01x03 - Unambiguous

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bull". Aired: September 20, 2016 - May 26, 2022.*
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"Bull" follows a trial consultant, who uses his insight into human nature, three Ph.D.'s and a top-notch staff to tip the scales of justice in favor of his client. Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw.
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01x03 - Unambiguous

Post by bunniefuu »

Bull: I'm Dr. Jason Bull. I'm not a lawyer. I'm an expert in what's called trial science. I study the jury's behavioral patterns. I know what they're thinking before they do. Everything my team learns gets plugged into a matrix, which allows us to assemble a mirror jury that is scary in its predictive efficiency. The verdict you get depends on me. And that's no bull.

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

Ellen: Welcome to Open and Shut with Ellen Huff, a true crime podcast investigating the unsolved m*rder of college athlete Mike Tasker, considered a "golden boy" for Hudson University's basketball team.

Three years ago, Mike was found shot to death in Central Park, the apparent victim of a robbery gone bad.

With no leads since the m*rder, the case had gone cold...

That is, until earlier this year Open and Shut unearthed a r*pe allegation from another college student named Reese Burton that the police knew nothing about.

Three years ago, she filed an anonymous complaint accusing Mike of sexually assaulting her on campus.

The next week, Reese bought a g*n, began stalking Mike, and the following week, she threatened him.

That was the night he was k*lled.

All of this was unknown until my investigation began.

Three years later, Reese's DNA has been placed at the scene of the m*rder, a damning piece of evidence that will most certainly land Reese behind bars.

You are listening to Open and Shut with Ellen Huff.

Reporter: The news media has gone wild over the sensational new podcast Open and Shut.

If the cops arrest you, you're guilty of something.

I love being a part of something everyone's talking about.

It makes me feel connected.

Sad to say, a good story spreads faster than the truth.

Doesn't matter if you really did it.

All that matters is that people think you did it.

You don't look like a lawyer from Legal Aid.

Technically, I'm a psychologist.

I'm... Dr. Jason Bull.

Are you analyzing me?


But that's not why I'm here.

I'm here because you need help. A lot of help.

Not the kind of help you're gonna get from Legal Aid.

Trial Analysis Corporation?

How do you help with trials?

I change people's minds for a living.

Especially the jury's.

Have you heard the podcast?


It's not really my thing.

I don't believe in "open and shut," especially when it's made to entertain 25 million people.

I want to hear you tell me the story.


Last time a stranger approached me and asked for my story, well...

Ellen Huff sandbagged me and twisted everything I said to make me into a k*ller.

So you can't blame me if my trust is wearing thin.


I understand.

Enjoy prison. It was nice to meet you.


Where are you going?

Well, I thought we were through.

Why do you think I'm innocent?

Because r*pe survivors react in different ways.

And rage is one of those.

Enough rage to k*ll their perpetrator?


But that's not how you reacted.

The way you reacted...

You can't fake that kind of pain.

Why don't you tell me why this podcast is full of crap?

I met Mike at this Phi Delt party.

He walked me home.

He asked to use the bathroom.


I was so naive.

The next day, I reported it to the administration.


They said they would "look into it."

But the Hudson University basketball team made it into the finals that year.


And they were gonna protect their star player.

Didn't matter.

A few weeks later, Mike was dead and that was the end of it.

I got a job, made new friends, put it behind me.

And then, three years later, Ellen Huff uncovers your complaint against Mike?

Yeah, this claim that I filed anonymously.

'Cause I didn't want to forever be that girl... that girl that was r*ped.

After Ellen outed me, the police reopened the case.

They said that my hair matched a hair on Mike's jacket, and boom, my world is upside-down.

But Ellen twisted all the facts.

What about this hair on the jacket that's a perfect DNA match?

That makes sense.

The night Mike was k*lled, he was wearing the same jacket as the night he wore when he...

...you know.

I didn't k*ll Mike.

I believe you.

(lock buzzes)

(door opens)

Can you get me out of here?


I take it this case is pro bono.

Which is why you need to try it.

Think that's a compliment?

You have heard the podcast.

I will, as soon as we've done our research.

And I know she was a victim.

She's still a victim, a second time.

We're trying this case, Benny.


Good. Good.

I've been eager to step back in the ring with the D.A.'s office.

I wonder who I get to knock gloves with.


Did you know she was prosecuting this case?



What a surprise.

I heard you were working with your brother-in-law.

Ex-brother-in-law. Dr. Jason Bull.

Your reputation precedes you.

So... how have you been?


I didn't realize you were still trying cases.

I was fired.

I didn't die.

That's not what I meant.

Anyways, you shouldn't take this to trial.

It's open and shut.

Bailiff: All rise.

The Superior Court of New York is now in session.

State v. Reese Burton, case number 0255348.

How do you plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

Bull: Reese, it's a good sign the judge granted bail.

Chin up, back straight, don't smile, don't frown, don't look at anyone.

Reporter: Reese!

You're not guilty, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Reporter 2: Reese, do you expect a fair trial?

(reporters clamoring)

I can't catch my breath.

Okay. Taxi!

Hey, reporters, media!

Have we got a show for you!


So gather round, gather round, ladies and gentlemen!

Whatever your pleasure, we here, we got a great show for you!

Now, I know you don't want to...

(continues indistinctly)

...that you really don't want to talk to.

♪ ♪

Marissa: Are we on The Amazing Race?

'Cause I left my running heels at home.


I just want to get back to TAC and start testing this case.

Look, if this is about Amanda...

Whoa, hey.

Are you accusing me of fast walking to avoid talking about Amanda?

Defensive much?

How did you guys end it?

Not well.

You know?

I didn't plan to quit the D.A.'s office, but there I was, in front of two reporters, about to get a conviction on a man I knew was innocent.

I just...

I couldn't do it.

You're the Jerry Maguire of the American judicial system.

Yeah, well...

I guess I thought Amanda was gonna be my Renée Zellweger.

That she'd come with me when I left.

Her loss, our gain.

Cable: Don't sweat the mock trial, okay?

It's all just part of the process.

I'm not worried, I just don't like the idea of having more strangers judging me.

I can't imagine why.

(phone chimes)

So, certain tonal frequencies are known to have a measurable effect on brain function, and I wrote this app that creates music to help you relax, focus...

It helps me to block out distractions...

Namely, Dr. Bull.

(soothing tonal landscape playing)

I like it.

It's not exactly Tin Lizard, but... it's cool.

You're into the Lizard?

They're awesome.

Okay, well, I might have info that they're playing a super secret show and you should totally come.

Yeah, yeah.

I just might have plans.

You know, like jail.

Have faith.

Dr. Bull might be generationally challenged, but he's the best.

Where is Dr. Bull?

Prosecuting your case right how.

The week after she filed an as*ault claim, Reese went out and purchased a nine-millimeter handgun.

And two weeks later, she got her chance to use it.

She followed Mike to a concert in Central Park.

She threatened to sh**t him and, hours later, Mike Tasker was shot to death.

Bull would've made a hell of a prosecutor.


Never seen the trend line spike so fast.

I mean, 70's a problem.

80's.... intent to convict.

90's... burn her at the stake.


She's guilty.

I agree.

Mirror juror 2: Who heard her making the threat?

I mean, did that really happen?

It was Mike's friend, Rob McKellen.

They're bringing things up from the podcast.

I thought we put together people who hadn't heard it.

I did, and we instructed them not to listen to it.


These two were downloading the podcast during lunch?

As soon as they left the building.

It's wet paint.

They can't help but touch it.

It's corrupted every member of the jury.

Benny: We need to sequester the jury.

Judge Rand has denied 22 requests for sequesters out of 22, citing "a waste of taxpayer dollars."

Well, the podcast is already out there.

It's been field-tested by 25 million people.

Benny: If Amanda follows Ellen's narrative, she'll get a conviction.

Or... we replace Ellen's story with a better one.

I'm listening.

Let me tell you a little story about an incompetent journalist.

She takes a r*pe victim and falsely accuses her of m*rder.


It's time to put Ellen on trial.

We are going to dismantle her podcast.

Reese Burton and her defense team have subpoenaed my files in a desperate attempt to distract the jury from a guilty client.

Ms. Huff? Will you be sharing your information with the court?

Freedom of the press is one of our most sacred constitutional rights. Woodward and Bernstein, Daniel Ellsberg. I, too, protect my sources.

(laughs) But are...

Aren't those journalists from some of the greatest news organizations in the country?

Sadly, those dinosaurs are no longer relevant.

Today, citizen journalists fulfill the important work of the Fourth Estate, and I'll go to jail before compromising the integrity of my podcast.

(excited chatter)

And the cell door closes on Open and Shut with Ellen Huff.

We don't have to worry about her releasing any more episodes as long as she's in jail.

So, you're a reporter now?

I'm a citizen journalist. I have a blog, check it out.

Cable: Yeah, we write about anything and everything having to do with Reese's case.

With Ellen in jail, we can control the narrative, so, Cable, why don't you go behind Instagram on Mike, see what social media has to say.

We have a jury pool list yet?

70 have daughters.

82 have sons.

People with daughters should be on our side.

Let's build a full motivational matrix of every possible juror's thoughts on Mike, Reese, r*pe on campus and college basketball.

Which jurors have abuse in their background?

I'm still investigating, but... it's a lot.

I mean, statistically, one in four.

So, Danny, let's dig into the witness list.

We need alternative theories, unfollowed leads.

Our case hinges on finding the facts that Ellen ignored.

On it.

How'd you know she'd put herself in jail if we subpoenaed her raw interviews?

Well, the podcast gave her notoriety, but...


Falling on the sword gave her what she really wanted.


How much time you think we've bought?

Well... as long as Ellen's integrity will hold up against the county jail food.


Two days, max.

Chunk: Reese, you're going to appear in front of the jury today.

What you wear in court is as important as what you say.

You're wearing...

I don't know what you're wearing.

But it's at least three sizes too big.

They're comfortable.

That's not comfort, Mama, that's camouflage.

If you hide in front of the jury in all that, they're gonna think you have something to hide.

Silk. It softens the look, and I'm sewing your pockets shut.


(chuckles) Look... your hands are in your pockets...

People automatically think you're being dishonest when they can't see your hands.

How we doing?

Is it too late to run?

I usually advise my clients to run before they get arrested.


Dr. Bull, this is, um... this is... getting a little too real...

Reese, it's okay.

You're having a panic attack. Come sit down.

Just repeat after me. Okay?

One, two, three, seven, eight, four, two.

(exhales) What?

One, two, three, seven, nine, 11, six.

(gasping): One, two, three, nine...

One, two, three... seven, nine, eleven... six.

How did you do that?

The mind can't freak out and count numbers out of order.

How long you been having these panic att*cks?

Ever since...

Mike. I, um...

(sniffles) I usually just go running and it calms me down.

Well, when this is over, you're gonna go running whenever you want.

Not because you have to.

Which do you prefer?

Still life with fruit, or this abstract painting? Your Honor, we're trying to hold a voir dire session here, not an auction at Sotheby's.

I prefer neither, Mr. Colón.

Understood, Your Honor, but I do have the right to ask the question.

Not for long. Proceed.

Uh, definitely the fruit.

I like to know what I'm looking at. Hmm.

What are we doing with art... and fruit? How does this help?

People who like abstract paintings are open to new ideas. New stories.

We just don't want to let the other side know what we're fishing for.

How many of you prefer the fruit?

Okay. Jurors number four, seven and 12...

Move to strike, Your Honor.

Benny: What should the penalty be for r*pe?


Five years minimum.

He has a daughter?

Granddaughters. Twin teenagers.

He dotes on him.

Bull: He's in.

Tell me about this ray of sunshine, Tom.

Marissa: 64. Divorced.

Three times.

We did a motivational matrix on Tom.

Yeah, Bull.

He uses very aggressive language when he's online.

Who's next if we bounce him?

Uh, Wade Macklin. 32.

Unmarried. Uh, professional organizer.

Well, I like the sweater and the scruff.

But he puts things in boxes for a living.

We only have one strike left.


(sighs) Okay.

Does Wade have a pet?


He had back surgery last year.

Cost Wade a whopping six grand.

So cute.

Oh, Wade.

He may be rigid, but he has a heart.

He loves his dog.

The defense would like to thank this juror for his time and service. Move to strike, Your Honor.

I'm 32 years old.

I'm 32 years old.

I lived in Paris for two years.

I lived in Paris for two years.

I'm an artist.

I'm an artist.

I work on Wall Street.

I work on Wall Street.

We managed to assemble a mirror jury that makes me tingly in its perfection. Their demographics line up 82% with the actual jury.

Bull: How's the initial polling?

Uh, three on the fence.

Nine strongly in favor of conviction.

Doesn't sound like perfection if you're Reese.

What... exactly as predicted, given the court of public opinion.

At least these are the type open to considering an alternate narrative.

Cable, what did you find on Mike that the jury has not heard yet?

A lot, starting with the fact that Hudson University had dozens of unreported sexual as*ault claims.

And none of them ended in criminal charges.

And this story about sexual as*ault on the Hudson campus that was in the New York Ledger today... is that a coincidence?

Ellen doesn't have a monopoly on exposés.

Well, let's make sure it links to our blog, though it doesn't help enough with our case against Ellen.

No, but... this does.

Another Jane Doe filed an as*ault charge against Mike on campus that same semester.

How could Ellen have missed that?

Well, either she didn't do her homework, or it didn't fit her narrative.

Let's find out who this Jane Doe is.

I've got this one.

Danny: What if it was Mike's girlfriend, Gina Stefano?

In the podcast, she said they were soul mates.

But if so, their souls bonded over their hot tempers.

Apparently, these two fought constantly.

Bull: She's the prosecution's next witness.

Benny, let's prepare a cross.

♪ ♪

Mike's former teammates and coach.

Amanda: When did you first learn about Mike and Reese?

We were on a break, when he had this... drunken hookup with Reese.

And that didn't upset you?


Mike told me everything.

Bull: They're here for the prosecution.

Amanda's good. I can see why you had a thing for her.

Reese became obsessed with him, started stalking him.

If I had known that she bought a g*n, I would've told the police back then.

Right on script. That's the podcast verbatim.

Amanda: Nothing further.

Ms. Stefano, did you and Mike Tasker ever fight?

Sure. Every couple does.

One friend reported that you often threw dishes at each other.

(scoffs) Okay, not often.

Mike could get out of line. Every once in a while, I had to pop him one.

We were both very passionate.

So passionate that you filed an as*ault claim against him?

Under a Jane Doe, is that correct?

Amanda: Objection, relevance.

Your Honor, the deceased is not on trial here.

I'll allow it.

Gina: Look, I was just mad at him, okay?

And I dropped it, like, a week later.

We were both under a lot of pressure, and things got heated, and that's all.

So you, a self-described hothead, you were angry?

(scoffs) Sure.

And under pressure.


Did you k*ll Mike Tasker?



Did you ever tell Ellen Huff about your turbulent relationship with Mike?

She never asked.
Benny: So, Ellen Huff was not interested in the truth.

Benny: She never asked.

Just picked up Aaron and Claudia.

Claudia read the Ledger's r*pe story and is convinced that Ellen did a poor job reporting the facts.

I take it you hacked her computer, implanted your news story.

It wasn't very secure.

Okay, Amanda's next witness up is Rob McKellen.

Fraternity brother and Mike's best friend.

What's all this about pedicures?


Back in college, he and Mike Tasker traded a bunch of e-mails back and forth scheduling pedicures.


Any of your teammates get pedis?

Pedicures? (laughs)

Who we talking about, these guys?


Not these guys. I'm thinking pedis... is code.

Benny: You ever get a pedicure, Mr. McKellen?

Objection, relevance.

Rand: I'm curious.

What? No, I...


Then how do you explain these e-mail exchanges between you and Mike Tasker discussing your pedicures?

What are you talking about?

They're in evidence, Mr. McKellen.

Subpoenaed by the state.


You need an eye for detail to spot the significance.

The prosecution didn't notice that you used "pedicure" as code for PEDs, did they?

Did you and Mike Tasker ever use performance-enhancing dr*gs, also known as steroids?

(page flips)

Can I plead the Fifth, Your Honor?

You may, Mr. McKellen.

Podcast made Rob look like a Boy Scout.

Should've known better.

I like this attorney.

He does his homework.

Rob looks like my broker.

I hate my broker.

Benny: Are you aware that steroids can make people aggressive?

I've heard that.

But I plead the Fifth.

You have a g*n collection?

So what?

Including three nine-millimeter side arms?

Have they been checked for the ballistics in this case?

I'm not on trial here. She is.

Yeah, because of what you told Ellen Huff.



Mr. McKellen, you were the last person to see Mike alive that night, weren't you?



Quite a job you did on Rob.

He went up as a witness for the prosecution, came down a suspect.

At least according to Ethel and Sydney.

Bull: And yet Wade is even more convinced that Reese k*lled Mike Tasker.

Oy, how is that even possible?

It's called "backfire effect."

When someone like Wade locks into a story, even when they're shown evidence to the contrary, they dig their heels in even more.

Benny: So the only narrative Wade trusts is Ellen's.

Marissa: Fact that she's in jail only further confirms her integrity.

Then it's time to break her out of jail.

I'm gonna go play reporter.

Angela: Danny, you know how much trouble I could get in for this?

You are a patriot and my favorite SoulCycle partner.

You're lucky I can't stand Ellen.

She thinks she's in a hotel.

Ellen: I had no idea jail would be such a boon for the podcast.

Another 100,000 downloads in two days.

I've had three publishers approach me about a book.

This is a dream.

That's taken completely out of context.

How did you get that? It's just.. hold on a second.

I got to put this.

This is new, so I got to... put this in here and then it goes to record, and I got to... press that.



(lock buzzes)

(latch clicks)

Um, so why did you say that?

I recognize you from the press conference.

Who do you work for?

(sighs) I work for a lot of people.

This is a popular blog that follows the trial, and, I got to say, the argument for the defense has a lot of merit.

Mm, everything I wrote was true.


Yeah, of course.

But, I mean, it's pretty clear you left out a few key details, right?

Like, um... Gina and Mike and their turbulent relationship.

Kind of gives Gina motive.

Well, she didn't buy a g*n.

But Rob had a g*n collection and he was dealing steroids.

All the top players on their team did steroids.


When'd you find that out?

And why didn't you report that?

It's not relevant.

So you just... you just decide which facts are relevant, and then you deliberately leave out other ones?

No, you've got the story completely wrong.

No, I got my story.

Good, all right, listen, my editors are all over me to file this story.

Wait, what are you gonna print?

That you only care about your podcast ratings, and that you got to have information suggesting Gina and Rob are suspects and that's why you haven't released your files to the court.

But I am releasing my files to the court.

When did that happen?

Just now.

(soft chuckle)

(phone clacks on table)


Uh... so... you're trying to k*ll my story.

(lock buzzes)

(latch clicks)


Here's the deal.

No more press conferences and no more podcasts until after the trial is over.


And I get access to the files.


(snickers) I'm a big fan, by the way.

All right, thanks.

(rock music playing)


(chuckling): That was terrible.


Darts are pure chance, my friend.


Here we go.

Oh, Amanda, what are you doing here?

Oh, that's better. Look at that.



How far in advance did you know Amanda was prosecuting the case?

How long you been missing Amanda?

(dart hits board)


Come on, man. I'm over her.

You haven't seriously dated anyone since you guys broke up.

It's because I haven't found anyone I liked.

I'm picky.

Ha. Like other dart players I know.


Check you out.

Stage managing my life with Amanda, pouring your life into Reese's.

You ever gonna get serious with a woman again?

(dart hits board)


Reporter: And now we have Ellen Huff live just moments...

Oh, there's Ellen.


No, really.

I have decided to share research from my investigation with the courts, so long as they protect my sources.

And I promise you the truth is in there.

I'll keep you posted. Excuse me.

(reporters clamoring)

I told her no press conferences.

No, technically it's not.

They were waiting for her at her apartment.

(sighs) Are you her lawyer now?

All right, let's finish these drinks and go say hi.

(sirens wailing)

Bull: Hey, what's going on here?

Officer: Hold up there.

Detective: It's all right, Officer, I know him.

Let 'em through.

Bull: Thanks, Detective.

What happened?

Looks like gravity.

Amanda: Forced entry, signs of a struggle.

Ellen was pushed.

We need your client at the precinct for questioning.

(foghorn blows in distance)



You're fast.

How'd you find me?

Figured you needed to go for a run after you heard about Ellen's death.

Are the police looking for me?

You have about an hour.

(crying): I'm sorry, I...

I had to get out of my apartment.

I, uh... I couldn't breathe.

(breathing heavily): I... I... saw my photo on the news.

Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me for a second.

Come here, come here.


Come here, it's okay. Let's count, all right?



Say it.

Seven, eight, nine, 11, one.

Do it, look at me, look at me.

Seven, eight, nine, 11, one.

(out of breath): Seven.

Eight. Nine.

(breathing steadies)

You're okay?

I told you.

(inhales sharply)

You're okay.

You've been running since your senior year of college.

And I have some news for you.

What happened to you isn't gonna change.

But you can't let it define you.

You don't know what it's like!

No, I don't know exactly what it's like for you.

How could I?

But I do know what it's like to be trapped.

And helpless and afraid and too young to be able to do anything about it.

Is that why you do what you do?

Why you're out here?

In the middle of the night?

Is that why you decided to help me?


Understanding... (sniffs) why people do the things they do...

...is really just understanding yourself.

And once you do that, you don't have to run anymore.

Not from panic, not from whatever happened.

We're gonna win.

(sniffles) Okay.

Bull: You see, this is time-stamped video footage showing Reese entering her own apartment building at the time of Ellen's death.

What's your e-mail? I'll send it to you.

She could've left another way.

Yeah. Maybe she has a jetpack.

Benny: Detective cleared my client.

Amanda: Don't go far.

We have court in the morning.

Amanda, clearly, the real k*ller saw Ellen's press conference and got to her before she could reveal his identity.

You are free to bring that theory up at trial.

I know what Benny would do if he was still in the D.A.'s office.

He would drop the case and go after the real k*ller.

We still have a subpoena for Ellen's files.

They're now in evidence for Ellen's m*rder.

In which my client was called in for questioning.

You're not trying to keep the files from me, are you?

Come on, Amanda. I know you wouldn't willfully engage in prosecutorial misconduct.

Benny, have at it.

You can take this by evidence on your way out.

But you can't keep assuming all your clients are innocent.


I had a 93% conviction rate when I worked for the D.A.'s office.

One person, one innocent person...

Forget it.

There's a reason why I quit.

You didn't quit. You were fired.

I quit when I realized I worked for a place that cared more about getting convictions than having them.

I'll see you in court.


Have you convinced the public that Reese was not involved in Ellen's death yet?

Making progress.

A couple of news outlets picked up my story.

Benny: What story?

"Sources report Reese has been cleared and has an ironclad alibi.

Therefore, the real k*ller may have k*lled Ellen before she could reveal his or her true identity.

The police are investigating other suspects at this time."

Throw suspicion on someone other than Reese.


And it might even be true.

Benny: Good use of media to control the story.

And here's the kicker: two naughty, naughty jurors clicked through to our blog and read the article.

Hmm. It's nice work.

That'll filter down to the rest of the jury by dinner.

You know, if hacking doesn't pan out for you, I think you have a career as a shoddy journalist.

Thank you.

In-in the best way.

That means a lot.

Danny, you find anything in Ellen's file?

No, not yet.

This woman recorded hundreds of hours of interviews.

If we don't get anything from Ellen, you think Wade will cave?

Bull: No.

We'll get a hung jury.

Well, that may not be a bad thing.

The D.A.'s not gonna want to retry this case.

Yeah, I understand, Benny, but anything short of not guilty, and Reese has to live the rest of her life knowing the cops could come knocking on the door and arrest her for m*rder.

But it's not like we're gonna put Reese on the stand.

Are we?

Without Ellen, Reese is the best witness we have and the only one who might influence Wade.

Not to mention... it's a story Reese needs to tell.

It's one thing for Reese to have a panic attack while sitting at a table where she can count to herself.

On the witness stand...

Amanda will destroy her.

Make her look guilty when she freezes.

That's what I'm counting on.

If I say the wrong thing up there, they'll put me away for the rest of my life.

That's why we're here.

To practice.

Now, I'm gonna play the role of the prosecution.

Ms. Burton, two weeks before Mike Tasker's m*rder...

You bought a nine-millimeter handgun, didn't you?

Yes or no?

Amanda's gonna try and limit your answers to yes or no, but you have the right to explain yourself.

Yes, because I was frightened for my life.

She's very good at restating what you said, but in her words and not yours.

Correct her.

Amanda: Frightened?

And like everyone, you had a choice.

Fight or flight.

You chose fight. Threatened him.

No, I threatened him to stay away from me.

You threatened to k*ll him with your g*n.

Benny: Objection!

Badgering the witness.

If you're not done with an answer, you say...

I wasn't finished.

Amanda knows you have panic att*cks.

She's gonna try and elicit one on the stand.

And when she does, you... will be ready.

Amanda: Mike sexually assaulted you.


You reported it to the university.


And they dragged their heels.


But that was something that...

And you were furious about that, weren't you?

Of course I was.

You kept that rage inside.

I didn't say "rage."

Amanda: The entire campus turned up for Mike Tasker's memorial service.

Reese: A lot of people went, yes, who weren't r*ped by him.

But you were glad Mike Tasker was dead.

You can admit that.

Can't you?

Ms. Burton.

Why does this topic make you so uncomfortable?

(breathing heavily)

Ms. Burton, do you need a break?

Bull: Before a panic attack, people have their own warning signs.

The room starts to buzz, yeah?

That can be your cue to melt down or to start coping.

What if I pass out?

You'll wake up.

What if I throw up?

We'll get you a bucket.

You have an answer for everything.

So do you.

For every question Amanda's going to ask, you have the truth.

And no panic attack or prosecutor can take that from you.

Rand: The court will recess.

No, I don't need a break, Your Honor.

No further questions, Your Honor.

But she asked a question implying that I'm hiding something.

I have the right to answer.

Go ahead, you may answer.


(Reese breathes heavily)



You're right.

I couldn't stand Mike, but I was the last person who wanted him dead.

I wanted him alive because I wanted him to pay for what he did.

I wanted him to go to prison.

I wanted him to feel what I felt and I wanted to ask him, "How powerful do you feel now?"

And I'll never get that chance.

He is the one at peace, not me.

Yes, I get these panic att*cks because I was r*ped and bullied, which is exactly how you're making me feel.

I couldn't stand up for myself then, but I am stronger now.

So, ask your questions, Ms. Prosecutor.

I have nowhere else to be.

I did not k*ll Mike Tasker.

Yeah, she gets panic att*cks.

I get it, but the prosecution's built a bulletproof case.

No way I can acquit, especially since Ellen's dead.

That podcaster lady had it all.

All that's left is my closing argument.

And we've got two hours.

Ellen's got to have something in her audio files.


This looks promising.

Ellen's raw, unedited audio.

You're gonna want to hear that.

Looks like we have reasonable doubt.

We all know what happened to Mike Tasker.


Ellen: Reese was obsessed.

Stalked him around campus.

When he turned down her advances, she bought a g*n and threatened him.

Social media.

Twitter, blogs, Facebook.

(laughing): It can be a terrific tool for staying in touch, for connecting.

For cat videos.

But, you see, there's a difference between entertainment and the truth.

And this podcast is a work of pure fiction.

How do I know?

Ellen: Once police matched Reese's blonde hair...

sh**t, brown. I need to start over.

Engineer: I thought you were going to bring up Mike and the team's steroid use.

Ellen: No, it gets too complicated here.

I'm not gonna get into it.

Engineer: Very good. Take two.

That's an example of how Ellen chose the facts... to make a compelling case.

Ellen thought it was "too complicated" to introduce Mike's steroid use, Gina's temper and as*ault charge, even Reese's panic att*cks.

I mean, Ellen's limited version of the story may have made for compelling entertainment, but that doesn't make it true.

And it cost Reese her job, her reputation, and it publicized to the whole world that she was r*ped.

And you know what? It landed her right here... on trial for m*rder.

Please don't make the same mistake Ellen did.

She's not a m*rder*r.

She's a survivor.

That's the true story.

On the charge of m*rder in the first degree, how do you find?

Woman: We, the jury, find the defendant, Reese Burton... not guilty.

Rand: Court adjourned.

(gavel strikes)


Will you look at that?

I... I see the coach and his team aren't here for the verdict.

Maybe you should look into that doping scandal.

(cork pops)

Cable: Enemy alert.

Say the word, I hit the burn button. We lose it all.

It's all right, Cable. She called ahead.

We picked up Rob for questioning.

He crumbled pretty quickly.

Turns out Mike was about to blow the whistle on the team using steroids, so the coach had motive to k*ll Mike and Ellen.

You were right.


You came all the way here to tell us this?

Actually, I came to talk to you.

Mm, I haven't had a sip of this yet.

I'm gonna go play guitar.

I was impressed.

That passion... that's what I first remember about you when you started at the D.A.'s office.

(lightly chuckles)

Look, Amanda, you don't have to.

No, I do.

That's why I was so upset after your press conference.

Well... you know how I felt.

I just... felt like you weren't taking me into account.

I was still working there.


I could've handled that differently.


But I do get why you did it.


That means a lot.

Just to be clear, don't ever come up against me with a guilty client.

Well... don't ever prosecute an innocent one.

♪ From the most beautiful girl in the world... ♪

If she said she'd take you back... would you do it?

In a heartbeat.

♪ I don't mind... ♪

Thank you.




Um, if your social calendar has cleared up...


Tin Lizard? (chuckles)

No pressure, but a bunch of us are going.



Thank you.

Curious how you managed to turn this case into an opportunity for Benny to reconcile with Amanda.

A happy coincidence.


You don't believe in coincidences.

Well... a happy result of masterful manipulation seems a bit over the top, don't you think?

How long's the feeling last?


Winning a case like this.

Helping Reese.

Until the next one.

♪ It's time alone. ♪
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