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03x10 - The Fall

Posted: 10/31/16 06:12
by bunniefuu
Setrakian: Humanity's survival was never certain.

We came close to perishing many times before.

In the 1300s, the bubonic plague k*lled over 20% of the humans on the globe.

It took 300 years to restore the world's population.

Later, the Spanish flu infected more than half the people on Earth and k*lled 75 million before we were able to recover.

And then science rose, and humanity flourished.

The population soared to more than 7 billion.

Our advancements brought us all closer together.

(People cheering)

We lost our fear.

We believed we no longer had any predators.

We believed in the primacy of science and technology.

Oh, it's beautiful, Mike. Really is.

But 41 days was all it took... from the day an airplane arrived carrying this plague to the moment when mankind stood on the precipice of destruction.


Humanity teetered on the edge of the abyss.

All it needed was one small push, or a final, last-ditch rescue.

Man: Out of my way!

Second man: All clear.

Third man: Back here, left.

Distant man: What's that?

I have broken with the Master once and for all.

You sent him a letter of resignation?

In a manner of speaking.

I ambushed Eichhorst and riddled him with silver b*ll*ts.

Is... Eichhorst dead?

He crawled away wounded, but it's only a matter of time. He is no longer of any consequence.

Distant man: I'm out of here!

I also discovered what the mysterious cargo was on board the Aurora Cutlass.

A nuclear w*apon.

There is a second now safely in my possession.

What does he need a second for?

I know it is essential to complete the Master's plan and, as such, he will do whatever it takes to get it back.

Without Eichhorst, the Master has to retrieve it himself...

You want to know who the Master is?

Get your team together as soon as possible and be ready to ambush him at Stoneheart.

He'll be coming for my throat.

You're playing a very dangerous game, Eldritch.

No other choice, Abraham.

One final spin of the wheel.

Now, this is the end game for both of us.

One way or the other.

(Dramatic music)

(Theme music)


(Distant siren)

(Moaning in pain)

Distant man: Get away from me!

(Somber music)


(Distant g*nsh*t)

(Distant g*nsh*t)

Master. Ah!

(Dog barking)

Whoa! Who do we have here?

(Indistinct shouting)

(Distant g*nsh*t)



What is that?

Is that a mask?

My God! It's trying to pass for human.

I haven't ever seen one like this before.

I want the head for my collection.

(Helicopter whirring)

(Machine g*n fire)


Oh, God! You k*lled him! We're human!

Can't you...?



(Faraway clanking)

(Creature grunting)

Distant man: Get out of here!

Get me that flag.

Quick, I'm timing you. Go!

Hey there. Are you OK?

You alone?

Where are your parents?

You shouldn't be out here by yourself.



Just leave me alone.

I have a son your age. We're leaving the city.

Everybody is.

You can come with us.



Oh, shit!


No! Don't sh**t her!



(Man grunting)

(Creature hissing)

(Pumping sound)

(Man groaning)

(Glass shattering)


Setrakian: I know this is sudden, but we must move quickly.

This might be our best opportunity ever.

Ephraim, you're just in time. Come.

What do you want?

I'm here to help.

We don't need you, Doc.

Enough! Only if we all work together, do we have any chance to stop this, or we're all gonna die.

If you don't want to cooperate, then leave, go, now! Any of you!

What do you want me to do?

Dutch will take the device you both developed and set it up here, one floor below the penthouse, in the security office.

It's close enough to be in range, and I can use the security cameras to monitor the Master's arrival.

Eph, you can accompany me up to Palmer's penthouse.

As soon as the Master arrives, Dutch will activate the device, incapacitating him.

Fet will bring in the box, and then you, me, Fet, and Mr. Quinlan will force him inside it where the silver will trap him forever.

Then we'll transfer the Master to a tugboat, sail out to the North Atlantic and sink him.

Then it's open season on munchers.


Let's sink the son of a bitch.


Coming in now.

Man over radio: Main 1, main 2 on location.

Mr. Duncan, put men on the doors.

Setrakian and his people must be admitted as soon as they arrive.

(Machine g*n fire)

Get down!

Palmer: Mister Duncan!


(High-pitched screeching)

(Machine g*n fire)

(High-pitched screeching)





(High-pitched screeching)

(High-pitched screeching stops)

(Low growling)


You stole something that is mine.

That is ours.

It may please you to know you chose a partner as wily and as cutthroat as you are.

The b*mb is in my safe.

I alone know the combination.

We must work together now.

(Soft growling)

Perhaps it is in my best interest not to destroy you.

I shall abide by the terms of our original agreement.


(Low growling)

No, wait. Wait. No.

(Palmer grunting)

(Dramatic music)

Eldritch Palmer, eternal life is now yours.

(Squelching sounds)


(Dramatic music)

(Low growling)

(Soft growling)

(Creature clicking)

What's going on here?

I heard about the man in the car.

He was gonna sh**t her.


It wasn't my fault!

Zachary, you did the right thing.

I did?

You're not mad?

Mad? Being turned is an act of great beauty, Zack.

It is?

Of course.

Why haven't I been turned?

I want to turn you.

I do very much, but the Master, in his wisdom, has other plans.

And Dad?

I'd love nothing more than for your father to join us, but your father is following his own path, as he always does.

I'm very proud of you for what you did today.

Both of you.

And so is the Master.

Speaking of which... get your things together, we're leaving here.

Where are we going now?

The Master has revealed himself, and we are going to join him.

You know, at first, I wondered why the professor wanted you up in Palmer's penthouse with him, but now I think I got it.

Keep the weakest link close.

You gotta hit me, huh? Either with your fist or with insults. Did nothing Setrakian said land with you?

(Door closing)

Distant man: Get away! Go!

Guess not.

You know what?

After this is done, we'll never have to see each other again.

(Distant woman shouting)

I guess we agree on one thing.


You gonna fight me too?

You made it very clear that it was over between us.

Not as clear as you made it.

(Glass shattering)

You have a very high opinion of your own moral compass, don't you?

God forbid somebody do something you disagree with.

You mean, like sleep with every other person I meet?

Sanctimonious, hypocritical prick!

(Door closing)

(Door opening)


(Weak moaning)

Why, mein Master, have you taken his form?

For what purpose, my Lord?

A necessary ruse.

And I now possess all of Palmer's knowledge and memories.

Thus, using Palmer's memories, I have located the other nuclear device.

Where is it?


Your conquest is assured, my Lord.

My time is at an end.

Release me.

My most loyal and faithful servant, I know my visage troubles you, but your talents are more necessary than ever.

You are far too valuable to me to lose you now.

(Weak moaning)

(Dramatic music)

His new host body is pure expedience.

A brilliant master stroke in fact.

No one can stop him now.



Thank you.

Zack, would you like to see what is inside?



(Unclasping sound)


The detonator and the device are synced. Once the device is armed... (Beeping) a red light comes on, here.

Also on the detonator.

You see?

I'll leave the detonator with you.

It is armed now.

You will keep it for the Master.

He, and he only, is to press the button.

Is that clear?


(Clasping sound)

The Master has an important meeting at Stoneheart Headquarters upstairs. Once it is finished, the final phase will commence.

(Eichhorst sighing)

What an honor it is to fulfill the final stage of the plan.

Who else but you?

Keep an eye on your mother, young man.

Yes, sir.

I will be back for both of you, shortly.

(Bell ringing)
Mr. Desai... your duties are about to expand greatly.

You will be pleased to learn that we have a great need for a helpful human confederate.

That's very good to hear, Mr. Eichhorst.

Thank you.

Humans... think of evolution in terms of progress and advancement.

This final errand will be the catalyzing event precipitating a new era on Earth, akin to the meteor that felled the dinosaurs and ushered in the Ice Age.

I'm honored, sir... and humbled.

Once we dock, you will take the suitcase and place it exactly where I showed you on the map.

Are you clear as to the location?

Yes, sir. I am.

(Bell ringing)

Accursed sunlight, I shan't miss it.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

(Sinister music)

"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the shining door."

What is it?

Go ahead. I'm going to have a look around.

(Setrakian sighing)

Godspeed, everyone.

You too, Professor.

(Moving elevator sound)

(Fet sighing)

I'm not sanctimonious.

You're just a hypocritical prick then?

You slept with him.





(Metal squeaking)



(Grate closing)

I don't want to fight with you.

It's just, uh...

I just wish that it'd ended up better between you and me, you know?

We would be scratching each other's eyes out by now.


But I do, too.



This is me.



Fet, I'm in. No one's here.

Roger that.

I'm in the service kitchen.

Do you see Quinlan anywhere?

No. No, I don't.


(Elevator door closing)



No sign of the Master yet.

Excuse the mess.

I admit I would like to have seen Eichhorst riddled with b*ll*ts.

I'm sure you would.

Dr. Goodweather, welcome.

Strange bedfellows, eh?

Where's the b*mb?

It's near.

It's safe.

Everything all right, Eldritch?

I'm a little anxious, with the end so near.

Fet: What's happening?

Uh, Eph and Setrakian are with Palmer in the penthouse, talking.

Miriam's heart.

Yours to take of course.

You loved her very much.

How many years has it been, Abraham?

Too many.

And you, Dr. Goodweather, your wife...

What about her?

Sad situation.

Your son though...

What about my son?

A fine boy.

Great potential.

You've never met my son.

(In deeper voice): Zack has a dark heart, don't you think?

What are you talking about?

Ephraim, get back!

Why are you talking about my son?!


Oh, shit! Fet, they're fighting.

With Palmer.

Turn the jammer on!

Turn it on now!


Fet, give me a sec!




Ugh! He jumped into Palmer's body. He's playing with us.

You should have ended it when you had the chance!

The taking of a soul is but another blood meal, but your suffering, this is a delicacy.




Come on! Come on!

Oh, you're unplugged, you little bastard!

(Beep! Beep!)

(Sizzling sound)

What are you going to do? Chop my head off again?

No, we have something else in mind.


(Fighting exertions)

(Master hissing)

(Fet grunting)


(Small static noise)

(Long, loud static noise)



(Eph grunting)



(Dramatic music)




(Sizzling noise)

(Eph groaning in pain)

He's in there?


Oh, my God! Eph!

It's superficial.

It didn't hit the muscle.

Sure as hell doesn't look like it's bleeding superficially.

Our job is only half-done. We need to get this box to the bottom of the ocean as soon as possible.

(Dutch gasping)

(Helicopter whirring)

I'm staying. You need help with the wound.

Van's downstairs.

We need to go.

Palmer's got all sorts of medical equipment here.

The jammer.

It worked.


Take it with you. It'll be helpful if you run into some strigoi.

Well, who's gonna help you?

I'm a doctor, remember?




But we'll be back soon, OK?

(Elevator door sliding open)

Don't die.

Let's go!


Sir, are you all right?

I hear nothing.

There is no voice.



Drive to Stoneheart headquarters!


Yes, sir.


The Master...

I cannot hear him.

You can't...

You can't what?

(Soft growling)

(Continuous heartbeat sound)

(Soft growling)

(Continuous heartbeat sound)

The Master's right upstairs.

Let's just go see him.

Come on, Mom.

(Louder heartbeat sound)

(The heartbeat sound stops.)




(Creaking and clanking)




No! Stop!

(Fighting exertions)

No, get off!

(Kelly hissing)

Please, just stop!


(Eph grunting)

Stop it, please!

(Kelly snarling)

(Kelly hissing)



No, don't!

(Emotional music)

(Muffled): Mom!


(Distant man): Get back!

(Faraway g*nshots)


Are you OK?

(Squelching sounds)

It's over.

It's all over now. You're safe. You're...

You know what that is?



Give that to me.

I hate you!

Oh, shit! Get to cover!

Behind the wall! Come on!



(Wind blowing)


No. No.

(Distant woman crying)

Distant woman: Where are you?

(Dramatic music)

He's gone.

(Dutch coughing)

(Distant crackling and rumbling)

(Poignant music)


(Wind whistling)



(Wind whistling)



Man: Aaaah!

Woman: Get up!

(Desai groaning)

Woman: Please help me!


(Wind blowing)

Mr. Eichhorst.

Mr. Eichhorst.

Help me. Please.

(Wind blowing)

(Moaning): Please. Please.

Help me.

(Wind blowing loudly)

(Distant woman shouting desperately)

Man: Has anyone seen my son?

Woman 1: What's happening?

Man: Anyone, please!

(Indistinct chattering)

Woman 1: Help!

Woman 2: Where did she go?!

Help me!

(Indistinct yelling)

(Baby crying)

(Man groaning in pain)

(Baby crying)

Where's Kelly?

(Indistinct yelling)

(Baby crying)

My dad... k*lled her.

I'm sorry, Zack.

(Woman crying)

(Distant indistinct chatter)

(Touching violin music)

Well done, son.

Thanks to you, we are well again.



Oh, my God!

If the fallout blows this way, we're not gonna have to worry about strigoi.

We'll be glowing. We gotta get underground.

We have to find him.

You want to get irradiated?

Be my guest.

(Poignant violin music)

The occultation.

(Indistinct shouting)

(Wind blowing)

(Touching music)


Woman: You're gonna be OK. You're gonna be OK.


(Touching music)

(Growling and roaring)

(Dramatic music)