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02x04 - Seeds of w*r

Posted: 10/27/16 00:48
by bunniefuu
Previously, on The Romeo Section...

The police say that your son was a strong believer in the jihad.

I told them, if Khalil did this, he could not have done this on his own.

Wolfgang: He's never had a run-in with the law, he's never been on anybody's list...

[slot clacks] Fergie.

How'd you know him?

He was my informant.

Rufus: Drug squad?

I'm not interested in being a rat.

Welcome to the neighbourhood.

Andre wants to meet you.

I see you in Bennie's spot.

I see you with Bennie's girl.

I see you making money on Bennie's number.

He's putting the squeeze on us for Bennie's debt.

Lana: Handle with care.


Where the f*ck are you going?


I can tell you who's pulling all the strings behind this whole operation.

Were you Mustapha's handler?

Oh, Christ.

They're gonna call this a su1c1de.

S02E04 Seeds of w*r

[birds singing]

[birds wings fluttering]


Wake up.

Your father's coming back.

Hurry up. Go.


Why are you dressed in those rags?

And... oh! What a smell!

I spent the last week living like a beggar.

I've seen and heard for myself.

Opium is everywhere, and now there is worry that it will become scarce.

They are willing to k*ll over it.

In return for what?

To smoke opium and grow rich.

For the illusion of prosperity.

It makes me weep.

I'll pour you a bath.

Opium is the only thing people talk about in the market.

The merchants are afraid you will seize it all.

That is exactly what I intend to do.

But that is only between you and I.

You think it wise?

What else can I do?

The merchants talk about raising their own armies.

They think it is time we allow foreign traders into the country... to create desire for things we do not need.

Perhaps... it is better to spread a rumour that you are negotiating with the Europeans and, in exchange for a small tax, the Emperor will allow opium to be traded.

You're very clever, Fan Fan.

I will give that some thought.

Close your eyes.

Think of nothing.

Wolfgang: We need to expand the parameters of the investigation.

I think it's time we start focusing on the members of the Commission.

Look at the background on some of these characters.

Ex-federal police, ex-intelligence, ex-FIS... don't know that one.

That's a judge.

And an ex-attorney general.

There's a tanker truck full of bullshit overturned on the highway, and it's on fire.

So they bring in the A-team to spray it down.

Or it's just one guy steering the others.

Fellow travellers blindly following the leader.

That's just what we're doing.

Ghost gives you an assignment...

Find out who did what to who, when.

Which we blindly follow.

And what have we accomplished so far?

I'll tell you.

We have flushed out the one witness who could give us evidence and gotten him k*lled.

He got himself k*lled.

No. It's causal.

We provoked a situation which caused him to die.

The dogs that flush the bird are as guilty as the hunter.

Maybe we're just a pair of dupes ourselves.

Maybe we are.

Let's go speak to the Detective and see if we can squeeze a little more truth out of him.

Go by yourself.

I'm going to see Sonya.

Oh, that's going somewhere, is it?

Maybe you'd be okay with her spending the rest of her life in a pharmaceutical stupor, life draining out of her.

She's 20 years old, man! She's a child.

I don't give a shit if she has evidence for us or not, but I believe she does.

Did you forget my coffee?

In the car.

How's Don?

Don't start pretending you care.

[police radios crackling]

[sirens wailing in distance]

Sorry, man.

Didn't see you.

You got kids?



I've got a three-year-old. She means everything to me.

She's got special needs, probably for the rest of her life.

You understand?

That's a tough spot.

I tried to back away from this thing the minute I arrived on the scene.

Going along to get along?

For your daughter's sake.

We understand.

No, you don't.

That's f*cking clear to me.

Look, I knew this security guy... Kent.

As soon as I saw him on the scene, and the kid Mohammed, lying there, dead in the street, I knew it was a shit-storm.

I didn't want to have anything to do with it.

"Mustapha." Not Mohammed.

Where did you know him from?

I worked with the military police before this.


Took a year off, helped to set up an investigation unit over there.

I came up against Kent when he was with one of those, uh, private military contractors, working intelligence.

He was handling a couple of local informants.

I heard some of them got k*lled because he was sloppy.

What was the name of that outfit?

"Global Standard."

They've changed it a dozen times since.

And yeah, you're right.

I don't believe he k*lled himself.

He liked himself too much.

So you'd be investigating this as a homicide now?


It's been ruled a su1c1de and put to sleep.

You guys really got no clue how big this thing is.

How big is it?

Ever since 9/11, there's a guy in my squad room who reports directly to the intelligence service.

Anything related to terrorism, he's got his eye on it, so, he's got his eye on me 'cause I was first on the m*rder scene.

So no, nobody's investigating it as a homicide, and nobody's going to.

Look, uh, I gotta get back.

I advise you to let it go.

Walk away.

I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to jump and run.

Don't pretend you're better than me.

Neither of you.

You'll feel differently when it's you they come for.

It's gonna be beautiful the next time I run into those f*cking guys.

I'm gonna taze him with this, then I'm gonna hit him with this.

Rufus: Shorts.

How we doing?

My neck's all tweaked out.

I'm dizzy all the time.

Can barely keep a meal down.

Other than that...

Ow, f*ck.

You sure you want to be back to work already?

Can't afford not to be.

What do you remember about that last call?

Not a lot, but it was a set-up.

It was Andre and those guys from the club.

You saw Andre there?

No, I didn't see him, but... obviously, he was the one behind it.

Rufus: Your last call was Duffy.

He's a pretty solid regular.

Yeah, and his girlfriend used to dance at Andre's club.

Trust me, it was a set-up.

If you're thinking about payback, I want you to forget about it.

Let me handle it.

I don't think this is something I can just totally forget about.

I know Bennie owed you a little back-pay.

[bills rustling]

Take some more time off if you need it.

I don't need it.

[scoffs] Seriously. Rest up.

Another day or two can't hurt.

Work the phones, if you want to hang out.

What do we want to do about Andre?

You gotta get payback for Shorts, or they'll walk all over us.

You gotta do something.

I'll talk to Andre.

[thumps bag down]

What's this?

25 grand.

Bennie owed 40... plus the interest.

Let's say... an even 45.

I'm not Bennie.

And you tuned up one of my best guys, so... this should make us square.

If that's one of your best guys...


I don't know what to tell you.

[zips bag up]

Don't go anywhere.

Nice club.

I like it.

How's your place?


People seem to dig our product.

What is this?

That's what your 25 grand here gets you.

Should get you up and running.

I'm not looking to make a buy.

Sure you are.

I got my own connect.

Bennie used to buy from us, now you do the same.

It's a franchise spot.

It's how this thing works.

How is it?



[phone ringing]


I was hoping I would've heard your decision by now.

I've got a dentist appointment.

I need more time.

What's the issue?

I'd like to discuss it in person.

All right.

See you in an hour or so.

[front door opens and closes]

[shuts door]

[phone starts ringing]

Good morning.

Good morning.

I hope you're well.

I'm very well. Thank you.

I spoke to the Dean at McGill.

They'd like to fly me out.


Short notice, but I was wondering if you're free to meet up this evening.

There are a few things I'd like to discuss with you.

I can bring the wine that you like.

Lily: The same place?

Same time.

See you then.

I thought you had a dentist appointment.

Who is she?

You know I can't discuss it.

Don't tell me it's a national security issue.

You're having an affair.

Oh, you're being ridiculous.

I didn't think you had it in you.

Don't start up. I won't take it.


Go to Ottawa.

Take your mistress with you.

I have a meeting and I can't be late, but we can discuss things this evening.

I'll be home later.

Yeah, don't bother coming home.

I've already spoken to a lawyer.

Well, this is exquisitely poor timing.

I'm not going to Ottawa.

I'm staying here, in the house that is going to be mine.

I don't have a secret lover.

That's your fantasy.

You're a lying prick, Edmund.

You're an uptight, lying, piece of shit!

Take what you need, because I'm going to change the f*cking locks!

She can have the house. I really don't care.

But she must not, she cannot, reveal we're getting divorced.

We can divorce quietly in a year, after I've settled in Ottawa.

It's not negotiable.

Everything's rosy, and then she can miss her friends and move back to Vancouver.

Just make it very clear to her.


[thumps twice]

You all right?

You looked a little pale.

I thought I might have to call someone.

Touch of the flu.

We go back a long time.

I don't need a sales pitch.

What's the offer?

I've been asked to put a short list together for my replacement here.

You're presently at the top.

If I give my recommendation, then you'll be appointed head of the Asian-Pacific region.

My chair.

What you've always wanted, I think.

Perhaps what I deserve.

Yes. You do.

Professor Song tells me she's been offered a job at McGill.

Is that your doing?

Your interest in Lily is entirely professional?

What else would it be?

Well, let's not kid ourselves.

We're both a little long in the tooth for having affairs with our assets.

Speak for yourself.

I still think I have a little something left in the t*nk.


Our capacity to deceive ourselves is limitless.

But I'll confess that I arranged for Lily to get the job in Montreal.

Not to keep her.

To establish safe cover. You'd have done the same.

Makes sense.

I'm going to be vetted for this position, so expect someone to call, and they'll ask you about me.


A glowing recommendation would be a nice gesture.

I'll have to rehearse.

This is important to me, Al, and I've considered you a good friend...

Oh, let me finish.

You and I are going to be working very closely together, and I need to know that I can rely on you not to allow personal feelings to colour our working relationship.

I would have appreciated the courtesy of you telling me your plans beforehand.

I apologize.

The flu. I don't want to catch it.

But we're agreed?


Norman: You've got her on hypnotics?

Yes. For the anxiety and sleep.

Can I ask you something about her history?


Why was she committed here?

She signed herself in.

She'd begun hallucinating, and it was diagnosed as a psychotic break.

The medications helped with controlling some of that.

It can be a difficult process.


So I understand. Thank you.

It's good to know.

Do you remember when it was she arrived here?

Um, about a year and a half ago?

I can get back to you with the exact date.


Thank you.

I thought maybe you weren't coming.

I forgot my cigarettes in the car.

I'll just be a minute. I'm parked close.

You can wait here for a sec?

Don't forget a lighter.

You can walk with me if you like.

I'm just around the corner.

All right.

You have a lot of CDs.

I do.


Sit in.

We'll play some music and have a smoke and pretend we're at the beach.

Do you know, I've been spending all this time asking you about the baseball stadium and I haven't really gotten to know much about you.

You used to play piano?


I was studying at the university.

I wanted to be a conductor.


That's fantastic.


And you stopped?


I couldn't concentrate.
[tender piano ballad plays on stereo]

This is lovely... this melody.

[inhales deeply]


[realizing]: It's summer.

Would you like to go for a drive?

That might be nice.

I've had hallucinations.

Voices in my head.

Took a bunch of dr*gs... that was a drag, so the doctor tried something different.

What was that?

I listened to what the voices were saying.

I tried to figure out what they meant.

The idea is that...


I experienced a traumatic event.

Somebody died right in front me...

And I listened to what the voices...

My voices, I think from my subconscious... told me.

[chuckles] That's the theory anyway.

And it worked?

It did.

It took a while.

But, gradually, I put it all together.

I see things and hear things.

People in my room in the middle of the night... wanting to climb in bed with me.

That kind of thing.

Wolfgang: Our security guard shot himself in the head.

Harry: su1c1de?

Wolfgang: That's how they're calling it.

Now the real clean-up has begun.

I need to know if you've got anybody else in the loop.


Because, between the time I came to you with the immunity deal and the time I was supposed to meet with him, somebody suicided the guy.

I don't think I like the implication.

No, I'm not wild about it myself.

I took all the proper precautions.

If this is leaky, I have much to lose.

Does the service have a man inside the city police?

No doubt.

There's one embedded in every major city, since 9/11.

At the very least, there is a liaison.

Well, I think it's time for you to start sharing a little more information with me, before I wade into this thing any deeper.

You know everything I know.

All I ever had was a hunch that something didn't smell right.

I think we're looking at... one of two probable scenarios.

One, they were running an operation on this kid and they successfully blocked him from blowing up a baseball stadium.

And the other scenario?

This operation was set up from the beginning as an act of provocation, a false flag.

A false flag to provoke what?

A day after the attack, the intelligence bill was introduced on the floor.

But the bill didn't pass.


But it probably would have... if that b*mb had gone off inside the stadium.

And perhaps changed the result of the subsequent election.

Well, that would certainly explain the extreme nerves around this.

What do you know about the faces on the Quiller Inquiry?

I know a couple of them.

Some of them by reputation only.

You know, someone must have been steering this thing at a very high level.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm being warned?

Because I'm gonna start looking in that direction and I don't want anything to come as a surprise.

You have my full blessing.

Uh, it's a bit of a mess.

I just moved in.

You've got a girlfriend?

Boyfriend. Likes to dress up.

I want to show you something.

It's part of the insurance investigation.


[knocking] It's me.

It's open!

Come in.

[Wolfgang shuts door] Well... the lunatics are running the asylum.


You remember Sonya?

Yes. Of course.

Norman: Rupert.

Hello again.

I was just showing Sonya our puzzle wall.


Could I have a word?

Excuse us.


[door opens]

[shuts door]

She's gonna crash with me for a few days.

Is she A.W.O.L.?

She's going to call in and let them know that she went for a wander. Relax.

I'm pretty sure that kidnapping a mental patient is high on the list of things I didn't hire you to do!

She committed herself voluntarily.

She exited the premises voluntarily.

I don't think it quite works like that.

Take her back.

She's not a puppy from a shelter.

You okay?

I think I should go back to the hospital.

What's wrong?

I need to go back.


I think that's a good idea.

[engages brake]

[turns engine off]

You sure you're okay?


I had a good time.

Me too.

I'd like to do it again tomorrow.

Maybe go for a picnic.



Right after breakfast.

How does that sound?


And bring a jacket.

The weather might change.


Your cousin, Phil, called.

He did?

He's coming to visit you tomorrow.

You're getting a lot of visitors now.

That's a good sign.

I can't remember if I have a cousin Phil.

He said you might not remember him.

He's visiting from Ontario.

How was your day?


So much fun.

Did he leave a phone number?

I might be busy tomorrow.


With the insurance man?

He seems a little old for you.

He's gay.


Well, I didn't notice.

[street din and bustle]

Looks like this guy's running a little one-man operation here.

I see him around.

He makes buys from Andre.

[siren wails in distance]

[car engine starts]


I got something for you.

This is Andre's shit, which you're probably used to working with.

But I got this right here, which is in a whole 'nother league.

Well, I want that good shit.

Here's the hitch.

This is a package deal.

You want my good shit... you gotta hustle some of Andre's bunk shit with it.

Think about it.

[engine fires up]

[knocking on door]

I'm a bit early. Did I interrupt?

No. No, no, no. I was just...

Come in.

[door closes]

Lily: What's wrong?

I've left my wife.

Oh, no. Are you all right?

Ah. I'm fine, really.

As a matter of fact, I've got a bottle of champagne, to celebrate.

New beginnings!

I feel as if the world has lifted off my shoulders.

What happened?

Am I allowed to ask?

Ah, well... what happened.

What always happens, I suppose.

Yeah, they discover you're a prick.

This life... the secrets I've had to keep from her, the isolation she's endured.

I'm just... glad it's over.

Tremendously relieved.

I feel odd, drinking to the end of your marriage.

Then let's drink to a new beginning of another chapter.

Hang on...

Where did he go?

Edmund: Can you come here a moment?

I've got something to show you.



[starts engine]

[tires squeal]

[tires squeal in distance]

[dialing phone]

[phone line ringing]

Yeah. He's meeting with a guy.

Licence plate N-S-E 8-B-7.


White hair. Can't tell.

Stay with him now.

Forget the other guy.

What's the story?

I followed him all the way out to the university.

What was he doing there?

He went into a classroom and started teaching class.

What's this?


I thought you said it was your weakness.

Oh... well, I did say that, and it is.

Thank you very much.

Is that inappropriate?

No, no. It's very nice.

I have news.

Edmund's left his wife.


Well, not entirely unexpected, but very bad timing.

Marriage on the rocks, that's poor optics, as far as his promotion goes.

Mm. Perhaps she meant it to be.

I really don't see how he'd let it come to this.

He must know it puts his promotion in jeopardy.

A woman scorned.

You don't want the wife of a senior intelligence figure leaking national security matters to some lawyer she's picked at random.

How is old Edmund taking it?

Mm, well, he says he feels relieved, but I can tell, it worries him.

It should.

Well, he's seeing her again this evening.

Is he?

Couldn't you put a camera up or something in the safehouse?

Then you could see it all for yourself.

I wouldn't want to risk it being discovered.

So this is your day job?

One of them.

What do you teach?

How to be a real fucker?

You're looking a little thinner than I remember.

You sold me like a f*cking sl*ve to the drug squad.

Fergie's a good man. You can trust him.

I'm nobody's sl*ve.

I don't owe anybody anything anymore.

Do you understand me... "Professor"?

Believe me... you don't want a man like Fergie on your bad side.

I'll take my chances.


[whispers] Are you mad?

Do you want to get us both hung on the gallows?


[sighs] When can you come to me?

Tonight... after midnight.

In the garden, by the pond.

Not tonight.

I have other things to do.

I have to have you now.

What things?

What things?

You'll hear about it in the morning.

You are planning something stupid.

What is it?

Emperor: Fan Fan!

What is it?

Don't be foolish.

Fan Fan!


[buzzer blares]

You look horny as a goat.

Nice job.

I'm not acting.

Look, I think something's going on that we should be aware of.

I heard from Wing.

He's getting concerned about how much money's going into this movie.

He's thinking of cutting his losses, if we keep going over budget.


If we want to finish this f*cking thing for Mei Mei, we're going to need more money, and we can't ask Wing for it, so... you're gonna have to step it up in the retail game.

I'm kicking up everything I can straight to Mei Mei.

Here's the situation.

Wing goes through actresses like you go through cigarettes.

He's hustling somebody new in Hong Kong right now, and Mei Mei knows about it.

She's not stupid.

She knows this movie is her chance to get out from under him.

Wing can't hear about this.

Choose a side.

You'll need a moving van.

I've put the house up for sale.

We haven't settled anything yet.

Oh, I think we have.

There's an agent coming tomorrow to take a look.

I'd like to get this settled as soon as possible.

You said we have things to discuss.

Mm. Yes, we do.

I think I have a right to know who it is that you've been sleeping with and for how long.

That's easy.

With you, for the last 27 years.

Do not try to deny it.

I made one mistake, one time, 15 years ago.

You got caught the one time.

Who knows how many times that you weren't?

[sighs heavily]

I'm not here to argue.

Here, sign this.

What is it?

Your signature is required to put the house on the market.

I hope my lawyer made it clear to you that I need you to be by my side when we move to Ottawa.

It's crucial that we appear happily married.

I'm not going to Ottawa.


You can take your appearances and f*ck off.

Oh, for God's sake! You don't have to live there.

You can make occasional timely appearances, just for a year or so.

I can make excuses why you're always out here.

You've got a job of some sort.

"A job of some sort." Is that what I'm good for?

While you swan around town?

I meant I could justify your absence.

You can justify anything.

You're a professional at it.

Now... get the rest of your things from the bedroom and go.

I have friends coming over.

For a pity party, no doubt.

Just sign the form.

[sets forms down]

Not until you agree to the terms.

Don't make me do something I won't regret.

Don't you f*cking thr*aten me!

[thumping club music filtering into street]

Pretty quiet tonight.

Call me if there's a problem, okay?

[glass shatters, flames whoosh]

Shit's going down at Andre's!

[overlapping sirens wailing in distance]

[sirens wailing, radios crackling]

It could have been anybody...

They're saying the front door got hit with a firebomb.


f*cking idiot.

It'd be good if we find him before they do.

If you can find out who...


You Professor McGee?

And you are?

Inspector Wallace.

You reported a break-in.

Who called you?


Not you?

No. I only just got here.

Somebody called.

Is there anything missing?

Well, I don't know.

I only just arrived, didn't I?

Why would you be targeted?

Good question.

Maybe it was random.

Well, nobody else was broken into in the building.

Have you got any identification?

This is my office.

Any I.D.?



In fact, I... had my wallet stolen a while ago.

I just didn't get anything new yet.

That satisfy you?

What sort of work do you do here?

Why is that important?

No important research?

Can I see your I.D., by the way?


You can take my card.

Call me if anything's missing, of any importance.

[door opens, then shuts]

[line ringing]

This number has not been assigned. Please check the number and dial again.