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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 10/22/16 03:57
by bunniefuu

A fifth b*llet has been found.

50% of the DNA is shared with Le Saux, our missing witness.

She was his daughter.

Frank was my father?

I wish he'd known that about me.

There was a deal, Frank called it his goldmine.

I think there's a leak in the team.


If you ever feel you need somewhere safe... you know where I am.

Potential evidence has disappeared.

Are you sure? A daughter?

I'm not gonna go public with it.

This is just between you and me.

So, between you and me, I'm very concerned for her safety.

She witnessed a m*rder, and we're not the only ones looking for her.

Look, I'm sorry to have to ask you this but -

Look, I'm sorry to have No, I wasn't aware.

And no, I don't know who she is.

Perhaps it was before you and Frank got together?

No, I don't think so.

Sometimes after a shock memories get dislodged, come to the surface.

If that happens, call me.




I need to talk to you.

Your mum called last night.


She was after you.

She didn't sound too good.

Maybe you should call her.





Nancy, I know I made you angry.

Why didn't you tell him, mum? Hmm?

Why didn't you tell Frank?

If he had known he would have rescued me.



DS Devlin?

In here.

DS Martin, perhaps you'd like to repeat to DS Devlin the allegation you just made to me.

Someone broke into my flat last night, using my spare keys, which I leave here.

I disturbed them and gave chase.

I think it was you.

Did you break in to DS Martin's flat?

I think someone on the team is covering for Le Saux's k*ller.

I thought it was Gunner.

Screw you.

I felt I needed more evidence before I could raise this with you.

What grounds do you have to suspect that anyone on the team might be corrupt?

I accept I was wrong about DS Martin. What grounds?

Evidence has gone missing, ma'am.

What evidence?

Photographs from the surveillance file on Eagle Repairs.

I'm looking for a man in an A3 convertible, am I?


Something like that?

No, I checked the file yesterday.

They weren't there.

Is this your only evidence that someone on the team might be bent?


Jesus, you NCD people never use the front door, do you?

Why didn't you come to me instead of wasting your time chasing shadows?

Ma'am? The guy in the car, DS Devlin brought him to my attention so I ran a PNC check.

I didn't think DS Martin had quite got round to it, so...

The driver's a Mr Shay Nash and he...erm...runs a medical supply company out of Shoreham.

He's got form. GBH.

And I checked HMRC.

He had goods on that missing truck.

DS Devlin's instincts were spot on.

I flagged the truck with traffic, they're gonna keep me posted.

Good work.

All right, Kevin, Nancy, go and talk to this Mr Nash.

The rest of you -

The missing witness.

Oh, no, there's nothing on her from door to door and nothing more from the crime scene.

We know she's his daughter.

Yes, and that's all we know.

So let's concentrate on what we do have.

The driver of the truck.

Who is he? Where is he?


Another missing witness.

Sharad, on my count your contribution to this case has so far amounted to f*ck all.

Any day now you'll be on paternity leave, you can put your feet up then.

It's getting to her.

Ma'am, I can't leave it there.

DS Devlin is covering for someone and I think I know who.


We'll take mine.

Kevin, where are we going?

Kevin, you're scaring me.

Where are we going?

I thought we were friends.

You knew damn well who had those photos.

You saw last night, don't deny it.

You threw me under the f*cking bus.

I didn't.

I didn't even mention your name.

But why did you have those photos?

Maybe I'm thinking about getting a new convertible and wanted a closer look.

Nancy, I had your back in there.

I've always had your back, I always will.

I want you to know that, no matter what you're up to.

So, from now on... and me, we're gonna look out for each other.


Yeah, this is me.

Big shipment.

You haven't found it, have you?

No, Mr Nash.

Just for the record...erm... what does 'medical supplies' mean?

Well, it's mostly pharmaceuticals.

dr*gs. Licensed.

Why did you choose Frank Le Saux as a haulier?

DS Devlin, may have told you, but I went out with his daughter once, Hayley.

Frank offered me a good rate on shipping but he died.

And my cargo... disappeared.

I talked to Kettler.

I went to see Hayley.

She was lovely.

What more could she do?

She doesn't know.

I even went to their service garage to see if the truck was stuck there.

What was the name?

Er...Eagle Repairs. On the docks.

OK, Mr Nash, I think that's everything -

Where were you on the day Frank Le Saux was k*lled?


I was driving back from France.

I got here the next day.

That's fine. Thanks for your help.

Thank you.

Anything you can do to find my goods, I'm much obliged.

We'll let you know, Mr Nash.

I can't tell you how good it was to see Hayley again and rebuild those bridges.

I hope you're not thinking of pulling 'em down.

I've got it under control.

Listen, I can't talk now.

I'll call you back, yeah?

Businessman worried about his goods.

No further action required.

(LAUGHS) Conspiracy to m*rder?

Christ, Michelle, you've got a cr*cker here.

Is that why you came sniffing about yesterday?

Well, the night you broke your wrist it was Duncan Elliot that signed you into A&E.

And that would make us co-conspirators?

It would make you close.

I'll tell you why I was with Elliot.

I hadn't had a drink for a long time.

I mean, a LONG time.

I heard that Le Saux was dead.


THEN I had a drink.

Big time.

I got pished.

I went to see Elliot.

I told him, with Le Saux gone, he'd be next, and then...bang.

I fell over.

Elliot enjoyed taking me to hospital.

You see, I remember you talking once about how much you hated Le Saux.

Oh, come on!

I never made a secret of that.

I've seen the files, Gil.

You and Le Saux.

You have to admit, it looks personal.

30 years ago I got a good tip-off from a snout.

Before I could act on it, he was dead.

Accidental overdose, yeah.

I tried every angle after that.

If Le Saux was had up for a faulty taillight, I'd be there.

You know what it's like, Michelle.

Sometimes you get one that just GETS you.

Nothing after 1990.

Why did you stop?

Was it the bottle?

And other things.

And what about Nancy?

What about Nancy?

Doesn't like rules, does she?

Crosses boundaries.

She's a good cop.

Good cops take risks.

Gunner thought she might be taking risks for you.

Did he?


Sadly Nancy would not pish on me if I was on fire.

Right, thank you.

You don't know if Le Saux had any other children?

Not that I've heard.

Do I get an apology, son?

Like you wouldn't have asked the same questions.

This one's on me.



It was either that or The Best of Celine Dion, half price.

I figured you'd already have that, so...

I figured you'd already have that... (CHUCKLES)



Any news on Mr Nash?

All legit. He was just trying to trace the truck with his goods on.

Julie's got some good news.

Seems all the hard work at the diner paid off.

Julie? witnesses saw a man answering Le Saux's description getting into a truck on the night he was m*rder*d and driving away.

Here's what I'm thinking.

The goldmine, whatever it is, is on that truck.

Frank steals it, won't give it up, gets shot.

Two weeks later, after meeting Elliot, Kettler's dead.

That leaves Elliot the last man standing, looking for his goldmine on that truck.

Ma'am, you asked me to find a link between Elliot and the missing driver, Stefan Milner.

Apparently before he joined Le Saux's he did a stint of work as a mechanic... at Duncan Elliot's.

Here we go.

All roads lead to Duncan Elliot.

Let's try Delia Bradley again.

She was the one who gave us Elliot's name.

She was the one who gave us Gunner, Nancy, you know her.

Don't expect too much, she's had major brain surgery, but it's worth a try.

And Kevin, keep speaking to traffic about that truck, yeah?


Ready? Yeah.

You thought WHAT?

How could you think I'd cover for my dad?

Do you have ANY idea...?

You have to admit, your behaviour hasn't exactly been straight up.

And your's is?

You're always watching me.

What's that about?

Oh, and what? That would mean I was offside, would it?

Watching you?

You know why I watch you?

Because with you it always feels like there's something else going on.

Maybe I've just been in the NCD too long.

Always seeing conspiracy instead of cock up.

OK, erm...

I'm sorry I thought you were bent.

Let's take my car.

Unless you already have, cos I can't...

Oh! Oh, it's here.


Mrs Svrcek.

Mr Elliot, thanks for coming.

It's a pleasure.

I asked you here because...

I have to keep this business going and although there are some very good people here there's no one who can step up and manage things.

So, I thought, if YOU were looking after the yard Tate might get used to the idea of selling it to you.


I have owned my own business for a long time now, Mrs Svrcek, and I must say, I can't see myself being a manager for hire.


But then again...

..your dad was a mate and I don't like to see you having a hard time. and I don't like to see you The police are not doing their job.

I hear they lost a witness to the m*rder.

It's a bloody shambles, if you ask me.

So, why not?

I'll give it a go.

I'll be in touch.


Should I know you?

There's some gaps in my memory.

Nancy Devlin.

National Crime Division.

You were coming to meet me when this happened.

This is DS Martin.

We wanted to ask you about Duncan Elliot.

Do you remember that name?

He was linked to Frank Le Saux.

Do you remember Frank?


The boys...

..brought these in to help.

Was he a good father?

He loved us.

As soon as Mr Le Saux died Theo Kettler drained all your father's business accounts.

Is there any chance of getting any of it back?

They'll have to find it first.

What about Mum's money?

Before his death your mother asked Mr Kettler to transfer 50,000 for her.

He took all of it.


What was that for?



I got your message.

There's something we need to talk about.

He wasn't just MY dad, was he?

Hayley, I only just found out.

I thought it couldn't get any worse.

I thought, even if dad was shifting dr*gs, he was still my dad and Tate's.

Now it turns out he was someone else's.

Like he's got this whole other family.

With this woman, Delia Bradley.

I don't want another brother, Nance.

I just want my dad back.

He's MY dad.

I don't think I can take much more of this.


Do you know that Mum wanted to give them 50,000 because she said that's what Dad would do for his kids?

Course that bastard Theo Kettler took it, along with everything else.

If Duncan Elliot doesn't make a go of this yard then no one's getting anything anyway.

What do you mean, 'make a go of it'?

I just told him he could run it.

You can't.

He is up to his neck in crime.

He's involved. Him and Shay.


We've questioned him.

He and Elliot are...linked.

I was with Elliot this morning.

He said that the police had messed up, that they'd lost a witness.

How did he know that?

No one outside the investigation knows that.

Well, he definitely knew.

He can't know it's me.

If he did, I'd be dead.

Well, what if he works it out, Nance?

What are you gonna do?



If we want to get more on Elliot we need to get on the inside, right?

What about sending someone undercover?

As a garage mechanic?

As a bent cop.

Men like Le Saux and Elliot value protection, it's how they stay clean.

You think Elliot would buy someone from homicide?

I think he'd buy someone from the NCD.

Someone in dr*gs, not too high up, not too junior.

Someone who could have acted as protection for Le Saux.


What if...

I told Elliot I worked for Le Saux and I'm looking for a new home?

Elliot thinks he's getting a tame cop, we get a better chance of being there when he finds that truck.

Ma'am, I REALLY think this could work.

Ma'am, I REALLY think So do I.

I think it's a good idea, DS Devlin.

I'm just wondering where it came from.

What's driving you?

We're already looking at two murders, an as*ault, and a witness we can't find who may be in danger.

We need to try something new.

It would be very dangerous.

Organised crime, risk of exposure.

No one else on the team could know.

Just you and me.



Hang on a sec.

Listen, don't worry.

It's fine, she's covered.

And the kitty man. All right?

What's the deal with him, anyway?

'I don't pay you to ask questions, you understand?'

The next time you say you're gonna call me back, make sure you do it.




Mrs Svrcek, what a pleasant surprise.

Mr Elliot.

Please, call me Duncan.

Erm...What I told you yesterday about you running the yard.

I'm really sorry, I don't think it's gonna work out.

Why's that, then?


This has nothing to do with the police, does it?

I mean, maybe they've put you off the idea.

And what if they did?

The police won't help you, Mrs Svrcek.

You see, round here I can do whatever I like.

And I'm telling you, that I want to run your yard.

Well, I'm telling you, I've made my decision.



You said you had influence.

You said you'd get me that yard.

Yeah, I'm working on it.

You're working on it?

I'm sticking my neck right on the line for you and getting nothing back except hassle, being told to piss off by your stupid tart of a girlfriend.

Are you not comfortable talking to women, Duncan?

If she won't listen to you...

..I'll have to try something else.

No, no.

I will try something else.


Duncan Elliot.


'You're in trouble, Mr Elliot.'

What? Who is this?

You're gonna be raided. dr*gs.

You've got 30 minutes.

Shit. I'll get back to you.



Arcade machine:

'Bad luck. Game over.'

I hope this is some kind of joke!

Do you have any idea how many man-hours I'm losing here?

Do you? Do you care? Nah!

I'm stuck right up here.

I've got a fleet of transits coming in at lunchtime.

And we shouldn't have no animals in here!

Health and safety, and all that.

All right, we're done here.

Oh, are you?

Didn't find anything, did you?

Told you, you wasted my time, wasted a whole morning's work.

My men wouldn't bring none of that shit in here.

My men wouldn't bring none Thank you for your time, Mr Elliot.

Oh, thank YOU for your time, my love.

Non-productive time, may I add.

I'll be in touch with your superiors.


You ever find any dr*gs on the premises you might want to give me a call.

You are joking, aren't you, love?

I'm not gonna call you lot in a hurry.

I didn't say 'us', I said 'me'.

Well, well.

Kevin: I didn't know, I wasn't there.

Cheers, mate.

You didn't know?

Remind me what I'm paying you for.

I was out of the office.

I do have police work to do, you know.

Anyway, you were safe, weren't you?

Yeah, no thanks to you.

Duncan, how long have we known each other?

Duncan, how long have Four years?

And in that time have they ever got anything on you?

So, what's happening now?

DCI wants to link you to Le Saux.

She thinks I k*lled him.

Well, did you?

As if I'd tell a piece of shit like you.

Hey, any more of that and I'll be contacting my fed rep.

So, this DS Devlin, what do you know about her?

Devlin? Why?

Oh, no reason.

Just seems like a right pain in the arse.

I told you, you don't need to worry about Devlin.

I've got her covered.

Well, make sure you do.

I hear I missed all the fun.

Did we find anything?

Possible traces.

He got lucky, then.

Maybe someone tipped him off.

Well, don't look at me.

Right, the lab's just confirmed, traces of cocaine.

Not much but enough to suggest Elliot's had some through not long ago.

Good work, everyone.

There's a round on me.

Are you coming?

Tough day?

You could probably do with a drink.


Fancy an early night.

Not tonight, mate.

She's washing her hair.


Oh, look, he's lovely, isn't he?

What's his name?




Of course!

It's...It's Tate, isn't it?



I knew your sister years ago.

Do you remember me?


I hear you've inherited your dad's business?

You know, all the trucks.

Not selling.

Don't...Don't worry.

I'm not interested.

I hear that Mr Elliot is, though?

Word of advice, Tate.

Mr Elliot...can turn very nasty if he doesn't get his way, so be careful.

Look after yourself.

And especially...

..look after this one, OK?

Keep him safe, yeah?

Good to see you.


Are you looking for a job?

Are you offering?


If I find out you're playing me for a fool...

..I'll k*ll you.


Duncan Elliot?

Why would HE be coming here?

And why are the case files in your room?

I know what's going on.

Michelle Newman, she's setting you up for an undercover op, isn't she?


What the hell is she playing at?

I know what I'm doing.

You haven't got a f*cking clue!

Says the pisshead who can't even get in his own house.

You're no match for Duncan Elliot!

What do you care?

Of course I f*cking care!

You're not even my real father!

I know that.

So did the man you're doing this for.

Frank knew he was your father.

He just never told you.

He doesn't deserve your loyalty.


He doesn't deserve it!

All right, mate. Let's get you in.

Put him back.

You know he's not allowed.

Tate, he can't go inside with you.

No, I have to watch him.

Watch him? What do you mean?

Why do you want to watch him?

He might get taken.

What, stolen?

Who the hell's going to steal the dog?

Mr Elliot.



Hi, Nancy. You made it.

What can I get you?

No, I'll get it.

What do you want?


Vodka and tonic, please. Large.

Good for you, going for it.

Must be tough being the only straight cop in Brighton.

Excuse me.

It's a joke.

Listen, I admit I was wrong about you and your dad.

And I buy it, that you take the job seriously.

Nancy, your turn.

I want to see how you handle balls.



Mr Elliot.


I know you, don't I? You'

You're Frank's boy.

What's your name? Daryl.

What can I do for you, son?

I've come to tell you, don't go near Tate Le Saux again.

What you talking about, son?

Frank's dead.

That doesn't mean they've got no one looking out for them.


Got some front.


Boys. Let's go.

Hi, can I get a double vodka tonic, please?


Everything all right?

He made contact.

What's he saying?


All right?


There you go.


What was all that about?



Looked intense.

Don't tell me she's still giving you the third-degree about those photos.

Oh, you know what she's like.

I just had to tell her I was wrong.


Excuse me.

Who was it?

My mum.

I'm beginning to think you don't trust me.

You're not telling me everything, are you?

So, maybe it's time we talked about that CCTV footage from the pharmacy?

The woman on the tape, was it you?


Because I sent you a copy and you didn't put it into the investigation.

Stop playing games, Nancy.

It's not me.

It's the missing witness, I helped her.


So, where is she now?

I don't know!

I don't even know her name.

So, why did you get involved, then?

I needed money.

My mum, her care home.

It's expensive.

What, you're for hire?

Who for?

I'm not the f*cking enemy, Nancy.

If I was, you'd be dead by now.

Who for?

Frank Le Saux.


What, you were Frank's cop?

Do you know who k*lled him?

I've been fighting fires ever since he was shot.

That's what you've been seeing.

I promise.

No more secrets?

No more secrets.



Just a second.


You know you can always pull out.

It's nothing to do with the op.

It's just... pig of a day with people.

My dad.

I'm not pulling out.

You're trying to be a better cop than your dad, is that it?

What would be wrong with that?

Gil was a good cop.

And he's proud of you.

You don't need to prove yourself to him. Elliot came to my house.

He's interested. What happens next?

My guess is he'll run a bottle test.

See how far you'll go.

It'll be something that you really don't want to do.

Something difficult.

You need to be ready.


My God...

What happened?


I got jumped.

Let me see.


Oh, my God.

Did you call the police?


No. No police.

Hospital, then.

They'll just ask questions.

I'm fine.


You shouldn't be on your own.

You should have someone with you.

You can come back to my place.


All right?


Is that you, darling?

Someone jumped him.

I said he could stay so we could keep an eye.

What's going on?

Shay stopped by.

You all right, mate?

Fine. Leave me alone.

Get yourself into trouble?

Where's he going? Spare room?

Your room?

Spare room's ready.

There you are.

Oh, that looks nasty.

What was it, mate? A street fight?


Right, there's the bathroom just there and then you can get into bed.


You all right?

That's one hell of a pasting.

He said he was jumped, didn't he?

I suppose he's the age for that.

Last time I got in a fight I paid for it.

Three years of my life.

Still, they usually grow out of it.

Are you worried about him?

Have you got anything to do with Duncan Elliot?


The police say you have.

Where's this coming from?

Shay. Have you?

The police talked to me because it was my stuff that went missing on that truck.

That's all.

Right. And Elliot?

I told them I thought Elliot might know where the truck is.

Who told you this?

Our liaison officer.


I'm gonna get going.

And don't worry, I'm sure the boy will bounce back.


'You have one new message.'

'It's Elliot.'

'We're on.'


Newman thinks you were a good cop.

I suppose I was.

Mum told me no one knew.

So how do you know?

Frank told me.

When you were three.

So why wait till then to tell you?

I had a lead.

On him?

He said he'd take you from me...

..if I pursued it.

So, I didn't pursue it.

He didn't want me, he just wanted to stop you.

He did all of this, everything, to save his own skin.





'It's me.'

'The job's on. Keep this line open.'


Where are we going?

'Can you tell me where we're going?'

Roedean, is that it?

The Le Saux's?

'Is Hayley Le Saux the target?'




Put your hood on.

Let's go.






Let's go!