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02x03 - Season 2, Episode 3

Posted: 10/23/16 18:09
by bunniefuu

Do you hear that noise?

What noise?

What is that?

It's following us.

Ten ordinary people from all over Britain are about to become fugitives.

Just stand up for a minute.

Put your arms out.

Going on the run will be the biggest thing that I will have ever done.

Full of metalwork.

I always ask the question, can I still soldier?

They have to disappear in one of the most watched countries in the world.

I hate authority bearing down on me.

You've just got to make sure you leave no trace.

My greatest advantage in this is my politeness.

Excuse me. Sorry.

Hello. Sorry.

Tracking them down is an elite team of hunters...

Hack his phone. Hack his hardware.

Search his house.

..armed with the powers of the state.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Will you turn off the phone?

Here we go. South side location.

Well, get after them!

But if they can evade capture for 28 days...

I'm missing the boys. Missing home.

..they will win a share of £100,000.

100 grand!

Be able to give money to my mum and put a deposit down on a house.

I want to win and I want to win in style, as well.

There's no way you're going to catch me.

Got him. Eyes on. Eyes on.

Come on!

Where will they hide?

Who will they trust?

There's no other lady that I know who would ever ask me to go on the run with her.

Stand still!

10 fugitives. 28 days. £100,000.

Someone's running.

What would you do?

Stay where you are!

Hang on. Hang on. Sighting.

Right, right, right, at the roundabout.

Four fugitives were caught.

Your time on the run is over.

Mikaela Skinner.

You've been hunted down!

OK, got Mikaela. We've got Mikaela.

And he's caught as well.

But six fugitives are still on the run.

If they evade capture, they'll win a share of £100,000.

Anna and Elizabeth, Nick Cummings, Ayo and Madu and Lolly Jones are still on the run.

They may be cold, tired, running short of cash.

They may be more likely to make a mistake.

We've got to ensure that we are in a position to exploit those mistakes.

After nearly two weeks, the remaining fugitives have covered the length and breadth of the nation.

OK. Let's start with Ayo and Madu.

We still don't have anything on their initial move.

The phone pinged on Monday, on the first Monday.

I'm surrounded by shit, yeah?

Yeah. We're going to sleep in there tonight.

If the hunters find me here, yeah, then, boy... like, they deserve it.

Anna and Elizabeth, last known sighting towards Edinburgh.

It does fit in with the route, what the informant told us.

I didn't think I'd get this paranoid.

That's what they want you to feel, isn't it?

They want you to get nervous and paranoid.

We need to get out of here.

Yeah, we do.

So, Lolly.

In terms of her trail, we've got scant little at this point in time, and we need to get behind her.

I'm so exhausted.

I've not slept in three days, probably, either.

And it's freezing cold.

You know what the hardest bit's been?

Having no money.

Nick Cummings.

No new associates for Cummings.

It's like a desert. I feel that is probably the key.

There's probably some key associates that we're just not into.

HQ have yet to discover Nick's strategy for avoiding detection.

A pessimist may say that the trail has gone cold.

We'll find him. We've got dogs, and drones and helicopters and committed hunters on the ground.

Good morning.

I hope it is. It's day 13.

I put on some clean pants in case they do arrest me, so, you know, you've always got to do that.

I'm ready to rock.

I'm not going to pieces.

I'm going to work.

So far, Nick has evaded the hunters by staying rural in the West Country and camping in farmers' fields.

For the 16 and 17 years that I've been a house-husband, there are a lot of limitations on what we can and can't do.

Jo is a hard-working GP, putting all the hours in, and I stay at home and look after the two children, one of whom is a bit autistic.

I want to have an adventure and I want to win a large sum of money.

I'm not particularly cunning, or sneaky.

I'm just trying to keep as low a profile as possible, and just be the grey man, and I just slip through, and then, 28 days later, I pop up, and there I am.

We've managed to break into Nick Cummings' e-mail.

His Gmail account. Brilliant.

We're checking out some history and there's a few things that stand out.

National offline cycle path.

OK. Brilliant. Excellent.

Using passwords discovered on Nick's confiscated laptop, HQ have hacked his online accounts.

About a month before he went on the run, he was buying a "'70s style shag wig."

Right. And a YMCA-style handlebar moustache.

He has now searched recently for best backpacking tents, best mattresses.

Disguises, how to avoid detection.

However, in his background and personality, I'm not sure I see much capability for him to live in the wild.

He's an armchair Bear Grylls, an armchair James Bond, and let's see how he does out in the wild, away from the armchair, the comforts of his home.

OK, let's pack this away.


I saw in one of his messages that he described himself as "technically unemployable".

So I think he sees himself, possibly, as a bit of a failure as a husband, possibly.

His wife's very successful and he perhaps hasn't had the same level of success that she's had, and, maybe, by doing this, he's looking at some way to prove his worth to her, and to the world.

Winning it would be great because that just, basically, shuts everything up, you know.

Everybody up.

I think it would stop me being so self-critical about my abilities, or lack of them, er... and, erm,... start to say, well, actually, you know...

You may have thought this about yourself, Nick, but you actually achieved something there.

You did something.

And you beat the odds.

And if I fail, it's all true, really, isn't it?

I'm definitely one for an underdog, so there is a little part of me that hopes he does quite well.

But a bigger part of me that wants to catch him.

HQ have also discovered that Nick has a very small circle of friends.

He just doesn't have a big network of people.

From his social media, he talks to a lot of people, but on a very superficial level.

These are not friends, or even associates, these are strangers.

Right, OK.

So, I'm basically going to write out the letter to Paul and include the bank cards.

In need of cash, and suspecting HQ monitor ATM withdrawals, Nick has a plan to use an old school friend to get money.

Paul Nash is a guy I used to go to school with, same year as me, and a really nice bloke and...

Oh, God, I hope this works, otherwise you go home.

Good luck, little card.

"Hi, Paul. Nick here. All very busy and knackering at the moment, but all under control. Please can you withdraw £100 for me and we will meet on the Thursday."

I think we're inching closer, aren't we?

I think we are with him.

I feel like we are.

He's not a stupid person, he's pretty intelligent.

Yes. Time on his hands and a wig on his head.


I really hope he's wearing those when we capture him.

So do I. Yeah.

Let's get back to work.

Hi, Amy. Hi, Neil and Theresa.

I've also got here Julie, as we've got some new bits and pieces.

It's in connection with Nick Cummings.

Scouring Nick's social media, just handful of friends have emerged as significant contacts.

So we've only identified at the moment three additional associates.

Two of them are associated to his wife Joanne, and the other one, Paul Nash, is associated to him.

Paul Nash works for a medical company and he is in Verwood.

What we would like you to do is just go and see if you can get eyes on, have a conversation.

Shall we just be a bit brutal with him?

Sure. I don't mind being a bit brutal with him.

(He knocks at door)

Good morning to you, sir.

How are you?

Hi, I'm Neil.


I'm Paul. How can I help you?

We want to know about Nick Cummings.

We want to know when was the last time that you spoke to him.

I can tell you when I last spoke to him. It would be by phone before he left.

How do you know each other?

I know Nick from school.

We haven't really met since, but we have been friends on Facebook.


Do you have an up-to-date phone number for him?

No. No, I don't.

I genuinely... The first time I heard from him, he called me about a month and a half ago.

You haven't seen each other since you left school in the '80s, so if you are the best friend in the world that he has, that is a bit disappointing.

Your knowledge of Nick is limited.

You could barely answer any questions, which you can't now.

I'm a bit pissed, to be fair.

What I know of Nick, he is a really smart guy.

We will move on.

Thanks for your time.

Sorry, guys. No, no, it's fine.

Thank you very much.

A bit of a waste of a drive.

He doesn't.

He doesn't f*cking know him.

This guy has got no f*cking friends at all.

With no new leads, and suspecting Paul Nash could be withholding information, HQ put his phone under surveillance.

Nick Cummings is a challenge.

I think we are slowly gaining some kind of traction as to his very small network.

He'll reach out to them, he's got to.

Wow. This is so remote. I love it.

It's like a proper little house.

It's got a conservatory and everything.

Fugitive Lolly is lying low in rural Norfolk, relying on a network of friends for accommodation.

There are bedrooms here.

There's no heating.

Here, I feel completely safe.

With no hunters in sight, Lolly has her eyes on the finishing line.

£100,000, oh, my God.

It would mean, like...

Being able to go to the pub with my mates and have a pint, like, whenever I get asked.

And not say no.

It'd mean being able to take my mum on a little cruise, which she's always wanted to go on.


Doesn't happen to people like me.

What I've found here is Lorna Jones goes by the name Lolly Jones.

We're just doing a social media sweep right now, so we're taking a look at her Facebook, we're taking a look at Twitter, Instagram.

By analysing her social media, HQ hope to predict how she might behave and who she could turn to.

I'm getting...

I feel now, a very deep insight into Lolly, what makes her tick.

While the presentation of herself to the world in her other social media forums is very much, you know, one of a woman of confidence, on Facebook, what I see is the tale of someone who is lonely, looking for the right person, who is, I would suggest, needy.

Since I've been in my 30s, life is suddenly about, "Oh, you don't have a mortgage?"

And, "Oh, don't you have a boyfriend yet?"

And, "Oh," like, "you work in a job where you're just photocopying for a living?"

For me, what's important is a lot of really great friends, having a laugh and feeling supported.

She's probably relying on other people, relying on a plan.

Every plan fails the moment it makes contact with the enemy.

We are their enemy.

I don't think I've made any silly mistakes yet, but I know that I'm going to have to, because I'm going to have to get money off a friend again.

That's dangerous.

But if I don't get that money, then I can't stay on the run.

The priority this morning is to get in front of Emily Sills.

She's very significant to the fugitive.

Ground hunters Carl and Mark are tasked with questioning the owner of the getaway car Lolly used to escape from Birmingham.

Hi. Hello. Emily?

I guess you know why we're here?

Emily, I'm not here to muck about, I'm not here to be played like a fool, OK?

Quite simply, we need to talk about Lorna.

Some things we're interested in, first of all, is your phone.

Super, thanks.

What's your PIN?

We can have a chat back at our work, all right?

In relation to what we know and what you know.

In transit to Hunter HQ, a text arrives on Emily's phone.

(Phone beeps)

Mark responds, pretending to be Emily.

A friend of hers has indicated Lorna has a mobile phone.

I've tried every trick I can at the moment to get it out from her without concerning her enough to think, "Why does she want it?"

Crucial bit now. "What about SJG?

"Delete that message straightaway."


All right, does that mean anything to cyber?


It's initials, is what I'm thinking.

Suspecting SJG is assisting Lolly, open source analysts discover she has a friend called Sophia Jackson Gill.

I've got to go back to London at some point and meet a friend, to get some money.

So, here's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to write to Sophia and Matt via letter.

Dear Sophia and Matt...

Lolly has devised a secret code to communicate with Sophia.

Please confirm by leaving a review on the Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon game on the internet.

Please use the following code.

If it's OK to meet at nine, please state that you can play this with your nine-year-old.


And that should be foolproof.

Got to take chances in life, got to roll the dice.

OK, Aisha, yesterday afternoon, Mark Cannoner was interviewing Emily Seals.

He was in possession of her phone when somebody entered into a text conversation with him.

So far, the hunt for Lolly has produced only one significant lead.

A name.

SJG turns out to be Sophia Jackson Gill.

Golf, India, Lima, Lima.

She's married to Matt Jackson Gill.

I want to establish any vehicles for them, I want their post monitored.

A real thorough job, please.

Lolly is unaware the state has the power to seize mail at the sorting office before it's delivered.

We would intercept that mail, we would have look inside of it, to see what's in there, and close it back up as if it had never been opened before and pass it through.

Hopefully in the same timescale so they're alerted, or not suspicious.

There's nothing else I can do.

I think this is the safest option.

So if I pull this off, I'm a genius.

If it all falls apart, I'm an idiot.

It could be a pivotal day, really.

Could be the day I get caught.

Nick Cummings is in the West Country, running low on cash.

So what I'm thinking at the moment is I'm going to meet Paul, the guy who got the money out for me.

Hello, thanks for stopping.

Are you OK for Honiton?

Yeah, yeah.

So I'm a bit stuck, I'm trying to meet with one of my friends who lives down in Verwood.

Nick hopes to meet his friend Paul Nash, who he's asked to withdraw some money for him.

Want to use my phone?

That would be excellent, actually. Yes.

Thank you very much.

Anyway, I'm Nick.

Very nice to meet you.

Hello, Richard, nice to meet you.

(Phone rings)

Oh, hi. Yeah, it's Nick.

I wonder, can I get in touch with you?

Because I'd like to meet you...

No, no, Paul, it honestly is.

How can I prove it, er...

Oh, God, Creepy Crawley.

Mr Crawley. He was our form tutor for a year, wasn't he?

How are you anyway?

I'm doing great.

Incoming, outgoing call logs, Paul Nash.

Ah, Paul Nash! Incoming contact.

The hunters have established Paul Nash's regular callers.

But a new, unidentified mobile has been in contact.

Have a look at that number, please.

It's Greaves, G-R-E-A-V-E-S.

Greaves, yeah.

HQ identify the owner of the phone Nick used to call Paul.

Paul Nash's handset, who we have on live monitoring, has been in contact with an unknown number.

The number that has phoned Paul Nash...

Just a very quick and simple Facebook search for that phone number has come back to a Mr Greaves.

If that is Nick at the end of it then it's very interesting.

We could very well in the next hour have a location for Nick Cummings, which is incredibly exciting, because we haven't actually had any of that since he went on the run.

Getting a little bit excited, Nick?

Oh, sick in the stomach, mate!

This is make or break, really.

Ah, that's him. Hello, Paul?

We're just in Verwood now.

Nick Cummings is meeting his school friend Paul Nash who's withdrawn money for him.

Oh, yes, here. Yeah, yeah.

Straight ahead. Straight ahead.

Got you. We're behind you, Paul.

Come and jump in the car.

We can just drive off.

They won't catch us.

First time I've seen him in 30 years!

Come in, Paul. That's it. Great.

How you doing, man?

Christ, this is exciting! Get in.

There we go.

I'm wired out of my head.
How you doing, Paul?

Good to see you, man.

What's happening?

Did the hunters have any idea about what I might be doing or where I might be going or how I might look?

No, none whatsoever.

Right, Louisa. Yeah?

We've got the intercept from the call from Greaves to Nash.

Right, this is it. Go for it.

Recording: 'Hello.'

'Yeah, it's Nick.'

So, we've got confirmed Nick on the phone with Richard Greaves and Paul Nash.

'Paul, come and jump in the car. We can just drive off. They won't catch us.'

OK, so, that was confirmed meet.

£100 on the card. Brilliant job.

Thank you very much, Paul.

That's a life-saver.

I went and did some spying on them.

Oh, right. Sure. OK.

XC90 sort of thing. Yeah, fine.

Ginger-haired Scottish guy.

Yeah. OK.

They're people, they've got shades on.

They're hiding as well.

Take it steady, man. Good luck.

Great to see you and see you on the other side.

Yeah, absolutely. Two weeks, man.

No worries.

Thanks a lot. You take care.

See you again. No worries. Bye-bye.

Can you smell the money yet?

(He laughs)

So, this is CCTV at a location where Richard Greaves, his phone pinged at this Texaco garage.

That is a guy...

With the white hat on, backpack, who is marching past.

Different angle.

So, that's him, then.

So, he did get dropped off there.

Awesome. Brilliant.

This is good.

Oh, this is so much better.

Yeah. He got dropped off there, and then he's walked.

Got to be in the New Forest, so we've got to make this...

We've got to make this work.

Yeah, we do.

Yeah, just a day for your diary this one, I think, really.

Just say, "Nick done it."

Phone: 'So, what we're asking you to do is to kind of spread out,' cover the area as widely as you possibly can and let's see if we can work ourselves a bit of luck.

The hunters are just four miles behind Nick.

George and Karen, I'd like you to meet a dog unit.

Mark and Carl, I'd like you to work your way north.

OK, then, guys.

We might get it here.

Mark and Carl deploy a drone with thermal imaging technology... while Karen and George use dogs to attempt to pick up Nick's scent.

Hello. How you doing?

Farm workers Matt and Chrissy have agreed to help Nick plan his next move.

I'm actually trying to get away now, so if you could give us a lift, that would be tremendous.

OK. I've got somewhere you could go after here.

OK. I'd rather not, if that's all right. Yeah?

I'd rather just disappear.

(Dog barks)

Good boy, find him. Come on.

What I need out of you, please, is your silence for the next two weeks.

We've got a large open area.

The wind is coming slightly into his face so it should give me an indication of any human scent in the air, so we'll just track down and see what we can get further down.

Do you know if they've been on your tail?

Do you know if they've been close?

No, I don't know. No.

All I know is I'm not dead yet.

He's not giving me any indication of any track or human scent, so for me this is a dead end.

(Phone rings)

All right, chief?


Hi, Mark. Hi, Carl. It's Louisa.

We've got no indications of any heat source from the drone which is deployed at the moment.

No evidence of anyone walking through here and no-one to talk to at the moment.


Nick Cummings, he is, with respect, a stereotypical grey man.

A grey man is someone that doesn't stand out.

When he moves geographically around the country, he's not going to be noticed, so it's a good tactic at the moment and it's working for him.

Yeah, we can do this now.

I've got my silly grin on.

They haven't got a chance, frankly, the hunters.

They really haven't, you know.

"What did you do, Daddy?"

"I beat the hunters."

(He laughs)

Oh, dear. Never mind.

(He burps)

Oh, excuse me.

Ayo has been sending tweets to us.

Sending us pictures and saying "Can you guess what this is?

Is it a bus seat, a train seat?"

Sending us clues in the tweets.

We need to think about what we can do with this.

Cocky. Totally cocky.

Fugitives Ayo and Madu are taunting HQ with cryptic messages.

It's interesting, though.

Those messages to Twitter tell us a lot about their personalities.

It tells us that Ayo is probably the antagonistic one and Madu is the one that's a little quieter.

These have come from Ayo's account and he is clearly the one that's having a little bit of fun and games with this and he said, you know, Madu's upset that...or worried that this is going to get them caught.

There's only one way they'll be coming from this road, yeah, and that'll be left.

Ayo and Madu are staying with a stranger in North Wales.

Madu, as ever, is being extra cautious.

I think he wants to put it out the window so he can see who's coming the other way.

It's a dead end road.

They'll be coming from down there.

I know it's going to sound really geeky but me and Madu met in the library.

When I was growing up, my parents were quite poor and so were Madu's parents, so at the time, both of us couldn't afford a computer.

Me and Madu have just basically had a very competitive computing relationship.

So, when we were young, it was like I was trying to get his passwords and hack into his things and he was getting passwords to try to hack into my things.

I can see down the road.

Bruv, you can't see nothing.

It's more than I can see poking my head around the corner.

I want to win and I want to win in style as well.

I want to taunt the hunters.

And Madu, I think, likes to over-prepare and he takes the fun out of things.

I would genuinely like to have a plan.

Ayo can be liability.

I mean, his liability is the fact that he's does stuff without thinking it deeply through.

He's a loose cannon.

I'm not planning on being caught asleep with my trousers have down.

I'm currently checking out my Facebook, you know, if they've done anything to my Facebook.

My Facebook hasn't changed.

Let's see if Ayo's Facebook changed.

Have you just cracked Ayo?


Using a password retrieved from Ayo's confiscated hardware, HQ break into his online accounts.

So, we've cracked the password and in here he's got all these saved passwords in his browser.


I mean, it's all here.

And those are bad passwords.

"Letmein1" is not a good password.

"Letmein." His Windows password is "12345678d.."

That is not good.

So many accounts here.

I mean, we've got 100.

Ayo's Facebook.

My Facebook shouldn't even be up there, bruv.

Can you actually see a profile for it?

Yeah, blud. I found you.

Ayo, they've put you back online.

Blud, these guys have got moves that we don't know about, you know?

Basically, yeah, if I knew, I wouldn't have gone to sleep, cos this is the kind of thing where they start putting your profile picture to "Wanted" and all that kind of shit, bruv.

We can't be having that.

Don't underestimate.

Presume the worst, son.

We need to fight back.

Let's be cautious.

f*ck about deactivating.

I'm going to start deleting shit, bruv. Cautious.


I'm going to f*cking sit on the chair.

They're looking you up.

(They laugh)

I'm liking this new Ayo.

I'm liking this new Ayo.

It's either they've got the database file and they've got the password, which means if they've got that they've got all my passwords for every single thing.


No good.

Today has been... it's been a bit of a game changer.

I may have underestimated the hunters slightly.

Well, quite a lot, actually.

I am not invincible.

It's the first time I've actually contemplated that I might actually get caught.

We've got mail monitoring. OK.

This is contents of letters which were intercepted on its way to the following address, as per your mail monitoring request.

Lolly's letter to Sofia has been intercepted.

"Dear Sofia and Matt. Please can you help a fugitive."

"..on Thursday. Leave a review on Amazon..."

The letter reveals a rendezvous near Theydon Bois with Sofia and Matt.

It also discloses the code they should use to communicate with Lolly on the Amazon website.

There's a good chance she'll go for the because that's the default Amazon you'll get to here.

That's the one I've put under monitoring. Perfect.

And there are no reviews on that game at the moment.

I have located the board game on Amazon and what she's saying is give it a rating out of 10 for the date, so give it five stars for the fifth.

The colour of the box for the colour of your car.

It's actually quite clever on Lolly's part, aside from the fact she's failed to realise that we're going to look at mail, yeah.

It's one thing getting away and hiding, which I've proven that I can do.

It's another to meet up with a friend and not get caught.

That's the real challenge.

I can do it, I know I can do it.

Just got to keep going.

So, this could be a real opportunity to sweep in.

Yeah, I think this is a very, very important break.

The fact that we've now got detailed plan of where this is going to be dropped off, tactically, if we play this right, it could be a good win.

Right, I'm going to find out if they've left a review first.

That's the first thing.

Could I borrow your phone for one second, please?

Yeah, sure. I just need to check something.

Thank you so much.

OK. Oh, my God.

"This game is great and you can definitely play it with kids over nine."


Sofia and Matt are absolute legends.

They've responded to my plea and they told me they're meeting me today at nine, or probably after nine, and they're going to be in a red car.

Let's go.

Great, we have our review.

OK, so, we do now have a review...

We do. ..on the Amazon page.


This is their dead-drop message.

They're going to be meeting at nine tomorrow evening.

We've just got to hope she's there in person, right?


Fantastic. Oh, she'll be there.

This is great.

We're going to take her down.

This feels like my plan is working.

If I pull it off, I'm a genius.

If I get caught, I'm an absolute imbecile.

As I say, I'm struggling to find investigative routes from these but I can give you the psychological points of vulnerability that I think I've spotted.

Investigative psychologist Dr Donna Youngs believes she's found a fault line in Ayo and Madu's friendship.

The really big point of potential opportunity for us is the relationship between the two.

To gain a deeper insight into the fugitives, she interrogates Madu's wife, who's asked not to be identified.

They fall out a lot, you know.

I can imagine they're fighting right about now, actually.

I'd be surprised if they last together.

She said they argue all the time.

She describes an incident where their latest argument, Madu trying to help Ayo to do something and Ayo wanting to take the quick route and Madu insisting that he did it the right way and wanted to go through all the steps with him.

They clearly argue a lot.

Ayo is going to want attention, is going to want involvement with people, Madu isn't.

Madu's just going to want to keep to it calm, understated as much as possible.

We've already had a Tweet that they've posted, and I'm thinking about trying to engage them through a social media campaign.

What do you think to that?

I think absolutely that's bang on, and I think the mistake they've made is to go on the run with each other.

The relationship is going to come under stress.

Hey, what's that "Hunted"?

Go back.

What's that on the right?

"We're looking for Ayo Adesina and Madu Alikor."

Where's that Hunted poster?

"Please contact us if you spot this pair or you have information that might help."

So, I basically think we should pack up our shit and just start walking, bruv.

You know what I'm doing right now?

I'm looking for my book so I can get a phone and ring Catherine now.

No, Ayo. Ayo, no.

Please do not call anyone.

This is not a wise decision.

Ayo wants to make contact with a key associate they plan to meet in two hours time.

If they have a clue we're in North Wales, they're watching Catherine.

If they're watching Catherine, they'll have someone in the area.

Do not call anyone.

I'm calling Catherine now.

Ayo, do not... Because I'm not going to call her... Ayo. Ayo.

..five minutes before I meet her.

Please do not call anyone. Yeah?

To cut a long story short, can I use your phone for, like, two minutes to make a call.

He's a wasteman. Ayo, don't. I'm going to have to do something crazy.

Like what?

If you do it, I'll do something crazy.

What are you going to do?

Don't think I won't. Don't.

Give me the thing right now.

Give it to me right now.

Ayo, let go of me.

Give it to me right now.

You think you're going to come and start snatching shit from my hand.

I'm fine.

I'm not intimidated by Ayo.

I just think he's going to do something very stupid and I'm more concerned about him.

I'm actually concerned for him.

If he can't keep it cool and he loses it like that, how's he going to handle...

Like, he's not going to handle it.

I will hand you over to Ben, but just with one reminder here.

We have to be incredibly disciplined on this one.

Tonight, HQ plan to capture Lolly as she meets her friends for a cash pick-up.

This is the vehicle that's going to turn up, we hope, with Matt or Sophia, or both.

So if we don't manage to catch them, or there is something we aren't anticipating, covert team to deploy on foot for any foot movement away, drone to attempt pick-up of fugitive, and tracker dogs will be deployed to try and pick up the scent and lock us back on.

We've cracked their code, we've broken their system.

We've prepared as well as we possibly could have done.

We now set a trap.

I am very, very on edge because two things lead me here.

I looked on that guy's phone, Theydon Bois on Google Maps, and then I got a taxi straight here.

Lolly scopes out the area before tonight's rendezvous at a churchyard near Theydon Bois.

Is that people on the Tube track, or is that dodgy people?

It looks like there's two people down there, like they're looking out.

Something is glistening, like they've got a camera.

I feel like I may have been seen.

The interesting thing about this experience, I think almost at some point, it's like hitting a brick wall.

I've done courses and two or three days in, I'm in extreme paranoia because I know there are people looking for me, and I know it's a course, I'm not going to get k*lled at the end of it.

You think you are a strong-minded person, but no-one actually knows how strong they are until they experience something like this.

There's a guy down the other side of the road, and he's definitely looking at me.

Shit, this is bad, this is bad.

What do I do?

Lolly is scheduled to meet her friends at 9pm.

All Saints Church is due east of Theydon Bois.

Ben instructs his teams to take up their positions.

Four, three, two, one, and go.

HQ have crack ex-military sn*pers in play to covertly track Lolly's arrival.

I'm going to move further east down the wood line, mate, see if I can get better eyes on the car park.

You know, we've got dogs, we've got drones, and our hunters are pretty determined and very strong and fit, so I'm confident that they will catch her if she makes off on foot.

And if all else fails, we have a dog, so you don't outrun a dog.

I've got hardly any money left.

If I don't meet them, I'm really screwed.

I could meet them and it could be all right, they could just be there, and I could just meet them and it'll be fine.

How do I know?

We're ready.

And we've got just less than ten minutes to go.

We've got Will in a rural location with eyes on the car park and the church itself.

We've got cars east and west to block off any routes in and out.

(Telephone rings)


Stand by.

It's the vehicle, we have eyes on it.

Can you communicate with Will, we've got Sophia and Matt, towards the location?

Nicky, Danny, can you start moving up slowly towards the church?

I can't breathe, I can't breathe.

Cos I feel like they could just be on the other side of that hedge with a torch, looking around.

Every time I hear a car slow down, I'm like, that's them.

Drift towards now because if it's a quick changeover, we're going to miss it.

Can we get both entrances to the church blocked?

I'm absolutely terrified.

I didn't think I would be this worried.

I think because it's dark, it's even more scary.

And headlights, it's like a horror film.

You don't want to go out like this.

You don't want to go down in Essex.

Guys, can you move up to the church now?

Can you move up to the church?

Keep talking, Paul, Michelle.

That's the car. That is the car.

That is the car, that is the car, Ben.

Permission to take it out?

Just keep calm, I just want to see Lolly first, before we show ourselves.

Stand by, we've got movement up the tree line about 50 metres.

Stand by, movement from the tree line.

Movement from the tree line.

We've got tree line.

We've got eyes on Lolly walking towards the church.

Eyes on Lolly moving towards the church, guys.

Get ready to go on foot.

Is she going towards the vehicle?

Is she going towards the vehicle?

She is going up the tree line.

Do you want me to move?

Yes, I do want him to start moving across.

Yes. I'm going...

I'm going on foot. I'm going on foot.

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Stop, everyone!

Lolly. That's not Lolly.

It's not her.

No, that is... That is Sophia.

Don't lie. Where's your friend?

I genuinely don't know.

You genuinely don't know?

I genuinely don't know.

Nikki, Danny, how close are you to the church?

Matt and Sophia Jackson Gill have been detained by hunters.

There is no trace of Lolly.

Now, what I have to do is go completely underground.

And just hide in the wilderness.

What's the update from Will?

Will's getting a bit closer to the church to see exactly what's going on.

Can you get the drone up?

I'm just getting the dogs out now.

Radio: 'The drone is now over the church, still no signs of movement.'

Message received. No trace of Lolly, no trace of Lolly.

Theydon shitty.

Spent 30 quid on a taxi fare here.

I scared myself half to death, and now I have £55 left and no water.

This is awful.

Being a fugitive sucks.

But I instantly feel more calm, walking away.

(Footsteps approach)

Who's running?

Someone's running.

I don't know who that is.

Stop! Stop!


Oh, shit. Shit.



Radio: 'That's Lolly in custody, moving back to the vehicle now.'

Lolly has been hunted down.

Caught her, well done.

In the bag, everybody.

I've got a bit of a sweat on now.

I really, really wanted to win.

It just seems so unfair when you are up against such a mighty force, that you can't beat them.

I should have just run, which in a way I did, but I got manhandled by a big bush.

But I'm glad I went out in a blaze of glory.

It was a blast.


Five down, five to go.

We've got half of the fugitives in the bag.

That's a very encouraging start.

Next time on Hunted...

Wait a minute. That might be them, you know.

That's them, it's them, it's them!

Go, go, go!

Come on!

f*ck's sake, man!

There's going to be shitloads of CCTV in there.

It was the Queen's 90th birthday the other day, I just want to pay my respects.

I don't feel safe, do you?

Let's go.

Radio: Stand by, stand by. I've got eyes on Nick.

He is walking my left to right.

I'm going to take him out right now.

Nick! Grab, grab!