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01x08 - Royal Retreat

Posted: 10/17/16 05:51
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ With her family by her side ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪
♪ Elena ♪
♪ Elena of Avalor ♪
♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪
♪ Loyal friends always there ♪
♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪
♪ Magic shines from within ♪
♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪
♪ Elena, Elena ♪
♪ Elena of Avalor ♪



( Struggling )

One second, princess.

I'm just having a little trouble with the...

Nice shot, Elena.

Thanks, abuelo.

( sighs ) Do you mind keeping it down?

I'm trying to take a nap over here.

Oh, sorry, Skylar.

This is my first time at King Hector's royal retreat.

I have to prepare.

And the rest of us have to prepare for our vacation.

I hope we get to see some marposas.

According to my book, they live in these waters.

Ooh, maybe I can hear them whistling with my magnaphone.

Good idea, Isabel. Pull!

Wait. Look over there.


( Chittering )


They're beautiful.

Oh, don't go.

Oh, I wish I could get a closer look.

Maybe they'll come back later.

Well, that's enough practice, Armando.

I think I'm ready.

( Exhales loudly ) Thank you.


I know all the kings, I've read up on their kingdoms, I have my royal gifts. Ready to go, Skylar?

Go? Go where?

To the retreat.

I thought we'd fly in. Yes!

I think we should drop you off so I can introduce you to all the kings.

Oh, I agree. Francisco's right.

Oh, that's sweet, but you have a vacation to get to.

Come on, Skylar.

What about my vacation?

She'll be fine, Francisco.

( Sighs ) Okay.

Just remember, Elena, not all rulers act the same way we do.

If you need anything, we will just be on the other side of the island.


See you after the retreat.

Okay, I guess we're doing this.

Adios, vacation.

Whoa! Those are some fancy ships.

Elena: And fancy kings.

Yeah, well, you're one fancy princesa, and I'm an even fancier jaquin.

Hold on.

Check out the plumage, amigos!

Now that is a royal entrance.

Thanks, Skylar.

( Muttering )

Hi. I'm Princess Elena of Avalor.

King Joaquin of Cariza.

I'm so glad you could join us.

I am King Lars from Maarswik.

And I am King Raja of Napurna.

It's an honor to be invited.

I can't wait to meet our host.

Yes. Uh, I should probably warn you that King Hector can be a bit...



I was going to say difficult.

But he always gives out very generous gifts at the end of the retreat.

Last year, he gave us a summer castle.

And the year before that, we got our very own private island.

I wonder what he'll give us this year.

Wouldn't you like to know?!

Ah, King Hector.

Joaquin! What up?

This retreat is for rulers only.

Hector, this is Elena, the crown princess of Avalor.

Oh, wow, I know that.

I was just kiddin'. Works every time.

He did that to all of us on our first time at the retreat.

That joke never gets old.

It sure doesn't.

Raja, Lars, get over here, you knuckleheads.

How are you boys enjoying your summer castles?

With a joy beyond measure.

Yes. Thank you for giving them to us.

Well, it's nothing compared to this year's gift.

Behold, my indestructible eight series ship, the Sea Blaster!

Comes complete with a*t*matic sails, bowling alley on deck, and the topper, a solid gold statue of yours truly on the prow.

You play your cards right, Elena, and you won't have to fly in on that beast.

Who's he calling a beast?

Skylar is not a beast. He's a jaquin.

Yeah, I know. I got a zoo full of 'em.

( Raucous laugh ) Just kidding.

If you're gonna be at my retreat, Elena, you'll have to learn how to take a joke. Not like these two.

King Hector, am I imagining things, or is your resort even more beautiful than last year?

I renovated the entire island.

Had to find something to do with all my money.

Elena: You can always build roads.


Or schools.

Why would I build a school?

I graduated years ago, as far as you know.

How about giving us a tour of the island, Hector?

Hey, thought you'd never ask, Joaquin.

We can start with my new aquarium, which is filled with sea creatures I have personally captured all over the world, most of 'em underwater.

( Sighs heavily )

It is even more beautiful than I remember.

I hope Elena is okay.

Stop worrying, Francisco.

I told you she'll be fine.

Let's go see the waterfall.

I'd rather stay and look for marposas, if that's okay.

Of course. Now come on.

Let's walk off those worries.

The chairs are all set up.

Where'd they go?

Oh, well, I can't let such a cozy chair go to waste.

( Contented sigh )

Isabel: Armando!

It says marposas come to this island to lay their eggs.

Um, big purple ones?

How did you know that?

They're all over the beach.

Ooh. Let's see if we can find a baby.

Sure. Right after a little siesta.

Come on.


Or now is good.

And this little nook, I like to call the feasting hall.

What a host!

What a tour!

Take a seat, everyone.

Prepare for the feast of your lifetimes.


That throne is for the Rajinator.

Oh, sorry.

Larzipan, you sit there.

Of course, King Hector.

I'll just take this one.

Nope. That one's for Joaquini-Bonini.

Oh, that's okay. Hector, I...


Um, where's my throne?

They must've forgotten to set one out for you, Elena.

( Chortles )

Hey, bring another chair!

All right then. Shall we begin?

I have royal gifts for everyone.

Handmade shears, Avaloran chocolate. Oh!

Oh, I love Avaloran chocolate.

Hector: Ahem!

That's wonderful, princess, but, see, royal gifts are not distributed until the end of the retreat.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Your Majesties, the buffet is served.

Don't worry.

King Hector's hard on all the new rulers.

He is?

Oh, yeah.

My first retreat, there wasn't a seat for me in the whole resort.

I had to stand the entire time.

That's terrible.

That's what I thought until he gave me a private island.

That's what you get when you follow King Hector's lead.

♪ If you want to be in Hector's club ♪
♪ The rules are very clear ♪
♪ Just follow his lead ♪
♪ And there's nothing to fear ♪

Joaquin, if anyone should tell her about my club, it's gotta be this guy.

♪ My club is the best ♪
♪ The perks can't be beat ♪
♪ Just follow my lead ♪
♪ And you'll have a seat ♪
♪ So take a big piece ♪
♪ Don't need silverware ♪
♪ Just laugh at my jokes ♪
♪ And you'll have a chair ♪
♪ To be in my club, just do what I do ♪
♪ And there'll always be a spot for you ♪
♪ To be in my club ♪
♪ Simply do what I say ♪
♪ And I'll show you how to lead the way ♪
♪ Haddy haddy haddy hey ♪
♪ As you may have heard, this party's mine ♪
♪ So take my advice and we'll get along fine ♪
♪ Line up behind me ♪
♪ You sh**t from the hip ♪
♪ Just be like the kings and you'll get a ship ♪
♪ A Sea Blaster ♪
♪ To be in my club, just do what I do ♪
♪ And there'll always be a spot for you ♪
♪ To be in his club, let him have his say ♪
♪ And he'll show you how to lead the way ♪
♪ You'll get what you need if you follow my lead ♪
♪ You'll surely succeed ♪
♪ And you'll be in my club ♪
♪ In his club, in his club ♪
♪ In my club ♪

So there you have it.

Now who is up for another round of skeet sh**ting? Yes!

All: We are!

I guess I am too.

( loud crash )

What was that?

Come quick.

My ship!

My Seven Cities Ocean Stream ship!

What happened?

That sea creature rammed it.

Not just any sea creature, boys.

That's a marposa.

What? That doesn't make any sense.

My family and I saw a whole pod on the voyage here, but they were friendly.

Does that look friendly to you?

No, but...

To the command center.

We must devise a plan of attack.


King Hector, I know I'm a new ruler, but maybe there's another way.

There's only one way to deal with a creature like that, Elena.

My way.

Perhaps we should think this through, Hector.

So let me get it straight.

What you're saying is you don't want my new Sea Blaster ship.

Let's start planning that attack.

Glad you agree.

But I don't know...

Elena, you said you had family nearby.

I do.

Okay, why don't you check on them and make sure they're safe.

Right. Of course.

Good. Now we can plan our attack in peace. Come on, boys.

Ooh, over there.

See those cracks? I think it might hatch soon.
Elena: Isabel!


Is everyone all right here?

We're fine. Why?

A marposa att*cked King Raja's ship.

That doesn't make any sense.

My book says they're harmless, and stay way out at sea, except...

Except when?

When the female marposa comes to shore to lay her eggs.

It says here that baby marposas get very upset if they're separated from their mothers.

They thrash around because they're scared.

They can even be dangerous, but they calm right down once they find their mom.

So maybe the marposa that destroyed the ship was a baby separated from its mother.

It must've happened after it hatched.

( Marposa whistling )

Because when the baby is with its mom, it's happy, like that one.

Both: Awww!

So we have to find the marposa's mother.

But how?

Hm. They communicate by whistling.

If the mom is looking for her baby, she'd be whistling.

Maybe your magnaphone can help us locate her.

Great idea. Here, take it.

But first I have to tell the other kings it's just a baby.

Armando, did you see the marposa?


And it sure saw me.

We are gonna lure the creature out to sea and capture it, yes!

Now let's cast off.

King Hector, wait!

Oh, back so soon?

You have to stop the attack.

I think the marposa is just a scared baby.

If we help it find its mother, it'll leave your ships alone.

Men, let's get that net set up.

You have to listen to me, King Hector.

No. You have to listen to me.

But what you're doing is wrong.

Larzipan, do you think I'm wrong?

Of course not.


You've never been wrong about anything.


I know I'm right about this, Joaquin.

You have to believe me.

You want that ship, don't you? Are you in or out?

( Sighs ) I'm in.

Elena, are you in or out?

I'm out.

Let's go, Skylar.

Skylar: Hear anything?

Not yet.

Maybe we should go back the other way.


( whistling )

Do you hear that?

Sounds like a marposa to me.

It's the same whistle as the baby.

It must be the mother.

It's coming from that little island.

Let's check it out.

There. She's trapped in those roots.

Skylar: That would explain why the baby's alone.

It won't budge.

Do you think you can pull it loose, Skylar?

You got it, princesa.

I am a mighty jaquin.

You will not break me.

I will break you!

Ow! Splinter, splinter, splinter!

There it is, off the starboard bow.

Ready the net!

Okay, root, I am forced to use the most powerful w*apon at my disposal.

Your claws?

My mouth.

It's moving!

You almost got it, Skylar. Pull!

Ow. My wings.

You did it!

Now let's lead her to her baby.



Are you okay?

I banged up my wing, but I think I'll be all right.

Come on, marposa. Follow me.

( Marposa whistling )

It's the baby!

She found her baby.

Oh, it's gonna be all right.

Look. Another marposa.

That must be the mother; Elena was right.

Men, lower the net.

But the baby isn't a threat anymore.

It's calm.

Yeah, which'll make it that much easier to capture for my aquarium.

So this wasn't about protecting our ships?

This was just about having another sea creature to show off in your aquarium?

No, another two sea creatures.

We'll capture the baby and the mother.

That's not right.

You can't do this.

It's already done.

Drag the net.

( Screeching )

What are they doing?

We have to stop them, Skylar.

Oh, we will. Ow.

Ow, ow.

My wing hurts too much. I have to land.

Elena: Uh... oh, down there on that driftwood.

I'm sorry, princesa.

It doesn't matter.

We're too late.

I'll get us to shore.

Rest here, okay?

I'll go get some help.


I should have listened to you from the beginning, Elena.

Perhaps I've spent so much time following Hector's lead, I forgot that true leadership is about standing up for what you believe is right.

I appreciate that.

But Hector has the marposa.

What else can we do?

Exactly what you've been doing.

Fight for what we know is right.

I tried that, and I failed.

Then you must do what all great leaders do after they fail.

What's that?

Try again.

I'll need your help, and your row boat.

( Struggling )

( baby screeching )

Bring it out on the deck.

( Crashing )

Hector: What was that?

Sailor: It's the mother!

Get that creature on board so we can catch the mother.

Perhaps we should just let it go, Hector.

I agree.

Do you really need another sea creature in your aquarium?

Do you really need my Sea Blaster ship?

'Cause if you want it, you'll do what I tell you.

Look at that.

Whoa. I thought the Sea Blaster was indestructible.

I have a plan.

Okay, I'll go distract them.

And I'll do the rest.

King Hector!

About time you showed up.

The other marposa knocked a hole in your ship.


( Gasps ) Forget about the creature, men.

Patch up my ship at once!

( Shrill whistle )

Don't worry. I'm gonna get you back in the water.

( Whistles )

What do you think you're doing?

Freeing the marposa.

Get away from that crank.

Is now a good time to take out our royal gifts, King Hector?

If you cut that net, you are out of the club.

You'll never be one of the kings.

I don't need to be one of the kings.

I'm going to be queen!


I want all of you off my ship.

You might wanna get off your ship, too. It's sinking.

Your Majesty, you should come with us before it sinks.

This ship will not sink.

Do you hear me?

This is a top-of-the-line Sea Blaster.

Whoa! Make room for me!

I'm glad we don't have to listen to Hector anymore.

But what about the royal retreat?

We can have our own.



Please sit.

There's a seat for everyone.

Oh, because you did not have one before... very good!

Who would like some Avaloran chocolate?

Lars, I know you do.

I certainly do. ( Laughs )

Thank you for hosting us here.

We are delighted to have you.

Your granddaughter is a wonderful crown princess.

See? I told you you had nothing to worry about.

Ay, Francisco!

Look! It's the marposa mom and her baby!