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02x03 - A Prison Without Walls

Posted: 10/27/16 06:33
by bunniefuu
I won't give up until I find your daughter. Please.

No! Sophie... I knew her parents when she was taken.

It was a tragedy what happened to her mother.

You must realise, Alice, you are the only one who can help us find your friend.

I studied Sophie Giroux for years and years.

There is a gesture she makes, a nervous habit.

This girl, Alice, made the same gesture.

And what? Alice's parents - they just accept it?

Sam? Does she seem... different to you?

Was there a yellow van mentioned in Alice's abduction?

That was the only clue we had in Sophie's case.

I can't keep coming round.

Then don't.

I want to sleep in the shed.

'And I need you to lock me in.'

So... The man in the photo.

Yes, that's him.

What the hell's going on, Sergeant?

How can you live with yourself?

After what you've done?

♪ Oh, my love, we pray each day ♪
♪ May you come home and be OK ♪
♪ For now we wait for you ♪
♪ For you to come home. ♪

We haven't yet talked about the man who took you.

We don't have to.

But, seeing his picture, knowing that he is locked up now... I wonder how that makes you feel?

Well, the truth - the honest truth - is that I feel sorry for him.

In these circumstances, it is normal to feel these things.

For years, this man, he has been your world.

There is a bond...

There is no bond.

There's nothing.

You had a child with him.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm just trying to reassure you that whatever you're feeling, it's normal.

There are often moments when he might not have been cruel, but instead shown you some kindness.

When you are deprived of all else, this can feel very much like love, even...

Do you know, I don't think I want to talk about him after all.

Is that OK with you?


Mr Herz is with the police. They say he abducted two girls.

You might as well know. Everyone else will soon enough.

Why would they say that about him?

Just go home, Andreas.

We carry on.

Detective Baptiste. Thank you for coming.

Her session's almost over.

Sorry to interrupt but Mr Baptiste's here. Whenever you're ready.

You upset her, you know? Last time you were here.

It was not my intention.

Well, we only called you because she asked us.

And I don't know what she wants to talk to you about, but you keep it short. She needs rest.

Of course.

Well? I'm told you wish to see me?

The last time you asked me about Sophie... but I wasn't honest.

I guess I was ashamed to say.

To say what?

When I left...

Sophie, he hadn't fed her for weeks.

Her eyesight was going... she couldn't stand.

I sneaked her food when I could, but without me there to try and look after her...

I left her to die. did what you had to.

I wonder... perhaps you know some story of Sophie, about a time when... she was not afraid.

Something I can tell her father.

Something that will bring her to life in his mind... when she was not scared and alone.

I can't think of anything.


There is nothing?

I'm sorry, I don't know what it is that you want me to say.

Dad, I don't know what...

What's going on?

Sorry to have troubled you.

Hey, that's it, all right? On your way.

Hey. Get out.


I want you out of my house now!

Sam, Sam! Come on.

I'm going to check on my daughter.

When I come down, I want you out of this house.

I'm sorry.

I see how you look at Alice.

You know she is different, don't you?

I don't know what you mean.

Have you considered a DNA test?

Why would we...

You are her mother.

You would feel it more than anyone.


'Where are you?'


I'm just asking, Matthew.

I'm worried about you.

I feel like we don't talk any more.

'You out with those friends of your friends again? Those Adler twins...'

I think I'm a bit old for you to be choosing my friends, Mum.

Shit. What is it?

My dad's nurse never made it in.

I've had my bloody phone off, missed all her messages.

He's been on his own all morning.

Eve. Eve!

Let me come with you.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

You know, it's not like anybody misses me at work, is it?

That's not what this is, OK?

Where are we?

If I had to guess, I'd say Al Mazraa.

They've taken us to the front line.


Whatever they know about your guy, Daniel Reed, let's find out what it is and get out of here.

What's that?

My good luck charm.

Does it work?

The - what do you say...?

The jury's out.

Daniel Reed.

Who the hell are you and why are you looking for me?




I haven't heard from you in days.

I'm worried.

I'm fine.

You do not look like you're fine.

I called you this morning.

What happened? Tell me.

I've been going through Dad's financial records and I found...something.

What do you mean?

You know, I thought I knew my dad.

Henry Reed, everyone's mate.

Never going to surprise you, but...a decent guy, you know?

Always there when you need him, always ready to do the right thing.

And then, out of the blue, he sticks a g*n in his mouth and checks out. Why?

Why would he do that?


And the Army don't give a shit.

No, as far as they're concerned, it's case closed.

I asked them - give me one good reason.

But it's back in line.

Don't ask questions.

Clean your w*apon, stand up straight, keep those boots shiny.

Be a soldier.


Stop trying to keep me in this box.

Stop trying to make me feel and mourn like there's some condition that needs to be treated.

Please don't be like this.

I don't know any more.

She won't come out of her room now.

I mean, what the hell...

What was he saying to her?

He called her Sophie.

He asked her why she was lying.

... idiot.

Sophie. That other case he talked about. That other girl.

When I...look at her, when to her, when I touch her... all I can think... is I...

I don't feel it.

I don't feel like it's her.

Don't say that.

That detective asked about a DNA test.

Oh, Jesus.

Are you listening to yourself?

The way she sounds, everything she remembers...

You think I don't know my own daughter?

I want her back too, Sam, but you're seeing what you want to see!

There is something wrong with her!


After everything she's been through!

How can you?


Open up, love.

Come on, he's gone now.

You're safe.

I promise he won't be back.

All right, I'm going to come in.


What is it?

Sam, what's the matter?

What's happened?

She's gone. Climbed out the window.

Call the police.

Alice! Alice!


You have a suspect in custody.

I wish to speak with him.

I asked already the German police but they refused. I was hoping...

Mr Baptiste, the Military Police are working on this case with the German Polizei.

With respect, you have no jurisdiction...

I know. But 12 years ago, I promised the parents of a little girl I would find out what happened to their daughter.

Now, I may have a chance of delivering on that promise.

So, jurisdiction, you understand, is no more than a word to me.

Your disregard for it is immaterial.

I have experience in this field, would you agree?

All I want is an opportunity to speak with the suspect.

What do you intend to ask that hasn't already been put to him?

It's not the question that matters, Brigadier.

Observing how it is answered is the key.

I've been a detective for 30 years now and the girl who calls herself Alice... she is not telling us something.

Such as?

Your daughter tells me a DNA test hasn't been performed yet.

Alice's parents haven't requested one.

You don't think a parent knows their own child?

It has happened before.

All I want is the certainty that science offers.

I've been polite...Mr Baptiste, but I'm afraid some of us still have jobs to do.

You're retired.

Embrace it.

Mr Baptiste!

A military escort is its way to sign you off the premises.

Let them find me.


Excuse me.

It's all right.

I'm here to see the Brigadier?

Trooper Reed.

Look, she's been gone for over an hour.

You need to be taking this a lot more seriously.

Just find her, all right?

Do your job.

Nothing. They've got cars out, but...she could be anywhere.

She shouldn't be even out there on her own. Not in her state.

Why would she run away?

I don't understand.

Why do you think?

She heard us arguing.

She heard you saying there was something wrong with her.

She heard you and she wanted to get the hell out of here and who can blame her?

Christ, Gemma, we had her home!

Where she belongs.

And if anything happens to her, this is on you.

You hear me?

It's on you.

< Danke, Nadia.

Mrs Herz.

I wanted to let you know that the girl who came back, Alice Webster, identified your husband as the man who abducted her.

People ask sometimes if it was hard, deciding to make my life here.

Kristian - his family, friends - they welcomed me.

I became one of the locals down the road.

One of the "village idiots"... as we used to sometimes call them on the base.

And you're saying, this whole time... he was living some kind of double life and I didn't even notice?

Alice says she was moved several times during her...imprisonment.

Did your husband travel much?

We liked it here.

I travelled enough in the Army.

On his own, then?

The German police tell me your husband's a keen bird-watcher.

Does he take many trips?

Weekends away?


So, what?

Does he own any property?

A storage unit, even?

Because to do what he's been doing, all these years, you must have noticed things?

Do I need a lawyer, Sergeant?

Because this is starting to feel like an interrogation.

I'm just trying to understand.

Morgan said you'd be here.

I need a word.


It's Brigadier now, Nadia.

Sorry, force of habit.

Excuse us.

You know Mrs Herz?

I have had the pleasure.

Back in Iraq, she was a mess.

Why the hell didn't the soldiers who brought us here say that you were with them?

If you've come looking for me, you must know who I am. I'm AWOL.

The Army want me back even though I'm out here, actually doing something.

These boys are just looking out for me, that's all.

Well, we just spent the whole night in the back of a truck.

Your "boys" could use some work on their bedside manner!

What are you doing here?

What kind of fools walk into Rome when it's burning down?

We didn't. Your boys in the Peshmerga dragged us here.

Daniel, we need to speak with you.

It's about your father.

My dad?

Do you know where we are? Yes.

Right now, Isil could attack at any time.

You've come all this way, put both your lives on the line to talk about that piece of shit?

My dad is dead and the world's a better place for it.

You wasted your time coming here.

Mr Reed.

Mr Reed!




Wha...? What's happening?


What's happening?

It's OK, Dad. Dad...

What's happening?

What's happening? Dad?

Dad, it's me, it's Eve.

What's happening?

Oh, Dad, it's OK.

I've got you.
Come in!

Sam... I didn't think we were meeting for a few days.

We're not.

How long till I can go back to work?

How are things at home?

Everything OK with you and Gemma?

I'm not here to be fixed!

Just answer the question.

How long?

What you did, Sam, was a cry for help.

I can't put you back on regular duty until you let us help you.

There is something we could do.

I see you requested to be posted back to England a while back.

I changed my mind - or, we changed our minds.

I heard there are training positions opening up in Aldershot.

If I write a recommendation, I can make it happen.

Why not make the leap now?

We could go home?

Talk it through with your wife.

Let me know.


I went to the prison.

I chickened out.


I really thought I could do it.

I promised Alice, you know?

I made her a promise.

So, why can't I?

Why can't I just go through with it?


Give me the Pfeife.

Did I ever tell you about our father?

Funny, Matty, he was a funny guy.

But you say the wrong thing...


Mama kept forgiving him, of course.

"Not his fault," she would say.

"He is under a lot of stress."

One day, she went down a flight of stairs.

Now, she has brain damage.

Has to be changed like a baby.

Forgiveness is weakness.

I know. I know.

But she's my sister.

And I owe her.

I'm desperate here.

I'll pay double...

They don't have to be an experienced carer, I just...

Right. I understand.

Thank you.


You're going to stay at mine for a bit while we get your house sorted and I'll try and find someone to help look after you. Hm...

You're a lovely girl.

I knew a girl like you.

A long time ago.

She was beautiful.

Alabaster skin.

Just like you.

Who are you talking about? Mum?

You two shouldn't be in here.

No shit! I know. Your father didn't take his own life.

I've been down this road, mate.

I couldn't believe it myself.

I drove myself crazy over it, wondering why someone as happy as him could just stick a g*n in his mouth one day.

I came here to find answers.

I found out my dad was transferring money - regularly, for years - to a man called Mirza Barzani, up in Erbil.

And when I found out why, it made me my guts.

I didn't know what to do.

Joining these guys was the only thing that saw me through.

Who is Mirza Barzani?

What did you learn, Daniel?

Did it have something to do with Alice Webster and Sophie Giroux?

Like I said, you wasted your trip...

Get out now, now! Now! Fall back!

What did you learn? Julien!

Tell me, what did you learn about your father? Julien!

Julien, we must leave!

With everything you've told me, there must be a connection between Daniel's father and those girls.

I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to bring me here.

I make my own choices.

You have your reasons for being here.

Times like this... you just have to remind yourself what they were.

'So how long do you think you'll be in Paris for?'

I don't know. I am only here, because, in Eckhausen, the doors are closing on me one by one.

I'm a little more than a pest to them.

Are you sure this girl is really Sophie?

'I cannot be. But there's a chance,' with her father's help, we will know.

The instinct of a parent is the strongest there is, no?

Mr Giroux.




You've been gone for hours.

Where have you been?

I just needed to get out.

Where did you go?

We've been going out of our mind...!

I just had to get out.

Yeah, but you can't...

After what happened...

You've got to understand, we've been trying to give you space, but you can't just...

You can't ask us not to worry.

I mean, that's...

That's not fair.

(This is not my life.)

(This is not my life.)

Don't say that.

Just leave me alone.


I thought maybe we could go to the Christmas market tomorrow?

You know, if you felt up for it.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

And then, afterwards, maybe we could get a full English at Magda's.

Sounds good, Dad.

As long as you don't make me try the liver sausage again.

What do you think?

Maybe after, we could get a glass of Gluhwein.

They do that well over here, don't they?


It's just that... the last time that I had that... I'd just been on the highest roller-coaster that I've ever been on.

It was this big, wooden one...

And at the top, it was such a clear summer's day, I could see for miles.

It was so high...

I could see the autobahn.

I screamed the whole way down.

Felt like all the air had been sucked out of me, like I would never breathe again.

And I felt sick...and terrified.

But the moment it stopped, I just wanted to do it all over again.

But, instead, we sat, and... we had Gluhwein.

It was a good day.

What are you talking about?

Just leave it.

You never did that with us.

We never went on a roller-coaster here in Germany.

Just leave it, will you?

You're talking about something you did with...with him?

With the man who took you, aren't you? Yeah.

How the hell can you sit there...

You know, sometimes... in the last few years, he'd let us out.

He said, if we tried to talk to anyone, or if we tried to run, that he'd hurt us.

And we believed him.

We were just so... grateful to be outside.

And, yeah... there were times we were happy.

You should know that.

No, you don't mean that.

You can't mean that. Well, we don't know what it was like...

You're talking about... the man who took you... the man who att*cked you, the man who held you prisoner...

Stop it... and yet, you're talking about it like it's some happy memory.

Well, it isn't!

That man poisoned your mind, and you have got to be able to see that!

Life isn't as simple as you want to make it, Gemma.

There were times that I was happy with him, OK?

I had a baby.

And she made my life worth living, no matter where I was.

And then, she died.

So, what, now, I'm supposed to be "free"?

Am I?

I don't feel free.

I don't feel anything.


'It's me.

'They finally let me make a call.'

How are you?

I'm fine.

This will be all straightened out.

I didn't do what they accuse me of.

'You know that. Don't you?'

The girl identified you, Kristian.

'My love... I would never...'

It's not in my nature, you know that.

Don't you?

'One day, you'll see...'

..this will be just a terrible story that we tell.

I hope so.

Alice, please don't make me do this again.

Dad was so angry with me last time, I said I wouldn't...

It makes me feel safe.

Please, I need you to do this.

I used to worry about you, you know.

How you'd get on without me there to look out for you.

But here you are.

You didn't need me.

You'd carry on being fine without me, wouldn't you? Don't say that.


I want you to promise me something.

You're not going to like it.

But I need you to do it, OK?


You should get some sleep.

Maybe she shouldn't be here with us.


Maybe there's somewhere she'll... she'll be looked after.

Just for a while.

She needs help.

She needs her family.

We're not prepared for this.

We don't...

Just stop it.

Stop it.

What's that light?


No...! NO!





Sam! No, Sam!

Alice! Sam! Sam!

No, Sam!

You know, I've tried to come here so many times.

Forgiveness is weakness.

Mr Webster, what do you want?

It's my fault Alice isn't here any more.

I have to live with that.

Before my sister k*lled herself... she made me promise her something, and I don't know why, but I owe it to her.

She made me promise... to tell you that she's sorry.

She told you that?

"Tell Mr Herz I'm sorry."

She insisted on it.

After all what you've done... she's the one who's sorry.

But I'm not.

I hope you die in here, you sick piece of shit.

Sorry to disturb you.

You, er...

You left these at home.


I thought I'd drop them off.


Do you ever wonder what it'd be like if we just packed up and left?


We only stayed for her.

11 years, waiting.

But she's gone, Gem.

There's nothing left for us here now.

Don't even know what I'm doing here.

We need to get back to England.

The chance of a fresh start for us.

I've made mistakes.

What do you mean?

Me and Matthew.



This is our home, Sam.

For better or worse.

Mrs Webster.

What are you doing here?

I called Jorn Lenhart - you know, Detective Lenhart?

And I couldn't get hold of him.

I needed to talk to someone.

I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go.

I found something.

When Alice came back, she told us that she went on a roller-coaster, with Kristian Herz.

She was taken outside...?

But I didn't think anything of it.

It was just a story. But it turned out it was one of those... you know, when you get to the top, and it takes your picture?

Well, Julien Baptiste had the idea of asking Jorn to get hold of the hard drive from the theme park.

The pictures were deleted, you know...

But now, these days, nothing's really ever gone.

So, I've spent days and days going through endless photographs.

I thought maybe it was just giving me something to do.

But, then today...

That's Alice.


Look at the girl sitting next to her.

That's my daughter.

That's Alice.