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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 09/30/16 18:47
by bunniefuu

Kevin: I know. I know, I know.

And er... And let's face it, this operation has produced some classic Crime Division moments.

Primarily this bell-end right here, who managed to get himself in front of a speeding b*llet.

But also, the officer who risked her own life to save him...


..who we've just heard has received an official police award for outstanding bravery in the line of duty.

Round of applause, people.

(Oh, my God.) (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

Now, I'm sure the top brass will be sending over the real thing in a day or two, but in the meantime... (CHUCKLES) ..the boffins at Crime Division have come up with a little something of their own.

Crowd: Ooh. No expense spared.

If you'd like to join me on the stage, young lady?

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the one, the only...

(BOTH CHUCKLE) ..DS Nancy Devlin!


Thank you. Thank you very much.

Speech. Speech.


Thanks for calling me back.

I was just erm... I was just wondering what time to pick up my mum Teresa Devlin?


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait.

When I spoke to her psychiatrist, he said she'd be coming home today.

Well, when then?

All right?

Kevin, do you fancy coming back to mine tonight?


Why not?

Because you've never wanted to before and you know I would have any time since I've known you.

They're not letting my mum home.

I don't wanna be on my own tonight.

Jesus, Nancy.

If it's company you want, that's fine.

You don't have to sleep with me, really.

(SIGHS) I... I know.

I do know, I'm sorry. Sorry.

I probably wouldn't have been up to much anyway. (SCOFFS)

Mm. Mm, mm. Ah. Ah.

Sorry. No, it's OK.



Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Sorry.

Oh, it's all right...




Oh! Ah.

It's me. Sorry, I'm gonna have to get this.


OK. Erm...

Yeah, yeah, I'll be there.

I have to go. What, now?

What, has something happened? Is it your mum?

Nancy? I'm really sorry. What? Nancy.


Frank: Go on, Badger!


It's over there.


He's getting old. Hayley won't recognise him.

You know she's coming back from Spain - Hayley?

Her and Emil are getting a divorce.

It's a shame. I liked him, he was a good son-in-law.

Cracking midfielder. Thick as a brick, mind.

All his brains are in his...

Why am I here, Frank?

I need a favour.

No, this isn't how it works.

If your name comes up in an investigation, I make it go away, but that's all.

I've got trouble.

It's near Newhaven.

It's bad, Nancy. It's really bad.

Jesus. What have you got yourself into?

You know what?

Let's forget it. I shouldn't have asked you to come. Frank.


I have no right to ask anything of you.

I'm not like you, Nancy, you make the world a better place.

Not all of us can say that. I can't.

I dunno... my world was better for having you in it.

Your world, darling?

It would have been hard not to improve on it. (CHUCKLES)

The home life you had... I mean you...




(CRYING) Oh, my God!

What...? Look at me, look at me!


No, I... I'm not... Run!

(g*nsh*t) (FRANK GROANS)



(g*nsh*t) (GASPING)




Erm...and ibuprofen.

Taken it before? Yeah.






Frank? Fra... Frank? AUTOMATED

Voice: You have one new message.

Frank: No, please.

(g*nsh*t) (SHUDDERS)

(g*nsh*t) (GASPS)



Kevin: East Sussex Homicide have been in touch.

They've got an ID on a body.

When they ran the name through the database, it came up as flagged to us.

Frank Le Saux. Businessman. Ran a haulage company in Brighton.

He crossed the radar a few times for cocaine trafficking, but we've never managed to get anything viable on him.

Where was he found?

20 miles outside Brighton... in woodland off the M23.

Four sh*ts. Forensics reckon there was a gap between the first two and the ones that k*lled him.

They've let him bleed out for ten minutes and then put a b*llet through each eye.

The East Sussex Police can't rule out an organised-crime angle.

They want someone to give advice.

DS Devlin, I'm sending you.

Sir, are you sure I'm the right person for this?

It's just... I was at school with Le Saux's daughter.

Their DCI thinks the local connection could play to your advantage.

Your father still lives in Brighton, doesn't he? Yeah.

Enjoy the trip home.

Kevin, I need a word.

Here you go.

Is that the one that makes you nauseous?

It's the one that's making me better.

So, where is it they're sending you?

Brighton. Home.

I wish I didn't have to go.

You're not to worry about me.

I've got every reason to get well.

I've got you. (CHUCKLES)




Automated voice: You have one saved message.

Frank: No, please. (g*nshots)







We dunno what he was doing there.

We've got no witnesses and no leads.

And it rained all night, so apart from ballistics, the crime scene's given us zilch.

So, all we've really got is the man himself - Frank Le Saux.

He met his wife Cherie while she was still a dancer.

Has one daughter - Hayley - been living in Spain for the past eight years.

She's in the process of divorcing La Liga footballer Emil Svrcek.

There's also a son - Tate.

He's got a developmental disorder and learning difficulties.

He's in a home for supported living.

And then, over here, rumour, rumour, rumour... the Frank Le Saux who was on the radar for cocaine trafficking.

Which is why the National Crime Division has sent us DS Nancy Devlin.


The point is, all of these Frank Le Sauxs are being buried tomorrow.

The father, the husband, the haulier, the possible dr*gs trafficker, and his k*ller could come from any one of the worlds Frank inhabited.

Gunner, I want you and DS Devlin to lead a surveillance team.

We need everything that you can bring back from that funeral.



I wanna carry... (CHERIE EXHALES)

You and me both, love.

You and me both.


Gunner: Boss says you used to be school friends.

Yeah, when we were kids.

What happened?

Er...different worlds.

We grew apart.


Cherie: Don't you talk to me about respect.

If you had any, you wouldn't be here.

I'm not here to cause...

I just came to support... Get out.



Hi, erm...could I get a PNC check, please?

Registration number "Lima Tango Five Three Foxtrot Sierra November".

Soon as.

Yeah, thanks.



Nurse: Your dad's just down here.

He'd been having himself a bit of a good time.

Not so good for the diabetes, of course.

This way.


Gil: Been to any good funerals lately?


Who told you I was down?

Still got my contacts in the force.

But I'm glad I'm out of it, the job's gone to shite. Yeah.

Transparency. Accountability.

Whereas in your day, police ethics were a shining example to us all.

How's your mum?

All the better for leaving you.

That cured her, did it, hm?

No more psychiatrists.

No more emergency sections.

All right.


They won't let me home.

They have to stabilise your blood sugar.

That's what happens when you go on a bender. Not that, look.

Two broken wrists.

They reckon I'll need residential care.

Either that, or... somebody with me.

Ah. You'll be needing stuff for tonight, I'll drop it at reception.

Don't you dare make me ask!

Don't you dare! Try it.

See who it hurts the most.

Hayley: Tate, we'll always miss Dad.

Everyone says it'll get easier.

Geraldine: OK, Tate? No.

Right, do you want a hug before I go? No.

Mum says she's coming tomorrow, OK?

Don't worry, we're keeping a very close eye.


Mrs Svrcek, there is one thing. I know in the wake of a sudden loss, affairs can sometimes get tangled. I'm sure it's no more than that.

Tate's fees, they haven't been paid.

Man: Can I get the SOCO crew around here, please?






I saw you at the funeral.

You didn't say hello.

I shouldn't be seen with you, Hayley.

I shouldn't even be talking to you.

Why are you, then?

I've missed you.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have connived with my dad and had me sent to some boot camp in f*cking Suffolk.

He was looking for any excuse to get me away from Shay and you gave him one.

What did you expect me to do?

Stand by and watch you trash yourself?

I didn't expect you to abandon me.

I didn't expect you to never contact me.

What are you talking about?

Look, the stuff I was doing, I don't blame you going to my dad, but you never even called to ask if I was OK.

No, I called, I wrote.

I even hitched to f*cking Suffolk, they wouldn't let me see you.

They said it wouldn't be good for your recovery.

I was about the only person you knew not trying to sell you shit.

They didn't tell me.

My mum thought it was you that was leading me astray, you know... not Shay.

She's always had a soft spot for bad boys.

What do you mean, "bad boys"?

Has she said anything to you about your dad?

Like what?

Are you interviewing me?

No! I'm just wondering...

Yes, you are.

Jesus, if you want to interview me then just say so, but don't come here and pretend to be my friend.

Don't pretend to care.

Hayley! Just leave me alone.

Sorry to cut into your evenings but there's been a development.

A fifth b*llet has been found 200 yards from the body.

It's a match for the others, but the blood on it is not Le Saux's.

There was someone with him. (GASPS)

So, our second victim was standing next to Le Saux.

Maybe another target, or just some unlucky dog-walker.

But, as they haven't come forward, I'm thinking they're either scared or involved.

Either way, they're a witness.

Have they got anything more off the b*llet?

Just that they would have needed medical attention.

Sharad: No reported g*nsh*t wounds.

OK, let's widen the net.

Gunner, Nancy, take the pharmacies.

Gayle, Sharad, out-of-hours doctors.

The rest of you, we still need that funeral crunched.

One of the guests may be nursing an injury.

Split them?

No, there's not that many.

We may as well stick together. you know what? I'm starving.

Do you wanna take this one while I get us something to eat?

It's all right, I'll get it. I owe you for the coffees anyway.

Is it me or is it a National Crime Division thing... you preferring to work alone? What?

It's just if I was sensitive, I might think you've been trying to get rid of me. (CHUCKLES)

What are you, 12?


Oh, we were the duty chemist that night, yes, but it was my grandson Pervaiz.

He only wakes me if someone asks for the er...pharmacist.

Well, when he gets back, could you ask him to give me a ring?

It's all right, he's only upstairs.






Er...a week ago, you were duty chemist.

We think someone may have been trying to manage a b*llet wound.

Did you sell anything that would fit with that?

Erm...sorry. Nighttime it's usually just Calpol and tampons.

What about CCTV?

The CCTV doesn't work so well.


Then ask me to do it, or Pervaiz.

He won't be in trouble for that, will he?


No, no, of course not. Thanks for your time.

Erm...if someone had been hurt, shot, and they didn't wanna risk hospital, what would they do?

Well, if they're not losing too much blood, keep the wound clean, keep it covered, and maybe pick up some antibiotics online. OK.

Nancy. Mm-hm?

That car you asked me to PNC check at the funeral?

It's registered to a woman called Delia Bradley.

She's a customs officer, works out of Newhaven.

NCD intelligence says Le Saux may have used a ferry port in Newhaven.

There was a customs officer at the funeral.

She works out of Newhaven. I think she's worth looking at.

You've never mentioned Le Saux's connection to Newhaven before.

It was never proven, just rumour.

It sounds like a fishing trip to gather intel for the NCD to me.

Oh, come on, you hear the word "customs", your organised-crime radar starts beeping. Er...

Whether Le Saux was bent or straight, no-one working in a port should be that cosy with a haulier.

What made you look at her at the funeral?

There was something between her and Mrs Le Saux, I couldn't tell what.


OK, go to Newhaven. Both of you.


Whatever it is with her, get over it.


Gunner: How well did you know Frank Le Saux?

Enough to be sorry he were dead.

You have dealings with someone, over time, you get friendly.

Isn't it unusual for a customs officer to be close to a man in his line of business?

I don't know about close.

I went to his funeral, not his wedding.

But your job is to make sure things aren't brought into the country that shouldn't be. He ran a haulage business and...

Some people might see that as a conflict of interests.

People like Frank Le Saux, do you know what we tip them off about?

Whether we think one of their drivers is on the take, or on the make.

Cos if the drivers are up to no good, it's the haulier that pays.

Conflict of interest?

Not the way I see it.

Erm...did you ever hear any rumours about Frank Le Saux, illegal activities?


Did he have any enemies?

Not that I ever heard.

Do you know of any reason anyone might want to k*ll him?


In case anything comes to mind. Thanks for your time.

Go on. Go on.

Yeah! Jason, Jason.


Jason. Oh, shit.

I forgot my phone.

I'll just be a minute, yeah?

I have got about a minute-and-a-half before my partner gets suspicious and comes back in here, so listen, and don't argue.

The younger one is Frank's son, isn't he? What?

Spitting image. I don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, you do. How old is he? 10, 11?

I don't mind answering questions about the funeral.

Was it still going on, you and Frank? His wife know?

I am not wasting my time with this bullshit! Is that why she was angry at the funeral?


This is my number.

If you decide you want to talk, call me.

Delia? Hm?

I'm sorry for your loss.



Well, tell her she can't have patatas bravas and just put some pasta on.

Mum, I've gotta go. Thanks very much, Andy.

All right, see you.

Mrs Svrcek.

Mum said you handle the financial side of the business.

Yes, that's right.

Well, the fees for Tate's care home haven't been paid, and I don't know which account they come out of.

Surely your mother has the...

Mum doesn't even know where he kept the car insurance.

Oh, God, I thought it was just the business that had been affected. Clearly, I was wrong.

The police have frozen your father's assets.



Believe me, I've asked.

So... what I've been doing is trying to find pockets of money to keep things ticking over.

But I'm not sure how much I've managed to fence off.







You froze his assets?

You cannot be here. You bastards froze the accounts.

What are you talking about?

Tate's fees haven't been paid.

Do you remember what it was like before we found him somewhere that got him?

When it was just Mum looking after him?

Hayley, they might be looking at his accounts, but that is a long way from freezing them.

That stuff takes time, a court order. It can't happen this fast.

I swear, whoever's told you that has made a mistake.

(SIGHS) Do you have anything to drink?

We had the best laugh, didn't we? Before Suffolk, I mean.


Before Suffolk.



(SNIFFS) I know you're not supposed to be seen with me, I won't do that again.

Oh, no, it was nice.

Most of the other women in the hotel are inflatable, so...

(LAUGHS) know.

Do you know there was a picture of you up in the locker room in police college...

Oh, no.

..from Nuts. (LAUGHS)

They do that to make the female recruits feel at home.

What did you think?

You got rid of the tattoo.

Yeah, laser. Have you still got yours?

Police salary? Where am I going to afford to laser?

Anyway, I like it.

I wish I'd known that you tried to stay in contact.

Yeah, me, too.

Hays... m*rder investigations, they're brutal... for everyone.

Whatever happens, you just have to hold on to what matters.

He loved you.


I should probably get this.


Hello? It's Delia Bradley.

I need to talk to you.

I think someone's watching me.

Meet me on Telscombe Cliffs?

I'll be there in 15 minutes.





Stop! Stop!

No, please! No!





(OVER PA) Will Dr Tomlin come to reception, please?

Dr Tomlin to reception.

She's out of surgery but she's still in a coma.

I was hoping she might turn out to be our missing witness.

She isn't.

Multiple fractures and a severe head injury, but no b*llet wound.

So...tell me again.

You go back in to ask if Le Saux is her son's father.

She then calls you, asks to meet, you think she might have information about the m*rder and you call in none of this because...?

It was just speculation about the son. I was taking a punt.

You know, Nancy, for somebody who strikes me as smart, you make some bloody poor decisions.

I'm gonna be watching you.



You can play for a bit. (DOG GROWLS)

Come on, boy, you know me.


What was he doing here?

Theo? Just some stuff about the business.

How were the school visits?

They're on a list.

Is there a problem? With the business, I mean.

No, it's nothing like that.

I think he just thinks we should be kept informed.

Someone who could have been vital to this investigation has just been brutally att*cked.

We need to get our f*cking acts together!

Who followed up the Le Saux truck Nancy saw on the coast road?

Forensics are still analysing the paint traces recovered from...

So get back onto them. We haven't got time to bloody sit around waiting for them to get back to us.

Delia Bradley's family have confirmed that her younger son Jason is Frank Le Saux's.

So where does that take us?

Well, we've got to be looking at the wife for both.

But she'd have needed help, where did she get it?

Organised crime.

Let's look at her again.

Associates, bank accounts, phone records.

There is another possibility, isn't there?

What if Delia was targeted because the k*ller thinks she's the missing witness?

But she doesn't have a b*llet wound.

The k*ller doesn't know that, does he?

So, where does that take us?

We find the real witness before the k*ller realises they got it wrong.

We've got the media appeal coming up, we can use that.

Until then, no-one outside of this investigation can even know there is a missing witness.

Delia Bradley's medical report is on my desk.

Brutal doesn't cover it.


A truck on the coast road last night?

Well, we're one of the biggest carriers in Sussex, so you'd be hard pushed to find a road without one of our vehicles on it.

We need the whereabouts of all trucks and drivers at the time of the attack.

Checking the GPS tracking systems for every vehicle in the fleet?

That's quite a job. Hm.

Right, everyone, stop what you're doing and gather round.

He was playing for time.

Maybe he needs it.

Boss dead, business to run. Enough to make anyone nervous.


Yeah, sure, give me two minutes, I'll see you outside. O'Dowd?

What are you doing here?

Good to see you, too.

Er...hello. Er...DS Kevin O'Dowd.

National Crime Division.

Sorry, Kevin, this is DS Martin, Gunner.

Homicide. Me, too.

For the moment, anyway.

They've decided an as*ault on a customs officer ups the possibility of organised crime, it warrants having two of us down here.

We should maybe have a chat about how that's gonna work.

I'll be in the car.

A call would have been nice.

To say you'd got here, that you're all right.

Just to say hello.


They're obviously working you too hard, cos you look like shit.

Oh, thanks. (CHUCKLES)

You look better without the cast.

More mobile, that's for sure.

Nancy, it's fine, it really is.

Just, next time... don't start things you don't know how to finish.



Where've you been?

The haulage yard have sent over a list of all the drivers.

I forwarded it to you.

Oh, and Pervaiz someone-or-other called from one of the pharmacies.

He said he'd found some CCTV, can you get in touch?

Pervaiz: Yeah, so I found the footage, but I've already given it to the courier. What courier?

The one from Sussex Police.

We don't use couriers.

The officer that phoned said he couldn't pick it up himself, so...

I told him you couldn't really see nothing, but you lot probably got facial recognition software...

Sorry. This other officer, did he give a name?

Er...DS something?

Don't you lot talk to each other?


The police want an enormous amount of information.

I suppose we should be grateful that they're being so thorough.

You told me Dad's accounts were frozen. They still are.

But you didn't tell Mum. She doesn't seem to think there's a problem.

Yeah, well, your mother is easily worried, I didn't want to trouble her.

What would the police say if I told them what you told me, about the accounts being frozen?

It really wouldn't be wise, Mrs Svrcek, to go to the police.

Are you threatening me? Advising.

Believe me, the less anyone knows about your father's business, the better for all of us.

And nothing like a g*nsh*t wound admitted last week?

Staff know to report anything they see, yeah?

Gayle, has any new evidence been signed in in the last few hours?

Like what? Digital recording?

Nah. Nah, nothing like that.

No. Nothing at all, in fact, not today.

Julie. Hm?

That message from the pharmacy, how long was it on my computer?

An hour, maybe two?

I did look for you but no-one knew where you were.




Hayley: I need to talk to someone. I want to make a statement.

Who do I ask for? Hang on.

I... I... I don't understand. What's happened?

I think I know who did it, I think I know who k*lled Dad.

I'm coming in, all right?

No. No. No, no, no. Don't come in.

Erm...I will meet you. Same place as before, yeah?

But I thought you couldn't be seen with me?

I will explain when I see you. Just... please, do not come in.



Hayley? Hayley?

Nance, Theo Kettler - he's my dad's money man.

You have to look into him.

He lied to me, he said the assets were frozen. I'm not imagining...

I think someone on the team is helping the k*ller. What?

There was evidence, CCTV footage, it shows a witness... and it's gone. Nancy?

Nance! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

All right, Nancy. Look at me, look at me.

Nance! Nancy, look at me.

Nancy, you're scaring me now, look at me.


Nancy, look. Nancy. Nancy.

Nance. Nancy?
