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02x04 - Season 2, Episode 4

Posted: 10/23/16 18:09
by bunniefuu
What is that?

It's following us.

Ten ordinary people from all over Britain have become fugitives.

Just stand up for me.

Put your arms out.

Going on the run will be the biggest thing that I will have ever done.

They have to disappear in one of the most watched countries in the world.

I hate authority, like, bearing down on me.

Tracking them down is an elite team of hunters...

Hack his phone, hack his hardware, search his house.

..armed with the powers of the state.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

Ayo, turn off the phone!

Here we go. Cell site location.

Well, get after them!

Excuse me.

But if they can evade capture for 28 days...

Missing the boys, missing home.

..they will win a share of £100,000.

100 grand. To be able to give money to my mum and actually put a deposit down on a house...

I want to win and I want to win in style as well.

There's no way you're going to catch me.

Got him. Eyes on, eyes on. Come on!

Where will they hide?

Who will they trust?

(Car horn toots)

(He shouts)

Ten fugitives. 28 days.


Someone's running.

What would you do?

Stay where you are!

Your time on the run is over.

Mikaela Skinner, you've been hunted down!

He's caught as well.

(Woman shouts)


Lolly has been hunted down.


Five down, five to go.

Let's go. Come on.

Nick Cummings.

This is CCTV. Looks like he got dropped off there and then he's walked into the New Forest.

(Dog barks)

He's not giving me any indication of any track or human scent.

So for me this is a dead end.

Can you smell the money yet?

Anna and Elizabeth. Last known sighting, towards Edinburgh.


To the hotline?

For the 250 quid reward?

Oh, shit. Oh, my God.

Ayo, don't... I'll have to do some crazy. Like what?

If you do it, I'll do something crazy. What are you going to do?

The mistake they've made is to go on the run with each other.

The relationship is going to come under stress.

Give it to me...

Ayo, can you let go of me?

Ladies and gentlemen, today heralds the start of week three.

They're really going to be feeling the pressure.

They are only halfway through.

The finishing line is a long, long way off for them.

So let's really keep our foot firmly on the pedal and see where we go.

(Helicopter overhead)

Madu, come. Quick, quick, quick.

Double time.

Double time, double time.

Childhood friends Ayo and Madu are in the Northwest.

For the last few days they've risked camping on public campsites.

I don't feel safe here now just simply because too many people know we are here. We need to contact my brother. No. Listen.

No. Listen to me. Ayo, no. Why, why?

No contact no-one. Why?

Why contact anyone?

Because he can, basically, arrange loads of people to start calling in and saying we are over here, we are over there and we are over there.

Don't... That's what we need.

That's what we need to do.

Get your stuff and let's go.

They could be on their way here right this second. We need to go.

You're moving too slowly.

When you're being hunted, you feel like prey all the time.

You actually...become suspicious of everyone, you become paranoid.

You live in fear.

That's what we're hoping for - to push people so far outside comfort zone that they can't stand it and they break.

That's what we want.

And that's how we find them.

So what we'll do now is...

They're speeding here, they could be ten minutes, they could be five minutes away.

And we're waiting for your ground sheet. That's what we're doing, yeah?

I'm not leaving my kit, my dry mac. I need that.

You're waiting for a ground sheet - that's what you're waiting for.

I'm walking.

Mr Adesina is such a panicker.

Madu is a f*cking liability, man.

They could be heading there right now. That possibility is back.

And that means we've got to f*cking move.

Ayo, stop there, stop.

I was not in a rush to get out of that place. Because you're a fool.

That's why you wasn't in a rush, cos you're an idiot.

Waiting for something to dry.

You're a d*ck.

You're another bag.

That's what you are.

You're another bag on my head.

I'm carrying you.

I'm going to start walking now.

Yeah, go on, then.

Tired of your overreaction.

Walk off. Go home.

I am. You see what happens.

Go back with the stuff. I'm not.

You're not...?

No. No?



You sure?

Yes. I'm going to do something mad as well. Fair enough.

And that's going to be it.

We'll all go home now. OK.

All right, cool. Cool.

I'm going to walk completely the opposite direction and we are going to get caught.

We ain't going to have jack shit.

So if you want to keep walking, keep walking. Cool. Done.

I'd rather just be on my own.

Make it my own or not make it on my own. At least...

Just peace and quiet is nice.

'Me and Madu have split up.'

No more arguing.

No more fighting.

Just making decisions on my own.


OK, everybody, time to review where we're at.

Let's start with Nick Cummings.


We are somewhat frustratingly a little bit behind the curve now with Nick Cummings.

He's a househusband.

He's the one at home, effectively raising his children.

Josh goes to a school in Taunton.

Tom is home-schooled.

There's a very close bond there with his two boys.

So I can't help thinking that he's staying pretty close to home.

(Nick hums)

Welcome to Somerton.

You'll never leave.

We spent all bloody day trying to go around you.

Oh, for flip's sake.

Are we lost?

No. We're just repeatedly in the wrong place.

Nick Cummings is staying one step ahead of the hunters, hiding out on familiar territory.

Just 30 miles from home, he is looking for his next camping spot.

Hello, sorry to bother you. We're are looking for West Bradley, cos it's a campsite.

Would that be all right?


Yeah, OK, that's brilliant.

Thank you very much.

Sorry, what was your name?

Sorry. Richard.

All right, Richard, I'm Nick.

Very nice to meet you. Nick.

Thank you very much for your help.

Come on in.

Hello, I'm very sorry to trouble you.

I am. That's right. Yes.

I've got to stay hidden for 28 days.

Sometimes Nick, you know, lacks a bit of self-belief in himself and doesn't realise, you know, how sociable and fun he is to be with.

Oh, dear. Do you need a torch?

I've got a little one that fits on my head.

Do you need a pillow?

No, I use my backpack.


'I think winning would give him just that little bit of extra confidence in who he is.'

And it doesn't matter that maybe, you know, he looks at the world in a different way. He's still successful.

There we go.

No. No, I'm not a criminal.

Would you give that to Nick?

Thank you very much. That's very kind of you. Cheers.

Now to light a fire or something?

Oh, yeah, that'll do.

That's very nice. Thank you.

That'll hit the spot. It's all a bit overwhelming, frankly.

Yeah, probably. You've got to be a lot more tactical. And ruthless.

You should be ruthless with it, because otherwise you're not going to get the most out of it.

You know, they've got all the kit but they've got to know where to put it...

Absolutely. look for you.

And as long as they haven't got a clue, you know, that's my advantage.

Is there any way we can perhaps focus on the family?

He's got to come up for air at some point and meet loved ones.

Can we thwart that?

Frustrate that?

Be across that?

We could start doing a little bit of...gentle antagonising.

Yeah. Let's just shake him up.


I'm Neil. I know.

We need to speak to you about your husband, Nick.

Over the last few days, the ground hunters have visited Nick's family home several times.

They've placed a tracker on his wife's car.

Thoroughly searched the property.

And bugged the house.

'The strategy that we're employing is focusing on a much psychological aspect.'

To the uninitiated it can look a little bit manipulative and a bit dark.

The boys must miss him.

Is that difficult with the kids?


Nick said he wasn't going to contact us and we understand that.


'What you are doing is you're getting into the mind of somebody' and you're looking for leverage.

Come on, in you go.

Just had something come up on our feed there. You what?

Just has something come up on our feed there from Joanne Cummings.

We're live-monitoring her Facebook updates.

And she's posted an update on Facebook.

"Beautiful roses from Nick for our anniversary."

Armed with another reason to visit, Amy and Neil head back to see Jo.

We're pretty certain that she is much more involved in this and she knows a lot more than she has been saying, so going to use your amazing charm to convince her to tell us everything.

You might want to get another team in if you're looking for charm!


Hello. Hello.

When was the last time Nick was in touch with you?

When he left. You haven't heard from him at all... No. ..since then?

Phone, e-mail, Facebook, things like that?

Excuse me for saying that I don't believe you.

Nick's had no contact with his wife since he went on the run.

Bloody glad I brought this thing.

But now, just five miles from home, he's hoping to intercept her on the school run to get some cash.

Got a plan to meet up with Jo and pick up money.

Once I've made contact with her I can start to be much more mobile.

And she literally could be here any time between three and four, really.

Did he send you a card or anything for your anniversary?

Um, he sent some flowers.

Oh, did he?


OK. Do you still have them?


Can you show me them?

When did they come?


That's nice.

While Neil interrogates Jo, Amy installs spyware on her phone, allowing HQ to monitor her communications.

Perhaps she's late.

What are you trying to work out?

If I could get there and back.

You want to go to your house?


Thinking about it.

Go on, do it.

This is pretty bold, Nick.

Yeah, sod it.

I've had enough of hanging about.

It tells me a lot about the kind of guy Nick is that he is still going to take a risk, and it is risky, to go and send you flowers.

That's quite commendable.

I miss anniversaries all the time.

There's our house there.


Nick spots his son Tom in the back garden.

Come here.


No, not yet. No, I'm still winning.

Can you, very quietly...?

Just go and get mum's hand and ask her to come up here.

Can you?

Don't say it's me.

Do you know where Nick is?

No, I don't. Really?

No, I don't.


Interesting conversation, Joanne.

We can't sit here, can we?

Cos if she goes by here, then she'll see us and we'll be rumbled.

There she is. Yeah, yeah.

They're watching the house, are they?

Good God.

Oh, lovely. You've got the money?

Lovely. Thanks.

How's it going?

OK. Take care.

Love you. All right?

They found... No...

OK, lovely job. You take care.

Oh, fine, OK. We're off.

OK, love you, bye-bye.

(He laughs)

Er, OK, what does this say?

"They know you're wearing a navy boiler suit."

OK, yeah.

"They took my phone, so I presume they have tampered with it. They assumed I would be lying and not telling the truth."

Good old Jo.

We beat the hunters.

(He laughs)

Well, so far, anyway.

If he manages to evade us, that could galvanise what we talk about as an inner heroic narrative within... within this quiet man who, I think, has probably been dismissed by pretty much everyone up to now.

And if that happens, then he starts to represent a real challenge to us.

To meet Jo under the scrutiny of the hunters means we are players now.

We're not just spectators.

You know, we're playing the game properly now.

And that's really good.

OK, are we ready for Anna and Elizabeth?

We're still running slightly behind at the moment.

Seems they're keeping completely sporadic.

Going north, south, north, south.

For the last two weeks, Yorkshire friends Anna and Elizabeth have stayed one step ahead of the hunters.

Averaging five lifts a day, they have hitchhiked over 2,000 miles.

♪ Oh, she's on the road again ♪
♪ And she doesn't know where she will be ♪
♪ Tonight. ♪

Hi, sir, sorry to disturb you, me and my friend are trying to hitch a lift down south and we're completely desperate.

It's just bizarre.

You don't know where the hell you're going to be at any one time.

Oh, God, we need to really get out of here. I'm stressing.

Hi, guys.

They're like a sheep cross a horse.

Yeah, like a giraffe.

CCTV and number plate recognition in operation. I'm a nervous wreck.

Me too.

After nearly catching the girls in Scotland, the hunters' media campaign is still yielding results.

'Hi. I've seen your fugitives. Two girls both wearing rucksacks.'

We stand out like a sore thumb here because everyone knows everyone.

That's what worries me, the potential that they might offer people a reward for any information leading to our capture.

I have a fund for information.

'I'm a businessman so money is the motivation.'

The girls' latest lift has dropped them in Windsor.

Right in the middle of the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations.


All this to go see the bloody Queen.

This could be a potentially a very stupid move.

(Brass band plays)

It's getting a lot scarier when you get more paranoid everyday.

It's difficult to know who to trust and especially with us not knowing where they are and how much they know.

It makes it more difficult.

Shall we go?

To go?


'They have to hold out and they have to outthink us. They have to be ahead of us.'

As time goes on, this is psychological warfare.

We're just wondering - we're absolutely desperate - if we could get a lift with you anywhere?

Just out of here.

We've got to get away as quickly as possible.

With no leads on Ayo and Madu since they went on the run, HQ turn their attention to the pair.

Looking at what we know about Ayo and Madu, they are different personalities.

Ayo is a bit more off the wall, a bit more of a maverick.

Madu is more structured and methodical, strict and disciplined.

I just wouldn't be surprised at this point if they've split up.

For £3, you can't go wrong.

Would it be possible if I could stay at one of your places?

I'm out. I'm out.

I'm out.

That is classic.

Ayo is going to want attention.

He's going to want involvement with people. He's egocentric as well.

Highly educated.

I've got two degrees.

Could give you a couple of days tuition for free?

Since splitting with Madu two days ago, Ayo's been relying on his charm to get by.

There is a camper van outside my front that you could use as long as you're not going to nick it.

Thank you very, very, very, very, very, very much.

He's convinced Amanda to let him stay in her camper van parked up outside the family home.

This is my home for tonight.

From a sheep shed to basically the five-star hotel.

If we offer them the opportunity to have attention, to do something risky, dramatic, Ayo will want to do it.

We need to exploit that.

Lauren, I've got a task for you.

Yes, Chief.

I would like you to go shopping.

OK. I can do that.

See, we want this, because that is what Ayo drives, to give to his daughter tomorrow on her second birthday.


To Eden. For her birthday.

I haven't really been away from her since she was born so I'm still guessing, trying to get my head around it all kind of thing.

So I'm sure she will be kind of wondering as well where Daddy is.

It certainly does change you, becoming a dad.

Growing up being a bit of a Jack the lad.

I think it's made me better and made me want to achieve more.

If I could win, it's £100,000 on the line, that is a lot of money.

'That would secure the future for my daughter, for my family. They are actually my number one priority.'

Chief. Yes.

We've got the present.

Lauren, your job is to put it together.

What we're going to do is take a photograph of it and put a picture of that on Twitter.


I want it on the Hunted HQ page.

Having already received antagonistic tweets from Ayo, the Chief believes he'll still be checking HQ's social media.

So we'll start off, "A special little girl is two years old tomorrow. Here's our gift to her. Hashtag dad on the run."

Absent father?

I love that.

"Hashtag absent father."

It's a window into the way your mind works, Toddington.


I'll take that as a compliment, sir.
What do you think of that then, Ben?


Best case scenario?

Ayo sees it and cannot help himself from retaliating.

Since he went on the run, Ayo has been using his IT skills to go online without giving away his location.

OK. Is this what mans are trying to do, yeah?

You see what they are trying to do?

"Hashtag absent father."

They're trying to go deep.

They're trying to go deep on, man.

Now you see this man here, yeah?

He's going to get it.

What's happened?

This Mr Bleksley. Trying to use my daughter's birthday. That's cheeky.

If they want to know what I'm getting my little girl for her birthday, boy, them get mugged off because I'm going to do a little mission impossible.

I'll go see her.

I really doubt that they are going to give her that present, anyway.

It's so heavy.

It plays music and stuff.

What do you mean?

What, you don't trust us?

Do you like it?

We're glad that she likes her present.

I'm going to unleash the pain.

I'm going to unleash the fire onto these people.

Especially that Mr Blekski... Belk...Bleksely.

That east London geezer.

Can't sleep because it's bloody freezing.

And I'm quite concerned and anxious.

I assume the hunters have been round to Jo already today.

At Nick's house, Amy and Neil are still staking out the area and keeping his family under surveillance.

I'm starting to think that I have been in the south and the south-west for too long.

So basically I need to make a big move and create a distraction so they're looking elsewhere while I make that move and put as much distance between me and the hunters as possible.

Hopefully Richard can help me.

He's the best bloke for it, I think.

I think he would be up for it.

After letting Nick camp in his garden, Richard takes him to a secluded camping spot in south Glastonbury.

I don't know.

Not me personally.

Confident that Richard is on his side, Nick asks for his help to throw the hunters off the scent.

I've got a little bit of a plan I'd like to hatch to fool the hunters a bit, so if you could help us with that, that would be very, very useful.

Is that all right?

Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely.

Thank you very much.

First, he borrows Richard's phone to call his neighbour.

It's Nick Cummings here.

'Oh, yes, hello Nick.'

Hello. How are you?

'I'm not too bad, and you?'

That's good. Yeah, very good.

I've got about ten days to go now and I'm doing really well.

I just wanted to ask you if you could just do me a little favour and get a message to Jo for me, please?


For his plan to work, Nick's banking on the hunters monitoring Jo's phone.

Can you ask Jo, please can you call Cathy, and tell Cathy that I've messed up and I've lost my tent and sleeping bag and I'm soaking wet.


So, can I meet Cathy at the gym tomorrow, Friday, at midday.

And please can you ask her to give me £100.

Nick gives Richard his instructions for the diversion and swears him to secrecy for the next 24 hours.

Well, thank you very, very much.

You've done a tremendous amount.

Thank you.

I'll swing by later.

OK. Lovely. Cheers.

Do you think you can trust Richard?

Yep. Absolutely.

The guy wanted to give us help without even knowing what we were doing.

I think he is also up for the game as well.

I think he's up for the subterfuge.


Do you want to come over my shoulder and have a look at this, mate.

OK, so we have just got some phone intercept in for Joanne, Nick's wife.

Can we crunch this through the system?

Let's just listen to this.

For the last week, HQ has been monitoring Joanne's communications.

(Phone rings)

'Hello. Hello, Kathy, how are you?

'I'm all right.


'I've got a message from Nick and he's having problems so are you going to the gym tomorrow?

'Yes. So he was telling me about meeting about noon.

'OK, I can do that.

'With money as well.

He'll be there in a boiler suit.

'Oh, right.

And a wig, apparently.

'Yep that's absolutely fine.

Does he need anything else?

'No, no. I think that's fine.

'Thank you. Bye.'

Perfect. This is what generally happens two, three weeks in.

People get tired.

Psychologically they are battered and they make mistakes.

So we've now got sight of this plan, this contact.

HQ throw all their resources behind investigating Nick's contact Kathy.

We've got the name of the gym on the bank statement of Kathy Terry's husband.

It's a good place to meet.

It gives so many routes in and out for Nick.

It is so expansive that if he is dressed up like some kind of maintenance guy he wouldn't really get that much attention.

I referred to Nick as a grey man but he is no longer grey at the moment.

Certainly not wearing a wig and a boiler suit.

It is basically telling us where Nick will be tomorrow at noon.

Erm, simple.

Are you making a brew?


A coffee, Tracey, please.

Well, to be honest with you... this ain't bad for a £3 sub at all!

Having befriended Amanda in a sandwich bar, Ayo has been taken in by her relatives, the Scane family.

Yeah, we've been looking.

There's no dodgy vehicles been about round here.

Ayo's asking for their help.

He is planning his revenge on the hunters following the Chief's tweet about his daughter.

I want to taunt the hunters a bit.


I want to have a go at them.

So I'm going to try and see my family in London.

And I'm going to need all of yours help.

Come on.

The family take photos to post on social media.

To make the hunters think Ayo's near Shrewsbury while he actually heads to London.

So let's get Julie on here.

Ayo also decides to turn the tables on the hunters by putting them on their own Wanted posters.

Holly. Holly. Scane.

All right, OK.

11-year-old Holly will send the posters from her Twitter account once Ayo has left to see his daughter.

I think that there is a danger they might find you.

Yeah. That is true.

Erm, but hopefully... they won't!

So, basically, see all these wanted posters?

I'm going to need you guys to go on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on everywhere you can.

It's going to confuse everybody to what is real, what is not real to... to distract.

To distract them.

I'm in.

All: In!


I'm walking into the lion's den, but I've got bravery and I've also got a very thought-out plan.

Distract. Attack. And then leave.

A boiler man is back.

It's the day of the meeting with Kathy at her health club.

Nick is hoping the hunters will be there.

OK, let's do it. Let's go to work.

Come on.

There is a 60/40 chance that they won't turn up and there is 60/40 chance that they will turn up.

I will see you this evening.

Er, either like this or bound and gagged and tied to a chair with several grumpy hunters stood around me.

Hi, Amy. It's the Chief.

Hello, Chief. How you doing?

All right thank you.

More importantly how are you doing?

We're all right.

We like a challenge.

Having intercepted a call made by Nick's wife, ground hunters Amy and Neil are lying in wait.

There's literally six or seven car parks attached to this place.

This is a vast resort. OK.

I'm sitting in the higher, the higher one of those car parks, principally because I can look down to the T-junction and the main entrance and just clip any vehicles going in.

As far as we can tell at the moment, her cars are not here.

Neil is on foot, pottering about with his baseball cap on backwards in a bit of lycra trying to blend in.

We'll hopefully be able to ping cars coming in and out from three of the four points.

Really, boss, it's a case of sit tight and let's see what happens.

From this end, we've got all the vehicles known to them on AMPR.

We've got phone monitoring and cell site analysis of the phone.

If it moves, we should be made aware of that.

We are covering as many bases as we possibly can.

'Standby. Standby. I've got eyes on Nick Cummings.'

Eyes on Nick Cummings.

Oh, thank God.

He is walking my left to right.

He is walking past me.

He's foggy to me.

So I'm going to have to do...

'Amy, we've Neil - eyes on.'

Which car park do you want me at?

'Overflow car park, Amy.'

All right. Give us two seconds.

OK, I've still got him.

I can see the top of his head.

Can we confirm that this is an absolutely positive ID?


He's got a black woolly hat on.

Black wig, boiler suit.

It's Nick Cummings.

He is just at the junction of all three entrances to the main car park.

Let's not just waste any more time.

Go ahead for the capture.


On your left, Amy, I'm just behind you. I'm just behind you.

I'm walking behind you.

He's on your left now.

Are you ready?

Looking left. Looking left. Looking left. Looking left.

I'm going to block this car park, guys.

I'm coming in front of him.

I'm going to take him out right now.

Neil come with me.

He's going to make a run for it, people.

He's going to make a run for it.

f*ck. f*ck.

Grab. Grab. Grab.

Nick Cummings.

You've been hunted down, buddy.

Your time on the run is over.


Wait, we haven't got confirmation that it's him.


Amy: We've got a double, Lou.

Yep. Got that.

Who are you?


You've got the same nose.

Nice one. Cheeky bastard.

Fingers crossed he is the other side of the country.

Over 250 miles away, Nick has successfully hitchhiked his way out of Somerset.

I started off as the comedy turn, the guy in the boiler suit with the big boots and a knackered push bike and I've beaten the lot of them.

Today is the day that, you know, we come out of the trenches and we go over the top.

Ayo is making his final preparations to travel home to see his daughter.

Let's pack this all up for Operation London.

Before he makes his getaway, with the help of Matthew Scane, Ayo kicks off his false trail to lead the hunters towards Shrewsbury.

If we ring them from here, that means that they will definitely come here.

When I make that call, I'm out of there anyway.

So, hopefully, I'll be miles away before they get here.

(Phone rings)

Hunter Headquarters.

Hello, can I speak to Bleks, please?

I think it's Peter Bleksely?

There is someone who wants to talk to you personally.

Hello. Hello. Is this Mr Bleksely?

Yes, it is.

You know the other day you tweeted me, what I'm going to get for my daughter?

Well, at this rate, bro, it's going to be a share of that £100,000.


Because there is no way that you're going to catch me.

If it's Ayo we can obviously track that call.

What we need to do is, we need to find out where that number is coming from.

Look, Mr Bleksely. Listen, mate, Listen, yeah.

You think you're some kind of bad man, innit?

You think you're some kind of rogue man.

Let me tell you, Ayo, I'm the Chief of the Hunters, that's who I am.

But right now, you're not doing a very good job, are you?

I think I've got to the stage where I just thought I might as well call you.

Are you having a good time?

I'm having a whale of a time, I'm telling you.

I'll see you in about ten days at the finishing point, yeah?

I'll see you later, mate.

Take it easy.

He's clearly responded to our posting.

He's chomping at the bit.

I think Ayo is going to continue to be a cocky git and we'll wrap him up, which is great.

Here we go, cell site location.


There we go.


♪ On the road to London. ♪

Now, the plan is in full motion.

Ayo checks to see if his wanted posters have been put online.

Right, so we got a Tweet two minutes ago.

So, Holly, you know, on time, exactly as she should be.

She's hit the button and she's got Peter Bleksely.

"Looks like I'll be getting the share of that 100K for that special girl."

She has also tweeted all the wanted posters.

You see, taking down these Hunters with a little 11-year-old girl.

Chief. Yeah.

You might want to come and check this out.

So, what's happening here is that we've just picked up this Twitter feed and they have created wanted posters of some of us Hunters, saying the Hunters have now become the hunted.

It's not even my best picture.

There's a trick in this somewhere and it is about working out exactly where the trick is.

Based on the telephone number of the Twitter account, there's a phone number associated to that. I've done a work up of the phone number and it comes back to a Facebook account of a person by the same name.

Holly Scane.

Here's a family photograph.

We've got Tracey Scane.

Matthew Scane and Holly Scane.

They live in Wem.

Wem is near Shrewsbury.

Ben, we've got some vehicles for the Scanes.

Could we get those immediately on the ANPR, please?

And also retrospective?


Thank you very much.

OK, the first one is Mazda Bongo - never heard of it and it's purple in colour.

A camper van of theirs.

Yeah, it seems like a camper van, this one. Yeah.

Second vehicle, a white Mazda 5.

Oh, have you seen the picture that's just been posted to Hunter HQ?

It looks like Ayo with Holly.

It's too obvious for me.

He almost wants us to come to Shrewsbury for some sort of trap.

So, the white Mazda is on the move quite significantly.

It's hit lots of ANPR's.

The most recent at the A1, past Henly's Corner.

I'm happy now.

I'm back in familiar territory.

We've been in the car for ten minutes and we haven't even moved five metres. This is London.

What I'm thinking here, could he be heading back to London?

I'm going to send a team there I think. Yeah.

You can't investigate in a linear fashion. It just doesn't work like that, because you're investigating human beings.

You need that hunch, you need that gut feeling.

Nic, it's Ben. Hi Ben.

I need you to get to A1 Henly's Corner.

Right. We believe we have a vehicle with Ayo in.

If you can start transiting to that area and we can lock you onto the live ANPR feeds.

The vehicle is a white Mazda.

I'm excited.

We said he was in London.

Yes! Yes!

Go on! Go on! Go on!

Now, I just need to be even more careful.

So, this is the direction they are going.

That's where Ayo's parents live.

Well, Nic and Dani should be in that area now.

We're on the A1 heading south.

Come on! Move!

Probably made a mistake - they might know that this is where I'm heading. They might have guessed where I'm heading.

I don't really know how much danger I'm in, if I'm totally honest.

I can't see Ayo heading to London without going to see someone that he knows.

I mean, we're coming up to Tottenham now.

We're really getting close to my area.

The thing is, I'm thinking, because now I'm getting proper paranoid.

So, we've got further ANPR hits for the white Mazda.

(Phone rings)


Not so long ago, it was just going past Wood Green tube station.

We're there. How long ago, Ben?

Ten past five. OK. It was going past Southcote Avenue.

OK, so, that's right where we are.

Southcote Avenue.

Right, they are right on top of that last ANPR.

Right, at the end of this road, at the very end, you're going to go right.

We're going to stumble across him.

Are you pretty feeling nervous?

Yeah, because, obviously, I'm at my mum's house. They're not going to be round here, but they could be, literally, on that road somewhere.

Just park here in this yellow line.

That's it.

Yeah, received.

That might be them, you know?

There was a Mazda there with lights on. What?

There was a Mazda parked up there.

Matt, lets go straightaway.

Let's go.

Look, its moving away.

That's it. That's it.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!


That's them! It's them!

It's them!

They're turning round.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!

f*cking, come on!

Hello, its Ben.

Ben, we're behind the vehicle now.

It's made off. They're making off, as in, has it seen you?


Where is your location?

Evering Road.

Heading towards the Alpha 10.

Left here, left, left, left.

Keep going, they are going to get stuck at those lights.


They're lost. Lost.

Luckily, you can only go left at the lights.

Pull down this road and pull up somewhere on this road.

Oh, he's so nearby!

This fucker, I want to get him.

So, are you convinced that the white Mazda saw you and saw your vehicle?

100%, yeah.

Ayo, just give me a second man.


No, but I might not have a second, innit.

Realising the Mazda is no longer safe, Ayo decides to flee on foot.

He'll be out of that car if he's got anything about him.

We've got Gillett Square on our right-hand side, where we've got Asorock. If he's going to go anywhere, he's going to go there, surely?

OK, go for it.

f*ck it. Let's go.

Ayo heads to the family restaurant, hoping to get help from his brother.

I'm going round the back way and I'm going to get my brother away from there, which is f*cking crazy.

I think I should get out on foot, Dan.

We need to separate.

Fucksake. I can't believe this.

Hey, where's my brother?

Where's my brother?

Where's my brother?

So, we've had the live CCTV.

So, a man of your description has been seen in Gillett Square, which is where Asorock is.

Just tell him to come and f*cking meet me there now!

Tell him to come.

There, there, there, there!

Yes, hurry up! Hurry up.

Right, Gillett Square now, guys.

Gillett Square.

Fucksake, man.

We're just going to have to pray and hope that we are going to get out of here quickly.

If it's them up there, it's going to hard to spot a black man round here, mate.

Right, Boss, it's busy, busy. Ahmed!

Ahmed. Ahmed. Ahmed.

With no sign of his brother, Ayo spots a friend, who lives in the area.

Basically, yeah, we need to go into your house.

Go to your house now, yeah?

It's cool?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


All right.

The helicopter will be up in five minutes.

He's on the run. He needs a safe house to stay for the night.

Can I stay here tonight?

You know me, boss man.

We're looking to cut off every single possible route of escape that he could have.

We want to box him in.

Sweat it out, till he pops his head up.


Basically, the whole of London is going to f*cking now I'm here now.

What we're trying to do now is build a brick wall around him.

This is my turf and I'm not going to be caught here.

No way.

Doing literally house to house trying to flush him out. Go. Go.

Someone has let us in.

Oh, my God. I'm terrified.

I'm scared now.

They do have the power to turn people against us.

Yeah, all right, f*ck off.

Madu. Oh, you...

Just don't feel safe.

Yeah, got him. Got him!

Eyes on. Eyes on.

We've got eyes on him.