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02x05 - Season 2, Episode 5

Posted: 10/23/16 18:09
by bunniefuu
(Drone whirs)

Can you hear that noise?

What noise?

What is that?

It's following us.

Ten ordinary people from all over Britain have become fugitives.

Just stand up for me.

Put your arms out.

Going on the run will be the biggest thing that I will ever have done.

They have to disappear in one of the most watched countries in the world.

I hate authority bearing down on me.

Tracking them down is an elite team of hunters...

Hack his phone. Hack his hardware.

Search his house.

..armed with the powers of the state.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

Ayo, turn off the phone!

Here we go. Cell site location.

Well, get after them!

Excuse me. But if they can evade capture for 28 days...

Missing the boys. Missing home.

..they will win a share of £100,000.

100 grand.

To be able to give money to my mum and put a deposit down on a house.

I want to win and I want to win in style as well.

There's no way you're going to catch me.

(Growling and barking)

Got him. Eyes on. Eyes on.

Come on!

Where will they hide?

Who will they trust?

(Horn honking)

Stand down!

10 fugitives. 28 days.


Someone's running.

What would you do?

Stay where you are!

Previously on Hunted...

Go ahead for the capture.

Nick Cummings.

You've been hunted down, buddy.

We've got a double. Shit!

With nine days to go, five fugitives are still on the run.

Shall we go?

Are you scared?


As time goes on, this is psychological warfare.

We're absolutely desperate.

We've got to get away as quickly as possible.

Whoo! On the road to London.

Me and Madu have split up.

No more fighting.

We believe we have a vehicle with Ayo in.

That might be them, you know.

That's them. It's them. Go. Go. Go!

Come on!

We're looking to cut off every single possible route of escape.

The helicopter will be up in five minutes.

Basically the whole of London is going to know I'm here now.

The last bit of intelligence we got through, Gillett Square, last seen heading north.

Start heading down.

We need to soak that area. Yeah.

Air support is one minute now from being overhead.

Having a risked a trip home to see his family, Ayo's cornered on home turf in Hackney.

'We are currently over Gillett Square. Over.'

What we're trying to do now is build a brick wall around him.

Do the block. Come up on the other side of Gillett Street.

Can you get us in here?

Someone's let us in.

He's well known in the area.

He's got a big community behind him.

He could well be anywhere but he's still in this tightknit area.

I'm in the lion's den right now.

They've seen me go down the alleyways, they're going to know that I'm here somewhere but we're in the ends, we're in a block, you get me?

They won't know the exact address that I'm in.

Excuse me, I'm looking for this man.

Have you seen him?


Looking for a fella who's hiding out around here.

What's his description then?

This is the place I grew up.

This is my turf and I'm not going to be caught here. No way.

'If we see anyone move from a residence, start to run, jump in a car, that's certainly going to get our attention.'

Let's get all our stuff downstairs.

Hi. We're looking for somebody.

This guy.

Looks like it's going to be a close one, yeah?

Next level.

Here. He's here somewhere.

Right, we've got to go right now.

Ayo has asked his friend Tony to help him escape.

Let's go. Go. Go.

We need to go now.

Get us off the main roads.

Off they go. We've got everything and we still can't get him.

Ben, we have a CCTV sighting of him.

We don't know where he's going from that point on.

Why don't we just throw our resources at the family home?

It's the one address that we've got.

It's a 15 minute walk.

He could actually be arriving there right about now.

We've got a team in the area.


I don't know where I'm going right this second.

So I've got two locations.

Yeah. And one location is very, very close to your mum's.

Approaching Ayo's mum home address.



Bruv, seriously, listen to me, listen to me.

Seriously. Nowhere near my mum's.

You know sometimes the easiest way is the... Listen, listen.

Listen, bruv. I tried that, yeah?

I tried it and I got blocked in.

Let's get just far away from here.

Nowhere near my mum.

Not been here?

No. Right.

I fear and suspect that he's probably scarpered.

And he's got hundreds of associates in that area that we simply cannot get across all of them.

Listen, man, you're out of London.

I might have got away with it.

(He sighs)

Check, Mr Bleksley.

I am absolutely gunning to get Ayo.

There is nothing more we can do at this point.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Frustration. Irritation.

Disappointment. Such is life.

So moving onto Nick Cummings.

The last we had on him was that decoy in the southwest.

Where the hell is he now?

(He hums)

That's a tune called Hail, The Conquering Hero Comes.

(He laughs)

So, Ayo and Madu.

I think they've split.

Everything we're getting is Ayo.

They've either fallen out or this was their strategy.

If Madu ends up on his own he is going to really struggle.

He will be very well prepared.

He'll be very focused on the details but that's at the cost of a bigger overall strategy.

Got to look sharp.

Now I'm by myself, it's all down to me now.

Can't blame anyone else.

Any decision I make will potentially get me captured.

So yeah, there is a level of a loneliness and vulnerability I feel now.

Anna and Elizabeth. Last location data of them was towards Edinburgh.

If we're honest, they're lost again.

We're just wondering if we could have a free ice cream.

We don't have any money. If you don't ask, you don't get, do you?

Ahh, thank you so much!

That's really, really kind.

Have a lovely day.

Thank you very much.

Family member.

Close family associates.

Somebody we think they've been in contact with.

Monitor their phone communications.

Monitor any incoming post.

I want ground teams to go to home addresses, the regions, the areas where these fugitives came from.

These guys, they are now nearing the end of this process now.

They're all going to want to go back to familiar territory, a place of refuge, sanctuary, something they know.

That draw is going to be very difficult for them to avoid.

They will think that going back will give them the comfort they need to get this final push.

We'd like to get you on the road, guys.

We want to start rattling the cage in connection to Anna and Elizabeth.

We're now tired of this pinging around the motorways and we need to get a fix on where they are.

I must admit that I've got a little bit of admiration for them with their fluid plan.

I'm going to stop that right now because that sounds like Stockholm Syndrome to me.

You're getting sympathetic to the fugitives.

That needs to end right now.

I'd like you to go back to Catherine May's house, the mother.

'To get on top of this. This has got to be done subtly' so that we can get ahead of these girls and stop being reactive.

All right?

Let's do it.

We're hoping that by revisiting family that there's a weaker link there that can give us a bit of a fresh lead to what their intentions might be.

Don't get caught. Don't get caught.

Have we got everything?

Your dignity's on that chair.

Your personality, you left upstairs.


Anna and Elizabeth are in the Midlands.

Having spent the night with a stranger, they've decided to head north.

Are you ready?

Yeah, we're ready.

For the final leg of the journey, we're ending up back in our own county.

Yes, Yorkshire. Yorkshire!

Yorkshire! Let's rock and roll then.

It will be amazing to show two girls from Yorkshire can beat the top minds of the top hunters.

'Especially at our age, when we're so young.'

I think it's a hard experience to do on your own kind of thing, especially without your family supporting you and having that lack of contact there would be challenging.

I don't think the hunters will think that we're going back to our home territory.

It's... I think it's a ballsy move for us to go back to Yorkshire.

We're going about half an hour away from where I live.

You what they say, don't you?

You can't go anywhere, you can always go home.

That's very true. I like that.

We won't get caught.

They're not going to think we're going to go near home.

You can give it a nice little, you know, play it dead friendly and I'm just going to lay it on her.

OK. About what we know.

She'd better start playing ball.

Ground hunters Paul and Michelle visit Anna's mum, Catherine May.

Hi, is it Catherine?


How did you feel when she went?

Excitement and apprehension.

And how do you think she will cope with the weather and things like that?

Yeah, I don't know.

I did look out the window and feel sorry for them.

That's all I can say.


That's natural, isn't it, as a mum?

Well, yeah, exactly.

Potentially up to 28 days.

She quite determined?


Like you.

Yes. I will be determined to look after my loved ones, yeah.

It's a lovely walk, this.

Yeah, it is a lovely walk.

Really is a lovely walk.

So we want to go up here, don't we?

To Buckden, yeah?

Come on, then.

No rest for the wicked.

Anna and Elizabeth have spent the last two days hiking through the Dales.

They've now decided to rest up with a contact, Stephen Barrett.

Yeah, my friend, family friend works in Buckden.

He's the head of the outdoor centre so we could chill there.

It's only four miles.

So we ain't used phones.

We haven't used debit cards.

We haven't rung anyone familiar, family or friends.

We haven't been to any familiar places. Well, apart from now.

It's not an obvious link.

Trying to think how they'd even know.

We're obviously going to do a search.

We're going to search the house.

Yep, here you go, here.

I've just managed to put the tracker on the car.

Yep, awesome.

Spoke to the mum, OK?

She knows we're completely on to her.

I think she's going to try and get word to these girls. Cool.

By looking at this tracker, it could build up a really good pattern of life for us on Catherine and where she goes at all times.

So if she is helping the girls, it could lead us straight to them.

It's not that Nick Cummings is particularly erudite or he is being particularly sophisticated or...

It's more of an irritant and might be partly triggered by that whole ruse and decoy, which I just found was so aggravating.

It's been over a week since HQ had their last lead on Nick Cummings.

The last CCTV was when we saw him walking towards the New Forest.

(He sings quietly)

(He hums)

I've found qualities in myself I didn't know I had and I wouldn't have known that I had that unless I'd an extraordinary situation like this, you know.

I'm just sort of southeast of Aylesbury at the moment.

I know this area.

I use to live here when I was a kid, so I know the layout and the location of places.

So it seems like a good place to sort of hang around.

That's one.

That tower, I think that's what I used to...

My dad used to take us up there, and you basically had to run around it three times without breathing in, whilst holding your breath, and then you'd get an orange.

We could never do it.

I'm not one of these competitive dads, but I'm just... I want to be a nice dad and a good dad, you know, so it's...yeah.


And this is your steering wheel.

Just, basically, use this to, basically, point the windmill in the right direction, facing the wind.

I remember all these dips and hollows down here.

I ran around those as a kid.

It must have been, you know, the late 70's sort of thing.

You know, that sort of age.

After almost three weeks on the run, Nick's decided it's time for a change of appearance.

Right. A whole new you.

Can I donate these?

They do need a wash because I just got caught in the rain and they are pretty filthy.

Or can you get rid of them for me?

We can. Yeah?

Is that all right?

They are just very wet and a bit muddy. All of them?

Yes, please, yeah. OK.

That's very kind.

Thank you very much for your help.

Oops, sorry.

We dismissed this man.

He's so vague, he's so tentative, apologetic and I don't believe that that apologetic, tentative man is all that Nick Cummings is.

He's flying in a straight line.

If he thought he had seen us he would turn around and come and have another look.

And also they would have to be quite low as well.

So not treetop high but twice treetop height.

I wanted to fly them for ages. I couldn't pass the test. You know, I wanted to do big things and, you know, not have to bother with the nitty-gritty and it doesn't quite work like that sometimes.

He is at an important stage and I think more than just at an important stage in being on the run but actually at an important stage in his life.

It's a bit of a revelation, a bit of an eye-opener.

You know, it's a bit sort of, "Crikey, I can do that stuff."

You know.

I fret and worry about the wrong things and then...then it turns out I can do the right thing when I need to. You know.

And that's...

That's, um, you know, that's... that's a great thing to learn.

If he's able to keep us at bay, it could actually give him a prize with a value much more than the money and that's a sense of self-worth.

It's just a case of "don't stop".

You know, don't stop.

Keep going. Don't even let them get a whiff of you.

OK. Madu. Louisa?

We're building a picture of somebody who is extremely organised, incredibly efficient, procedurally focused.

We know that he went to university in Swansea and he's got contacts down there.

One that comes up a lot of times is Noah Redfern.

He also has a number of businesses.

He has a cafe called Noah's Yard.

It seems like a real hang-out place, so a real meeting point.

So I think he is definitely worth looking at.

'Noah Redfern is associated with Madu.'

We'd like to speak to him.

I think we are all in agreement, certainly in here, that this is the next best lead.


I think there's a trapped sheep.

If that doesn't give me good karma, I don't know what will.

I'm a creative freethinker.

I share similar personalities to like, Einstein, as in I'm an obsessive, bumbling, professor, kind of non-linear thinker.

I have no idea where I am.

Somewhere about an hour, hour and a half outside of Swansea.

But I don't know, really... which is, yeah, generally been a trend of my journey.

At the moment, me and my family live in a one-bedroom flat.

My son is a baby-baby and we need a bigger house.

I want to win this show.

That would help towards a deposit.

At the moment I've got my baby's wardrobe in the living room, which is not ideal.

This is a vantage point.

If anyone suddenly appeared...

I would run.

I should see them coming along here, I would lie down and, hopefully, they will just drive by.

I need to go to where I can get support, My friend Noah owns a bar in Swansea.

If I can get under his wing, I'm going to be well protected.

Mr Redfern?

Can we have a little chat?

Thank you.

Have you heard from Madu?

No. He's got his own life.

He comes up and visits, doesn't he?

So he goes down to the bar and if he goes down to the bar...

He's lived here, hasn't he?

He used to live here, you know that.

I need to look at your phone.

Crack on. It's absolutely fine.

I know you guys are very clever.

You've wiped your footprint.

You've really planned this really well.

These guys are cleverer then you think. They don't need me.

They don't need my help.

I'm just going to have a look out here, OK?

Yeah, yeah.

In HQ, the hunters are focusing on Madu's key contacts and have confiscated his wife's phone.

Hi, Chris, Tinu's phone.

Can you work your magic on it?

Yeah, sure. I'll clone it now, OK?


This is Tinu's messages that have come off her iPhone.

And there are a total of 116,675 messages.

That's them arranging their first date.

So she is texting her friend saying that she is going on a date with a guy called Madu.

Obviously, we know that Madu and Tinu are fairly recent parents and there's a particular message, this one here from this Matthew Smith person, where it says, "Madu, I went to the shop today and they were up for hiding you."

I think individuals are far more vulnerable than they actually realise.

Computers never forget.

The internet never forgets.

More of us leave more information behind than we ever realise.

It's not just a digital footprint it's a digital tattoo.


No point in being subtle.

Madu's made it to Swansea and heads straight to Noah's mum's house.

Hi, it's Madu.

Can you help me?


Come on, get off the street for one thing.

I'm so happy to see your happy face!

Oh! You have no idea how hard it's been... them being after you. Hello.

Is it just you?


No. Me and Ayo, we couldn't handle it, man.

We just had to go our separate paths.

We were going to end up k*lling each other.

How's it been?


I've had such adrenaline today, and come here was...

I was bricking it.

Like...boom-boom, boom-boom.

I'm a bit weary.

I don't want to do nothing stupid.

What has he been doing to get so much attention off the hunters?

They've probably realised that he's pretty astute and therefore I think they probably don't trust him.

They have taken away a lot of his devices.

Have they?

To analyse.

I'm scared.

I thought, you know, going to see Noah, meeting people I love and that love me back, you know, would help me, you know, just have a lot more energy, and Noah could especially help me with the endgame.

But I'm thinking, I'm starting to feel like this is maybe the endgame for me right now.

I like the look of this.

It's a good job we put a tracker on Anna May's mum's car.

HQ hope the data from the tracker will give them a fresh lead.

It's throwing up some intriguing intelligence.

The vehicle has been remaining in the same area on a number of occasions - close to an associate of the girls, Stephen Barrett.

Guys, he is way older then Anna May's other friends and he doesn't feature as a friend on the mum's profile.

We are going to get him to hack himself.

Cyber investigates Stephen Barrett, using a technique known as phishing.

We are going send him a text, then he'll open the text and as long as he presses "next", we've hacked him.

It's pretty good.

That's what it looks like.

You press that.

There you are.

And then you just go, "Oh," and you enter your passcode and it's done.

We call that the self-knobble.

All right, we're in.

That's amazing. Boom.

I've been bouncing a theory around that the fugitives are headed home.

And, consequently, we're going to launch media appeals close to home.

And who knows, someone who doesn't like them might just see them and might just pick up the phone?

This is the Nick Cummings one.

I'm going to post that one more time.

The social media campaign is working.

People are talking about it.

Let's spread the word.

Let's crank it up.

Let's get the Great British public on board.

All we need is one member of the public to make that call and it's bang, back at it.

We're going to post this of Anna and Elizabeth and geographically focus our social media campaign.

We can hit 100 miles around West Yorkshire.

If they find out about this, this will be very stressful for them.

Do you know where Buckden House is?

I don't know, it makes me think it's up the hill...
Hello. How are you?

How are you?

Good, thank you. Good.

If you don't mind just waiting here just a couple of minutes.

There's a whole flock of sheep just around the corner.

Oh, how lovely. Where are we?

Where are we?

Yeah, we don't know where we are.

Nowadays, everyone relies on their phones and technology so much, even just for a map on how to get anywhere and we won't have the access to that, so, just have to use our brains.

I did Duke of Edinburgh and I wasn't the map reader on that.

We're doing D of E.

Ah, right, is it in bronze or silver?

Yeah, silver. Yeah, bronze. Silver.

Which one is it?

Not bronze. It's silver.

It's silver.

Oh, they are so cute.

How do they know where to go?

Well, they don't.

That's why we're here.

Thanks for waiting.

Both: No problem.

Bronze. Silver.

Just made an absolute tit of ourselves, saying we're doing D of E and saying different awards.

He looked a bit suspicious.

Things have taken a turn for the worst.

A turn for the worst.

That is awesome.

Stephen dot Barrett.

He knobbled himself.

Back at HQ, the cyber team have accessed Stephen Barrett's Facebook account after he fell victim to their phishing attack.

It will never show up on his phone, so...

So it's all about being stealthy and maintaining access.

Come and have a look at this.

This is from Barrett's Facebook.

This is chats between Anna May and Stephen Barrett going back to before they ran. Yeah.

She's saying, "You don't have to have a medium sized rucksack "I could borrow?" Yeah.

Doug, in Anna May...

I'm just checking but it doesn't look like he's in there.

That's interesting, that means she's deleted that conversation from her Facebook.

So that shows guilt.

According to LinkedIn, Stephen Barrett is the centre manager at Buckden House.

OK, so this is the Buckden House Outdoor Education Centre.

Out in the Yorkshire Dales.

Buckden House does camping for Duke of Edinburgh, so it could be somewhere they know.

They're young girls, I guess I could say, with respect, that they are vulnerable.

I would certainly feel, that as a father myself, if my daughter was on the run.

Catherine, their mother, she will want to put some plans in place for the girls.

Stephen Barrett could be this individual that the girls are reaching out to for this sanctuary, for this support.

Hello, gentlemen. We need you to get back behind Anna and Elizabeth.

The guy's name is Stephen Barrett and he is in Buckden.

We were all gearing on the girls heading back that way, anyway.

So we're thinking that is definitely a good place to start.

Good luck.

We're just heading towards Buckden.

Buck. Den.

We're going to need some food because I'm really hungry.

And a bed.

Yeah, and a Jacuzzi. Jacuzzi.

Yeah, I've been like twice, three times.

I've never been here before.

It's a tiny village.

I don't know if Stephen will actually be in, you know.

I'm wearing his rucksack at the moment.

That looks familiar.

Think it might be left here.

Hi. How are you?

I'm fine thank you.

Bet you're surprised to see us.

Not really. You're a hunted woman.

I know, yeah.

Are you Stephen?

Nice to meet you.

Do you think we're safe here?

No-one saw us come into this house.

It's hard to say, isn't it?

I know your mum said, "Every car's parked outside the house."

Did the hunters go to her house?


Oh, they've been to her house?


What, tell me what...?

Twice. Really?

Yeah. Yeah.

Holy macaroni.

The girls are starting to annoy me now. I just want them.

I want them out of play.

Even if a couple of individuals manage to win this 100 grand and evade capture, I'm not going to handle them getting away.

I would be devastated.

Your mugs were on the Facebook account. Oh, really?

Yep. Have you seen these people?

Oh, my God.

Yesterday 9.25am. Shit.

Thank you to those that have called in with information about Anna May and Elizabeth.

Did you give them a lift or have them knock on your door asking to spend the night?

Have you seen...?

Oh, my God.

Oh, thank you so much. Sorry.

They know we've been knocking on people's doors asking to stay.

They know we've been hitchhiking.

They know we've got a big network of people. f*ck me.

I'm scared about how much they know about what we've been doing.

I know. They know a lot about us.

How, though?

They're really upping their game.

I think we shouldn't look at it any more because we're going to get scared.

Let me just get off it.

I'm terrified.

I'm scared now.

Do you think they'll know we've been here?

I could lie.

Will you, please?

Pieces of shit.

(She breaks wind)

I'm so sorry about that! It's because I'm nervous.

I need a nervous poo.

I need a nervous poo.

I'm really nervous. It's poo time.

Kind of hit home about... how much information they can get access to really quite easily.

And it's quite terrifying, almost.

Right, Shall we be on our way?

Yeah, I guess.

Thank you for all your help and your food. No problem.

Really appreciate it.

It's been nice to see someone we, well, Anna knows.

And now you know. Yeah.

I feel like shit's got real now.

Thank you. Bye. No problem. See you later. Take care.

I really don't want to get caught.

We've never wanted something more in my life then this.

The prize is a life-changing amount of money, especially for people our age.

I just want to win so bad.

I can't tell you how much I want to win.

This compound here.

That's your entrance to Buckden House.

We're in the area of Buckden now, mate.

So remain covert whilst we've got Mr Barrett's phone monitored.

If the girls are out there, get him inadvertently to lead us to the girls.

Hello, sir. Me and my friend were wondering if we could get a ride with you, we're a bit stranded.

Where are you headed to?

Just anywhere.

Thank you. This is a nice van. This is a very nice van.

It's only done 850 miles.

Oh, really?

Oh, really?

My holiday in South Wales is over.

Madu has been hiding in a derelict beach house.

Coming to Swansea was my big reset.

It allowed me to rest and then I can sprint to the finish.

Now I have to get out of here because I feel I'm pushing my luck.

Local scaffolder, Chris, has agreed to give him a lift to a nearby station.

The rough game plan is head east.

I need to make some phone calls.

Do you want to borrow my phone?

That would be awesome.

I'm going to phone my friend, Matthew Smith, see if he can pick me up.

He's a member of my NCT group when my wife was pregnant, we went to kind of post natal training.

'Welcome to the O2 messaging service.'

Oh, well.

Thank you. I hope you make it.

Thank you. I hope so too.

May I just interrupt guys?

We might want to act on this quick.

There's a call made from a phone number ending 0062.

Mobile phone number belonging to Matthew Smith, the associate of Madu.

Having put Matthew Smith's phone under monitoring, the hunters detect an unfamiliar number.

It's related to a scaffolder who's based out of Swansea.


Which is interesting.

Yeah. It's a guy called Chris who runs Base Right Scaffolding.

It very well be that he's enquiring about a scaffolder, but I personally wouldn't employ a scaffolder that lives in Swansea if I lived in London.

Bye. So the phone call went straight to voicemail.

There is no transcripts.


Regardless of whether the recipient answers a phone call, that is still going through cell towers.

It's still leaving us a trace from one handset to another and exact times, exact locations of both of them handsets.

Hopefully this is Madu ringing to get some sort of assistance.

Who's next for card payment?



Yeah. I want to get to Reading.

OK, so we've got the cell site triangulation here.

This cell site is pinged up at Neath train station.

Train stations are inherently littered with CCTV.

We've got CCTV from Neath station.

Let's just download that.

25 minutes later, new images come through.

Oh, look, Oh, you...

Got you.

Oh, look. Oh, you f*ck...

Got you.

Following a suspicious phone call to a known associate of Madu, HQ have tracked him to Neath station.

This may be the scaffolder's vehicle.

They've used the scaffolders phone, thinking it was clean.

What's the time on this, Ben?


Well, Neath must be a tiny station, so it can't go to many places.

Can we work out the most logical routes, please?

There's a CCTV camera at the bottom of this platform.

I need to, somehow, get onto the train without that camera seeing me on it.

So, I'm going to use these people and hide behind them, basically.

I'll look a bit odd, but hopefully, I won't be spotted.


Job done.

Here we go, what's this one?

Neath station. OK, another one.

We've got him purchasing a ticket.

Get a trace of that, so we know where he's going.

This is CCTV of the train.

Madu looks to be in this group of people.

It's so difficult to work out which.

HQ confirm the destination of Madu's ticket.

Brought a ticket to Reading at 10:36.

Awesome. Thank you very much.

That one comes into Reading at 12:59.

Gives us 40 minutes.

One way or the other, we've probably got him in a tin can right now.

(Phone rings)

They're not going to make it in 40 minutes.

Good morning, guys. We've got some very strong intelligence in.

So, you've got the 10:36 train, Reading bound and that gets in at 12:59.

Can you start heading that way, please, guys, until we get any further intelligence?

Yeah. Thanks. Bye.

Simon, what trains near here get to Reading, because they're not going to make it in the car.

If we took the underground, we could get there in 42 minutes.

I think we're going to have to do that.

We have to consider any other stops he might get off at, but he brought it to Reading, so I can't see him buying a ticket and wasting money to Reading if he is going to get off before.

How are we looking exits-wise?

North, south and central.

A big car park here.

The station is a tricky one to cover, just because there are so many exit points and entrance points, but that's why we've got two teams going out to help do that.

Hey, Ben.

It set off a couple of minutes late, which is gutting.

What's your ETA to Reading?


Oh, damn, they're going to be too late as well.

OK, our window is rapidly diminishing.

If you happen to make up any distance, let us know.

If he gets out, it's difficult.

That window gives him a good head start.

Reading's a very small town.

The station's big.

It's a big central transport hub, but the town itself is tiny.

CCTV request on this road along here. Yeah.

And then it's a footway across here.

Just in case there's a car or a lift waiting.

If there's any underground passes as well.

CCTV that covers that roundabout.

This roundabout.


Ever so slightly paranoid.

Just don't feel safe.

So, his train should have got in by now.

Yeah, it has.

So, we need to do the main doors coming out the station.

Using CCTV batoning, HQ can follow Madu from one live camera to the next.

Moving out of the main entrance.


Main entrance to Garrard Street.

Garrard Street is right along, parallel with the station.

I need to find an address.

Some place where I can just hide out.

Madu is looking for a safe place, so he can make contact with his associate and arrange to be picked up.

Continuing south-west from the station.

We are just arriving at Reading station now.

Excuse me. Hello.

Are there any parks around here?

Fugitive is sighted outside the hexagon.

Go here. Yeah. In the middle of this road. Yeah.

Go by the police station.

Thank you.

He's going towards Reading Police Station.

He's going to hand himself in. Maybe he's going to hand himself in.

(Phone rings)

Yeah, go ahead.

OK, Paul, currently, fugitive sighted walking in the direction of Castle Hill Road.

OK, we are just at the roundabout now.

With Madu now suspected to be on the main road, both hunter teams approach from opposite ends.

You are coming up behind Madu and they are coming up from the front.

Excuse me, I'm just really trying to find the middle of nowhere, that I can ask a friend to pick me up in.

OK, literally, walk down the side, over a bridge, down the side of the canal, to a pub called The Cunning Man.

That would be perfect.

OK, Michelle and Paul, any sighting?

No. No, negative.

CCTV is now getting thin.

He has obviously peeled off somewhere round here.

Cheeky f*cking bastard.

If he's come off Bath Road, it indicates he's not continuing anywhere over here.

Could be heading...

What's all this then?

We need to think about the river pathway, because that's always been a nightmare in terms of getting CCTV, hasn't it?


Suspecting that Madu might try to avoid CCTV, the hunters shift their attention to the nearby canal path.

Working off this theory, I could head west along the northern side of the canal path.

Yeah, correct.


If we are, literally, halfway, we can get to one end of the river pretty quick and head off that side.

Yeah. Let's go. We're having this. He's f*cked.

He's going to hit one hunter team at either end.

There's a pub, The Cunning Man.

Can you give him that as well?

The canal path meets up at a pub, which is called...?

The Cunning Man.

The pub, The Cunning Man, it just seems a bit like Madu's style.

He would go to somewhere that is a little bit subtle, but also a bit of a, kind of, "Screw you."

Excuse me.

Hello. I heard there's a pub down there called The Cunning Man.

There is, yeah.

I've been currently running for 20 days.

I have a 12 week old baby now, when I left him he was nine weeks.

Crikey. And my wife said, if I don't make the 28 days, I might as well keep running.

(They laugh)

The Cunning Man.

If it works, it's aptly named.

If I win that money, me and my wife and son can buy a house for life.

Almost there.

Paul and Michelle, can you head towards The Cunning Man?

Cos that's where Ben and team are sweeping along that canal path as well.

Yeah. Love it. OK.

Let's get ready to jump out of this car.

There it is.

I'm going to go inside and buy a drink, I'm thirsty.

I'm just going to slow them down, to be a bit more covert.

Can you be slow, slow, slow and covert?

No worries, we're almost there. OK.

Yeah, got him. Got him. Eyes on.

Eyes on. Confirm, active message.

He's walking. He's on foot.

Keep eyes on.

We're going to take him out?

Going to need you two to be carful here. One opportunity.

OK, when you're ready, go for the capture.

Sh-h-h, sh-h-h, sh-h-h.

Got a lot, a lot, of CCTV cameras on this pub.

It's not the best location.

Madu, stay where you are. Stay where you are! Stay where you are!

Stay where you are, Madu!

Stay where you are!

In the park! He's heading away!

Stop. Stop. Stop. Come on.



Don't be stupid.

Sh-h-h, sh-h-h!

Madu. f*ck.

Your time on the run is over.

f*ck! You've been hunted down.

We have confirmed capture of Madu.



He looks gutted.

Great job. Awesome. Great job, everybody. Well done. So satisfying.

The cunning man, not so cunning, eh?

Was you a bit surprised?

A little. Yeah?

Yes, but obviously, I contacted friends and you guys caught me.

I had a sense that I was vulnerable when I was going through Reading.

I was maybe being too cocky.

I was getting onto trains, which were the most riskiest form of transport.

Once you get to your destination, if they have an idea that you are there, it's extremely hard to get away.

I'm questioning all the decisions I made and I'm just feeling very disappointed in myself.

It's been massively satisfying capturing Madu today.

It's only a matter of time before we get the rest of them.

Three days, 19 hours and 49 minutes to go.

All I've got to do is not get caught.

The pressure.

I'm having a panic attack.

100 grand.

It's up to us to spoil the party.


Right, sighting.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Duck down. It's a £1,000.

I'm feeling betrayed.

We are right on top of them.

Stand still! Please, stop.

Please, stop.

f*cking trying to run me over.

It's fast. They can simply throw their gear in and they can go.

Would you be able to give us a lift anywhere?

There, there, there.

Jesus. Oh, lets get these in the bag.