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02x06 - Her Spy's Harmed

Posted: 10/20/16 03:37
by bunniefuu



What the hell happened?

I didn't do it. I was in the basement, I heard a noise, I came up here, and I found him like this.

We gotta call this in.

No-no-no, don't.

You and Jones have a history.

You were harassing him, you broke into his house.

I didn't k*ll him.

You are standing over his dead body with gloves on your hands and blood on your shoes.

Innocent people have gone to jail for a lot less.

(car engine rumbling)

(tires screeching)

It's the neighborhood security.

We gotta get out of here.

Did you touch anything?

I-I don't think so.

Did you move anything?


Wait, Zapata!

This is crazy. We're the FBI.

That's gotta count for something.

I'm your friend. I believe you.

Ask yourself if anybody else will.

(engine starting)

The tape!

I left it in the VCR.

No! The security guards are in the house.

What tape?

What were you doing at Jones's?

I was looking for... I needed proof of the abuse.

I found all these tapes with kids' names on 'em.

And they just looked like old practice tape, but they were hidden.

One of 'em had my name on it.

Did you watch it?

No, I-I wanted to, but I couldn't, I...

I heard a loud noise upstairs, the k*ller must've run off when he heard me coming.

And now there's a tape with your name on it in the VCR.

NYPD finds it, they'll start looking at you, they'll find out you were in the house.

The tape wouldn't have mattered if you were never there, but you were there.

Super-cool encryption.

Picture the digital equivalent of laminar flow.

Patterson, Douglas Winter's responsible for the biggest intel leak in U.S. history.

He's evaded capture for three years.

Can we get to the part where we catch him?

The black hole image isn't just one entity.

It unravels into massive amounts of text.

In this case, thousands of e-mails from Douglas Winter's account.

Nas: Could it be another intelligence leak?

I thought so too, at first, but these e-mails were junk, literally spam.

And it didn't make any sense until I found the needle in the needlestack...

A coded message addressed to Krysta Massey, Winter's girlfriend.

Or, ex-girlfriend now. I don't know if they're doing the whole long-distance thing.

It's Bulgarian.

"My fair darling.

"Winter's come to the grand hotel.

Love, Maria."

Patterson: Yes, that's right. I think Winter wanted his girlfriend to come to Bulgaria and meet him at the Grand Hotel Maria.

Our agents questioned Massey.

She claims she never received the file, and she hasn't left the States since Winter went AWOL.

So, his message must have been intercepted.

Weller: By Mayfair.

She left us the Daylight file, the Orion file, and this.

She's trying to find Winter.

Well, either way, we need to get to that hotel.

I'm gonna get the plane ready for us.

Get an FBI attaché on that hotel before we arrive.

(phone vibrates)

Someone discreet, and this stays off the books.

Patterson: On it.

(sighs) It's Roman.

He's calling me in.

You'll have to go.

I should go with you, it's... it's Mayfair's file.

Jane, look... we need to know Sandstorm's endgame, okay?

And we are running out of time.

We'll handle Winter, you keep working on Roman.

I've hit a wall. He doesn't fully trust me.

He wants you to be Remi.

He followed you once, so make him follow you again.

Before it's too late.

Zapata: We've gotta get rid of these clothes.

Who knows what we came into contact with?

Why is there a knife missing?

It broke, I threw it away.

You never replaced it?

I eat takeout, Zapata, what do I need 13 knives for?

I know how we can get that tape back.

We go in as FBI.

And what, we just show up following up a tattoo case?

You have a better idea?

Yeah, the truth.


We can do this.

NYPD's gonna start upstairs with the body, They got no reason to look in the VCR.

We can put the tape back in the closet before anybody notices it's missing.

We just have to wait until they make it an official crime scene.

What do we do until then?

Burn our clothes, get some sleep, go to work like everything's normal.

Roman'll be right in.

(AC blows)

(metal squeaking)

It was the last thing our parents gave us.

The only thing we have left.

We used to give it to each other at the orphanage.

Birthdays and special occasions.

Whenever one of us was feeling scared or sad.

The guards let us keep it?

They didn't know we had it.

Old habits die hard.

It's a puzzle box.

You gave it to me just before your memory went.

Wh-What's in it?

I don't know. I couldn't open it.

I was hoping you could.

Get some sleep.

Tomorrow we're heading to Bradley Dynamics.

Another mission?

The mission.

The one Jeffrey Kantor was supposed to do.

I covered for you once. I won't do it again.

I need my sister back.

The microchip is really that important?

Once we have it, the rest is all timing.

This chip is the final piece to Shepherd's plan.

It's the beginning of the end.


Weller: Sure you packed enough stuff, hmm?

Well, we are supposed to be tourists.

Yes, well... you certainly look like one.

Nobody else knows we're here, right?

Just Caruso, our agent on the ground, why?

So, who's that behind us?

Aviators, khakis. Definitely American.

Let's find out, shall we?

Okay, easy, tough guy.

I'm a company man.

So, prove it. Slowly.

Jake Keaton, CIA.

I believe you knew my predecessor, Tom Carter.

What's the new Deputy Director of the CIA doing in Bulgaria?

Same thing as the Assistant Director of the FBI and whatever your fake title is over at the NSA.

We've been keeping tabs on Winter's girlfriend.

Your people question her, and then you suddenly jump on a plane to Bulgaria?

I put two and two together.

So, here's just a little friendly heads up.

I'm not leaving without Douglas Winter.

Neither are we.

I guess it's game on.

Hey, thanks for being cool about this.

Cool is my default setting.

(both chuckling)

I just feel like every time we make fun weekend plans, something blows up and I have to be on call.

I don't care what we do as long as we're together.

But I was thinking, if you're finished swinging at me, maybe we could just work on some holds.


Cool is definitely not your default setting.


Oh, okay, uh... this is a tattoo thing.

I need to take this. But hold that thought.

See what I did?

(both chuckling)

I'll be right back.


Hey, thanks for coming in.

What's up?

I got an alert. Coach Jones is dead.

NYPD just logged it as a m*rder investigation.


We exposed decades of abuse.

This guy's gotta have a lot of enemies.

I figured...

We should check it out.

At least have NYPD keep us in the loop on the investigation.



We're stealing a state-of-the-art prototype locked in a secure vault at Bradley Dynamics.

How do we get in without Kantor?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

I backstopped our IDs and set a meeting with Tom Nelson.

Tom has access to the secure zone.

And a severe peanut allergy.

So, we steal Tom's access badge and send him into anaphylactic shock.

We slip into the secure zone and head to the R&D lab where the chip's being held, but what Tom doesn't have access to is the vault.

That's where this comes in.

I'm guessing that's not a smartphone.

It's a code breaker. Digital brute force.

But, it takes time.

We'll have to wait a full five minutes for it to open the vault.

When it does, it'll trigger the alarm.

We'll only have 90 seconds to get the chip, get to the north wing, and get out.


Static CCTV.

So, they monitor, but they don't record.

The only footage we'll need to loop is in the R&D lab.

Not an iPod.

Not an iPod.

So, what's my cover story for the FBI?

My go-to favorite, food poisoning.

Mmm, I knew that sushi tasted funny.


You've got that look.

We should blow up the vault to cover our tracks.

Make it look more like a rival company sabotage than a heist.

Good idea.

I'll pack some detonation cord.

There are metal detectors in the lobby, so, no g*ns.

If anything goes wrong, we'll have to improvise.

Good to know.

Weller: Here's our guy on the ground.

Sorry we're late. Is everything all right?

Weller: No. The CIA is on our heels.

Were you able to get eyes on Winter?

Caruso: Negative, but there's a major private security presence around the hotel.

Local hires. Who do they work for?

I'm guessing Winter. The Presidential Suite's been occupied by a single resident since he disappeared.

I couldn't get you a room on the same floor, but you're right beneath him.

Does this have a balcony?

Pretty sure.

What do you mean you're "pretty sure"?

You've been on this for ten hours.

Go ahead and prep the safe house, and we'll meet you there.

Look, let's head up to our room and go get Winter, okay?

Without causing an international incident.

No promises, honey.


(police radio chatter)

Special Agent Reade, this is Zapata.

Detective Ray Yamada, you guys taking over?

The victim's connected to an ongoing investigation.

Got a cause of death?

Multiple s*ab wounds.

Six, by my count, but autopsy'll confirm.

m*rder w*apon?

Nothing yet.

Want to take a closer look?


(whirring, clicking)

(whirring continues)

Reade: You really think the perp ditched the m*rder w*apon downstairs?

(whirring, clicking)

Eh, 20 bucks says we find it in some bushes down the street.

Find anything?


Just got a text from Patterson.

We should go.

Here's my card, keep us posted.

Winter's suite is directly above us.

We should be able to climb up there.

Hopefully get in and out before being detected by security.

What are you doing?

I'm hacking into the hotel's Ethernet.

I can access the cameras built into the Smart TVs and get eyes on the room.

"My fair darling."


Winter addressed his black hole message to "my fair darling."

So, what if "my fair" was "Mayfair"?

And that message was meant for her the whole time?

You know, Winter's leak practically targeted Mayfair and Carter.

It doesn't make sense to contact her after... but it does explain why Keaton's working against us.

If Keaton gets to Winter first... he's gonna bury him in a very deep, dark hole so he can't reveal any more of the CIA's secrets.

When it comes to Winter, it's every agency for itself.


Okay, I'm in.

Wow, that was really worth the wait.

No, this is good.

Because whoever's in there is savvy enough to know about cameras but paranoid enough to cover them up.

It has to be him.

Let's find out.


Douglas Winter.


Stop. Stop!

Don't k*ll me, don't k*ll me, no!


I'm not gonna k*ll you.

We're FBI. You're under arrest.

You're FBI? (sobbing)


Thank God you guys are here.

Wait, why did you come to my bedroom?

We need your security to stand down.

They're not my security. Oh, no.

Is it just the two of you?

Oh-ho-ho, we're dead. We're all dead!

I am a prisoner of the Bulgarian government.

What the hell are you talking about?

I was framed, man. I never hacked the NSA, I never leaked those documents.

I am a freakin' patsy!


So, what? You really expect us to believe that you've been framed?


Then what are you doing hiding out in Bulgaria?

I am wanted for treason, okay?

I needed to find a place that would give me amnesty.

And it seemed like a fair trade, I shore up their cyber-security, do some light hacking, and I get a place to not be dead.

I can prove I was framed, just get me out of here.

I've gone from welcome guest to state prisoner.

If you have proof, then why are you on the run in the first place, huh?

'Cause I was scared.

All that intel I supposedly leaked, man, that was super-super-classified.

This frame job came from way up on high in our own government, man.

I didn't know who I could trust.

You trusted Mayfair.

That's why you sent the Black Hole file.

You needed Mayfair's help.


I needed Mayfair's help. Mayfair was the only person I could trust.

That's why I sent the file.

Oh, no, they're coming to get my food trays.

They're gonna k*ll us. They're gonna k*ll us!


Wait, where are you going? FBI, what are you doing?

Weller: Calm down.

(door opens)

Hey, Iliev, what's up, man?

Ever think about changing your name to, like... "the Il" or something? That'd be a little...

We don't have to talk about that, your name.

Compliments to the chef, that was a wonderful, wonderful special meal.

Iliev, don't make this weird, but I think I'm falling in love with you.



(man on radio speaking Bulgarian)

We need to get you to the safe house, come on.

Get out.

Wait, I'm just gonna go over?


Iliev, sorry, sorry!

Okay, yes, help me, help me, help me.

You have very strong hands.

Hallway's clear.

Okay. Get in.

Get in? Heh heh. That's cute, man.

No-no, I'm not good with enclosed spaces.

Your coffin is gonna be a very enclosed space.

I'll just get in then, great.

Now, should you guys zip it, or should I?

You should do it the other way.

That's gonna hurt.

Good tips, these are good tips.


It's my first time getting in a bag, so...

I'm in, I'm in!

Still think I should've packed lighter?

(elevator bell chimes)


Winter: Ow! Ow! Come on.


Nas: Shush!

(tires screeching)

Hi, there. I'm Cyndie Bagget.

Tom's out sick today, so I'll be assisting you.

Let me get your clearance sorted.

Do you think she has the right floor access?

I hope so.

It's pretty unlikely she has a peanut allergy, too.

I told you, if you want to hold the coin, you need to keep it hidden.

You need to protect it, Ian.


That's not the kind of improvising we need.

Shepherd needs that chip.

Then follow my lead.

All right, you all set?

Lead the way.

You were supposed to put the tape back in the closet.

I know, it got stuck, I'm lucky I got it at all.

What if they figure out a tape's missing?

What if they figure out my tape's missing?

This wasn't the plan. What were you thinking?

Oh, what was I thinking? If it wasn't for me, you'd be a prime suspect for m*rder.

I am trying to help you.

I'm sorry.

Is there anything else we need to worry about?

Private security guard saw me outside Jones's house yesterday morning.

Yeah, but you didn't identify yourself.

I was in my own car.

I'll take care of it.

Zapata... thank you.

What's a little accessory after the fact between friends?

I think I popped a rib.

At least in a coffin you're lying flat.

You'll live. Get to the proof.

Can I just get some real food first?


I've been living on room service...

You need to tell us exactly what happened.

I was messing around on my guitar, which is a Les Paul knockoff. It's actually harder to find...

You look like more of a drummer. I understand, okay.

Sorry. So...

Uhh! Oh!

voice modulator: Douglas Winter, right now highly classified NSA intel is being copied to your laptop and an email is being sent from your account to "The New York Times." You have two choices. Fly to a non-extradition country tonight and never come back, or stay and suffer the consequences of becoming the biggest traitor to this country since Benedict Arnold.

Who are you?

Shut up!


voice modulator: Enough, we're done.

Wasn't much of a choice.

I saw what was on those files, so... I ran.

That's a great story.

But it's not proof.


But this is.

I was playing my guitar into my Rock Composer app, and I recorded the whole thing.

You could've faked the recording.

Un-modulate the voices, see if it matches anything in the NSA database.

I lost my access, but I'm sure the FBI can pull a few strings, huh?

This why you contacted Mayfair?

To prove your innocence?

Yeah, man, Mayfair, he was the only person I could trust.


Mayfair was a she.

No, yeah, I know that, that's why...

You know that?

I do know that.

She... she was beautiful, and, okay...

I maybe have no idea who Mayfair is, but it seemed important to you, and I needed you guys to get me out of there, but the rest is totally true.

Check the drive, just check the drive.


I'll send this recording to Patterson.

You're gonna need to give her NSA access.

I'm sorry.

(voice modulator warbling)

...and suffer the consequences of becoming the biggest traitor to this country since Benedict Arnold.

No, stop!

Turn around, leave, you can't be here.

Since when?

Since the... it's classified.

I thought you might be hungry.

I am, I'm starving.

Let's eat in, like, five minutes.

I just have to do this thing for Weller real quick.

I mean, should I just go? You're clearly busy.

No, no-no-no-no-no, no.

I... I... I want to eat together.

Look, see, how about this?

I will just eat right here in my lab, and you can eat in the hallway just outside the door.

That's the worst. I'm saying it out loud, and that's the worst.

It's actually not the worst date I've been on.

Okay, this is a super-small tech thing.

It's super-easy to do.

And I will be done so soon.


Okay. But you gotta...

Yep. Right, yep.

Okay, well, that wraps up compliance and enforcement.

Do you have any questions for us?

None that I can think of, and I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have another meeting.

I will walk you out.

Oh, we can show ourselves out.

Ah, I have to escort you... protocol.

Of course.

Uh, wait... we, uh, we forgot sexual harassment.

Will you give us a minute?

I'm sure that Cyndie would be more comfortable talking with just me.

I'll be right outside.


Since when does OSHA cover sexual harass...


I know it doesn't feel like it now, but I am saving your life.


What was that about?

Saving the mission.

Notice how I'm not covered in blood?

Give me the letter opener and smarten up.

We don't have long until someone comes looking for her.

(beeping, door opens)

She always had the answer.

Who to talk to.

What to do next.

Context that I wasn't seeing.

Mayfair was always there for me.

She sounds like an amazing woman.

She was.

And now my life's... full of all of these unanswered questions.

Why have they been watching me since I was a kid?

Why did they choose me? And what for?

This is gonna sound a little crazy, but, um...

I was hoping... for just one last time that Mayfair would have an answer for me.

Listen... we'll find those answers, okay?

I hope you're right.

'Cause, right now, I feel like there's no one left to turn to.

Yeah, there is.

He's in an FBI safe house.

We'll need more men.

Fly to a non-extradition country tonight and never come back, or stay and suffer the consequences of becoming the biggest traitor to this country since Benedict Arnold.

Seriously, should I just go?

No! No.

I like that you're here. You're super-motivating.

I feel like I'm stressing you out.

No, work is stressing me out, and you're doing great.

Do you want to talk about it?

I can't. It's classified, and... and I can't talk about it without going into specifics, which I can't, because...

It's classified.

Basically, the thing that I'm working on isn't doing the thing it's supposed to be doing when I'm doing the thing that I'm doing to it.

Does that make any sense?

I'm gonna go.

No, can you just get... 15 minutes.

You said 15 minutes two hours ago.

Okay, then give me, like, a solid half an hour, just 30 minutes...

Look, just give me a call tomorrow...

I am under a lot of pressure, David, and I...

I just called you David.

That's fine. It happens.


I'll give you some space.


(door closing)

(beep, air hisses)


There, it's looped.

Like we were never here.


Okay, five minutes starting now.

Jane: Can I ask you something?

Why "Shepherd"? Why not "Mom"?

We tried calling her that when we were younger, but she's never really been the mom type, you know?

Shepherd just felt closer to the truth.

Shepherd isn't her real name?


That'd be a little convenient.

So, what is it?

Remember, whenever that alarm goes off, the most important thing is that chip.

Well, you're making it sound like we're not gonna get out of here.

I don't plan to die, but I'm prepared to.

Winning the w*r is bigger than any one soldier.

man: I wasn't on shift the night of.

But I saw a guy sitting in a car outside the vic's house that morning.

Black guy, short hair.

You get a plate?

Yeah, I wrote it down.

I just got that feeling, you know?

This guy you saw? He's undercover FBI.

We've been working on something big for years.

If you bring him into this whole Coach Jones mess, you will... blow his cover.

I'd be in breach of trust, you know, obstructing justice?

My girlfriend's pregnant, I can't risk my job or going to jail.

Your girlfriend, Maria Lopez, right?

I mean, am I in some sort of trouble here?

No, of course not.

But, I couldn't help but noticing that Maria has overstayed her visa for some time.

That puts me in a really tough spot, Nick.

I mean, I don't really care, but I'd hate to be seen as obstructing justice.

You know, I was sure I wrote that plate number down.

But I can't seem to find my notebook anywhere.

You're doing the right thing.

(train bell clanging)




Oh, my God, it looks like "Call of Duty" down there.

Who is it, the Bulgarians?

No, Bulgarian forces carry AK-47s.

Those are HK416s.

Then who? Keaton?

You really think he'd bring black ops here?

I'd rather not find out.

We need to get Winter to a secure place, come on.

Lock us down.

Do you really believe what you just said?

That your life doesn't matter?

And you're willing to die for Shepherd?

Or maybe you just like k*lling for her.

I don't like k*lling.

It's your first instinct.

The lobby guard's g*n, the letter opener, Jeffrey Kantor.

When we first met, you k*lled six cops.

That's not the first night we met.

We have a whole life together that you chose to erase!

I see the way you look at me.

You think I'm a sociopath.

Well, if I am, it's because you... you taught me how.

And when you left, Shepherd finished the job.

Weller: Keaton!

Stand down!

We're not handing over Winter!




Are you okay?




Look... for what it's worth, I'm sorry you lost your sister.

If I knew...

You knew.

Then if I could go back and do it all again, I would do it all so differently.

What are you saying?

(alarm blaring)

The door's still locked.

They found Cyndie. We're out of time.

They're headed right for us.

They're shutting all the security doors, sealing us in.

I'll handle them. Stay with the code breaker, get the microchip, and get out of here.

Roman... they don't know they're in a w*r.

(alarm continuing)


(distant shouting)


modulated voice: ...or stay and suffer the consequences of becoming the biggest traitor to this country since Benedict Arnold. ...Benedict Arnold.

(phone ringing)


Hey, it's Jane.

I, uh... I have the chip.

What? What chip?

I'm in the R&D lab at Bradley Dynamics.

Roman and I are stealing a chip, like a prototype, and it's the final piece of Sandstorm's plan, and we need to see what's on it.

Okay, got it, you need a chip whisperer.

Okay, what does it look like?

Like a small hard drive with a slot that matches the connections on the chip.

Uh, I think I found it.

All right. Plug in, I will upload the data, and we'll see what's on it.




(hammer clicks)

Got him.

(g*nf*re, Winter screaming)

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

(g*n clicking)

Drop your w*apon.

Don't sh**t!

You shot one of your own men.

What the hell is going on?

Patterson: Jane, you still there?

Yeah, look, we're only at 1%.

Why is it moving so slow?

It's not, this is light speed.

The code on the chip must be massive.



young Jane: Stop! Don't hurt him!

Leave him alone! Stop it!


Stop it!


Let me see. Ian.


Whoa... what just happened? Jane?

Put your w*apon down!

Now, why would I do that?

Why would we sh**t you?

Because you think I'm trying to sh**t you.

Look, I hate to break it to you, but these aren't my guys.

He did just sh**t one of 'em.

Look, I don't have a g*n, so, you know, you guys... you guys do you.

I'm Deputy Director of the CIA, Kurt.

I'm not some mercenary.

Let's get Winter, get out of here.

Seriously? Just like that?

Look, I didn't need to come in here and risk my life for Kurt Weller, FBI.

Now, the least you can do is give me Winter.

Get out of our way.

That's fine, I'll get him in the end, we always do.

In fact, I got a nice little out-of-the-way spot back home where I can give him the full Jane Doe treatment.

You tortured her?

Yeah, I don't usually like to get my hands dirty, but guess I was just... really wanted to know why your name was on her back.

Nas: Kurt! Kurt, leave it.

Hey, look, it's not gonna change anything!

Nas: Kurt!


(alarm blaring)


(g*n clicks)


Let's go. Go!


What the hell are you doing?

Saving your life.

That was our only way out.


Roman: Where's the chip?


You should have gotten out with it when you had the chance.

Thousands of people are gonna die. One more won't matter.

Yeah, well, it matters to me.

I'm a little turned around, but I know one of these walls is next to the hallway, and one leads deeper into the lab.

Jane: Do you remember which is which?

I can blow a hole in the wall but I only have enough det-cord for a single shot.

I think the outside hallway is... this one.

This one.

(alarm blaring)

Right, I trust you.



Good call.


woman on P.A.: The building is being evacuated. Please exit in an orderly fashion.


Ah, you're still here.

Um... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I-I blew up. I'm sorry...

I called you David, and... and... and...

I'm sorry I've been stringing you along all day.

I chose to stay.

I'm just worried because... sometimes I have a hard time... choosing between my personal life and my work, and I always choose work.

Well, who said it needs to be a choice?

Look, I love that you love your job.

You should. You're amazing at it.

It's a huge part of who you are, and I would never ask you to choose.

See, I don't want these fragmented little pieces of you.

I want the whole thing.


You're really good at your job too.

Sorry, I didn't mean to... oh...

No, no, it's one of the things that I love about you.


Actually, I'm going to go now.


Well, I will see you soon... Robert.

You're just drawing more attention to it.





I've got to thank you for stopping me, back there with Keaton.

If you hadn't been there, you know...


I hope we can leave everything that happened in Bulgaria... in Bulgaria.


Well... maybe not everything.

(both chuckling)

(phone ringing)


I found a bug in Borden's office.

The signal's transmitting to a server in Zero Division.

I think Nas has been listening to us.

We're headed back there now.


All good?


All good.


That scar on your face.

That was my fault, wasn't it?

I couldn't protect you.

Is that why you came back for me today?

You felt guilty?

Remi would have protected the mission at all costs.

Yeah, well... (scoffs)

You might not want to hear this, but... if that's true...

I don't want to be Remi.

I hope she never comes back.

(box clicking)

It's okay. It's not your fault.

I'll get the coin back.

For now, this gum wrapper can be your coin.

It's in disguise... as something nobody will ever want.





(clears throat, sniffles)

(tearfully) You said...

You said I had to learn to... hide the things that I loved... if we ever wanted to make it out of there.

I thought I lost it in the orphanage.


(chuckles, sniffles)


You must have gone back for it.

I love you.

I love you, Ian.


(knocking on door)



How'd it go with the private security guard?

He won't be a problem.

I can't really say the same for Jones's autopsy report.

It lists his cause of death as asphyxiation.

Says Jones choked to death on his own blood.

What aren't you telling me?

I don't wanna keep going through...

No, if your timeline was true, if you were in the basement and you heard a noise and you came up right away, Jones would still be alive, choking to death.

You wanna change your story?

I told you the truth.

How long were you in that house?

I did it! I k*lled him!

Is that what you want me to say?

Because I didn't do it and I didn't ask you to cover anything up, so if you think I k*lled him, call the cops.

Call 'em right now.

Jane: Douglas Winter. You caught him.

Nas: I don't know who we caught.

You just getting in now?

We got back late, so I stayed over.

So why did you abort your counter-mission?

Patterson told me about the chip.

I could not blow the chip in time.

We never would have made it out alive.

Would you have made it out alive?

You told me to do whatever it takes.

This was the only way I could protect my cover to keep playing the long game.

The long game is over, Jane.

Sandstorm have now got everything they need.

They could strike at any time, and we don't know how, where, or when.

I can turn Roman.

You're compromised.

No, I broke him.

I had him sobbing in my arms.

I can get to him, I know I can.

He is this close.

Okay, so... I managed to unmodulate the voices and analyze the recordings.

It's authentic. Winter's telling the truth.

Roman: ...or stay and suffer the consequences of becoming the biggest traitor to this country since Benedict Arnold.

That's Roman.

Winter: Who are you, man?

Roman: Shut up!

woman: Enough! We're done.

And Shepherd.

Shepherd and Roman framed Douglas Winter.

This is the beginning of Sandstorm, and Winter, Winter was the inception point.

Does this mean they tried to k*ll him, too?

Wait, could Sandstorm have been the ones that att*cked you at the safe house?

Shorten the loop, I wanna hear Shepherd again.


Shepherd: Enough! We're done. Enough! We're done.

I know that voice.

You're saying you know Shepherd?

But how? Where from?

I don't know. I can't place it.

But I do know that voice.

Shepherd, looping: Enough! We're done. Enough! We're done. Enough! We're done. Enough! We're done. Enough! We're done.