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01x01 - Novo Mundo

Posted: 10/27/16 18:00
by bunniefuu

Robert: Retro rockets are about to fire in.

Amelie Durand: 1, 2, 3, breathe. 1, 2, 3, breathe.

Ben Sawyer: We dream. It's who we are. Down to our bones, our cells. That instinct to build. That drive to seek beyond what we know. It's in our DNA. We crossed the oceans, we conquered the skies. And when there were no more frontiers on Earth we launched ourselves among the stars.

John F. Kennedy: We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

Ben Sawyer: The heavens beckoned a new generation of innovators and explorers, seeking to take human kind even further.

President Obama: We can push out into the solar system. Not just to visit but to stay.

Ben Sawyer: That was when Mars became real for all of us. And for those of us who were around to see the first days, it was... electrifying. The world's leading space agencies united as the International Mars Science Foundation. And joined with private industry to accomplish one shared goal. To build a home for humankind on Mars. People weren't just talking about the red planet, they were making plans to go there. And after years of training in the Astronaut Corps I was chosen to command the first human mission to Mars.

Ed Grann: Wonder, wonder. For as long as we've looked up at the night sky that is what we felt. We named the planets that hang among the stars after our gods. And gave them the same power to control our fate. With the support of the space-going nations of the IMSF the Mars Mission Corporation has overcome the most daunting engineering challenges our species has ever faced. This allows the brave pioneers standing before you today, to bring humanity into a new era. We will no longer stare and wonder at those planets we named for our gods. But take our place among them.

Ben Sawyer: Ed Grann could sell anything, but he was more than a salesman. He was brilliant.

Ed Grann: She's 14 stories base to nose.

Javier: That's a fancy jacket you got today Ed.

Ben Sawyer: And as much as any of us, he was a believer. He promised the world he would give us the technology we needed to leave our home, and build a new one. And he delivered.

Ed Grann: This is it.

Ben Sawyer: Daedalus.

Ed Grann: Take good care of her, she'll take good care of you. She's your ship now.

Ben Sawyer: Drives better than a Cadillac. But that shine isn't gonna last. Over the next 7 months your bodies are gonna be exposed to nearly 200 times the dose of a normal year's worth of radiation exposure on Earth. Calcium will leach from your bones which will lose nearly 10% of their mass before you even get to Mars. There is no test that can tell you whether or not the notion of being 60 million kilometers away from the planet on which you were born can shatter your mind in so many pieces. Some of us if not all of us will almost certainly die on this mission. Might be in takeoff, might be in landing, might be in the new world itself. Now you all are the bravest group of women and men I have ever met. I'm damn proud to be here with you. But right now I want you to stop and ask yourself what really is important to you about this mission. And if the answer to that question is not the most important thing in your life then I'm gonna invite you to walk out that door and go pursue whatever that thing is. And don't ever look back, because no one will ever have the right to hold it against you.

Mission Control: Daedalus, you're a go for launch in T-minus 17 seconds and counting. Mission analytic executor, you have primary control of all the critical functions. Mae, the ship is yours.

Mae: I am in control.

Ben Sawyer: The launch of Daedalus was the beginning of our historic 7-month journey to Mars. But it wasn't easy to reach the red planet. We needed visionaries to guide the way.

Robert Zubrin: Mars and Earth are sister planets. The young Mars had rivers and lakes, it even had an ocean.

Jennifer Trosper: If there was water on Mars, couldn't there possibly be life? Is it habitable? If you really want to understand, we want to, need to, go to Mars.

Andy Weir: We need to go to Mars because it protects us from extinction. There's all sorts of things that could happen on Earth that can k*ll all the humans on the planet. But once humans are on two different planets the odds of extinction drop to nearly zero.

Elon Musk: Getting to Mars will be risky, dangerous, uncomfortable. But it will be the greatest adventure ever. Ever in human history. This is hallowed ground, it's called Launchpad 39A, and it's the place that the first humans left Earth, then went to another heavenly body. So this is um, I think, probably, I think it's the greatest launchsite on Earth.

Announcer: Buzz Aldrin, Mike Collins, Neil Armstrong get into the transfer van to Pad 39A.

Elon Musk: Pad 39A was used for the Apollo 11 mission, and then with the space shuttle. So it's a place with incredible historical significance. Now NASA has given Launchpad 39A to SpaceX to use. The long term goal of SpaceX is to develop the technology necessary to establish a self-sustaining city on Mars.

Shana Diez: SpaceX's primary mission is absolutely to make life interplanetary. We can explore the universe, we can put a colony on Mars. People can be interplanetary and it's just an engineering problem like any other. It just takes a group of people who care a lot, and are happy to work really hard to make that happen.

Stephen Petranek: When Elon Musk decided "I'm gonna go off and build my own rocket company", everyone thought he was crazy. Everyone laughed at him. Now SpaceX has a better record launching things than practically any rocket company in the world. They have a contract from NASA to deliver very essential supplies to the space station.

Spacex Misson Control: Dragon spacecraft now the first-ever commercial spacecraft to visit the International Space Station.

Stephen Petranek: They have investors, they have to have revenues, they want the business of launching billion dollar satellites. At the same time, they're focused on launching a new civilization on Mars. So the stakes for every rocket launch are huge.

Elon Musk: I think it's important for us to try to get to a self-sustaining situation on Mars as soon as possible.

Mission Control: SpaceX, Falcon9 and Dragon are go for launch. T-minus 30 seconds.

Elon Musk: Because either we're gonna become a multi-planet species and a space-faring civilization, or we're gonna be stuck on one planet until some eventual extinction event.

Mission Control: T-minus 20.

Elon Musk: In order for me to be excited and inspired about the future, it's gotta be the first option. It's gotta be: We're gonna be a space-faring civilization.

Mission Control: T-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Robert Foucault: What am I ready for? I'm ready to be one of the first human beings to go to Mars. I mean, could you imagine that? That's like a dream.

Marta Kamen: I think Amelia Earhart once said that "adventure is worthwhile in itself." Uh, it could be that.

Hana Seung: If we don't succeed we still paved the path for people after us to come, and follow our lead.

Amelie Durand: Becoming an interplanetary species is, it's our best chance to guarantee humankind's long-term survival. And, getting to be part of that it's just. I mean it's...

Javier: It's everything.

Amelie Durand: Yeah it is.

Ben Sawyer: We've got the opportunity to ensure that humankind continues. You know, we've been training for this half our lives.

Robert: And we've been dreaming about it even longer.

Ben Sawyer: We're ready to give everything for thismission you know, all of us are.

Louise Varda: We are coming to you from the International Mars Science Foundation headquarters, in Vienna, Austria. With live coverage from the Mars Mission Corporation's mission control center in London, and an optical feed from the Daedalus itself, at a 10 minute, 20 second delay.

Ben Sawyer: We had survived a 209-day journey through deep space. But landing a 14-story ship safely, upright, and on target on the surface of Mars? That was a whole different kind of challenge. Um, by the time this message reaches you, whatever is about to happen already has. If all went as planned then we are touched down at the base camp, we are docked and we're ready to begin the most exciting phase of scientific exploration in human history. And if we haven't, we went into the darkness so that you could find the light. This is for you, Dad. On my mark. Begin entry sequence.

Javier: Mark.

Hana Seung: EDL sequence engaged.

Ben Sawyer: You ready for this?

Hana Seung: Are you?

Ben Sawyer: Put your helmets on and seal your kits.

Mae: Daedalus descent to the surface has been initiated at 425 kilometers altitude.

Ben Sawyer: By the time this message reaches you, whatever is about to happen already has. If all went as planned, we are touched down at the base camp, we are docked and we're ready to begin the most exciting phase of scientific exploration in human history. And if we haven't...

Flight Director: 9 minutes 30 seconds till landing.

Ben Sawyer: ... know that we went into the darkness so that you could find the light.

Robert: Vector is good.

Amelie Durand: .05 G's, .1 G's.

Mae: Warning.

Hana Seung: Pyros didn't fire.

Mae: Reaction control system error. Lift vector requires correction.

Robert: RCS thrusters are offline.

Ben Sawyer: Check the backup computer.

Hana Seung: Backup also showing RCS is offline. This thing is real.

Mae: RCS thruster electrical board offline.

Javier: Propellant valves have not been commanded to open. The thrusters can't fire.

Mae: Recommend immediate manual replacement to 40 circuits.

Robert: I'll get down there and check it out.

Ben Sawyer: No, this is mine. Do a fault tree and talk me through it on comm.

Hana Seung: You're going to have to work fast.

Ben Sawyer: I got it.

Mae: Warning seat belt harness released. Failure identified.

Robert: Found it.

Ben Sawyer: Talk to me.

Robert: It's a failure in bus 14-15-48, aft-starboard terminal.

Ben Sawyer: 4-15-48, copy that.

Robert: It's the pyro initiation circuit, 4-3-6-double-bravo.

Hana Seung: Moving out of micro-G.

Ben Sawyer: Woah, OK, we got a bit of gravity here. Ah, wow.

Robert: The failure must have affected the whole bundle.

Marta Kamen: 71 seconds before we're outside the window for guidance to correct.

Ben Sawyer: I'm gonna need you to give me the number again.

Robert: 4-3-6-double-bravo.

Ben Sawyer: There we go.

Mae: Warning thrust still inactive, 60 seconds remaining to restore reaction control system before landing is compromised.

Ben Sawyer: Ah, the short cooked all four connections, I'm going to have to cannibalize a replacement.

Hana Seung: Mae, identify a PCB with matching electronics to board 4-36-double-bravo.

Mae: Cruise altitude control thruster pyro initiation circuit board Mike-Sierra-5-15-48 is identical.

Ben Sawyer: Mike-Sierra-5-15-48, Roger that.

Marta Kamen: 15 seconds left to correct.

Ben Sawyer: I'm switching the board now. Come on, come on, come on, come on. There you go.

Mae: Warning, window for correction is closing in 10.

Ben Sawyer: Thrusters are still offline! What are we missing? Talk to me.

Mae: 9, 8, 7, 6.

Ben Sawyer: What am I looking for?

Mae: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Jim Green: Landing on Mars is really tough. We can put a one-ton rover down on the ground, but that's all we can do right now. And for humans to be able to go to Mars, we're gonna need 40 ton. Our big challenge is indeed what it takes to get down to the surface. Mars has an atmosphere, but it's not enough to really stop you so consequently you have to really use retro-rockets, parachutes, bladed shields, you have every tool in the arsenal that we can throw at it is what it's going to take to get humans down on the ground.

Stephen Petranek: One of the most radical ideas that SpaceX has to lower this horrendous cost of getting into space is reusability. Elon Musk wants to be able to fire a rocket into orbit, launch a payload into space and then fire retro rockets, and bring that rocket down to land vertically and reuse it. And part of this whole idea of reusability is to develop a system where you can leave Earth orbit, go to Mars and actually physically land the rocket on Mars.

Mission Control: 3, 2, 1, liftoff!

Elon Musk: This is a very hard problem because you better enter the Mars atmosphere at an incredibly blazing fast speed. Mars atmosphere is so thin that by the time you hit the ground if you didn't start the engines, you'd still be supersonic, so you've got to basically point the engines into the wind at Mach 3, you gotta fire the rockets into the supersonic airstream, zero out your blast speed, deploy landing gear and land. And you got one shot. But rockets there really don't want to work, like there's a thousand ways that a rocket can fail and one way it can succeed.

Interviewer: Who is Joon Seung?

Hana Seung: She's my twin, she's cap comm at mission control. It wouldn't be easy for me to do this mission without her having my back on the ground.

Oliver: Mae ID'd a faulty pyro circuit, they're working it now.

Ava: You mean they were working it 10 minutes and 20 seconds ago.

MCC Employee: Delay or no, RCS status is still negative.

Joon Seung: I have Ben below deck.

Robert: Found it.

Ben Sawyer: Talk to me.

Sam: Mae found him a match.

Oliver: There's something else.

Joon Seung: Communications are in and out.

Sam: Initial failure was mitigated, but thrusters are still not operational.

Oliver: I got it, the RCS temperature reading is incorrect; The sensor isn't showing as faulty.

Ava: By the time they receive a transmission it will be too late.

MCC Employee: We just have to hope they found it too.

Ed Grann: If this goes to hell on the live broadcast, IMSF may never give us another shot.

Oliver: If they missed that window by more than a few seconds, they're going to sh**t right past the landing site.

Ben Sawyer: I'm switching the board now.

Sam: Without thrusters, they won't be able to re-orient for retropropulsion. They'll have no way to slow down for landing.

Ben Sawyer: Thrusters are still offline.

Joon Seung: Eyes and ears, Hana.

Ben Sawyer: What are we missing?

Joon Seung: Eyes and ears.

Ben Sawyer: What am I looking for?

Hana Seung: Mae hasn't found it.

Robert: We're outside the window for correction.

Hana Seung: Reporting all systems nominal.

Javier: I don't see anything.

Amelie Durand: Nothing.

Ben Sawyer: Listen!

Marta Kamen: 4 minutes 4 seconds.

Ben Sawyer: Board is in.

Robert: It's the RCS temp sensor.

Mae: Backup system is offline.

Robert: The backup sensor is reading near nominal, Ben, permission to switch from primary to backup.

Amelie Durand: We're too close to SRP!

Ben Sawyer: Do it.

Amelie Durand: Ben you won't make it back to the flight deck for orientation! We have to abort!

Ben Sawyer: I said do it!

Mae: Warning, landing hazard.

Robert: Go.

Mae: Recommend engaging abort.

Robert: Engaged.

Mae: RCS thrust is engaged, three minutes 48 seconds.

Hana Seung: If Ben isn't back on deck soon he's going to lose consciousness from the G's; he could end up down there during landing.

Amelie Durand: That's it Ben, your blood pressure is good. You know the countermeasures. Do the drill.

Ben Sawyer: OK.

Amelie Durand: I'm watching your vitals, Ben. You can do this. His blood pressure is stable, but his heart rate and breathing are climbing fast, he's not getting enough blood to his head.

Ben Sawyer: The G's are climbing too fast!

Amelie Durand: You're doing great Ben, tell me what you see.

Ben Sawyer: My periphery is closing in.

Robert: 5.0.

Amelie Durand: Tighten your abdomen.

Robert: 5.1.

Amelie Durand: That's it Ben, blow it out hard. 1, 2, 3 breathe! Again! 1, 2, 3, breathe, again.

Javier: Guidance can't sufficiently compensate.

Robert: We don't have enough control authority.

Hana Seung: Prepare for retropropulsion!

Amelie Durand: 1, 2, 3, breathe, again, 1, 2, 3, breathe. 1, 2, 3, breathe, again, 1, 2, 3, breathe!

Robert: Counter thrusters are about to fire! 10, 9.

Amelie Durand: Ben has lost consciousness!

Robert: 8, 7.

Hana Seung: I'm going down.

Robert: 6, 5.

Marta Kamen: There's nothing you can do!

Robert: 4, 3, 2, 1. Fore and aft jets firing.

Marta Kamen: Beginning reorientation maneuver!

Amelie Durand: Hang on!

Robert: SRP in 3, 2, 1.

Amelie Durand: Ben's vitals went offline, I'm not getting any feedback!

Robert: Radar acquisition.

Javier: Terrain relative navigation initiated.

Robert: Divert maneuver initiated.

Marta Kamen: Constant velocity descent.

Amelie Durand: Still offline.

Hana Seung: Begin throttle down, prep for final descent.

Robert: We're coming in too fast!

Javier: Angle is off.

Hana Seung: All systems to compensate. We have to correct. Throttle down, throttle down now! Come on.

Oliver: Opticals are all offline; I've got nothing on audio either.

MMC Member: We should have heard from them by now.

Interviewer: Hana, what is it that you'll miss most about Earth?

Hana Seung: I'll miss my sister. My mother raised us on her own and she was army so we were constantly moving from place to place and never really had much of a concept of what home meant.

Joon Seung: Come on, sis.

Hana Seung: I think for me and Joon, I think for us it's more about what happens after we get there.

Interviewer: What about you Dr. Kamen, can you talk a little bit about the things you'll miss about home?

Marta Kamen: What will I miss if I don't go?

Amelie Durand: It's hard just to leave your family, I'm gonna miss their voices but, I know what I'm doing and I know what I'm leaving behind.

Robert: There is a beach in Victoria Island, Lagos. I used to sleep on the sand and wake up with salt around my nose. We are going to be breathing recycled air for a long time, I have a feeling I would trade my last thermos-stabilized tapioca pudding for a taste of that ocean air.

Javier: If humankind find a way to come together and move toward a healthy evolution, this mission will have been about more than just finding another place to live.

Interviewer: When did you first know you wanted to become an astronaut?

Ben Sawyer: As far back as I can remember. I wanted to go into space. I used to lay out under the sky when I was a child and just memorize the stars. Right from then I always wanted to be up there, you know?

Hana Seung: Mission Control, this is Daedalus. We're looking at a red planet.

Louise Varda: The Daedalus crew has done it, humankind is on Mars.

Hana Seung: Ben.

Amelie Durand: His vitals are readable, but he's still unconscious, I'm going down, I'll check on Ben.

Hana Seung: Confirm our position, I'll go save the ship.

Joon Seung: Woo!

Marta Kamen: I'm getting off nominal ratings up and down the engine systems.

Robert: Gyro circuits are offline.

Marta Kamen: Tell me what you see. What do you see?

Robert: It's not good.

Marta Kamen: How far did we overshoot?

Amelie Durand: Ben? We are coming, come on. Javier, hurry!

Elon Musk: So the long term goal is how fast can we establish a self-sustaining city on Mars.

Spacex Employee: Do we focus on just trying to get the ship there and then maybe send people some other time?

Elon Musk: I think we'd send a ship, make sure it could land OK. Assuming that lands OK and it seems to be working, on the next Mars mission we would send people, and additional equipment. You just need a lot of equipment to keep people alive on Mars.

Jim Green: And so we're gonna want to assemble as much of a base as we possibly can. So some of that will have to be landed first, may have to be robotically put together, and we may have to do it in stages.

Andy Weir: Prepositioning a base camp is really the only plausible way to do a manned mission to Mars, let alone a colony.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: You would need oxygen, you would need water, then you would need food, a source of calories.

Casey Dreier: How do you generate power on Mars, we're gonna pre-position solar panels, but you can only generate so much energy from solar panels, what if you're caught in a dust storm?

Robert Zubrin: We can pre-position a reactor to make power, to make propellant, maybe even additional habitats.

Stephen Petranek: You would send machines to make oxygen, machines that suck water out of the atmosphere.

John Grunsfeld: You really need to send 3d printers so people can build their own things on Mars.

Robert Zubrin: And then we'd land a crew near those facilities.

Elon Musk: I think the first few missions people would live in the ship so that the most important thing really would be just to make sure that we land OK, and don't damage the ship.

Stephen Petranek: But you can't live there very long, cosmic radiation is gonna penetrate the ship.

Robert Zubrin: And what happens if your landing is off course? That is a real problem.

Stephen Petranek: There are so many things that could go wrong, and there's no help. There's no emergency supply rocket that's coming right away.

Ben Sawyer: Our biggest challenge on this mission is gonna be everyday survival you know.

Amelie Durand: Ben, Ben, can you hear me? His respirator is damaged. We got to get his helmet off. Secure his spine, we're gonna move him.

Javier: Yeah, OK, buddy.

Amelie Durand: OK.

Ben Sawyer: Ugh.

Javier: You OK, buddy?

Amelie Durand: You passed out during the landing. We need to check on you.

Ben Sawyer: I'm OK, I'm OK.

Amelie Durand: Hey, we made it.

Oliver: Telemetry indicates the RCS remained offline for the first 91 seconds of entry.

Ava: I've got Daedalus position back online.

MMC Employee: How bad?

Ed Grann: Put sat on the board.

Joon Seung: How far are they from base camp? How far?

Sam: 75.3 kilometers.

Hana Seung: We're cross checking all remaining life support resources now. But unless Daedalus can tether to the infrastructure at base camp, it's only a matter of time.

Ed Grann: There has to be a way to make a suborbital flight to get Daedalus to base camp.

Sam: There's barely enough fuel to get them off the ground.

Joon Seung: They're all alone up there, what are we telling them guys?

Oliver: Showing enough residual propellant in the system to make a single burst, but they're going to come down hard.

Ava: Even harder as they just did. Landing loads were off the chart.

Sam: She's right, Mae is showing engine damage from the off-nominal landing. If they can't make any repairs, fuel won't make a difference anyway.

Joon Seung: What is Ben's status?

Amelie Durand: I can see substantial blunt trauma from impact. I want to do a full battery of scans as soon as the equipment is prepped and calibrated.

Ben Sawyer: I said I'm fine. It's just the transition from micro-G's.

Amelie Durand: Ben, I need to run proper tests.

Ben Sawyer: I understand, I need to know our status first.

Hana Seung: How long do we have?

Marta Kamen: Life support status says we've got three more days of breathable air.

Ed Grann: Daedalus isn't supposed to operate independently from base camp. It's just not viable. Come on, let's fix this, it's our guys up there.

Marta Kamen: Engines are still offline.

Hana Seung: Robert, did you troubleshoot the propellant flow control?

Robert: Nothing I do to the electronics will fix the engines. I can't get the ship moving without a resupply from home. I can't get the ship moving without a resupply from home.

Hana Seung: No chance of bunny hopping Daedalus to base camp. There's no fix.

Robert: I could fix this if I had the 3D printer from the Russian workshop. I could fix this if I had the 3D printer from the Russian workshop.

Joon Seung: The Russian workshop module. It has independent environmental systems. And it was pre-positioned for access to candidate lava tubes.

Sam: It'd be tight, but...

Joon Seung: What if we call that the new base camp?

Ava: If they upgrade the environmental control systems and air and water recycling.

Oliver: They'd have a chance.

Sam: That doesn't solve the transportation problem.

Joon Seung: Can we get the rover to them?

Oliver: Checking the route.

Sam: I'll check max payload.

Oliver: The terrain approaching Daedalus is complex, a fair amount of subsidence, portions that may not be stable.

Ed Grann: Can they do it, or not?

Sam: Their satellite view is in and out, we have to hand off rover command and control and let Daedalus navigate the local topography.

Joon Seung: Do they have an option?

Mae: Initiating override, transferring remote rover control to Daedalus.

Marta Kamen: You're lost, you must be lost.

Robert: You sound like my ex-wife.

Marta Kamen: You're lost, you must be lost.

Robert: You sound like my ex-wife.

Ed Grann: Show me their progress.

Sam: Maneuvering that last kilometer of terrain from here will be painfully slow.

Marta Kamen: You should have let me drive.

Javier: Nothing on the externals.

Robert: I told you, I'm not lost. Daedalus. Daedalus!

Javier: That's our girl. It's such a beautiful thing. About time something goes right.

Ben Sawyer: We trained for every eventuality that it started to feel like we'd already landed on Mars, like we'd already succeeded in our mission, but we hadn't. We were leaving the ship that was supposed to have sustained us for our first two years on Mars. The mission to find a new home in this place was going to be hard. Harder than any of us had imagined.

Amelie Durand: Ben, I need to run a full body scan on you.

Ben Sawyer: Listen, priority is getting the crew to base camp, you understand? After that I'm all yours.

Hana Seung: It's time.

Ben Sawyer: Great, I'll see you down there.

Hana Seung: Are you OK?

Ben Sawyer: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. For that brief moment, our pain and worries were gone, there was no speech, no theater, there was only awe that we had arrived. And the acceptance that we were just beginning.

Ann Druyan: If I could talk to the first people to stand on the surface of Mars, I would ask them to remember that everything they're about to see, they'll be seeing for our whole species, they'll be experiencing, living a dream that our recent ancestors would have deemed impossible. And it's not just science fiction anymore, there are people on this planet right this moment that are actually planning and working to perfect the machinery that's necessary to make that possible.

Mission Control: T-minus 4 minutes.

Peter Diamandis: We've reached a tipping point. Thousands of years from now, whatever we become, whoever we are, we'll look back at these next few decades as the moment in time that we are moving off this planet as a multi-planetary species.

Mission Control: VC and DC verify F9 and Dragon are in startup. F9 is in startup.

Peter Diamandis: And SpaceX stands as nothing less than a massive game changer.

Mission Control: Stage one, stage two, pressing for flight.

Stephen Petranek: Elon Musk says the only reason that I have founded this company is to get human beings to Mars.

Mission Control: LC LD go for launch.

Stephen Petranek: The key to making Mars economical is the reusability of rockets.

Mission Control: T-minus 1 minute.

Elon Musk: I just don't think there's any way to have a self-sustaining Mars base without reusability. Getting the cost down is really fundamental. If wooden sailing ships in the old days were not reusable, I don't think the United States would exist.

Mission Control: T-minus 30 seconds.

Stephen Petranek: And if they nail this ability to land a rocket anyway they want on Earth, then they can nail doing it on Mars.

Mission Control: T-minus 15.

Lars Blackmore: This flight is a huge deal. We haven't yet landed the rocket. So this is gonna be hopefully our first successful landing.

Mission Control: T-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. We have lift off. Vehicle has reached maximum pressure. Stage one propulsion is still not working. Altitude 32 kilometers, speed at 1 kilometer per second, down range distance 13 kilometers.

Casey Dreier: Space is defined by the strange relationship between failure, risk, and innovation. Which is you can take risks, you can try something very innovative, but you're more likely to fail.

Robert Zubrin: Some people say that the challenges of a Mars mission are excessively formidable. I entirely disagree. I believe that far from being the weak link in the chain, human ingenuity, and the human psyche is gonna be the strongest link in the chain.

James A. Lovell: There's a segment of people in this world that live on the edge. The talent of these people is evaluating the risk and always the rewards. If you figure that the reward is worth the risk. That yeah, it's risky, I know I could get k*lled doing this, but it's doing something that man had not done before. So is it worth it? Mhm, it's worth it.

Robert: Mission control confirmed the rover is 2000 kilos over maximum payload with all of us aboard.

Hana Seung: I ran the numbers, the odds are we won't make it.

Ben Sawyer: Yeah, but someone will. Come on... Let's get to work. We had 75 kilometers ahead of us. Over brutal terrain, and a rover thousands of kilos over capacity. Even if we made it that far, our new base camp was a workshop that would barely hold us all. Temperatures would drop to minus 70 degrees before nightfall, and the only help we had was somewhere up there on a little blue dot.

Elon Musk: Mars will be the greatest adventure ever.

Hana Seung: I'm looking at a red planet.

Narrator: "MARS, a global event series, Monday, November 14, at 9:00pm. On the National Geographic Channel."

Hana Seung: People sometimes ask me, "how did you know you wanted to go to space?" When I was younger I felt like... Do you copy? I didn't really fit anywhere. My mom used to tell me to get my head out of the clouds. I eventually realized that the only place I wanted to be...

Mission Control: 3, 2, 1...

Hana Seung: ... Was above them.

Narrator: "Before MARS", a National Geographic digital short film, available to watch now.