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01x06 - Line of Fire

Posted: 10/17/16 05:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Oh, my God, please help me ♪
♪ Knee-deep in the river trying to get clean ♪
♪ He says wash your hands, get out the stains ♪
♪ But you best believe, boy, there's hell to pay ♪
♪ Yeah, you best believe, boy, there's hell to pay, saying ♪
♪ Oh, my God, please help me ♪
♪ Neck-deep in the river screaming for relief ♪
♪ He says, it's mine to give but it's yours to choose ♪
♪ You're gonna sink or swim, you're gonna learn the truth ♪
♪ No matter what do, you're gonna learn the truth, saying ♪
♪ Ate the bread that once was stones ♪
♪ Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone ♪
♪ Bowed down to get the kings overthrown ♪
♪ And I'm all alone and the fire grows ♪
♪ And I'm all alone and the fire grows ♪


(alarm beeping)

How do you do that?

Wake up at the exact same second every morning.

An act of will.

Anything wrong?

This man showed up while I was at the pool last night.

It was very weird.

He told me to tell you to call him.

He said his name was...

Karl Stoltz.

It doesn't ring a bell.

Another... degenerate who works for Billy McBride, of course.

Sent to intimidate us.

Let's not talk about Billy.

Tell me about me.

I mean, I...


I'm just at the beginning of knowing you, if I even know you at all.

You know me.

Tell me.



So brilliant.

But very... damaged.

Touch me while you tell me.


Touch my face while you tell me.


You hurt... so much... because you're not loved.

One finger.

You built the firm together, but it was mostly you, and he got all the love... while you... you were the d*sfigured ghoul alone in a dark room.

He got the admiration and affection, and you got... fear.


And he mocked you.

He still mocks you.


You can sense it, even as he threatens people's livelihood with this case, that they're rooting for him.

Imagine everything... everything that they have you gave them.

And it is so, so wrong.


Yeah! Oh, f*ck!


Oh, God!

Oh! Ohh!

Yeah! Ohh!

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. Oh, God, it feels so good.

Yeah. Ohh!

(video off)

You didn't have to go that far.

Yeah. I did.

So now what?

I'll take it from here.

Listen, I... I'm real sorry that I had you even doing this shit.

Oh, hey. I'm a pro.

Two days are scheduled for this round of depositions.

We intend to use every second of that time, and we're not putting up with any more of your nonsense.

Objection. Argumentative. We just started this thing.

Let's get out of here.

See this?

It's a proposed Order of Contempt, to be filed with Judge Keller should you continue to be obstructionist.

Mrs. Larson, if I were being kind, I could say that your testimony has been inconsistent, but it's far worse than that.

It's mendacious.


I'm sorry. That means that you're lying.

I'm not lying.

Of course you are.

Object. Strike that.

(no audible dialogue)

(woman singing opera)

(clicker clicks)

Thank you.

I want to punch that midget bitch in the face.

I swear to God.

Actually, she's improved a little.

Have you ever in your life had a worse deposition?

I don't know. Probably not.

Maybe. I'm not sure.

Thank you.

I mean, that was... that was a literal disaster.

My thing is, and I don't even like kids, how is it that you can look at a child and just make them feel like shit?

(tires screech)

God damn!


What are you doing?

We'll be right there. Just stay calm.

It's all right. Okay.


What? Who was that?

Marva. Somebody broke in the storage locker.


Yes. We got to go.

Okay. Wait. Wait.

Stop. I want you to call the cops, and there's literally a hospital down the street.

I can move it. It's not broken.

You have to get it X-rayed.

Get in the f*cking car.

You don't know if it's bro...

(engine starts)

God damn it.

Help me with the steering wheel, will you?

Okay, let go, God damn it.

Patty: Oh, shit.

Son of a bitch.

Look, I don't know who did this, but it wasn't Borns Tech because they gave us all this stuff.

Yeah, I know that, Marva.

The model at Ryan's and the blueprints, where are they?

They're in my car.

All right, let's go.

Oh, no. Please, Billy, no.

Please? I can't clean this up by myself!

It's just some f*cking papers, honey.

(engine starts)

God damn it.

The forces of anti-American hatred that k*lled my brother... those enemies are out to destroy every single one of us.

It's one of the reasons I went into law...

So that I could work with companies like Borns Tech, who make it their mission to fight evil in the Middle East.


The evidence will show that this case is about evil.


How'd you get this?

Friends in the IT department.

Listen... Listen to this part.

In 2004, my brother Adam was k*lled fighting the forces of evil in Mosul.

I know the Larsons' hurt.

I know what it is to... lose someone.

He was...



That's why he tapped her: her dead brother.

Can you believe it?

It's not a bad choice.

The jury's going to love her.

That's my opening in my case.

Think about it.

The hardest thing to do is to humanize a corporate client, and Lucy does that. Look at her.

He was my entire world.


You're right.

I hate that.

And when he died, I vowed...

That's all you get from this?

To make it my mission...


What? What did I miss?

Borns Tech who keep our loved ones safe.

That it's cruel for Donald to be putting a young girl through this, to be milking her pain for the good of a case.

When she's done with it, you think he's going to care? Of course not.

For all we know, this is exactly why he hired her, just in case Borns Tech got caught on their shit.

He's so f*cking cold.

A little hot to be doing that today, isn't it, judge?

Did you ever build a float out of these things and put them in the Rose Parade?

What are you doing here?

I would have called, but your clerk wouldn't give me the number...

Are you drunk?

So I came over. No.

I hope so for your sake that you are drunk.

I'm not drinking, no. This is really important.

If you'll just let me come inside with you, I'll explain it to you.

(sigh) Inside.

Are you coming?

Inside, Mr. McBride.

(door closes)

You got two minutes.

All right.

We dug this up at Ryan Larson's house.

It's a model and some blueprints for a weapons system he was working on for Borns Tech.

Are you trying to get held in contempt again?

You can get disbarred for even discussing this with me outside the court, let alone argue it.

I'm not arguing anything.

You asked me a question. I'm just answering it.

See this? I got that when a guy tried to run me down today.

That's the same guy who's been following me ever since I took the case.

You're insane.

And I'm not...

It gets better.

Somebody broke in my storage locker.

Dumped out all the discovery, looking for this f*cking thing, I'm guessing.

Then you report it to the police.

You don't bring it to me.

I'd love to report it to the police, but you see, the police pulled me over on a bullshit DUI, beat the hell out of me, and tased my daughter.

Then my client gets k*lled outside your court.

They still don't have a suspect.

Two of my witnesses get popped on a drug charge, Neither one has a record for drug dealing.

Now, you think all that's a coincidence?

That's a laundry list of shit, judge.

What are you looking for from me, Mr. McBride?


My help?

The rules say that the court has to retain evidence pre-trial if the circumstances warrant it.

As long as I tell the other side what I'm doing, you have to take this evidence.

We scoured our files, and we didn't find anything about what McBride dug up in Larson's yard.

Is this a Borns Tech w*apon or not?

It's a fair question, Wendell. Is it?

Is this thing one of ours or not?

I deny knowing anything about this.

The firm knows nothing.

Are you all crazy? We're breaking the law here.

You can pretend we have plausible deniability, but we don't.

That's exactly what we have.

This case is only about what caused a boat to blow up in the middle of the night, and for that the burden is completely on the plaintiff.

If you were general counsel, what would you do with this information?

Why are you asking me?

First because you're outside counsel.

We pay for your advice.

Secondly, your opinion seems to f*cking matter...

Not to me, but evidently to them.

I would maintain the client's privilege of confidentiality.

So you'd stay quiet as a mouse.

I'm not a f*cking mouse.


And should McBride have evidence which shows we were working up a band cluster b*mb, you'd still stay quiet?

There's no evidence.

It's just allegations.

Leonard: Allegations?

Just between us lawyers, we already know Borns Tech did bad shit and covered it up.

The law imposes a duty on me to report this.

Yeah, and just between us lawyers, should somebody report it outside this firm or Borns Tech, violating the attorney client privilege, somebody would lose his law license.

And for staying quiet, somebody could go to prison.

All right, I've sat here and listened to this bullshit just about long...


You've got much to think about and consider.

Let's all take a break.

Shall we?

Okay, so, assuming we get to trial, Ned is our only expert witness.

So what else?

What else?

It's better to have one than none, isn't it?

It's not how many witnesses you have, it's what they have to say that counts.

Then we're really f*cked because Ned is Ned, and the jury's already going to hate him for the revenge porn.

We may have another witness.

Patty: Who?


We don't have him yet.

We're going to have him.

I'll see to it if you don't.

Are you drunk?

That's none of your g*dd*mn business.

You... You see this, right?

Everyone's here because of you, so it is my g*dd*mn business.

When I asked you point blank if I should be scared to do this case, you said no.

Well, I'll let you girls sit here and dwell on your f*cking problems.


♪♪ (rock guitar)

♪ Ain't it lonesome ♪
♪ Get along ♪
♪ Babe, I'm alone, home alone ♪
♪ Ain't it lonesome ♪
♪ Get along ♪

(screaming on ride)

♪ Babe, I'm alone ♪
♪ Home alone ♪
♪ Well, I ain't got nobody ♪
♪ Nobody to keep me company ♪

(screaming on ride)

♪ Hey, I'm gonna give you a warning ♪


Woman: Right here, right here!

♪ I'm goin' back down ♪
♪ That lonesome road ♪
♪ Well, I ain't got nobody ♪
♪ Nobody to keep me company ♪

Hi. You've reached Rachel.

I'm not home right now, but leave a message, and I'll get back to you. Thanks.

Have a great day.


♪ Well, I ain't got nobody ♪
♪ Nobody to keep me company ♪
♪ Hey, hey, babe ♪
♪ Mm-hmm, baby ♪
♪ Mm-hmm, babe ♪

Hey, honey, what are you doing out here?

Why didn't you knock?

I did, and I texted you.

You ready?


We're supposed to practice driving today.


Mom won't do it, and she makes me too nervous anyway, so...

Look, there's something I got to do, and I can't get out of it.

Are you the one Mom's dating?

Where the hell did that come from?

Of course not.

She has a restraining order against me.

How could I be dating her?

Yeah, now, because you probably screwed things up with her again.

You two hooking up for the sex? Is that it?

I said it's not me.


And that's creepy.

You're my kid. Come on.

Don't do that.

So it really wasn't you?

No, it wasn't me.

I was kind of hoping it was.

Be nicer to Mom.

Well, ahem, see, I can't get within 200 yards of her, so... (chuckle)

You could start by dropping this case against her firm.

It's making her crazy.

The case is not about me.

The case is about a client...

You're so full of it.

And a guy who got k*lled.

It's all about you.

If Donald Cooperman wasn't on the other side of this, you wouldn't give a shit.

And you're drinking too much again.

I can smell you.


I'm not stupid, Dad.

You're sure not.

So you won't drop it?

Not even for me?

No, I can't, honey. I'm sorry.

Well, I don't forgive you.


Should we be worried, do you think?

(sigh) Leonard Letts won't go to the FBI.

He's too scared. He's got too much at stake.

I'd go if I were him.

Why don't you go, then?

For that matter, why don't I go?

I mean, we know the corporation is guilty of really bad stuff.

The only question is how much, and we have a legal duty to report the corporation's crimes.

No. I'm not sure that we do.

It's a really gray area.

The court says a lawyer needs to maintain client confidentiality, especially when they confess to crimes.


Well, some poor schmuck is going to get convicted of not reporting that corporation's crimes.

And then the Supreme Court will reverse the decision and strike down the law in maybe ten years.

Do you want to be that test case? Because I don't.

And neither does Leonard.

I don't know. He's f*cked, right?

He's just f*cked.

We all are.

Which is why we want to get out while we still can and start our own thing.

Stop it. Really, you're going to go there again?

You got to stop. You're like a dog with a bone.


Oh, shit.


What are you doing home?

Uh, I got a text to come home.



Did you text her?

She's your daughter.

She should know who you love.

You need to go now.



This place I've been to many times.

And, uh, it's just, uh... right here.

Up the stairs?

She's... Yep.

Yeah, but please don't make me do this.

I told you we have to, or Cooperman will.

He'll get her to testify as a witness that you're some kind of a scum bag.

Which I am. I am. He's right.

Which apartment is it?



Ned. What are you doing here?

I'm Billy. I'm a friend of Ned's.

That's Billy.

He just wanted to come by and talk to you for a few minutes.

If you can just...

I guess.

Thank you so much.

Sorry for the intrusion, Miss, uh...

Millie, by the way.

Absolutely. I know all about you.

Ned talks about you all the time.

I'm going to go outside and give you guys some privacy.

I'll just have a smoke out there.

Sure. Go ahead. Okay.

Who is this guy?

I'll explain it to you later.

You showed our tape to people?

I'm so sorry.

That was private, Ned.

I know.

The most private thing I ever did.

It's just I... I was hurt, and... and, you know, I was angry...

And the only reason I did it was because you begged me to.

My parents could see that tape.

I am so sorry.

My nieces.

I was angry.

The people I work with.

I was hurting.

I broke up with you because we had no future.

I have to get on with my life.

I want kids, a family.

So do I.

Do you?

So do I.

I mean, should you?

With all that mental stuff you've got going on in your head?

I... I could get help for that.

I would if you'd just give me a chance.

You know? I...

I want a legacy.

I want to have moments with you like...

Don't you remember when we went to Solvang?

It was a great trip.

I loved you.

And I still love you.

(door opens)

(Billy coughs) Sorry.

Sorry to interrupt.


Listen, um, I guess he told you I'm an attorney.

We really need your help.

You see, we're going to have to get Ned on the stand.

And the other side, they're going to want to use this videotape.


Oh, yes, ma'am.

They can do that?

Of course they can.

And they will. We can diffuse that if you just come along with us.

If you find it in your heart to forgive Ned...

If you're by his side, then it really makes the tape meaningless to them.

Which would be good for you and your case.

I don't like being used.

I understand completely.

Of course I want to win my case.

I mean, selfishly, absolutely.

Ned's a good guy.

I know he cares about you.

So above and beyond any of this stuff, it would just be great to see you guys close again because I can tell you love each other.

Come on, Blue! What are you watching?

That was a strike!

Good call, ump.

Your kid looks like he's throwing darts.

This is baseball. He needs to use his legs and follow through.

You ought to teach him something.

Billy, you want a Coke or something?

Oh, no, thanks, baby. I'm all right.

Brittany: Ohh! Oh, God! I'm so into this right now.

We did the best we could, but, as it turns out, you don't have a good side.

Oh, yeah! Oh, God, it feels so good.

My wife never sees this.

Really? She might learn something.

Shut up, you c**t.

Hey, there's no need for that.

You're lucky she's a nice person.

I was going to just get the information and show this to your wife anyway.

I may still do that.

The Latin guy told me to f*ck with you.

But he's not Latin, or he's half...

I don't f*cking know.

His name is Karl Stoltz.

Who does he work for?

Borns Tech or Cooperman?

I don't even know who that is. I just know Stoltz.

Who does Stoltz work for?

The DEA, I think.

He's not big on information.

The DEA. All right.

He's an informant for 'em.

Look, that's all you're getting from me.

We're done. I got nothing more.

Envelope, please, Brittany.

This is all I got.

A little subpoena for you there.

Yeah? Well, you can forget about it because I ain't testifying.

I got a witness here.

You'll be sorry if you put me on the stand.

What a prick.

♪ Baby, save it ♪
♪ We're wasted ♪
♪ I know we got to slow it down ♪

I guess I'll see you later.

Okay. Well, can you do me a favor and not tell Patty about the tape or what I did?

Yeah, okay.


I wish you didn't have to do it at all.


You seem real busted up over it.

It kind of doesn't make you any better than a pimp, though, does it?

I'm done.

Yeah, I know.

I'm gonna miss you.

Why is that?

I love you.

I always have.

If we're going to talk about the Larson case, we really should invite the trial team up.

I don't want either Callie or Lucy here.

I don't trust them, Donald.

And you trust me? Oh, that's nice.

Just for the record, I'm... I'm shocked.

I'm shocked at Letts' revelations of illegality at Borns Tech.

So what are you going to do about it?

In fact, I have a luncheon appointment to meet with Letts and Wendell Corey to get to the bottom of things and set things right.

(laughing) How?

It's not your concern.

In law there is one great eternal truth: If anyone goes to prison, it's the client, not the lawyer.

Cooperman McBride has represented far worse than Borns Tech and survived and maintained their secrets and not faced a single day in jail for it.

Leave it to me, or leave the firm!

It's up to you.

We've survived without one McBride!

We can survive without two!

In the meantime...

Tell Billy I want to meet him.

At the old place. He'll know where.

Just the two of you?


It's time.

Yeah, so you got this creep of a dirty f*cking cop, and you got a dirty DEA informant who I'm as sure as I can be are working for a dirty defense contractor.

So I'll give you all the evidence I've got.

And then you guys take it from there, you know?

Make an indictment, root these creeps out, make your big, splashy press release and all that like you do.

You get to f*ck the DEA over, which I know you like to do, and, uh, FBI's happy, U.S. Attorney's happy, and I'm happy.

I heard you were dead.




I'll be damned. I didn't read that.

You never heard that?



What do you want in return?

Everything you got on Karl Stoltz.

Then if he's dirty, then maybe help me get a break on the Marquez brothers' drug charge.

And anything you share about Borns Tech.

Borns Tech is a big player out here.

Lots of big government contracts.

Major employer, too.

You sound like a commercial, man.

Are you their spokesman or something?

You're talking about a long-term investigation, grand jury, okay?

Subpoenas, trial hours, research.

Yeah. That kind of stuff that you do, right?

Your job. I'm just asking you to work, that's all.

I'd have to run it by my deputy chief, at least, and the chief.

The U.S. Attorney. too.

Yeah, then we got to book grand jury time, issue subpoenas, talk to the D.O.D.

All right, all right. We'll get back to you.

It's very interesting.

(ice clinks)

I enjoy this room.

And this club.

They threw a dinner for me here when I came home in 1972.

I think my dad was here.

(laughing) He was.

And the President sent a telegram.

Can you imagine a telegram?

Pace of progress.

It's a beautiful room.

Wendell: Yeah, it is.

As general counsel, Leonard, you were to be put up for membership here or the Jonathan Club if it had been your preference.

You used the past tense.

The third past tense conditional, I believe.

You never took Latin, I see.

Ah, that's not surprising.

You're being fired, Leonard.

This is retaliation for me asking questions about illegal activity at the corporation?

You can't fire me for doing my job or following the law. I will go to the FBI, and I will reveal what I know to be true.

I will be a whistleblower, and then I will sue you both for wrongful termination, and I'll win, too.

God. y-you know what?

You should file a civil rights claim. I would.

There's no need to rankle, Wendell.

There's no need to fire you, Leonard.

You could stay with us.

You could help us fight back this McBride threat.

Ship's sinking, Leonard.

Come on.

There's a seat in the life boat.

Just get the f*ck on board. Okay?

It absolutely is right because if you're following too closely behind the car, the guy wants to stop, and you run up his tail pipe, you're absolutely to blame.

All right, don't Cr... Mama, come on.

Come on. Don't cry. Look, I love you.

Everybody loves you, okay?

But you're a terrible driver.


(door opens)

Oh. Hi.


Hey, boss.

So, uh, Mama, this is Billy McBride, okay?

This is Irene Papagian, my ex-mother-in-law.


These are her boys.

Uh, she had a little bit of a car accident.

Oh. Sorry to hear that.

It wasn't my fault.

It's absolutely your fault.

You are 100% to blame.

What's this? Just now? What's...

I know. Can I talk to you just privately for a second?

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Hey, listen, I know it's your family and all, but I got a lot of shit to do, and what's wrong with your office?

Okay. Um... there's no office. The office is gone.

What do you mean?

I couldn't keep up the rent, so I lost the office.

Five minutes max.



All right.

I'm sorry about your office.

I'm sorry. And it's so embarrassing.

Like, it's so embarrassing.

Don't be embarrassed.

Just, you know, finish up, and we'll start it later, okay?

Thank you.

Well, I'll be damned.

Is this some kind of setup or something?

You know, this is within 200 feet.

You should read the fine print.

The TR is for the house, dummy, not for me. Plus, I'm on my own.

Uh, can I get a Jack Daniels, please?

You got it.


What happened to your hand?

Uh, just f*cking around. Sprained my wrist.


So what's up?



He wants to see you tonight.

He said you'd know where.

Yeah, I know where.

So he couldn't call me himself?

Sends you down here like you're a f*cking runner?

Arrogant son of a bitch.

Denise knows about Callie.

What, did you tell her?

Nope. Callie did in a really, really unhealthy way.

I can't imagine Callie telling anybody in a... in a healthy way.

It's who she is.

You know, I never wanted to be with a lawyer.


But I always end up with one.

Why is that?

I don't know, convenience?

Always one right down the hall.

Then this woman came over.

I have her card somewhere in the house.

I forget her name.

Do you remember what she said?

I kept asking her to repeat herself because I couldn't f*cking believe what she was telling me.

They're calling in the loan.

Borns cosigned on the house when Ryan joined them.

And they emptied the trust account. That... That's for Jason's college.

Can they do that? They can't do that, right?

Actually, yeah, they can.

I can't lose this house.

How am I going to pay for college?

We just have to win the case.

Well, we're going to try.

You will win, right?


They don't even make f*cking adults anymore.

These little privileged shits.

Everybody's a f*cking p*ssy.

You can't say shit to anybody.

You can't even be a f*cking human being anymore.

You know what I'm saying?

How are you supposed to be a human being?

30 f*cking years in the Bar, you know?

Not this f*cking bar.

30 years of the law.

30 f*cking years.

Never turned in a dishonest day in court.

Not f*cking once.

You can check the trial transcripts and see for yourself.

Know something else?

I wouldn't change a f*cking thing.

I wouldn't... I wouldn't change a f*cking thing, Frankie.

Did you know that?

Because I lived.

See, people don't f*cking live anymore.

You can't f*cking say anything that's politically incorrect.

Rumor is you're off the wagon.

f*cking do anything.

No, no, I'm still on the wagon.

I just got a designated driver. (chuckle)


So what are you doing here?

I don't understand.

I will carry you through the Larson case, and then I'm out for reals.

I can't keep doing this.

I never heard that before.

You'll carry me?

How many f*cking times you gonna quit anyway?

It's my own g*dd*mn fault.

I should have never agreed to take this f*cking thing on anyway.

You know you have a meeting with Donald Cooperman?

He called, huh?


Yeah, he must want something.

Well, you can't go like this.

What, you me to put a tuxedo on?

I'm not gonna crawl over there to that m*therf*cker and, you know, f*ckin' run over to that son of a bitch like a f*cking puppy. Forget it.

Hey. Hey.



You love me?

Oh. f*ck. Uh, look...

Honey, of course I love you.

I love everybody.

Can we get this guy a coffee, please?

Still alive, I see.

What's up, G-man?

Where's your sidekick?

He's at home asleep sucking his thumb.

He's a p*ssy.

He seemed like it.

But he's interested in your case.

No shit.

No shit. He needs a big case so he can land a offer at Kirkland & Ellis or go in house at Boeing.

He's an ambitious little f*ck.

You know how it is.

Yeah, I do.

Still, that's good news.

Sure about that?

If the U.S. Attorney's office takes over, who's in charge, you?

So I get nothing?

It's Karl Stoltz.

Don't forget we helped.

We may need you if we ever indict anybody.

You were right. He's dirtier than shit.

Before he was a DEA informant, he worked with us.

We dropped him because he was making shit up.

When the DEA drops him, the A*F will pick him up.

Way of the world.

You didn't get this from me.

Why am I getting anything?

Why do you think?

I f*cking hate the DEA.

I hate lawyers, too.

That doesn't mean I think they should get run over.

Yeah, well, I appreciate that.

(speaking Chinese)

♪♪ (Woman singing in Chinese)

Okay, Donnie, what do you want?

It's just amazing after all these years.

I have a deep capacity for hate myself, but yours... yours is impressive.

I don't hate you.

That would take too much effort.

But I'm glad to see your ego's still intact.

Is that what you tell yourself?

That the opposite of love is...

Is not hate. It's indifference.

I don't believe that you're indifferent.

Did I ever tell you that I f*cked your wife?

Before you knew her.

And after.


That's all you have to say?

I never could rattle you.

And I'm good at rattling people.

But you see right through me, and I respect that.

What I didn't respect is your inability to be a real lawyer.

Yes, you won a few cases.


I built a business.

A culture.

A company.

A law firm.

You were a drunk with talent who got lucky.

You're playing with fire, Billy.

Borns Tech is not some g*dd*mn insurance company.

Think about what's gone down in this case and ask yourself how much more of it you can take, how many more people are going to get hurt.

Consider... one dead client.


You were almost run down in the street.

It was terrible.

Don't look at me.

Did I say I did it?

To acknowledge that a crime has been committed or will be committed is not in itself a crime.

You of all people should know that.

That k*ller that you sprung... Bender...

You knew he was guilty of m*rder.

You knew he was likely to m*rder again, but you got him off anyway, and he k*lled... that beautiful, beautiful family.

I don't k*ll innocent people, Billy.

You do.

That's why you live in a bottle.

That's why you destroyed your marriage, your family.

So I take it there's no offer on the table.

There's always an offer on the table, Billy boy.

How about nothing?

You withdraw everything, admit you were wrong... give up your law license, give me title to your car, and you let me f*ck you up the ass.

Don't forget, legally, you have to convey the offer to the client.

I gave this to your assistant.

But the fact that you didn't complain tells me that you told her to ignore it.

Can you prove that?


I can't.


But I can prove I served you.

(camera shutter clicks)

I'm not accepting this service on behalf of my assistant.

That's okay. You don't have to.

It's not for her. It's for you.


And I do see right through you.

I've never seen you this scared before, you son of a bitch.

(tires screech)


(keys jingle)

