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01x04 - Lean on Me

Posted: 11/03/16 14:51
by bunniefuu
It says she's a match.

Welcome to the Norton family.

Your mum was two months gone when I met her, Bill.

She didn't tell me who the father was then.

I didn't want to know!

Just get out! Go!

Sorry, Bill.

If you don't have 20 grand in the next ten seconds, Lloyd's got batting practice with your dad!

You will. Done.


Who are these wankers Billie's hooked up with, Gus?

I mean, she's got a bob or two.

If he does tell you, you'll tell me, alright?

You might be getting a helper.



So she's staying?

She might surprise you. She's not bad at surprises.

She can bloody well sing, that's for sure.

I bequeath my entire estate between my wife Susan and each of my surviving offspring.

She gets exactly the same as the rest of us?

A part of all this?

Billie has a prior conviction for armed robbery.

Stupid girl.

Without a strong advocate, it could be rather tricky.


Hey, you. How's it going?

Yeah, good.

Gee, that was convincing.

Is that Billie?

Hey, tell her she's still fired.


I don't wanna talk to him.

It's not her, OK? It's my sister.

She's about to drop her third kid, so I've got to see how she's travelling.

What's that? Your waters broke?

Oh, alright.

All over the floor?

Yeah, gross. I don't need to know, mate.


Alright, what's up?

Oh, I don't know. I just miss you, that's all.

Is Dad OK?

I think so. I haven't seen much of him, to be honest.

He's staying away from Bruno, isn't he?

Yeah. But, Bill, I thought you'd washed your hands of him.

I have. Sort of.

Alright, what's going on?

I don't know, Layla.

Everything's a complete mess.

The memorial for Jack is tomorrow and I don't know if I should go.

Of course you should.

I don't know what I'd wear.

All I've got is the stuff that I threw in the back of the car when I left.

I can send you some money.

I don't need money, Layla.

I've inherited more than I'll be able to use.

Which is why the wicked stepmother hates me.

Everyone's whisperin' about me, about why I'm here, about being a blackfella.

People who work there?


Well, doesn't that mean they work for you now?

I guess so.

So tell them to get their arses... (HORN HONKS) ...go down on the street and then...

Layla, Layla, stop. I'm not saying all of that.

Hey, Gus, mate. I need to talk to you.

Yeah, yeah, no, for sure, mate. Are you well?

No, I'm not well!

(WHISPERS) Is Bruno inside?

Bruno? No.

Oh, good. OK, I'll talk later.

No, no, no...

Yeah, good kid. Good kid.

Oi! We're on! Come on!

Oi, keep your shirt on!

I gotta go, babe.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro.


What, you got a gig?

Yeah. Um, can I call you later?

Nah, that's fine.

Have fun.

Hey, good luck tomorrow.


Did your sister have the kid?

Yeah, 'cause it only takes five minutes.

Yeah, alright. Spare me the details.

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, is he?

Mate, I don't think he knows where the shed is.

Hello, Walperinga! Hey!


It's not the same without Billie.

Not by a long shot.

♪ Should I stay or should I go now? Whoo! ♪
♪ Should I stay or should I go now? ♪
♪ So, come on and let me know ♪
♪ This indecision's bugging me ♪
♪ If you don't want me, set me free ♪
♪ Exactly who I'm supposed to be ♪
♪ Don't you know which clothes even fit me? ♪


♪ Come on and let me know... ♪


♪ Should I stay or should I go now? Whoo! ♪
♪ Should I stay or should I go now? ♪
♪ Yeah, if I go there will be trouble ♪
♪ And if I stay there will be double ♪
♪ So you got to let me know ♪
♪ Should I stay or should I go? ♪

Thank you!

Thank you, Walperinga!



Man: Another schooner, thanks, mate.




I got a Facebook message today.

If it was another one of those stupid cat videos, spare me.

It was from a journalist.


You didn't reply, did you?

Yeah. I sent him a photo of my boobs.

You think that's funny?

Little bit.

Grow up, Harriet.

Give her a break, Chris. What did you say to the guy?



Well, what do we do if he shows up tomorrow?


I'll book security just in case.

Yeah. And while you're at it, why don't you contact the newspaper the vulture works for and see if they condone their staff targeting teenagers on social media?

Look, no real harm's been done.

That's not the point. She's 16 years old.

I should've known it was too much to expect just a bit of privacy for one day.

Calm down, Susan. It's just one journo.

And what about everyone else?

They're gonna want to know what Jack was doing in the middle of nowhere when he died, not to mention who Billie is.

I mean, what if people start to put two and two together, asking questions?

Then we give them an answer.

(SIGHS) Brilliant.


Genius, in fact.

And here I was, thinking it might be a bit awkward to explain.

Explain what? It's a fact. You just say it.

Oh! Oh, I know.

Maybe we should just put in the order of service, "Please say hello to the illegitimate child Jack fathered during his first marriage."

Hey, this is not my fault and it's not Billie's either.


Can we please discuss this outside?

Why do you have to be such a knob?

Because you're so bloody naive, it makes me wanna scream.

Your brother's right, Chris.

See? She agrees. You're a knob.

Not about that. About none of this being Billie's fault.

Or ours, for that matter, but that doesn't make it any less difficult to deal with.

I'm just saying we can't keep it a secret forever.

I know that, but just for this one day, maybe it would be better for everyone if Billie wasn't there.

She has to be there.


I'll explain it to her if you like but I think she'd rather hear it from you.

She won't be hearing it from anyone.

Dad wanted Billie found.

He wanted to do the right thing.

I'd rather answer a million awkward questions than lose sight of that.

This may come as a shock to you but you're not the only person in this family.

That's right.


I can't stop you from saying what you want, but that goes both ways.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that if you even hint that Billie's not welcome tomorrow, I'll tell that journalist everything he wants to know.



Billie: Hey.

Didn't realise you were up here.

No biggie. Just waiting for the stars to come out.

Well, you'll have to go back to the country for that.

When my mum died, Dad...

Gus... told me that she'd gone to heaven but if I looked real hard, I'd be able to see her in the stars.

You know, when my mum died, my dad locked himself in one of these rooms with a case full of booze.

The only thing bigger than the bar bill was his hangover.




Oh, my...


Come on!


Can this day get any worse?





Yeah. Cheers for that.

Thanks, mate.

OK. That's security taken care of.

What's wrong?

I don't understand it.

He's willing to turn his back on all of us for her.

He's not turning his back on us.

He's just... doing what he thinks Dad would want.

You know what I want?

To farewell my husband with some dignity.

I don't think that's too much to ask.

So much for the family spending tonight together.



I'm gonna have a k*ller bruise on my arse tomorrow.

Oi, too much information.

Hey, can I just tell you something?

As long as it's not about your arse.


I know things have been crazy and everybody's hurting right now but I'm really glad we found you, Billie.

Me too.



♪ Everybody's hurting sometimes ♪
♪ Everybody's... Everybody's hurting sometimes ♪


♪ And you don't get the one without the other ♪
♪ Everybody's crying sometimes... ♪


♪ Oooh-oooh-oooh-oooh Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah... ♪




I'm on my way.

No, no, no. Don't be silly. Just give me a second.

Where are you exactly?

Standing in front of this swish hotel waiting for my bestie to get her arse out here!


(SHRIEKS) Girlfriend!





I don't believe it. What are you doing here?

You sounded like you needed a hug.


They're multiplying. How wonderful.

And I thought, "What am I doing here?"

So I left Dan and Shorty to pack up the gear while I hit up your place for clothes and, yeah, here I am.

What about your job?

Yeah, well, you're more important than a stupid bar job.

Plus, I deserve a break.

And hello, this place is pretty flash.

I guess so.

You guess? Bill, this room is as big as my whole house.

I know. I keep thinking someone's gonna rock up and throw me out.

(LAUGHS) Yep, true. Probably that bitch downstairs.


That's Susan. I was telling you about her.

Evil stepmother.


Well, somebody better remove that stick from her butt before it does some serious damage.



So you own this place?

One-fifth of it.


Oi, that's your stuff.




Uh, since when do you do luggage deliveries?

Since I heard a friend of yours was here and I wanted to meet her.

Yeah. Uh, Jamie, this is my friend Layla.

Layla, this is Jamie, my brother, which still sounds a little bit weird.

No offence.

None taken.

It'll be a while before that sounds normal.



I saw you at the pub back home.

Yeah, I saw you in the band.

It's nice to meet you.

You too.

So you've got two new brothers now?

Uh, yeah. You met the other one downstairs.

Oh, right. Mr Serious Pants.



That's your brother I'm talking about.

No. 'Serious Pants' fits.

They got a sister too... Harriet.

Get out!


What a head spin.


Well, I should let you two catch up.

The car's gonna be downstairs in half an hour.

You ready?

Uh, yeah, I'll be ready.

Nice to meet you, Layla.

You too.


He's hot.

He's my brother.

Your hot brother.

Don't be stupid.


Hey, I'm going out for a few hours. Do you reckon you'll be alright?

Yeah, of course.

But I can come if you want me to.

If someone gives you a hard time, I'll bash 'em.

What, at a memorial service?

Maybe not. But you know what I mean.

If you need anything, I'm here.

Thanks. But I should really do this on my own.

You sure you'll be alright?

No, but I gotta get used to it.

I mean, family's forever, right?


Eh, you should get some sleep.

Yeah. Sounds like a plan.


Yeah. You right?



I spoke to the funeral director this morning and asked for the seating to be arranged so that we can all be together in the front row.


Carmine and the rest of the staff will be off to the side, and that includes Billie.

So, with us but not with us?


Not even Jamie can argue with that.

How are you coping?

Oh... As well as can be expected.

Thanks, Carmine.

Is everything alright?

I have no idea.

You OK, kiddo?

Don't call me that.

I feel real sorry for her, you know.

Yeah, me too.

Are you sure it's alright for me to be here today?

Of course. Dad would want you to be here.

I want you to be here.

Woman: Are you OK?

What are you doing?

I told Carmine I'd sit with him.

We're not having this conversation again, Billie.

Your doing?

If you make a scene, I will never forgive you.


Who is she?

Well, that would be none of your business, mate.

Are we done now?

I am.

Man: Please, if you'd like to take your seats.



If a man didn't know any better, he'd be wondering whether or not you were avoiding me.

(LAUGHS) No, Bruno. I've just been a bit busy, you know.



Things to do, people to see, places to go.

In fact, I should take off now...


You know, we've been really busy today as well.

We've been puzzling over the local mystery.

You know what that local mystery is, Gus?


The local mystery is, where is Layla Chapple?


Oh, well, according to her neighbours, she left in the middle of the night, nowhere to be seen.

What would you say to that, Gus? Huh?

I don't know nothin'. I swear.

Yeah, but you can understand our curiosity, yeah?

First Billie goes missing, then Layla goes missing.

You've got to admit, that's a bit suss, yeah?

Very, very suss.

I'll tell you what I think. I think that both the ladies are with those very generous men that paid off your debt recently.

What would you say to that, Gus?

I told you, Bruno, I don't know, alright?

She's not answerin' my calls. I don't know nothin' about nothin', OK?

But you'll tell me the minute you find out, right?


Enjoy your beer.

Sorry to disturb you.

No worries, Bruno.

Let's go, Lloyd, Rachel.




Billie, it's me.

Listen, um, can you call me, please? It's about Bruno.

Hey, Shorty, can I borrow your phone to call Layla, mate?

Get out of here, Gus.

I don't have her number and Bruno's sniffing around.

He wants to know where she is.


So... so, she's with Billie, right?

Could be.

I'm not playing games here. Alright?

I mean, I thought Bruno... I thought he'd give up but he won't give up.

Come on, Shorty. Help a man out. Help a man out. Come on.

Take a second.


Yeah, good man. Easy.



This better be good.

It's me. It's Gus.

Hey, Gus. What are you doing on Shorty's phone?

Is everything alright?

Yeah, well, no, it's not.

I mean, they're not dire either, but... look, Billie needs to know that Bruno is asking a ton of questions about her, especially now you've gone too.

Bruno might have been a tough guy in Walperinga but I'm pretty sure we're safe here.

Not if he finds out who Billie really is.

He takes one look at that hotel that she owns part of...

Layla, I just get the feeling that he's not gonna leave her alone.

Alright. I'll make sure she knows.


Is she alright then?

Yeah, Gus. She's alright.

It's hard to know where to begin when trying to sum up a man's life in a couple of minutes.

You can talk about his sense of humour, how, when you were kids, he'd hide in your room and scare the hell out of you when you got home from school.

You can talk about his work, about how proud he was of the hotel, of what he built for his family, for us.

When Jamie and I were kids, he'd tell us all about the famous people that stayed there over the years.

And every one of those stories ended either in a fight or some rocker getting drunk and trashing the bar.


Dad was pretty proud of those too.

And we didn't care if the stories were true or not.

They were just good stories.

And when Harriet came along... we got to hear those stories all over again.

So I think that's what you talk about.



Get as many of the family as you can, OK?


Any idea who that Aboriginal girl is?

Man: No.


Well, that's interesting.




Is it over already?


What happened?

It was just sad, you know.


I kept thinking we were there to say goodbye to my father and every single person there knew him better than I did.

I'm sorry.

I can't stay here, Layla.

What... What do you mean?

I mean, these people have a history.

And although they can be a little crazy sometimes, today they were just family.

And I know me being here is causing problems, so I should just go, right?

And where exactly are you gonna go?

Back to Walperinga?

I'll just hop in the car and toss a coin.

Uh, you don't have a car.

Well, I'll buy one or I'll hire one.

Right. Solid plan.

Well, what am I gonna do?

If it helps with your decision at all, I've got a message from Gus.

He's worried about you.

He says Bruno's been asking a lot of questions about where you are.

Yeah, well, Bruno's not my problem and neither is Gus.

I know that Gus is a train wreck but he loves you to bits.

He lied to me, Layla, my whole life.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be growling at you.

Yeah, damn straight you shouldn't.


Come on, babe. Let's go.

Where are we gonna go?

Cheer up this new family of yours. Eh? You know you want to.

I'll take your hot brother and you can deal with the rest.

Stop saying he's hot.

Well, he is!

Alright, then.



♪ I think I hear the sounds of then And people talking... ♪

I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I liked the eulogy.

Yeah, thanks.

I'd almost forgotten all that stuff, you know.

I felt like it was you and me against the world.

We were kids, Jamie. Always feels like that when you're kids.

Some rule I don't know about that says brothers can't be friends once they turn 18?


But there is one that says it's OK to be pissed off about carrying all the responsibility, while your little brother goes off and explores the world.

Don't you put that on me.

Yeah. Someone had to.



Sorry, we weren't interrupting anything, were we?

No, it's... it's cool.

I'm just gonna go off and say hello to some people. Excuse me.


Hey. Are you OK?

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

Billie says he was a good bloke.

Yeah. Yeah, he was.

Hey, I might grab us some drinks.

Layla, the usual?

Yeah. You know me too well.

I'll sit on this one.

How are you doing?

I'm OK, thanks.

Do you need anything? Can I...

No, thank you. Thank you for coming.

Really appreciate it.

Oh, it's... it's fine.

I might just... go upstairs for a bit.

I'll be back soon.


Um, I...


Here. This is for you.




Oh, hey.

Where did Chris go?

Oh, just to... get some fresh air, I think.

Mmm. He's had a very difficult day.


The eulogy was... beautiful, wasn't it?

Yeah, it was beautiful.

Yeah. He's, um, a very sensitive soul.

He's working a lot.

I mean, he always does, but since his dad died, he's up all hours, wandering around, raiding the kitchen.

Hey, maybe he needs a day off. Do something fun.

Yeah. Maybe you should suggest it.

Or you could.


I mean, if you're worried about him like you say you are, I'm sure he'd like to know.

Oh. Yeah, but he's my boss.

Which means he'll probably never say it, even if he was thinkin' it.



Excuse me.

♪ Out on the patios we sit And the humidity we breathe ♪



Just we've all been waiting months for one of them to make a move.




Here you are.

Uh, yeah. I just... I just had some stuff to do.


Couldn't it wait?

I needed a break, to be honest.

Right. Um, you know, I can leave...

No. No, please.

Good. Um, because I had something I wanted to talk to you about.


So... I've been here for a while now and I was just wondering how you felt about that.

Are you asking me if you're doing a good job?

No. Actually, I...

But if you've got any feedback on that score, you know, I'm happy to hear it.

I'm confused. (HALF-LAUGHS)


I like you, Chris... and I was just kind of hoping... (BEEP) that you might feel similarly towards me.

Are you sh1tting me?

OK. Um, that's all good.

It's important to know these things.


So, what, all these bands and singers, they played here?

Maybe not all of them.

But they definitely drank here, that's for sure.

Gee, I wish I'd known Jack back then.

Must've been an amazing place back in its day.


Is that... 'Better Be Home Soon'?


One of your old man's favourite tunes.

Yeah, I know. Bit rusty, mate.

Let me.


(SINGS) ♪ Somewhere deep inside Something's got a hold on you ♪
♪ And it's pushing me aside See it stretched on forever ♪
♪ And I know I'm right For the first time in my life ♪
♪ That's why I tell you You'd better be home soon ♪
♪ And I know I'm right For the first time in my life ♪
♪ That's why I tell you ♪
♪ You'd better be home soon ♪

(YELLS) Jamie, did you do it?

Do what?

Did you blab to the newspapers about Billie?

Tell me the truth. Did you?

"Hotelier Jack Norton's secret daughter.

A source close to the family confirms that Jack Norton was searching for the young lady when he died tragically some weeks ago."

Did you tell them?

Of course not.

So it's just a coincidence that you threatened to do it and then it just magically happens?

Why would you thr*aten to tell?

It's a long story.

Chris: Completely irrelevant now.

Chris is right.

Look, we need to work out how we're gonna handle the fact that, by morning, the whole world is gonna know about Billie.

So what if they do?

I think it's good that it's out.

Look, I'm grateful that you're sticking up for me but it's not as easy as that and you know it.

None of us wanted it to come out like this.

Not today.

How about you and I go for a walk, get out of here for a while?

Yeah, that'd be good.


You happy now?

Oh, will you please stop defending her?

Well, would you please chill out?



Chris. You OK?

Dad would've loved all this drama.


Maybe he was the one who blabbed to the journo.

It'd be typical of him to do it.

Throw a cat amongst the pigeons, watch everyone try and sort it out.

Yeah, the bastard.


I miss him so much.

Yeah, me too.

A bit different to Walperinga, eh?

Yeah, a little bit.

For what it's worth, Jamie's got your back and sister girl doesn't seem too bad either.

Sister girl's a shoplifter.


Yeah, true story.

I took the blame for her. Now I've got to go to court.

Bill, no! Why would you do that?

And why would she? Surely she can afford to buy whatever she wants.

She can.

I think she just gets a buzz out of doing something that she shouldn't be doing.

Don't we all?



Hey, and don't tell anyone about Harriet.


I won't.

Man: How you going, ladies?

Man: Hey, ladies.

What are you up to?


Maybe not so different to Walperinga after all.


Bruno: Rachel. Rachel, I'm going to the RSL to get some grub.

Did you want to come?

You might want to see this first.

Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting?

Explains why no-one was in a hurry to tell us where she was.

I wonder how much this makes her worth.

You hungry?

Not really.

I'm starving.

Just give me a second. I'll grab something and we can go upstairs, eh?



Hey. Sorry to interrupt but it is OK if I grab something to eat?

Try some of this.

What do I need? Um, chilli, pepper?



To get chucked in the bin?

Is... something wrong?


No. Nothing.

(SIGHS) When I say 'nothing', I mean everything.


I tried to talk to Chris.

It didn't go well?


It didn't go at all.

I barely started and he just swore and he... walked out.

I wouldn't take it personally.

(LAUGHS) How do I not take that personally?

Maybe his reaction had nothing to do with you.


You said so yourself, you didn't get very far in the conversation.



What did you actually say?

Well, uh, "I've worked here a long time," something about emotions...

Yeah, OK, maybe I wasn't that clear.

You just need to be yourself.

Vivian, stop.

There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all.

Layla, I just worked something out.



You seen the paper today, Gus?

Nah. No, no, I don't read the paper, Bruno. All bad news.


Nice photo, eh?

Yeah, she's a beauty, your girl, uh?

A pity she's not your girl, eh?

Yeah, she must be worth a bit now, uh?

So either you find her or I will.

Got it?


Woman: The rooms are ready now.

(WHISPERS) Everything's good.

Oh, hey.


I'm biting the b*llet.

Me too.

And if he says no, I have no idea what I'm gonna do. (HALF-LAUGHS)

Me either.



Chris: I can assure you, we are 100% committed to keeping the hotel operating as is.


Yep. Thank you.

I'll keep you informed.


Sorry to disturb you.

(SIGHS) Don't be.

There isn't enough coffee in the world to keep me going today.


I know you're busy, um, but when you have a chance, can we talk?


Is this about last night?

Because, to be honest, I...

I don't know if this is the best time for a review.

Review that for me.

(SIGHS) No key thing.



Aren't you gonna ask me where I've been all night?

I know where you were.

Well, not exactly where you were but who you were with.

I gotta tell you, Bill, Jamie is...

He's hot. I know. You told me 1,000 times.

Yeah, but this time I was gonna say 'amazing'.

I'm gonna have a shower.

Yeah, look, I have a thing I have to do.

I'll leave you the room thing.

Have fun.



I think I will.

(SCOFFS) Don't be ridiculous.

Why is it ridiculous? Billie's got some great ideas.

And when did these great ideas get discussed?

We're discussing 'em now.

What's being discussed?

Thank god. Someone's here who can talk some sense into these two.

They wanna reintroduce live music to Jack's Bar.

I listened to what you said yesterday about how much this place meant to Jack.

All that history. I want to contribute.

Pull my weight and pay back what I owe.

Sounds like a great idea to me.

Are you insane?

I promise, I'll look after it like it's my own.

Well, according to Dad's will, it's as much yours as anyone's.

You know what, I've only got a fifth of the say now, so do what you want.

I'm outnumbered anyway.

Thank you, thank you.

Harriet: How cool is that!

Pretty damn cool.



I didn't realise how big this place is.

It's amazing.

Hey. Are you gonna ask Layla if she's gonna stay and help?


Listen, about that, Layla's my best friend in the whole world and I wouldn't want her to get hurt.


No, let me finish.

Even though she would say she was completely cool with some casual thing, she's actually not.

We just talked, OK?

What, all night?

All night.

Trust me, I'm as shocked as you are.

Can't remember the last time that happened.


Come on. Let's get back to it.

I guess they'll wanna know how much this is gonna cost.

Hey, darlin'.

You miss me?


Nick, it's me.

The solicitor for Billie's court appearance, the worse the better.

I want her gone.