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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/29/16 09:58
by bunniefuu
Why didn't you tell him, Mum? Why didn't you tell Frank?

Frank's dead. Doesn't mean they've got no-one looking out for them.

You're Frank's cop.

I needed money.

My mum - her care home, it's expensive.

How long have we known each other?

They got anything on you?

I want to run your yard.

I've made my decision.

All roads lead to Duncan Elliot.

Send someone undercover.

If I find out you're playing me for a fool, I'll k*ll you.

He'll run a bottle test, see how far you'll go.

I've been here since you called.

Nothing's been found.

I always wear it.

Someone's gonna notice it's gone.

Can you replace it?

My mum got it for me years ago.

I don't even know where.

OK. Retrace your steps.

Everywhere you were last night.

If the necklace is found, you lost it here now.

We knew to expect something.

I didn't expect this.

Nancy, this puts you on the inside with a man we think was behind the m*rder of Frank Le Saux.

Thanks to you, we might actually have a chance of landing him.

Ma'am? Mrs Svrcek wanted to take a look around.

I wasn't sure if that was all right.

Of course. DS Devlin, perhaps you can take Mrs Svrcek inside.


I'm scared.

Mrs Svrcek?


Are you OK to answer some questions?

Have you had any threats recently?


Or know of anyone who might bear a grudge?

What about Duncan Elliot?

We hear from staff you recently offered him an opportunity here and then changed your mind.

You don't think this could be an attempt to get you to change it back?

Alisha for a girl, Sharad Kumar Nayar the Third, if it's a boy.

What? Worked for Eminem.

No, it didn't. That's why he changed his name to Eminem.



There's people to see you.

I think it's The Met.

Have a seat, DS Devlin.

When were you last in contact with your mother?

What's happened?

Her residential care unit in London has been trying to reach you.

She's missing.

Uh... Since when?

Some time in the early hours.

Has she been in touch?

Hey. Boss wants all Le Saux drivers re-interviewed about the whereabouts of Stephan Milner and the missing truck.

See if we missed anything the first time round.

And we should sound them out about the fire as well.


My mum. She's

..mental health issues.

She's been in a residential unit.

She's missing.

I'm sorry.

The thing is... she's been trying to call me the last couple of days.

Just work's been so...

She's very sick at the moment.

Vulnerable. It would be easy for someone to hurt her.

Want to drive? Give you something to concentrate on.




..this unit that your mum's in... we could go up there.

Take in a couple of Le Saux drivers on the way.


Uniform called it in.

Thought we might be looking for a getaway vehicle from the attack on Le Saux's.

You call crime scene?

On their way.

Go up and make sure they won't miss it.

I nearly drove past.

Ma'am? You were right.

They nearly drove past.

Did you find something?

You can still smell the petrol.

Seats must have been soaked in it.

When we checked the room at six she was gone.

We told the police what clothes were taken, and we gave them a copy of that.

She has been agitated recently.

Not responding as quickly as we'd hoped to the medication.

But nothing that would lead us to expect this.

Who gave her the flowers?

Oh, she had a visitor.

Not your father.

This was a younger man.

He was very concerned about your mum.

What did he look like?

Oh, he was white. Middle 30s.

Beard. But close cropped. You know?

And he was dressed nicely too.

Wore a suit.


I really have no idea what you're talking about.


Just following up on a description.

Right. Well, like I said, I am more than sorry to hear that DS Devlin's mother is unwell.

But the idea that I would visit her...

So you can account for your movements yesterday?

All of them?

DS Devlin... Nancy...

..I've never met your mother.

So why would I travel 50 miles to see her in London?

Unless it was...

..all about messing with you.

That would be insane, wouldn't it?

You fucker!

You fucker!

Hey, Nancy.

What did you say to her?

What did you say to her?

Hey, come on.

What did you say to her?

Hey, Nancy. DS Martin, your partner is under a lot of strain.

I suggest you take her somewhere to calm down before this becomes an actual as*ault.


Wait a second.

Hey. You OK?

You OK?

It was him. I know it was him.

He went to see her, and now she's gone.

All right. Are we all here?

Sorry. Traffic.

Oh, DS Devlin.

There's something of yours on my desk.

You must have dropped it when you were in my room.

So, the Le Saux drivers...

What did we get?

No more information on the fire.

Bits and bobs on Milner.

Nothing we didn't know already.

We checked out a few pubs he was a regular at.

No-one's seen him for a few weeks.

Apparently, that wasn't unusual.

He often went off on trips at short notice.

Liked travelling. Guess that's why he became an HGV driver.

Duncan, I've just got word from the traffic police.

Listen, I think we might have found the truck.


The Dock Road, Shoreham.

I'm on my way there now, like we agreed.

Tell your boys to make it look real, but I don't want any scars.

I know you're not hungry, but you've got to eat.

They go down pretty well.

Thank you.

Nancy, is there something going on you're not saying?

You know? Cos I believe you that Nash went to see your mum.

I just don't get why he would.

And all I've got is that Nash connects to Elliot.

And Elliot we're looking at for m*rder.

Are you being lent on?



You NCD lot are worse than Fight Club, I tell you what.

Units in the vicinity of Shoreham Dock Road.

'Officer requesting assistance.

Possible sighting of missing Le Saux vehicle.'

There you go.

Thank you.

I didn't see 'em coming.

Where is it?

Where's the truck?

It's gone.

Finish it off.

How's the kid doing?

He still here?

He's OK. He's mending.

Well, I'm sure it's not the first time he's been in a fight.

I doubt it'll be his last.

Oh, come on.

He's a physical guy, isn't he?

Isn't that the point?


Listen, I didn't come here to talk about Darryl.

Your mum told me about Theo Kettler cleaning out your accounts.

I don't know what Tate's fees are, but I know divorce settlements are complicated.

If you need anything, anything at all...

I appreciate that, Shay. I do.

I'm coming back around to the idea of Duncan Elliot running the yard.

Maybe if Tate gets used to him, he'll feel differently about selling and everything will be all right.


I heard what happened.

The fire at the yard.

Even if you know who's behind it, I don't expect you to tell me.

You've people to protect.

I understand that.

You're doing the right thing, keeping them safe.


What you said about Darryl.

Er...yeah. It came out wrong.

If he's what's getting you through at the moment, I'm glad he's around.

Don't just go mistaking him for something he isn't.

Like what?

A future.

Romany, Thane...

Oh, I thought you were still in bed.

What does he want?

Nothing. Just to see how you were.

What else?

He offered to lend me some money for Tate's fees.


I can get you money.

If you need money, I'll get it for you.

Really? Three grand a month?

You're gonna lend me three grand a month?

He's just a friend.

He's not.

You and him... you used to...


We used to what?

Be together.

Go back to bed, Darryl.

Le Saux takes the truck from the Harvest Bite, hides it in plain sight.

Presumably planning to come back for it, but he's k*lled.

And the truck isn't found until today.

Found and lost.

So, traffic cameras.

ANPR cameras.

CCTV at petrol stations.

And Stephan Milner.

Let's widen that search.

We're thinking Elliot, right?

Le Saux stole his truck: he stole it back.

What we're thinking is the truck and its contents tell the story of what Le Saux was up to - who k*lled him and why.

The gold mine.

The gold mine.

Have you seen Nancy?

She had to step out.

I'm sure she'll be back soon.


I've found your mum.

'She's safe. Can you come?'

I can't get away. Not at the moment.

'Tell her I'll be with her as soon as I can.'

Tell her I love her, all right?


I came for Nancy.

She's not here any more, is she?


Not any more.

I can't remember where to find her.

She's going to come and find you.

I think we have to get you to hospital first.

Someone came.

They said Nancy wasn't safe.

Did they?

Well, they got that wrong.

I just spoke to her. She's fine.

Safe as houses.

That was tidy work last night.

So have your lot still got eyes on my place?

What if I was to say...

I needed a blind spot in the surveillance?

A window when no-one was looking.

Time to get something in the garage.

And then out again.

How long do you... think you can get me?

Two hours. Maybe a bit more.

I was thinking more like four.

All right. Four.

And how much is that gonna cost?

Make me an offer.

You first.

Caveat emptor and all that.

£500 an hour upfront.

500 an hour?

You must have balls of f*cking brass.

How the f*ck else do you think I kept Frank off the radar?

Look, half of Sussex Police are looking for a truck which I presume you've now got.

I'm the one who's got to get rid of my surveillance partner.

I'm the one taking the risk. So if you ask me, it's a bloody bargain.

All right.

I'll be in touch.

Hello, yes.

I wanted to enquire about the fees for your private rooms.

I've got a friend who's struggling to meet her mother's costs, and I was hoping I might be able to help out.

NHS only? What? You don't do private rooms at all?

Right. Oh, my mistake.

Sorry to waste your time. Bye.

'It's me.'

Listen, we need to give this a rest for a while.

Why? What's happened?

'Nothing. A bit of a chill in the breeze. It won't last.'

Is someone on to you?

No. Stop being such a drama queen, man. I told you, it's nothing.

Just taking precautions, that's all.

I'll call you. All right?

Yeah, all right.

Did you get any sleep?

They've been doing blood tests.

They don't think her medication is at the right levels. the unit, they told me you've been visiting.

You never said.

I wasn't sure you would approve.

No, it's good.

It's good you'll be here when she wakes up.

I have to go.

Nancy, yesterday you put the blame on Frank.

And that is where it belongs.

But not for everything.

What came after... the drinking how I was with your mum...

..that wasn't Frank.

That was me.

I did that.

Tell her I was here.


Take care.

I'm gonna let Duncan Elliot have the yard.

I know what you think he's done and I know he's a suspect.

But I need this to stop.

Look, Hayley... if you're afraid he's gonna hurt someone...

He already has.

The guy that I've been seeing.

Look, I don't want to give in to him, Nance, but there's Mum, there's Tate, there's the kids.

There's this thing that keeps going round and round in my head, and I can't get rid of it.

It's what you said about Dad.

You said he will always be exactly who I thought he was.

But he's working in the same business as Duncan Elliot.

Were they the same?

Would Dad have done to someone else what Duncan Elliot is doing to me?

I don't know...

I don't know any more.

What do you mean?

Things have changed.

I don't know who he was.

Look, I am blundering around in the dark here. Terrified.

I'm just walking into walls and you're watching me do it.

I thought you were my friend.

I am your friend.

No, you've got too many secrets to be anyone's friend.

You tell me things when you think I need to know them.

You decide every time.

And you always know more than what you say.

Hayley. You're not being fair.

f*ck you!

Sean, fancy a walk?

Thought you were giving up?

Mm. That was last week.

Duncan Elliot thinks Frank Le Saux had a tame copper on the inside.

He thinks it's Nancy.


Cos I want him to.

He's asked her for a surveillance window to bring something into the garage.

We're guessing the missing truck.

I'm only telling you because you're her surveillance partner.


We give him his window, and when the truck's on the premises... we've got him.

Sorry to disturb you, but Mrs Svrcek wasn't answering her phone, and I wondered if she was here.

No, she isn't.


Come in.

Thank you.

So, you two fallen out?


It's obvious she had a row with someone.

She hasn't spoken to Aamil today, so...that leaves you.

Oh, don't look so surprised.

I see a lot more than you think.

Your being here now, for instance.

My guess is that you've come here to tell her something.

Something that you think will bring you closer together.

It won't.

You think it's about you and her.

It isn't.

It's about her and her dad.

You think she'll be happier knowing he was your father too?

How long have you known?

I saw your...DCI Newman the other day.

About a missing witness.

She thought I might know something.

I didn't.

But it started me thinking.

And ever since then, things have fallen into place.

You were with him.

You were there when he was k*lled.

I won't give you away... if that's what you're worried about.

You're Frank's secret.

I'll respect that.

You knew about Delia Bradley's son, Jason.

Why didn't you know about me?

Frank and I had an understanding.

If something mattered, he'd tell me.

If...anything were ever to happen to me...

..would you...

..would you please tell Hayley, then?

No, darling, I wouldn't.

Been looking for you.

I'm sorry about what I said.

I know I've got no right, I just...

I want to make things better for you.

I want to make a difference.

You do.

Darryl, what did you do for my dad?

You know what I did.

I told you. Driving.

And I took care of things around the house.

Stop it. Stop it.

If there's ever gonna be anything real between us, then you have to tell me the truth.

What did you do for my dad?

Anything he asked.

So, what's the plan?

I disappear, you turn a blind eye, Elliot brings the truck in and then we pounce?


How did you tell Elliot you were getting rid of me?

Oh, you're having a thing with a woman in Saltdean.

Her husband's on nights this week.


What?! I had to think of something.

Cab's picking you up in a couple of minutes.

Four hours, though.

I mean, I'll be through my repertoire in two.


Nancy, this...

This thing with Elliot.

Does it frighten you?

There's a panic button on my phone.

All I'll be doing is sitting in the car, waiting for the truck to arrive.

That's not what I asked.

It's OK when I'm there, when I'm actually doing it.

But the rest of the time.

You know, now.

Are you scared?


You should go.

Elliot needs to see you leave.




I want to show you something.

You can leave that.

You are joking, aren't you?

What if work call?

All right. But no photos.

Boss, this isn't right.

She's supposed to stay in the car and look the other way.

Elliot's changed the plan.

Visual on DS Devlin.

They're heading into the garage.

'Armed response in position.'

Any alert from her phone?

No, nothing yet.

I'll just get the lights.

All right.

f*cking nark!


Something's wrong.

She hasn't raised the alarm.

What if she can't?

I won't jeopardise this cos your spider sense is tingling.

She was never supposed to go inside!

You know something's wrong.

We've got eyes on every road.

There is no sign of that truck.

If we go in now, all of our work, all Nancy's work, is wasted.

We'd have nothing.

We'd have her.

One bent copper... and one plant. Who'd have thought?

I can see you.

You know what?

I'm bored of this.

Bored. Bored. Bored.

Let's have some fun, eh?

Come here!

Now this is how it's gonna be!

Either you come out...or...

..lover boy's a dead man.

What do you think, O'Dowd?

You think she's gonna bite?


Or do I need to do some more damage?

Look at this.

Turns out she's got bigger balls than you.

Stop! Armed police!


Armed police! Get out of the cab!


It was me who told him you were a plant.

I thought he might stop if...

..if I gave him something.

So I gave him you.

And I'm sorry.

This isn't who I wanted to be.

Stephan Milner, I presume.

Thank you.

Sean, I'm all right.

You're not... You're not... f*cking all right!

Look at you.

You and O'Dowd, were you...?

Oh, no. No. No, I mean...

Well, once. Almost. But...

So it's not that that's stopping you.

It's complicated.

It doesn't feel complicated.

It's not that I'm not flattered, it's just...

Yeah. Yeah. I get it.

If you ever wanted to bring somebody home, it'd be all right.

You don't need to ask or anything.


It's just...

It's been a long day.

You know, with Mum and everything.


They said you wanted to see me.

You ready to give a statement?

DS Devlin thinks you were just unlucky.

Her guess is you were poking around Elliot on NCD business.

Er... Unauthorised NCD business.

And did you get anything?


But not for the NCD.

Ma'am, our theory about the gold mine...

We've had it wrong, or at least partly wrong, anyway.

We thought him and Le Saux were in it together.

That Le Saux took the truck and Elliot was trying to get it back.

Well, he was. But not for himself.

Someone paid him to look for it.

Elliot didn't even know what was on that truck.

Cause of Milner's death was asphyxiation.

Probably a choke hold.

Le Saux kills him.

Puts him on the truck, drives off...

Is the assumption.

We're waiting for forensics to confirm.

The g*ns are the gold mine.

Frank doesn't want to share.

So he steals the truck with the g*ns on.

Whoever...then kills him, pays Duncan Elliot to get the truck back.

Why k*ll Milner?

Because he put up a fight.

What about the cargo?

Shay Nash's medical supplies.

It's all logged. Legitimate.

Plus we had sniffer dogs all over it. Nothing.

If the g*ns were Frank's, Nash is the only person left alive with something on that truck.

Doesn't that make him the last man standing?

Ma'am? You're needed.


We believe that DS Devlin's malicious...

..and unjustified pursuit of my client should be treated as professional misconduct.

And request that she be suspended...

..until this matter can be investigated.

We also ask that a statement be taken from DS Martin who witnessed DS Devlin's attempted as*ault on my client.

Finally... an application for the immediate release of my client's cargo.

Under the circumstances, I'm sure you'd want to expedite their release.

Er...if I could add something.

I'm aware that...erm...

DS Devlin has been dealing with some...some personal issues... at the moment, but...this vendetta... against me... it pre-dates present circumstances... as I'm sure Mrs Svrcek would attest.

If you ask her.

Should I contest this?




Ma'am. Don't give him his cargo.

That's what he's been looking for from the start.

Now g*ns are worth money, but they're not a gold mine.

There is something else here.

I don't know what it is, but...

Ma'am... forensics want to know if they can release Mr Nash's goods.


He tied my hands behind my back, and you gave him the bloody rope to do it! Ma'am...

You've had a lot to deal with.

Maybe putting you undercover wasn't the wisest move I ever made.

I want you to take a week's sick leave.

Ma'am. Please.

I don't need sick leave.

Don't tell me how to manage my officers!

If Nash is the man we should be looking at - and I think he is -

I don't want you anywhere near the case till you're no longer a liability!

We've all got a past, Nancy, but you seem to have a lot of it, and it's starting to get in the way.

One week. Go home and stay there.

It's me.

Stop worrying. Good news.

We've got the gold mine back.