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02x05 - KMFORGET

Posted: 10/31/16 03:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

You want to tell me why you're asking so many damn questions?

Can't I just be interested?



Nice to meet you, Will.

You think you got burned on purpose. You want names.

Check out these stress spikes. They're Leigh's.

We can't end this mission just because you found this bug.

Owen is recruiting new members from your class on behalf of a faction.

We're not calling it a faction anymore, sir. We call it the AIC.

When all the hostages have been freed, we'll leave Boyer in your custody.

It wasn't supposed to go this far.


Okay. Let's do this.

[Door opens]

[Helicopter blades whirring in distance]

Woman: For those of you just joining us, we have unconfirmed reports of sh*ts fired just moments ago during what is believed to have been a release of hostages.

The FBI as well as the White House have no comment, and that's in line with the media blackout they've imposed around the area.

There's plenty of chaos and uncertainty surrounding today's events, and as we head into hour four of this national nightmare, Americans are left to wonder, when will we get answers?


Where do you go, Julian?

Since our initial meeting two weeks ago, we've spent approximately 17 hours and 36 minutes together... about 5%, give or take.

Most of the time in this bed, and, um, I can say with absolute certainty that I have no idea where you go when you leave in the morning.

I, William James Olsen, go to The Semple Institute in Pentagon City.

That was easy. Your turn.

You're very sexy. You know that?

I know a lot of things, except for where you go, your last name, why you squint when you wear your glasses, why we only ever meet here.

Do you always ask so many questions of everyone you date?

Oh, no, I don't I don't date.


Well, word of advice.

Some people like to reveal themselves slowly.

You should let them.

Can I borrow your phone, please? Mine's dead again.

I need to check the traffic. It's just so I can get to work.

Which I will tell you about next time I see you.

So, the real question you should be asking yourself is, when are you gonna see me again?

'Cause that's the question I always ask myself whenever I leave you.

It's all clear.

So, do you, uh... do you want to see me again, or do you need to see me again?

I need to see you again.




Text me an address of where to meet you later.

We can go out for a change.

All right. Text you an address.

I'll make sure my phone's not dead.

♪ And this is nothing new ♪
♪ It's just the same old blues ♪

Thanks, Liz.

♪ Like a devil on my shoulder ♪
♪ And nothing left to lose ♪

[Bell dings]

Buenos dias. Juicer working again?

Woman: We got it fixed just for you.

♪ You can never save my soul ♪

I think you forgot this.

Anyone up this early must need their fix, right?

That'll be $5.25.

♪ And this is nothing new ♪

Thank you.

¡Hasta mañana!

♪ It's just the same old blues ♪

Nimah: He talked to you?

Shelby: I don't think he recognized me.

And you don't think he maybe followed you?

He could be on to us. He could be AIC.

He spent time in a cartel prison.

León Velez is dangerous.

I don't think he's gonna give me a Colombian necktie between sips of his kale apple ginger.

You can't go back there.

I know.

No, you cannot see him again.

Nimah. I know.

You know, I thought that being a handler would be exciting.

Like being a coach on the sidelines of the game controlling the moves of the players.

Instead we're commentators in a box in the back.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Okay, they're in.

All right. So Alex reported that Leigh is all about routine.

Every Wednesday, she goes for a run at 6:00 on the dot for exactly 30 minutes, which means they now have 27 minutes in her room to prove that she is the one who planted the bug.

You must've worked up quite an appetite sneaking through Leigh's room.

So, do you want to tell me what's going on, or shall I tell her?


The hell are we?


What the hell happened?

Don't remember any of it.

Leigh, did you drug us?


I did.

You were drugged 77 minutes ago.

That's 1 hour and 17 minutes of your life that are unaccounted for.

Although, it looks pretty obvious how you spent them.

Yeah, in Ryan's dreams.

You took our clothes off?

Owen, this is just...

Illegal? Amoral?


Drugging is just one of the manipulations enemies will use to compromise you, to create situations that show things differently than they are, which is today's focus.

Some of you may notice a few of your classmates are missing.

That's because this particular assignment works better in smaller groups.

Lydia and Angie have the others, but I handpicked you.

Consider yourselves lucky.

You made it to the inner circle.

Today you're gonna learn that an operative is the writer, director, and stage hand.

You craft the narrative, you create the illusion, be it false intelligence, a faked identification, or a staged crime scene.

The art of illusion is about making something look like something else, convincingly placing yourself somewhere you've never been, or erasing yourself as if you were never there at all.

All right, that's it. Let's go.

Harry: Well, I already know two people very adept at the art of illusion.

I'm going to raise the curtain on you two by the end of today, and that's a promise.

No signs of her.

See anything anywhere?


Alex: 'Cause I'm right here.

I need a favor. An off the record kind.

Of course.

So, these t*rrorists have Eric Boyer, and we don't know why.

We need someone on our side who is just as good as he is so we can figure out what they want to use him for.

Well, as good as Boyer is gonna be hard to come by, but there's plenty of agents in Cyber...

Who are crap by comparison.

I need a black hat, or someone who thinks like one.

Someone who can find a rootkit without having a whole department to back them up.

Who'd you have in mind?

Will Olsen.

He works at The Semple Institute, a think t*nk based in D.C.

The Israeli intelligence hired them to advise at the G20.

He's here, in their offices in Midtown.

You want me to bring him here?

No, he's not an agent. He doesn't work here.

Even if I kissed him in as a former trainee, no one would give him access.

Bring him to my apartment so we can work in privacy.

Thank you for trusting me with this, Miranda.

Never had a reason not to.

[Cellphone vibrating]

You must have a very good reason to call, knowing they could be listening.

I'm on a payphone, believe it or not.

It's still the '80s at the Gold Leaf.

Hey, can you... can you conference this number for me, please?

[Telephone rings]

Okay. This is ridiculous, right?

The FBI's got to have a better way of encrypting our phones.

How did it go on Leigh?

Uh, we struck out.

Either she's a master spy who's been trained to leave no trace, or we're just barking up the wrong tree.

Or Owen Hall is listening to see if you're ripe for the AIC.

If he wants to hide a bug in The Farm, he would know how to do so.

We still need to run down Leigh first.

You can backstop a record, but you can't change your biometrics.

You need hard samples... fingerprints, hair, saliva.

We're on it, and we'll have it to you by the end of day.

Keep us posted.


We think We know.

We think and know that there's another recruit looking into us.

Harry Doyle caught us coming out of Leigh's room.

Handle it. Whatever it takes.

Nimah: And get those biometrics on Leigh.

Owen: Illusion starts with you.

What worked 30 years ago still works today.

You'll need gloves so you don't leave prints.

Shoe covers for your feet to mask your steps.

And a baseball cap.

Plus a ponytail for women to not leave hair behind.

And make sure to wear clothes you don't care about.

Things sometimes get messy.

Hey, Leigh, would you pass me my phone? It's right there.

Oh, sure.


No, remember what Owen said. Glove up.


Owen: When things go wrong at a location, you need to make it seem like nothing happened and create the illusion that you were never there.

The CIA sends in case officers to learn everything about a room down to the thread count of the bed sheets.

You're going to my house right now to case it with that same eye for detail.

So, what's Owen gonna have us do next, wash his car, mow his lawn?

After that, we'll stage a coup in a foreign country.

Life at the CIA.

Leigh, babe, your hair should be up.

Oh. Here you go, love.

Oh, thanks, Harry.

You're everywhere today, aren't you?

Right? [Chuckles] You should hope so.


Are these pins places you've been or... do I need to look closer?

Owen: Here's where things get messy.

Manipulating a cause and time of death for a body is a worst-case scenario, yet totally essential skill.

It has to look real.

Remember, practice makes perfect.

Almost like you've done this before.

Saw it in a movie.

How'd you like to help me out on a real off-book assignment?

What's in it for me?

I'm already keeping your secret.

I thought this week's lesson was illusion, not blackmail.

Well, now you can learn one of my secrets to make it even.

Tonight, you'll take part in a live operation that'll utilize the skills you've learned.

A journalist for the Post, Al Crawford, has spent the last two days holed up in a suite at the Franklin Club, a members-only social club in D.C.

The Agency believes that he's been hiding out after facilitating a leak of state secrets to the Russians.

You are being enlisted to survey Mr. Crawford and will be going in undercover as prospective new members.

You'll rub elbows with the D.C. elite... congressmen, ambassadors, K Street lawyers, and a lot of rich old white men.

Once Crawford leaves his suite to have dinner in one of the dining rooms on the premises, three of you...

Three? Well, how about me, Alex, and Ryan?

Very well, Doyle.

The three of you case said suite and give that intel to a clean-up team.

Leigh, León, you run point surveying Crawford, and keep Harry, Alex, and Ryan posted on his moves.

I thought the CIA doesn't operate on American soil.

The CIA isn't.

Since you're not CIA, not yet anyway.

All right, the Agency's still waiting confirmation on Mr. Crawford's activity.

This is real, people.

And since this is real, say hello to your get out of jail free pass.

This is an endorsement card.

Should you run afoul of local law enforcement, given your illegal activity, you can use it to have your slate wiped clean.

However, if any of you do so, don't bother coming back.

I'll consider that your resignation.

Come on up, get your data packs.

Background on Crawford, floor plans of the club, and your very own cover story.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Another threesome?

How about it? But this time sober, huh?



This is Shelby. Leave a message. [Beep]

Will: Hey, it's Will. Can you meet?

I need to see you. It's about your agents.

I'll text you an address.


Will: So, if what you're saying is true, then Miranda is guilty of treason, espionage, conspiracy... half the statutes in the Patriot Act.

Which is why I have to be sure.

So, you're trusting the word of Eric Boyer, a criminal, and you've known Miranda for years.

She's a mentor and a friend. I'm just stating the facts.


I want to be wrong about this. I do.

Which is why I need you to tell me if Miranda is pulling the wool over all of our eyes before I hand you over to her.


[Night vision goggles whirring]

Will, it's me again.

Call me back.

I just don't get it.

Why would he call, text an address, and then go silent?

Do you think he's in danger?

Do you think that Alex and Ryan are?

We need to call them.

We can't.

If they're compromised, any attempt at contacting them will be intercepted and implicate them and us.

Okay, but why Will? Why would he be involved?

How did he even know about us?


He was at the CIA black site for months last year.

Who's to say that the AIC weren't the ones holding him?

What if Harry Doyle and Leigh Davis are AIC?

Who knows what they could've done.

Right now, we only know one thing for certain...

The address that Will sent.

It's the Franklin Club in D.C.

We have to go there.

Are you crazy? This can be a trap.

Look, you can either come with me and cover me or stay here, but I'm going.

[Jazz music playing]

Comms check.



In position.

In position.



Velez, where are you?

Haven't seen him, sir.

Remember, everyone maintain cover.

[Headsets beep]

Someone could be watching us.

Pretend I'm just a Supreme Court clerk hitting on you.

Who do you want to be?

I can't do this right now.

Between Leigh and Harry, it's just getting harder to pretend.

I don't know what lie I just told.

I know what you mean.

Maybe that's why this was never meant to be a two-person mission.

Do you think we'd do better if it was just one of us here?

Do you?

[Headset beeps]

[Door opens]

[Cork pops]

Uno... dos...


Uh, I'm... I'm sorry. I have to get...

Wait. Uh, I'm sorry.

It's just I'm... I'm hiding from someone.


Well, I can't tell you that.

What are you doing here?

I'm a member.

Really? So am I.

Or... prospective.

Listen, something tells me seeing you twice in one day is a sign.

Maybe we can make it three?

Tonight? Bochco's Diner?

[Cellphone vibrating]


Hey, I just got Shelby's voicemail saying to call you.

My phone's been acting up all day.

Well, it's that or the guy I'm seeing is playing a trick on me.

Is he tall, dark hair, Hispanic?

No, Julian's British, if that's even his name.

Pale, blue eyes, ears?

Wait, how'd you know?

I have to go.

Thank you for your help.

Wait, Nimah.

I think we should...

Aha, just the people I was looking for.

There's someone I'd like you to meet. It's a mystery guest. Come with me.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to your handler, Shelby...


Sorry about that, love.

You thought that was Shelby Wyatt, didn't you?

Are you trying to set us up, Harry?

How many times do I have to tell you we're not FBI anymore?
Leigh: Ryan, Alex, Harry. Crawford's on the move.

You're a go.

Case his room.

Well, let's pretend to be CIA, then, shall we?


It's always a test, isn't it?

[Telephone rings]

Hello, Owen.

I just called 911.

Local police response time is 13 minutes.

I suppose you can leave now and avoid surveillance, but what will you do with what you left behind?

Well, you've taught us well.

We haven't left any traces of ourselves.

Maybe tonight, but not today.

You all touched a lot of things at The Farm.

I brought some of it along and sprinkled them throughout the room.

Ryan's saliva, Harry's prints.

Hell, the room is under your alias, Alex.

Either clean it up in the next 12 minutes or use your endorsement card and go home.

Bye now.

Man: Freeze!

Turn around!

Harry: All right, well, I'm gonna check out my suite.

See if I've got a king-sized bed, maybe get a couple Senate pages up from downstairs to Netflix and chill with.

Wait, you're leaving?

Your ass is on the line, too.

What the hell is that?

Yep, looks like I haven't touched anything but these.

I avoided surveillance on the way up.

It's not my room, not my problem, so I was never here.

See ya.

Hey, wait.

We're a team, remember? You volunteered us for that.

Alex: Let him go, Ryan. In fact, you should go, too.

I can explain away your DNA, but this is my mess to clean.

The room is under my alias.

You can't lift that body by yourself. Neither could I.

I can use the endorsement card.

At least that way you'll still be at The Farm.

Okay, this melodramatic little martyr thing might turn you two on, but it's boring me to tears.

May I go?

If it was you, what would you do?

Well, I could solve this mess in one move.

Well, I'll tell you if you tell me everything I want to know.



We need this.

Yeah, we do.

You have 10 minutes and 58 seconds. Spill.

Okay, replace glasses, knives, forks, sheets, towels with anything from your room.

Turn the room into someone else's name. Problem solved.

But who?



We can beat him at his own game.

In order to get him a member suite for the night, we need his credit card, his driver's license to put it in the system.

Yeah, well, he keeps his wallet in his jacket left-hand side pocket just like you, Booth.

Look, if you admit you're FBI, I will personally go and get it for you myself while you clean up this mess.

Tick, tock, tick.

I'm FBI. She's not.

We'll explain everything when this is done.

For now, let's go.

All right.

Back in a jiffy.

Let's do this.

So, wait a minute.

You're saying you run this sort of thing every year?

Have an old friend pretend to be a criminal and then park a dead body in their suite to freak out recruits?

Something like that.


Thanks for taking part, man.

Hey, if it introduces me to my next generation of sources, phew.

It is damn good to see you, man.

You, too.

When Lydia called me, she said this would be the most fun I had in a while, and she was right.

I don't know.

I thought you still blamed me.

Blamed you for what?

I get why you might've.

You got put out to pasture before your time, and I know what that's like.

And if I had known that writing your name meant that you were gonna be exposed...

[Cellphone chimes]

Don't you want to check that?


Probably just my wife wondering when I'm gonna be home.


I don't know, could be an anonymous tip.


Speaking of your wife, do you think she'd like a copy of that?

You're kidding me.

You faked this.


Even if she believed it was faked, I have seven people here who I.D.'d you leaving that suite, and one NDA signed by you agreeing not to divulge what I asked you to do here, nor who was a part of it.

What do you want?

I want those names.

Thank you, Lydia. Got exactly what I needed.


I am so sorry.

Woman: It's room 11 on the fifth floor.

Right this way.

[Elevator bell dings]

Damn it.

This your suite, sir?

Number 11?

Mm, no.

My suite's just down the hall.

Aren't you Henry Gould?

Yeah. So?

This is your suite.

Uh... well, yeah, no.

I'm a guest here, but no, this isn't my suite.


[Lock beeps]

I think they're gonna want to have a chat with you.

Thank you for your help.


It's always a test, isn't it?

Not my problem.

We're a team, remember? You volunteered us for that.

Excuse me, Ellen. Hi.

There's a small business matter only you can help me with.

[Sighs] Of course.

I left my key and my wallet in my room.

Hi. I'm Henry Gould. I'm staying in suite 11.

Can I get another key?

You'll have to tell me more than your name.

Last four digits of the card on file.

Yeah. It's...


[Card reader beeps]

Oh, damn it.


I think Miranda's innocent.


Boyer sent the message through a Tor server on the darknet.

Very private, invite only, Silk Road kind of stuff.

And you weren't the only one he communicated with that way.

"You want my help? Meet my price.

"Morning of, I'll be standing by.

"This is going to change the world."

Wait. He was working with the t*rrorists?

Up to a point.

His last correspondence reneging on the deal.

Told them that he'd had second thoughts and they'd have to find someone else.

His message to you must've been a last-ditch attempt to cover his tracks, shifting the blame so no one would ever know he'd associated with them.

I think you should take me to Miranda.

Man: On your knees, Parrish.


So the charade's over, huh?

You're speaking English.

Drop it!

[w*apon clatters]

Just do it already.



What's going on?

[Breathing heavily]

[Woman speaking Hindi]



Shelby: That was close, but at least Harry's off the farm.

Alex and Ryan were careless.

Harry Doyle nearly exposed them and us and almost blew the entire mission.

What are we going to tell Miranda?

Nothing. We're fine.

I know you are.

Is there something you want to say, Nimah?

I saw you at the club with Zorro.

You enjoyed it, being so close to danger.

You practically said so this morning.

Said what?

That you wanted more than a job on the sideline.

You wanted in. So you put yourself in.

In any agent's career, you get two or three big moments if you're lucky.

We've been doing this for only one year, and we already got Grand Central, Quantico, O'Connor.

We cannot put ourselves in danger just to feel that excitement again.

We have to stay in the box from now on.

What exactly did León say to you?

He just flirted. That's all.

And you?

I did what I had to do in the moment.

Good night, Shelby.

[Door opens, closes]


Owen: All right, Alex, tell me.

Three of you went into that room.

Two of you came back here.

And one of you was last seen being escorted away by the police.

I want to know how you pulled it off.

You know what they say about a good magician.

Fair enough.

Not how you did it.

How did it feel?

Crossing that line, framing an innocent man.

I don't feel guilty about it if that's what you're asking.


I'll admit, when I heard about you and Ryan Booth being in my class, I was nervous having two former feds, 'cause in the past, once someone crosses over, they usually don't excel here.

It's hard enough to break patterns, then you add amorality on top of it, it's usually too much for years of fidelity, bravery, and integrity to overcome.

But you and Booth today...

Why am I here and not him?

Because I see something in you I don't yet see in him.


Where'd you learn this tactic?

Istanbul? Myanmar? Beijing maybe?

Somewhere else on that map?

I told you not to believe anything you see.

That is my own illusion.

I've never been anywhere on that map.

But my daughter has.

14 years ago, a reporter released my name as an operative.

Now, he didn't know I was active, was told I'd been retired, and as soon as that article came out, I most certainly was.

Once everyone knows who you are, you can no longer step foot on foreign soil.

All the lies I told, places I infiltrated, the people I burned, they're all out there lying in wait for me.

So, I can't risk leaving the country.

How do you deal with that?

I'm still dealing with it.

But... that's a lesson for another day.

If you're interested in learning from me.

I'm interested.

[Water running]

[Microwave beeps]

Chicken Kiev.

[Water shuts off]

Chick... Chicken Kiev. My... my kids love it when I make Chicken Kiev. [Chuckles]

I do mine from scratch. I mean, I don't have chickens.

I have a butcher friend. Who doesn't in L.A. these days?

Uh, the trick is to use warm butter, not cold.

Chicken doesn't absorb it as well.

You okay?

You're really going on about Chicken Kiev.

I miss my kids.

I miss my life.

I mean, I even miss my husband sometimes.

I mean, at home, I had the energy to run a business, mother my children, have sex, and work out.

I actually did those things.

No need to brag about it.

[Sighs] Sorry, sorry.

I just...

I don't have any friends here.

No one to talk to.

No one really talks here, and I'm a talker.

I make lists, and I tell people what to do.

But here, other people have the lists, and they tell me what to do and I do it.


You're a good listener.

I'm taking advantage of that.


Oh, I'm... I'm not really a scotch drinker.

I like a nice IPA.

Well, real spies ask for the hard stuff.

Scotch, single malt, no less than 12 years.

There's a lot of things that we'll have to do that we're not used to doing.

Might as well start now.

This isn't scotch.

It's apple juice.

Well, you don't have to drink it.

You just have to present the illusion that you are.

You're gonna be okay, Leigh.

Just go call your kids, say good night, and make a list.

I'll pick up some groceries tomorrow, and you can make all of us your famous Chicken Kiev.

Thanks, Ryan.



Nicely done.

[Door opens]

What are you doing here?

Well, Owen said no one gets thrown out unless they use their endorsement card, right?

Well, I didn't use my endorsement card.

I used something else.

And we're talking, aren't we?

Right now.

First off, well done.

Yeah. You got me.

Except you didn't 'cause I'm still here.

Now, secondly, there is a term that Americans love to use when it comes to the sharing of information.

What is that?

How'd you get out without an endorsement card?

The police took you away. We saw that.

Or are you CIA like Lydia?

No, but seriously, what is that term?

Because it is right here on the tip of my tongue.

You MI6?


Transparency. That's what it is. It's so American.

It's like "above board" and "jean jacket."

And yes, Ryan, I'm with MI6.

Wow. Took you long enough.

Does anybody else know?

Uh, yeah. Only everybody.

Owen, Lydia, the instructors, all of the CIA.

Basically everyone apart from you two and the other recruits.

But I don't understand. So you're an undercover agent?

No, that's you. Do you mind if I eat these?

Everyone knows I'm there because it's above board.

It's above board. There you go. I just got that.


Anyway, I'm part of a pilot program where one of me comes and trains with the CIA, one of them goes and trains in London.

It's kind of like a foreign exchange, if you will.

You're an agent?

Yeah, I'm in the Foreign Office, Ryan, in Her Majesty's service, Officer Rank Two.

And before you ask, yes, I can prove it.

But I'm not going to just yet because I've shown you mine, and I think it's time that you show me yours.


I'm pretty sure there isn't a pilot program for the CIA and the FBI.

So, what's what?

Now look, I swear to God you better come clean, 'cause if you don't, I will use all the resources of the U.K. and America to find out for myself.

We're CIA recruits, Harry.

We were handpicked and recruited just like...

Shut up. Okay? Just shut up. It's enough now.

I know Shelby Wyatt and, as of today, Nimah Amin are active agents, and you two are clearly working with them.


No? No response? Poker face? Okay.

Well, my next appointment call is Owen. Thank you.

All right, stop. Wait. Wait.

We're CIA.

And we're FBI.

And we can explain more, but we do need to speak to our supervisors about it.

I'm pretty sure as MI6, you understand that.

So, please don't speak to anyone... not Owen, not the other recruits, and especially not Leigh.

We think she might be working for someone.

She may have bugged Alex's room.

We found this the other night.


No, no. That was me.

Sorry, I was trying to figure out who you were.

Did you find the other one I put in your room, as well?

No? That's a shame.

Get your phones, call your supervisors, and verify my story.

Because I swear to God no one is going back to The Farm until we have complete transparency.


Hey! How was your day? What did you see?

Boy: Hi, Mommy. Where are you?

I'm visiting Grandma for a while.

I told you.

Where's Grandma? Can I say hi?


♪ And you can't hold me down ♪

.. she's not here right now.

She says hi, though.

♪ 'Cause I need an answer ♪

Thank you for your help today.

The work you did was very impressive.

You've clearly staged photos before, but I already knew that.

As promised, no one else will know now.

Yeah, thanks, Owen.

Pleasure working with you.

♪ But still I need an answer, love ♪
♪ But still I need an answer, love ♪
♪ Kindly be kind ♪
♪ Wipe all the dirt from my eyes ♪
♪ I need an answer ♪
♪ I need an answer ♪
♪ Been up until dawn ♪

[Bell jingles]

♪ And all of my heroes are gone, babe ♪
♪ But I know they're out there ♪
♪ I know they're out there ♪

Didn't think you were coming.

Oh, I wasn't till about three minutes ago.

Listen, I don't usually do this.

Wait in diners for women I don't know.

I don't care what you usually do.

I'm just glad you're doing it now.

Do you want to stay here or go somewhere?

I don't even know your name.

Is that gonna be a problem?


That's perfect.

♪ I need an answer ♪

[Indistinct conversations, telephone ringing]

[Cellphone ringing]

I thought we said no calls. Texts only.

Will: You didn't have to send Shelby Wyatt.

You could've contacted me yourself.

It's not what you think.

Yes, it is.

I know what you're doing, and I understand why you're doing it.

You don't have to turn me. I'm in.

Oh, I convinced Shelby you're innocent, by the way.

You're welcome. Now what do I need to do?



Lydia? How the hell did you get out?