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02x04 - Kubark

Posted: 10/24/16 08:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

Why is there interference?

There's already a bug in there.

I hope you don't mind, but I sleep naked.

Hope you don't mind. I pray.

Lydia: It was a blessing you got benched.

That someone probably leaked your name to make sure you never screwed up again.

I'm in. Tell me what I do next.

"We are the Citizen's Liberation Front.

We've taken control of a five-block radius in lower Manhattan."

Shelby: Six months ago, after you shut down the op, I wrote a report.

This is your president.

I'm ordering a full pardon of Eric Boyer.

Raina: Alex is alive.

♪ ♪


How you doing? You okay?

Don't talk to me.

You're still mad at me.

Not another sound.

Not another word.

Another hour, another move of hostages.

We shouldn't be wasting our time hunting one person.

1,700 Federal Hall hostages need food.

Food? Are you kidding me?

We have to cut the dead weight, or we'll never succeed.

[Speaking Swahili]

Raina: [Breathing heavily]



[Gasps, groans]



Shelby: Forget everything you think you know about these t*rrorists.

Don't even call them t*rrorists.

Think of them like actors, and everything you're seeing since they took the G20 hostage over four hours ago is a play.

These are rogue intelligence operatives.

Their tactics and M.O. match a group that several FBI agents tried to infiltrate last year.

It is too close to be a coincidence.

And if this is a group that we called the AIC, then these people have a goal, and I don't know what that is yet, but I do know this...

Everything that they do is a distraction.

Man: They're broadcasting again.

[Indistinct conversations]

Raina: In one hour's time, the Citizen's Liberation Front will be prepared to trade 1,667 hostages in exchange...

[Sighs] for the delivery of Eric Boyer to their custody.

Paul: Why would they want a hacker?

What part in the play is this?

They wanted Boyer the moment the president pardoned him.

They didn't ask for him just for him to be pardoned.

This doesn't make sense.

Cooperate, and this crisis will soon be over.

Resist, and more blood will spill.

What will you choose?

Miranda: These are my agents who are in danger.

Look, we can't end this mission just because you found this bug in Alex's room.

Yes, it's CIA. No, I can't trace it.

But, for all we know, it could be Owen Hall on behalf of a faction.

We're not calling it a faction anymore, sir.

We call it the AIC.

Owen is most likely recruiting new AIC members from your class as we speak, and this could be his way of vetting them.

Give me one reason... One reason...

Why I shouldn't just roll this thing up right now.

Sylvia Erlich.

She was a young operative working out of the Berlin station.

We suspected that she was selling secrets to Russian Intelligence, so I had people watching her, gathering facts, building a case, until last Friday, when she took her own life.

At least, that's what we told her family.

Her su1c1de was staged by professionals using techniques you're gonna learn at The Farm.

A CIA operative was m*rder*d by people inside our own Agency, people we trained not 10 miles from where we're standing.

If we don't find these vigilantes who've infected the Agency and stop them before long, they will become the Agency.

Well, we didn't sign up for this because we thought it would be easy.

What's the countermission?

There is no countermission.

This week, you lay low.

Let this bug thing blow over while we do some research.

I don't want to lose momentum.

And I don't want to lose my agents, like you lost yours in Berlin.

You lay low. And no slipups.

One false move at The Farm could be the difference between life and death.

♪ ♪

Sebastian: [Speaking in Cantonese]

♪ Do you ever try and face yourself? ♪

[Door opens]


You're still on the phone.

You've been in here half an hour, man.

Sorry, Mommy. Sorry, Daddy.

Harry needs to take a shower now.

[Speaking in Cantonese]

Listen. Do you want to take a shower together and conserve the water?


Why are you even calling me?

I notified the firm. I'm on leave.

Man: Your witness is recanting her testimony.

Recanting her testimony?!

She can't do that.

She's Mr. Mbuinga's only alibi from the night of the attack.

We have her deposition!

They claim you falsified...

So, this is what you've been up all night worrying about?

I could get disbarred!

♪ But just to see me ♪


Just put me on with the New York office.

♪ Are you sleeping with the lights on, baby? ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Keep your hood up when you're walking 'cause they ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪

Alex: Hey.

Alex, I don't think it's smart if we're...

It'd be more suspicious if we don't.


Well, if we get caught, just pretend I told a joke or something.

Or you could actually tell me a joke.

Booth, sign for this.

♪ Are you sleeping with the lights on, baby? ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪

Thank you.

♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Keep your hood up when you're walking 'cause they ♪

What's that?

Department of Justice. Oh.

See you in class, Parrish.


♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Sure enough, they're gonna take your body ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪
♪ Hands up, get up ♪

Are the monitors all charged?

They're paired with the system, and your notes are ready.

We're good to go.


You are never this pleasant unless there's a reason.

It's called adaptation.

Once I realized I was stuck here, I figured I should find the bright side.

[Door opens]

But if you'd rather fight the whole time, I'd be happy to oblige.

Let's look at our m*rder Board standings.

Don't feel bad.

Someone's got to be in last place. Why not you?

Because I was two spots higher yesterday.

What happened overnight?

At the bottom twice. Shouldn't I be cut?

Ask the man behind the curtain. It's his call.

But I'd move up fast, or you're out.

Owen: All right.

Who can tell me what those are?

Vital signs?


They're emotions.

My emotions.

Tension, dread, fear...

These are things that can be measured.

With practice, they can also be controlled.

A border guard catches you in a lie.

An asset calls your bluff.

A surveillance team shakes your cage.

Being able not just to conceal signs of stress, but to avoid feeling them in the first place...

That is integral to being an operative.

Lydia: That little piece of government-engineered plastic on the desk in front of you is a window to your soul.

Green, yellow, red.

Your multitude of indicators boil down to three simple colors we'll measure today.

The challenge... To stay green in the most tense of situations.

Just how much do these little things measure?

Well, they didn't say anything about late-night wrist movements, so I think you're in the clear.

Leigh: I like stress. I feed off it.

Researchers at UC San Diego invited elite Marines, Olympians, and me to undergo stress tests in 2011, and I beat all of them.

Malcolm Gladwell used me for his latest book.

Okay, now you are stressing me out.

I don't know, man. This feels like Big Brother to me.

If you're feeling paranoid, Alex, you should be, because I am after you.

All of you.

I'm gonna rattle each and every one of you and measure the results.

I'm gonna learn your vulnerabilities and show you how to turn them into strengths...

'cause, even though we all have our weaknesses, it all comes down to fear.

Conquer that, and no one can conquer you.

♪ ♪

My turn. I'll watch her.

In Swahili.

[Door closes]


You speak Swahili?

I've just been listening.

I took a chance. Are you okay?

Yes. I'm okay.


They took Ryan. I don't know where.

I'll find him. I promise.

The t*rrorists... They haven't k*lled us.

They thr*aten to, but don't.

I know.

What about the people left in Federal Hall?

Are they still alive?


But the t*rrorists don't seem to be interested in anyone else but you and the 100 people with you.

112 so far. I've counted.

But all the world leaders from the summit are in Federal Hall.

They don't want them. Why?

I'm not sure.

Sit down.

All I know is, the hostages from Federal Hall are getting too much for the t*rrorists to handle, which is why they want to trade them all for Boyer.

You can't let that happen, Raina.

But that's almost 1,700 hostages.

You don't want them rescued?

Of course I do.

But whatever they want Boyer for has got to be much worse, right?

These 1,700 people are their weakness, their stress point.

The longer we can force them to hold onto them, the weaker they get, and the better our chances are at stopping them.

Eric Boyer can't get inside.

Why are they speaking Swahili?

I think they're using it to hide that they come from different places.

I think so, too.

Why do they keep moving you around?

Because they're hiding among us.

Like a game of three-card Monte.

This is how Ryan calls it.

They're confusing us so they can swap in and out without us noticing it.

I couldn't even tell you how many they are.

I counted 23 on the floor. k*lled 2.

Half of them could be posing as hostages.

That is why this trade can't happen, Raina.

This is just posturing.

They're begging the FBI to take these hostages off their hands because they're dead weight.

They're slowing them down.

Look at these t*rrorists.

Look at their planning. Look at their preparation.

Look at their skills.

Whatever they want, we can't give it to them.

What can I do?

Get them to include you in the trade, to speak for them so they don't get voiceprinted.

Then give the FBI an abort code, something only Miranda would understand.

Um... tell her it's like the boiler room down here.

You remember?


Where she found Liam's decoy b*mb after Grand Central.

A fake threat luring us into real danger.


But, without Ryan, I'm scared.

Find Lydia Hall.

We don't get along, but she's very good at what she does.

She'll get you through this, okay?


You got this.

[Door opens]


[Door closes, footsteps approach]

Of course we make the trade.

Why is this even up for debate?

Trades require trust.

They threw theirs away when they m*rder*d the First Lady on national television.

They upped the ante with 1,667 hostages.

I think they earned a second chance.

And you think the AIC will actually go through with it?

Agent Wyatt, you studied these people. What do you think?

I think they have been steps ahead of us since this crisis began, and if you think this trade doesn't play into their end game, then you are not paying attention.

Make the trade. Decrease their leverage.

That's the play.

This hostage exchange gets us eyes inside the perimeter for the first time.

And if we find out they're lying, then we're that much closer to knowing who we're dealing with.


I'm right.

Get the mobile command center rolling.

What about Boyer? Do we have eyes on him?

Since the second he was pardoned.

He arrived at LaGuardia an hour ago.

Now he's in Queens looking at apartments.

It's like he knew this was gonna happen.

He's a free man.

How are you gonna get him to turn himself in to a group of t*rrorists?

Let's find out.

Owen: Controlling stress reactions starts with establishing your base line.

Now, this is you at your stress-free best.

If you want to make him crack, ask him about all those secret phone calls he makes from the pisser.


Then we throw some common stressors into the mix to see how far they move the needle.

Did you see me up there? Cool as a cucumber.

Oh, so, I guess there's nothing on your mind.

Not even that special delivery?

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Turnin' me up ♪
♪ Baby ♪

You do you, I'll do me.

Underreacting is just as bad as overreacting.

The key, as always, is balance.

♪ ...little bitty things you do ♪

Your heart rate will go down if you actually breathe.

I'm being subpoenaed for a mistake I know I didn't make.

Well, nothing you can do about it here.

That's exactly what I'm worried about.

♪ Baby, keep on turnin' me up ♪
♪ Turnin' me up ♪

Why is the infirmary needing me for another blood test?

I mean, what are they looking for?

Is it hepatitis? Syphilis?

Look, can I just go to my own doctor?

I've got a really good doctor. He's very cool.

Our infirmary, tomorrow.

That's all you need to know.

♪ Baby, keep on turnin' me on ♪

Hang on.

There was in incident at Cefereso... an escape.


I'm the reason he went to prison.

If he finds me, he's gonna...


We got people working with the Policiá Federal as we speak.

They'll catch him.

Okay. So, we're done with these, right?

Lydia: Ah. Who said you could take those off?

Sebastian: Isn't the test over?

The test is never over.

Harry: Oh, hang on.

We're not gonna be wearing these fascist little flibberty-bits for the next five months, are we?

Nope. Just this afternoon... at Langley.

Leigh: Wait. Langley? Does that mean we can get dressed up?

Because I'm tired of pants.

Well, we want you looking your best as you rub elbows with some of the most accomplished former and current case officers at the CIA.

They like to meet the new kids, kick the tires, find the lemons.

And I take their feedback very seriously, and so should you.

Ruffle the wrong feathers or fail to impress, you might find yourself chained to a desk for the rest of your careers.

Stressful situations, stress monitors.

I get it.

You'd better.

If anyone hits red, they don't even get the desk.

They just go home.

And, hey, I will be watching you.

♪ ♪

Ryan, these dishes aren't gonna wash themselves.

[Water running]

Can we make it quick?

Yeah. I have an idea.

A dangerous one, it looks like.

This is the idea, these monitors.

Look, I know we're supposed to lay low for a while, but Owen just gave us a gift, and he doesn't even know it...

A countermission no one could have planned for.

I'm listening.

♪ ♪

Mr. Boyer.

Miranda Shaw, FBI. Come with me.

Nice try, but I'm a free man now.

You can't touch me.

You're right.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You're under arrest.

For what?!

I got a presidential pardon, remember?

[Handcuffs clicking]

That was before you jaywalked.

What? Are you kidding me?!

Has anyone heard of the Fourth Amendment?

You gonna let her arrest me?

She's my boss, and I like my job.

What do you want from me?

Mr. Boyer, you have the power to save thousands of lives.

But that's only if you trade yourself in to the t*rrorists that are holding them hostage.

That's gonna be a hard pass.

I think you'll change your mind once I make my case.

Stay here.

[Vehicle door closes]

You didn't live up to your end of the bargain.

You're one of them?

Consider me a representative.

Miranda: You knew what you were supposed to do, and you didn't do it.

And so now I'm going to have to turn you over to them, which we both know is going to be far worse.

If you do, it's su1c1de.

Not for me.

[Vehicle door opens]

He agreed.

Babysit him. I'm phoning it in.

Since I might be dead in a couple hours, I'd like to take this moment to apologize to you.

For hacking more dangerous, highly classified Intel than the Panama Papers and WikiLeaks combined?

For hacking McGregor-Wyatt in 2012.

Great system. I enjoyed the challenge.

I swear I didn't read any of your personal messages, but if I make it into that building alive, you might want to.

Let's go.
Nice to see a familiar face.

No, we've never met.

Lydia Hall.

You also know Alex Parrish, don't you?

We've... crossed paths.

So did we. Just 10 minutes ago.

She's here, fighting back against them.

They're preparing for an exchange...

The Federal Hall hostages for Eric Boyer.

Alex wants to sabotage it... cr*pple the t*rrorists and stop what comes next.

Lydia: If you want to cr*pple them, take away the leverage all the hostages give them.

That's not what Alex thinks.

She's not a government agent.

I am.

But I know Alex.

I don't know you.

You knew Simon Asher.

You know he and Alex made many mistakes along the way to saving the day, including not turning to the authorities for help.

We need to save as many people as possible right now and figure out the rest after.

Clearly, Alex told you you could trust me.

Trust me.

Owen: Remember, I'm gonna be able to see everything you feel, so stay in control and don't go into the red, no matter who you talk to or what they say.

I'll see you guys later. Thank you.

Easy scenario for you.

A bunch of desk jockeys who want to meet the woman who saved the world.

No stress there.

Good thing we have a countermission to keep things more interesting.

Check it out.

Next-gen handheld cell tower simulator... courtesy of our guardian angel.

Well, I'll give him one thing... The CIA's got cooler toys.

That they do.

How's it work?

I get close enough to Owen, and his phone thinks that mine's a local cell tower.

It gathers all its data, and soon enough, we have his phone cloned.

And everything he's got on the stress monitor.


I just have to stay close enough for the cloning to complete.

And you have to make our fellow recruits very uncomfortable.

Ask them about the AIC as indirectly as you can.

I'll record every word.


And, once you get his phone, we'll see who spikes when I prod them.



We're good at this.

You seem surprised.

My father's been chatting up some very interesting friends here tonight...

Stoller, Lufkin, Laveriere.

In counterintelligence.

I thought it was odd he changed the scenario to bring the class here tonight.

Now you know why. He's digging.

We don't know that he's digging.


Don't be hard on yourself.

Every lawyer makes mistakes.

But I didn't.

I mean, at least I don't think I would have falsified testimony.

Worst case... You're disbarred.

But you've left the law behind. Who cares?

Look, if you want to fight this, the Agency will support you.

I promise.

You may have to ride a desk until it's over.

But that could take years.

Like I said, we'll support you.

Two years on the Mexico desk.

I've never even met a man who came out of Cefereso alive.

Did you hear about Anaya?

I did.

The Federales will grab him.

The Federales let him go.

Obviously, he made some sort of deal.

What? Did you hear he escaped?

Who escapes Cefereso?

So, about that next drink...

I'll get it for you. Excuse me.


Bad night.

And getting worse.

Don't let it get to you.

Back when I EOD'd, you could be gay.

You just had to keep your head down.


Now they're recruiting us.

You know, I can think of someone who's zero feet away.

Huh? Oh, uh, hello.

No, I'm just making a little timeline for myself...

Who, when, where, and how far did I go.

That's quite a chat history.

You know the Agency covers PrEP now.

Yeah. I know firsthand.

But, just in case I skipped a dose, I'm making a list.

♪ ♪

Ooh. You look stressed.

I just have a lot on my mind.


Well, I've already charmed half of Langley with a career's worth of cocktail-party chatter, and I'm still green as a solar farm.

You better keep up, or you'll look bad.

I'll try and remember that.

Hey, Owen. Um...

This hard for you, too?

You know... Your prize recruits under the microscope.

If we fail, you fail.

You should worry less about me and more about you.

Bottom of the m*rder Board, poor attitude.

Listen, excuse me.


[Breathes deeply]

I'm just curious what I can do better.

I... [Sighs]

Any pointers?


I see what you're doing.

You do?

You're hanging around me, no spikes.

I'm your teacher, you know me, I'm harmless, and you're good with teachers, aren't you, Alex?

But I don't play on that side of the pool.

Not with my recruits.

And if you don't start doing better, next cut, you're out.



[Helicopter blades whirring, siren wailing]

[Police radio chatter]

For every 10 hostages you release, we'll take one foot forward with Boyer.

When all the hostages have been freed, we'll fall back and leave Boyer in your custody.

Come on, Raina.

♪ ♪

Don't do it, Raina.

Let's begin.

This way! Come on, people. This way.

So far, so good.

Man: Let's go. This way.

Right through here.

Release the next 10, and we will take a step forward.

Man: We're at 1,250.

We will take a step forward.


Come on, come on.

Taking a step forward.

You can do this.

Now's the time, Raina. Come on.


Stepping forward.

Oh, come on.

It's hot... like a boiler room.


The boiler room. Remember?

I'm sorry, Raina.

I don't understand.

You have Boyer now.

Give us the rest of the hostages.

[g*nf*re, screaming]

[Classical music plays]

[Indistinct conversations]

I didn't know you'd be here.

Oh, I had to see a genuine Owen Hall scenario on its feet with my own eyes.

You do good work. Always have.

So good you're here to offer me a field assignment?

[Laughs] Even I can't fix what happened.

Depends on what really happened.

A journalist revealed your name.

It's a matter of public record, not a conspiracy.

Public record's always conspiracy.

But nothing to be done about it now.

At least the Agency has me housebound.

It's a living, breathing warning to never trust the people closest to us.

Especially journalists.

Them, too.

Spending more time with your cellphone than our hosts.

Not what I expected from you.

I'm just bored.


Or distracted?

That little envelope you got from the estate of Liam O'Connor?

Every piece of mail that comes into The Farm is subject to...

Do I really need to finish?

It's just a key to a P.O. box.


A couple miles away.

The world's most infamous t*rror1st.

Wonder what he left you.

As if all the drama weren't enough.

If you need someone to go with you...


I'm not getting anywhere with Owen.

You have to take over.

You'll figure it out. It was your idea.

You can't leave. We're supposed to be working this together.

I did what you asked. I prodded everyone.

I'm done here.

What is going on with you today?

I'll see you back at The Farm.


My parents didn't do it. The hospital didn't. I...

Is this how you're gonna pass the test?

[Cellphone beeps]

By skipping it?


None of them is gonna have anything good to say about you.

And they're not gonna have anything bad to say either.

Oh, you're gonna be a blast in the field.

"Bartender, one chocolate milk, shaken, not stirred."

Why are you bothering me?

Because you're wasting your chance.

And what's the point in living if you're not gonna live?

You might as well do everyone a favor and k*ll yourself now.

[Imitates g*nsh*t]

I usually pray for men like you.

I do.

But in your case, why bother?

♪ ♪

You don't like me? That's fine.

You want to shame me? You can keep trying.

But I deserve an explanation.

I don't make it a habit to explain anything to recruits who won't be here very long.


As far as I can tell, the Hall family is my only obstacle that I'm up against.

First, it was your daughter. Now it's you.

For the record, this isn't my first round with a teacher who's had it out for me.

At least, last time, I knew why.

Tell me, Alex... Are you still haunted by what he did?

For how he used you?

The mistakes, the doubt... That's why you're here.

You ran from it. Ran all the way to the CIA.

The choices you made saved lives.

The fact that you could make them, stick your neck out when no one else would...

That's your greatest strength.

That's also the source of your greatest weakness... doubt.

The doubt that you did the right thing, the doubt that you could have done more, the doubt over if your friends really had to die.

As long as you let that doubt run wild, it will own you.

That's what this scenario is all about.

It didn't start when you put these on.

It's been all week.

You were testing us.

Last on the m*rder Board for no reason.

Not just you. Everyone.

We've been manipulating you all week.

Even people here are in on it.

To see how we handle it.

Good for you.

You figured it out, but just a little too late, like usual.

You're always this close to measuring up.



Man: sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!


Move, move, move!

[Indistinct shouting]

[Gasps] No, no, no.

Man: Move, move, move!

We've got all the hostages.

Let's go.

All right, move out!

Come on, let's go!

[Breathing heavily]

Well, thank God that was all a dream.

You exploited us.

[Chuckling] Yes, we did.

When we said we were gonna shake your cage, we meant it.

We lied... invented crises that were close to home.

Come on. g*nshots, tough questions...

Anyone can conquer those.

Each of you have one stressor that can do real damage, one the enemy will always try to find to make you crack.

Maybe it's disgrace... shame... mortality... or your past.

Maybe you're easy to manipulate.

Or maybe you're plagued with doubt.

Whatever it is, identify it, accept it.

Your greatest weakness can't be conquered, but if you embrace it, it can't k*ll you either.

♪ ♪

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


The Agency made me think that I screwed up a case and I was getting disbarred.

Of course, I didn't.

But they knew how to get me.

I mean, I could have.

I've made mistakes.

We all make mistakes.

No, you don't get it.

Making mistakes is my biggest weakness... my fear.

And Owen and Lydia know that.

They know things... not just facts, but feelings.

They know what we're afraid of.

How? What test showed them that?

[Breathes deeply]

Well, the CIA made me think that a very dangerous man had escaped and was after me.

And they knew that fear of mine, too.

Hey, maybe after we get out of here, we'll be able to look at people and find their weaknesses like they do.

What if you don't want that?

Doesn't it seem awful to know everything about everyone?

To see their pain?

Isn't it worse not to see it?

[Clears throat]

What did they trick you with?

They asked for my medical records...


I was 14.

You tried to k*ll yourself, didn't you?

Yeah, they tried to use medical records with me, too.

So I guess we're roommates for a reason.

Look, I know you don't care, but someone close to me struggled with the same thing.

I mean, he actually did go through with it in the messiest way possible, right in front of me.

And, you know, people ask what could they have done to prevent it, but, no, I don't.

All I can think is, "Well, why wasn't that me?

Why did he feel all that conflict, all... all that pain?

Why was it so easy for me and so hard for him?"

I'm not gay.


That's what he said, too.


[Knock on door]


This is yours, I take it?

Thank you. [Sighs]

These aren't easy to replace.

There's no gift shop... like at the FBI.

You must be pretty proud of yourself.

Little bit.

My dad and I had a bet.

He thought you would get it before going to the post office.

I made $5.

I'm not haunted by O'Connor.


This late-night confrontation is really doing a lot to prove your nonchalance over the matter.


I built a career following orders, and I almost followed them into tragedy.

If it weren't for Alex, thousands of people would have died.

Is it hard, working side by side with the reminder of the mistakes that you made?

It's probably easier than working with my father.

[Door opens, closes]


Round three?

What you said in class hit me.

I don't doubt it.


I knew throwing you at the bottom of the m*rder Board would make you spin out.

Do I belong here?

In your mind?

Simple question, really.

I was the one who recruited you here.

I believe you may be special.

And you keep working as hard as you are, and we're gonna have a talk.

Very soon.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


Yes, we will.

Bring everyone down to the set that you can.

I need I.D.s and interviews on all the hostages before they're released.


I can't hold nearly 1,700 hostages, including world leaders.

One of the t*rrorists could be hiding with them... or more.

That's why I said "interview."

Paul: You told us this trade was a trap.

It wasn't.

There was panic, but there were no casualties.

And the t*rrorists are falling apart.

You heard those g*nshots.

Almost 2,000 hostages were freed, including the president of the United States, who, obviously, is not in very good shape.

All it cost us was Eric Boyer.

I respect you, Shelby, but I'm following Miranda on this.

I'm sorry.

[Door opens]


[Door closes]

So, a doe walks out of the woods and says, "That's the last time I do that for two bucks."

[Laughing] Oh, my God. That's terrible.

Ah, you asked for it.

I didn't ask for it.

And you did it.

We did it.

Or at least I hope so.

You got the audio?

[Sighs] Here you go.


[Computer beeps]

All right. Let's see.

There it is.

Look at us.

Finally alone, and we have nothing to say to each other.

Actually, I have... I have a lot to say.


They didn't correctly identify my weakness today.

It's not Liam.

And it's not issues with authority.

It's you.

Worrying if you're okay, worrying if [Sighs] worrying you're ever really gonna trust me, or if we're gonna make it out of this together.

And I-I've been pulling away from you lately.

I know it's true, but...

I have to.

Alex, if we're... If we're gonna succeed at this thing, they can't see how connected I am to you.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I have to figure out a way to go through this thing alone, even when you're 10 feet away from me.

I get it.

Thank you for telling me that.

Okay. Let's get back to work.




Tough day?


Did you find what you were looking for at Langley?

Or I guess we don't talk about things like that.

What do you think I was looking for?

The same thing I was...

The truth about why you were benched.

You think you got burned on purpose.

You want names.

You talked to Matthew.

He cares about you.

Doesn't want you barking up any wrong trees.

Thinks injustice is your weakness.

Last week, you told me the CIA was better off without me.

I was angry.

And I'm beginning to think they want me to be so I can do their work for them.

Are you?

♪ You're the face ♪
♪ Behind my face ♪
♪ That keeps me dreaming ♪
♪ You're the page ♪
♪ Danger in my own time ♪
♪ That keeps on burning ♪

I thought you slept naked.

And I thought you prayed.

I haven't seen you do that for weeks.

I do it.

Just when you're not around.

Yeah? Well, I just felt a little cold, that's all.

♪ From heaven ♪
♪ And the door is open ♪

All good.

He's dropped it.

Keyes: Thank you, Lydia.

We'll get you back in the field soon.

[Cellphone beeps]

Now tell me who you think did it, and why.

Ryan, come here.

Check out these stress spikes.

They're Leigh's.

Play the audio from when you were talking to her.

One step ahead of you.

Wonder when they'll teach us about surveillance around here.

Leigh: Surveillance? What do you care?

You've never used a bug?

Why would I have ever done that?

Wait. Look at that spike.

All red.

Alex: She's been listening to us this whole time.

♪ From heaven ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

[Keyboard clacking]

[Keyboard clacking]

♪ ♪

Get to it. You promised.

That was before you did all this.

It wasn't supposed to go this far.

That's not up to you.


But this is.


♪ ♪

What happened? We heard g*nshots.

They're gone. Everyone's safe.

You were right to do what you did.

I told Miranda to stop it, but she didn't.

And I don't know why.

And I don't know what happened to Alex.

She's in the building.

sh**t on sight.

Okay. Let's do this.