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03x09 - Matanzas

Posted: 10/26/16 03:44
by bunniefuu
How can you not know this is wrong?

You are a man of order, a man of law.

You're wasting your breath.

She has my family.

She destroyed mine.

My brothers and sisters, all of them.

I can't order you, Peacekeeper, but I can ask you...

Just k*ll me. Stake me. Burn me.

But don't bring me to her.

[voices screaming]

Xibalbans have always tortured culebras with the sun.

[spasmodic cries]

[crying out]

For punishment.

For sport.

When Amaru walks among us, the gateway will open.

Hell will consume us.


Is that what you want?

You're ending the world.


The ashes of six Lords.

But not the seventh.

Where is she?

Eight hours from the prison to Matanzas.

They should be here. Soon.

We need to hurry. The eclipse is near.

They'll be here.

Prepare for the worst.

Make sure the ceremony is not interrupted.

Okay, everybody, let's go. Let's get a move on.

We gotta catch up to the Ranger.

Whoa, wait.

This is what Richard was talking about?

Yep. This is the culebra venom from the prison.

It looks like they were regularly milking the population.

Put a little bit of this in some dirty bombs, dip some b*ll*ts in it, you're gonna hurt a Xibalban really good.

Venom b*ll*ts? Thought I'd seen it all.

They wanna skin Xibalbans.

If we can save Lord Venganza, we're with you all the way.

That's what I like to hear.

All right. [clears throat]


It was a mining town in its heyday.

For culebras, it was Boomtown.

Settlers would come through, work in the mines.

We would drink the settlers and keep the gold.

Yeah, I'll bet.

We built tunnels to hide from the sun, undetected.

Now, there are trap doors and storm cellars, all with access to the town below.

Anything could be down here.

Just like anything could still happen with you.

You need me to show you the way.

I know its secrets.

Richard's right.

For all we know, you could be after buried treasure.

O otra pendejada.

I'm in it for the cause.

No tricks.

I can handle him.



According to the Professor, this ceremony needs to start in seven hours.

Why's that?

There's an eclipse.

It's a timing thing. Tell 'em about it, Carlito.

The abandoned mine... here, the doorway to hell.

You can't get to it without going through the town.

Whatever we do, we cannot let the ceremony happen.

If Amaru regains her true form, the doorway will open, and it will welcome her.

Yeah, and the ceremony has to take place during daylight.

And conveniently, the church has a skylight.

Which means they're going to protect the f*ck out of it.

We need to draw their fire.

Richard and I'll take the boys from C Block.

The rest of you, get underground, infiltrate and you stop the ceremony.

By "stop the ceremony," I mean you get that Queen Bitch outta Kate.

We're ready.

That's what you think. You can't be ready for this.


All right, listen.

Anything goes wrong, if we get... held up...

I'm trusting you two to finish her off.

Finish off Kate?


So it's meat grinder down below or burnt to a crisp up top.

Not much of a choice.

I mean, if you wanna be negative about it.

Yo, Ancient One.

You... need some stuff in your arsenal.

The f*ck is that?

This... [mechanism clacks and spins] the unexpected.

I'm tellin' ya, people never see it coming.

Dig it.

That's the dumbest f*cking thing I've ever seen.

Oh, come on!

We gonna get all Dirty Dozen on this one?

Everybody dies in that movie. Pick another one.

g*ns of Navarone.

Almost all of them make it, except Stanley Baker and, uh... that hot chick.

Just put your gloves on, Richard.

Your husband loves you very much.

Let's go.

Billions of people are begging you, don't do this.


Congratulations on your catch, Peacekeeper.

I had a feeling about you from the beginning.

I should have recruited you sooner, instead of trusting mindless dogs like Zolo.

You let him talk to you like that?

Why don't you just kick his ass?

I beat him in a fair fight.

He must do what I say, as dictated by the code of the Jaguar Warrior.

Well, dictate to him that he's standin' too close.

Back off.

Her vest is full of venom.

Any little bit of sun, flame, or even a spark'll set that shit right off.

Nasty. Especially for Xibalbans.

You come prepared.

I was an Eagle Scout.

All we need are her ashes.

Well, it's awful windy.

I'd hate for somebody to get blown away.

Now show me my family.

Let us pray.

Let's go.


Okay... they're heading to the church.

Right on time.

I see it all now.

Yeah? What's that?

The Ranger was your inside man this whole time.

When you took me aside in the prison, you were letting him stage the kidnapping.


Yeah, we trucked in a few other surprises, too.

For now, the Ranger's gonna distract them while we get into position.

Then he's gonna open the tunnel access to the church, we can ambush from the inside.

That's a lot of trust to put in one man.


And you still don't trust me.

I do not.

Everybody ready?

Good luck, Gecko.

Let's go.

Is that what I think it is?


Let's finish this.

See you at the church.

I have someone else.

Head back.

Look at you.

You've changed.

You're no longer that scared little sl*ve girl.

I liked her.

And you're the same.

Still bitter.

Well, I'll be satisfied today.

You made the right choice, Ranger.

Nuh-uh. I need guarantees.

Good men get rewarded.

I want me and my family out when the shit goes down.

But don't you want to stay and find out what happens next?

No. I don't want in your club.

Peacekeeper... you're already in.

Draw their fire from the church, just so we get shot at?

The key component of that is not getting hit.

If you were more durable, I wouldn't have to take as many b*ll*ts for you.

Well, we all have our weaknesses, don't we?

What the hell do you wanna do? Do you wanna sit around and watch the sunset?

Yeah. I'd prefer that.

Don't you worry.

You and I are gonna Butch-and-Sundance our way right through this town, come out the other side.

You do know they both died, right?

Freeze framed!

They freeze-framed!

Those guys lived forever.


What... what the f*ck is that?

[spurs jangle]

[low growl]






[glass pane shatters]


They must've followed me here.

You're a terrible liar.

Blow me up! k*ll her!

Do it!

Yes, do it!

Destroy this body! Destroy yourself!

But I'll come back, in one form or another, and everything you love will be turned to dust.


[detonator burns]


Margaret: Freddie!


You okay? Are you okay?

Okay. Yeah.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm okay.


How many guys we got left?

I count four sh**t. Take that guy out!


This isn't looking too hot.

I'm gonna need you to run point.

That's just code for, "Hey, Richie, why don't you walk out there first and take a b*llet!" It still hurts like hell!

[low snarl]

You know, if I gotta put up with you bein' a bloodsucker, you'd think I could take advantage of the perks every once in a while.

[low snarl]

I'm not gonna be the bait.

We're both bait! That was the plan!

God. I hope the "B" Team's having better luck.

Santanico: Which way?

So, uh...

I'm gonna say right.

Scott: Go left.

Are you people gonna ever trust me?

Go that way. Go.


[speaking Xibalban]

It's one of Amaru's slaves.

I think we kicked the anthill. Let's get outta here.

Go, go, go. We'll take care of it.

OK. Let's go!



[singsong whistle]

I'll take my guys across the street.


I think we got their attention now.

These venom b*ll*ts are really doin' the trick.

What happens when we run out?



Ah, f...

Put your mask back on!

I'm holding my breath here.


I can keep from burning up if I focus, but it's only for so long, so hurry it up!

Those guys came outta nowhere.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Well, on the bright side, there's only one of those f*ckers left.


He's in that storefront back there.

[heavy thud]



Ohh, great. Thundarr the Barbarian.

I'll lead him out of town.

We got a score to settle.

Don't do anything heroic.

Trust me, brother.

Aah! Aah!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Now, this is not a fair fight.

I've read about you Jag Warriors.

I know you're all about some... code of honor, or some bullshit.

They're all children.


Look at what this so-called queen does.

Enslaving us again.

Forcing us to... k*ll our own.

You made a deal with Brasa.

I did.

And then I found out she was here.

Someone to rule the world, right?

Wouldn't you love a place next to her.

I don't want Amaru to rule this world. I want you.

That was your dream.

[chains rattling]

[bestial growls]

Culebras. This is your Diosa.

We serve Amaru.

Not anymore.

Do you remember... the river of blood in Xibalba... where I'd take you to bathe me?

I don't want to remember.

For you, it has been centuries.

For me, it was yesterday.

Yesterday, I still loved you.

A sl*ve can't love her master, remember?

But she can steal, lie, deceive.

Can't she?

You lured me to my death.

I trusted you and you betrayed me.

So now, before you die... admit it to me.

Admit that you loved me.

That you worshipped me.

I played the part.

To free my people.

Now I'll enslave them again.

It's time to bring back order.

My people don't like chains.

They'll fight you to the death.

I'm counting on it.

You know, I might have taken you back... if I didn't have to k*ll you.

I won't give you the satisfaction.



Freddie? Freddie, what are you doing?

They're coming.

We're almost there. I just want to run through this.

No, kid, come on. We gotta keep going.

Let's check the blood. We might need that for transfusions.

They're closing in on us.

Burt. Burt?

Hey, buddy, listen.

You got a serious play in this, man.

We don't have time...

Hey, Burt!

Listen, old-timer. Are you paying attention?!

We don't have time to save a single life, we have to save millions.

This is not about that one little girl.

It is for me!

[cries out]

Guys! Hey! g*dd*mn it, stop it!

I know it sucks, kid, but everybody loses someone.

[all shouting]



Well, that's as fair as it was gonna get.

You ready to go for a ride?

This isn't over yet.




[floorboards creak]


Oh, Jesus Christ.

You got any guys left?

We're the last two.

Hopefully three.

[attacker groans]

You're out of b*ll*ts.

Yes, I am.

I've been reloading off of these undead pistoleros.

Let's bag this Marlboro m*therf*cker.





Adios, Machado.

[hammer clicks]





all chanting: Leave the body.

Embrace the fires.

Blood eyes. Heart expires.

Burning flesh on funeral pyres.

The soul walks to Xibalba. Leave the body...

Maggie, we gotta get outta here if we wanna make it.

...heart expires.


Burning flesh on funeral pyres.

The soul walks to Xibalba.

[speaking Xibalban]

Carlos: La Diosa has come for you!

This day you will rise against the power that has kept our ancestors slaves!

We don't have time for this, Carlos.

This is your army. This is how we win.

If I cut them loose, they'll attack.

They'll attack whoever you tell them to.

These are your people.

Trust them.

[exertion grunt]

What a lovely day for a revolution.

[radio crackles]

[flesh sizzles]


[radio crackles]

Are you there, brother?

Bird dog, this is scarecrow.

Where are you?!

Out in the desert.

I beat Zolo.

Why are you whispering?

Playing a little Tom and Jerry.

You the cat or the mouse?

I'm the rat, and I got the Sun God nippin' at my tail.

I'd love to help, but I got a little problem here.

Car's outta commission, Zolo's friggin' bike won't start unless he's on it.

I'm outta town, I've lost my mask. It's a long way back.

I don't think I'm gonna make it to the party.

Don't worry about it, all right?

If you're gonna burn up, you just stay there.

Don't risk it.

Look, if I can find a... Will you shut the f*ck up for one minute?!


[flesh sizzles]

It was a dumb move. I shouldn't've left.

Listen, buddy, we played our hand. Okay?

We're gonna know better next time, right?

If there is a next time.


Where Eagles Dare.

Eastwood, Burton.

Yeah, none of the cool guys died in that one.

I don't know, man.

I don't think there's gonna be a freeze frame today.



I, too, had to hide my true form to survive in this realm.

I loathed every minute of it.

Like wearing an uncomfortable suit.

I took the body of a pastor when I first got here.

I've grown bored of him.

I was thinking of taking the Peacekeeper's.

His resistance to culebra venom, very useful to a Xibalban.

But you, Seth Gecko... you'll do just fine.


Oh, I see.

It's the suit, right?

Well, you can have it.

Yeah, I think it'll look, uh, a lot nicer than that late-'90s trench coat you're wearing.

I'm afraid your brother might not be joining us.

I can see him through Zolo's eyes.

Burning, burning in the desert sun.

We might smell his ashes in the wind.


[cries out]


[pained groan]

[cries out]

It's too bad you won't be seeing Amaru's true beauty.

But I will... through your eyes.

Your expl*sives don't work on me.

This one's special.


[flesh sizzling]

Don't be alarmed.

It's only human flesh.

And flesh is weak.

You picked a fight with the gods!

You choose the most worthless foot soldiers you could find!

You can't even take two steps without betraying the other!

Tell me... [groans] ...did you even have a plan for defeating me?

[pained groans]

That's right, run!

Run as far as you can!

I'm not running.


Hey, Eyes Wide Shut.

Is that all you got?

[combat grunts]


Not quite, but close.

Hey. Get these things off me!

Sorry, Ranger, I'm flying solo.

What? We had a plan.

The plan is for shit. I'm the plan.



Kate. I know you're in there.

Come out and save your brother.

Kate, come out! Come back!

[Kate groans]





[indistinct remark]


Bow your heads.