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01x02 - Ladies in Waiting

Posted: 08/29/16 19:39
by bunniefuu
I wish to be called Victoria.

Queen Victoria.

If anything should happen to her, you are the heir to the throne.

Now that I'm Queen, I do not need your assistance.

This is not a game!

You offered to act as my private secretary.

I would be honoured ma'am.

The Queen has put me in charge of the household.

So we're answerable to a governess?

I want to dance with you.

Your daughter has always been unstable.

You have always looked at him first, then me!

Through you I've been given a reason to continue.

I shall smile in the future with your help Lord M.

♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana, hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah! ♪

Long live the Duchess!

Long live the Duchess of Kent!

God save the Duchess!

I am concerned about my niece's state of mind, Wellington.

She seems incapable of taking care of the business of government.

I believe they call her Mrs Melbourne.

He may be the Queen's favourite but that's no reason why the country should suffer.

It's hard to know if he is her minister or her nursemaid.

Indeed. He is altogether too indulgent of my niece's unstable temperament.

Are you suggesting that the Queen is not of sound mind, sir?

Let us say, Peel, that her wits are fragile.

I suspect that the cares of office are proving too much for her.

I'm sure the Duchess of Kent would be delighted to step in, and, of course, Sir John Conroy would be at her side.

Conroy? The Duchess would need the appointment of a co-regent.

Of royal blood?


They're all waiting for me to speak. I can never think of anything interesting to say.

Everything the Queen says is interesting.

That is the third time you've looked at your pocket watch since we arrived.

Do you have a more pressing appointment?

There's an anti-sl*very bill going through Parliament.

I'm worried about its outcome.

Surely sl*very was abolished a long time ago?

It's still legal in some Caribbean islands.

The Tories have taken up the cause because they think it can bring down my government.

Can't I do something about it? As Queen?

If it's known that I support abolition...

Liberals would applaud your good sense, Tories would think I'd filled your head with bunkum.

And if I insist?

You cannot, Ma'am.

Advise, yes, encourage certainly, even warn, but you cannot insist.

Such a splendid day.

Did you hear the crowds cheering me, Drina? It was most flattering.

I think the people would appreciate it if the Duchess were given a title that reflects her position.

The Queen Mother.

That seems fitting to me.

But your current title belonged to poor dear Papa.

I see no reason to change it.

Your Majesty.

Surprised you're not at the House, my lord.

I hear the vote is very close.

Ma'am, sorry to desert you but I'm afraid I've been called back to the House.


Please forgive me.

The Honourable Lord Hastings.

I say to the House that if sl*very is abolished in Jamaica, then the economy of the island will be imperilled.

And I say to the noble lord that a moral principle cannot be ignored simply because it is inconvenient.

This barbaric practice must be abhorrent to all civilised people.

My lords, some decorum if you please!

We must talk about my title.

We have talked about it, Mama.

It seems your Lord Melbourne turned you against me.

I make my own decisions.

And I see no reason to make you Queen Mother, however much Sir John might like it.

It is a shame you don't have a bigger head, Drina.

It is too small for the crown, I think.

There are workmen with dirty boots in my kitchen, Mr Penge.

I'm trying to make a cake for the Queen's birthday, a cake that will dazzle the court with its artistry.

But how can I reach the very pinnacle of my craft when I'm surrounded by noise and dust and whistling?

Don't blame me, Mr Francatelli, blame the Baroness.

She's the one that ordered the gas to be put in.

Though why they had to start down here I will never know.

You must tell the Baroness that I cannot work under these conditions.

Try telling the Baroness anything.

She sets great store by the Queen's birthday.

If you told her the cake wouldn't be ready, she would want Mr Francatelli to work in peace.

Oh, thank you, Miss...?

Skerrett, sir.

Hmph! What are you doing?

Dressers don't curtsey to cooks.

Oh, but I am not a cook, I am a chef.

Oh! And let there be light!

That's what happens when you interfere with nature.

I'll get them.

Will you be very long, Mr Hayter?

The crown is so heavy and far too big for me.

I thought it might slip down over my nose in the Abbey.

Really, Ma'am? You looked so serene.

My heart was beating so fast I thought the Archbishop would see it through my shift.

Lord M said he had never seen someone tremble so.

He told me he thought you did it beautifully.

I am concerned about him. He does not seem himself.

My husband said they are worried about the Jamaica Bill. There is a lot of opposition.

Your Uncle Cumberland would like nothing better than to bring down poor William.

The funny thing is, a few weeks ago he would have been delighted.

He was always complaining about how tiresome it was being Prime Minister.

But not any more.


My Lords, I call for a vote on the Jamaica Bill.

The ayes to the right, the no's to the left, gentlemen.

Look, Mr Penge, reckon I could catch all of them by midnight.

You just leave those rats alone, boy. I've got plans for them, big plans.

It can only be described as an infestation.

That's the trouble with gas, it shines light on things you would rather not see.

The Queen must not know. She has a great fear of these animals.

So you are authorising me to hire a rat catcher?

With all the extra expense that entails?

You must find an expert.

Certainly, Baroness.

I think you will be impressed, Majesty, when the gas lighting is finally installed.

I hope Lord M won't be much longer.

I so want to show him the painting I did of Dash. He said it couldn't be done.

Shall I ring for some Negus, Majesty?

You know how soothing you find it at night.

He should be here by now.

Sometimes the voting can take ages, Ma'am.

There's his carriage.

Lord M!

The others had given you up but I knew you would come.

I must show you a painting I did of Dash. I got him to sit still for just long enough.

That's a feat in itself.

I... I must... tell you, Ma'am, the Jamaica Bill passed by only five votes this evening.

And that means I can no longer lead the Whigs in government.

But if the bill passed, why should you resign?

The Tories are like hyenas, Ma'am.

Once they scent a man is down, they circle looking for weaknesses.

The next vote we would certainly lose. I'd rather leave now.

This cannot be.

How can I...?

How will I...?

Do you really mean to forsake me?

I have no choice, Ma'am.

My poor Victoria.

Such a big change.

How will I manage?

I know how you're feeling.

To be a woman without a man to lean on is so hard.

He is the only one who understands.

No. Not the only one.

Oh, Mama.

Please open the door, Majesty.

If you don't get up now, there won't be time to get ready.

You don't suppose she's done something stupid?

Never! It is just some nerves.

Excuse me, Your Grace, but have you informed Lord Melbourne?

He is so good at putting the Queen in a good humour.

Brodie could take a message to Dover House in no time.

"I strongly suggest, Ma'am, that you ask the Duke of Wellington to form a government. He is, of course, a Tory... but better the devil you know."

The Duke of Wellington.

I understand that I am obliged to ask you to form a government.

Lord Melbourne says he no longer has the confidence of the House and that your party must take charge.

You do me a great honour, Ma'am.

But I regret that I am too old to be Prime Minister again.

It is time to make way for a younger man.

You should send for Robert Peel.

But I do not know Sir Robert, and I have admired you all my life.

You flatter me, Ma'am, but I'm afraid that this is a battle... you cannot win.

Look at the mud on these. Very unlike Ma'am to get her things so dirty.

I think Her Majesty is distracted.


We wouldn't put in our curl papers last night. The pillow was wet through this morning.

I feel sorry for the Queen. She is so attached to Lord Melbourne.

Whatever she thinks of Lord Melbourne does not concern you.

We just... take care of the clothes... and make sure... she looks like a Queen.

Now then... how do you turn this thing on?


Oh, Mrs Jenkins!

I'll shall fetch some butter from the kitchen.


May I have some butter?

It's for Mrs Jenkins. She burnt her hand lighting the gas.

You can have butter if you like, but I can give you something better.

You can?

Close your eyes.

Not likely.

You might do something complicated.

Oh, please.

Or you'll spoil my surprise.


An ice house!

I had heard about them, but...

There's something about your very charming face that's familiar.

Could we have met before?

I don't think so.

I had better get back to Mrs Jenkins.

Your Majesty.

One moment... Ma'am.

I imagine the change of government is unsettling.

I know how much you value Lord Melbourne's counsel.

But you have... other friends, Ma'am.

In contrast to your estimable Uncle Cumberland, I should like to assure you of my... loyalty.

The Duchess and I are ready to shoulder the burden of government.

I shall not need your assistance.

Hmm. With respect, Ma'am... that may not be your decision.

It's all on account of the gas pipes.

They must be dealt with discreetly.

Her Majesty don't like rodents.

Big job, mind, a place like this. I'll have to charge royal prices.

I am sure we can come to an arrangement as to fees but you should be aware that, as the steward, I take an emolument.

Well, it's only to be expected, Mr Penge.

And if it should be found rats reached as far as the state rooms, of course you would need many more assistants.

Well, you are a master of the situation, Mr Penge.

I sent for Lord M hours ago. Why hasn't he come?

I imagine, Ma'am, that he is waiting for you to talk to Sir Robert Peel.

Why would I do that?

Because, Ma'am, the country needs a government, and at this moment it seems that only Sir Robert has the confidence of the House.

I hear that Wellington has refused you.

But don't worry, Sir John and I will help you. We have a plan.

As it happens, I also have a plan.

Lehzen, can you call my carriage?

I'm going to go to Dover House to see Lord M.

Have you lost your mind, Drina?

Queens do not chase after their prime ministers.

Perhaps, Ma'am, you should take my carriage.

It would be less... public.

Do you really want to make another mistake?

Yes. Thank you, Emma, I will take your carriage. Lehzen, you can be my chaperone.

I'm not to be disturbed!

Your Majesty.

That will be all, Lehzen.

As you would not visit me, I decided to visit you!

Forgive my disarray. I... I was not expecting visitors.


Please. At least...


Come sit.

You can tell me what has brought you from the Palace.

I saw the Duke of Wellington.

He has refused to form a ministry and says I must send for Sir Robert Peel.

Yes, I thought he might.

I don't want Sir Robert Peel. Lord M, how can you leave me to face this, alone?

Do you imagine that I want to leave you, Ma'am?

There is something more important here than my feelings, or even yours.

You are the Queen of the greatest nation on earth, one that elects its government and abides by the rule of law.

Now I don't believe in much, as you know, but I do believe in the British constitution in all its tattered glory, and nothing, not even my devotion to you, will stop me from upholding it.

I see.

Peel's not such a bad fellow really.

Just remember, if he suggests anything that you don't like the sound of, just ask him for a little time to consider.

When in doubt, always delay.

And you will come for dinner tonight so I can tell you all about it?

No! Not tonight. Not until this matter is settled.

And even then, I cannot be at the Palace as much as I have been.

Why not?

I think if you are not my Prime Minister, you are still my friend?

I think you must know why.

A monarch cannot be seen to favour one political party.

You must dine with Robert Peel.

And he may ask you to make a few changes in the Royal household.

Harriet Sutherland and Emma Portman are both married to Whig ministers.

He will want you to replace them with Tory ladies.

But they are my friends!

I would ask the same in his position.

A Prime Minister must feel he has the confidence of his monarch.

Look, these stones are so dirty. They must be cleaned before we go to Hanover.

Hanover will have to wait.

I think it's going to be far more interesting to stay here, now that Melbourne has gone.

I do hope the loss won't prove too much of a strain on her wits.

Oh, they have never been strong. Those awful bonnets.

I heard today, she actually went to Dover House quite alone.

Seems to have lost all sense of propriety.

If this persists... changes will be inevitable.

In a hurry, Sir Robert?

Her Majesty has sent for me.

Might I offer a word of advice?

Everything will go very smoothly if you avoid contradicting her.

She does hate to be proved wrong.

I am sure that she will understand the situation when presented with facts.

I find that the Queen responds to a personal approach, a well-told tale.

She does tend to find the detail a trifle wearisome.

I thank you for your advice, but I'm sure that we will do very well.

Her Majesty cannot expect things to continue as they did under your ministry.

In that case, I wish you a very good day.

I have no chin in this one and two chins in the next.

How can they say it is an accurate likeness when none of these images look the same?

Look at the coin itself, Ma'am.

It is more convincing in relief, I think.

But I look like a goose wearing a crown.
Sir Robert Peel.

Your Majesty.

Sir Robert, take a look at these designs for the new coin.

What do you think of this?

Well, I see nothing wrong with it, Ma'am.

Indeed, I would say it is an excellent likeness.


But you are here on business, Sir Robert.

Er... yes, Ma'am.

Perhaps if I might have a private audience?

I am here to assure you that I have enough support in the House to form a government.

Of course, as you know, Ma'am, any government serves at the... pleasure of the Crown.

I do know how the constitution works.

And of course, Ma'am, you know it is essential that the Crown, that is, you, must appear to be above party politics and favour neither side over the other.

Have you come to give me a lesson in government, Sir Robert?

There is the question of your household, Ma'am.

My household?

Four of your ladies are married to Whig ministers.

If you were to replace one or two of them with ladies connected to my side of the house, then there would be no danger of you appearing to favour one side.

You want me to give up my ladies?

My closest and dearest friends?

Whatever next, Sir Robert?

My dressers? The housemaids?

Do you want to surround me with spies?

It is not my intention to deprive you of your friends, Ma'am, simply to ask you to be friendly to all.

I absolutely will not give up my ladies, Sir Robert, and I believe you have no right to ask me.

Not even one?

I think I've made myself clear.

Thank you, Sir Robert.

Your mama isn't going to be told what to do by Sir Robert Peel or anyone else.

She dismissed me like a footman caught stealing the silver.

Hmm! It appears she has her grandfather's temper. But she cannot refuse you.

I'm afraid she has. She will not change a single lady.

Nonsense, man.

Go back and offer her someone charming like, er... Emily Anglesey.

I am sure her little Majesty would exchange her for that cat, Emma Portman.

I cannot form a ministry on the basis of Lady Anglesey's charms.

No stomach for the fight, eh?

You should learn to win her over like Melbourne does.

I'm afraid I do not have Lord Melbourne's... ease of manner.

She would be yours if you would just flirt with her a little.

Forgive me. I had not realised that flirting was a prerequisite for being Prime Minister.

Can this really be true? The Tory Party, the party of Burke and Pitt, has been defeated by the caprice of an 18-year-old girl?

I cannot form a government without the support of the sovereign.

The Queen refuses to make any changes to her household. Therefore I cannot proceed.

Her behaviour is barely rational. To make such a to-do over her ladies.

Mind you, my father behaved in this way, at the beginning of his affliction.

If this persists, changes will be inevitable!

Do you know what that... child has done?

No-one tells me anything.

Your daughter has told Peel she will not get rid of any of those Whig harpies that surround her and now Peel won't form a government unless she does.

No-one can tell Victoria what to do.

She's trying to get Melbourne back, of course, and if she succeeds, we will not be able to protect her with a regency.

I think I should be the one to resign, Ma'am.

Harriet plays the piano much better than me, and she has such an eye for fashion.

No-one is going to resign, Emma. You are my ladies and my friends.

But, Ma'am, you will have to make some adjustments.

It is the custom when the administration changes.

Otherwise Sir Robert will feel he does not have your support, and then he cannot form a government.


Isn't it rather late for you to be out, Miss Skerrett?

I had an errand to run and it took longer than expected.

Perhaps that's where I've seen you before, running errands?

Not unless you were in Chiswick, Mr Francatelli.

No, I've never been to Chiswick, but I never forget a face, especially one as pretty as yours.

I'm sure you've seen many pretty faces, Mr Francatelli, but mine isn't one of them.


There you are, Conroy.

I confess, I was surprised to get your message, sir.

It seems to me, my niece has taken leave of her wits.

Like my poor father.


I believe you are right, sir.

She's always been prone to hysteria, ever since she was a child.

I'm afraid that the strain of her position has disordered her senses.

Papa used to talk to himself... and scream at nothing in particular.

Does my niece do anything like that?

Well, her behaviour is certainly erratic, sir, yes. Yes.

No-one wants to believe that the head that wears the crown is anything less than sane, but if needs must, we must not shirk our duty.

No, indeed.

I'm sure the Duchess is concerned for her daughter's welfare.

And I'm worried too... for the country.

It may be that... we can come to some sort of... arrangement together.

A regency on the grounds of insanity?

You put it bluntly but...

With the Duchess as Regent?

To be convincing, it would be necessary to install a member of the British royal family as co-regent.

Well... I am sure the Duchess will want what is best for her daughter.

And for the country.

That too, sir, of course.

So what will you do now, William?

Now that you don't have to play nursemaid to your royal charge?

I shall go to Brocket Hall to finish my commentary on the life of St Chrysostom.

Little Vicky told Peel she won't give up a single lady and she doesn't want him as Prime Minister.

It is not her decision to make!

A message from the Palace, my Lord.

The Queen would like to see you at your earliest convenience.

That's your summons. What are you going to tell her?

I believe, Emma, that the Queen knows the difference between duty and inclination.

What have you done to your hand, Mrs Jenkins?

Oh, I was trying to light the new gas mantle, Ma'am.

Lehzen believes we must change with the times.

But then she's not the one who's lighting the gas.

Is it very painful?

It could have been worse, Ma'am.

What was that?

Probably just the wind, Ma'am.

Installing the gas downstairs has disturbed the rats. They're looking for new territory.

I saw one in the throne room this morning!

The throne room?

Indeed, Baroness.

They're spreading through the palace like a miasma of corruption.

But you will deal with them, Mr Penge.

Certainly, but it will be an expensive business.

Dear Lord M.

Don't you think I've arranged things marvellously?

You have been most resourceful, Ma'am.

Sir Robert was so rough with me.

He wanted to send all my ladies away and replace them with some horrid Tory spies.

Peel is a... he's a fine politician and a man of principle but I fear he has never understood the fairer sex.

I have missed you.

It's been all of a day and a half.

And whilst I salute your tenacity, Ma'am, I must tell you that if I were to return as Prime Minister, it would not be in your interests.

Not in my interests?

But it is all that I desire in the world.

Well, you flatter me, Ma'am, but I cannot allow you to jeopardise the position of the Crown on my account.

Allow me?

Peel was perfectly within his rights to ask you to make some changes in your household.

If I lose them, I will have no-one! It'll be like Kensington all over again.

Peel does not understand this, but you do.

But he does deserve your support. A monarch must be seen to be impartial.

I can't help it if all my friends are Whigs!

Because that's all you know.

I don't believe if Sir Robert had been my Prime Minister from the first, I would ever have liked him half as much as I like you.

You are still young and inexperienced, and it is my job, no, it is my duty, to see that you come to no harm.

If I were to form a government now, critics would say that I had manipulated you for my own advantage.

I am not a piece of clay to be moulded by any hand.

No, indeed, but you must understand that it doesn't matter who you like or do not like!

How can you say that? Surely my inclinations are paramount.

Your Majesty, surely you understand what is at stake here?

Lord Melbourne, you forget yourself!

Don't you want to be my Prime Minister?

Not in these circumstances.

The relationship between Crown and Parliament is a sacred one and I will not allow you to put it in danger.

Drina can be foolish, and headstrong maybe, but she's not mad.

Visiting Melbourne at his house on a whim is hardly rational.

I suppose he had a mad wife, so this kind of behaviour is quite unexceptional to him, but it is not fitting in the Queen.

She is a young girl with a tendresse for a man.

It is not so unusual.

A spell of calm and seclusion is what she needs, sequestered from the cares of her position.

No, that is too much.

I want to help her.

This is the best way to help her.

My dear Duchess... you know how much I want you to take your rightful place as Regent.


Brandy. In the library.

And I'm not at home... to anyone.

I couldn't sleep.

You need to be rested for your birthday celebration.

Let me take you back to your room.

Mama, did you hear that?

My poor little girl.

You must not start at shadows, or people will whisper about you.

They remember your grandfather.

My grandfather?

But he was mad.

What are you saying, Mama?

It is not what I am saying.

But maybe you're needing some rest and quiet.

I will protect you, Drina.

I will not let them take it away from you.

There was a time, Mama, when I needed your protection.

But instead you allowed Sir John to make you his creature.

Sir John at least cares about my existence.

You have banished me from your affections.

And whose fault is that, Mama?

Do you want any particular style, Ma'am?

I can't seem to fix on anything today.

Mr Penge, a word.

Her Majesty heard a rustling last night in the sitting room.

I told her it was nothing. I hope I was correct.

I hope so too, Baroness, but when you upset the natural order of things with your gas lighting, the consequences are far-reaching.

♪ God save our gracious Queen ♪
♪ Long live our noble Queen ♪
♪ God save the Queen... ♪

Look. Oh, it's dear little Dash.

Who made this?

Mr Francatelli, Your Majesty.

The Palace Chef.

I must congratulate you, Penge.

It has all been done very prettily.

♪ God save our Queen Mama. ♪

Happy Birthday, Victoria.

May I add my best wishes on your birthday, Ma'am.

Your first of many more as Queen, I hope.

Perhaps you'd like to open your presents, Ma'am?

From Lord Melbourne, Ma'am.

He thinks I would benefit from studying the heavens.

Happy Birthday.

Thank you, Mama.

A volume of Shakespeare.

"King Lear."

"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child."

Calm yourself!

Ma'am! Ma'am! Calm yourself!


Over a rat?

You could hear her all over the Palace.

Was there a rat, or was it an hallucination?

My father used to see a red dog.

I believe there was a rat... but the Queen's reaction was, er... excessive.

It must raise the question as to the state of her wits.

I wonder if Wellington and Peel will feel the same way.

Peel may put aside his scruples when he realises what is at stake.

The Duchess... wants no harm to come to her daughter.

We will care for her together.


I believe, Ma'am, that your nerves have been under considerable strain.

You must have complete rest, so that your equilibrium can be restored.

Out of the question. I have an engagement this afternoon.

But, Ma'am, you are not yourself.

I had a shock, Sir James, that is all.

I am not an invalid.

(The strain is too much for her.)

There was one the size of a baby, and not a new-born one neither.

Baroness, how may I help you?

I came to tell you that I have decided not to install gas at the Palace.

It has caused too much disturbance.

As you wish, Baroness.

I'd heard reports of... an incident on your birthday and I was concerned.

I am in perfect health, as you see.

Then you must be aware that it is time for you to call someone to form a government, Ma'am.

I know Peel is not a charmer like Melbourne, but, er... he's sound enough.

Very possibly. But I will not give up my ladies.

They are my allies.

You were a soldier, Duke.

Would you want to go into battle alone?

I was not aware that you were fighting a w*r, Ma'am.

Because you are not a young woman, Duke, and no-one, I suspect, tells you what to do.

But I have to prove my worth every single day.

And I cannot do it alone.

Robert Peel for Prime Minister!

I wonder if I should wave at the crowd?

No-one seems to be smiling.

Who's running the country?

This situation is getting out of hand, Melbourne.

Cumberland thinks the little Queen listens to voices in her head, like her grandfather.

If he's right, we'll have to appoint a regent.

Must have someone sensible at the heart of things.

You cannot mean that, sir.

Perhaps not, but I am not the man to put those rumours to rest... Melbourne.

Her Majesty, Queen Victoria.

Welcome, Your Majesty.

May I be of assistance, Ma'am?

I should be most grateful.

It seems I can't manage unaided.

Then it will be my pleasure to serve you, Ma'am.

Do you mean...?

If you do me the honour of asking me to form a ministry, Ma'am, then I would accept.

No picture could truly do you justice, Ma'am, but this comes close.

And that is the Lord's Anointed.

The public like having a young Queen.

It makes the country feel youthful, don't you know.

No-one wants a Queen who has lost her reason.

Oh, I think the Queen looks eminently sane.

See, she has Melbourne by her side again.

I expect that he caught wind of your plans and decided he would not have it.

My plans?

I have no desire other than for a Tory government.

Oh, we shall be in office soon enough, but in the right circumstances.

Oh, you are a very fine piece.

Let me go. I am not for sale.

Everyone is for sale. It just depends on the price.

Really, sir, I'm not...

Please, leave the lady alone.

And who are you, her protector?


Her friend.

Thank you.

You are more complicated than I thought, Miss Skerrett.

I knew I'd seen you before.

Ma Fletcher's nunnery, if I'm not mistaken?

Now the question is, how you got from a house of ill repute to the Queen's dressing room?

That's my business.

Please... don't tell on me, Mr Francatelli.

Oh, don't worry, Miss Skerrett. I don't care where you come from.

I'm just looking forward to getting better acquainted.

So young and with such responsibilities.

She should not have to bear them alone.

I am so glad William has agreed to form a ministry.

You have arranged things very well, Ma'am.

I outflanked my enemies, as the Duke of Wellington would say.

But you do know that your days are numbered, don't you?

Yes, of course. Any Prime Minister knows that.

I mean, that the Queen must marry soon.

And then...


Then she will look to her husband, not to me.

I know.

There has been an uprising by a group calling themselves Chartists.

You must talk to Victoria about Albert.

I have seen the way my niece looks at you.

I don't want to stupid boy like Albert or anyone else!

I believe when you give your heart, it will be without hesitation.

I don't know what it is you want but you ain't getting nothing from me.

We cannot marry where we please you and I.

Victoria does not care for the admirable Conroy I cannot live without him.

I think I will never be happy.

No Mama!