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08x02 - Today Will Be Different

Posted: 10/28/16 22:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Vampire Diaries...

So, I've been thinking about living here.

If there's part of you that might want that.

Georgie: So are you ready for us to blow your mind?

Alaric: Can't believe you guys found this.

This room is wild.

What is this?

Looks like a geek gold mine.

Everything is perfectly preserved.

Georgie: Except for that guy.

Damon: Our job is to bring the worst of humanity and bring them here. What's the worst thing you've ever done in your life?

How many more bodies till you're full?

You should be proud of me, k*lling bad people.

You flipped your switch, didn't you?

Elena doesn't matter to me anymore.


Because there is no hope.

I'm talking about hell, brother.

I would brave the oceans and sail past the sirens to find my way back to you.

Bonnie: He left me all these clues pointing to an old story about the Sirens?

Alaric: Sirens use mind control to lure their victims to their death. Some say they're messengers of the devil.

Bonnie: That wasn't Enzo, that's wasn't Damon. They're not in control. And all those clues, he wanted us to find them. Next time we'll get them back from whatever it is that has ahold of them.

Well, I guess she finally had enough to eat.

(music playing, indistinct chatter)

Man: Started out in sales, moved up the ladder, next thing you know, I'm in charge of the whole darn operation.

The ironic thing is, I'm a pacifist.

I just happen to make steel-press machinery.

Huh. So what are you doing at a g*n convention?

If you don't mind me asking.


Some of our machines can be used to make parts for g*ns, if the client so chooses.

Oh. Like b*ll*ts.

Oh, no. Nothing harmful.

Hmm. What about triggers?

Well, a g*n's not much good without a working trigger.

And the little thingy that holds the b*ll*ts.

The magazine, right.

And the the business end, where the b*ll*ts come out.


I'm merely an ancillary supplier following a corporate mandate.

Me, too.

My colleague and I are in the same boat.

I guess everyone answers to someone, huh?

Tell me about it. Ask my wife.

Is she your plus-one to this shindig?

Man: Why bring sand to the beach?


(chuckling) Kidding, right?

(laughing): Kidding.

Tell you what...

I'm gonna bring you to my buyer.

I think she's gonna find you irresistible.

♪ When somebody loves you... ♪

Pretty song, isn't it?

There's been so much good music made in the last 200 years.

My favorites are the love songs.

When I made this playlist three days ago, I discovered something called a jazz standard.

♪ When somebody loves...

(woman vocalizing)

You enjoy this, don't you?

Damon: I don't know.

You're the psychic, you tell me.

I wish Enzo shared your sense of fun.

Why does he keep trying to get rescued?

What are you talking about?

Sybil: Come on, you think the same thing I do.

You suspect he's not a team player.

Well, he's used to working solo; he'll come around.

I hope you're right.

Because I need him to be like you: all in.

Total commitment... is what makes it fun.

♪ When somebody loves you ♪
♪ It's no good unless they love you... ♪

(woman vocalizing)

Slowest m*rder ever.

I'm telling his mind to stay calm.

I read on the Internet that chickens that are slaughtered in factories don't taste as good because their bodies release all this adrenaline.

So we're worried about adrenaline now.

We're tasked with harvesting evil souls, but that is no reason that this guy has to taste like a chicken that died in a urine-soaked panic.

Well, just so you know, every other meal we've brought you was in full freak-out mode.


Well, in that case, fear is delicious.

Never mind, Internet.


Caroline: Dear Elena. Hope this isn't too messy, because I'm doing the mom thing of grabbing any spare moment to write, evenin my parked car. It's my turn to be the bearer of not entirely bad tidings, because finally there's some good news too. Bonnie heard from Enzo... sort of. He left something for her to find. It wasn't exactly a love note, but it looks like he's on our side. And elsewhere, in actual romance... The Salvatore House is about to become my official residence. I absolutely love it. The water pressure needs some work, but Stefan seems to be very focused on home improvements.

♪ Hey, wait up ♪

Caroline: Either that or he just needs a way to get out his frustration about losing Damon's trail again. On a brighter note, there have been zero unwanted houseguests since last week's craziness. Lizzie and Josie are blissfully unaware that they were ever in any danger. I wish Ric and I could say the same. He was just as freaked out as I was, but he's distracting himself by researching our new enemy. Whatever real-life, supernatural thing is controlling our friends, Ric will find a way to fight it.

(phone ringing)


Caroline: Hey.

Just checking in.

I hope I didn't wake the girls this morning when I took the boxes out of the garage.

Will you just please remind them that I'm spending the whole weekend with them?

Alaric: Oh, they know that.

And they're fine. They're upstairs watching cartoons after eating big bowls of sugar.

They have excellent lives.

You're right.

Okay. You're right.

What, no comment about eating sugary cereal?

Seline almost died protecting our kids, so I'm okay with her choosing their cereal.


I gotta go, bye.

Sorry to bother you.

Hey, Seline.

Permission slips.

It's a history field trip.


That's a lot of fine print for a walk to Town Square.

I know, right?

Things were much simpler when I was a kid.

Also, I wanted to tell you, I noticed something weird.

I think you guys overpaid me this week.

It might have been a mix-up.


No, no. No mix-up.

Caroline and I decided to give you a raise.

Wow. Thank you.

Any particular reason?

Trust me... you earned it.

(whispering voice): I'll call you later.

Damon: Katherine.

Elena: Um, no, uh...

I'm Elena.

I'm Damon.

Elena: Got into a fight with my boyfriend.

Damon: About what, may I ask?

Life. Future.

He's got it all mapped out.

Damon: You don't want it?

I don't know what I want.

Well, that's not true.

You want what everybody wants.

Damon: You want what everybody wants.

Elena: Tell me.

What is it that I want?

Sybil: Why is he always napping?


I love keeping my new eyes open.

After you spend a couple of hundred years with little shriveled-up eye sockets underneath where your eyebrows used to be, you take extra pleasure in using all the parts of your body.

And you are even more disappointing.

I've had no luck getting into your head.

Not since the day we met.

Well, on that day, I was unprepared for your attack.

Now I'm prepared.

Anyway, I don't know why you're complaining.

My free will is at rock bottom.

I do almost everything you say, even when I don't want to.

It's the "almost" part of that sentence that vexes me.

Come here.

Come on.

Just a peek.


You'll give in eventually.

"Eventually" may be quite some time.

My previous record for t*rture was 70 years and change.

The other fellow blinked first, by the way.

You blinked a little just now.

I pried a yummy tidbit from your head... a name.

Who's Sarah Nelson?

Don't know; don't care.

Your mouth can lie, but your subconscious can't.

Sarah Nelson. Why do you feel an attachment?

Maybe she's someone from the telenovela I'm hooked on.

More lies.

She means something.

Get up, sleepyhead.

It's time for fun.

So what does your boss think of your daily hobby of tracking crime reports?

I told her it's like a really dark version of Pinterest.

Did you see the cranberry muffins in the breakroom?

I got them at the girls' bake sale.

I'm not hungry, thanks.

Well, Bonnie, you need to eat something.

I will... later.

Right now, we need to be looking for crimes farther away from Tennessee.

They might have been traveling these past few days.

Okay. I'll widen the search radius.

Especially now that we know Enzo's leaving clues.

Then why hasn't he left any more?

Well, Enzo's playing double agent, so I'm guessing he needs to pick his moments.

There. North Carolina.

Two murders in two different towns just this morning.

Caroline: Yeah, and both women died of neck wounds.

Was there anything strange found at the crime scene?

All the information they have so far are the victims' names.

There's Sarah Nelson McGowan.


Caroline: And the second victim is Sarah Jane Nelson.

I'm guessing Enzo picked his moment.

What makes you say that?

Stefan: Because there's another Sarah Nelson living in North Carolina.

Her real name is Sarah Salvatore.

She's my last living relative.

Unless Damon gets to her first.

Sarah's mother was Zach Salvatore's girlfriend in 1994.

Hang on. I think know this story.

Damon k*lled a pregnant lady. Worst thing he's ever done.


But it does make the short list.

The baby survived. She grew up as Sarah Nelson.

Stefan made sure she got adopted by a loving family.

And gave her a trust fund, kept her safe.

So why would Damon target Sarah?

Stefan: He wouldn't.

He doesn't even know that she exists.

But she and Enzo had a... frenemy thing for a while.

So you think it was Enzo's idea.

Look, I'm not trying to get in his head, I just...

I'm trying to save Sarah, that's all.

Let me know when we get close to Raleigh.

Georgie: Where's Harvey?

I sent his bones to be DNA tested.

Seemed like the scholarly thing to do.

So, why are you not in D.C. with your fellow interns?

How many people does it really take to pull studies on Greek mythology from the Library of Congress?

Have you ever heard the phrase "publish or perish"?

See, you guys help me not perish as the head of the St. John Armory Foundation, and I'll extend your internship.

It's a win-win.

So... you're really gonna publish a paper on sirens?

Come on.

And why the giant rush?

It's called a submission deadline.

Well, then why are you still playing around in here instead of researching like the rest of us?

A: I've yet to see you take your research assignment seriously.

B: I am down here because this room is literally buried in untapped information.

Check this out. "There is now a wall where there was none before. My friends have forgotten me, though I can hear her voice louder than ever."

"Her voice."

So your theory is that Harvey was hearing an actual siren?

Like, a supernatural creature?

It's not a theory, it's just data.

Is my eyesight improving, or is this actually easier to read today?

I did a little clean-up on it.

Now you can read the top corners.

"Midsummer's Day, 1790."


I've seen that date somewhere...

The archive room.


I'm totally helping.

Alaric: Shut up, Georgie.

20 questions.


So, I'm thinking of a person.

He's reasonably good-looking, charming accent, and he'd be the most amazing wingman... if he just got rid of his martyr complex.

That's not how you play 20 questions.

Regardless, your answer is either Jesus Christ or me.

Got it on the second try.

Why are you resisting instruction?

I'm not resisting anything.

I'm here, stalking Sarah Nelson, with you, as instructed.

What in this tableau reads as me resisting?

Oh, yeah, you're here, but you're distracted.

You're not having any fun, Enzo.

You are impossibly needy.

No, I'm highly engaged, and I want you to be like me.

Come on, man, we finally got a cushy assignment for once.

I mean, chasing unsuspecting women that just happen to share the same name?

Why can't you enjoy the change of pace?

Because I'm wondering what the boss lady's up to.

Why is she suddenly pushing the pause button on her mysterious master plan?

Easy, she has a new priority: giving you a spanking.

You put her in a mood, now she wants you to flip your switch.

Why'd you have to go and piss her off?

How are you so afraid of her, without your emotions?

Not so much I'm afraid of her.

I'm afraid of that eternal damnation preview she gave me when she got in my head.

That's mind games.

None of it's real.

I disagree with all of your opinions.

Ah. There she is.

Sarah Nelson.

Thought that yoga class would never end.

Enzo: A gentleman introduces himself first, Damon Salvatore.

May we talk somewhere privately, Ms. Nelson?

Why so formal, Mr. St. John?

We've fallen into a lack of civility.

Thought I'd switch it up.


I'm glad our time together taught you to defend yourself.

You're lucky I only had one dose of vervain on me or you'd be on the ground with him.

And I take it every day, so don't even try to compel me.

No, you'll have to leave town of your own accord, then.

Have you got a passport?

Still a renter, I see.

Can't afford to buy. After you told me my trust fund came from the Salvatores I stopped cashing my checks.

Didn't want to take money from serial K*llers.

What are you lot doing here?

Nice to see you, too.

Hello, luv.

Remember we're looking for items that arrived prior to 1800.

That's so many things.

We could be here literally all night.

Expecting an important phone call?

Just making sure I didn't miss a text from the nanny.

Oh? And how often does hot nanny text you?

The kids went on a field trip today. Just want to make sure they got home all right.

I wouldn't sweat it.

I'm sure hot nanny's got you covered.

She's not hot...

Oh, I know, you're her boss so you don't notice how hot she is?

That old song?

Focus on the research, please.

Not really sure why this archive deserved your fit of geek excitement.

June 21st, 1790 was the day the Armory received a mysterious shipment from the town of Mystic Falls.

"Midsummer's Day, 1790.

"We took the crate to the vault.

"Its artifact was left above ground, for safety."

Admit it... my mad restoration skills have made me indispensable.

"Secondary item, June 21, 1790.

Artifact originated 2200 BC."

I mean, I've never researched anything that old.

I mean, which, in and of itself, is weird.

But not weirder than the vault that housed a supernatural creature.

Perhaps a siren?

Nice try.

And as for my geek excitement, I fit right in here.

Only in the Armory do they do doodles in cuneiform.

I've seen that symbol before.

I can't deal with this right now.

Are you okay? W...

(phone rings)

Wait, where are you going?

Hey, what's up?

Is this a bad time?

Oh, no, I'm just getting used to the millennial work ethic. What, are you calling from inside a well?

No, we're at Sarah's apartment. I just stepped out to give Bonnie and Enzo some space.

Wait, you've got Enzo?


At first I thought he was gonna try to escape.

But then he made himself stay and talk.

Well, how'd he manage that?

Willpower, I guess.

He's fighting some kind of mind control.

I mean, he won't even look at Bonnie.

So this is the new you?

Long silences and cryptic messages?

Oh, it wasn't so cryptic.

You understood it, didn't you?

Not to nitpick, but you could've just written the word "siren."

Well, therein lies the dilemma.

The more specific my thoughts are, the more she can key in on me psychically.

We are talking about a living, breathing siren, right?

Like, mermaid monsters who sing to sailors?

No, she doesn't sport a fish tail.

Though she does like to swim.

What does she want with you?

As far as I can tell, she wants two loyal soldiers to keep bringing her supper.

You didn't see what she looked like before she fed on the flesh of 87 victims.

It wasn't pretty. Why you and Damon?

We were in the vault when she needed a snack?

I don't know, Bonnie. I really wish I did.

Okay, what's her weakness? How do we stop her?

I'm hoping that can be discerned by others.

I myself am completely occupied maintaining my own cover.

I'll have to return to her soon.


Why? You're safe now.

I'm not. And neither are you if I stay here.


No, don't. Don't.

I can't allow myself to think about how important you are.

Am I important?

It's hard to tell these days.

Look, understand my situation.

The enemy has been entering my mind.

Attacking me mentally.

Digging for ways to leverage my obedience.

Is that why Sarah's a target?

Much to my dismay.

My interrogator wouldn't leave my head until I gave her a meaningful name.

All I can do now is try not to get Sarah k*lled.
Sarah: Look, I get it... you're my long-lost whatever, you feel bad it came to this, at last we finally meet.

Anything else?

Well, I was hoping you'd be a little less pissed at me for trying to keep you safe.

Wouldn't you be pissed if a stranger secretly controlled your life with lies and compulsion for 18 years?

I know it shocks you I have trust issues, but I'm not leaving here with anyone but Enzo.

At least he wants me to make my own choices.

I still need to pack my camera gear.

I'll stay with her while you guys get the car.

Okay, we'll text you when we're out front.


We have to move quickly.

I expect my captor is looking for me now, wondering where I've gone.

Why can't you stay gone, huh?

Why can't you just fight her?

I have been fighting her.

Every moment of every day.

Hiding my innermost thoughts to make her believe that there's nothing she can hold against me.

I have to get back to keep up the pretense. Do you follow?


And no.

Lizzie, only people who don't hit their sisters get to go to the carnival, okay?

I love you. Now put Seline back on the phone, please.

Lizzie: Seline, Mommy wants to...



What are you doing?

I was told to have fun.



And isn't Caroline the same girlfriend that tried to have me m*rder*d?

Which obviously wasn't enough for a breakup.

Look, she wasn't being herself that day.

But she's better now, so we should all just hit the road together?

No, thanks.


Damon, don't! Don't.

Thought I told you to leave me alone.

I can't.

And you can't k*ll her. She's part of our family.

Our family's dead, Stefan, you and I included.

She's Uncle Zach's daughter. Her name is Sarah Salvatore.

That's impossible.

Listen to me, when I saw you last, you were talking like a crazy person, saying your fate has been sealed by the evil you've done.

I'm here to tell you that you're wrong.

You're not destined to go to hell, Damon.

Do you want to know why?

Talk fast.

Alaric: Am I gonna find cigarette butts on these flagstones?

I'm a little better at hiding things than that.

Look, if you want to be taken seriously in academia, you need to exit a room with a little more decorum.

Okay. I'm gonna show you something.

Uh, that's the opposite of decorum.


Does this count as being serious about my research?

I'm guessing there's a story here.


Do you believe in hell?

As in a fiery placed ruled by a guy named Satan?

I think it's fair to say the evidence is inconclusive.

How do you know about this symbol?

I saw it when I was dead.

Care to elaborate?

A couple years ago, I was driving my best friend home from a party.

And I was... texting some guy I'd met, 'cause I was a little drunk.

Because I was more than a little drunk.

And I... didn't notice when I drove across the yellow line.

And I don't remember the crash at all.

What I do remember is waking up somewhere else.

And it wasn't a place, exactly, so much as this... crazy intense awareness of pain and loneliness and fear.

And, in that moment, I knew I'd k*lled my best friend.

So I'm trapped in this... terrifying, icy feeling of self-hatred.

And somehow I knew that was gonna last forever.

As in an eternity.

Now, in the middle of all that, the one thing I could see was this symbol.

I can't explain it. It was just there.

After that, the EMTs jump-started my heart.

I guess I flatlined for about a minute.

They'd already given up trying to save my friend.

I'm sorry that happened.

Silver lining.

That one-year gap in my résumé, it was my vehicular manslaughter sentence.

Came with library access, so I used all that time to get into every piece of myth, lore, near-death accounts. I basically gave myself a PhD in hell.

'Cause I know where I'm going one day.


Bet you wish I was in D.C. with the other interns, huh?

No. No, I don't.

I believe you saw a piece of the puzzle.

Now, I may not agree with your interpretation, but I believe you are a firsthand source.

You don't... think I'm crazy?


You don't even approach the threshold of the crazy I've seen.

So why don't you come back inside and share with me this...

PhD-level knowledge?

(engine revving)


(panting) What-what have you done?

I did what I needed, for once.

Stop driving.

No. I'm gonna get you as far away as I can.

Bonnie, stop the car. (groaning)

I have to get out.

What's wrong?

I'm too far away from her.

She's trying to pull me back in.

We need to turn around right now!


(tires screech)


Hey, hey.

Hey. Hey, you're gonna be okay.


It's not that simple. My mind is bonded to hers.

She's gone on the attack. Tightening her hold.

So we'll break you free.

There is no breaking free.

There's no escaping her reach.

Every moment we spend together is another moment she could discover how I feel about you.

I'm not gonna let you out of my sight.

I can't lose you again.

You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett.

Please stay.

I can't put you in any more danger.

You have to let me go.

You have to let me go.

So the sad story of Uncle Zach's girlfriend came with a P.S.

Aw, imagine all the Christmases we could've had with Sarah.

My point is, you can't be held accountable for a m*rder you didn't commit.

Sarah is not on your list of sins, if that sort of thing even exists.

So if you let her go now, it'll balance the scales even more. I don't think it works that way, brother.

Even if it doesn't, you have to let her walk away.

It's what Elena would want and I know you can understand that.

Come on, Damon.

Make the right choice.

Do it for our family.


Do it for Elena.

And do it for me.


Go. Run.

Get out of here.





You're gonna have to do a little better than that, Stefan.


He's right.

I'm a lot tougher than I look.

(Stefan grunts)

Stay right there.



Sybil: So... who's Elena?

(groans, panting)




(panting, groaning)


Stay with me, Sarah.

Damon, what part of "k*ll Sarah" was too hard for you to understand?

This shouldn't be a tough call.

How are you disobeying me?

That takes a lot of willpower.

A real sense of self.

A connection to some shred of humanity that you have been hiding from me.

So many months into this, and I never realized you had a loyalty leak, which is very irritating.

Where does your subconscious go when you try to resist me?

(crickets chirping)

Elena: I know, Bonnie, you're right.

You and my mom both are. I just can't bring myself to tell him.

I'll call you later.

Damon: Katherine.

Um... no. I...

I'm Elena.

I'm Damon.

Elena: The most real thing that I've ever felt in my entire life. Promise me this is forever. I love you, Damon.


I can fix this.

Thanks for letting me take a peek.


We haven't met.

What's your name?

I'm Damon.

I'm Sybil.

Stefan: You can still make this right.

Damon, you have to help her.





(Sarah gasping)


I'm so sorry.

Would you like to get out of here?


Damon, wake up!

Save your energy.

In a couple hours, I'll be too far away to reach you, and then you can go home.

Don't worry about your brother.

I've taken over his last mental refuge.

I'm giving it a little remodel.

My brother's a lot stronger than you think.

No, he's not.

Anyway, good talk.

Bonnie: What happened?

Did Stefan get Sarah out of town?

I don't know.

We've both been out of the loop.

(both groaning)


I screwed up.

I shouldn't have taken off with Enzo.


At least we know he's safe.

He's not. I, uh... couldn't break him away from the siren's mind control, and I had to let him go back to her.

So this was all for nothing?


We needed you here.

And I needed to rescue my boyfriend.

Yeah, but we had a plan.

I had a plan, too.

I had a plan to grow old with Enzo and come home to him every night.

I had a plan to live the kind of life that you and Stefan are living right now.

So is that what made you go rogue?

The fact that Stefan and I are happy?

No. I'm happy that you're happy. I am.

When I see everything that you have... your home, your boyfriend, your kids, your life... it makes me feel so alone that I want to die.

♪ I've been searching ♪
♪ The fossil that once was a fawn ♪
♪ I've been waiting ♪

Is that how you really feel?

♪ Sleeping for 24 hours... ♪

I hate myself for it, but, yeah.

You're not alone, Bonnie.


Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

I should have thought about what this was like for you.

I've been a terrible friend.

Look, I know that I've been distracted, but I am here for you always, no matter what else happens in my life.

I am here for you whatever you need, even if it's just to rage at me and scream at me.

None of this is your fault.

Except I was so caught up in my own drama, I didn't even realize what this was doing to you.

I swear to you, we are going to save Enzo together, and then, we are going to go back to our normal, crazy, mutually-awesome lives.

Your happiness is a part of my happiness, always.

I'm gonna fix this. For us.

Stefan: Caroline?

Is Sarah okay?


They wanted to pick out their pj's themselves.

I was just about to go up and check on them.

I can do that, and I'm sorry I'm late.

You know, there's a big archive search still in progress at work.

I didn't mean to derail your evening.

Oh. It's okay. I'm not in a rush.

And your work is important.

Yeah, well, that remains to be seen.

I mean, all I have so far is a series of tenuous connections between a journal from 1790, my intern's secret tattoo, and unconfirmed reports of hell as a place that offers up not only emotional turmoil, but ancient mystical runes.

Allegedly. You don't date much, do you?

It's been a while.


But you know where your intern's secret tattoo is.

Only because of research.

No judgment.

(phone ringing)

And that's her now.

8:00 a.m. tomorrow?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll see you then.

Bye. Thank you.


Georgie: Hey, man. You owe me and not just for the take-out dinner I had to buy on my paltry stipend.

Is this intern swagger code for "Boss, I found something"?

Uh, yeah, a certain missing artifact from Midsummer's Day, 1790.

And my swagger is just hiding how completely terrified I am.

Well, show me.

This thing... it was delivered with your vault inhabitant?

I think it was made in hell.

Enzo: Back on task, I see.

Deliver us some evil.

We wouldn't want to fall behind on our quota, after that little sidebar today.


(guttural groans)



I just need a little peek.

You have to let me go.

You have to.


If you're gonna leave, then leave.

I'm not gonna watch you.

(birds singing)

Know this, luv.

I will never stop fighting.

I will brave the oceans and sail past the sirens to find my way back to you.

(sniffling, crying)


Now why haven't I seen her before?

(fire crackling)

I took Bonnie home.

I would have gone with you.

Oh, you needed some alone time.

Want to talk about it?

No, not particularly.

Let me rephrase that.

You need to talk about it.

You can't carry this all by yourself.

Actually, I have to.

Last Salvatore standing.

Every blood relative I've ever had, ever known... after today, they are all gone.


Look, I know you're gonna say it's not my fault that Sarah died, but it was.

I am part of the reason that every Salvatore is dead.

I mean, either I put 'em in harm's way, or I k*lled them myself.

No. I was just gonna say that...

(sighs) Damon's not gone.

Yeah, he is.

I saw it happen.

He belongs to the siren now.

You can't give up hope.

I won't.


Hey... I want to show you something.

Come on.

This got delivered while we were out today.

The girls' beds should arrive tomorrow.

I'm knocking this wall out so that they can fit side by side.

You're making this into a room for my kids?

Yeah. I mean, I figured they might want to come visit sometime.


Is that okay?

Of course it's okay. I just... never expected you to do this.

Well, why not?

You're my family now.

Oh, God.


Check it out. It's antique.



(laughs) Oh!

It's beautiful.

Oh, the girls are going to love it!

Actually, that's for you.

♪ When the rain came it washed us out to sea ♪
♪ I'm holding what I love and she's holding on to me... ♪

I was hoping you might wear it.



Wear it like what? Like a friendship ring, or...?

Do I really need to say it?

Yeah, I think you do. (laughs)

Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, will you do me the honor of wearing this engagement ring?


As a... a token of my love?


Too many words. Just get to the point.

♪ Maybe that's the hardest part of life... ♪

I... want you... to marry me.

♪ Changing tides ♪

Will you?

♪ And we will move as one in these changing tides ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh... ♪


♪ And we will move as one in these changing tides ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, ooh-ooh, ooh. ♪