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01x06 - Strikethrough

Posted: 10/31/16 18:35
by bunniefuu
[water running]

♪♪[Brenda Lee's "Coming on Strong"]

♪ Comin' on strong ♪
♪ Comin' on strong ♪
♪ I can feel the heartaches ♪
♪ Comin' on strong ♪
♪ I can feel the teardrops ♪
♪ The pain and sorrow ♪
♪ Ever since you've been gone ♪
♪ They've been coming on strong ♪
♪ Pain ♪

Patti: Maybe he says "good job" when you do a good job.

Or "atta girl."


I like that, atta girl.

But one of the most important ways that a boss can show you what you're worth is by how much he pays you, and ladies, you are a bargain.

What do you think the men you're working with get paid?

That isn't a fair comparison.

Yeah, they do have different jobs.

Right. Jobs you're not allowed to have.

I'd like a list of the men's salaries for the next meeting.

I think it's time that you see that, too.

Well, we're done here.

Keep recruiting, ladies.

Just make sure that they're women that you trust. Okay?

And remember, there's strength in numbers.

Thank you so much, Eleanor.

Next week.

♪ Comin' on strong ♪
♪ Comin' on strong ♪

There must be a list of the salaries somewhere up in Finn's office.

Oh, sure. Just break into Finn's office, and steal some stuff.

Really? Are you Cindy Reston?

Yeah. I'm just discovering my inner Mata Hari.

And I happen to know that Angie has an extra set of keys.

I'm just gonna duck in here, and get some coffee and doughnuts.

For the office?


I want to go by the headquarters of the postal strike, see if there have been any developments.


Goodnight, Patti.




I saved you the chocolate glazed.

Thank you, Mami.


How's my favorite pelirroja?

Good. It's so busy here tonight.

You have no idea.

Tell me.


[phone rings]

News of the Week, this is Gabe.

Gabe, it's Patti.

I'm at the postal strike headquarters. Is Doug there?

No, he left. What are you doing there?

The strike is going national.


Well, how do you know? Do you have a...

It's already spread to Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco.

Check the wires. Patti said the mail strike's going national.

It's not gonna be on the wires, but it is real.


Uh, I should... I should...

Gabriel, you need to call Finn at home, and then you need to call the bureaus, and tell them to send their reporters to get updates.

I'll be there in 20 minutes.

[elevator dings]



What time did they call you in?

Oh, uh, just past midnight.


Naomi: Morning.



You look like today's not your friend.

No, the 4 a.m. get to the office call is tough.

And JP's on the warpath because he thinks the mail strike's gonna k*ll his Joe Namath cover, and he's been working on that since Christmas.

I'm sure it'll eventually run.

Yeah, you can tell him that.

So the DC bureau has the Nixon administration reaction, and a report from the under secretary of labor.

Business? Business.

Right, right, 'cause we want a full spread on what this is gonna mean for Wall Street on Monday morning if this strike is still going, any of the blue chip companies, are they gonna have any problems with their payroll...

Alex, make sure you call the mortgage lenders.

I want to know what this means for homeowners.

It's Saturday.

You're a helluva reporter.

Nobody'll be at work.

Call them at home.

Donald and Clem, I want you fellas to give me 500 words on the military angle.

Draft notices, letters home.

All right, what else? What else do we need to worry about?

Mail order catalogs, social security checks, jury summonses.

Magazine subscriptions.

It's gonna be tight sphincters in a lot of editors offices before this thing's over.

Mine's been clenched since '67.


Rhodes, you're on the main block.

Get down to the strike HQ.

Now, we can build the skeleton of this thing with the wires, but you're gonna need to put the flesh and the heartbeat into it.

Sure Doug can handle another cover?

I never said cover. Namath is still the cover, but Doug's Black Panther story was dynamite.

Kid's on a roll.

What do we know about the guy in charge of the mailmen?

It's a wild cat strike. Workers are in charge.

20,000 postal workers don't just march in step.

Somebody's leading them, find out who.

Sam, I want to run this picture.

Jersey City post office with so much backed up mail they can't store it indoors. Get down there, write me something good.


I mean, if we could just find a way to distract Angie, then I could get into her desk.

Yes, but then you also have to distract Finn so you can get the files out of his office.

That's true.

I can't help you.

I've had enough adventure for a decade.

That's fair.

[toilet flushing]

[water running]


Now remember, just 'cause this is breaking news doesn't mean you get to write like an AP reporter.

You keep it sexy. If I don't want to f*ck your story, I don't want to run it.


That's a pretty low bar. Gregory wants to screw anything that moves.


All right, that's it. Thanks, boys.



Finn: JP.

Take it easy, pal. Namath is still the cover.

You know this mail strike is bullshit.

It's illegal. They're g*dd*mn civil servants.

I'm sure Nixon will be thrilled to know you're on his side.

I'll let him know. Next time I talk to him.

What a waste.

Sending you to strike headquarters, and shipping me off to Jersey City to investigate the urgent crisis of undelivered Sears catalogs.

You had your turn, teacher's pet.

This is my year. f*ck it, this is my decade.

[scoffs] It's a little early to be calling a whole decade, don't you think?

It's not even February yet.

Come on. Don't squash my high.

So when are we going to strike HQ?

Oh, come on, do not leave me behind.

Give a girl a break.

Patti, our deadline's in 14 hours.

I'll be calling you with my first lines of copy before lunch.

It's gonna be mayhem. Nobody's even sure who's calling the sh*ts.

Yeah, but I know those guys. Mickey is my buddy.

Is Mickey the guy in charge?


Everybody knows you got it first.

You beat every wire service on the telex to a national story. You did good.

I'm not leaving you behind.

We're doing this together.

You really want to try and rebuild the whole front of the book in the next... 18 hours?

'Cause you know with...

"Time" went to press last night.

Their ship has sailed.

And they probably didn't pay much attention to a local New York labor story, which is all this was yesterday.

I'm at your service.


'Cause I've spent 400 g*dd*mn Saturdays at this magazine waiting for moments like this.

We have 24 extra hours to get the scoop on a story "Time" can't touch.

Christ, this feels good.

Great. We'll be there in about 45 minutes depending on traffic.


Get your coat.

Uh, well, I need to finish reading...

Nope. Whatever you're doing can wait.

We are going to beautiful Jersey City, New Jersey, to see about some mail.

What kind of mail?

Undelivered mail.

Piles and piles of it.

Uh, but what's the story?

Oh, there's no damn story there.

Finn just likes the picture.

We're writing the world's longest caption.

Why am I coming?

Why are you worried?

Is your boyfriend gonna be jealous?

No, no, no, I just...

Good. Lobby in two.

I can't believe I didn't check the stalls.

How much did she hear?

I don't know, but enough.


I mean, we just...

We can't risk her telling anyone.

We have to tell her what we're doing and ask her to join.

I just wish I knew her better.

Me, too.

You know, if we get her on board, we might get her two friends, too.

They're always together.

I'll see if I can talk to her.

No, I'll do it.


After what happened to Diane at New Year's, some of the girls are a little... wary.

Of me?

Yeah, yeah, yes.

I didn't push her down the stairs.

Oh, I... I know. I know that.

And... and she knows that.

I mean, it's just a... It's just a feeling.

That will pass.

Good luck.

[car horns honking]


Man: You know, there's only so much you can take.

When the United States congress votes themselves, what, a 41 percent pay raise?

While year after year we get, what, one percent, two percent?

What do they expect?

But your own union leadership is against the strike.

We're on strike anyway, so maybe they're not leaders after all.

You know, a lot of the guys have been telling me they come to you for guidance, that you're the guy in charge.

I'm just a letter carrier.

25 years on the job and not in anybody's pocket.

You think your union leadership is in management's pocket?

[chuckles] Careful, now. I didn't say that.

And if you put those words in my mouth, I'll come lookin' for you.

I'm a mailman, I can find you.


Well, Vinnie...


It's your lucky day. I've covered strikes.

It all comes down to leadership, and whether you like it or not, you're apparently the leader of this thing.

Being a letter carrier is a good job.

It should be better.

And our union leadership has failed us.

[indistinct chanting]

All: Letter carriers out on strike...

[chanting continues]

You really don't need me for this.

I do.

You were a huge help when we met with Noah.

People like talking to you.

Well, I am a good listener.

That's what happens when you grow up with a lisp.

You did not.


Well, I tool elocution lessons three times a week for months, and I rather excelled at it.

I don't want to hear that. I want to hear the lisp.

Let's dust that thing off and take it for a spin.

Oh, no, no, don't make fun.

Well, I'm not, I...

Hell, I wore the shoes with the bar in between them.

Oh, no, I know that bar. My little cousin had that bar.

It's a f*ckin' t*rture device.

I fell on my face, knocked my two front teeth out.

Then I had a lisp.


That's nice to here.

Oh, what's that?

Your laugh.

It seems like you've been a bit, uh, down lately.

Well, you're sweet to worry, but everything is great.

Well, let's go see some mail.


All: [chanting] Letter carriers out on strike.

Letter carriers out on strike.

[chuckles] Nice hat.

They're postal workers.

They're not gonna judge a man who knows how to keep his ears warm.

[chanting continues]

So, what do you think?

[toilet flushing]

I appreciate the cause, but I have responsibilities.

I can't afford to lose this job.

Of course.

Look, I understand, it is a delicate situation, but if you were to join the group, it would actually help.

But I can't.

Right, but see, our lawyer says that there is strength in numbers.

No. Thank you.

Um, but you, uh...

You won't tell anyone, will you?

You don't have to worry about me, Cindy.

[door opens, closes]

Oh, Diane, let me help you.

I've got it.

No, but I can at least hold this.

I've got it.

Diane hates me.

Um, walk with me.

I have a photo editor that wants coffee and captions.

Also, if it makes you feel any better, I got exactly nowhere with Denise.

She isn't gonna tell anybody, is she?

She said I didn't have to worry.

[whispers] I'm worried.

Me, too.

Even if she tells one of her friends, they could tell somebody.

[phone rings]


Patti Robinson.

Doug: You ready?

What do you have for me?

Listen, Patti, I need everything you can find on Vincent Paganino.

P-A-G-A-N-I-N-O. Lives in Astoria, served in the Pacific, he's a letter carrier.

What am I looking for?

I don't know yet, but I think he's our guy.

I can't go into it right now, there's a line of guys waiting.

Somebody jammed the damn phone booth door.

Make them wait, give me some color.

We got a lot of pissed off postmen.

And they're not budging, they got serious complaints, serious demands.

They want more money?

Yeah, money for sure, but it's deeper.

These guys do a vital job, they...

They want respect.

I will have you know that we always make cookies for Mr. Sullivan at Christmas.

I'm sure that more than made up for the sl*ve wages and horrible working conditions.

All right, you ready?

I got three graphs plus some good quotes we can work in the body later.

Hit me.

When Vincent Paganino returned from the Pacific in 1945, he knew he wanted to stay close to home.

The w*r had taught him to appreciate some things too often taken for granted.

Finn: Send Charlie up, will you? Thanks.

Charlie, put this on the wall.

And where's Washington on their file?

I'll find that out.

Here's the...

Why am I suddenly famished?

Gregory ordered 11 pepperoni pizzas, they're downstairs.


I have Doug's top.

Great. What did he tell you?

I wouldn't expect the mail any time soon.

Is this bad for us? The strike, I mean.

Is it bad for the magazine?

Today it's great.

If it's still going on this time next week, we're all gonna be wearing our belts a little tighter this spring.

Rudderless. At times the union appears rudderless.

Yeah, you can take Doug Rhodes off the water, but you can't take the seaman out of Doug Rhodes.

That was wrong. I said that wrong.

Tell Doug this is inspired. Keep going, just...

Stay away from the nautical metaphors.


Thanks, Patti.

[telex machine chugging]

Hello, Denise.


Gosh. No matter how crazy it gets around here, you never seem stressed.

I like when it's busy.

Me, too. It's exciting.

So, Denise.


Cindy told me that she talked to you about how some of the researchers...

You shouldn't be talking about that here.

I told Cindy I wasn't interested.

[whispering] I know, I just thought maybe if you came to a meeting...

Of course, I'll fact check those figures for you.

I have a call into the Department of Labor already.

That would be a huge help. Thank you.

I'll keep your secret.

But I don't have the luxury of believing in your cause.

I am a black woman working at a white magazine.

A white magazine?

Your story on the Black Panthers called them the most important new organization in the struggle for black civil rights.


Did any black people have anything to do with researching, writing, or editing that story?


Sam: So, uh, is it the same union here in New Jersey and, uh, in New York?

Man: Yeah.

I mean, it's our... It's our local.

It's your local union.


But it's, uh... there's a union for the whole United States?

Yeah, 'cause we all support each other.

Just, uh, tell us a little bit about yourself, huh?

I mean, some guys like to sort.


You know? I'm a carry guy.

I like the fresh air.


Here it is.

And there's twice as much stacked inside.

Jane: Oh, wow.

Sam: Pile's even bigger in person.

Do you mind if I stay back here, and just make a few notes?

Sure thing.


So many people won't be getting their mail.

Well, they will eventually.

If the strike ever ends.

It's so sad, isn't it?

All these words, lost.

This isn't far.

What do you say we deliver some mail to the good people of New Jersey?

That's illegal, isn't it?

It's illegal to open it or forge it, or blackmail people with it.

We're just gonna deliver it, talk to some folks, maybe get a story.


But if we get caught, you're taking the rap.

Well, you'll still visit me in the slammer, right?

If you're lucky.

What do you mean, you can't find her?

Hi. I'm here.

I brought you a sandwich.

And I brought you the military records of Sergeant Vincent Paganino.

What'd you find?

He's a bona fide w*r hero.

Come here.

Tell me.

He won the Navy Cross for heroism, Guadalcanal.

I'll be damned. He's a humble son of a bitch.

He saved his entire unit by storming the enemy g*n position.

Does that sound like your guy?

He did lead the walk out.

He's not even a union official, he's just rank and file.

The guy stood up and spoke his mind before the vote, and everybody said, "right on."

All of a sudden, they had a new leader.

There he is.

He looks so regular.

What do you think it is about a guy like Vinnie that makes people want to follow him?

They relate to him.

He's one of their own.

You know, I came to the Chelsea on New Year's.



That place was nuts.

Yeah, it was.

I looked for you.

I wish you'd found me.

Me, too.


Oh, oh... Oh, hi.


What can I do for you?

[stammers] Um... ac... You know, I was just...

I was actually just here to... try to eavesdrop.

Um, you know, because of the cover.

Every... everyone downstairs is...

Is just dying to know if it's changing.

All right, uh, I don't think Finn's decided yet.

Okay. Well, thank you.

Sam: Here we have the Johnson family of Maple Terrace.

He's got a utility bill, a notice from the rotary club.

And a card from Virginia Johnson in Des Moines.

Ooh, Ginny Johnson. Sounds like a goer.





I'm Jane Hollander and this is Sam Rosenberg, and we work at "News of the Week," the magazine.

Oh, uh, we don't get that magazine.

Oh, well, then you're missing out.

Sam: We're writing a little story on the postal strike, so we brought you your mail from the post office.

Oh, thank you so much.

Was there anything else?

Something you were expecting didn't come?

My dad's pension check.

It usually comes Thursday or Friday.

We'll be all right for a while.

Just wish this thing would be over already.


[phones ringing]

Finn: So what are we thinking, Gregory?

I don't know. I think it's the way to go.

I think there's stronger images, but I mean, ultimately...

It's strong.

It's gonna be hard to make the mail as sexy as Namath.

It's not the mail, it's the strike, the nation at a standstill.

[clears throat]


Hey, Cindy.

Uh, Gregory, this is Cindy Reston.

Of course.

You didn't think a reporter worth his salt could spend three weeks at this magazine, and fail to notice Cindy.

How can we help you, Cindy?

Um, uh, the... the president is going on TV to address the nation at 4:30 about the strike.


Is that confirmed?

Yeah, I heard from my friend at CBS, and Dottie confirmed with DC.

It's gonna be the cover.

Depending on what Nixon says.

It doesn't matter what he says.

Of course it matters. And, Ned, none of these are gonna work. We need a new photo.

Well, I'm expecting pictures from Chicago any minute, so...

It's okay you don't have a picture.

That's okay. Make the words count.

Finn: It's a cover.

It's... It's all about the image.

Son of a bitch, I like it.

But this stays until I hear the president.


[phones ringing]


Hello, ladies.


Patti. Nixon's going on TV at 4:30 to talk postal strike.


I just came from postal strike headquarters.

They're not going back to work any time soon.

I'm sorry, is... is that Doug's writing?

How can you even read that?

It's terrible. I've learned how to decipher it.

"Mr. Paganino has emerged as the true leader of the local 36th, though he's... won no election, his loyalists say he's the only union leader who truly understands them." See?

Hm. Impressive.

Thank you.




What time did you say Nixon was going on?

Uh, 4:30.

For how long?

My friend at CBS says they've blocked out 15 minutes.


[dialing phone]

This should be interesting.

It's from Vietnam.


What is it?


Good afternoon, ma'am.

We are delivering some mail on behalf of the U.S. postal service.

The strike's not over, but we know how important mail can be.


Oh, how awful.

Wait. Do you want to interview her?

Not for this, but for our vet piece.



[phones ringing]


And the salary goes up by what percentage each year?

And is there a cap on that?

I'm sorry, could you confirm the spelling of your last name?


[phone ringing]


Richard Nixon: My fellow Americans...

[whistles] Hey! He's on.

On developments on the postal work stoppage, and on the actions I have decided to take.

First, the overwhelming majority of postal workers across the nation remain on their jobs.

Upholding their tradition and their oath to support the constitution...

Um, I was wondering if I could watch the speech in here.

With you.

I was hoping for some company.

However, in several large cities, post offices have shut down.

In New York, for example, the mail system is wholly paralyzed by illegal walk out.

And essential services...

I can't stop thinking about it.

Last Saturday...

About what?

I pledged to the nation that if the current situation existed on Monday...

Oh, yeah?

I would take action...

You liked that, huh?

My constitutional obligation to move the mail.

And I am taking that action now.

Injunctions have been sought, and in most cases already granted forbidding striking postal workers from interfering with those who wish to return to work.

I've directed the attorney general to take whatever action he believes necessary to see that these court orders are obeyed.

And working with local law enforcement to see that no illegal picket lines interfere with workers returning to work.

Secondly, I have just now directed the activation of the men of the various military organizations to begin in New York City...

What else can't you stop thinking about?



This is very thought provoking.

Right there?

Ohh. Right there?

I don't know.

If you don't know, no one does.

These replacements are being sent in as a supplemental work force to maintain essential services.

That was my second guess.

Does that feel good?

Oh, yes. Yes.

This'll feel even better.


.. for medical services, and also for government assistance.

Veterans depend upon it for their compensation checks.

The elderly depend upon it...

Denise, this is our lawyer.

This is Eleanor Holmes Norton.

Hello, Denise.

I'm sorry, ma'am, I mean no disrespect, but I thought I was clear.

You were, but she...

You can't knock a girl for trying, can you?

Especially for a cause she believes you're sympathetic to?

Nobody is gonna be looking for you while Nixon is on TV, and I called the DC bureau and I got the full text of his speech, so you will be current on what he said.

I know I don't need to explain to you the historic significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Good, because I'd rather tell you how we as women can utilize that law to change the world.


Nixon: For the past year, almost since the day we took office...

They aren't gonna run it.

How do you know?

'Cause I know.

They don't want my 500 word ode to the cultural significance of mail delivery.

Not sexy enough.

Well, I thought it was beautiful.

Can I ask you something?


Why didn't you want to interview the woman with the letter from Vietnam?

I grew up around sad people.

Most of my family didn't make it out of Europe.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know any of them.

I mean, it still screwed me up, but that's not the point.

The one thing you learn when you grow up... around that kind of pain... is that it has to be respected.

You know, with people in pain, you, uh, can't fix it.

Can't make them forget it.

You can't take it away from them.

All you really can do is treat it with respect.

As a reporter, sometimes that not possible, but we didn't need that story.

Not today.

I forget how pleasant it is to get out of the office sometimes.

Goodness, look at me, I'm so sorry.


I have been down a little lately.

I'm so sorry. [sniffling]


I broke up with Chad.

Things weren't, um, moving forward as I had expected them to, so...


Oh, damnit.

[sniffling] You know, the truth is, um...

The truth is he dumped me.

On New Year's Eve, no less.

Well, then, he isn't worthy of you.

Thank you.

Nixon: Immediately after postal workers...

Think about what it means for people to see black postal workers standing alongside white ones.

People see that and they know the postal workers cause is a righteous one.

Just like ours.

Mrs. Norton...

Eleanor, please.

Eleanor, as one colored woman to another, I must say that I don't equate a job at the post office, a position my own father could only dream of, with helping these women, most of whom are only here as a finishing school before they move to Greenwich.

And as one colored woman to another, I understand how you would feel like this is not your fight.

But sister, I'm here to tell you that it is.

See, these women have something very important in common with us.

They're second class citizens, and you and I know exactly how that feels, don't we?

Kept from your full potential.

Paid less than you're worth.

Talked down to.

Told to shut up and stay in your place.

These women live in a box just like you.

So don't be fooled because their box looks a little more comfortable than yours.

It's still a box.

And the only way any of us are gonna break out of this box is if we stand together, because when the second class citizens of the world stand with each other, not against each other, that's how you change the world.

So when you help these women, Denise, the person you free is yourself.

Nixon: What is at issue, then, is the survival of a government based upon law.

Essential services must be maintained.

And as president, I shall meet my constitutional responsibility to see that those services are maintained, and I'm asking for the understanding and support of every American in this decision that I have made in behalf of our country.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Come Monday morning, only one national news magazine will have the biggest story in the country on the cover.


Now listen up.

Now let's make sure everything inside this cover is our very best.

All right, get back to work.

Only six hours to close.

That looked gratifying.

Yeah, it was.

Guess we got a new cover.

And we haven't loused it up yet.

Jesus, you must be hard to live with.

Oh, you have no idea.

Listen, get down there, tell JP we're punting on Namath.

No, don't use the football metaphor.

He's a little sensitive, that one.

Yeah, I think that I can save it.

We got dead weight in business we can trim.

You want to save it, you want to put Namath inside, I'm not gonna stop you, but you're passing up an opportunity to show them something pretty important down there.

Enlighten me, oh, wise one.

You can share pizza, have a laugh, be one of the fellas.

But at the end of the day, each one of those guys needs to know you hold the power to crush their dreams.

Sick man.


[phone ringing]

Patti Robinson.

Doug: It's me.

Can you believe that?

Nixon's making the national guard deliver the mail.

It is a zoo here, Doug.

They're gonna run a new cover.

Congratulations, cover boy.


So do you think that the union's gonna give in after this?

No way. They think this looks way worse for Nixon than it does for them.

Doug, he's declared a state of national emergency.

Are you serious? For a postal strike?

Do you have your copy?

Uh, no. No, no, no.

I'm... I'm just calling to tell you I'm gonna have a new lead graph to fold in Vinnie's reaction to Nixon, and then I'll have four or five new subs for the third column.

Okay. Are you coming back?

Not yet.

I want to get some more reactions, and see if they're gonna make an official response.

Okay. Go write. Call me back.

Okay. Hey, Patti.


This is a blast.

The best.



[glasses clinking]


I got them.

You got who?

Denise, and maybe her two friends.

Uh... That's amazing.

I know.



She is our secret w*apon.


She brought up the thing about the men's salaries again.


I know.

Hey, folks.


It's cold out there.

Finn: Oh, they said it was raining.



Hey. I'm gonna go home.

You want to share a cab?

No, I...

Uh, no, I... I think that I'm gonna hang out here for a little while...


And... see if he stops by.

You know what you're doing, right?

But you're gonna do it anyway?

Finn: Robinson.

Come on in. I'll give you a lift.

One of the great mysteries of Manhattan.

The minute it starts raining, all the taxi cabs disappear.

[chuckles] Thank you.

You can just drop me at the subway.

Where do you live?

The subway is fine.


Where do you live?

Perry and West Fourth.

Raymond, we're stopping at Perry and West Fourth first.

Thank you.

That was a day.

That was a day.

I love days like this.

You must have had a lot of them.

I've had a few.

But that's the beauty, and...

And the t*rture of the news.

You never know when you're gonna get another one.

Could be tomorrow.

Could be years.


This is nice. The music.

I don't get jazz.

You don't get... You don't get jazz?



I don't really think it's a question of getting it or not, I... I... It's more a question of how it feels when it washes over you.

I... I'm just looking for a lyric or a melody or something to hold onto.

Yeah, no, no holding on.

Look, this music's not trying to take you someplace, it's, uh...

It's trying to find you.

Down deep where you already live.



[door opens]

♪♪ [The Guess Who's "No Sugar Tonight"]

♪ Lonely feelin' ♪

[door opens]

♪ Deep inside ♪
♪ Find a corner ♪
♪ Where I can hide ♪
♪ Silent footsteps ♪
♪ Crowdin' me ♪


♪ Sudden darkness ♪

What are you drinking?


♪ No sugar tonight in my coffee ♪
♪ No sugar tonight in my tea ♪
♪ No sugar to stand beside me ♪
♪ No sugar to run with me ♪
♪ Dat'n-doo-dow dow-dat'n-doo-dow ♪
♪ Dat'n-doo-dow dow-dow-dow ♪
♪ Dat'n-doo-dow dow-dat'n-doo-dow ♪
♪ Dat'n-doo-dow dow-dow-dow ♪
♪ Dat'n-doo-dow dow-dat'n-doo-dow ♪
♪ Dat'n-doo-dow dow-dow-dow ♪

So this is where Patti Robinson lives.

Mm. Thank you.

This was very, very nice of you.

Well, get some rest. Strike's not over yet.

It's gonna get busy.

[car door opens]



♪♪[Santana's "Evil Ways"]


♪ You got to change your evil ways ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ Before I stop lovin' you ♪
♪ You've got to change ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ And every word that I say is true ♪
♪ You've got me runnin' and hidin' ♪
♪ All over town ♪
♪ You've got me sneakin' and a peepin' ♪
♪ And runnin' you down ♪
♪ This can't go on ♪
♪ Lord knows you've got to change ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ When I come home ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ My house is dark and my pots are cold ♪
♪ You're hangin' around ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ With Jean and Joan and a who knows who ♪
♪ I'm gettin' tired of waitin' ♪
♪ And fooling around ♪
♪ I'll find somebody ♪
♪ That won't make me feel like a clown ♪
♪ This can't go on ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪