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05x03 - A Matter of Trust

Posted: 10/20/16 02:49
by bunniefuu
Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen.

After 5 years in Hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city.

Today I fight that w*r on two fronts.

By day, I lead Star City as its mayor, but by night, I am someone else.

I am something else.

I am the Green Arrow.

Previously on "Arrow" and "Flash..."

Felicity: You ran back in time and then came back and noticed that things were different?

Who's that young boy with Dig?

He didn't have a kid before?

Baby Sarah.

Baby John.

John: No!

You son of a bitch!

Walker: I used your g*n.

No one will ever believe your story.

Police never caught your brother's sh**t.

You leave Andy out of this.

Oliver: Floyd Lawton, he is the sn*per.

I'll k*ll you for what you did to Andy.

I got space for you right here, right next to your brother.

Oliver: I can't do it alone.

I need a team.

You're not just joining up with the Green Arrow.

You'd be joining up with me.

I'm in.

Me, too.

So what are we looking at here?

Carl Roberto.

Frequent flyer at Iron Heights.

Seems like the only thing he's good at is getting arrested.

Curtis: He's not much of a challenge for the Green Arrow.

Felicity: He's not looking for a challenge.

This is about teaching the 4 of you what happens out there and how to handle it.

Well, I'm up for any lesson that doesn't involve him punching us in the face.

Wait. He hits you guys?

Oh, man. Dude's going to get it now.

Always assume that the target is armed.

Always assume that they're dangerous.


Who's Stardust?

It's not a "who." It's a "what."

Latest designer drug.

Makes PCP look like children's aspirin.

I want your supplier.

I can't. He'll k*ll me.

What do you think I'm going to do?

His interrogation technique is a little unrefined.

He's not going to k*ll him, is he?

That's a--that's a terrific question.

You're not going to do it.

Give me a name, and I won't have to.

Word's out on you, man.

You'll k*ll, but only when you have to.

Son of a bitch!

Oh, don't worry.

You'll live.

All right!

All right.

His name's Sampson.

Derek Sampson.

Where can I find him?

I don't know.

I pick up a package on a different corner each night, and never from him.

Give me the package.

The Stardust?

Sure, it's in my pocket.

Good idea.

You really could use a high, chill out a bit.

I'm not going to k*ll you, but I can't guarantee you'll walk away from this.

♪ Arrow 5x03 ♪
A Matter of Trust
Original Air Date on October 19, 2016

So what did we learn?

Don't piss Oliver off.

Like we needed that lesson.

Information, ok, is the currency of our business.

When Oliver gets back here, he's going to ask me to analyze the dr*gs so we can find out where it's being manufactured.

I hate dr*gs.

Not in a recreational sense.

I have a life, like anyone else.

It's just--I saw what all the g*ng v*olence did to my hometown.

Um, I'm going to make DVDs of tonight's surveillance footage.

Oliver wants you to study them like a football player would break down a game tape.

And then he'll let us get on the field?

I'm guessing not.

That guy is seriously overestimating my patience.

Oliver: I am, because I didn't think that you had any patience, Rene.


Let's analyze this and see if we can figure out where it was manufactured.

Look, analysis and forensics is cool and all, but that stuff takes time.

I know the neighborhood where this dealer's slinging out of.

I think I can guess where the Stardust is being made.

Rene, we don't deal in maybes and guesswork.

Or maybe rich boy Mayor Queen doesn't know the streets so good.

Everyone get back to your training.

You impress me in here, then maybe I'll let you impress me out there.

Text me when the analysis comes back.


Felicity: B-and-E at a shipping center on 8th and Amsterdam.

Gunman armed with an AR-5.

I give up.

Detective Billy Malone.

Please don't sh**t me.

Sorry about the fake radio call, but I didn't have your e-mail address, and I thought we should meet.

[Glass breaks]

Whoa, ok.

What do you want?

I discovered some Intel that I think concerns you.

I caught the Conahan m*rder*r.

He was a member of Mayor Queen's--

Anti-Crime unit.

k*lled two weeks ago.

By a guy who's somewhat promiscuous with his choice of weapons.

Apparently, he threatened another guy you might be familiar with.

Tobias Church.

What was his problem with Church?

According to word on the street, Church nearly k*lled you last week.

Well, this guy wants to do the job himself.


They tell you what happened?

Just the charges.

Espionage, m*rder, conduct unbecoming.

I need you to tell me what happened, and I need you to start at the beginning.

We were in Chechnya on an op to retrieve a trigger from one of Damien Darhk's nukes.

Turns out my C.O. had a better plan for it-- sell it to the highest bidder.

Something went sideways, Lyla.

The buyer didn't show.

I don't know--

I don't know.

I think pinning it on me was the backup plan.

You believe me, right?

Johnny, how can you even ask that?

Lyla, I love you.

Tell John Jr. I love him and that I'll be all right.

Hey, get me out of here!

You can't leave me here with him!

Hey, John.

Looks like we're cellmates again.

Ain't that something?

Your honor, we need to talk.

Where'd you go last night?

I looked around the theater after the movie, and I couldn't find you.

Mr. Mayor, we need to take your security detail more seriously.

I was serious when I said that I didn't want a security detail.

Look where that got me.

Late for a meeting.

What are you doing here?

You weren't supposed to be here until 9:00.

Our meeting was scheduled for 8:00.


Who's this?

This is Susan Williams, and she is officially my least favorite person this is Susan Williams, on the planet.

Susan: It's not just that Oliver Queen's pick for deputy mayor has a history of alcohol abuse.

Recent reports confirm that Quentin Lance suffered a relapse right before Mayor Queen appointed him.

I told you not to offer Quentin a job in the administration, and you decide to offer him Deputy Mayor?

Ok, so that's what those 5 voicemails were about.

The thing that I told you not to do?

I listened to what you told me not to do, but then I decided to do what I thought was right, anyway, and guess who I got that one from.

I'm an elected official.

I have to answer to voters and a free press.

Unravel this, Speedy.

Make it go away.

That's going to be a little hard to do now that the story's already out there.

I don't care.

You made this mess. You clean it up.

Anatoly: Some nights, I still feel the sea, rocking, rocking.

In that cage, on that boat, the Amazo.

Do you remember?


Then I wake up.

I realize where I am with family, friends.

You are only one who knows what I went through, that nightmare.

Here. I brought you something to drink.

No. No, I can't.

Not vodka.

It's water.

How you feel, my friend?

Like I might have made a mistake.

But what of Kovar?

You still wish to k*ll him, no?

I told you before, Bratva only way.

I think I'll take my chances.

This about other men being k*lled?

This was first test.

Two more left.

What was the point of the test?

To trust Bratva.

Well, I'm sorry, Anatoly, but I don't trust Bratva after I watched them execute 3 innocent men.


There is miscommunication.

You want to leave, leave, but come with me first.

I have something I need to show you.

I cannot believe I let you talk me into this.


I'm a little surprised, too, but it's just recon.

If it's just recon, then how come we didn't bring along Rory and Curtis?

Because Curtis would just tell mommy and daddy.

And Rory?

Guy just weirds me out.


Knew this would be the place.

When's Queen going to trust me?

Evelyn: I'm sure it'll be right after he finds out we went here without his permission.

The night's still young.

Bring the Green Arrow back, bust this place up.

You mean he will bust this place up.

He'll never let us get out in that field.

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

You brought that?

What happened to this just being recon?

We did the recon part.

[Glass shatters]

[Alarm blaring]


Mrs. Conahan, this person will be apprehended.

I have the anti-crime unit working overtime on this.

Trust me.

We will get justice for your husband.

Thought that was my job.


I'm sorry. You are?

Pissed. Royally. Off.

I'm getting that.

What I don't understand is who you are and what you're doing in my office.

Adrian Chase.

Your new--

District Attorney.

I'm sorry that we haven't met.

I'm buried up to my eyeballs in motion practice and indictments with a staff who's barely made it past 3 rounds of budget cuts, so how about we save the pleasantries for the next fundraiser and get down to why I am so...

You're so pissed off.


Remember Vertigo?

Believe it or not, I tried to buy some once.

Yeah, I believe it.

Well, what's hitting the street is a million times worse.


I'm not as out of touch as most people think, but I do have some work to get done, Mr. Chase, so why don't we get to the bottom of why you're so pissed off?

I've been building a case against the dealer, Derek Sampson.

I was going to flip him, but last night somebody k*lled him.

Rival dealer?

A vigilante.

That doesn't sound like the Green Arrow.

Not him. Some idiot in a hockey mask.

I'm sorry. Did you say a hockey mask?

Everything ok, boss?

A Stardust dealer was k*lled last night by a vigilante.

Lots running around the city these days--

Wearing a hockey mask!

Hey, short fry was there, too!

Thanks, Rene.

Rory and I didn't, though, just for the record.

Rene: Ok, I ain't going to deny I was there, but neither were you, man.

This guy was all sorts of nutso, loco!

It was either him or me!

You never should have been in that position.

So you saying this city isn't better off with one less dealer on the streets?

Have you told the mayor that?

You have no ability to think big picture!

Stardust is still out there.

The D.A.'s office had a plan, they were going to flip Sampson, and then he was going to give up the suppliers.

They can't do that anymore!

How about you put an arrow in my other leg, and we'll call it even?

Last week you said you needed to be able to trust me.


Well, I need to be able to trust you.

If I can't, then why am I wasting my time with you?

Never in my entire life did I think that I would meet somebody more stubborn than him.

I would have lost that bet.

Is this normal behavior around here?

More than I like to admit.


[Susan speaking French]


My friend's visiting from Marseilles.

No problem, Miss Williams.

I really appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.

Anything for a fan.

I'm assuming you watched the other night's broadcast.

Yes, actually, I--

I really appreciated all the wonderful things you were saying about my brother's administration.

Can you give us a minute?

You're right.

I was out of line.

My producer, he's always pushing me to be edgy, to do stories that will generate Internet traffic.

Sometimes I push too far.

Well, thank you.

I really appreciate that.

Of course.

I mean, we're coworkers in a way.

Um, coworker to coworker, I was hoping you'd do me a favor.

I need you to walk back your story.

The truth is Oliver hasn't appointed Quentin Lance Deputy Mayor yet.

Well, that's not what my sources tell me.

Well, they're wrong, because, honestly, my brother doesn't even know that I offered him the job.

Well, that certainly changes things.


I'll update the story.


Coworkers, right?

How the hell are you alive?

Great question, but you know the answer.

They never found your body.

A hell of a world we live in, ain't it?

I survive a freaking building exploding under me only to get pinched a couple months later, and it is hard going on the lam with an eye patch.

What's your excuse for being here?

I reenlisted back into the army.

It didn't go good.

I can't really picture you ever giving up your day job as a superhero.

I just couldn't do it anymore.

Why's that?

I'm not here to play 20 questions with you, Lawton.

All right.

How about we play cards?

Deceased male, late 20s.

6'2", 214 pounds.

Found in a body of unknown chemicals.

Based on the lack of epidermis erosion, the chemicals were non-acidic.

Autopsy was commenced at 18:25 with a y-incision.

Why can't I feel anything?

Rory: Good night. I'm headed home.

Oh, uh, give me a sec. I'll join you.

Not home, I mean.

Bow! I'm a happily married man.


I meant join you out.

I figured.

Besides, you're not my type.

Are you gay?

No...Which makes you not my type.

Of course. Yeah...I was--heh.

Yeah, speaking of which, you were talking about home, hometown.

You not from Star City?




[Stops typing]

You know, I just realized that--

I remembered that I-- oh, yeah, I promised-- promised Felicity I would help her with some things.

Yeah. No problem.

Good night.


Good night, Felicity.



You knew, didn't you?

About Havenrock?

He told Oliver. I overheard.

Does he know?

Rory, I mean.

Know that I destroyed his hometown with a nuclear m*ssile 5 months ago?

No, it hasn't come up.

You didn't destroy anything, Felicity.

That was Damien Darhk.

Darhk... sent the m*ssile to Monument Point.

I sent the m*ssile to Havenrock.

I k*lled tens of thousands of people.

To save millions.

Tell that to Rory's family.


What is that?

9-1-1 from Starling General.

Where the hell are the cops?

We need backup!

Get out of here.

Derek Sampson, you have failed this city.
Hey, Rory, thanks for coming back.

Oliver should be here any second.

What happened?

First metahumans, then magic, and now you can add into the mix zombies.

The guy that Rene k*lled is kind of still walking around.

Sampson is not a zombie.

According the coroner's toxicology workup, Sampson's body was infused with a mixture of chemicals that must have put his body into a state that fooled the paramedics.

It was only a matter of time before he woke up.

And kicked Oliver's ass.

He didn't kick Oliver's ass, and can we please not say things like that when Oliver could enter in, like, any second?

Like now, see?

Oliver: I need to find this guy before he hurts anyone else.

I'm tapped into all satellites and C-C feeds.

What happened?

Physiology changed.

Enhanced strength, and I don't think he can feel pain.

Felicity thinks it's from exposure to whatever chemicals were in the vat that Rene dumped him into.

Any way to reverse it?

I could run some tests, but it would take time, and I'd rather keep my eye on the "find Sampson before he hurts anybody else" ball.

Curtis: Well, good thing I was a biochemistry major in college.

I'll get on it.

Text me as soon as you have anything.

We can't let the cops get to him first.

I want to help, too.

I think you've done enough.

I'm sorry about before, but I get it now.

I'll do whatever you need.

Oliver: What I need is to trust that when I do ask for your help, you're not immediately going to make the problem worse.

Rory: He said he was sorry.

Let us help.

Yeah. We could canvass the city.

After what happened the last time you went looking for Sampson?



Thank you.

The recruit was a m*rder*r?


Police catch him, but he's son to friend of Kovar so he goes free.

Bratva step in to bring justice.

How is recruiting him into the Bratva justice?

But he was not recruited, was he?

What if I wasn't the one to ring the bell, Anatoly?

We still bring justice.

If you're trying to convince me to trust the Bratva, you are not doing a very good job.

You must trust process.

Not everything what it seems.

To defeat Kovar, you need army.

Bratva army.

You've come this far.

Why give up now?

6 of hearts.

Come on, 6 of hearts, where are you?

My kingdom for a 6 of hearts.

You shut up 5 for minutes, I won't have to k*ll you.

Whoo! There's that temper.

Good thing your kid won't have to grow up with it like your brother did, huh?

What'd you say to me?

How's all that going, anyway?

You ever find that group that paid me to off him?

They didn't.

What's that, now?

They didn't want him dead.

He was alive.

Like I said, hell of a world, ain't it?

I mean...

Wait, why did you say "was alive" just now? Huh?

Hello, John? Anybody home?

Because I k*lled him.

So all that hate that you poured into me for k*lling your brother, you really should have been pouring it into yourself.

I was just on my way to see you.

What can I help you with?

SCPD is working on locating Sampson.

I want to start with a search of his last known address, but Judge Pittson won't sign the search warrant on Sampson's prior residence.

Pittson. I helped Pittson get elected.

Which is why I'm talking to you.

Could you lean on her?

Absolutely. All hands on deck.

Thank you.

Hey, you--you probably don't remember this, but we actually met 12 years ago.

You tried to pick up my girlfriend.

Ha ha ha!

I did a lot of things back then that I'm not especially proud of, but I'm sure she ended up with the better man.

Hell, no.

She went home with you.

Heh heh heh!

It's ok. I don't hold grudges.

Looks like your Chief of Staff needs a minute.

Let me know when you've talked to Pittson.

I appreciate it.

Of course.

How did it go with that reporter?

Well, I thought it went well.



Susan, on screen: Unfortunately, Mayor Queen doesn't seem to have the first clue of what's going on within his own administration.

For those of you...

I'm so sorry.

What did you say to this woman?

That part's coming next.

Susan, on screen: But "chosen" may be too strong of a word.

Not only was a disgraced public official rehired by the city in an even higher position, Mayor Queen wasn't even aware of it.

The decision was made by his sister.

Ok, look, I am going to issue a statement taking full responsibility for this, ok?

And then I am going to offer you my letter of resignation.


No, Ollie, look, you said it yourself.

I made this mess.

I'm going to go clean it up.

You know it's only a matter of time before Rory figures it out.


The you and Havenrock connection.

I mean, you can't seem to be around the guy for more than two minutes without acting widgy, and sooner or later, he's going to ask why.

Well, I will take the "later." Thank you.

Have you talked this out with Oliver?

No. Oliver and I don't have that type of relationship anymore, and you're right, I am acting widgy because having him on the team is like having a constant reminder about what I did.

So clear the air.

If the past 4 years have taught you anything, it should be that keeping secrets never works out.

I hardly even know Rory, and what I do know about him is that he has several- thousand-year-old rags that he can mystically use to strangle me.

He must be great at parties.

I think that you need to just trust the fact that he will not k*ll you and trust that he may be able to see things clearer than you do and know that this wasn't your fault.

Whoever called this meeting, you best step out.

The text I got came from Sampson's cell.

Sampson is dead.

Sampson: What'd Mark Twain say?

"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

Man, he wasn't kidding.

Man: Righteous.

So we're back in business?


No, I'm thinking...


You go bigger, you draw attention from Tobias Church.

I'm not afraid of Church no more.

He should be afraid of me.

You ever see "Lethal w*apon"?

My favorite scene.

Gary Busey, man.

That guy, he could act.

If you can't feel pain, you can't be stopped.

So we all get this treatment, and we take back this city from Tobias Church!

[Men hooting and cheering]

I didn't know you were still here.


That looks painful.

It's par for the course.

How'd things go at city hall?


Ooh, that bad, huh?

Channel 52.

Susan, on monitor: Unfortunately, Mayor Queen doesn't seem to have the first clue of what's going on within his own administration...

I already don't like her.

Well, I can't keep my people in line as mayor or as Green Arrow.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


Or Tupac.

So is this Green Arrow brooding or mayor brooding?

What's happening with Susan Williams is just politics.

Green Arrow brooding. That's excellent, because I have more experience at that.

Rene didn't listen to what I said, and he created a superhuman.

Well, I used to have a dog.


He was adorable but peed on everything.

My trainer told me that next time it happened that I should roll up a piece of newspaper and smack myself on the head because it was my fault.

Lucky was just doing as dogs do.

You're pushing this "Wild Dog" codename thing a bit too far.

My point is, when you're in charge, everything your team does is on you.

Even what Rene did?

He was right about being able to locate Sampson's operation.

If you listened to him instead of shutting him down--

Right. Then none of this would have happened.

And we both know why you shut him down.

Because I don't trust him.

Like you said, if you don't-- if you won't, why are you wasting your time?


What's that?

I'm running an algorithm to ping in case anything unusual happens.

Unusual? That's casting a pretty wide net.

Well, all my other nets are coming up empty.

Break-in at Allman Industrial.

That could be anyone.

Well, do you know anyone besides Sampson who can get shot by security guards and then just shrug off the b*ll*ts?

What'd he steal?

I don't know.

It's going to take a lot of time and typing.

Their warehouse is the size of 3 football fields.

Let me know what you find out.


Wait--wait. Where are you going?

To get the team.

I ran Walker through every data base.

Initially, he came up clean, but there are some financial irregularities.

I want you to stop.


Stop digging.

I'm not going to fight these charges.

Johnny, that's insane.

Actually, it's the first thing that's made sense to me in a long while.

Ever since I k*lled Andy.

You think you need to be punished?

I know I do.

Lyla, I didn't have to pull that trigger, but I did.

Something's wrong with me, baby.

Then let me help you.

We will figure this out together.

When I thought Lawton k*lled Andy, all I wanted to do was bring his m*rder*r to justice.

I still do.

Floyd Lawton was an assassin for hire.

You're a good man, and you're alive.

Floyd Lawton is long dead.

No, Lyla, he's not. He's--

Lyla: Johnny?


Stop fighting for me, Lyla.

I have.

You won't get me this time.

I've won 8 in a row.


Are you sure you were an Olympian?

Having quick reflexes is not the only quality in an Olympian.

Ok, there are other things like determination and stubbornness.

I guess a sense of fashion isn't one of them.

Come on, man. Where did you get that jacket?

It's retro in all the wrong ways.

Wait, you don't know "Fair Play,"

Terry Sloane?

Terry Sloane?

Mr. Terrific?

The greatest wrestler in the history of wrestling.

He was so good that he wore an outfit with the words "Fair Play" written across it.

Like, I'm so good, I don't even need to cheat to beat you.

He's kind of my idol.

Did you have a little crush on him, too?

Hey, that's besides the point.

Something on your mind, boss?

You have a good natural form.

Because it's not natural.

I've been working on it for years.

Rene, if I've been too hard on you it's because I want to make sure that you're taking this as seriously as I am.

I wouldn't be here if I wasn't taking it serious.

You were right about Sampson's operation.

You have a knack for this, and I should have trusted you.


That almost sounded like an apology.

I'm still learning to.

Felicity: All right, guys hug it out, you should really see this.

I found out what Sampson stole from Allman Industrial, a Molecular Transmodality Processor.


It replicates chemicals based on their molecular structure.

What would Sampson need with that?

The vat that you dropped him in.

Rene: It was full of Stardust.

When we were fighting, a pipe burst, and some liquid drained from it into the vat.

Sounds like he stumbled on the recipe for making a superhuman k*lling machine.

And now he's going to use the...

Molecular Transmodality Processor...

To make more of them.

Curtis: And he'll need the original mixture, which means that he'll return to-- oh. I've always wanted to say this-- the scene of the crime.

If Sampson is building an army, then I'm going to need mine.

For real?

For real.

Suit up!


I thought we were all going to-- like, it was going to be a nice moment where we all say it at the same time.

Is that just your thing?

That's you only?

Ok, yeah. That's you.

That's just him, for the record for everybody.

Officer: This area's closed off, pal.

Crime scene.

Yeah. I know.

[Bones crack]

Move in.

Y'all going to be fearless.



Let's do this.

In position. 10 seconds.

Make sure to activate the pressure sensor before the detonation.

So the spark ignites the entirety of the pipeline.

Yeah, I know.

Now let me concentrate.


Why you smiling, dirt bag?


You are a freaky kind of scary.

It's the whispers, right?

It just does that. I have no idea how.

Your mask looks cool, by the way.

Thank you.

Actually, it still feels a little weird on my face.

I think you dropped this, Mr. Fair Play.

Thank you.


[Bones crack]

Thought we've been over this.

You can't hurt me.

Just because you can't feel your tendons being sliced doesn't mean you don't need them.

Too bad my guys still have you surrounded.

Oliver: No.

I trust that my guys took care of them.

Ok, Curtis.

Ka-boom time.

Where exactly are we going?

Did the people who built this elevator know your secret, too?

You know, I've been meaning to ask...

What kind of a vigilante wears a hockey mask?

I think it's cool.

Ok, everyone, just breathe normally.

I know this is a lot to take in so...

He fainted the first time he saw it.

I had the flu.

I had the flu, y'all.

So this is the bunk--the cav-- ok. I like to call it the Arrow Cave.

Oliver asks?

Anatoly: Bratva.

Do you know what this word means?


Anatoly: Da.

If you are hungry, brothers will feed you.

If you are hurt, brothers bring 10 times pain to men responsible.

If one brother succeeds, all brothers rich.

If one brother fails, all brothers suffer.

Your brothers would k*ll for you, would die for you, as you would k*ll and die for them.

If these men are supposed to be my brothers, why would I fight them?

These men are not here to fight you.

Most of the men in this room have tried to k*ll me.

And with these knives, they could, but you must trust they will not.

Do you trust your brothers?

I trust my brothers.

Take off jacket. Turn around.

Sorry. I keep on seeming to interrupt you two.

Don't be.

I was just telling the mayor that Derek Sampson was apprehended.

By the SCPD?


Based on forensics, the Green Arrow's either as fast as the Flash, or he's got a new team behind him.

This city never seems to get easier, does it?

Well, as promised, I will stay on until you can find a more qualified and experienced replacement.

I don't want experience.

I want someone that I can trust, Speedy, and that person is you.

I messed up, Ollie, big time.

No, Thea, you didn't.

Follow me.

Thank you all for coming.

I'd like to address head-on and with brutal honesty some of the recent reports regarding my administration, reports that suggest while the voters may have elected me, others have been making decisions in my stead.

The truth of the matter is that every decision made by any member of my administration is my decision.

The buck, as they say, stops with me, because when you are in charge, everything that your team does is on you, and I trust my team.

That team will include former police captain Quentin Lance, who will be serving beside me as Deputy Mayor.

I appreciate the vote of confidence, Mr. Mayor.

You're the right man for the job, trust me.


A word?

Thea, I am so sorry.

You must think I'm the worst kind of person.

No, actually, I already know that it's true.

Thea, let me...



No, I'm just going to save us both the trouble.

I already know exactly what happened.

You played me, but you only get to do that once, and the next time you try to cross me like that, you'll be lucky if you even have a blog.

Never gets old.

[Phone ringing]

Paul! I was just about to call you.

I'm on my way home from work now.

No, I never said that.

Well, traffic was crazy...

So if Curtis is married, what's the rule on dating while vigilanting?

Uh, just one sec.

The short answer is don't.

Rory, wait up. Can I talk to you?

Everything ok?



There's something that I need you to know about Havenrock.

Havenrock was not the intended target.

Monument Point was.

Someone redirected the m*ssile to reduce the number of casualties.

That someone was me.

I am so sorry.

Oliver Lyla?

We need to talk about John.

Is he all right?

No. He's back in the country, and he's in prison.

I need you to break him out.