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01x03 - Brocket Hall

Posted: 09/04/16 20:12
by bunniefuu
Do you really mean to forsake me?

I have no choice, Ma'am.

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.

I'm afraid the strain of her position has disordered her senses.

How will I manage?

It does not matter who you like or do not like.

Lord Melbourne, you forget yourself.

I knew I'd seen you before. The question is, how you got from there to Buck House.

From Lord Melbourne.

So you do know the Queen must marry.

And she will look to her husband.

♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana, hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah! ♪

My Lords and Gentlemen... the external tranquillity, which at present happily prevails... make this a fortunate time in the government of this great nation.

I pray the blessings of Almighty God may rest upon your counsel.

Present arms!


Come on!

Come on!

In the name of the Queen! Fire!

How was I yesterday, Lord M?

I was trying so hard not to look at my Uncle Cumberland.

He was glaring at me so ferociously.

I believe he was trying to put me off.

It's very likely, Ma'am.

I am plagued by uncles.

My mother's brother Leopold has written to say he's coming to visit.

And how delighted you look at the prospect.

He wants to lecture me on how it is my duty to get married.

Not all Queens marry, Ma'am.

Do you think she was lonely?

I believe... she... found companions.

Well, I have no intention of marrying at present.

I have not seen so many happy marriages.

Neither have I, Ma'am.

Neither have I.

Excuse me, Majesty, there is a messenger asking that Lord Melbourne should return to the House at once.

His Majesty King Leopold!

Welcome to Buckingham Palace, Uncle Leopold.

How fortunate that you have inherited your excellent posture from our side of the family, Victoria.

It quite makes up for your lack of inches.

Just think if my poor dear Charlotte and our child had survived, I would be living in these gilded halls... and you, no doubt, would be leading a blameless life in Coburg.

Oh, sister.

Dear brother.

I am so happy to see you.

You must talk to Victoria about Albert.

Why should Uncle Leopold talk to me about Albert, Mama?

Has he had an accident?

On the contrary, Albert has finished his studies and is the most admirable young man.

You could not hope for a better husband, than my nephew.

Then he must have changed since the last time I saw him.

He didn't smile, he didn't dance and he fell asleep at half-past nine.

You will exaggerate like all young girls.

That is why you need wiser heads around you to preserve you from your own folly.

I think I manage quite well.

Of course, you have the excellent and devoted Lord Melbourne.

But he will not be at your side forever.

No, he will not.

You need a husband to advise you.

Oh, well, unless you have something else to tell me that I don't know, you must excuse me.

I have Government business to attend to.

But I'm sure Mama has a great deal to say to you.

Five years ago, he was just a German Princeling and now he's...

Leopold, King of the Belgians, indeed.

He's here to fix a match between Victoria and that stripling, Albert.

He means to put a Coburg on every throne in Europe.

Then I suggest that you promote your nephew. - George Cambridge?

You may be right. Keep it in the family.

I remember Leopold being most ambitious for the Coburgs.

Nothing has changed.

He has a plan to marry me to my cousin Albert.

I do not think marriage between first cousins is wise, Ma'am.

There is no need to look so worried, Lord M.

I told him it would never do.

If I seem concerned, it is not on account of your Uncle Leopold.

I fear there has been an uprising in Wales by a group calling themselves Chartists.

What a strange name.

So called because they've written a charter demanding universal suffrage, annual elections, a secret ballot and even payment for MPs.

Their ideas are impossible, of course, but they have much support among a certain class.

You tell me the British are not revolutionary.

I don't believe they are.

But this year's harvest failed, and when people are hungry they fancy themselves radicals.

You and your safety are the only things that disturb my peace of mind.

And you will you come with me, to the opera tonight?

I do not think I can bear an evening alone with Uncle Leopold.

You forget the Russian Grand Duke will also be there.

You seemed to enjoy his company very much at the Coronation Ball.

He dances well enough but he is no substitute for you, Lord M.

You flatter me, Ma'am, and like all men I am susceptible to flattery.

The "Mad Scene" always makes me cry.

I think that is the point of opera.

We do not have so many opportunities to cry, you and I.

How true.

George, you should go to the royal box now before she sits on that Russian's lap.

So long as I don't have to stay for the second act.

I've heard better singing in the mess.

Well, I hear Prince Albert is a most correct young man.

Exactly. What we need is an English bridegroom like Prince George.

I thought she still likes the Grand Duke.

Such a handsome young man.

And what do you think, Miss Skerrett?

You are very quiet, but er... I suspect you're an expert in matters of the heart.

Seems to me the only man the Queen really likes is Lord Melbourne.

I think we should have a wager.

The Rooshian for Mrs Jenkins... the German sausage for Mr Francatelli, I'll take the English Bulldog.

Sixpence each.

Will you join us, Miss Skerrett? No?

How about you, Brodie?

I don't have a sixpence, Mr Penge.

I wish I had.

I believe you have met my cousin, Prince George of Cambridge.

I have had the honour to inspect his regiments.

Such fine uniforms.

You're very kind, Sir.

What did you think of the "Mad Scene", George? Did it bring tears to your eyes?

It certainly did.

My dear niece... you know I have always tried to be a father to you.

You have certainly written to me often enough. Hasn't he, Dash?

Please talk to me and not to your lapdog.

I have something important to say to you.

And we are listening.

You say you do not want to marry Albert, but I would ask you if you intend to marry someone else?

I have no plans to marry anyone at present.

You do not, I hope, imagine... that your Lord M could ever be more than your Prime Minister?

I will not dignify that suggestion with an answer.

Then as one sovereign to another, I would advise you to be careful.

I think you forget that I am of a royal line that stretches back a thousand years... whereas you are King of Belgium -- a country that did not exist a decade ago.

Even the British Crown is vulnerable.

Only this week there was an armed uprising in Newport.

Who knows where these Chartists will strike next?

You think your monarchy burns brightly, Victoria... but all it takes is a little draught from the wrong direction.

Marry Albert and start a family your subjects can be proud of... otherwise...

From your sister in Monmouth, Mrs Jenkins.

Oh, and you owe me a shilling for postage.

Mrs Jenkins, are you all right?

Mrs Jenkins?

Did you enjoy Lucia last night?

It's not Mozart, Ma'am.

And you?

You seemed well attended.

The Grand Duke is amusing.

It is refreshing to have someone who understands the cares of my position.

But he's too foreign to be entirely comfortable.

And Prince George?

He is so pleased with himself.

Oh? Well...

Perhaps... but I think he would like to be a candidate for your hand.

An English marriage would be very popular.

An English marriage?

Would go down very well.

I shall bear that in mind, Lord M.

I hope, Sir, you can persuade the Queen of the benefits of a match with your nephew Albert.

There are some... obstacles that need to be removed first.

Yes, indeed, Sir.

Good morning, Leopold.

Sir John.


If you will excuse me, I have some matters to attend to.

But you will be here later?

For the ceremony?

Yes. Of course.

I was hoping, Leopold, you might lend me some money.

As you see, I am living like a pauper.

Well, I would love to, but Belgium is such a poor little country, not like Britain.

I wonder if Victoria might not be a little more generous if you were to make some changes to your household.

She does not care, I think, for the admirable Conroy.

He's my friend.

I cannot live without him.


But, my dear sister, I wonder if Sir John feels the same?

Mrs Jenkins?

The Baroness needs the keys to the orders cupboard.

I said you were ill, but she sent me to fetch them.

Why are there so many soldiers, Lord M?

I'm afraid there may be some disturbance from the Chartists, Ma'am.

Since Newport, the movement has grown in strength.

Do Chartists wear bonnets?

Because there are a great many of them out there today.

Some Chartists do believe that women should have the vote, Ma'am.

Now you are teasing me.

We are fortunate, Sir, that your father the Emperor can spare you for the opening of a monument to the Duke of Kent.

My father and I are great admirers of British institutions, your Queen in particular.

I never knew my father, but I know he would have been delighted to have his charitable endeavours commemorated by the most generous people of this town.

So it gives me great pleasure to dedicate this to his memory.

Thank you so much, but I believe I can manage.

Freedom for the Newport Chartists!

Freedom for the Chartists!

Lord Alfred, I believe the Queen is leaving. Will you escort her and the Duchess?

With pleasure.

Lord Melbourne, may I have a word?

Can it wait?

I think not.

I wish to talk to you about my niece.


You must admit, I think, that the sooner she is married the better.

Her reign so far has been troubled.

A husband, children, could steady her giddiness...

I do not see the urgency for her to marry.

It is more important, I think, that she chooses wisely.

There could be no better choice than her cousin Albert.

He takes after me in so many ways and he is, of course, the same age as her.

I do not believe she took to him the last time they met.

Victoria will change her mind, but only, I think, if she understands that such a marriage is in her best interest.

I believe, my Lord, you could persuade her of that.

I think you exaggerate my influence, Sir.

I have seen the way my niece looks at you.

Ah, the complicated Miss Skerrett.

Are you now a... er... laundry maid as well as a dresser?

The laundry maid has sprained her ankle, so I thought I'd take these down myself.

When are you going to smile on me, Miss Skerrett?

If you come down to the kitchen, I've made some sweet meats, just for you.

You know, I used to send them, to the nunnery. I believe they were much appreciated there.

But I do not have a sweet tooth, Mr Francatelli.

Whatever I was before I came here is my own business.

I trust you've recovered from yesterday, Ma'am.

The impudence of the Chartists.

I thought they looked hungry rather than dangerous.

Where is Lord M? I thought he should be here by now.

Is he indisposed?

Oh, no, Ma'am, he's quite well.

Then why isn't he here?

He has gone to Brocket Hall.

Emma, your carriage is unmarked, I believe.

Ah, it is you, Ma'am. I couldn't tell.

The butler said you would be here.

I come here for the rooks.

They're sociable animals.

A gathering like this is called a parliament.

Altogether more civilised than their human equivalent.

I'm sorry to disturb you, Lord M... but I had to talk to you.

Brocket Hall is honoured, Ma'am.

I have come here incognito, of course. - Of course.

But your presence cannot be entirely disguised.

Yesterday I realised something.

Yes, Ma'am?

I think perhaps now...

I'm speaking as a woman and not as a queen.

At the beginning... I thought that you were the father I never had.

But now I feel, I know... that you are the only companion I could ever desire.

Did you know that... that rooks mate for life?

Every year, they... they build their nests together... renew all those little civilities that... make a marriage sparkle.

I think we could learn much from them.

If I had just spent more time watching the rooks... my wife would have felt more attended to.

She should never have left you.

I would never do such a thing.


I believe when you give your heart it will be without hesitation.

But you cannot give it to me.

I think you have it already.

No, you must keep it intact for someone else.

For I have no use for it, you see.

Like a rook, I mate for life.

I see.

Then I am sorry to have disturbed you, Lord Melbourne.
Ah, Baroness, are you standing guard in case your charge disappears again?

I hear she went to Brocket Hall without an escort.

I am no longer the Queen's governess, Sir John.

Or her confidante, it seems.

We are but the playthings of princes, Baroness.

You see, I had such hopes, of bringing some rigour to the monarchy.

But Queen Victoria has been allowed to squander the good will of the country in a series of the most squalid episodes.

You have no right to speak about the Queen in such a way.

No right?

The only hope now is that she marries a man who can control her.

Where have you been, Drina? No-one could tell me where you were.

It doesn't matter, Mama.

Wherever you have been, it seems it did not make you happy.

Perhaps now you will be in a more receptive frame of mind to discuss Albert's visit.

No? I must attend to my costume for the ball you are so kindly holding for me.

Please invite dear Albert to visit. He would be such a good companion for you.

I don't want a stupid boy like Albert, Mama. Or anyone else.

Perhaps you would like one of these, Miss Skerrett?

No, thank you. I told you I don't have a sweet tooth.

That's funny. The other girls at Ma Fletcher's couldn't get enough of my strawberry tarts.

I wouldn't know.

I wasn't an upstairs girl. I worked in the laundry.

It's quite a jump... going from cleaning up after tarts to mending the Queen's stockings.

I can't for the life of me figure out how you did it.

It's a veritable mystery.

I don't know what you want, but you ain't getting nothing from me.

All I want is for us to be friends.

I had to work hard to get here, just like you.

I think we might be kindred spirits.

I don't have friends, Mr Francatelli, or kindred spirits neither.

How splendid you look, Ma'am.

Do you really think so?

What beautiful flowers.

They're orchids.

Where did they come from?

Brocket Hall.

But I thought William had closed the greenhouses after Caro...

He must have opened them again for you.

I do not think he would do anything for me.

Do you know how hard it is to grow orchids? You misjudge him, Ma'am.

He cares only for the memory of his wife.

Is that what he told you?

Then that is what he wants you to believe.

These flowers, Ma'am... Well...

Carpe diem, George. You must be attentive.

I will stick to her like glue, for all the good it will do.

She's the one that has to make the running. - Nonsense.

She's a nineteen-year-old girl. You are Sir Galahad.

Sir Lancelot, actually.

My lords, ladies and gentlemen...

Her Majesty the Queen and His Majesty King Leopold of Belgium.

Your Majesty! May I claim the first dance?

May a Cossack dance with the Queen?

I understand Cossacks can be dangerous if thwarted, so I shall dance with you first and you next, Sir Galahad.

It's Lancelot, actually.

I hope the Queen has saved a dance for you.

She's busy tonight.

She will have to marry one day, William.

Yes. She will.

I just hope her husband will appreciate her.

I took the liberty of bringing you a little brandy, Mrs Jenkins.

Thought you might need it.

Thank you.

I have to talk to someone.

Might as well be you.

I know you can keep a secret.

I have a nephew.

My sister's son.

He's my godson too.

Last time I saw him he had blond curls all over his head.

I always thought I'd see him again, but... working for the Household, it made it very difficult for me to go back, you know.

He would write to me sometimes and say that he would come and visit me one day.

And now he's coming to London... to be hanged and then to be cut open while he's still alive.

He's one of the Newport Chartists?

Please. Please.

Oh, Mrs Jenkins, I am so sorry.

Don't be. He is a reckless fool and he deserves to be punished.

But not like this.

The Queen is waiting.

Then why don't you go and dance with her?

I have had quite enough of cousin Victoria.

Why, her legs are shorter than my arms. - Imbecile.

Don't you want to be the most important man in the country?

I might be the midget's husband, but I would not be master in my own house.

No, thank you.

May I have the pleasure, Ma'am?

I think this one is free.

Have you danced with George yet?

He wants to dance with a queen... not necessarily with me.

Then he's more of a fool, than I suspected.

I wasn't sure if I would dance with you tonight.

It would be unkind for Elizabeth to refuse her Leicester.

Leicester was her companion?

He was.

He did have a wife, but then she died.

But even though he was free, they never married.

I think both he and the Queen understood they were not in a position to marry.

Whatever their inclination.

I am honoured that you would dance with me, Ma'am.

I thought I should like to understand what my mother sees in you.


Well, I believe she values my company.

She's long been a widow, and as you know, as your mother, she's in no position to remarry.

I see.

Different for you.

The country needs an heir to the throne and you need a husband, to keep your behaviour in check.

Really, Sir John? And who would you recommend to keep me under control?

Your mother believes that you would be happy with your cousin Albert.

And what do you think?

I think he's a serious young man. He understands the duties of a modern monarch.

He will not be swayed by sentiment or folly.

And I suppose you imagine he will need an advisor?

Ha! Well, who's to say?

At present I have no intention of marrying, Sir John.

But if I did, it would not be to anyone who would choose to be advised by you.

You may have my mother in your pocket, but you will never, ever have me.

I see.

I believe my niece made an impromptu visit to Brocket Hall.

You are very well informed, Sir.

It seemed to leave her in low spirits.

Perhaps she did not get what she wanted.

I could not say.

You should know that I have sent for my nephew Albert.

Without the Queen's permission?

The sooner he comes the better.

A young girl's head can be turned so easily.

I have something for you, Your Majesty.

It's a small... token of our friendship.

Oh, how beautiful.

V and A.

Victoria and Alexander.

It might not be correct perhaps, but I hope you will forgive me.

My father has ordered me to return to Petersburg.

He chose a Danish princess.

I forget her name but he says she's very fond of herring.

I am sure she will be charming.

We cannot marry where we please, you and I.

Idiot nephew.

George called at the Palace this morning and was refused an audience.

We might as well go to Hanover.

But you are still the heir to the throne.

I am 67, my niece is 20 and healthy with it.

Ah, but remember Princess Charlotte. So sad.

Even healthy women can die in childbirth.


But I think we must go to Hanover.

I cannot stand the sight of our simpering little Queen a moment longer.

The Rooshian is engaged to someone else, Mrs Jenkins, so that's your sixpence gone.

And Georgie Porgie hasn't been near the Palace in days, so that's mine gone too.

We had no business gambling on such a thing.

It's the devil's work.

I don't think the Queen is about to marry anyone, Mr Penge.

Perhaps you should all take your money back.

Excuse me, but Prince Albert's still in the running.

Is he here? If he is, I hadn't noticed him.

Some days I really wish I was a man.

They don't spend all day trussed up like a chicken.

They have to shave, Ma'am. That can't be comfortable.

I'd rather shave than wear one of these.

Is something the matter, Mrs Jenkins?

Why don't you go and lie down, Mrs Jenkins.

May I be excused, Ma'am?

Of course.

Is she unwell?

It's the Newport Chartists, Ma'am.

They are to be ex*cuted any day now.

Mrs Jenkins is from those parts. Well, she takes it hard.

Do many people feel as Mrs Jenkins does?

I think they do, Ma'am, yes.

They may not hold with the Chartists, but... they don't want them to die a traitor's death.


No, it's a... terrible way to die.

You sent for me, Ma'am?

When are the Newport Chartists to be ex*cuted?

Next Friday, Ma'am.

They are to be hanged, drawn and quartered?

That is the punishment for treason, Ma'am.

I believe some bishops are organising a petition for clemency.

Then I should like to sign it.

Such a punishment is not civilised.

I fear you do not understand the severity of the crime, Ma'am.

Indeed I do, but I think you do not understand the severity of the punishment.

Such things may have been necessary in the reign of Elizabeth... but I would like my reign to be a merciful one.

Then you must know, Ma'am, that as Queen... you may commute their sentences.

Instead of being ex*cuted, they would be transported to Australia.

In that case, I should like to exercise my right.

You are sure, Ma'am?

Quite sure.

I am not sure it's...

Mama. Sir John.

How fortunate to find you here together.

I have come here because I wanted to tell you, in person, that I have decided to grant your request, Sir John.

What request?

Didn't he tell you, Mama?

I am going to give Sir John an Irish title and a pension of 1,000 a year, and in return, he is going to leave Court.

You would leave me, for... for some money?

You have not changed your mind, Sir John?


And I have decided to raise your allowance, Mama.

It is time you had some new clothes.

Come on, Dash.

You must understand I had no choice.

I have no desire to leave you.

But your daughter will not be ruled... and I must use my talents somewhere.

The Queen said it wasn't civilised.

And she's right, God bless her.

Maybe it takes a Queen to see things as they should be.

I have a letter from my brother in Dover.

The Coburg Princes are expected.

Oh, I am looking forward to my winnings.

I think you are being a bit hasty, Mr Francatelli.

There's no guarantee the Queen will bite.

Well, let's wait and see.

You really think a German sausage will tempt our virgin Queen?

I still think my sixpence is quite safe.


I have something for you.

The lace is made in a convent in Bruges.

Look how delicate it is.

You sent him away, Drina.

No, Mama, he wanted to go.

I know you feel his loss and I understand.

To lose someone you care for...

It's so hard.

No man would give you up, Drina... unless he knew that it was his duty.

(Oh, Mama...)

.. I think I will never be happy.


Elizabeth seems to have become something of a favourite, Ma'am.

I have decided to follow her example and reign alone.

With companions, perhaps.

Really, Ma'am?

Have you told your Coburg cousins?

I hear the brothers have departed for these shores.

Albert and Ernest? But I have not asked them.

Nevertheless, they are coming.

Uncle Leopold must have sent for them against my express instructions.

Why doesn't he understand I am quite happy as I am?

I will not be your Prime Minister forever, Ma'am.

Don't say that, Lord M.

But I must.

Let the Coburgs come.

Perhaps Prince Albert will surprise you.

I don't want things to change.

I know, Ma'am.

But I believe you will not be happy alone... even with companions.

You need a husband... to love you... honour you, cherish you.

But there is no-one I care for.

I do not think you have really looked.

I was so happy before.

I find that happiness can always be recollected in tranquillity, Ma'am.

You were happy too?

You know I was.

Well, I'm not going to get married just to please you.

No, you must please yourself.


♪ Gloriana Albert?

♪ Hallelujah...

It's Albert's destiny to marry Victoria.

I'm not sure Victoria agrees.

Albert and I are not suited.

He has no manners.

It seemed to me that you play together rather well.

So stiff and awkward.

A clockwork Prince.

Do you think the Prince handsome?

I would like him to smile at me.

What's he looking at? A woman, or the most eligable match in Europe?

I do not need you to tell me what to think, Albert.

No. That's Lord Melbourne's job.