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03x00 - Secrets of Grey House

Posted: 10/24/16 09:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

I, uh, I saw you and Sam.


I'll meet you at the festival?

8 o'clock?

Count on it.

Sam, be careful tonight.

(indistinct chatter)


female narrator: It was the day before All Hallow's Eve, as it was perpetually in the town of Tarynsville because of a curse that had been cast so many years ago. The people of Tarynsville had grown accustomed to this anticipation in the same way that the young woman had been waiting for a love that she felt would never fulfill her heart. But on that day, the magic in the air was of a different spirit. Tarynsville breathes as if it were alive, and no one who lived in that magical place could imagine the change that was about to come, all of it set in motion by the efforts of...


...the Enchantress.


It's awfully late at night to light a fire.

(Cassie sighing)
Yeah, I needed something to do while I was waiting to hear from Sam.

(sighing) No word, huh?

No. He was supposed to meet me at the Festival, but he never showed up.

You want me to wait up with you?

No. That's OK.

I have something to stare into now while I wait to hear his car.

Alright. Goodnight.



(birds chirping)



Ah, Cassie.

Sam, where have you been?

Well, mostly driving around until I found a place to kind of sit.

All night?

Yeah, all night.


I had to do an emergency surgery, and, uh, I planned to meet you when I got finished, like I said I would, but there were complications with the patient, and...

I had him open on the table.

Thought he was going to make it but...



I couldn't save him.

Well, I'm sure you did everything you could.

It's, um, first time that's happened since New York, and I just had forgotten how it rips you up from the inside out.

So I just left the hospital and turned off my phone and...

I'm so sorry.

Thanks. Me too.

You wanna come inside? No one else is up. I could make some tea.

(sigh) Yeah, um, I don't really want to talk about it.

We don't have to talk.

I, um, I gotta sleep.



(theme music)


Welcome to Grey House.

Oh! We're so lucky to have found it.

Sean had another B & B picked out but when our phones stopped working we couldn't figure out where it was.

I'm glad you ended up here.

(cell phone buzzing)

Hey! My phone's working again.

Oh, you must have really good reception.


George, we've got some unexpected guests.

And we have a room waiting for them.

Oh, no, we're not together.

I mean, we're here together, but we're not...

We're she and I, uh, not us.


Hmm, I see.

Well, what names should I put your rooms under?

Sean Coyle and Jessica Carrington.

Jessica Carrington, the author?


My daughter and I love your books.

Thank you.

I love writing them.

What kind of books do you write?

Have you ever heard of the Tarynsville trilogy ?

No. I mostly read biographies or fix-it manuals. Hahaha!

Tarynsville is the magical town where Jessica's books take place.

And the final book in the trilogy is coming out next week.

The Enchantress Unites.

Grace and I are debating what it means and how it all ends.

Could you give me a little hint? No, no.

No, no. No, never mind.
I don't want to know.

Haha! Nobody can know.

Not until the book comes out, which is why my editor thought it'd be a good idea to get away before the onslaught of attention happens when it does.

She calls me "my editor" even though I'm standing right here.

My editor likes to correct things if I'm a little unclear.

Well, why don't I show you to your rooms.


Thank you.

Have you started working on your next book yet?

I'm sort of thinking of some things, but I haven't figured out the right idea.

Oh, maybe Grey House will inspire you to come up with a story that inspires us all.

I don't think I've seen that.

Ah, it's really good.

He made it right between the two Godfather films.

Ohhh. Cassie, this is Brian.

Brian, this is my cousin Cassie.

It's really nice to meet you.

Ah, you too.

We met at the Lights Festival and bonded over our mutual obsession with movies.

Oh, I didn't know you were a movie lover.

I have always loved movies.

So when do you think you'll be back in Middleton?

As soon as anyone orders a pallet of flour and 800 pounds of sugar.


Because Brian owns a bakery-supply company.


But the next time he's in Middleton...

I'll see you at the multiplex.

Aw, isn't he fantastic?

It's like he Purple Rose of Cairo'ed right off the screen and into my life.

That's one of the many movies I've seen, by the way.

Hey, guys.

Hey, um, was that Jessica Carrington I saw going upstairs?

Yes. She's staying here.

See? I told you that was her!


Grace got mad at me for not knowing who she was.
Then she got even madder when I told her I haven't read any of the books.

It's crazy.

Me neither.

I'm waiting for the movie.

(chuckling) You know, I sometimes wish I could be as strong and brave as the characters in Jessica's books.

They don't seem to be afraid of anything.

Being brave doesn't mean not being afraid.

It means being afraid and doing it anyway.


Why don't you grab an extra plate for Nick at the table?
Well, it's almost dinner time.

Yeah, dad's been eating most of his meals in the hospital.

Just prep the patient.

I'll be there in 20 minutes.

I'll scrub in when I get there.


No. I, uh...

I thought she was released last night.

Aw, thank you.

Well... OK, fine.

Just make sure there's somebody at the house when she gets there, OK? I'll...

I'll take another look when I get in.



Thank you. Sorry.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm on the way.

(siren blaring)

Give me a call if you have any post-op pains or if you just want me to explain one more time how you didn't even need your appendix to begin with.

Could you book an O.R. for me for tomorrow afternoon?
I've got two procedures I've gotta get done before my consult at 6.

Dr. Radford. I didn't think I saw you on the schedule today.

I thought I should be on it.

(phone ringing)

You've been here an awful lot lately. I mean, you're entitled to take some time away from this place.

Well, as soon as people stop needing a doctor, maybe I will.

Here's Mrs. Jones' file.

Oh, I know you guys are pretty backed up in the E.R.; let me help you thin the lines out a little bit.


Ohhh... Sorry, I can't stay for breakfast, I have a date.

Oh! With your movie man?

No. That was Brian.

Today is Carl. He's on his way to a tennis tournament and is taking a one-hundred-mile detour just to see me.

Oh, he must really like you.

Good morning!

I didn't realize this house had such a beautiful courtyard.

Hmm, yeah.

I love being able to... "stand in the shadow of the house beneath the trees that stretched their boughs overhead."

"Trees that protected her heart."

Thought you might recognize your writing.

Because that's how I described things in my book.

It was a courtyard just like this with the same kinds of trees where the young woman learns about her heritage. And it's the place where she finally kisses the man who...


Oh. Spoiler alert.

That's something that maybe happens in The Enchantress Unites.

Well, I can't wait to find out what happens with the relationship.
I'll probably curl up right here with a copy of the book, eager to read every word.

(birds singing)

Actually, this would be the perfect place to read it.

The first reading, at midnight, on the night the book is released.

That's already happening in New York, Jess.

The publisher is throwing a big party.

So, why can't we throw it in Middleton instead?

I could read the first chapter right here in...

I didn't even ask you.
Could we use your backyard?

Of course.

And then we can have a big party after that... which is when it'll be Halloween, which means...

Oh, my gosh, that'd be perfect!

I guess, maybe, I might be able to convince the publisher to let us do it here.

Sean, you can convince anybody to do anything, which is why they'll let us do it.

A book release like this, it has to be done right.

So is there anyone in Middleton who might be able to make a special event like this happen?

I can think of only one person.


I'll do it!

You understand that this is going to take a lot of work, and Halloween is in seven days?

Cassie, I just completed an enormously successful fundraiser for Ford Warriors in Pink.

I was meaning to compliment you on your scarf.

Yes! We sold them all over town and 100% of the net proceeds are being donated to breast-cancer charities.

A worthy cause.

And a visual testament to the fact that I am a woman who knows how to get things done.

You should have no trouble organizing a book reading and a big celebration in the town square right after.

None whatsoever.

In fact, I already know everything about Jessica Carrington's Tarynsville books because I've read them all, cover to cover.

In fact, you gave me the first one as a birthday gift, so maybe you were "thinking ahead" all along.


Well, lots to do. Tata!


Oh! Caution... painter at work.

Should I go?

Ah, you're OK.

Just don't walk on the ceiling, 'cause that's what's getting a fresh coat.

I'll be sure to watch where I step.

(both laughing)

Uh, Miss Carrington?

Oh, please.

Call me Jessica.

I love your books!

Oh, you must be Grace!

You know who I am?

Your mother was telling me about how the two of you used to read my books together.

Yes, we did!

And then we would spend hours talking about who we thought was going to find the Tarynsville Amulet.

What's the Tarynsville Amulet?

Oh, it's this magical necklace that everyone in Jessica's books is looking for because whoever finds it is guaranteed happiness for the rest of their lives.

How did you even come up with an idea like that anyway?

Can I tell you a secret?
I stole pretty much everything about Tarynsville from the stories my grandmother used to tell me.


Yeah. Nana used to work in this great, old house, and she got married to a man whose family didn't approve, so they had to keep it a secret.

She couldn't wear her wedding ring or the ruby necklace that he gave her.

She had to keep the ruby necklace hidden in a box, and I started wondering what would happen if somebody found it.

The way everyone's looking for the Tarynsville Amulet.

All came from Nana.



Uh, Jessica, we're supposed to meet the mayor for a tour of the town.

We can be a minute late.

No, we really, really should go now.

Here's another secret, I based the grumpy goblin character on him.

(Grace and Jessica laughing)

(George laughing) My gosh!


I just love this time of year.

It's as if Middleton comes alive with the spirit of Halloween.

So, keep your eyes out for ghosts and witches and... Cassie!

Martha. I see you're already at work showing our couple of honour around town.

Yes, we were just starting a tour.

Oh. Would you like me to take over as their guide?

Oh, Cassie, it's as if you read my mind.

I have so much work to do and less than a week to do it.

Well, I'll be sure to show them all Middleton has to offer.

You're in good hands with this one.

She can tell you stories as if she's lived here forever.



What a beautiful, old building!

Middleton has a rich history.

Hmm... I like to think of the people who stood here before...

...artist who worked with that stone.

Does it give you ideas for your next book?

I'm still waiting for inspiration.

Sometimes I wish I was like the fireplace builder in Tarynsville... always finishing one project and moving on to the next.

Leaving his mark when he was done.

Heart and infinity sign, yeah.

(all laughing)

I was telling your daughter how I got ideas for my books, but I never mentioned that was from real life, too.

The man my grandmother married carved that symbol somewhere on every fireplace he built.

And we're using that image on the cover of The Enchantress Unites.

Wonderful symbol of perpetual love.

Hey, I put a fountain like this in Tarynsville.

It sprung from the ground near where the first fire started itself.

It was one of the first signs of magic.

You know, my nana actually used to believe in that stuff.


When I was little, she used to tell me stories of the town where she lived and all the magic and romance that happened there.

I thought it was true.

But you don't anymore?

I guess maybe I believe in romance, but it's a lot more common in my books than it's ever been in my real life.


Maybe life can imitate art someday.

Yeah. Maybe.

My editor never lets me stop believing in happy endings.

Well, I think we all could use an editor like that.



(indistinct chatter)

Cassie said you wanted to pick out some flower arrangements, together?

Uh, Jessica's doing the picking. I'm just here to stay out of the way.

Sean gets some say in how things are going to go.

But it's Jessica's big day.

Oh, how did you know?

Know what?

Chrysanthemums are her favourite flower.

You knew that?

Yeah, I heard you mention it once.

I guess I must have remembered.


I didn't set these up for you.

Cassie ordered them for all the guestrooms at Grey House.

(drilling noise)


But if you want, I could order some more.

That would be kind of perfect actually.

We could mix them with those...

(drilling noise)

Sorry, you were saying we could mix them with...?

(drilling noise)

Ahhh... Would you excuse me for a minute?




(drilling noise)

Excuse me!

(drilling noise)

Excuse me!

My flower shop is on the other side of that very thin wall.

And yet for some reason, you're all the way over here.

This has been going on for two days, and I'm with some really important customers right now.

Can't you do whatever it is you're doing some other time?

I wanna take on bigger orders and I need to upgrade my appliances in case they start to come in.

Come on, Ben. Break time's over.

(Ben sighs.) She's the boss.

(drilling noise)

Grace: Which way is the children's wing?

Right down there.

You just have to be careful when you show them what's in that box because you're gonna get swarmed.

Jessica was so nice to sign these copies of her first two books.

And I cannot believe that I am calling Jessica Carrington "Jessica" because I know her and she knows who I am!

(Cassie chuckling)

So, what have I go next?

Uh, pre-op exam.

You told Dr. Zemmick you'd fill in for her while she was out of town.

Put the patient in exam room three, and I'll be right there.

You're not here to see a doctor, are you?

Because I didn't think you believed in those things.

Well, I don't mind running into one occasionally.

Well, I just had a minute to say hello.



Looks like you've been working hard.

Yeah, more than ever.

I've got two surgeries lined up for tonight, and a few more bodies to patch up tomorrow afternoon.

They're more than just bodies, you know?


That is true.

Dr. Radford, your patient's ready for you.

Tell him I'll be right there.

Uh, he's a she.


Uhh, sorry, I've got to go, but, uh, I guess I'll see you...





Something up there?

Yeah, the wrong colour.

I tried three different shades; I can't seem to get it right.

Ugh, I can relate.

I can't tell you how many times I sat down to write my next book, but I can't come up with the perfect idea.

Except I've never heard you have a bad one.


But I need to know for sure that I'm heading down the right path before I make a decision that could take up a big chunk of the rest of my life.

Maybe you should take another walk through Middleton.

It's not a bad idea.


Might help me think of something to write about.

No, I mean I'm gonna throw another coat of paint up there, and I don't want to get the stuff all over you.

(laughing): Oh, we'll get out of your way.


I've been consulting my Tarynsville list and there's still one big item on it I think you can help me with.

I need you to get me a cauldron.

Why would you think I'd be the right person to get you that?

Please, don't play games.

I need the largest one you have, so I can give the book reading a Halloween flair.

Oh! Now, next stop is the hardware store.
I'm hoping that if I look my best they'll give me a discount on broomsticks.

Ohhh! Ah!

Here, use this.

It was used in the early days of Middleton by coachmen to see things they had just passed by.

Sort of a rear-view mirror.

Yeah, perfect to see what's behind you.

(Martha snickers.)

Hey, can I help you?

I hope so.

I went to city hall looking for the mayor, and they said she came here.


Meredith Mitchell?!

Martha Endicott.

Oh well, it's Martha Tinsdale now.

Oh, yes, that's right, somebody said you got married.

I just thought they were making it up.

(Meredith and Martha laughing)

Meredith and I went to college together.

And of course, you do know what I've been up to since then.

Oh, uh, I think maybe I've seen you on TV a couple of times.

Now, it's practically every night, reporting live from somewhere.

Which is why the network sent me here to this out-of-the-way little town.

They want me to do a story on the book launch.

Our local event is gonna be national news?

You are gonna get so much attention.

Oh, I hope you can live up to it.

You have a lovely shop.

Thank you.

I mean there isn't anything here I'd actually want to buy, but still, it is a lovely, lovely shop.

Hmm, great, thanks.


Martha: Hmm-hmm!

Meredith: No.

I take it you weren't exactly college besties.

I'm sure she came here hoping to see me fail.

Well, then this is your chance to prove her wrong.

If I can pull everything off.

Oh, if only we had an actual enchantress living amongst us.

Imagine what we could accomplish in Middleton then!


Cassie. Look at you sitting here all alone.

I'm about to go on a date with Dennis.

Your tennis player?


Tennis is Carl. This is Dennis.

Not to be confused with my out-of-town bakery supplier, Brian.

So you've decided to start dating three men at the same time?

Not at the same time.
Only when the others aren't here.

Cassie, your timing is perfect!

Martha just asked me to bake a thousand "MupCakes" for the party after the book reading.

What's a MupCake?

It's the magical cupcakes that are eaten in Tarynsville.

Yeah, so it's a good thing that you encouraged me to upgrade my appliances at my catering shop when you did.


Otherwise, I'd never have been ready for a party this size.

So this was your idea?

Yeah, I might have suggested a while ago that it was time Stephanie make some changes.

Next time, could you suggest quieter ones?

OK, well, I have no idea what a MupCake is supposed to taste like, but I was thinking of making them cherry to represent the fires that light themselves in the book.

Orange frosting for Halloween?

Cherry cupcake with orange frosting?

Yeah, I don't really think that goes together.

Sometimes, things that don't seem to match end up going together perfectly.


Well, I have some important duties of my own.
Martha's asked me to make themed flower arrangements for the event.

Ahhh... Well, then I hope you can keep it down on your side of the wall.


Thanks for, uh, coming here with me.

Sure. I wanted to read to the kids I gave books to yesterday.

Do you ever do anything that involves something other than reading or studying or being inside?

Well, sometimes I read or study outside. Does that count?

No, not at all.


Oh, it doesn't look like you have any more.


Books. I saw you passing them out yesterday.

Yeah, I know. I'm book-less.

I hope that's not why you came back to the hospital... to get another one.

Oh, no, no, no. I had to come back here for some tests.

I had a brain tumor when I was 7, and according to some chart, I'm always at risk for another one, so...

Sounds kind of serious.

I don't know.

I mean, it'll either happen or it won't.

So what do you do while you're waiting to see if it does happen?

Uhhh, let's see...

I went skydiving last week.


Mm-hmm. And I'm going white-water kayaking.

You know, once you've had brain surgery, all the other stuff seems not so scary.


Hey, I'm gonna go read to the kids.
If you wanted to come?

Uhhh, yeah, sure!

I had Jessica sign the books before I brought them here yesterday.

She's staying at my house!

Jessica Carrington is staying at your house?


Well, you just became someone I like even more.


My dad said he's stuck here for the night, so I guess I have to spend the rest of my fast-food money.

Oh, well, hey, Nick, this is...?




So I guess I'll see you later.


Have fun reading Tarynsburg to the kids.

(Grace sighing)

It's Tarynsville!

I know. I just wanted to see how long it'd take you to correct me.



Thought I might find you here.

This old tree has a way of drawing people in.

Its roots run deep.

I put a tree just like it in my books because Nana told me about one in her town.

She'd walk there from the house that she worked, dream about life with the man that she loved.

I love walking here from Grey House, down the winding path.

There was a lot to see, yeah.

Working on your next book?

I am.

It's not going so well.

I'm sure you'll come up with the right story eventually.

It may end up being your most romantic one yet.

(whirring noise)

Ugh! Alright! You're all set!

All you have to do is turn your new oven on and you're ready to go.

Ah, good, because, unlike in those Tarynsville books, these MupCakes aren't gonna bake themselves.

(generator powering down)

OK, well, that wasn't supposed to happen.

No. I checked the schematics of this building; we should have more than enough electricity flowing to this room.

Unless somebody's draining all our power.

(whirring noises)

(loud noises)

(toaster popping)

Let me explain to you what the word "share" means.

And I'll explain to you what the words "I don't care" mean.

Ladies, ladies, ladies, please, please!

We can't have you on opposite sides arguing when we need everyone working together in order to pull off what is going to be national news!

Oh, dear, trouble in small-town paradise?

Trouble? Oh!
No, no, no, no, no!

No trouble. We were just discussing some new ideas that I've come up with for the book launch.

Oh, new ideas like what?

"Like what"?


Like how, uh, in addition to the book reading and, of course the party afterwards, that the entire town of Middleton is going to... going to be turned into Tarynsville itself!
(delighted gasp)

The entire town?

Stephanie, you can make your bistro into Dendall's Dining Hall.
Oh, and Abigail, your store will become The Garden of Perpetual Joy.

Of course, we only have a few days to do it, but the people of this town are known to get things done.

Well, maybe you can share those old-fashioned values when I interview you the night of the event.

(gasping) You're going to interview me on national TV?

Oh, yes.

Oh, my!

Well, in that case, I need to go and buy a new outfit.

Oh, and the camera adds years to your appearance; you may want to get a facial, too.

(Martha sighing)




They let you out of the hospital.

Yeah, for a bit.

I need to stop by and check in with Eve so I thought I would just pick up something to go.

Oh. Well, maybe we could actually sit down some time, eat a meal together?

Oh, yeah, I'd love that, but I've got my schedule so packed I don't even know when my next meal is.

Well, maybe something will open up.

(cell phone ringing)

If it does, I'll let you know, OK?


It's hospital. Sorry.
Doctor Radford.


Is it being rescheduled?

Well, maybe we should take tomorrow's and...

No, no, no. No, leave it open. Thanks.

Well, something opened up.

Well, I just happen to be free for dinner.

Hmm! Pick you up at 7?

You remember where I live, right?

Yeah. I think it's still on my GPS.

See ya.


Oh, hey!


What do you think? It's supposed to look like Dendall's Dining Hall from Jessica's books.

I like it.

Martha wants me to turn Bell, Book and Candle into The Apothecary's Shoppe.

(Stephanie chuckling)

(indistinct chatter)

(woman laughing)

(indistinct comment from the man)


Hi! You must be Carl.

Abigail told me about her tennis player. I'm Cassie.

My cousin.

Nice to meet you.

Me too.

Carl's just in town for the day.

Yeah, a tournament got rained out which gave me just enough time to stop off and see her.

(giggling) Isn't that just so lucky?

But I don't want to keep you so long that you miss your next one.

Actually, I've got plenty of time.

The drive from here to there isn't very far, and...

(alarm system ringing)

Carl, I think that's your car.

You should go see. And, um, I'm going to check that tournament schedule so I know the next time you're nearby.

I hope that's soon.

Me too.


Hmm, it's too bad he had to leave so soon.

Actually, I think I got him out the door just in time... because...



(indistinct chatter)

You think Jessica will like it?

Uh, it's her words come to life. She'll love it!

Everyone's working to make things as Tarynsville as possible before the big night.

Yeah, actually, uh, that's kind of why I'm here.

Uhhh, I want to get something for Jessica to give her when her book comes out, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice.

Advice is free with every purchase.

Thank you.

(door chime)

(Cassie sighing)

I was hoping you might have an idea about what to get for her.

Ah, well, why don't we start with what ideas you have.

I don't have any.

(both laughing)

I've known her for years, but sometimes I feel like I don't know her at all.

Ever since I've met Jessica, she's had no time for anything other than writing, which is why I wanted to get away with her.

Which is why I wanted her to get away and come here.


What's that?

I picked this up in Azerbaijan. The country's known as the land of fire, and this sparked my interest.

Seems like the kind of thing Jessica might like.

Do you want to know what it does?

It doesn't even matter.

Just seems like the king of thing that might exist in a world she created.

It's decorative and mysterious and, I don't know, magical.

Why don't I wrap it up for you and you can give it to her when the time is right.

(door chime)


What are you doing here?

Oh, uh, I was, uh, window shopping.

But I didn't find the right window, so... I'll see you later.

(door chime)

I'd ask why Sean is acting so strange, but if I asked that every time, I'd always be asking.

(both laughing) How goes the writing?

I don't know. Something will come to me eventually.

But I decided to stop thinking so hard about it.

Clearing your mind.
That's good advice.


Jessica: What's that?

Oh, I found that in the attic at Grey House.
It's a map of old Middleton.

Oh, this is what the town looked like?

More than a hundred years ago, yeah.

I love this place.

So much history here.

And an interesting future that's yet to be.


Martha: Yes, I'm hiring you to dress up as "the boy prince" from Tarynsville.

Maybe I should have read the books before I said yes to the job.

Nick, please.

I have to make this event much bigger than I'd planned and I thought having a character greet the guests, it would give it that, you know, New York touch.

I could use the extra money.

Oh, and I'll also need you to speak in a British accent.

(with subtle British accent): Very well then.

What would you like me to say?

Well, I'd like you to say something in a British accent.

(with British accent): Why, I am speaking in an accent.

Ohhhh. Yeah, still not hearing it.


Mmm! Smells good!

Hey, how is your day?

It was amazing!

You know, your daughter really knows how to tame a river.

Now, now.


Uh, we went white-water kayaking.

Well, I am really proud of you for being so brave and adventurous.

You know, I was actually kind of afraid, but I decided to do it anyway.


Are you reading The Darkness of Tarynsville?

Well, I just picked it up to see what all the fuss was about.


I agree with all the fuss.

OK, I think that Desiree knows where the amulet is, and she's gonna be the one that finally finds it.

How can she know that? She wasn't even born when it was hidden.

Because her sister left her all those clues before she died.

Courtney: Yes.

I don't believe she's dead.

She's gonna show up in The Enchantress Unites, probably disguised as a sorceress.

That... could work.

Yeah, could actually happen.

You've got to learn to read the words between the words. Hmm?


Wasn't expecting to see you midday.

I'm not even here.

I had to pick up some fresh clothes for my date with Cassie.

You've got time off for the first time in, like, forever and you're not spending it with your own son?

(both chuckling)

I'm kidding. No, I'm glad you two are getting together.
You deserve a break.

You know what? I think I got time for a quick game.

Ah, we gotta make it quick.

First one to score wins.

This'll be a snap.



What a devastating loss!

I was never even in it.

I knew you'd be able to get one.

You found Martha a cauldron?

Slightly used cauldron.

OK, here's how things are going to go.

Jessica, you'll proceed down that aisle looking beautiful, and then up these stairs.

I can put flowers on both sides.

Oh! Make sure your new dress does not clash on camera with the colours.

I'll be standing here, waiting for you, then I'll take your hand...

(Jessica chuckles.)
We can... we can practice that later, but I'll remind you when it happens.

Is that enough?

Oh no, I'll need three times that amount.

The fire needs to rise and crackle and spark, just like in the book.

There's gonna be a fire?

Yes, a huge one.

Underneath the cauldron.

Oh no, there can't be a fire out here.

Grey House is fragile.

Those branches are too close to the ground.

The trees have a spirit of their own; I wouldn't want that to be damaged by the flames or the heat.

But there has to be a fire.

Fires are a big part of my books.


Well then, we'll have to find another place to do your reading.

We don't have time to find a new location.
It's almost Halloween!


We'll figure something out.

We'll figure it out.

Do I need to call the network and tell them that this book reading may not happen?

No! It's happening.

It's just that none of us has any idea where. Hahaha!

This is just like in The Darkness of Tarynsville, when the royal council couldn't find a meeting ground for their autumn assemblage.

How'd that turn out?

Oh, it was horrible.

I mean, w*r started, friendships were split.

This may be even worst.

Cassie, I don't understand why you're still decorating your shop as though nothing's going wrong.

Jessica and Sean are threatening to go back to New York if we don't find the perfect place for the reading, so the whole event might not happen after all.

I think everything will work out, somehow.

Ah! That's if I solve everybody's problems.

Thank goodness I have years of experience doing just that.

(door chime)


If you're looking for an interesting tea, you might enjoy this.

Mmm! I love rosemary on lamb.

I've never tried it as a tea.

I'll make up a little canister for you.

Oh, and if you like lamb, have you ever tried that little place, Merletto's, on the way out of town?

No, I don't think so.

It's worth the trip.


Thank you.


How's Grace?

I've seen her even less than I've seen you.

She's good. She's got this new friend that's bringing out a daring spirit that I never even knew my daughter had.

They went kayaking, and Grace just told me she wants to give rock climbing a try.

(both laughing)
I've never understood the appeal of hanging on the side of a rock.

We have stairs, we have ladders... lots of superior means of vertical perambulation.

You're very passionate about this.

I've given it a lot of thought.

Haha! Hey, how's Nick?

He's good.

Well, I heard Martha hired him to dress up as a character from Tarynsville at the book launch.

Haha! My son is a working actor.

Those are words that I never thought I'd hear myself say.

Oh, hi!


You were right, the lamb here was fantastic.

I thought you might like it.

Dr. Radford?


You operated on me last week.

Oh! Yeah, of course.

Hi. Good to see you.

Dr. Radford was amazing.

Sam really cares about his work.

I can't thank you enough.

Oh, you're welcome.

Well, enjoy your meal.

Thank you.


Goodbye. Goodnight.

Must feel nice to know that you helped people like that.

Yeah, it is. I just wish I could remember his name.


I'm running around so much, doing so many surgeries, I'm hardly getting to know the patients at all.

Hmm, you're still making a difference in their lives.

Sure, patching them up, sending them home.

But "they're more than just bodies, you know."

Greg! That's his name.


So, they say the lamb is good here, hmm?

Yeah, that's what people say.


Thank you.



(Cassie sighing)

Glad we were able to get together.

Yeah, it was nice to reconnect.

I'd say, "Let's do it again sometime," but I can't make any promises when "sometime" won't even be.

(Cassie chuckling)
Well, why don't we just make more of an effort to be in the same place at the same time?

"Make more of an effort,"

I think I can live up to that.

Fine, then it's a deal.

(Sam chuckling)


(sigh) OK. Well, I guess, that's... goodnight.


You did everything you could, Sam.

I know.


Thanks for coming to ride home with me.

No problem. I kind of want to hear about your day.

(laughing): You want to hear about my day?

Yeah, that surprised me as soon as I said it.

Dr. Radford?

You're needed in the E.R.

I should take a look.

It might not be too long.

No problem. Go.

(indistinct PA system message)

So what have we got?

16-year-old female.

Head trauma, possible fractures.

Is she conscious?

In and out. We're waiting on transport to give us an I.D.

(dramatic music)



How are things in Tarynsville?

Hmm! Still a day before Halloween.

Well, it can't stay like that forever. Not if the Enchantress gets her way.

(George chuckling)

Do you know if Grace is back yet?

No, I haven't seen her.

She and Courtney went out earlier, but they were supposed to be back by now.


(machine beeping)

(sighing): It looks like a concussion.

Possible shoulder injury.

Blood pressure is below normal.

Alright, make sure we keep her stable while we look for other signs of trauma, possible fractures.

Keep a close watch on her vitals.

How did this happen?

She wanted to go rock climbing, even though she had never been before, and she thought she could make a grab, but she couldn't reach it.

How far did she fall?

I don't know, like 10 feet.

But she hit the ground really hard.

And now she's here because of me.

Except I was the one who told her to get outside more.

It's not your fault.




She's gonna be OK.

Then why is she in hospital?

There was an accident, she fell, but she's gonna be OK.

I want to see her.

As soon as she wakes up.

When will that be?

Any minute.

That's not an answer.

Cassie, this is not some patient I don't know.

OK? It's Grace. But I need to get back in there OK. Just take care of her.



I was so hoping that that courtyard would be the perfect place for your midnight book reading.

Except it didn't look like the one from Jessica's books at all.

Well, we'll just have to keep looking until we find the perfect location.

We had the perfect location at Grey House until we were told we couldn't use it.

And no one was more shocked than I when Cassie gave us the news.

Usually, she's the most reliable person in town although, every once in a while, she does go a little "woo-woo" on us all.

We should just have the reading in New York, like it was planned.


This town is being turned into Tarynsville, just as I said it would be, and unlike some people around here, I stick to my word.

(cell phone ringing)

Excuse me.

(Martha chuckling)

This is the mayor!

Oh, dear! Is she gonna be all right?

Is Cassie with her?

Please, tell Cassie that if there is anything that she needs, anything at all, I'm right here for her.

Thank you. Oh my.


(indistinct chatter)

Oh. We came as soon as we heard.

We're staying with you, The both of us.


(phone ringing)


I just want to be able to see her, so she can see me and know that I'm here with her.

Grace is waking up.

(Cassie sighs in relief)

Grace, can you hear me?

We're here, Honey.






Thank you.

You have a mild concussion, but it will dissipate after a long period of rest.

And then you're goingto be just fine.

OK. Ooh! Ow!

Yeah, that shoulder's going to be tender for a while, too.

Do you have pain anywhere else?

It might be easier if I tell you where I don't hurt.

All that will go away in a few days, too.

(quietly): Thanks.

You were with me when I woke up.

Of course.

It was weird.

I just remember thinking...

You were calling out for your dad.


I think that I just forgot.





Did we have a date?

No. But I have a reservation.

To stay here?

Yeah, there was this internet special: staying at Grey House comes with a free invitation to the book release party, so I get to go to that, too.

I didn't even know you liked the books.

Well, somebody must have, because the only place in town with any rooms left was right here, and it's like they saved one just for me.

Hm! OK!

There's a room at the end of the hall.

Take a left and it's just at the end of the hall, there.

Top, left, end.




Guess who got an invitation to the book release?

You did.

I was on this ticket broker site and an ad popped up to stay at Grey House and go the party for free.

You didn't even mention that you even wanted to come!

Because I didn't think I'd get the chance, but somehow, here I am.

Here you are.

Why don't we put you in one of our most secluded rooms?

It's, um, at the top of the stairs you take a right and then, it's way at the end of the hall.

Way at the end?

Way at the end!

Sounds great!





We tried to make it look exactly like the restaurant in your books.

It's pretty close, yeah!

Now, if you'll follow me, I have a variety of MupCakes for you to taste and see which ones you like best.

Maybe you should just pack them to go. We can eat them on the way back. I probably should have insisted that we have the book launch in New York the first place.

No, don't be silly.

Come and site down.

Come on, have a seat.

Look, I have got my brand new ovens all warmed up.

Ahem! Now, what do you think... of this one?

It's pretty good!

(whispered): Yeah.

I really don't like it.

I'm sorry.


OK, well, uh... there are plenty more... for you try...

This one next. Here you go.

This one's not bad.

Are you kidding?

I'm sorry. Next.

I am sure we can find one that you both agree will be perfect.

Well, I like the frosting on this one.

Good! That's orange-flavored.

With a cupcake like that?

Well, that's cherry.

Oh yeah, that'd taste great.

I don't think they really go together...

Unless... maybe they do?

Let's find out.





Yes, we have a MupCake winner!

Oh, and will you check with Abigail?

She had some flowers in her shop that are the perfect shade of orange.

Maybe you can work with her, so these will match that?

Sure. I'll work with her.


Hey, don't hog it all. I want more.



Oh! You got frosting on my nose!

You got your nose in my frosting!

So, how are you feeling?

Better. I mean, things still hurt but, uh... it's starting to be not as much.

I feel so bad about what happened.


Did you push me when I wasn't looking?

It's just... we wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me.

I'm pretty sure I was the one who said:

"Hey, let's go rock climbing."

Besides, when I'm feeling all better, I'm going to want to get back out there and try it again.

You know, there are plenty of things you're good at doing inside.

Well, I guess I'm more adventurous than you think!

Oh! We brought you a present!

Courtney dragged me to five different places before she found the right one.

Yeah, 'cause I was looking for something specific.

(little snicker)

Ah... let's see...

Is this..?

Mm-hm! Just like the one Desiree wore when she went looking for the amulet.

I love it. Really, thank you.

It's looking like I won't have to keep Grace here much longer.

Thanks for "patching her up" so well.

She's a fast healer.

You know, I was thinking about what happened yesterday, when she woke up.

Yeah, thinking about her dad.

She must really miss him.


Well, I think Jake would be very proud of the daughter you're raising.

He would, thanks.

I know she was waking up from a concussion, but it reminded me of a patient I had in New York.

She was a professional skier and she had lost the use of her legs after an accident.

She told me that every morning, when she woke up, she forgot she was paralyzed.

And then, remembered.

Every single morning?

Yeah! That's what she said.

I wonder if Grace is going through something similar.

You know, forgetting, and then, remembering.

I've never really thought about it; I guess it happens to me, too.

Just... some mornings, right when I wake up, I realize I'm thinking about Jake and...

...and I remember.


(birds chirping)

So, how was the first night back in your own bed?

I think I slept really well, but I can't say for sure because, well, I was asleep.

I looked in on her a couple of times.

Well, probably more than a couple of times! She slept well.

Good. In a few days, we'll get you up and moving around, but until then, you stay in this bed.

I can't even go downstairs?

But that... that means I won't be able to make it to the book release.

Nick told me that that event's probably not even happening.

Well, there's still a few more things to work out, but I think it's all gonna fall into place.

Yeah, except I won't be there.

Hey, she's pouting.

It's a good sign!

We know her facial muscles work.

Hey, you want me to set these out, some place where you can see them?

I'd like that.

Hm, this one's nice.

The start of a brand new day.



Now every morning when you wake up, this will be the first thing you think about.

It's perfect. Thanks.


There you are.

I was looinall over.

Sorry, I didn't realize I was hiding.

I can leave you alone.

No! (little laugh) Don't.

I started packing my stuff.

Me, too. Kind of ready to get out of here.

Maybe by getting away from all this stress, I'll finally come up with something to write about in my next book.

I guess we never should have come here.

You were trying to do something nice for me.

So I should think twice before ever doing that again, huh?

(small chuckle) Yeah.


Oh! You have two exams set for Friday afternoon, and a follow-up with Mrs. Talley on Thursday morning.

I don't think I can be here both days.

Could you schedule them back to back for me?

I'll see what I can do.

What's next week looking like?

Oh, I printed you up a schedule.

(sighing): Paul Luttrell wants to see me?

Back pain.

Ah. Lydia Monroe?


I miss sniffles.

OK, I will, uh... figure out a time to get back here as soon as I can.

I'll keep the orthoscopic light burning!


What are you doing?

I've decided we might as well put an end to this whole Tarynsville façade. The book release is the day after tomorrow and I still haven't found a place for the reading.

Jessica and Sean are practically halfway out of town already and there's nothing I can do to stop them.

Why don't we go inside and give it a little more thought?

Yes, please.

Allow me to wallow in my shame out of the public eye.

Thank you.

(door chimes)

I wanted it all to be so perfect!

To show my college nemesis that just because I chose to live in a small town doesn't mean I'm not as good as anyone else.

Won't you reconsider letting us light a fire in the courtyard at Grey House?

There has to be a better place.

There's not! Not that matches what Jessica is looking for.

I suppose that I'm just gonna have to accept the fact that I failed. I might as well go and tell Meredith what I'm sure she'll think is fabulous news. In fact, she'll probably want to capture my defeat on camera, so I should... spruce up my vanquished face.

From where I'm standing, you look just fine.

What's that behind me?


You look like a woman who's seen the light.

I have. I have just thought of the perfect place for Jessica to do her book reading.

Oh, Cassie, I've saved the day!

Thank you.

What's going on?

I have figured out where Jessica is going to do her book reading.

In my flower shop?

Oh, no, no, no, no, because it didn't use to BE a flower shop.

I happened to see an old map of Middleton and I remembered that years ago, this room was part of a larger gathering hall where all of the townspeople would meet.

So, which wall is it?

Right back there.

When they sectioned off the building, they split up the room and they walled off a grand fireplace behind there that was the centerpiece of the hall.

It sounds like the perfect place for Jessica to do her reading.

If it looks anything like the fireplace that my Nana used to tell me about, it could be ideal.

Well, I can't promise you a heart and infinity sign carved into the mantle, but there's a good chance it's going to be exactly what you want.

Of course, we'll have to knock down a wall in order to get access.

Knock down a what? AAH!!

For heaven's sake, Derek, you have to swing that thing harder! This whole section needs to be completely removed.


Um, have you told whoever's on the other side of this wall that you're knocking through it?

Not yet, but I'm sure she won't mind.

(loud impact and scream from the other side)

What is going on?

It's for the good of the town, dear. Step back!

Hit straight ahead, Derek.
Straight ahead!


Be careful.

Watch where you step.

This used to be all one big room?

Yeah, I guess we've been sharing it the whole time.

It should be back here.

Well... it definitely was.

Oh, no.


I guess this isn't going to work.

I am so sorry, I was really hoping that what was back here was gonna be exactly what you were looking for.

There is something.


It's just an old wooden box.

I'm don't know how I'm supposed to open this thing.

It's mysterious-looking... like something from Tarynsville.

Well then, perhaps you should have it.

At least you can leave Middleton with something.

Well, it is kind of weird.

I do like weird.

Well, I guess there's no point standing around this old collapsed fireplace, huh?

This way, then.

Follow the failed leader.

What are we supposed to do with this giant hole in your wall?


I can live with it for a bit.


So, I guess that didn't work out.

I know everyone tried their best, but here it is, one of the most important days of my life, and all we've been doing is running around looking at backyards and fireplaces and not finding a thing.

If we had just kept the book launch in New York, the way it was supposed to be...

Except I don't want things the way they're supposed to be.

I want life to be more than that.

I'm sure we can work something out.

I really want to believe that, Sean, but it's getting harder and harder.

So maybe we should just... get out of this place and be done with it all.

And I'll stop looking for things that probably aren't even here.

Oh, it looks like George finished painting up there.

Has this fireplace been here the whole time?

Hiding a bit, but yes.

(little chuckle) It's perfect!

It's like, if I was looking for one exactly like the one on the cover of my books.

This is practically it!

Well, you're welcome to use it for your book reading, but you may have to light the fire yourself.

Unless Nana was right about those things starting themselves.

I can't believe the right thing for me was here all along.

Just waiting for you to find it.

This is good, then.

Uh, we will have the reading here, at midnight, and then, the event in the center of town afterwards.

I'm gonna go make sure that everything is exactly how you want it to be.

You gonna miss seeing Sean so often after your book comes out?

There's not so much an editor can do until the writer figures out what to write.

I hadn't really thought about that.

If I don't come up with an idea for my next book...

I'm not sure I'll see Sean hardly at all.

Hm. Unless you find another reason to.

But then, that part of your story hasn't been written yet.

♪♪ I'm not scared of ghosts no more ♪
♪ Not afraid of the dark anymore ♪
♪ Went to that haunted house and opened that door ♪
♪ And I'm still the same with you ♪
♪ I can keep you hidden up inside ♪
♪ And you're far too beautiful to hide ♪
♪ I can change in every way I know how to ♪
♪ But I'm still the same with you ♪

Who are you and what have you done with my son?

I'm only doing this for the money.

Ha! Ha! Words that make... any father proud.

Hey, I'm sorry I'm gonna miss the big performance, but I'm still filling in for that out-of-town doctor.

Oh! Then you won't get to hear my British accent.

(chuckling): You do a British accent?

(with a British accent): I most definitely can.

I've been practicing all day.

It's actually pretty good!

Way better than anything I could ever do.

Every time I do an accent, I sound like I'm from, I don't know, Tennessee! (chuckles)


If you need anything tonight, Grandpa is right down the hall.

Reading the first two Tarynsville books again.

I want to see if my theory about Desiree's sister holds up.

Well, the internet thinks you're right.

Goodnight, sweetie.

Goodnight, Grandpa.

(little chuckle)

(sigh from Cassie)

Well, I know you're disappointed, knowing that everything's going on without you.

(sighing): Yeah.

The next time I fall off the side of a cliff, I should really think ahead before doing it.

Hey, are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you?

No! No, you need to go.

Who knows what might happen if my personal favorite enchantress wasn't at her own party?

OK, I will rush a copy of the book to you as soon as it's released.

Yes, and make sure to take a pair of running shoes; that way you can get here extra fast.

I promise I'll fly.

Fly, fly! He he!

(sighing): You look like a woman who is ready for a very special occasion.

I can't believe it's finally here.

Ah! I love your dress.

(sighing): One other thing I stole from grandma.

This was her dress . And I figured... if there was ever a night for me to put it on, this was it.

Well, it looks beautiful on you.

Thank you.

And I have a present for you.

That is your book that hasn't been released yet.

I wanted you to be the first to read it.


So, I'd better let you get started.

Thank you.

Feel better.

(whispered): She's so cool!

(whispered also): Yeah.


(indistinct conversations)

Welcome to Tarynsville.

I hope you enjoy The Enchantress Unites.

Welcome to Tarynsville.

I hope you enjoy The Enchantress Unites.

Welcome to Tarynsville.

I hope you enjoy The Enchantress Unites.

Welcome... to...



I'm... really liking this, that... that's for sure.

You know, I think I once owned a blouse just like that.

(chuckling): Yeah, it really brings out my eyes.

It does.


Nice job!

What did I do?

You made it so that all three men I'm dating ended up at Grey House with tickets for tonight.

That would take a lot of effort to make that happen.

Except you didn't realize you were up against me.

I've managed to keep everybody separate, and nobody is going to know...


Hello, all three of you together!

We heard they were giving away MupCakes before the reading at Grey House and came here to load up.

You know what? They are!

There have treats on that table over there, and that table over there and that table way over there.

So, why don't you guys go to different tables and then, go eat them on your own?


Sounds good.

I just want to say, you look as pretty as all these flowers, and I can't believe I get to be here with you as my date!


Dennis is your date?

I thought I was your date.

Except she's dating me.

OK... let me to explain...

You've been dating all three of us at the same time.

And not telling any of us you were doing it.

And we never would have found out if we hadn't all been right here, right now?

That pretty much sums it up!

So. I guess...

Pff...'s been fun hanging out with you..?

Yeah, but...

I'm done with that.


And I thought you were going to be the one who was gonna break up with me!

Wait... none of you guys are gonna fight for me?

Why bother?

Welcome to Tarynsville, enjoy.

Welcome to Tarynsville.

Welcome... Dad!

Uh, I thought you were workin at the hospital tonight?

Yeah, well, uh, Doctor Zemmick came back early, so I get to come here!

Careful with that accent. I heard a little American in there.

Hey, Henry!

Doctor Radford.

How's that heart holding up?

Still doing its job.

That's what I wanna hear.

I didn't know you were a fan of magic and romance.

Maybe I just like fire jugglers!

And how often do you get to see those?

Doctor Radford.

Oh hi, Annie.
Good to see you on your feet.

Oh, been walking three miles a day, just like you told me.

Oh, good for you. Keep it up!



You're popular around here.

Ah, it's nice to be around people I actually know.

People I've helped. You know, considering... everything.

You're an excellent doctor.


And this is where you say, "Thank you."

Hm! Thank you.

(laughing): I saved you a seat at the reading.

You know, um... that's OK, just go ahead, I'll catch up.

Is something wrong?

No, I've just been...


Yeah. Thinking about what you said at the hospital.

(sighing): About what you... wake up thinking about in the morning.

Who you're thinking about.

Look I get it. I do.

You and Grace's dad shared a lot of years together.

He'll always be part of who I am, my journey.

Of course. Sure!

B-B-But it just... sort of made me wonder...

(sighing): Cassie, if he is still on your mind that much, then, it's OK, really.

It's OK.

But you have a lot of that journey you still need to make...

Halloween approaches!

The witching hour is nigh!

Everyone with tickets, please, make you way to Grey House, the reading is about to begin! Chop chop!

Lead on, boy prince, lead on!


(crickets singing)

(indistinct conversations and clock ticking)


It's almost time.

Is everyone ready?

(small excited confirmations)

Got my book, got my chair.

I'm all set to go.

Fire. Oh! We have to light the fire.

Does anybody have any matches?

Nobody has matches? Come on, people, check your pockets.
Somebody has to have something we can use to light a fire!

What's that?

Oh, I was going to give this to you later.

You got me a gift?

I wanted you to remember tonight.

OK, we're ready to roll the camera.

And it's going to be a good show, trust me.

Sean. It's perfect.

It reminded me of something in your books.

It's a lighter.

I guess this was the right time.

So, let's get that fire going, then. Quickly!

I guess I should have bought you one that actually works.

It's too bad we're not in Tarynsville.

Then this fireplace would just light itself.

Maybe we could use a little of your Nana's magic.

Oh, whoops! Sorry.

It's an old house.

Oh my gosh...

I think I know who built this fireplace.

Because he signed his work.

It's the symbol from the fireplaces in all your books.

And it might be more than that.


Well, look at that!

Is there anything inside?

It's the necklace Nana's husband gave to her. The one she had to keep hidden.

But how can that be?

Because Nana lived here, in Middleton, and in this house.

And the things she told me about those stories that I turned into my books happened right here in Middleton.

Jess, it's time.

We have to light that fire.

But it's already lit.

Alright! Okay, let's go.

Let's go, let's roll the camera!

Yeah! We're ready.


Your hand, that's right.

Thank you.

It was the day before All Hallow's Eve, as it was perpetually in the town of Tarynsville because of the curse that had been cast so many years ago...

The people of Tarynsville had grown accustomed to this anticipation that it was always the day before Halloween but never quite October thirty-first...


Well, congratulations.

Exactly what you wanted to happen happened.

What was it I wanted to happen again?

Something about how I shouldn't lead men on and blah-blah-blah, Cassie knows best.

But I wanted to say thank you.

If my three guys hadn't found out what I was doing, I wouldn't have realized how much I actually just want one guy.

Someone who... wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him.

And looks at me the same way Sam's always looking at you.

You don't have to thank me for getting you to think about that.


I'd say this event was a success.

Yes, but I am exhausted.
It will be so wonderful to start tomorrow with something other than fires and witches and cauldrons on my mind. Oh, no offense.

I agree.

I'm looking forward to waking up to a new day.

I didn't think Martha was going to be able to pull this off, but somehow she did.

She can be very enchanting.

Yes. Well.
I have a very long drive to the airport ahead of me, which is another reason I cannot understand why anyone would want to live in such an out-of-the-way town, but to each his own.

Oh, uh, excuse me, Meredith, but aren't you forgetting something?


Martha's on camera interview.


Oh my goodness, I had completely forgotten all about it!

Make sure my chyron reads "Mayor Martha Tinsdale."

Bottom third of the screen; no scrolling.

Now, why don't I just hold on to that, shall I?

After all, I will be doing most of the talking.


Oh, what a night!

I thought you two were never going to come home.

Everything was so amazing.

Middleton ended up being the perfect place. The place.

So it's a good thing my editor suggested that we come here.

Yeah, it was... our phones stopped working.

We just sort of found it.

I'm making some tea for Grace.

Would you like some?

Oh! No, thanks.

I just want to sit out in that courtyard and soak up the spirit of Grey House so I can start writing as soon as I get home.

It's going to be the history of Tarynsville.
All the things that happened before the darkness set in.
How the town was built, and all the people who inspired it.

That's a story that interests me very much.

Good, because it's going to be dedicated to you.

Jessica really liked her gift.

It's not a ruby necklace, but at least it was something she could use.

Martha told me that necklace is going to the town's museum, but they wanted Jessica to have the box.

What's she going to do with an empty old box?

Maybe it's not so empty.

Nana's memories are in there.


Thank you.

Looks like the boy prince is off the clock.

Yep. But...

I also got paid in full.

Ha! Nice!

Why don't you take me out to dinner tomorrow night?

Don't worry, I'll buy.

You're really gonna have time for that?


I decided to cut back my hours at the hospital, so I can get back to seeing my patients here in town again. And maybe get to know that kid who lives across the hall from me.

Yeah, well, I really think you're going to like him.

I'm going to like being this town's doctor again.

I might even start making more house calls.

What's a house call?

Are you really that young?

Are you really that old?


I found something that belonged to your Nana.

She kept it hidden with her necklace because she couldn't let people know. Right?

Look at that.

No. No, no.

That's not how this is done.

What are you doing?

Jess, there's a guy on one knee in front of you, holding a ring.

You're the romance author; you can't figure it out?

You can hide it in that box if you don't want anyone to know.

I want everyone to know.



I'd say "Hi", but I'm on the last page of the book and it is so good!

Although after reading all night, my eyes are about to say, "We give up!"

Want me to read the rest to you?

Like you used to?

I was right... right here.

With the curse vanquished and the Enchantress forever on her throne, the people of Tarynsville looked forward to their first Halloween in an eternity.

The young woman had finally found love with the man who had always been there, and they held tight to each other, ready to light new fires and write a wonderfully bright future of their own.


That... is the perfect ending.



Hey, Sam.

Good morning.


I've got a house call.

Oh. I was hoping maybe you had a minute.

Well. I guess the house can wait one minute.


I was thinking about... what you said last night.

Yeah, I just think... there are a lot of things going on.

I know. And it couldn't have been easy hearing what I said at the hospital, knowing how often I wake up thinking about... what I wake up thinking about.

Yeah. It wasn't.

But this is not about me.

Except it is.

Because, Sam...

When I woke up this morning, I was thinking about you.