10x05 - Something to Prove

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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10x05 - Something to Prove

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

(Hard punch)

What the...?


Who was that guy?

You're actually a bronc rider?

That's right, and I am after buckles, just not ones that belong to some two-bit cowboy wannabe.

Ty and I have something that we want to tell you.

I've been seriously considering going to Mongolia.



I fully intend to come back and take my position in the clinic.

Your job and your partnership will be here waiting for you when you get back.

Thanks, Scott.

Georgie, hold up!


(Winded exhale)

(Horse snorts)

Okay, turns out it's not true what they say... slow and steady doesn't win the race.

Come on, you're doing great.

I'm pretty sure your five-year-old sister could run laps around me.

You just need a little more practice.

Come on, I'll race you back.

Maybe you could let me win just once?

(Laughs) (Clicks tongue)

I guess not.

(Horse snorts, hooves thud)

Hmm, yeah. How long's your layover in Beijing?

Hey! Hey, they're going in the pie!

(Laughing) They're good.

Uh, Lisa's aunt's coming over tonight, so she's making a whole lot of pie.

(Snorting) Looks like she's gonna open a bakery, Ty. (Giggles)

Ha ha.

Here, how about you guys say hi?

Hey, honey!

Now don't do anything stupid.

Travel safely. We miss you!


Did you get that?

Aw, I love you too.

I never thought I'd be saying this, but call me as soon as you get to Mongolia.


What about Ty's clients?

Scott: We'll figure it out.

He's only gone for four months.

Four months?!

Look on the bright side, it's a good excuse to finally hire a new assistant.


Go through these resumes, pick out four or five that seem qualified and we'll go from there.

Oh, uh, Amy called.

She has a horse she wants you to look at.

(Rooster crows)

Hey, did you guys have a good ride?

Everything hurts.

Is it normal to be this sore? (Chuckles)

Your muscles will get used to that.

Georgie: We're headed to Maggie's later.

Do you want to join us?

Uh, you know, I should probably start working with a new client horse that just came in.

This one here?

Yeah, his name's Lex.

His owners say that he's spooky and unpredictable, but they all say that.

Do you want me to stay and help out?

That's okay. It's a pretty standard game plan.

I'm just gonna lunge him, see if he responds to my cues, that sort of thing.

Thanks though. You guys have fun.

Come on.

Jack: So how come I've never met your Aunt Evelyn?

Well, I actually haven't seen her in a long time.

She travels a lot.

We used to be closer.

She's sort of more of a sister to me than an aunt.

At times, I mean, during my divorce I cried on her shoulder.


She fed me wine.

I honestly don't know what I would have done without her.

I'm actually kind of excited for you to meet her finally.

Me too.

She's quite something.

Jack: (Chuckles)

(Dog barks)

Speaking of, there she is! (Car rumbles)

Jack: For cryin' out loud she's three hours early!

Lisa: Yes she is.

All right, let's go!

Oh, Lisa! (Katie chortles excitedly)

(Laughs) - Hi!

Oh, oh!

Oh, look at you!

Hi, hi.

You are still so beautiful! You haven't changed one bit.

No, nor have you!

Oh yes I have!

Lisa: No.

Evelyn: Oh.



You must be Jack.

Jack and Lisa: (Chuckle)


Well, I've been dying to meet the man who stole my favorite niece's heart.

Well, it is my pleasure, and welcome to Heartland.

Thank you. You know, it's perfectly charming here.

It's, you know, it's smaller than I expected.

Smaller than Fairfield.

Lisa: Well...

It is, it is quite charming.

And... who might you be?



Now that is a lovely name. You know something, Katie...

(Trunk opens) I think I might have something for you in the car.

You do?

I do. It's a kite.


I was just in Gujarart and every year they celebrate the festival of Uttarayan where millions of people gather to fly kites to celebrate the end of winter.

It's one of the most magical things I've ever seen.

(Giggles excitedly)

Can we fly it right now?!

Well, let's just let Aunt Evelyn settle in for a moment, shall we?

But what do you say?

Thank you!

Oh, you are very, very welcome dear.

All right, you have to come inside.

I have your favorite cocktail brewing.

Ah yes! (Laughs)

Right now.

Can you help me please, Miss?

Jack, be a dear and help the driver bring in all the gifts that I brought, would you?

Nothing's very heavy so hopefully it won't strain you too much.

Thank you.

(Trunk opens)

(Lex snorts, hooves thud)

(Rope whips)

(Lex whinnies sharply)

(Hooves thud loudly)

(Amy clicks her tongue)

That's it. Easy, whoa.

Good boy, Lex. Good boy.

(Hooves thud)

(Gate clanks)

(Lex snorts sharply, whinnies wildly)

(Grunts) Whoa!

(Grunts in pain)

(Lex whinnies wildly)

(Grunts sharply) Oh! Ah!

(Lex whinnies sharply)


(Hooves thunder)

(Lex whinnies wildly)


S10E05 - Something to Prove

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

(Gasps and winces)

Hey, Cass. (Door shuts)


(Door bangs shut)

Scott said you had a horse you wanted me to take a look at?

Yeah, Lex. He's in the back stalls here.


You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

What happened?

Uh, Lex was so excited to get out of the round pen he nearly ran me over.

Did you fall down?


How hard?

Not that hard.

Do you have any cramping or bleeding?

Um, no. Why? Should I be concerned?

Well, the baby's well protected in the womb, for the most part.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Too late. I'm worried.

I'm gonna call my obstetrician.

(Phone beeps on)

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out.

I mean, if I were you, I'd be way more worried about your husband.

I mean, Mongolia? Are you kidding me?

Yeah, Hi, this is Amy Fleming.

Is Dr. Adler there?

There's a hidden marker in each circle.

The teams use a series of clues and a compass to find them.

So people actually do this for fun?

Yeah. It's called competitive mounted orienteering.

There's a club right here in Hudson that puts on events every month.

I already signed us up.

Marion dragged me to one of those things when we first started dating.

Actually, it was kinda fun.

You see.

Tim: Yeah, well we weren't speaking by the end of it.

Jade: Georgie, can you take these plates to those guys in the back?

Oh, I'm not working a shift today.

I know but Clay's over there and I'd rather eat glass than pretend to be civil to him.

Your job is to deliver food to the customers.

You and Clay are competitors in the arena.

This is a diner. Deliver food to the customers.


(Sighs) All right. (Plate thumps down)

Three rib platters, all the fixings.

(Sighs) Is there anything else I can get you?


(Guys chuckle) Is something funny?

Oh, we were just admiring your outfit.

It looks real nice.

You should wear it to practice sometime.

Guy: Yeah.

Could ride the broncs side saddle.

Guys: (Laugh)

Give us a twirl.

Don't choke on your ribs, boys.

(Guys laugh)

Clay: Oh hey, hold up.

Can we get another round of waters?

We're outta ketchup.

There's plenty of ketchup on the table.

Hmm, it's empty.

Mmm, no it's not.

What happened to the customer always being right?

(Annoyed sigh) You know what?

Obviously I'm mistaken.

(Loud squirt) Oh! What the? Ah!

You are right. (Bottle thumps down)

It is empty!

Hey, you better come back here and clean this up!

Clean it up yourself!

What's goin' on here?!

I was just trying to eat and Jade come over and lost it on me!

Oh, you know that's not true!

This is a diner! It's not a high school. Sit down.

You get back to work.

(Huffs angrily)

What was that?!

Clay's ego was burning out of control, so I put it out... with ketchup.

Do you ever think that maybe your personality isn't suited to the service industry?

It's not my personality that's the problem.

Cass: Well, what did your doctor say?

Exactly what you did, that I shouldn't worry, only she was a little bit more reassuring.

Better safe than sorry, right?


And I'm sure Ty would say the exact same thing if he were here and not off saving Gummi Bears.

Gobi bears.

Cass: Yeah, I get it.

Ty's saving the world.

He's always sort of had a Messiah complex.

A what?

He's just really into helping people and animals.

Aren't you?

I'm a vet because of the surgery.

That's what I get off on.

Helping pets and their owners is more of a fringe benefit.

Well, that's it for today. (Sighs)

From what I can tell it doesn't look like Lex is suffering from any type of ailment, but I'll do a full blood count and chemistry profile just to be sure.


I'll call you when I get the results.



I hope that you can at least try to be happy for Ty.

I know that this Mongolia thing came out of the blue, but it's really important to him.

Look, if Ty has found his bliss, or whatever, then I am happy for him.

I'm just not gonna pretend to be happy that my workload has doubled.

Not that I'm complaining or anything, but...

Well, I mean I guess I am complaining.

(Crickets chirp)

Evelyn: I have traveled all over the world, but nothing captured my heart the way India did.

The Ajanta caves and the Khajuraho temples and of course oh, the Taj Mahal!

Aw, it sounds like an amazing trip.

What about you, Jack?

Where do you like to travel?

Tim: The backfield. That's about as far as Jack gets.

Jack: T-That's not true.

I've spent a few winters in Arizona and...

And he's been to France once.

Katie, will you please finish your carrots.

Georgie: Jack, you went to France?

Jack: It was a while back.

I prefer to stay close to home these days.

Evelyn: You know, Lisa loves to travel.

I hope you're not keeping my little bird in a cage.

No, I still do travel plenty, just not with Jack that often.

So, not only do you live in separate homes, you take separate vacations as well?

Lisa: Yeah, I guess it sounds a little unusual, but it works for us.

So not spending any time together at all, that, that works for you?

Lisa: I wouldn't say that we don't spend any time together.

Lisa and I spend plenty of quality time...


Actually, I think it's healthy to spend time apart from your spouse.

Life takes us in different directions and that's a good thing, because then when you get brought back together you're that much closer.

But that's my opinion.

Lisa: Aunt Evelyn, this is all too generous.


My passion for traveling is second Only to my passion for shopping.


And Jack...

I have something very special for you, too.

I picked it up in a little market in New Delhi.

Well, I'll be!

(Laughs giddily)

If it isn't a...

Uh, what is it?

It's a traditional kurta!

You know, there's so many men in India that wear these all the time.

Now I know a rancher such as yourself would have much use for it during the day, but it makes for... a lovely night dress.

Tim: Mmm hmm. Perfect for Jack.

All right, I'm gonna make a fresh pot of coffee.

Oh well, why don't I help you?

All right.


Thank you.

You're so welcome!

All: (Giggle)

Adam, I gave that place a call, the, uh, the one you were talking about that offers orienteering courses.

You did?

Tim: Yup, and it turns out that they have a course built in Bear Creek that they're gonna let my rodeo school use tomorrow.

Why the sudden interest in mounted orienteering?

'Cause I have some students that could learn a thing or two about teamwork.

I know we're not on your team, but do you think Georgie and I could enter?

Sure. Yeah, why not?

Georgie: I don't know, Adam.

I'm okay with the mounted part, but not orienteering.

That's why we're the perfect team.

Come on, Georgia, you should totally do it.

If I could ride, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Okay. I guess it could be fun.

Tim: What about you, Jack?

You wanna come and help out with the horses, or do you want stay home and dance around in your new night dress?

Yeah, you're hilarious, Tim.

Do you know I'm really looking forward to having lunch tomorrow with you and Jack.

So are we.

Such a man of mystery, isn't he, that husband of yours.

So stoic.


I guess he's stoic at times.

But he's not much of mystery once you get to know him.

Oh, I can tell that Jack's a man of principle... principle and great pride.

Sort of explains your living situation, doesn't it?

What do you mean?


You know, like you, I had more money than my second husband, and he was very proud.

You know he always took it as an affront if I picked up a cheque in a restaurant or paid for a vacation.

Eventually the love turned into resentment.

Of course that was a long, long time ago.

We never even dreamed of living in separate houses.

I don't know, maybe that would have saved the marriage or at least prolonged it, giving us the illusion that nothing had changed that... that money wasn't an issue.

But Aunt Ev, that's not why we don't live together.

We, we're just set in our ways.

My money has never been an issue for us.

After three failed marriages of my own I can say with some authority money's always an issue.

You know, love's a wonderful thing, Lisa, but Jack's not your equal, not the way Dan was.

I see trouble down the road.


I'm just checkin' to see how that coffee's comin' along.

Comin' along. Want me to bring you a cup?



Adam: Align the edge of the compass with the starting and finishing point, and then you just rotate the compass until the arrow points North on the map.

See? It's easy.

Easy for you!

Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it.


We really need to get rid of that fanny pack.

I get you need it for your insulin, but it's really inconvenient for riding.

Who's going to notice?

Hey, Adam, your mom called, she wants her fanny pack back.

(Hooves thud)

Tim: All right, gather round.

(Girls chuckle)

Jack, you wanna explain the rules?

No thanks, Tim.

Okay, I'll explain the rules.

You will be divided into teams of two.

The object of the game is to find... the circled areas on the map.

Using your compass and the clues on the back of the map you'll find the hidden markers.

I have a question.

Tim: Wait'll I'm finished and then you can ask questions.

Where was I? Markers.


When you have located the marker it will have letters written on it.

Write the letters down and then move on the next circled area on the map.

You can do it in any order.

Once you have located...

Can I just ask one thing?

Did you not hear what I said?

Once you have located all five markers, you race back to base camp as fast as you can.

The team with the best time wins.

Any questions?

Guy: Nope.

Tim: Anyone?

Yeah, hello, over here.


What does this have to do with rodeo?

It has everything to do with rodeo.

The whole point of the day is to learn how to combine horsemanship with strategy and teamwork.

Any more questions?

Okay, no more questions. (Annoyed sigh)

Tim: Here are the teams.

Chris and Evan.

Mike and Daniel.

Georgie and Adam, and Jade and Clay.

Jade: Uh, no way.

Jake: Way!

Mount up. The clock starts now!

(Stopwatch starts ticking)

Tim, there is no way I'm working with him!

Clock's tickin'.

But Tim!

No! I don't want to hear it.

You and Clay are partners.

Tick, tick, tick...

Hey partner.

(Computer plays a song with incoming call)

Ty, hey.

Hey, Amy, how are ya?

Better than you. You look exhausted!

Yeah, well, it's been a long trip.

But uh, hey, listen, um, I got a crazy message from Scott.

Cass gave him an ultimatum about the clinic.

What do you mean?

She's trying to get me fired.

Cass thr*aten to walk if Scott doesn't make her a full partner.

I can't believe that Scott would agree to that.

Ty: Yeah, well, we're short staffed at the clinic He can't afford to lose her and she knows that.

Okay, but can't he just offer her an equal partnership?

Ty: We're not big enough to have three partners, Amy.

It makes more financial sense for Scott to let me go and pick up Cass.

I can't believe that she would do something like this.

Ah, well, Cass has gotta do what she's gotta do, right?

So what are you going to do?

(Loud traffic sounds)

I don't know. (Horn honks loudly)

Uh, Amy, I gotta go.

Rob and the driver are waitin' for me.

Um, I love you.

I love you too.

(Computer clicks shut)

Clay: Who cares about mounted orienteering?

It's a beautiful day. We're out in the countryside.

Let's take the time to get to know each other a little bit better.

I know you think you're pretty charming, but I got news for you... you have got zero game.

I get it. You think you're too good for me.

Well, I got news for you, I've dated plenty of college girls in my day.

Wow, what an accomplishment.

Adam: Keep your eyes peeled for a white birch tree.

Georgie: Okay, got it.

Wait here for a second. I'll be right back.

(Clicks tongue)

(Horse snorts)

Jade, what are you doing?

We need to have a girl talk.

You do realize this is a timed event, right?

Yeah, it's really important.

Please, Georgie.

Can you just give us a second?

Make it quick.
Georgie: Okay, what's going on?

There's no way I can work with Clay.

You have to switch partners with me!

But why?

Jade: Because he's impossible!

He's always hitting on me and saying these gross, sexist things!

Well, Tim's not just gonna let us switch partners.

Don't you think he put you and Clay together for a reason?

Yeah, he wants us to declare a truce or whatever, but why should I be the one to extend the olive branch?

I'd rather stick that branch in my eye.

No, scratch that. I'd rather stick it in Clay's eye.

Well, why don't you and I just team up then?

Jade: Because if Clay partners with Adam they'll win for sure.

Adam's a walking GPS.

The whole point is for me to beat Clay.

Well, if Clay and I team up and you and Adam win, that means I lose.

So what? It's not like you're on the rodeo team or anything.

You have nothing to prove to these guys, but I do.

Please, Georgie.

It's not like I ask you for favors all the time.


I think the first marker is just up ahead.

Actually... there's been a change of plans.

All right, I can handle the rest of this if you wanna take off.

I'll stick around.

I thought you had to meet Lisa and Aunt Evelyn for lunch.

Well, I did, but I think you need me here.

No, I don't.

Well, too bad 'cause I'm stayin'.

I already texted Lisa.

Well, text her back.

You're free to go.

(Bridle clinks)

Unless you're trying to get out of it because of a certain Aunt Evelyn.



Oh, what's the matter, Jack?

Don't you want to hear some more stories about India?

Or was it her constant criticism about your marriage to Lisa that turned you off?

I said I'm not goin', that's all there is to it.

Yeah, and how's Lisa gonna feel about you canceling at the last minute?

I don't know. She didn't respond.

Well, sometimes silence is louder than words.

Trust me, it's for the best.

(Horse snorts)

(Hooves thud)

Good boy.

(Lex snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Lex snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

Lex, settle!

(Lex snorts loudly) Hey! Lex!

(Lex snorts rapidly)

(Lex whinnies shrilly)

(Pounding hooves)

Cass: (Echoing) Amy?

(Heavy, panicked breathing)


Amy, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You don't look fine. Maybe you should sit down.

You know you have some nerve showin' up here.


Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about.

Ty told me. You're trying to get him fired!

I'm just here because I have the test results for Lex.

Oh, I'm surprised you're not too busy stabbing my husband in the back to do actual vet work.

(Huffs) Well, I thought you'd like to know Lex has a clean bill of health.

Great. Now you can go.

(Birds chirp)

I can't believe Jade won't suck it up for one day to be my partner.

What's her problem?

The only reason she doesn't want you as a partner is because you're an unbearable jerk.

I'd much rather be spending time with my boyfriend right now, but instead I'm stuck here with you.

So don't think this is fun for me!

Well, just because...

I'm not finished!

If you really wanna win this you're gonna need me to cooperate, and I'm not about to spend the rest of my day listening to you diss my friend!

So one more word about Jade and I'm done. Got it?

I'll start looking for the next landmark.

I hope you're not mad at Georgie for agreeing to switch partners, 'cause if you're gonna be mad at anyone it should be me.

I'm not mad.

I just wish everyone would take this seriously.

I know it's just a game. I'd rather not come in last.

There's no way we're coming in last.

I plan on winning today.

Not if we can't find this first marker.

I've checked the coordinates twice. It should be right here.

You mean this?

Yeah, that's it!

Why didn't you say anything? I saw it like five minutes ago.


I thought I told you to leave.

I'm only asking Scott for what's fair.

It's not personal.

You're trying to get my husband fired.

Trust me, it's personal.

I'm not trying to get him fired, but I'm the one at the clinic everyday putting in the hours, picking up the extra slack.

I deserve to be a partner just as much as Ty.

It's not my fault Scott can't afford two partners.

Ty spent years paying his dues with Scott.

He earned that partnership!

You can't just... come in here and take over the minute he leaves!

Amy, what's wrong?

I don't know. (Gasps in pain)

It really hurts. Something's wrong.

Okay, just take a deep breath.

(Calming breath)

What if I hurt the baby when I fell?

No. Some cramping is normal during pregnancy.

(Grunts in pain) No.

It really hurts. This is all my fault!

Cass: Okay, Amy, look at me.


This is not your fault.

You're just having some cramping. That's all.

Come on, I'm gonna take you to the hospital, okay?




I think we should go left.

Look, it'll be way faster to go right.

Yeah, but then we'll have to backtrack at the end to get the last two markers.

So what? We won't lose that much time.

We'll just make up it with speed, that is if you can keep up.

Hold still.

Why, what is it?

You have a spider on your shoulder.

Oh my God, just get it off!

Get it off!

It's off! Calm down!

Are you sure?

Yes! You don't have to be such a big baby about it!

I can't stand spiders! Just get it off.

A lot of people are scared of spiders, okay?

Yeah, including cowboys with oversized egos who think they know everything.

Okay, fine. We'll go your way.

Okay, now try to keep up.

(Clicks tongue)

It's a shame that Jack couldn't join us.


Now I was going to try and talk him... into letting you go on a little trip with me.


To Morocco.

We could leave in a few days if you like.

No, I can't on such short notice.

What? An impromptu trip to Morocco isn't the craziest idea in the world, is it?

We've done it before!

Lisa: I know, but I have responsibilities now.

I have a business and Katie, I can't.

Katie is your husband's great granddaughter.

She's hardly your responsibility.


I just keep thinking there's so much more you could be doing with your life instead of being a glorified babysitter.

Is that really what you signed up for when you married Jack?

I just wonder are you happy?

I am, Auntie.

I really am.

And I'm hungry.

Let's, let's order some lunch, shall we?

Cass: Do you need anything else before I go?

No, thanks, I should be good.

I'm sorry I freaked out earlier.

You had every right to be freaked out.

It used to be just me and a horse in the round pen, but now...

Cass: You have a baby to think about.

Amy: I've worked with hundreds of horses just like Lex, so how come every time I close my eyes all I can see is him charging me?

Well, you heard what the doctor said.

It was just Braxton Hicks contractions, totally normal at this stage in your pregnancy.

It had nothing to do with your fall.

I know.

I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here.

Don't worry about it, but get some rest. Doctor's orders.

Cass... it is personal.


What you're doing to Ty.

I know you think there should be some kind of separation between what's personal and what's business.

I don't think it can ever be like that, not with us.

I'm Ty's wife, and you're his work-wife and my friend.

It's just, it's really messy.

I just want what's fair.

I don't want to hurt you. Or Ty.

Then don't.

(Hooves thud)

Okay, so the marker is 140 degrees from this steel drum.

Yeah, 230 degrees from this tripod...

That makes it somewhere over here.

Do you see it?


Did you read your compass right?

Of course I read my compass right.

It's around here somewhere.


You see, I told you it was over here.

We're making pretty good time.

We've only got three markers left.

Why don't we go get five and then get three and four on the way back.

Sounds good. Let's do it.

We might actually win this!

Don't sound so surprised.

(Hooves thud)

It's that way.

(Hooves thud)

(Hands slap)

You know, Jack, I got some experience dealing with difficult relatives.

In fact, I got an ex-father-in-law who can be a real pain in the butt.

(Thermos thumps down)

Would you lighten up?

Come on, Evelyn's harmless.

I, I don't see why you can't suffer through one more lunch with her.


I overheard her sayin' somethin' to Lisa last night.


Ah, she was sh**t' her mouth off about how Lisa is rich and I'm not and all the trouble that's gonna cause down the road.

So what?! She's got some old fashioned ideas about money.

It's not the end of the world.

If I show up there today, believe me I will not be able to stop myself from tellin' Evelyn where she can go.

Well if you tell her off, yeah, that's definitely a bad idea, but you not showin' up, that might even be worse.

Well, what am I supposed to do? Just sit there?

Not say a word while she's lookin' down her nose at me?

That's what I always did.

Husbands have been doin' that with in-laws for centuries.

You used to look down your nose at me, but I always showed up for those dinners.

It's not the same now.

It's exactly the same thing, Jack.

That's how I gained Marion's respect always showin' up for the dinners.

And more importantly, it pissed you off.

If you leave now you'll make it for dessert.

(Coffee sloshes)

(Gate clanks)

(Lex snorts)



Let's start again.

(Door opens)

(Door shuts)

Thought you weren't gonna make it.

Oh, I pushed off a little early.

Good to see you, Evelyn.

Better late than never I suppose.

You know, I've been trying to convince my niece to go on a little trip with me.

Hmm, where to?


There's so much culture over there and architecture and the food is to die for.

Of course you would absolutely hate it over there, Jack.

Wouldn't he, Lisa?

So when would that be?

Well, I was hoping in a few days, but apparently...

Lisa's too busy babysitting Katie to come along.

I don't call it babysitting.

Evelyn: Well, I do!

Her parents seem to have absolutely no interest in raising the child and you have been left to pick up the parental slack.

Evelyn, what's...?

This is none of your business.

Excuse me?

I'm done.

I can't sit here another second and listen to you diminish the choices I've made for myself.

Heartland is my home.

I don't drop in and buy a gift at the souvenir shop like you do in India and Morocco.

I've chosen it.

This is my life.

Yes, I know it's your life...

Why do you feel that you have right to judge it?!

How dare you call me a glorified babysitter.

Katie may not be my flesh and blood, but she is as much family to me now as you are!

You asked me before if I'm happy.

Let me be very clear yes, I'm happy.

I think the bigger question right now is are you?

I'm sorry. I need some air.

Excuse us.

(Receding footsteps)

(Door opens)

(Receding footsteps)

(Door closes)


(Door opens)

(Door shuts)

(Low hum of chatter)

So what just happened in there?


I told my Aunt off.

And I'm really glad I did.

I love our life together.

I'm happy.

I love you.


(Clicks tongue)

Get up.

(Lex snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Hooves thud)

Get up, come on.

(Hooves thud)

Come on, Lex.

That's it.

(Hooves thud) (Clicks tongue)

Good boy.

(Lex snorts)

(Hooves thud)

(Sharp exhales)

(Happy sigh)

You're a good boy, Lex. Hey?

That's a good boy.

Scott, for the record, I'm not trying to get Ty fired, well at least that's not my intention.

I can't afford two partners so you're putting me in a difficult position.

I know, but you can't expect me to do Ty's share of the work without making some changes.

(Sighs) I can't make you a partner.

Okay. Well what can you do?



I will hire two assistants instead of just one.

That'll help with the workload, and um... we can talk about a raise.

Twenty-five percent.



How about we discuss this over coffee?

Okay, but you're buying.

At this rate, I won't be able to afford it.

(Both chuckle)

(Water flows)

(Hooves splash)

Georgie: This way, this way...

Oh, there it is, the last marker.

Okay, let's get back to camp.

Well, look who it is.

Took you long enough.

This is our last marker, which means I win and you lose, but you're probably gettin' used to that by now.

Actually, it's our last marker too, and I would have been here hours ago if Adam wasn't so slow.

Hey, I'm the one following the map and taking all the compass readings.

Without me you'd be lost somewhere in the Kananaskis by now.

Figures you'd make Adam do all the work.

I'm so gonna beat you back to camp.

Do you even know what direction camp is in?

Of course I do. It's that way, right?

(Both chuckle)

I knew that.

What are they doing?

(Water splashes) Yah! Yah!

Come on!

(Hooves splash)

Come on!

Yah! Yah, come on! Come on!

(Hooves thunder)


Yup, yup, come on! Yah!


Come on! Come on!

(Hooves thud)

Too slow, McMurtry. I win. Barely.

You're on the same team, remember?

It doesn't matter who came in first here.

Your time's pretty good.

Let's see how you did with the markers.

Well, see what you can do with a little team work?

You're the winners.

They used us.


I am really sorry about today.

I know you were really looking forward to orienteering.

That's okay.

We're already signed up for the real event next month, but this time no Jade or Clay, just the two of us, right?

Yeah, promise.


Hey. Congratulations on winning.

Yeah, thank you.

So don't you think your whole rivalry with Clay is getting a little out of hand?

You don't understand, Georgie.

I was just starting to get the respect of all the guys on the rodeo team, and then Clay comes along and treats me like I'm just some tail to be chased.

I've worked too long and too hard for that.


He's scared of spiders.


He nearly fell off his horse when I tried to brush one off his shoulder.

(Guys chatter)

Not such a tough cowboy after all.

No, not even close.

Well, I'll see you later.

I got 'em.



(Knock at the door)

Come in! I'll get it.

(Door shuts)


I'll, uh, I'll leave you two alone to talk.

Please stay. I'd... I'd like you to hear this.

I was a guest in your home and I behaved dreadfully.

And the worst part is I offended someone very dear to me.

I had no right to call into question any of the choices that you have made.

I don't know if you could ever forgive me?

Of course I can forgive you.

Okay. (Chuckles)

You know I've...

I've traveled all over the world and I've seen things so beautiful they make my heart ache, but, you know, I would be lying if I said I sometimes didn't wonder what my life would be like if I'd made different choices.

You're very brave, Lisa, you always have been, and I wish you nothing but happiness.

(Patter of running footsteps)

Katie: Auntie Evelyn, are you gonna fly the kite with me?

Oh, I'm so sorry, darling, I can't.

I, I have a plane to catch and I have to be going.

Well, why don't you delay your flight, and that way you can spend some more time with us.

Jack: You'd be welcome to stay, Evelyn.

You're family.

I don't know what to say.

I think you say yes. (Chuckles)



Ah, it comes with a hug.

All: (Laugh)


I accept.

You know, Katie, I think I felt the wind picking up when I walking up to the house.

Today might be the perfect day to fly this kite!


Come on, off you go!

(Kiss) Love you.

Love you too.

Thank you.


Cass: You sure this is safe?

Didn't he nearly run you over yesterday?


We've made a lot of progress since then.


All right.

Okay, we'll just take this nice and slow, build up his confidence.

Good boy, Lex. Good boy.

♪ I'll be your home Okay, up it goes, up, up, up!

You got this!


(Katie laughs excitedly)

Look at it go! Look at it!

There it goes! Katie, come here!

Let it go. Just a little bit.

Run with it.

Look at that.
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