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01x05 - Spilt Milk

Posted: 10/20/16 07:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪
♪ Baby, I'm worth it ♪
♪ Uh-huh, I'm worth it ♪
♪ Gimme, gimme, I'm worth it ♪
♪ I tell her bring it back ♪
♪ Like she left somethin'... ♪

Man: All right, let's see what we got here.

Purple heart, bronze star, three tours of duty.

Never thought I'd be looking at the résumé of a Navy SEAL for a security guard position.

Do you have anything to drink?

Sure, uh... bottled water? Coffee?





I think we have some half and half.

That's fine.

You know, looking at this résumé, I...

I think you're overqualified for a security guard position.


I'm exactly qualified for a security guard position.

Well, we've already got a full-time guard, Wayne.

Don't really think we need more protection.

You have Wayne?

So everything's protected here? All right, buddy.

You don't how Wayne would react if something like this were to happen.


(alarm sounds)

And I bet you'd be kicking yourself for not having that extra security.


I mean, you got a lot of really nice stuff here.

Someone could just reach in and take it.

Please, just-just take whatever you want and-and leave.


God, to the-to the vault?

It-it's combination.

No, to the car.

Thank you.

Oh, needed that.

♪ ♪

This next point... is for the title.

For the respect!

For the bragging right.

All right, save your breathe, Dad, I got it.

(yells and grunts)

(chuckles) Come on, come on.

Show me what I taught you.

All right, all right!

(Murtaugh grunts)

How'd you miss that?

You ready?

Hit it!


(squeals) You heard that net?

(imitates swish sound)

Good game, Dad.

(chuckles) Yeah, never...

Ooh, that's a good game. Oh, now stop dancing.

(chuckles) Stop dancing.

Stop. Oh, my God, please stop.


That's the spoils of the victory.


I got lucky on your miss.

Mm-hmm, good.

In fact, I got a little too lucky.


Did you let me win?


N-no, I just missed.

Yeah, right, a blind man could've made that shot, with no arms, not facing the basket.

Okay, you were sweating all over the place, and I thought you were having another heart attack, and...

My heart is fine.

No, no, it's broken.

You know why? Because you threw the game.

I'm sorry.

No, you gonna be sorry On this rematch. on this very same court, come on.

♪ Fireball ♪



You need to get to work.

It's all right, criminals don't wake up this early.

Come on, for real this time, Ri.

Oh, no, no, no, she needs to come.

She has school, come on.

She has school.

Ah, man!

Let's go!

And it looks like you need a shower.

This is the look of a champion, baby.

(chuckles) Well, go catch some bad guys, champ.

Oh, honey, I'm working late tonight breaking in a new assistant.

So you're on kid detail, okay?

I'm on it.

You don't work too hard. Ha!

♪ I gave Suzie a little pat up on the booty ♪
♪ And she turned around and said ♪
♪ Walk this way. ♪

You see that?

It almost went in.

(siren in the distance.

Where's Riggs?

Does he ever show up for meetings on time?

Roger, where is he?

What are you asking me for?

I don't know where that man is.

I don't know how old he is, I don't know why he tucks one pant leg into the boot, and not the other.

He doesn't tell me anything.

Do you think it's any different with me?

Moving on, I wanted to show all three of you this, but the two of you will have to do.

A veteran robbed a jewelry store in Brentwood this morning after an interview went south.

Name's Chad Jackson.

Left his résumé behind.

Cahill: Navy SEAL.


(Wayne yelling)

I'm guessing he didn't get the job.

Cahill: Hair-trigger reactions.

Oblivious to social norms.

Needed that.

Playful in his display of violent and aggressive behavior.

Remind you of anyone?

Inappropriate response to otherwise dangerous circumstances.

Unafraid of consequences.

(chuckles) All that's missing is the mustache.

Avery: And the police reports say that when Mr. Jackson left the store, he gave a $1,000 necklace to a homeless man down the block.

The Robin Hood of Brentwood.

Yeah, but Robin Hood also put a man in the hospital, stole a car, and did thousands more in property damage.

Did he leave an address on his résumé?

He did, but it's a P.O. Box.

When veterans return stateside, they typically have psychiatrists assigned to them by their local veteran's hospital.

I'll check the VA hospital.

You all right?

Yeah. Morning hoops.

Running that full court game takes a little out of you.

Avery: Find Riggs and then find Jackson.

We can't have a lunatic ex-SEAL running around the city wreaking havoc.

You mean two of them.

(traffic sounds)

Getting guys like Jackson to open up is like pulling teeth.

So you're more of a dentist than a psychiatrist?


My wife loves these jokes.

Um, from your experience, what is the best way to earn the trust of someone like... like that?

Vets need a lot of time and space.

Patience is the key.

So, uh, what kind of treatment was Jackson getting here?

He was part of a group therapy of other vets suffering PTSD.

Any medications?

Uh, just anti-depressants.

Anti-depressants and group therapy.


You guys are pulling out all the stops, aren't you?

We do our best to help veterans re-adjust back home.

Unfortunately, some them come back extremely damaged.

They don't want therapy, they just want to numb the pain.

In your sessions, did Jackson ever say anything that may explain what happened?

Not really.

Jackson was a good guy.

He got along with the others.


But with anyone who's been through what Jackson has, there's always the worry that he might... break.


You mind unpacking that psychiatric term for us there, doc?

Jackson's trained with the best.

He's seen things that most people can't even imagine.

If he's out there, without any counseling, without any help whatsoever, that could be a very dangerous scenario.

Hey. Listen, I need your help.

I really need to know what this little guy is.

Sorrthe medication based on a vial with no label.

Maybe you can call your doctor and have them...

I did. He's not calling me back.

Will you just look again, please?

I don't know...

Wh-what are you saying, you've never seen this pill before?

You've handled thousands of pills in however many years you've worked here, and you know in two seconds that you've never seen this before?

Look closer!

Sir, you need to calm down.

I think we need security.

No, I'm sorry.

This will just take a second.

Security: Hey! Stop!

Don't move another inch.

I just moved, like, four inches and you didn't do anything.

Something tells me you're not going to...

How are you, sir?

Hey, did you talk to anyone when you got back?

Didn't need to.

I guess you was one of the lucky ones.

Something like that.

You know, I was going through Jackson's file, and I saw that he served overseas for eight years.

How long were you there?

It's not really a competition, Rog.

So, he served more time than you.

Look, I couldn't tell if Dr. Cox was talking about Jackson or you back there.

Is there anything else you can tell me about this Navy SEAL we're trying to arrest?

Rog, what do you want me to say?

That he snapped?

I mean, it certainly sounds like it.

Is that what this is?

You're afraid I'm gonna do the same thing?

Listen, I'm just saying, you would have more insight on this than I would.

(phone rings)

Hey, Billy, what's up? What you got?

There's a 211 on Cahuenga and Magnolia.

Suspect matches Jackson's description.

We're on our way now.

They found him.

Is he still there?

First responders said the car he stole is still in the parking lot.

No one goes in until we get there.

(siren blaring)

What do we got?

That's the suspect's stolen vehicle.

He's still inside.

He assaulted a guard and he took his g*n.

Any hostages?

It's hard to tell.

He k*lled the lights in there.

How do you want to handle this, Riggs?

Let me go in alone.

Everyone else stays out here.

Hey, hey.

I got your back on this.

Rog, this guy's a trained k*ller.

If he, for one second, feels threatened, he's gonna k*ll us both.

You talk to him, but I'm going in.

I'll just hang back.

Riggs, take my vest.

If he's gonna k*ll me, a head shot will do.

Watch the front.


We're supposed to stay out here.

He said watch the front.

I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna watch the front.


(whispering): Stay back.

(Muzak plays)

Hey, bud.

Might be better off just stealing ya a whole cow.

Fallujah or Kandahar?


You serve?

Only easy day was yesterday.



Oh, look at us.

Two SEALs, two sides of the same coin.

I'm gonna take that w*apon from you, though.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

Riggs: I got a lot of folks outside that are on my side.

Jackson: Doesn't sound like a fair fight.

For which one of us?

I'll tell you what, I'll turn myself in. I'll even let you get the collar.

But I got to finish my mission first.

What's the mission?

(shoe squeaks on tile)


Murtaugh: Put that w*apon down!

He headin' around back!

Murtaugh: All right!

Murtaugh: Whoa!

Riggs: Did he just...

How the hell did he do that?

He's crazier than I am.

Heard about Jackson's leap off of a building.

Was surprised you didn't jump after him.

Me too. I'm not sure what held me back.

Maybe you're starting to like it around here.

You know, nice weather, good partner, cases worth burning the midnight oil for It'll grow on you.


I'll have a drink.

I'm off the clock.

(sighs, blows)

You know, when I was in SEAL training, we did these, uh, HALO jumps.

High altitude low opening.

You don't pull the ripcord till you're a couple hundred feet from your impact zone.


Well, at least, I was terrified.

Then you do it a hundred times, it's just another day at the ranch.

But still, in the back of your mind, there's this thing that's telling you, you know, this is crazy.

So, Jackson... it's like he lost that, you know?

No hesitation, no fear whatsoever.

Did you just admit that you know when you're doing something crazy?

That's what makes it fun.

(pours another drink)

Riggs: Hey, Blacula.

Catch you napping on the job?

(snickers) Just keeping it clean for you.

Had our friends at regional run the pill through their mass spectrometer to separate the elements to see how they...

Yeah, they did the science.

And they found what?

The chemical compound is similar to an SSRI.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Like an antidepressant, prescribed for PTSD...?

You said "similar."

There were no matches to this specific combination of ingredients Must have been something he got off the streets.

So why would Jackson look for this in a pharmacy?

I'm assuming that was rhetorical.

'Cause I'm not the detective.


Murtaugh: So, Jackson's not the only one that had this issue.

Here's a vet from Jackson's therapy group.

Drove a car 180 into a retaining wall.

Dead on impact.

This one died cliff diving in Laguna Beach.

And another one in a motorcycle accident.

I was going through Jackson's case file.

A bunch of his SEAL team didn't make it back.

And then all these guys at the V.A. hospital died too.

I mean, look, it's hard enough to watch your brothers die overseas, but...

You know, to find yourself all alone back home...


This risk override thing.

Could that be caused by a drug?

What did his doctor at the hospital say he was on?


No. That's not likely.

Jackson could've been part of a clinical trial.

Before a pharmaceutical company can put a new drug on the market, they have trials before the FDA gives approval.

They usually test on volunteers.

Or use vets as guinea pigs.

Do you want to find out who's running the trial, there's usually a paper trail, but it's proprietary information.

You're gonna need a good lawyer to access it.

I may know someone.

Trish (in the distance): And I might need your assistance in reading these people. You're good at it... Clear.


So, I think if we do that, it'll be great.


(clears throat loudly)

Trish: Think it's working out perfect.

Excuse me, sir. Can I help you?

Roger! What are you doing here?


Can't a man drop by to see his wife at work?


With another man?

Baby. Mwah.

This is my new assistant, Desmond.

Desmond, this is my husband.

Of 20 years.

We have three kids together.

I'm a cop!


See a lot of dead bodies.


Nice to meet you, man.

Could you, uh, give us a sec, please?


Thank you.


I could've brought this home to you. You know that.

You didn't give me much time to track down the pharmaceutical company, but I have...

Who... is that guy?

That is my new assistant.

Denzel is the new assistant you were "breaking in?"


No. No, no. I'm not gonna stand for this, Trish. This ain't going down.

Okay. Stop.

Not on my watch.

Roger... Listen.

Do you want to talk about the medical patent that I had to pull a dozen strings...

No. I want to talk about Denzel.


What is the... Look! Look at this! I'm barely in the frame!


Denzel can't see me from out there.

In fact, if you're sitting at your desk, you can't see me.

He got to go, Trish.


I want him fired, tonight.


(knocks on the door)

I have that patent filed by Gaius Pharmaceuticals?

Yeah, yeah. Give me that.

Trish: Okay.

Maybe it's time you left, huh?

I'll see you later tonight, baby.

I'm the baby she talkin' bout. Remember that.


Riggs: LAPD.

Here to see Patricia Swinton.

Tell your wife I owe her one.

No, you don't owe her one, you owe me one.

I'm the one that broke the golden rule, by asking for a professional favor.

I haven't had to do that in years.

But I felt we needed it, on this.

So why is this case any different?

See, there you go again.

I try to do something nice, and you just throw it back in my face.

I just know why you'd value one case over another and then put it off on me.

Why don't you just receive it as it's being given?

What is it that I'm receiving?


(clears throat)

Should we step into my office, or do you two need a minute?

(indistinct chatter)

Look at that.

Views of the whole city.

And a company pool. You must do well to afford all that.

We do well.

We understand that Mr. Jackson was a part of a clinical trial here.

He was, but I need to be upfront.

I can't discuss any intellectual property currently under development.

"Intellectual property."

That the drug Jackson was on?

I wish I could be more helpful.

Oh, I'm sure it's just eating you up.

Riggs: Hypothetically, what are some of the side effects of that drug?

Like, drinking milk?

Certain medications can elicit cravings for opioid peptides.

Milk can soothe the stomach.

It's really a case by case basis.

Does the label say, side effects may include, I don't know, jumping off of buildings, or robbing jewelry stores?

If you're implying that his criminal behavior's the result of the medication... you're reaching, Detective.

Am I?

It's a sad truth, but most of the patients who take part in these trials are broken.

Long before they take the medication.

They're beyond our scope.

Ms. Swinton, could you provide us with a list of the other patients involved in this trial?

We'd like to talk to them.

Please. Chad Jackson is still out there.

We're just trying to help him.

Dr. Logan Cox provided us the subjects for our testing.

Dr. Cox from the V.A. hospital?

Yes. He administered the medication to the patients in his group therapy.

Riggs: Dr. Cox said he only prescribed anti-depressants to Jackson.

He failed to mention the trials.

Lied to our faces.

Yeah, well.

I grabbed one of the Doctor's business cards for you.

Saw how you guys got along.

Figured he'd be someone you can open up to.


(phone ringing)

Scorsese: Hello?

Yeah, it's Detective Murtaugh, LAPD.

Is Dr. Cox available?

Can't come to the phone.

He's a little... dead right now.

Scorsese: Dr. Cox was shot in the back of his head, at close range, walking to his car.

9mm shell casing was recovered at the scene, consistent with the injury.


Scorsese: Yep. Found a bunch of prints at the scene.

All match Chad Jackson.

Avery: Thank you, Scorsese, I think I've heard everything I need to...

Murtaugh: Anyone else having a hard time buying that a sn*per shot him at close range?

And in the back of the head?

Come on, Jackson would've looked him in the eye and shot him in the face like a gentleman.

Do we need Scorsese to repeat the evidence?

Avery: His prints were found at the scene.

Jackson is still out there. He's unhinged and dangerous. We need to go public on this now.

Murtaugh: I wouldn't do that!

I know you wouldn't do that.

You wouldn't also bother to change your shirt every... I don't know... week, but neither of these things are decisions you're making.

Most of the vets in Jackson's group therapy are dead.

All right? Now, that's either a big coincidence, or this thing's bigger than it seems.

We need more to go on than that, Riggs.

I didn't want this to escalate to m*rder, but it has and it's our responsibility to ensure the safety of the public, so this doesn't get worse.

And you think smoking him out with a press release is gonna do that?

Silent partner.

What do you think?

I think you're too close to this.

We need to find Jackson.

If he's innocent, then he can prove that when he's in custody.

Thank you.

Thanks, partner.

Avery: Good morning.

Last night, Dr. Logan Cox was m*rder*d, leaving work at the Veteran's Hospital.

And although this is an ongoing investigation, the suspect in this case, Chad Jackson, remains at large.

The Los Angeles Police Department would like to ask the community for any information that might be helpful in Mr. Jackson's apprehension.

(phones ringing)

Yes, ma'am. Every detail helps.

I agree, he is attractive.

So, you seen the suspect on the sidelines of the Rams game, huh?

(indistinct conversation)

Littering in the park.

Milk cartons, was it?

Yes, sir, I'll be sure to add that to the...

Hey, hey, hey. Give me that.

Where exactly did you find this man littering milk cartons?

Get me Riggs.

Murtaugh: Maybe you're just at one with nature or being your usual brooding self, but you haven't said a word to me since we left the car.

I'm being stealthy, Rog. Why don't you give it a shot?

Hey, look, I'm sorry I took Avery's side back there, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm out here sweating b*ll*ts with you.

You are sweating a lot.

Why don't you hang back? Take a break.

Oh, no, no, I'm fine.

Just tell me if you see a water fountain, or a misting tent, or something.

Riggs: This way.

Murtaugh: Navy SEAL's instinct kicking in?

No, my granddaddy taught me how to hunt.

When I was a kid I'd track deer, elk, possum.


Marinate it in some teriyaki with some rice and beans on the side.

(laughs) That's so country.

Teriyaki possum with co*n pie.

Uh-oh. Hunter instinct?

Riggs: No.

I think we just walked into Jackson's k*ll zone.

His k*ll zone?!


We're probably in his crosshairs right now.

I know you're Mr. Crazy Under Fire, but I need a little heads up on k*ll zones.

Is there a DMZ around here somewhere?

Hey, hey, hey. Stand down.

(whispering): I'm serious.

If Jackson thinks we're here to arrest him, he will k*ll us.

(whispering): We are here to arrest him.

All right, well, let that be our little secret.

Go that way.

Trust me.

Hey, Jackson!

Sorry to barge in unannounced.

Look, I'm not here to arrest you.

(distantly): I just want to talk.

Man, I used to hate sn*per overwatch.

I mean, at first it's all right. You know, you're out in the woods.

It's quiet.

Just you and your spotter.

Then you realize you can't move, can't take a leak, can't talk.

Just sitting there, waiting.

Staring through the optics.

Then the silence becomes deafening.

Nothing to say, no one to say it to.

Here I am, just listening to the trees again.

Jackson (distantly): I didn't k*ll Dr. Cox.

A lot of people think you did.

You having trouble making up your own mind?

Yeah, well, you had your motivation.

Dr. Cox poisoned you, trying to feed you those pills every day.

And your fingerprints were at the scene, so...

Yeah, I was there.

I tried to get him to admit what he'd done.

But he was alive when I left.

Somebody else silenced him before the truth could come out.

Now it's up to me to find out who was behind it all and stop them.

Stop who?

You know, I can tell you, you look pretty damn calm for a man with a r*fle pointed at him.

It's not my first time.

Hey, Jackson, why don't you let me take you in?


I told you, not till I finish my mission.

Right, right, your mission.

You did mention that.

How about we finish the mission together?

Sorry, I don't need a spotter on this one.

Oh, your partner on the other hand...

(distantly): you got his six?

(metal clicks)



Rog! (Murtaugh shouts)

Look. What is this?!

Okay, don't move.

Don't move. Don't move.

Riggs: You stepped into a trip wire connected to an IED.

Call b*mb squad.

No, there's no time for that.

No ti...

No... no, I-I can't die like this.

Okay, there might be another way out.

"Might be"?!

Look, tell my family I love them.

And, hey, I need you to tell Trish something for me, okay?

Tell her my dying words: she cannot remarry.

She has to die alone.

And tell her that she has to fire Desmond.

Wait, don't tell her now.

Wait till I'm dead!

Where you going?!

What are you doing?!

What are you... what are you, what are you, what are you...

Oh, no! No!


Who's Desmond?


(basketball bouncing)

I didn't hear you come in last night.

You all right?

I almost died yesterday.

Die... what?

I mean, I'm fine.

I didn't, but... it was just...

I made a mistake.

I wasn't as focused as I usually am out there.

(breathes heavily)



Have I lost a step?

What are you talking about, Roger?

Our daughter. She let me win that game yesterday. She pitied me.

And then the other day, with, uh... Denzel...


Yeah, right.


You know, a couple years ago, I would've rolled with it.

You know, made fun of him just to let him know who's the boss, but... but he really got me off my game.

Being all young and...

And stupid.

Yeah, right.


Do you realize how many mistakes he made before lunch?

Experience trumps youth (laughs) every day of the week.

Tell that to my knees.


Oh, Trish.

Ever since the heart attack, I just haven't felt like I can bounce back.

The other day, chasing after a guy.

He jumps off a building.

How am I supposed to keep up with guys that jump off buildings?

Listen to me.

Wise men don't jump off buildings.

And, baby... you're a very wise man.


The entire b*mb squad is searching Griffith Park for more booby traps.

They had to close the park.

The last time that happened was 50 years ago, when the animals escaped the L.A. Zoo.

Well, I hope they found them all.

I mean, the bombs, not the koalas or orangutans.

This is not funny, Riggs.

You should've called for backup the second you knew Jackson was there.

And how do you think he'd respond with an army of police coming at him?

And how's your one-on-one approach working?

'Cause he's gotten away, twice.

This last time, you almost got Murtaugh k*lled in the process.

You don't think branding him a m*rder*r had anything to do with that?

On TV?

All right, he is scared because everyone believes he's guilty.

Yes, everyone but you.

You're too close to this, Riggs.

Murtaugh was right.

And this devil-may-care attitude is gonna get him k*lled.

You're off the case.

So, who we going to talk to? Rodrigo Salazar.

He's an expl*sive expert.

I think he could help us.

How do you know him?

Don't worry about it.

Just follow me.

Mind waiting outside?

(indistinct police transmission)

(door shuts)

(speaks Spanish)

(speaks Spanish)

(chuckles softly)

I like the change of scenery, but there's no chance I'm gonna help the cops.

You don't think helping us out will help you out?

Maybe knock a few years off?

I think this might interest you.

b*mb went off in Griffith Park.

Almost k*lled two cops M18. Claymore mine.

Rigged to C-4.

That's the stuff.

Any idea where he'd get something like that from?

Not easy.

But that's the least of your problems right now.

Your bomber is making something other than booby traps.

(tapping) This right here, these are pieces of electrical wires.

The kind you use to daisy-chain C-4 together.

Why would you do that?

Listen, a block of C-4 has enough boom.

Wire a whole bunch together, rigged to blow up in all directions... that's enough to level a building, homie.

(siren wailing in distance)

Cruz: Yo, Riggs.

Got something for you.

I'm good, Cruz.

Got all I need right here, buddy.

It's about the expl*sives Jackson used.

Didn't you hear? I'm off the case.

I just figured you'd want to know he managed to get enough C-4 to level a building.

Anybody else know about this?

I came to you first.

Any idea what he's gonna do with it?

I sure hope not.

(siren chirping, tires screech)

Murtaugh: Why do you think Jackson's coming after Gaius?

He holds 'em all responsible for poisoning the vets.

When we were in the park, he said he had to finish his mission.

I think this is it.

Mission? What mission?

(loud thump, power dies down)

We're too late.

(alarm buzzing)

Too late for what? For what, Riggs?

Jackson's gonna blow up the building.

This building? The building we are currently in?

And you're just getting around to telling me this You might wanna think of any last words to Trish.

So make 'em good. You don't want her, you know, crying in Desmond's arms after you're gone.

Don't bring up Desmond!

You brought up Desmond the other day.

Take it easy! Take it easy.

Let's go, let's go!

You're gonna be fine.

There's plenty of time. You don't have to run!

Girl: Run, Jen!

Man: Everybody out!

Riggs: On the bright side, we're still alive.

Which means Jackson's not completely crazy.

Trying to blow up the building, and that's normal to you.

By any chance, did you two exchange numbers?

We're taking it slow, Rog.

You know, one step at a time.


Okay, help me up We're gonna have to climb up.

Okay... okay.

(Murtaugh straining)

Okay. Got it.

Riggs: Okay, okay...

We have to call for backup.

I'm back, sir. Look, I just got a call from Riggs, and I don't know if he's kidding, but... What is it?

He's asking for backup.

Sent everyone. SWAT. Hostage negotiators, everyone!

(overlapping shouts)

Come on, this way...

LAPD. Put that w*apon down!

Put it away!

Detectives, what's going in?

We gotta get you guys out of the building, let's go.

Sorry, I can't let that happen.

Look, Jackson, this is not the way.

Oh, it's the only way.

They poisoned my brothers!

They poisoned my brothers.

I gotta make sure it never happens again.

Detectives, please do something.

He's going k*ll...

Stop talking.

(alarm buzzer droning)

I'm not leaving, so, you wanna take them out, you're gonna have my blood on your hands, too.

Mine, too.

You tried to k*ll me twice, so I'm sure it doesn't have the same impact, but we're in this together.

You won.

All right? You proved your point.

And you promised me I could take you in after your mission was done.

Let me do my part.

Let me prove what they did.

Come on, man.

Too many good men have already died.

(mechanism beeps)

Riggs: You all right?

Yeah... I'll live.

We got a little problem.

A round hit the detonator.

That's a large problem.


We gotta get rid of this thing.

What are you gonna do with it?

I don't know. Throw it outside?

Get away from the building! Get away from the building!

Move off the building!

Everybody move!

Everybody move!

Damn it! Too many civilians.


(whispering) Wise men don't jump off buildings.

Let's see how good a shot you really are. Come on, Riggs!

♪ I was walking in the darkness ♪
♪ I had not yet seen the light ♪
♪ I was swooping with the bad ones ♪
♪ I thought I had won the fight ♪
♪ Night has turned to day ♪
♪ Oh, night has turned to day ♪
♪ Night has turned to day come on ♪
♪ Night has turned to day ♪
♪ Night has turned to day ♪
♪ Oh, night has turned to day ♪

(both shouting)

♪ Night has turned to day ♪
♪ And it feels so good ♪
♪ God, it feels so good ♪

(excited murmurs)

Ah, how's that for crazy, huh?

I've done worse.


Hold up, so you crashed out a window, shot a b*mb mid-air, and then fell into a swimming pool?

No, Riggs shot the b*mb.

I believe that part.

♪ This rock has got to roll ♪
♪ So I hit the road and made my getaway ♪


Hey, don't worry, Dad, you're a winner for even showing up to take this beatdown, right, mom?



Careful, honey, last time I poked the tiger I was up until 4:00 in the morning playing dominoes.

'Cause that's how long it took him to beat me.

You got lucky that night.


We'll see who gets lucky.

Oh, we... Oh, it's like that?

Uh-huh. Let's see if you make this one.

Playing innuendo? All right, this one.


Concentrate, concentrate.

Oh, my goodness.

Make the shot. (chuckles)



Best two out of three, come on.

Let's see if you make this one.

Why don't you get off your ass and quit sandbaggin', bud?

Good news.

They're dropping the m*rder charges.

They tied the g*n to Swinton's bodyguard.

Still got some other charges I'm looking at to deal with.

Well, you been through worse.

Hey man, I just want to say that, um...

No, don't.

All right?

All right? You ain't got to, man. I...

Do me a favor, though.

Trust her like you trusted me, yeah?

Oh, she help you out too?

Well, let's just say she understands complicated.



I heard you didn't stop yourself from jumping off a building this time.

Oh, talk to Murtaugh about that.

I was just backing up my partner.

♪ Hit your skin ♪
♪ Your accomplice ♪
♪ Turned you in ♪

So, your boy, Salazar... how'd you know him?

You put him in jail?

Nah, I...

I knew him before.

We used to, um...

Grew up in the same neighborhood.

Has anyone seen or heard from Riggs?

Why does he even have a telephone?

Do you want me to track him down?

I mean, you try to apologize to a guy and he's not even around to hear it.

You got to get me while I'm in the mood or I lose the feel...

And where the hell is Murtaugh?

♪ Finally hit your skin ♪

Seen enough action for the day?

Today's not over yet.


Is that why you became a cop after the military... to chase the action?

It's different over there, man.

Constant intensity.

Firefights, roadside bombs.

It's all the time, man.

You come back here, and... everything that was familiar is now foreign.

People you've known your whole life are strangers, you know?

You... Feels like you're turned upside down.

So, what got you through it?

♪ When you said ♪
♪ God told you what to do ♪
♪ Well, the god inside your head was wrong ♪


I was lost until I found her.

You know? She saved my life.

Guess that's the difference between Jackson and I.

I had a guardian angel lookin' over my shoulder.

Come on, sit down.

No, uh-uh.

The view's better when you can't see the drop.

Hey, you know, you can talk to me.


I mean, like, right now.

You can talk, and I'm listening.

I think we should build a bar up here.

Charge admission. You know, put a little extra money in our pocket?

Okay, you know what, fine.

I'm taking your beer and I'm going home.

Oh Rog.

You know hurt feelings are the first sign of love.

You know, I liked you better when you weren't talking.

Let's just sit here and... drink in silence like... like normal people.

Hey, Rog?


I kind of feel like talking some more.

Don't you dare ruin this moment.