.

And do you have any character references to attest to that?

No... Your Honour. No.



Jamie: Right or left?

Layla: Left, left.

Okay, take care, all right? All the best to you, all right?

Jeez, he's great, huh?

Man: Mind if we have a look at that box, please, madam?

How much further?

Oh, the next corner.

Just so we're absolutely clear, Mr Stryver, could you please consider your client's position before I'm forced to hand down a custodial sentence, which is all I can do on the facts currently before me.

Do you have any further statements to make on her behalf?

Uh, no, Your Honour.


Well, unfortunately, the court rules...

Jamie: Hang on. Wait.


What are you doing here?

I'm a character witness.

Call me.

Stryver: What?

Call me.


Is there a problem, Mr Stryver?


Your Honour, my name is James Norton and I'm here to speak as a character witness for Miss Carter.

I'm glad someone is.

So do I just...

Yes, by all means. Take the stand.

Your Honour, the young lady that sits before you is one of the most caring, generous, honest people I know.

And she is all this despite the carelessness of a stepfather who is actually entirely responsible for her previous charge.

Duly noted, Mr Norton.

And then to discover recently that she's part of our family, she's actually our sister...

I can only imagine the shock she would've gone through.

Are you asking me to believe that people in shock sometimes do things completely out of character?

That's exactly what I'm asking.

So, while she was in this state of shock...

She made one mistake, just to fit in so she might be able to hang on to her new family, a new home.

The real Billie Carter, the one that I've come to know so well, that is a woman of compassion and selflessness, which, given her extraordinary circumstances, would be a great shame to overlook.

I'm over here, Mr Norton.

I'm sorry, Your Honour.


That's all.

You may step down, Mr Norton. Thank you.

Miss Carter.

The court finds Mr Norton's character reference to be persuasive and credible.

Therefore, pursuant to section ten of the Sentencing Act, I find the charge proven... but no conviction will be recorded.

You are free to go, Miss Carter.


We made it! We made it! We made it! Yes!

No conviction recorded. Off scot-free, in other words.

Go, Bill!


Go, Jamie. Talk about life-saver.

Wasn't he?

Hey, Gus. Nice work from you too.

Yeah, mate, I tell you, it felt good to see Bruno and his mutt get thrown in the back of that cop car.

Here, there's one for you.

Thanks, darlin'.

Oh, what's that? What's that?

Oh, must be for Harriet.

Thank you.

Put it back quick so your mum doesn't notice, eh?

Too late. I'm lucky to be alive.

Hey, does she know about Billie getting off?

Mmm. She just said, "Oh, great, I'm so pleased for her" and then stormed off.

I'm not judging, but he's been so weird lately.


Hey. Great news. Congratulations.

Uh, sorry to interrupt but, um, final soundcheck in Jack's Bar.

See you down there.

I think I'll stay here.

Hey, um, I could say thank you a million times and it still wouldn't be enough.

Meant every word.

No. I owe you.

Come on.

Hey, ta.


Wow, that's sounding deadly.

Yeah, it'd want to be with how much these new foldbacks are costing me.

Just needs a test run.

Go for it, Billie.

Come on.

(SINGS) ♪ Sometimes I feel I've got to run away ♪
♪ I've got to get away ♪
♪ From the pain you drive into the heart of me ♪
♪ The love we share Seems to go nowhere ♪
♪ And I've lost my light ♪
♪ For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night ♪
♪ Once I ran to you Now I'll run from you ♪
♪ This tainted love you've given I gave you all a girl could give you ♪
♪ Take my tears and that's not nearly all ♪
♪ Tainted love, oh-oh-oh-oh Tainted love ♪
♪ Oh, tainted love, oh-oh-oh-oh Tainted love ♪
♪ Oh, tainted love Oh-oh-oh-oh, tainted love ♪

Yeah! All right!

That sounds great.


We're set.

Jamie, can you guys give me a hand upstairs for a sec?



I'll catch you later, Billie.

Thanks again, Jamie.


Pretty good, huh?

We got a night or what?

Enjoy that?

What's wrong?

I just wanted you to stay around.

That was the only reason.

And this is the last lie. I promise you.

That DNA test...

I swapped the samples.

So it was my DNA they tested, not yours and that's why it was a match.


You're not really related to us or Jamie at all.

I'm so sorry.

I mean, it's good news in one way, right?

No, Harriet.

Billie... Billie, come back. Billie, just stop for a second.