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02x02 - Lipstick

Posted: 10/03/16 08:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

Welcome to The Farm.

This is the CIA's training facility.

Ryan: Sending in two former FBI agents undercover in the CIA, that's uh... that's...

That's insane!

My name is Owen Hall.

If you make it into The Farm today, I will be your lead instructor.

Parrish? You're... You working the summit for the FBI?

No. Just a civilian.

Ryan: How are you planning on this working?

There's only a dozen of you.

Raina: There are more of us here than that.

They're hiding among us.

The United States does not bow to t*rrorists.

Then they will execute your wife.



Damn it.

[Sirens wailing]

[Helicopter blades whirring]

Look, I want any and all raw intel no matter the source until further notice... Got it?


[Cellphone beeps]


This is a nightmare... Has to be.

You wake up from nightmares.

♪ ♪


[Speaking Swahili]

He says we are to remain in this room.

[Continues in Swahili]

If anyone tries to run, our collars will be tightened remotely ...until we are k*lled.


You know that woman?

Dayana Mampasi.

I know some of the others, too.

I just don't know why they're here.

Harry Doyle...

Lydia Bates...

León Velez, and Sebastian Chen.

We trained together at The Farm.

Six CIA operatives don't just end up in the same place without a reason.

I agree, which means you're the only person I know I can trust in this building.

What about Alex?

She could still be here somewhere.


["Tough Love" by Jessie Ware plays]

♪ It's a really good sign that you hold my mind ♪
♪ It's true ♪
♪ And I've been thinking of what to say all night to you ♪
♪ When your heart becomes a million different pieces ♪

[Cellphone vibrates]

You have no service.

Oh, I wish that were true.


Miranda: Delivery in 10 minutes.

Yes, yes. Okay.

Our food will be here in 10 minutes.

I'm not hungry.

You know that's the signal.

Miranda will be here in 10 minutes.

Well, then, that'll give us 10 minutes to work up an appetite.

Miranda: You've moved into the house.

So which of your roommates would Owen Hall, if he's in charge, tap for the rogue faction in the CIA?

Harry Doyle... Alongside Ryan, he's on top of the m*rder Board.

Tell me about him.

Well, he's smart, cunning, charming when he wants to be...

Wake me up when it's time for class.


Ryan: Sebastian Chen?

He's like a park ranger... A little too good to be true.

It's time for class.

Yeah? Good.

I'm still rolling.

León Velez... My roommate, and apparently a former guest of the prison system.

Which one?

I'm working on it.

León's hard to reach, plays by his own rules.

Look, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Okay, I'll be in all day.

All right.

Alex, what about your roommate?

Alex: Dayana? She wouldn't be my pick.

She's too tightly wound to go rogue.

See anything you like?


But I see that you do.


The FBI has to have files on these people, right?

Miranda: Some.

Once you're enrolled at The Farm, all your records are automatically redacted by the agency, including you.

So, we have to build profiles?


Do what you can to blend in, gather all the intel you can from anyone and everyone you meet, learn their strengths, learn their weaknesses, and you know the drill...

Do all this without getting noticed.

Or getting k*lled.

This will be the last time that I'll be meeting both of you here.

Well, we're getting a handler, aren't we?

Handlers... You will each have one.

You may be on the same mission, but you are not on the same team.

I'll let you know when they've been assigned.

They report to me.

Look, this is the toughest assignment that you have had to date.

You cannot let anyone at The Farm know the real you, which means you have to take care of yourselves and not each other.

You got me?


[Door closes]

We can do this.

[Scoffs] We have no choice.

First day of spy school...

I wonder what they'll ask us to do.

Owen: Remember to breathe.


Alex, Ryan, Thanks for joining us.

Yoga teaches balance, focus, and awareness.

It can improve not just your mood but your intuition.

We teach you yoga to clear out the noise.

Late for your first day of official training...

Good first impression.

Maybe I should have pretended to be someone else, like you.

Maybe you should learn to fall in line.

If grabbing attention is all you're after, you're not going to last long here.

Someone wanted me here, and I'm gonna prove worthy of their decision.

Prove it to yourself first.

Forget any prior training you may have had in the military, government, even in your own family.

Here at The Farm, it doesn't matter who you used to be or who you are.

All that matters is who we teach you to be.

[Exhales sharply]

Stop trying so hard.

Out of everyone here, you're the one I'm most curious about.

Your fellow former agent over there was ousted by your Bureau.

But you?

You just walked away.

And yet, you're here.

Perhaps if I focus in on it, I'll find the answer.

[Breathes heavily]

Man: They say they never got it.

They're looking to dismiss I'll call you.

Sorry, I didn't mean to...

Interrupt? No, of course not. It's fine.

We didn't get a chance to meet last night.

Well, we could have met this morning if you'd actually slept in our room.

I just slept on the living-room couch.

You know, went for a early run.


Look, I don't mean to pry.

Last night, you seemed really upset, and if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm a really good listener.

As if this doesn't feel enough like a reality show.

I didn't come here to make friends.

Excuse me.

Show of hands, and be honest.

Who knew they were being followed?

In our line of work, you must always assume someone is watching.

Even when you're the watcher.


Surveillance is the foundation of intelligence gathering.

It requires patience, focus, and awareness.

And while other agencies like the FBI or NSA may emphasize how to run surveillance, we at The Farm also teach you how to avoid it.

Evading surveillance without drawing suspicion will become second nature to you.

But it takes time to become invisible.

Even the most experienced agents still get caught.

But if you do it right, invisibility just might save your life.



Hey, d-don't come near me.

It's me. It's fine. You're okay, you're okay.

I'm Alex Parrish.

We met earlier, remember?

Yeah, I remember.

Okay, what's your name?


All right, Carl.


I'm gonna need your help, okay?


This entire area's been cut off from the rest of the city by the t*rrorists.

But you're one of New York's finest.

I bet you can help me figure out a way to communicate with the FBI.


There's an emergency NYPD bunker underneath this block.

I think I know where it is. I just have to remember.

But we're sitting ducks the second we step out of here.

Let's go.

Alex, I don't know if you're still downtown or if you got out, but call me or text me as soon as you get this. I'm worried about you.

Elizabeth: But President Todd authorized the release of the prisoner they asked for.

It doesn't make sense.

Boyer's release was a diversionary tactic.

They planned the assassination all along.


To create fear... To disrupt the countries of the G20 as they dismantle their surveillance programs, to prove that not only spying was necessary, but they have to escalate it in order to prevent exactly what they're doing from happening again.

Director Shaw, I would advocate action over reaction.

I've got Hercules Teams ready to breach.

The insurgents have wired every exit at Federal Hall with expl*sives.

They've lined all entry points for three blocks with bio-weapons.

They're using hostages on the 39th floor at 28 Liberty as human shields to prevent our sn*pers from having a clean shot.

So at this moment, there is no action.

It's my call, Commissioner.

Wyatt, I need a 20 on Vice President Haas, please.

Uh, Secret Service shows that she's on Air Force One.

My superiors at MI6 request access to any and all actionable intelligence.

You know I can't do that.

The Prime Minister is inside Federal Hall.

It might be your jurisdiction, but it's both our problems.

You and I can stand here debating all day if you want.

Or we can start saving lives.

Director Shaw's right.

Paul Burke, Deputy Chief, National Security Council.

I just got off the phone with Vice President Haas, and the first thing she's requested before any decisions are made are eyes on the inside of that building.

Do we have any?

Okay, come on.


How much further?

It depends.

Alex: On what?


If they find us.

First step of counter-surveillance is learning to run SDRs... Surveillance detection routes.

We start with learning the proper formation of "the box."

The "rabbit" is the person being followed.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Stay focused, Dayana! Start again.

The "eyes" are the ones doing the surveillance.

They make up the four corners of the box.

The eyes are the visual perimeter.

They never move from their position unless they need to re-frame the formation.


Who gets to decide who re-frames the formation?

Ah, the "trigger."

The trigger always has the rabbit in their sights because they're inside the box with the rabbit, following the most closely without getting spotted.

Start again!

When the rabbit moves, the trigger signals for the eyes to move with them.

Which means, if you're the rabbit, you better find your trigger and your eyes.

If you're the eyes, don't lose the rabbit or get spotted.

Any and every agent meeting, dead drop, or intelligence gathering, you have to assume you're not alone.

Find your path, know it backwards and forwards.

That's how you survive.

I once ran a live SDR for 38 straight hours.

And you probably will, too, one day.

This wouldn't be spy school without a little homework.

Get to know our neighboring town of Williamsburg.

It's where you'll practice your SDRs.

However, after many years, the residents have gotten hip to our training.

So we let them play "Spot the spy."

If they clock you, you got no business here.

You're out, understood?

All right, get out of here.

We'll run live scenarios tomorrow and see how you do.



I'm Angie, one of your instructors.

It seems like you're the last recruit to not have opened your new bank account for Agency activity.

I'm sorry. I didn't know I was supposed to.

Lydia said she mentioned it to you this morning.

Better get on it.

Man: Just trying to get our attention.

You look down too much.

...problem, I'll call you right away.

[Sighs] Excuse me?

Three years ago in Islamabad, I was moving through a market when I realized I had eyes on me.

I got so nervous I kept my eyes on the ground.

Ended up walking in circles till the local police approached me and started asking questions.

Good thing I had the right answers, but it never should have got that far.

I should have kept my eyes up.

Why are you tell me this?

You wouldn't be here if I didn't believe you had potential.

Potential for what? I'm a lawyer.

You worked at an NGO for two years after graduating top of your class at Harvard Law.

After that, you went to work at your father's firm, focusing on the human rights work they were doing in the DRC.

You have purpose here.

Hey, Lydia.


Hey. What are you up to?

Apparently, I haven't opened a company bank account.

Have you?

Yeah, of course.

Do you want some company, grab a drink, maybe six?

You know, you've got a lovely smile.

You don't do it enough.


Are you flirting with me?

Wh... [Laughing] Well, if you have to check, I'm obviously not doing it right.

I'm... I'm sorry.

I just thought that you were...

British? Sober?

Ah! There's that smile again.

Now you're just teasing me.

Okay, I can't tell if you're actually asking me out, or you just don't want to drink alone.

Uh, I'm...

And you need a ride.

Come on.


[Camera beeping, shutter clicks]

EOS 5D Mark III.

Nice piece of equipment.

Got me my last World Press Photo award and one of the finalists for the Pulitzer.

I found your Nat Geo profile... Pretty impressive stuff.

I noticed their was a gap in your work between 2014 and this last April.

Did you burn out?

The last credit before it was a photo of a... g*ng in La Independencia, Monterrey, Mexico.

Isn't Topo Chico down there?

That where you did your time?

I'm supposed to tell you we got an assignment.

What is it?

Not what, who.

Tu novia... Alex.

[Elevator bell dings]

Miranda: The Joint Chiefs weighed in.

They're mustering SEAL teams and Delta teams and sending them to Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn and awaiting orders from the Vice President.

What the hell, Paul?

The military option is on the table here, of course.

The prevailing fear-driven wisdom is that we're not gonna wait around for the t*rrorists to mobilize on their own time.

We have to take action.

You're sounding like a politician.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Indistinct conversations]

I'm talking like someone who's taking charge.

We have no idea what's going on out there... no idea.

Any action... overt or covert, even... could risk innocent lives.

There are a thousand people in there.

And I intend to save every one.

Excuse me.

The Vice President is on the secure line from Air Force One and wants the latest SitRep.

Thank you.

Uh, not you, ma'am.

Just Mr. Burke. Would you follow me?

I should be in there.

Miranda, I think Alex might be inside the crisis zone.

At least she was an hour ago.

I've been trying to contact her, and her phone is going straight to voice-mail.

The t*rrorists have blocked off eight city blocks, jammed phones, radios.

I know, but I am pretty sure she was inside that perimeter when the attack happened.

Who have you told?

Just you.

Keep trying to reach her.

If she's in that building and she's still alive, we can stop playing politics and get some real intelligence.

[Speaking Swahili]

Where'd you serve?

Iraq, two tours.

Oh, God!


I don't think I can get you there.

Yeah, you can. Come on.

God, you sound so certain.

That's 'cause we don't have a choice.

You know, I had a captain in Mosul.

You remind me of him.

One ugly day, we were doing a sweep-and-clear, and we got jumped from the rooftops, took brutal fire. There was a lot of casualties.

I tried to find cover.

You're... You're not as pretty as he was, but you have the same certainty.

We got about 100 feet more to go... and there's a gray door with a keypad, okay?

Shh, shh, shh!



[Indistinct talking in distance]

Come on.


We're surrounded.

[Man speaking Swahili]

That's the fourth time they've cycled out hostages.

And this group includes one of your friends.

She's not my friend.

[Speaking Swahili]

These two t*rrorists who just returned have Swahili accents that are different than the last two who were here.

I think they're cycling t*rrorists out and bringing them back in dressed like us.

We cannot tell who among us is one of them.

[Exhales sharply] They're smart.

They've planned it perfectly.

Yeah, well, we're smart, too.

We can disrupt that plan.

[Man speaking Swahili]

It's only matter of time till one of us gets cycled out.

[Man continues in Swahili]

Harry: What's it like to be hero?

I never felt like a hero.

That's a pretty disappointing thing to tell your fans.

Well, I was in government service.

I wasn't a celebrity.

No? Well, you look like one. Not a hair out of place.

Seriously, when you were a fugitive on the run, you look like you were flitting between your hair salon and your manicurist.


Seriously, though... You're a...

You were in the national spotlight.


It took its toll.

Then they fired you.

Well, they had to.

I was too famous to do the job.

But not for the CIA?


Well, no one's ever gonna suspect that I'm a... [Whispers] spy.

Hiding in plain sight. I love it.


But what about you?

Very thick accent for an American.

Well, you're one to talk.

Well, 15 years of speaking Marathi and Hinglish is gonna do that to you.

But you...

Well, you know... gets me laid better.

Here's to hiding in plain sight.

And what we don't show.


Harry: I mean, I used to love everything about them, then they just got so full of themselves.

All that anti-electronic-dance-music stuff...

"Fancy attire requested"...


...the stadium shows, songs about how technology is super scary?

Come on. You're not Bowie, you're not Radiohead.

You're just some "Kinfolk"-reading thrift store mannequins tunefully whinging over a bloody mandolin.

Wasn't that the bank back there?

Check your 3:00.


We're being followed.

Mm-hmm. It's Ryan.

I just don't think he's alone.

Oh, tricky, The Farm.

They put us in a live SDR without telling us.


Okay. So what's the plan?

Find the other eyes, for starters.

Dayana by the movie theater.

Mario Testino sipping a latte at 6:00.

Mm. Sebastian by the alleyway.

Okay, that's four.

Where's the fifth?

I don't know.

But if this were a real SDR, they'd be trying to figure out where we were going, which means they'll be tailing me until I accomplish my mission at the bank.

Ah! They want the secret to free checking.

[Giggles] Do you want to have some fun?


Let's split up and see if we can evade them.

León: Rabbit on the move. Who's got eyes?

Ryan: She's eastbound. Anyone else?

Dayana: León, do you have her?

León: She just turned down a side street.

Sebastian: Got you covered.

Rabbit heading south.

Copy that, El Chapo.

Dayana, she's headed your way.

Sebastian: I don't have her.

León: Neither do I.

We're about to lose her.

Dayana, do you have a visual?

Dayana? Da...

[Engine starts]

I don't care.

Just put me through right now.

Yeah, right now.

It's a work emergency.

Huh, that's funny, 'cause I thought your job was right here with us?

Look, I have one last case pending trial, and unlike this useless pantomime, someone's life is actually at stake.

Keep your focus where it needs to be and multitask on your own time.

But never mind though, 'cause we lost her.

I'll find her.

Jason Bourne, how's spy school?


Don't worry.

I'm not gonna rat you out.

But you need to pay closer attention.

That guy's been following you for the last two blocks.

[Cellphone vibrates]

[Indistinct talking]

It's an odd time for vanity.

It's not for me.

If our hunch is correct, in order to identify a t*rror1st when they return as a hostage, we need to mark them.

What are you gonna do, kiss him on the cheek?

No, something they can't wash off.

If I'm correct, I'll be cycled out soon.

So when a t*rror1st comes back in with my group as a hostage, we'll know who they are.

Well, let's hope they don't see it coming.

So, I lost my four eyes.

Harry: Yeah, well, I think I may have found your trigger, coming out of the Gold Leaf.

Someone I don't recognize, possibly from another class.

They always say there's a twist, don't they?

I was told to wait till you were alone in town, I'm...

As I live breathe, Alex Parrish!

Oh, my niece is your biggest fan.

She has your Time magazine cover framed on her wall.

I'm not even kidding.

She calls you a real-live action hero.

Hi, there.


I'm so sorry, but would you mind?

Of course.

Oh, thank you so much.

You're just such an inspiration...

A true American.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm sorry again. Sorry.

Of course.

And you make fun of my accent.





What is this?

Some game?

I'm just trying to understand you, and I'm starting to.

Yeah, what exactly is it you understand?

Well, I think one of the reasons you left the FBI is because you have a hard time trusting authority.

And I think you have good reason for that.

O'Connor's dead and gone.

He was your closest friend in the Bureau...

Your mentor and your partner, and he betrayed you.

Now, look, I know you don't... You don't even know me yet, but in time, I think that you'll find that we're more alike than you'd expect.

That's why I selected you to train here.

You wanted a former FBI agent who couldn't spot a t*rror1st under his nose for years?

Maybe I want to make sure you're the Ryan Booth who's more than just a good soldier, who follows his instincts instead of orders, who, no matter how many times he gets shot for it, still wants to serve his country.

There's a lot I can teach you when you're ready to trust me.

I'll wait.

That was more adventure than I expected on day one, but we pulled it off.

I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.

Uh... actually, you'd have been a lot better off without me.

What do you mean?

Well, I told you I was good at hiding in plain sight.

I was the trigger, and you led me right to your drop.



And all that time we spent together, what, I was just your mark? Hey, hey, come on.

I like you.

You're smart, you're fascinating, you are lovely to look at, but this is... this is work.

And you're not here to make friends.

As far as I can see, when it comes to the CIA, it's every man for themselves.

Today, you were the rabbit. Tomorrow, could be me.

This is what it's gonna take to get us through training.

Either you're on board with that, or...

[Helicopter blades whirring]

[Sirens wailing in distance]

Carl: What's going on?

[Man speaking Swahili]

I think they're moving in a patrol pattern.

And if I'm right, we have a 60-second window until it happens again.

And if you're wrong?

We'll get a clear path in just a moment.

Get ready, okay?


Okay, now!



We have to run!

Hurry, hurry!

It's that door.



Damn it!

I thought you had the code!

I thought I did. Come on!

[Keypad beeps]

[Speaking Swahili]

They know we're here. We're never gonna make it.

Okay, we're in.

Come on.

They know one of us is here.

No! Carl!


[Speaking Swahili]



All right, come on in.

Rough day?

You too?

Come on. Today you all experienced your first live SDR.

Some of you were the hunters, and some were hunted.

Refining your surveillance detection skills is something we're gonna drill into you time and again over the next six months.

When you're not eating, you'll be running SDRs.

When you're not studying, you'll be running SDRs.

When you're not sleeping... I think you get the picture.

We do this unit first because avoiding detection is an essential part of all clandestine operations.

If you do your job correctly, nobody even knows you're there.

Those operatives who do get caught can pay the ultimate price.

Congratulations to those who succeeded in this scenario.

And to those who didn't, try harder.

[Insects chirping]

You don't have to lecture me about multitasking.

The m*rder Board made the point.

I came to tell you not to give up.

What if I'm supposed to give up?

Just because they recruited me doesn't mean I belong here.

I know the feeling.

I find that hard to believe.

You seem right at home.

Well, six years ago, I didn't feel so at home.

I had just finished another tour when the FBI recruited me.

And here was this amazing opportunity right in front of me.

And you know what I was thinking?

"How soon can I get back over to Afghanistan?"

Because as ironic as it sounds, it felt safer to me, because I knew it.

So what made you take the leap?

Fear... Fear that I'd never actually do something new, that I'd never grow, that I never actually make a difference and just be another soldier in a roll call.

But what if...

What if I can make more of a difference by staying at my practice?

Yeah, but that job's always gonna be there when you want to go back.

But a shot at this... This...

It isn't just once-in-a-lifetime, it's one-in-a-million.

They see something in you.

You need to find out if you can see it in you, too.


You did well today.

No, I didn't.

I failed.

I didn't I.D. Harry as my fifth eye.

Four out of five is better than I did in week one.

Most first-weekers don't even notice they're being watched.

I thought you only reserve your flattery for the other recruits.

You want to know why I'm hard on you?

There was a study which said women do better with positive reinforcement, while men do better with admonishment.

But you don't trust a compliment any more than I do.

If I didn't think you had it, I'd let you slide.

I saw how you handled yourself during the Grand Central bombing, the Quantico crisis.

You pushed through when most people would give up.

You do your best work under pressure.

That can be an asset.

I hope I get to feel that someday.

I hope so, too.

[Dial tone]

[Exhales deeply]

Alex: So, I thought I was getting close to Harry, but clearly I was wrong.

Ryan's working León, um, but I don't know how far he got with that.

He should be here anytime soon. You can ask him yourself.

Ryan has his own handler. I only care about your progress.

You requested this?

Miranda asked me.

She said that the best handlers are agents who are close to their operatives, so that you feel safe, have a place to open up and be yourself for a minute before you have to go back undercover.

I don't understand.

Just the other night, you were talking to me about doing something more exciting, and here you are babysitting me?

This is exciting, Alex.

What you're doing...

It is better than busting bankers and hauling in hackers.

You... You are finding the next Liams before it's too late.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about where I was working.

No, you're doing your job.

And you know what? I had no idea, which is why you're gonna succeed here.

Okay, let's, uh... Let's go over the people you haven't told me about yet.

Who's this guy?

Hey, come here. Come here.


I don't know why I'm crying.

It's just day two.

Um... but, you know, at Quantico, we were training to do good.

And at The Farm, training means manipulating, lying, deceiving.

I mean, what if all of this goes horribly wrong?

We won't let it.

Where is Ryan?

He was supposed to be here by now.

Maybe he's with his handler.

Any idea who that is?

[Sighs] A Petite Sirah?

You've got a lot to learn.

Nimah? What are you doing here?

I'm your new handler. We need to talk.

Can it wait?

Your rendezvous can.

I have new intelligence from Miranda, and we need to debrief now.

[Cellphone vibrates]


I'll talk to you later.

Okay. Hey. Thank you.

Hey. Everything okay?

Ryan: Hey. I'm sorry. I-I can't make it.

You're with your handler.

You know I'd give anything to be there with you right now, but I... I just...

It's okay.

We were warned.

They told us that we were in this on our own.

We'll make time.

This is gonna be harder than we thought, isn't it?

I love you.

I love you, too.

[Cellphone beeps]


["Share It All" by Jessie Ware plays]

♪ Could you share it all with me? ♪

38 hours, huh?

I may have embellished a little.

It was 22.

I was going to say, "I had you beat."

Now I don't even have to.

What did you miss that time?

The recital where you played Chopin's "Valse," Opus 62 No. 2.

Your mom recorded it for me.

♪ I can see that you're thinking what if ♪
♪ You let yourself give in ♪
♪ You're looking at me like you already know ♪
♪ Could you share it all with me? ♪
♪ Share it all with me ♪

[Cellphone vibrates]

♪ And I'll share it all with you ♪
♪ Just show me what to do ♪
♪ Share it all with me ♪
♪ Share it all with me if you want to ♪

[Keyboard clacking]

♪ You're looking the other way ♪
♪ Never show what you're gonna do ♪
♪ But if you took the lead ♪
♪ Well, I could follow you ♪
♪ Keep going around again ♪
♪ It's like we've been here before ♪

[Sirens wailing]

[Man speaking Swahili]

[Elevator bell dings]

[Man speaking Swahili]

No, wait! Don't!


[Man speaking Swahili]

[Man continues in Swahili]


They marked you all because of me.

I'm sorry.

They came in and did it while you were gone.

Why haven't they k*lled me?

They should have k*lled me.

[Indistinct talking]

[Cellphone vibrates]


Alex: Miranda, thank God. It's Alex.

Are you...

I'm in a tunnel under Federal Hall in an NYPD emergency bunker.

Oh, my God. You have to get yourself to safety right now.

If I wanted to do that, I would have done that already.

We don't have much time.

I'm the only one on the inside.

No phones are working.

I think they're jamming everything.


Miranda... they're moving some of the hostages from Federal Hall into another building.

I don't know why, but it's 28 Liberty.

Calm down.

I don't know how many they've moved.

We're gonna get through this together, all right?

Now, look, we're blind in the crisis zone.

We need to know how many t*rrorists there are,
how many hostages they're holding, what kind of weapons they have... exact numbers.

Things are moving fast here, and if we don't give Vice President Haas and the NSC some actionable intelligence fast, some innocent lives might be lost in the process.

Yes, but I leave this room, I don't know how I'll make it back to call you again.

You have to take that chance.

We have to know what's going on out there.

I know who one of the t*rrorists was...

Jeremy Miller.

All this time, I thought he was dead, but he just jumped out of a window at 28 Liberty in front of me.

This is exactly the kind of attack we thought they'd perpetrate one day.

So then let's put an end to it.

I'm gonna look around and see what I can find, okay?

I'll call you back.

Alex... good luck.

[Receiver clicks]


[Exhales deeply]

[Helicopter blades whirring]

[Sirens wailing]

[Cellphone beeps]