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01x09 - A Day to Remember

Posted: 10/17/16 05:51
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ With her family by her side ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ Elena of Avalor ♪
♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪
♪ Loyal friends always there ♪
♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪
♪ Magic shines from within ♪
♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪
♪ Elena, Elena ♪
♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

Monster pumpkin coming through.

Oh, let me help you with that, Your Highness.

Thanks, Armando, but I got it.

Love the decorations.

And that is how you cleanly slice a pumpkin.


Sugar, cinnamon, honey.

We have all the ingredients to make my famous calabaza en tacha, except...

Calabaza. Already sliced.

With what? An axe?

Whatever gets the job done.

So how's everything coming?

I don't want to be late to the Día de los Muertos celebration.

What's the rush?

It's not like our relatives are going anywhere.

I was just excited.

Día de los Muertos is the one day of the year we get to celebrate the family who aren't with us anymore.

It's like we're throwing a party, and everyone we love is invited.

♪ Día de los Muertos is my favorite day ♪
♪ We honor all our loved ones ♪
♪ Who have passed away ♪
♪ We go to the graveyard ♪
♪ Build altars in their name ♪
♪ Share our memories of them by the candle flame ♪
♪ Share our memories of them by the candle flame ♪

♪ Día de los Muertos, the one day of the year ♪
♪ We bake up treats so tasty ♪
♪ To fill us with good cheer ♪
♪ Sugar skulls and sweet bread ♪
♪ Are made with love and care ♪
♪ Then brought down to the altar ♪
♪ For everyone to share ♪
♪ Brought down to the altar ♪
♪ For everyone to share ♪
♪ This is the day we all wait ♪
♪ This is the day we celebrate ♪
♪ The festival of love, the festival of love ♪
♪ This is the day we all wait ♪
♪ This is the day we celebrate ♪
♪ The festival of love, the festival of love ♪

♪ Día de los Muertos means more to me this year ♪
♪ Since Mami and Papi are no longer here ♪
♪ But I'm not feeling sad now ♪
♪ I'm feeling joy inside ♪
♪ Because this festival keeps their memory alive ♪
♪ This is the day we all wait ♪
♪ This is the day we celebrate ♪
♪ The festival of love, the festival of love, ♪
♪ Ha! This is the day we all wait ♪
♪ This is the day we celebrate ♪
♪ The festival of love, the festival of love ♪
♪ It's time to celebrate ♪
♪ The festival of love ♪
♪ The festival of love ♪
♪ The festival of love! ♪

You're all packed and ready to go.

Thanks, Armando. Wait. Where's Isabel?

There you are. We're ready to go.

Hey, where's your costume?

Uh... it ripped when I was putting it on.

Oh, I'll have a seamstress mend it right away.

Is it up in your room?

It's all right. I'll do it myself.

Okay. Well, we'll wait for you.

No! I mean... you guys go on.

I'll see you at the graveyard later.

Oh, wait a second. Where the pan dulce?

I gave it to Francisco.

That was for the altar?

I thought you were giving me a snack.

Likely story.

Well, we need the pan dulce for the altar.

Sweet bread is Mami's favorite.

I'll send the servant right away.

That's okay. I'll go pick some up.

Hope you like your altar, abuelo.

Oh, mija, I love it.

Look at that handsome devil.

But... that's you.

You can see me?


Huh. Can you see the other ghosts?


Oh, Rogelio, you are so light on your feet.

And she left him at the altar!

That one never gets old!

Okay, seeing ghosts, not normal.

I better talk to Zuzo.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Pardon me.


Zuzo! Zuzo!!

Hey, princess. Were you calling me?

It was hard to hear over all the singing.

You celebrate Day of the Dead, too?

Yeah, it's a big deal in the spirit world.

You know, 'cause of all the spirits.

The party's gonna be pretty epic. So what's up?

It seems I can suddenly see ghosts?

Hey, that's great. So can I!

But you're a spirit fox, and I'm just an ordinary person.

Well, you did spend a bunch of years in that amulet, just marinating in magic.

You can see me.

So I can see ghosts now, too?

Hm. Probably only today.

Why just today?

'Cause this is the one day of the year ghosts come to party with the living.

Speaking of parties, I've got a conga line to lead.

Enjoy your new power, princess.

I thought that pesky fox would never leave.

Uh, excuse me.

Oh. Sorry, princesa.

When you saw me at the cemetery, I knew you were the only one who could help me.

Help you? With what?

My name is Doña Angelica.

In this very day, my grandchildren are preparing to sell the family restaurant to a vile, greedy man who wants to open a bank!

And you need my help how?

You must stop them from selling it.

People used to line up around the block just to eat at Cafe Angelica.

It is my legacy.

Go to the restaurant, tell my grandchildren not to break their dear abuela's heart.

So you want me to convince two complete strangers to not sell their restaurant because their grandmother's ghost told me to?

I did not say it would be easy.

But yes, this is what I ask.

I really wanna help you, doña, but my family is waiting for me to pick up pan dulce.

You're so sweet to honor your family.

Mine is not building an altar today.

Instead, they are selling my dreams to the highest bidder.

Okay, um... I suppose I could probably...


...stop by.

It's just down the street.

Tell your driver. We don't have much time.

HAr Ay, Carmen, we are selling the restaurant today.

Why aren't you packing?

I am a cook, Julio, and cooks cook.

But what is the point?

We don't have any customers.

As usual.

Ah, you were saying?

Hi there. Table for two.

They can't see me.

I mean one.

I'm sorry. We are closed.

Princess Elena?

Princess Elena!

We are so honored to have you in our restaurant.

Please sit, sit.

I just made a feast fit for a princess.

Quick, run. Save yourself.

What? Why?

Trust me, you don't want to...

Here we are!

Too late.

Hope you're hungry!

Allow me to present my latest creation.

The cray-tada!

I mean, yum.

You mean yuck. Ay-yi-yi.

Yeah, um, I had a big breakfast, so I'm not very hungry.

You see, Carmen? This is why we're selling the restaurant.

Nobody wants to eat your food.

And no wonder. Look what she's serving.

I swear, it looks like he's staring at me no matter where I float.

I'm an artist, Julio.

The plate is my canvas, the food, my paints.

Sometimes it does taste like paint.

The truth is, Carmen, you're just not a good cook.

Yes, I am.

She is.

Carmen used to help me cook all my food, and it always turned out delicious.

Your cray-tada did bite me.

I have an idea.

Why don't you try cooking your grandmother's food?

I heard it was pretty popular.

I would, but she never gave us her recipes.

Our grandmother had a secret cookbook.

I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it.

Oh, that's right. I forgot to tell them where I hid it.

So tell me where you hid it.

I'll give the cookbook to Carmen, she'll cook your recipes, the customers will come back, and they won't have to sell the restaurant.

Who is she talking to?

Uh, the cray-tada?

There's only one problem.


I forgot where I hid it.

Uh, Your Majesty, who are you talking to?

Oh, well, I know it might sound a little out there, but I'm talking to your grandmother.

Are you feeling all right?

Perhaps the princess is tired?

No, really, I'm talking to your grandmother.

But she's not with us anymore.

I know. Um...

The thing is, well, I can see ghosts.

Ghosts? That's...


Not the word I was going to use, no.

Hi, abuelita.

She's over there.

Hi, abuelita.


Your grandmother wants to show you where she hid her cookbook.


If she can remember where she hid it.

Your Majesty, with all due respect, I do not believe in ghosts But if there's any chance you know where the cookbook is, by all means, lead the way.

Wait. I remember. It's in my old bedroom.

It's in her bedroom.

No, it's in the kitchen.

The kitchen.

Oh, I mean the attic.

The attic.

It's in the basement of the restaurant.

In the basement... I hope.

Follow me. It's in the box in the corner.

She says it's in there. Oh!

You sure she said this box?

I thought that's where I put it.

Well, princess, it looks like your ghost was wrong.

Maybe abuela hid her cookbook in another box.

She was always a little forgetful.

No, I wasn't.

Was I? I forget.

Maybe it's in one of the other boxes.

She says to check the other boxes.

Ay, we do not have time for this.

Our buyer is coming in two hours.

Then what are you waiting for? Help me look.
Hey, remember these?

Sir Rolando!

He used to run around the restaurant pretending he was the bravest knight in the kingdom.

Trying to get the customers to joust with him.

Remember that, Julio?

I remember playing hide-and-seek with him during the dinner rush.

Carmen, this is not a playground.


You always find me.

Why can't I ever find you?

'Cause I hide better than you do.

Oh, yeah? Well, I'm gonna hide Sir Rolando where you'll never find him.

No, give him back.


I'm starving.

Me, too.

Thanks, abuelita.

Whenever we argued, abuelita would feed us.

They'd be too happy eating to stay angry at each other.

Come to think of it, I never did find Julio.

Where was your hiding place?

I guess I can tell you now.

I hid in that nook in the back of the pantry.

The nook!

That's where I hid my cookbook.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

I was talking to your grandmother.

I think so.

Down there, behind the sacks.

You found it!

My cookbook!

Here you go.

Now I can cook all of abuelita's famous recipes.

And I can't wait to try them.

But right now, I'd better pick up the pan dulce and get back to the cemetery.

My family's probably wondering where I am.

Thank you.

Julio, we don't have to sell the restaurant now.

Oh, we're still selling the restaurant.


Carmen, I love you, but even with abuelita's recipes, I just don't think you're a good enough cook.

However, I do think if we sell the restaurant, and the cookbook, we can make even more money.

Okay, so maybe no one likes my recipes, but they love abuelita's, and I can cook anything if I have the recipe.

Just give me a chance.

I have given you a chance for five years.

All I have gotten are stomachaches and bills we can't pay.

I will prove I can cook.

Give that back, Carmen.


Okay, okay, how about both of you put the cookbook down, and we'll all talk this through?

Oh, my cookbook!

Carmen, look what you did.

What I did? You mean what you did.

Sell the restaurant, I don't care.

At least I'll never have to talk to you again, Julio Osvaldo Valentino Guzman.

I gladly welcome the peace and quiet, Carmen Rosa Guadalupe Guzman.

Thank you, princesa, for trying to help.

All I wanted to do was save my restaurant.

But I lost my family.

What are you looking at?

I tried.


Whenever they argued, Doña Angelica would cook for them.

That's it.

Rvalor Carmen, did you see which way your grandmother went?

Oh, no, of course you didn't.

She's a ghost. I'll be right back.

Doña Angelica, wait.

I know how to fix things between Julio and Carmen, and save the restaurant.

You do? How?

Come with me.

Carmen, remember how your abuela's food used to bring you and Julio together?

You can still make her recipes and prove to him that you are a good cook.

Then he won't have to sell the restaurant.

How? He burned her cookbook?

Yes, but your abuela is right here.

She can tell me the recipe, and I can tell you.

So what do you say?

I say what are we doing out here when the kitchen is in there?

Let's get cookin'!

Okay, now whisk the sofrito into the stock.

She wants us to add the sofrito.

Whisk in sofrito. Mix it in well.

Put your heart into it.

She said to put your heart into it.

Oh, she always said that.

I miss cooking with you, abuelita.

Me, too, but I am always with you in your memories.

She says she's always with you in your memories.

It's true.

Go away!

What are we doing? Julio's so stubborn.

Here. I have an idea.

Three, two, one.

Dinner is served.

It's... it couldn't be.

It's abuelita's paella.

But the cookbook's gone.

She told me how to make it, and her molé and pozole.

I have all her recipes now.

Try some.

Mmm. It's just how she used to make it.

She's really here.

Hi, abuelita!

Over there.

Abuelita, I missed you.

And you... I was wrong, Carmen.

You are a great cook.

Ay, it's so beautiful.

But the food is getting cold.

Carmen, I'm sorry we argued.

Me, too.

Let's eat!

Oh, Señor Estrada, yes, good evening.

Yes, yes, let's just skip the niceties.

Where's the contract? I've got a bank to open.

This place will finally have some money coming in, eh?

Uh, Your Majesty.

You're right, Señor Estrada.

This place will finally be making money, because we have the best chef cooking the best food in town.

I'm sorry, but this restaurant is no longer for sale.

We're really keeping it, Julio?

Yes, Carmen.

Do you mean to tell me I came all this way for nothing?

No, not nothing. Please join us.

I don't have time...

Mmm. Paella!

The best in the kingdom.

Sit, eat.

Then go tell everyone you know Cafe Angelica is open for business once more.

Well, now that everything is sorted out, I better head back to the cemetery.

Wait. I've got something for you.

Thank you for all that you've done, Elena.

Please, Your Majesty, come back and visit us soon.

I will.

I made pan dulce for your parents' altar.

Don't worry, it's my abuelita's recipe.

Thank you. Both of you.

There you are. We were about to eat dinner.

Here. Let me serve you a plate.

Where is Isabel?

She hasn't come yet?

You were taking so long, we thought you went to get her.


I will send a royal guard to fetch her... or she can do it.

Isa? Isa?


Come in.

What are you doing here?


Why aren't you at the celebration?

You're missing out on all the fun.

I couldn't fix my costume, so I decided to stay home. What's in the bag?

Pan dulce.

Want some?

I guess so.

Mm. It's almost as good as Mami's.


Hey, do you remember how Mami used to read us bedtime stories?


And she acted out all the parts.

With all those funny voices.

And Papi would come in and play Wild Wild Seas, remember?

And he's jump on the bed so the mattress rocked like a ship in a stormy sea.

And then Papi would spin me around.

Like this.

And then he'd scream...

Girl overboard!

Isabel, this is a great drawing of Mami and Papi.

They would've loved this. We should put it on their altar.

But my costume.

I can sew that up in a second.

Where is it?

Isa, your costume's fine.

What's going on?

I don't wanna go to the graveyard.

Why not?

I miss Mami and Papi too much.

I know.

I miss them, too.

But that's why we have the celebration every year, so we can talk about all the good times we had together.

Like reading stories and jumping on the bed.

Because if we keep those memories alive, it's like they're always with us, and that doesn't make me sad.

It makes me happy.

I never thought about it like that.

Do you think we can still make it in time?

If you hurry.

Oh, look.

The procession is just starting.




Come on, let's put your sketch and pan dulce on the altar.

Well, what's left of it.

There you go, Mami, Papi.

Elena, I really feel like Mami and Papi are here with us.

Does that sound weird?


I know they are.