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03x06 - Follow the White Rabbit

Posted: 10/25/16 06:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Gotham...

I hope you know, Oswald, you can always count on me.

Thank you.

Miss Kringle.

Dinner. Chez Moi.


That's for Kristen.

Valerie: Whatever happened with Tetch?

Broke his sister out of GCPD.

I'll never go with you!

I love you.

You're insane!

No, no!



You k*lled her!

Gordon: She died, he escaped.

'Cause I heard a rumor there's something strange about her blood.

I'll tell you what you want to know.

You are gonna have to buy me dinner, though.

He k*lled you.


Those who hurt you will feel my pain.

("Wedding March" plays)


I love you, Daddy.

I love you, too, baby.

I'm so proud of you.



(both laughing)

Well, the good part is about to happen.

I hope so.

Look at that.

There's no greater symbol of love than two people who've made the choice to spend the rest of their lives together.

Hey, pal, we have a reception to get to.

So, what you say we get a move on?

Oh, yes, about that... I'm afraid you won't be able to attend.

This some kind of a joke?


It's quite serious, in fact.

(bride chuckles haltingly)

You're needed elsewhere.

Let's get out of here.

Hey, open the damn door.

Sorry, we mustn't be late.

Please just... don't hurt us.

That's not my decision to make.

Your fate depends entirely on James Gordon.

Hey. Hey!

Don't forget to buckle up.

(couple clamoring)

What a beautiful morning.

Sun is shining, birds are singing.


They say that fortune favors the brave.

They have that saying in your country, Olga?

Ya ne ponimayu.

I don't know what you're saying.

Vash zavtrak gotov.

It's not important.

What is important is that I have found someone.

What good is love if it's one-sided?

I have no choice but to confess my feelings to Ed.


Now that, I understand.

It means yes.

My mother taught me that.

She used to tell me, "Life only gives you one true love, Oswald. When you find it, run to it."

So that is what I'm going to do.

I'm also going to enroll you in an ESL program.

You really should learn the language if you're gonna work here.

So, I hear that Lee Thompkins is running point on Alice Tetch's blood at the GCPD.

That would make sense.

Can you get me a sit-down with her?

(short chuckle)

Oh, I see. You're willing to help me, just not when it comes to your ex.

It's complicated.

Actually, it's really simple.

You just pick up the phone, you dial her number and you let her know that Valerie Vale would like a sit-down to discuss Alice Tetch's blood.

See? It's pretty simple.

She won't give you anything.

You leave that part to me.

You know, I can get used to this...

You helping me with my stories.

We make a pretty good team.

Hmm. Does that mean you'll share your breakfast?

Absolutely not.

But really, when are you gonna give up this P.I. act?

So far you've had two cases... One girl died, and the other one, well, you never found her.

In baseball we call that an O-fer.

I'm happy.

Of course you are.

You get to drink scotch all day and have sex with me.


I got to go to work.

You know what?

This is nice.

Let me know when you hear from Thompkins.


Can I help you?

James Gordon, Jervis Tetch has a message for you.

Follow my friend where to go, to learn the truth you've hidden below.

Should you choose not to play, precious people will die today.

(train whistle blows)

(phone ringing)

This is Gordon.

Hello, James.


Never should have left that hole you were hiding in.

Oh, I wasn't just hiding.

I put the time to good use.

Made a thorough study of you.

Quite the fascinating history, yet so tragic.

A father lost, career gone by the wayside, failed relationships.

And here I didn't think about your once.


Oh, James.

I've been inside that head of yours, James.

I've seen the web of lies you tell yourself.

Strung together to keep that fragile psyche of yours intact.

Well, it's been nice catching up with you.

I'm going to force you to confront who you really are.

And I'm going to drive you mad doing it. Now, please, direct your eyes to the overpass.

Meet Dave and Amy Walters.

Married just this morning.

Lovely ceremony.

In 30 seconds they're going to jump to their deaths.

Take the stairs and you can save them. However, down the street there's a little boy.

His name is Shane, and he's going to be hit by a truck, driven by my highly esteemed associate.

(tires screeching)

Choice is yours James.

You can't save both.

So, who's it going to be?

(bodies thud)

Jervis: You can't save both.

(echoing): You can't save both.

(phone ringing)

You son of a bitch.

Good, now I have your attention.

They were innocent, Jervis. You didn't have to k*ll them.

It was your choice, James.

You practically pushed them off the ledge.

Stay with me, James. James?


87 Fulton Street, apartment 4C. Five minutes.

No police or more people die.

(sirens wailing in distance)

Oh, boy, now it's official.

Why, you looking to back out?

You'd have to put a b*llet in me.

Good thing I don't carry a g*n.


My father called. (clears throat)

He wants to throw us an engagement party.

Told him we're not interested.


I know you had reservations about moving back here.

And you know my dad... Half measures aren't his thing.

If we say yes, he's gonna put us on display for the whole city.

I understand.

But we chose to build a life here.

And I'm glad.

An engagement party sounds wonderful.

These go directly to the city clerk's office.

And this...

Leave this outside Nicky the Nail's place. Knock twice.

Light it and then run.

(door opens)


(door closes)

Good morning, Mayor Cobblepot.

Good morning to you, my chief of staff.

Here are your schedules for the day. This covers your duties as mayor, and this as kingpin of the underworld.

You really are settling into your role here, aren't you, Ed?

And yet I still have so much to learn from you.


(clears throat)

I came up empty tracking down Butch.

Somehow that one-handed ape managed to disappear.

I suspect he's hiding with his old crew.

I'm sorry for letting you down.

You have done nothing of the sort.

I would be lost without you.

In fact, um... there is something that I need to tell you.

Something very important.

What is it, Oswald?

You know what? I forget.

(laughs) In and out of my head, just like that.

Don't you hate that when that happens?

That never happens to me.

You know what? I believe that. (laughs)

So, uh, where are we off to first?

PS 134. You're touring a school.

Press will be there, so we better get a move on.

Great. I love children.

(clears his throat)

Okay, thank you very much. Okay?

(sirens blaring)

Hey, Cap, I just spoke to that kid over there.

You're not gonna believe this.

He said Jim Gordon saved his life.

Pulled him out of the way of a truck.

Get him on the phone now.

I already tried him. No answer.

(siren chirps)

What happened, you forget your cane?

I don't need it anymore.

Put an all-points out on Gordon.

I want him found.

Hey, does that guy look strange to you?

I mean, more so than the usual whack job?

Hey, pal!

You see what happened here?

I have a message for you.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.

He's hypnotized.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.


(siren blaring in the distance)

(phone ringing)


Jervis: Cutting it close, James.

Like what you've done with the place.

Everyone needs a hobby.

Take a peek through the lens.

Let's chat face-to-face.

I wonder, what is it that you have against married couples?

Bad memories, perhaps.

Understandable, given the last time you saw a woman in a wedding dress, she had a shotgun pointed at you.

Hey, Jervis.

Yes, James?

(phone ringing)


Don't you ever do that again!


(phone ringing)

This is about your sister, isn't it?

In your addled brain, you blame me for what happened to her.

Don't you talk about her!

I got to know her, Jervis. She was a good person.

That's why she hated you.

Why she died trying to get away from you.

You want revenge, k*ll yourself.

Dismissive, rude. I don't like your attitude.

Well, tell you what.

I'll come down, and we can talk about it in person.

Hang up again, she dies.

What are you talking about? Who?

Surprising, really, given that every relationship you've been in ended in such misery.

And yet, you made the choice to date again.

Poor girl. She had no idea who she was getting into bed with.

She will soon.

See for yourself.

Great thing about reporters.

Tell them you have a story, and they'll meet you anywhere.

(muffled shouting)

(tires squealing, engine revving)

Got him in a safe house uptown.

You would not believe the amount of steak that man eats.

Poor, Butchie. Nothing but Tabitha and red meat all day.

You know, sooner or later, Penguin is gonna figure out who sprung him.

You need a plan, sweetie.

I'm working on it.

And in the meantime, has the flame rekindled between you two, or are you still holding out?

We'll see.

(door opens)

Oh, speaking of old flames.

Barbara: Oh.

Well, you just can't seem to stay away.

Tetch... where is he?

How should I know?

And if you don't mind, Tabitha and I are just in the mid...

(glass breaking)


Jervis Tetch kidnapped Valerie Vale this morning.

He knew things that only you could have told him.

I want to know where he is.

Oh. See that fire?

I mean, where was that when we were together?

All I got was Captain Vanilla.


Seriously, we have to open in a few hours.

Then talk.

Firstly, I don't know where Tetch is.

Secondly, he may have come in here a few days ago asking about you.

Asking what?

Oh, you know, everything.

Family stuff, GCPD, the women in your life.

He seemed especially interested in that.

He knew all about Vale already, but I told him about us.

About how you're still in love with me, cry yourself to sleep at night.

And Lee?

Did you tell him about her?

Oh, you mean Miss Rebound from me? Of course.

(phone beeps on)

We'll send you a bill for the damage.

Lee, listen to me.

Jervis: I'm sorry, James.

Lee can't come to the phone right now.

Can I take a message?

No? Good.

Gotham Water and Power, ten minutes.

I need to know she's okay, both Lee and Vale.

What you want means nothing to me!

Nine minutes.

(click, phone beeps off)

James sends his regards.

Now, where were we?

Oh, yes, introductions.

Lee Thompkins, meet Valerie Vale.

You both have one very important thing in common.

You're two halves of Jim Gordon's heart.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.

Where is Jervis Tetch?

James Gordon, I have a message for you.

Yeah, I know.

You said that the first hundred times I asked you.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.

Where is he?! I know you can hear me!

(metallic creaking)


Hey, Cap, a uni just spotted Gordon pulling up to Gotham Water and Power.

Tell him to hold his position till we get there.

(steam hissing)

(hissing, crackling and buzzing)


(electrical buzzing)

(electrical squeal)

Glad you could make it, James.

Where's Lee and Vale?

Oh, you clearly have no sense for stagecraft.

We must build to the climax.

This is merely the second act, where we stoke the tension.

On the right is one of Gotham's finest pediatricians.


On the left, Channel Five's favorite anchor.


A doctor and a journalist.

You get it?

Yeah, I get it.

The choice is simple, you see. It's k*ll one, and the other will go free.

But if your answer to me is "no," a thousand watts into them will go.

(men groaning, electrical buzzing)

Sorry, Jervis. I'm not k*lling anyone.

Yes, you will!

Now pick up the p*stol and fire!

You want to show me who I really am, then show me.

Oh, I will.

I'm done playing your game.

Bullock: Jim!


What the hell's going on here?

Captain Barnes, you're just in time to see James k*ll these two innocent men.

You need to find the main power shutoff now.


Jervis: Even when you don't choose, James, there are consequences.

(electrical buzzing and hissing, men yelling)

Gordon: No!

(power whooshes off)

No. No!

I'm gonna find you.

Oh, I'm counting on it.

Just ask an old friend how to get to the end.
(school bell ringing)

This is our third grade class.

How many more grades do we have to visit?

This is a K through 12 building.



We don't have to see every single class, do we?

Mayor James used to read to the children.

Aubrey James is illiterate, ma'am.

It's well documented.

Perhaps we should move on.

What's wrong with that boy there?

That's Luke.

He's new here.

Hello, Luke.

I am Mayor Cobblepot.

Why aren't you playing with the other children?

What if they don't like me?

Well, how would you ever know if you don't give it a try?

And if they don't like you, wait for them to turn their backs and push them down the stairs.


(indistinct chatter)

Little guy needed a push. That's all.

I continue to be in awe of you, Oswald.


There is something I would like to discuss in a more private setting.

Shall we say dinner at the mansion, 8:00?

I'll pick us up a nice bottle of wine.


Barnes: Tetch has

Lee Thompkins and Valerie Vale.

You're sure?

Saw him take Vale.

And I called Lee's cell and he answered. So, yeah, pretty sure. Call the M.E.'s office, call her fiancé... Find her.

What the hell is going on here?

Tetch blames me for what happened to his sister.

He wants revenge.

So, what, he kills two innocent civilians.

How does that track?

He's obsessed with showing me who I really am, driving me insane.

He k*lled them, and I just stood there.

What were you supposed to do, sh**t one of 'em? You did what you could.

That's on him.

This is just to prepare me.

He's gonna make me choose.

He's gonna put me in front of Lee and Vale, and he's gonna make me choose.

And if I don't...

He'll k*ll both of them.

We're gonna find her.

I promise you that.

Listen to me, Tetch is a lunatic.

He's gonna get caught.

The most you can hope for is a lifetime in prison.

Don't do this.

Dumfree, let's see what's in the kitchen.


(hinges creaking)

Nice try.

So why'd they bring us back to your place?

Like I know.

Well, any chance your boyfriend might come home?

Not likely.


You do know what this is about, don't you?

Yes. Tetch blames Jim for his sister, and we're his means for revenge.

I've been here before.

That's too big.

It's never gonna spring the mechanism.

You know, it is kind of ironic though.

I was just asking Jim to get me a sit-down with you, and... here we are.


See, I'm running a story on Alice Tetch's blood.

I know you're running point for the GCPD.

You're not seriously trying to interview me right now, are you?

Jim said you wouldn't talk to me.

And he was right.

I think he was just being protective of you.

Anyway, about Alice Tetch, I hear they're running experiments on her blood at the GCPD bio facility.

Care to comment?

Maybe you're just really sacred and this is your way of coping, or maybe you're just insanely committed to your job.

Either way, all I'm interested in is getting out of here.

Try a cuticle pusher.

My dad was a cop... Taught me how to pick locks.

I can walk you through it.

Thank you.

And in exchange, you can talk to me about Alice Tetch.

You and Jim are made for each other.


It's not a compliment.

Thank you, Dr. Calvi. I'll call you as soon as we hear anything.

Mario's been in surgery all morning.

Says that he and Lee left the house together this morning.

She was headed to the station. He hasn't heard from her since.

Jervis must have grabbed her before she got here.

What's his next move?

Tetch wants me to find him.

Well, if that's the case, then why didn't he just tell you where he is?

I don't know.

But the last thing he said was something about an old friend leading me to him.

Well, I'm not just gonna sit here and wait for Tetch to send you an invitation.

Listen up!

Jervis Tetch thinks that Gotham is his personal playground.

He's taken innocent lives.

And now he has Lee Thompkins and Valerie Vale.

And to whoever puts the collar on Tetch, my personal gratitude and best bottle of brown.

Now go to work.

White Rabbit: Follow my friend where to go.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.

James Gordon, I have a message for you.


James Gordon.

I have a message for you.

How do I get to the end?

"The true test will be revealed.

"A final decision you must yield.

"Our tea party begins once more... when you walk through Lee Thompkins' door."


Not now.

What the hell is going on? Where's Lee?

Look, you're just gonna have to trust me.

Trust you? According to Captain Barnes, you're the reason she's in trouble to begin with.

You know something.

You know where she is, don't you?

(snarls) Keep your voice down.

Does Barnes know?

Where is he?

No, he does not know.

Because if he showed up with 20 cops, both Lee and Vale would be dead.

I see. So you're gonna go in all alone and save 'em?

Is that it?

Actually, you might be the only person who could help me.

Come on.

Remember, you have to feel...

I got it.

Can I ask you something?

As long as it's not about Alice Tetch's blood.

Why'd you move back to Gotham?

The way I hear it, you made a pretty nice life for yourself down south.

It's really none of your business.

Maybe not.

But you could have moved to any city, gotten any job, yet you chose Gotham and the GCPD.

You realize that we both might die today, right?



I didn't come here for James Gordon, if that's what you're worried about.


Not bad.


My turn.


Okay, so what's our plan?

You're gonna break free, we're gonna lure in one of these g*ons, hit him over the head with something.

Not good.

Um, you can still get out of here.

I'm not leaving you here. There's got to be something else we can use.

Jervis: My, my.

You two have been busy.

Now, if you'd kindly join me in the dining room, the guest of honor will be here shortly.

(hinges creaking)

(operatic music playing)

Welcome to our tea party, James.

We've been expecting you.


Have a seat.

I think I'll stand.

You'll do what I say or things will get messy.

And by messy I mean my two friends will pull their triggers, and then we'll have blood and brains all over this beautiful table.

So... place your g*n on the platter and have a seat.


After all we've been through today, you have to think about it?

Not everyone here has to die.

It's gonna be okay.

Don't lie to them, James.

Lee, would you mind passing that down to James?

I must apologize for the hideous china. (chuckles)

Frankly, I expected more from Don Falcone's son.

I guess I know what I'm getting you for your wedding.


To good health.

I think I'll pass.

Me, too.

You know what, I'll have some.

Bravo, James.

Now, I'd like to begin by telling the story of a brother and a sister, separated for years but whose love never waned.

Fair warning though, it has a sad ending.

(keys jangle)

But I couldn't find my sister alone, so I turned to this man, James Gordon, whom everyone said was a good man, an honorable man.

And what did this good man do?

Why, he found my sister and he turned her against me, poisoning her mind. And then he k*lled her!

Does that sound about right, James?

Sure, why not?

Now, James, I get the sense you're not being honest.

Though that's not surprising, considering you've run from your true self every day of your life.

But you can't run from this choice.

The woman you love is going to die.

I just need to figure out which one it is.

So let's review our options, shall we?

On the one hand, we have Lee Thompkins.

Intelligent, kind.

She thought she could save you from your darkness, drag you into the light.

And what did she get for her efforts?


Pain and sadness.

Gordon: Don't listen to him, Lee.

Look in her eyes.

She still has love for you, James.

And then, there's Valerie Vale.

The intrepid reporter from a blue-collar family.

She still has hope for you.

What will happen when she learns who you really are?

So... those are the choices.

Now it's up to you.

Which lady... has your heart?

Who do you love?

You want me to choose?

Tell these idiots to lower their g*ns.

I don't trust them not to sh**t me by accident.

You're right. They are stupid.

Down, boys.

Now you drop your g*n.

And why would I do that?

Because I'll sh**t you.

Well, well.

You okay?

Jervis: This was your grand plan, James?

Play along until Dr. Calvi could sneak in and sh**t me dead?

Well, there's only one small problem.

Before you arrived, I went down to the basement, and switched the magazine in that g*n with an empty one.

(g*n clicks)

My apologies, Dr. Calvi.

I only set the table for four.

Dumfree, will you please escort the doctor to the bathroom?

I believe there's still one chain in working order.

Now... I'm out of patience.

Who do you love?

Gordon: You want to talk about love, fine.

Let's talk about who you love, or loved.


Your sister knew you were crazy, Jervis.

Stop it.

She was terrified of you. She hated you.


She told me... what you did to her when you were kids.

The thought of you disgusted her.

Lies! Deceit!

The story you tell is incomplete.

She loved me. She loved you?

She k*lled herself rather than be with you.

She didn't... no.

She impaled herself on a spike and died in agony because even that was better than having you touch her.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I saw her when she was dying.

Her face... when she knew she was finally safe from you, she was smiling.

Because despite the pain, she was happy.


She was the only thing I ever loved, and you, you... sent her soul to heaven above.


That's right... me.

I'm the one you want.

So let Lee and Vale go.

Keep me but let them go.

(groaning): Oh, James.


You're trying to confuse me.

But I won't let you.

No. I'm determined that you'll live on and suffer without your love as I have.


No. I won't choose.

You will.

You will.

You'll certainly spill.

I'll make it easy for you.

On the count of three, instead of telling me who you love, tell me who to k*ll.

Or I sh**t them both of them, which would be such a thrill.


(heart beating)


(heart beating)


k*ll Lee.


Oh, finally.

The truth is revealed.

You chose Lee because you love Vale.

Very well.

(groans, gasps)

Jervis: I knew you had it in you, James.

All this time, you made everyone believe you were the hero, but deep down you always knew the truth.

You're a villain.

(Valerie whimpering)


This is Dr. Leslie Thompkins.

Please send an ambulance to 25 Blackstone Drive.



You're gonna be okay, Vale. You hear me?

You're gonna be okay. Hold on.

Victim's name is Valerie Vale.

g*nsh*t wound to the abdomen.

BP's 100/60.

Tachy's at 160.

O.R. One's prepped and ready to go.

Clear the way.

Clear the way, please.

I've got her from here.

(music playing)


A man comes to a crossroads in his life, and he has to make a choice.

Does he choose safety and cowardice or does he opt for courage and risk everything?

I choose courage.

What I'm trying to say is... (clears throat)

The thing I've been wanting to tell you all day long is...

I love you.

(woman singing in French in background)

Impossible to pick the perfect bottle, isn't it?

Well, it all depends on region and vintage.

Of course, you have to consider the wine pairing.

Miss Kringle?

No. Oh, no. My name's Isabella.

Um, I'm sorry to bother you; I don't usually talk to people.

There's just, um, something about you.

No, no, please. There's...

There's no need to apologize.

You ju...

You remind me of someone that I used to know.

A long time ago.

You struggle to regain me.

When I'm lost... you struggle to obtain me.

What am I?


I'm Edward.

Edward Nygma.

(sirens wailing in distance)


How is she?

Still in surgery.

She seems like a tough cookie; she'll be all right.

What about Tetch?

We got the whole department canvassing the city.

We'll find him.

Why didn't you come to me?

I couldn't.

And I thought I could save them both.

You did what you thought was right.


In the end, I did exactly what he wanted.

He won.

We'll see.

(indistinct announcement over P.A.)

Mario's a great doctor.

She'll pull through.

Lee, about what I said...


Not now.