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01x13 - Game of Drones

Posted: 10/23/16 13:13
by bunniefuu
Chase, why are you lurking?

Do you not have anything better to do?

Would I be reading your private emails if I had anything better to do?

By the way, typo, third line down.

Hey Bree, want to get a frozen yogurt?


She was talking to me.

Why can't I go, too?

Because you'll make us get sugar-free.

Why are you being so needy?

Ever since I stopped being mission leader, I've been so bored.

It's amazing how much time you have on your hands when you're not telling everyone else what to do.

Maybe you need a hobby.

What do you enjoy doing?

Telling everyone else what to do.

Later, Chase.

Hey, guys, what are you up to?

Watching football.

Our fantasy teams are going head-to-head today. Epic!


I like epic!

Oh, uh... Yeah, no offense, Chase, but, uh, this is kinda like our tradition.

Between us.

Him and me.


So how do we play?

Fantasy football isn't really played.

The players' stats are given a point value...

This looks like math.

What? Where? Get it off!

If I'm right, and I always am, you take the statistics and probabilities of the players based on previous numbers and extrapolate the outcomes.

No, you don't.

You see how well they played before, then pick them based off of that.

All right, but according to my formula, you should've started this guy, 'cause he's gonna score right about... (Crowd cheering on TV) Now.

You're a football genius.



I like epic.

Kaz, where have you been?

We were supposed to see the movie three hours ago.

Oh, right, the movie. Didn't you get my text?

No. The last text you sent me is a picture of your inner elbow that looks like a butt.

It must've been before that.

Nope. Just a picture of your knee butt, shoulder butt, and what I'm hoping is your toe butt.

Okay, you caught me. I forgot Dude, we've had plans to see this movie for weeks.

Uh, it's my fault.

Kaz and I have been hanging out all day.

Yeah, ever since Chase stopped being mission leader, he's a lot more fun.

I really am.

This guy?

Tightwad McSciencehead?

Yeah. So we found out about a drone race they're having in the park this weekend, so we entered, and now, we are building our own drone.

Well, what about me?

Did you ever think I'd like to build a drone?

You can help us...

I don't wanna build a drone!

I can't believe you ditched me.

I'm sorry.

We'll go see the movie tomorrow, okay?

Just help us build the drone.


So what movie were you two gonna see anyway?

Oh, The King of Diamonds.

Oh, don't waste your time.

Kaz and I already saw it this afternoon...

You know, I'd like to see that elbow butt.

Oh boy, did I deserve to be locked away for that one.

'Sup, chicas?

Perry, how did you get in here?

You'd be surprised the places you can go through an air conditioning duct.

What are you looking at?

My old family photo albums.

Decided to dust 'em off now that I'm back in my hometown.

Who's this on the tightrope?

Aunt Barbara.

This may surprise you, but we Perry are circus folk.

You don't say?

It's true.

The women in my family were all talented wire walkers.

I come from a long line of 'em. Look.

That's so cool.

Yeah, but they all fell attempting the hardest walk of all... between two skyscrapers.

Well, technically, my grandma Gertie didn't fall.

She was pushed by Granpa George.

All the women in my family were trailblazers, but I've never done anything that mattered.

Come on, that can't be true.

It is. You wouldn't understand because you have all these amazing powers.

And you, you know what kind of amazing powers Skylar has.

You know what? I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna finish the walk.

Yes. I love it.

No, you don't.

This is probably the worst idea you've ever had, and you have had a lot of very bad ideas.

I know, but this is one of my best bad ideas.

All I have to do is walk, and I've been doing that since I was eight.

Not on a high wire between two skyscrapers.

Trust me, this will not end well.

You do not have what it takes.

Yes, I do. And you know what? I'm gonna prove it to you.

I'm gonna go online right now and find the cheapest tightrope money can buy.

Okay, the base of the drone is ready.

Now we just gotta soup her up so she can annihilate the competition I was not aware that the drone was a "she."

Everything I create is a "she."

Isn't that right, Linda?

I'm just excited to build the drone.

Oh, I say we add a confetti cannon, and since she's a lady, we paint her a nice candy apple red, and add a cute little smile on the front.

Kaz, you can't be serious.

Those are terrible ideas.

Well, Chase doesn't think so.

Right, Chase?

Uh... no. Not at all.

I think those are great ideas.

See? Oh, I was also thinking that we should add tinted windows, skis in case of a water landing, and a little speaker that plays mariachi music so we can call her La Drona.

Or how about we just call her La Lame-o?

You know what?

Ever since we invited you in, all you've done is bash my ideas and made me feel stupid.

Kaz, I'm not saying your ideas are stupid.

I'm saying they're wrong.

You know what?

If you can't be more supportive like Chase, then I don't think you should be working with us.

And if you're not gonna leave after this uncomfortable exchange, I will.

What's up with you?

First you steal Skylar by getting her powers back, now you're trying to steal my best friend.

You know his ideas are lame.

Of course they are.

And the old Chase would've told him he was wrong, and made him feel intellecutally inferior.

But the new Chase is a butt-kissing yes man.

So I'm agreeing with Kaz' ideas for now, but right before the race, I'll rebuild the drone to look the way I want it.

So you're still being a control freak; just not to his face.

Exactly. Baby steps.

Okay, tightrope is secured to the roof.

At least I hope it is.

I've neve secured a tightrope before, so...

By the way, love the outfit.

Thanks. I stole it off a sleeping clown.

I'm gonna get my phone so I can take pics for your photo album.

What is that?

That is a gently used $16 tightrope.

So you're really gonna go through with this?

You haven't even practiced.

I practiced.

I just walked here from my apartment.

I only fell twice.

Okay, Perry, listen to me.

If you do this, you're gonna die.

And for some reason, that actually upsets me.

I get it. You're obsessed with me.

You don't have to be so creepy about it. Eww.

All I have to do is walk to the other side and back.

Before you know it, I'll be the pride of the Perry family.

You're so brave.

Tell me something I don't know.

I have microscopic vision, and there is an alarming amount of insects living in your hair.

Again, tell me something I don't know.

I wanted to apologize for earlier.

I never should have shot down your ideas.

I'm sorry.

All right.

Apology accepted.

Really? Just like that?

I was prepared to fake cry and talk about how we've been best friends for years.

Oh, no, it's really happening.

Here come the tears.

Oliver, please don't drip on La Drona.

Right. Now that we're friends again, there's something you need to know.

Chase is placating you.

(Scoffs ) No, he's not.

What's placating mean?

It means he's telling you your ideas are good, but before the race, he's gonna undo them all.

I don't believe you.

I knew you were gonna say that.

That's why I got the surveillance footage.

So I'm agreeing with Kaz' ideas for now, but right before the race, I'm gonna rebuild the drone to the way I want it.


Dude, I'm the one who should be upset.

Why are you crying?

Once I start, it's hard to stop.

Okay, I just put the finishing touches on her.

She's all ready to go.

Really? So all of my suggestions are in there?

Yep. Even the 20-pound confetti cannon that won't slow her down at all.

Liar! You were just agreeing to my face, and then switched everything back to the way you want it.

Kaz, I didn't...

I don't wanna hear it, okay?

And the joke's on you, because I entered my own drone in the race, just to make sure yours loses.


Oh, I'll go get it ready.

I just took one of Mr. Davenport's drones that I found in mission command.

Where in mission command?

The weapons room.

The what?!

Announcer: All right, racers, ready, set, go!

You're going down, Chase.

Kaz, no!

Why aren't you starting your drone?

Afraid you're gonna lose?

No. I'm afraid because that's one of Mr. Davenport's attack drones.

It's heavily armed and programmed to destroy any threat it senses.


Did you know that?

No, I did not.

Yeah, we didn't know that.

Okay, firing off an attack drone was probably a bad idea.

But it's really fast. I think I got this thing won.

Don't worry. We'll just use the controller to land it. Kaz, where's the controller?

I don't have it. I thought you had it.

I don't have it.

Yeah, we don't have it.

That's because there is no controller.

The drone has artificial intelligence.

It's programmed to sh**t down anything that aggravates it.

That just sounds like poor design.

It's not my fault.

You yes-ed all of my ideas, and then yanked them out when I wasn't looking.

I heard it all.

Look, I know what you heard, Kaz, but after talking to Oliver, I felt really bad.

I realized I wasn't being a very good friend, so I left all of your ideas in the drone.

Here. I'll show you.

Skis, pretty smile.

Fuzzy dice. It's you, La Drona!

Okay, all right, what about the inside?

Everything he asked for.

I don't believe you.

(Mariachi music plays)

That proves nothing.

She's perfect.

Thanks, buddy.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

Okay, you forgive way too easily.

(Drone firing)


Oh, yeah, I've definitely got this thing locked up.

We have to do something.

The done has a homing beacon.

If I can tap into it from my smart watch, I can program it to land back at the penthouse terrace.

Let's just hope it doesn't detect a threat between here and there.


None of the other Perrys even made it to the other side, and I'm already on my way back.

Keep it up. You're doing great.

Are you okay?

I think so.

Although my tights might tell a different story.



This was never gonna win anyway.

Okay, so the drone should be landing any minute now on the penthouse terrace.

I can track it with my bionic vision.

Oh, no.

Oh! Oh, no!

What is it?

From here, it looks like an unusual creature thrashing around, like a pterodactyl eating its young.

Throw in a brightly colored tutu, and you're not far off.

Don't panic, Terry. I'm gonna fly up and come get you.

Look out!


I'll be okay.

You go save her.

Don't worry. I'm coming to get you.

Shouldn't we wait for some real help to arrive?

A bit heavy-footed, but not bad for an amateur.

Okay, I don't know how long I can hold this thing off.

Is this really how I'm gonna go out of this world?

Not if I have anything to say about it.


Nice hit.

Now I guess we just wait for one of your flying friends to come save us.


Perry, I know how much this tightrope walk means to you.

You're gonna finish it.

I can't.

I used all my energy taking out that drone.

I've got nothing left. You were right.

I don't have what it takes to finish.

Yes, you do.

Look how far you've come already.

I was wrong.

You can do this, and I'm gonna do it with you.

Okay, you're getting creepy again, Brenda.


Give a gal a little warning next time before you loop-the-loop her.

Something's bubbling up.

Skylar, what happened?

I got zapped by a drone.

Look what you've done.

Oh, Oliver, you're my hero.

Look what you've done.

Bree: We're almost there.

Okay, just a few more steps till you're back on the roof.


You did it!

I'm so sorry for not believing in you.

You know, your Grandma Gertie would've been really proud.

What do you mean, would have?

She fell, but she's still alive.

She had a net.

You'd have to be crazy to do this without a net.

You put up a net, right?

Yeah, we should probably get down now.


Look, I'm sorry I ratted on you.

Well, you should be.

Well, Kaz would've forgiven me by now.

I only did it because I thought you were trying to steal my best friend.

I wasn't.

I mean, I know that ever since I gave up being mission leader, everybody wants to hang out with me because I'm super fun.

I wouldn't say super fun.

Okay, maybe just fun.


I'll take it.

But you have to stop thinking that I'm going after everything that's yours.

Okay. It's just between Kaz and the whole Skylar thing...

There is no Skylar thing.

I got her her powers back, and that's it. I don't like her that way.

Besides, it would mess up the whole team dynamic if any of us were to date.

Fair enough.

Except if Skylar and I dated.

We could conquer our enemies with love.


Look, you and I have more in common than anyone else in the house.

We should be friends.

Can we put all of this stuff behind us and start over?



Wanna get some food?

Oh, I wish I could, but I already made plans with Kaz and Skylar.

That was a good one.

Ready, bud?

Oh, no. Here come the tears again.