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01x01 - Doll no.123

Posted: 08/28/16 20:39
by bunniefuu
Yah! Yah!

Begging your pardon, ma'am, the messenger from Windsor is here.

He has a black armband on his right arm.

You are the first to know.

And no-one else knows?

I came straight to you, Sir John, as instructed.

Good man. I must get to work.

And I suggest you smarten yourself up.

You are Steward of the Queen's Household now.

The messenger's here.

With a black armband, Your Majesty.

I can manage, Lehzen.


It is my sad duty to inform you that the King breathed his last at twelve minutes past two.

My poor dear uncle.

May God have mercy on his soul.

Your Majesty.

Naughty Dashy.

♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana, hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah! ♪

Prime Minister?

The King?


Yes, sir.

Drina, was ist...

Der Konig?

Yes, Mama.

Mein liebling.

Mein kleines Madchen is the Queen.

No more German, Mama.

You must remember you are the mother of the Queen of England now.

Oh, Sir John.

That awful old man is dead and now little Drina is Queen.

So, I suppose the first thing to decide is how you will style yourself.

Alexandrina, that's too foreign, and Victoria is hardly the name for a queen.

We need something more traditional, like Elizabeth perhaps, or Anne.

I think Elizabeth II sounds very well.

Your Majesty.

Lady Flora, don't you think Elizabeth would be an excellent name?

A reminder of a great queen.


Has the Archbishop come? We must not keep him waiting.

Actually, the Archbishop has already left.

You saw him on your own?

I intend to see all my ministers alone.

This is not a game!

In future... you must be accompanied by your mother or me.

William, do stop for a moment.

Is it true the King is dead?

I am on my way now to Kensington to kiss hands with the new Queen.

I hear her tongue is too big for her mouth.

Nonsense, I have seen the Queen and she is perfectly formed.

So, William, why the long face?

Oh, I'm tired of governing.

I wish I could just retire to Brocket Hall and contemplate the rooks.

The rooks must wait.

Your queen needs you, your party needs you, and I would very much like a place at court.

In that case, Emma, I say I have no choice but to shoulder my burden.

Good day.

I think it's a little late for Blackstone's commentaries now, Lehzen.

We haven't got very far with our studies of the constitution.

I'll just have to do the best I can.

I suppose I shall be returning to Hanover.

You are not needing a governess now.

Dearest Lehzen, someone has to run my household, the way I would like it.

The Queen wants all her things moved into the blue state room tonight.

She will be sleeping there from now on.

I will have to talk to Sir John about that.

No, Mr Penge, you will not.

The Queen has put me in charge of the Royal Household.

I congratulate you, Baroness.

I warn you, Mr Penge.

I intend to run this household according to modern principles of economy.

I will want to see all the accounts, and that includes the Dressers' Book, Mrs Jenkins.

I will have no patience with extravagance.

So now we are answerable to a governess.

And a German one at that!

God save the Queen.

And all who work for her.

Prime Minister, a moment of your time.

The Queen has led the most sheltered life until now and her mother is concerned that she should not be overburdened.

As her mother's trusted advisor, if I were to act as the Queen's private secretary, you could be sure that your interests would be served most faithfully.

Well, thank you, Sir John. I shall bear that in mind.

Lord Melbourne is here.

Perhaps I should stay as chaperone.

No, a monarch always meets the prime minister alone.

Drina, I mean, Majesty... I have always tried to shield you from these things, but Lord Melbourne, I'm afraid, is disreputable!

Nevertheless, I will meet him alone.

You may go in now.

May I offer you my condolences on the death of your uncle, Your Majesty.

He was always kind to me.

Though he did have some strange ideas about who I should marry.

I believe he favoured the Prince of Orange.

A prince with a head the size of a pumpkin.

I see you have a keen eye for detail, Ma'am.

May I?

What's her name?

She doesn't have a name.

She's number 123.

My mother gave her to me on my 11th birthday.

With the crown?

That came later.

I made it for her on the day I realised I would be queen.

When was that?

I was 13.

I was having a history lesson with Lehzen. She showed me the family tree and I looked at it for a long time.

And then I realised I was next.

Were you pleased?

I remember thinking my uncle's crown would be too big for me.

I believe you are acquainted with my mother's advisor, Sir John Conroy.

I have met him, Ma'am. I would not say we were acquaintances.

He would like to be your private secretary.

That is out of the question.

I see.

He means to run me, as he runs my mother.

Well, then, you must have someone else.

Perhaps I might act for you.

There's a great deal of business that needs to be attended to.

The despatch boxes are probably already on their way to you with documents that require your signature.

Tomorrow is the Privy Council.

Thank you, Lord Melbourne, but when I require assistance, I will ask for it.

In that case, Ma'am.

You are going to Kensington Palace?

To swear allegiance to my niece.

She is very young and rather delicate.

Now your foolish brother is dead, if anything should happen to her, you are the heir to the throne.


Shall we?

My Lords... now that it has pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy my uncle...

Can't hear you.

I know that I'm young.

And some would say my sex puts me at a disadvantage.

But I know my duty, and I assure you I am ready for the great responsibility that lies before me.

Your Majesty.

Lord Ilchester.

Lord Ilchester.

Lord Howard.

Your Majesty.

Lord Howard.

Your Majesty.

Viscount Falkland.

Viscount Falkland.

Lord Shaftesbury.

Your Majesty.

Lord Fitzroy.

I believe you know this one.

Your Majesty.

Uncle Cumberland.

When will you be going to Hanover?

I am in no hurry.

My first loyalty is to the British throne.

I'm sure the people of Hanover will be sorry to hear that.

I believe there's quite a crowd outside waiting to hear the proclamation.

Perhaps now would be a good time to show yourself on the balcony.

In the proclamation, I am referred to as Alexandrina Victoria.

But I do not like the name Alexandrina.

From now on...

I wish to be called... Victoria.

Queen Victoria.

This is Miss Skerrett.

She is to work with you, Mrs Jenkins, as a dresser.

But the senior dresser always chooses her own assistants.

I've already made enquiries.

I've saved you the trouble.

Miss Skerrett was a pupil at the Chiswick Institute and has come highly recommended by the principal.

I'm sure Mrs Jenkins will be very grateful for the help.

Highly recommended, is it?

Aren't we the lucky ones? What is it they taught you there, hm?

Astronomy? The pianoforte? French?

Some French, ma'am, but mostly needlework, and how to make myself useful.

At least you're English. There's enough Germans at the palace.

Pumpernickel Palace.

I will do my best, Papa.

Still playing with dolls, Your Royal Highness?

Forgive me. Still playing with dolls, Your Majesty?

You must look over the letters patent.

There are still so many decisions to be made.

And I believe there are several bishoprics to be filled.

I think, Sir John, now that I'm queen, I do not need your assistance. Thank you.


Do you really imagine that you can step from the schoolroom straight to the throne without guidance?

Do you have any idea of what is at stake here?

I'd have been better prepared if you'd allowed me to go out into society instead of keeping me here at Kensington all the time.

I know my duty is to serve my country.

Mama, you know I'm ready.

I want so much to make you and poor dear Papa proud.

What can a girl like you, unformed... possibly do to serve her country?


You must take advice.

And we must be your shepherds.

I think you forget.

Although I am young, and perhaps ignorant... I am my father's daughter... the granddaughter of a king, and I believe I shall find my own way.

And if I require advice, I will ask for it.

Sir John, you have our permission to withdraw.

Drina. Please, Drina.

Sir John is your friend.

No, Mama. He has always been your friend, not mine.

I'm surprised they didn't teach you how to do this at your institute.

Think that's taken, Mrs Jenkins?

I hope you realise how lucky you are to be here.

Oh, this is exactly the kind of life I want.

I am very good at mending, Mrs Jenkins.

Would you like me to see what I can do with these?

Oh, the Queen won't wear mended gloves, she has a fresh pair every time she goes out.

But she does wear mended stockings, so you can show me how clever you are with those.

Drina is so... I don't know how to say in English.

Stubborn. She has always been stubborn.

I think we should move at once.

Flora Hastings actually came into my closet unannounced this morning.

She's Mama's lady-in-waiting, not mine.

And that man was in the library when I came down to look at newspapers.

She will soon realise that she is out of her depth, with only the Baroness to run things for her.

I cannot live like this any longer.

You would be quite separate at Buckingham House.


Don't take less than five shillings.

Have I ever let you down before, Mrs Jenkins?

Go on, off you go.

That parcel Mrs Jenkins gave you. Where are you taking it?

To the pickers, of course.

It's the second parcel this week I've taken.

Mrs Jenkins does well from the pickers?

Oh, yes.

Five shillings for a pair of gloves, and she once got three guineas for shoes.

She always gives me a sixpence for running them down for her.

Don't worry, Miss Skerrett, you'll find your own perk right enough.

Thank you for setting me straight, Mr Brodie.

I don't understand why Drina is in such a hurry to move.

We have been so happy here at Kensington.

She is so young, Ma'am.

For her, the bustle of the city will be a novelty.

And for you, Ma'am, it will be an opportunity.

At Buckingham House, you will be Queen Mother.

And you will be her private secretary.

I wish I could be sure of that.

The carriage is waiting, Majesty.

So many windows.

They almost bankrupted your uncle George.

How light it will be after Kensington.

Did you find it so very dark there?

It was hard to see things clearly.

Oh, I think this will do quite well.

Yes. I think before your first levee, we should probably try to find a throne that fits.

It is hard to be dignified when your feet are six inches from the floor.

You see, I don't understand why this place is called a house not a palace.

Well, you can call it whatever you like, Ma'am.

You could get lost in here.

This is what I call a royal residence.

She is small. But she ain't no midget.

No. Everything is in proportion.

At least here I'll be completely separate from Mama.

I cannot have Sir John hovering about me all the time.

I believe the Duchess relies on Conroy a good deal.

He's been handling her affairs for some time.

They all think because I'm small that I'm still a child.

They've always underestimated me. They expect me to fail.

They don't believe me capable of being Queen.

I think they're mistaken, Ma'am.

And anyone who dares comment on your stature should be sent straight to the Tower.

I've only known you a short while, Ma'am, but I'm confident that you will bring great credit to the monarchy.

It's true your education may be lacking in some areas, but you have a natural dignity that cannot be learnt.

You don't think I'm too short to be dignified?

To me, Ma'am, you are every inch a queen.

Lord Melbourne, when we first met, you offered to act as my private secretary.

You did not accept my offer.

But you are still willing?

I would be honoured, Ma'am.

Thank you... Lord M.

How are you finding the north wing, Your Royal Highness?

Where are my daughter's rooms?

In the south wing, Ma'am.

And where do you sleep, Baroness?

I have a room next to the Queen, with an interconnecting door.

I see.

The north wing.

I know.

This is...



Well, I think I should go back to Coburg.

Forgive me, Duchess, but you should do no such thing.

The Queen will falter, and when she does, you must be on hand to guide her and show the country that even if the daughter is foolish, the mother is not.

You're right. I'm not a... flib, flib...?



I came to see how you've settled in.

So kind of you to come such a long way.

Now that you are established here, Ma'am, it is time that we chose your ladies.

It is vital to set the right tone.

I have drawn up a list of reliable maids of honour, Ma'am, none of them above average height.

Good day, Mama. I hope you'll find it comfortable here.


I urge you to look at my list, Ma'am.

Don't make any mistakes with your maids of honour.

Young girls can be so flighty.


You cannot be too careful with these appointments.

They set the tone for the whole court.

Please allow me to serve you in any way I can.

I will bear that in mind, Lady Flora.

Careful, boy! The pickers won't take them if they're broken.

Still, you'll be doing all right for yourself, Mr Penge.

There's over 1,000 candles a week in this corridor alone.

Don't suppose there's an extra shilling in it for me, you know, for running 'em down to the pickers?


You're learning boy. Nice try.

We usually change around three times a day.

More, of course, if we've being out riding.

This is Skerrett, Majesty. From the institute at Chiswick.

Oh, yes.

Tell me, are you good with hair?

I hope so, Ma'am.

I have so much trouble with mine.

Mama always made me wear it like hers, a l'Anglaise, but...

I would like something more au courant.

Au courant, Ma'am? I am not familiar with that style.

Oh, no, it's not a hairstyle.

Au courant means fashionable in French.

I'm inspecting the troops tomorrow and there'll be so many ladies of fashion there.

Perhaps a pendant braid around each ear?

It's a style that suits a face like yours.

It is very au courant at the moment.

Do you think that's wise, Ma'am?

Miss Skerrett has not done your hair before.

She might not do it to your liking.

Well, if she does my hair half as well as she has done her own, I will be quite satisfied.

The Honourable Lord Hastings.

The Queen, I am sure, is a most accomplished young lady, but a talent for water colours is not going to strike terror into the hearts of our enemies.

The Prime Minister!

I do not agree with the noble Lord that advancing years is the sole prerequisite for wisdom.

I would remind him of his friend, Pitt the Younger, who led this house as prime minister at the age of 24.

The keen interest the Prime Minister is taking in the young Queen's education has not gone unnoticed.

Melbourne is so attentive to my daughter.

There are, apparently, some women who find him attractive.

I'm sure she is most appreciative of his support.

Your Majesty, I wondered if I might have a word.

Now? I need to change for dinner.

You see, I noticed during the parade that you turned your back on the troops on a number of occasions.

I'm sure it was a mistake but, according to precedent, if a sovereign turns their back on a regiment, they will no longer form part of the household cavalry.

I assume this was not your intention.

Indeed not.

But no-one mentioned it to me.

I assure you they noticed.

But no one likes to correct their monarch, Ma'am.

Except for you, evidently.

I feel it is my duty.

There are many things that the Baroness, being German, did not teach you.

I'd be happy to help you in future.

My family have been courtiers for generations.

That won't be necessary. If there are gaps in my knowledge, I have an excellent tutor in Lord Melbourne.

The Duchess of Sutherland.

What a pleasure to be here, Your Majesty.

I thought the Duchess would make a good choice for Mistress of the Robes, Ma'am.

And, as you know, the Duke is in the Cabinet.

She looks very elegant. Is she respectable?

As respectable as a great lady can be, Ma'am.

The Lady Portman.

Now do consider Lady Portman.

Her husband is Under Secretary for the Colonies and something of a boobie, but she knows everyone.

Lady Portman knew your father, Ma'am.

Such a handsome man, Your Majesty. And a very good dancer.

That must explain why I love dancing so much.

Of course there can be no dancing until the coronation.

Is there to be a coronation ball, Ma'am?

Yes, indeed.

That is if it isn't too expensive, Lord M?

I'm hoping you'll only have one coronation, so I think a little extravagance is permitted.

She seems to be almost besotted.

Sir John.

I fear you've been waiting for me.

The Duchess is concerned... about the appointment of the Queen's ladies.

Yes, I believe it's the first time she's been allowed to choose her own companions.

She must find it a pleasant change.

So you have chosen her to be your Mistress of the Robes?

Harriet Sutherland is charming.

But she is the wife of Melbourne's friend.

It is not good to be so in his hands.

It seems to me you've made her into a Whig puppet.

It may look that way to you, Sir John.

As a man who's never seen further than his own self-interest, I suppose it must.

But I hold myself to a different standard.

I feel I should tell you, Ma'am, that at Holland House, they call you Mrs Melbourne.

The Queen is a remarkable young woman.

And I consider it the greatest privilege of my career to serve her.

Well, I feel I should tell you that Mama and Sir John are known as the Conroyals.

Sir John, at least, has never been involved in a case of criminal conversation with a married woman.

Lord Melbourne was acquitted.

I cannot look into your soul.

But you are a man and she is a very young and impressionable woman.

Please, Victoria. He is someone who is clever at stealing hearts.

He must not take yours.

I bid you good day.
Mama came to see me this morning.


She thinks I should not always be guided by you.

Perhaps she's right.

What do you mean?

I should not be your only advisor.

But why not?

We are... so often in each other's company.

We ride out most days.

I dine at the palace nearly every night. It could be... misconstrued.

I wonder that you have not married again, Lord M.

My wife died a few years ago and I've... never been able to replace her.

She was not a... model wife by any means, but she was enough for me.

You did not mind she ran away with Lord Byron?

Yes, I minded.

But you did not disown her?

I think I would find such behaviour hard to forgive.

Perhaps you are too young to understand.

I find it hard to believe that we are having this conversation again.

But already this month we've spent 70 guineas on beeswax candles.

It is a big place, Baroness. You might even call it a palace.

Well, I'm sorry, Mr Penge, but you will have to make economies.

You're not suggesting we use tallow?

If you have to.

What's wrong with tallow, Mr Penge?

Nothing, boy, if you enjoy the smell of melting mutton fat.

I haven't seen anything so splendid since your brother George was here.

My brother George was an extravagant fool.

I suppose I must save the first two dances for the Grand Duke.

Did you find out how I should address him?

Votre Altesse Imperiale.

The Russians speak French at court.

But is he an Imperial Highness or a Grand Ducal Highness?

Lord M should be here. He always knows these things.

I expect he's on his way, Ma'am.

I thought he'd be here by now!

I don't want to walk in without him.

There is a message from Lady Portman, My Lord.

She says she knows what day it is, but the Queen is asking for you.

Oh, Drina, how charming you look.

But remember, you're not only here to enjoy yourself.

All the ambassadors will be here, plus, of course, the Grand Duke.

The world will be watching.

So don't drink too much champagne.

Or dance too often with the same partner.

Just a little this way.

Where is Lord M? I expected him hours ago.

I am sure he'll be here soon, Ma'am.

His Imperial Highness, the Grand Duke Alexander of Russia.

Bienvenu. Nous sommes enchantes de vous voir.

Your Majesty, I bring the felicitations of my father the Emperor on your accession to the throne.

You speak English!

Will Your Majesty do me the honour?

You have been missed.

She seems to be managing quite well.

I have been looking for you everywhere.

You are needed in the retiring room right away.

All the chamber pots need emptying.

But that's a chambermaid's job.

I think you can probably manage, don't you?

I've been observing all the ladies, but none of them dance as well as you.

Please, will you do me the honour?

If you insist.

I do.

Are you going to watch her all night?

She's completely artless, of course.

She no sooner has a thought than she expresses it.

She's too impulsive for a queen, and yet...

Can you smell it? The tallow?

Oh, you didn't? What next, Mr Penge?

Having trouble?

I had no idea Russians were so handsome.

But not civilised. Look where he's putting his hand!

The poor Queen!

Lord Alfred, I think it's time the Grand Duke found another dancing partner.

I beg your pardon, Your Imperial Highness, there's a messenger from Petersburg.

Tell him to wait.

I believe, sir, it is urgent.

This is outrageous! Surely this could have waited?

May I have the honour?

I thought you weren't going to come.

I had a matter to attend to.

I thought perhaps you were cross with me.



It seems you have been supplanted.

It would be unfortunate if she were to do anything foolish.

Perhaps you and I can find a way to prevent that.

I think we have that situation in hand, sir.

I only mean to say, Ma'am, that should you require it, you can count on my support.

You dance so well. I wish I could dance with you every night.

You are very young.

I am 18!

Old enough to be queen.

You are not old, Lord M.

If only that were true.

I think Lady Flora is with child.

Surely not!

When she came back from Scotland, she shared a coach with Conroy alone.

Lady Flora and Sir John!

Right under Mama's nose.

Sir John!

Why aren't you dancing... with Lady Flora?

I believe she is your preferred partner.

You never could take champagne, Drina.

Ma'am, I did warn you.

Now I suggest you retire before you embarrass yourself.

You cannot lecture me any more, Sir John.

I will not listen to you.

And if my mother only knew what you were like, she would not listen to you either.

Ma'am, the Duchess was hoping for a word.

Mama sent you?

To tell me what to do?

Ma'am, it's very hot in here.

Perhaps we should take a walk out on the balcony.

I'm afraid you're tired, Ma'am.

Perhaps you should retire.

I don't want to retire.

I want to dance with you.

Not tonight... Ma'am.

As you can see, Baroness, I'm making an inventory of the beeswax candle consumption for the palace, so that I can place an accurate order for next week.

We don't want to resort to tallow again, do we?

But what will you do with all those candles?

Some of them are barely touched.

Surely they can be used again?

It has always been the custom to light fresh tapers every evening in the royal households.

To reuse them would require written permission from the Lord Chamberlain.

Well, the sooner the gas lighting is installed the better.

Written permission from the Lord Chamberlain.

Whatever will you say next, Mr Penge?

Gas lighting. She said gas lighting.


You'll need to find a new perk.


Fetch it, Dash.

Drina, you wanted to see me?


You must send Lady Flora and Sir John away immediately.

I do not want them here.

I certainly do not want them at the coronation.

Du willst was?

Speak English, Mama!

I don't understand, Drina!


I'm sorry, but I believe there's been a criminal conversation between them.

Surely you have noticed Lady Flora is with child?

Oh, Drina! It is impossible.

No, it is quite possible.

Lady Flora and Sir John shared a carriage from Scotland alone.

Who told you that?


Baroness Lehzen knows so much about what happens between a man and a woman?

Mama! That man has controlled you and now he has betrayed you!



Ah, Lady Flora, I was hoping I might find you.

It seems hardly credible but I've had no card for the coronation.

Neither have I.

Well, it's an insult to the Duchess, not to invite her closest companions.

I am no longer surprised by the Queen's behaviour.

She seems to have lost all sense of decorum.

Lady Flora has powerful friends, Ma'am. Tory friends.

It would be unfortunate to have a scandal so close to the coronation.

There are those who believe a girl as young as you is not capable of being queen.

That's what Conroy believes.

A man of the basest character. He must go.

There may be more delicate ways of making him go than accusing him of getting a child on Lady Flora.

Even if it's true?

I have no desire to stir up the Tories at the moment.

It's hard enough controlling my own party. But I don't want you to do something rash.

I believe I have a duty here to find out the truth.

I'm afraid the truth is vastly overrated. Much better if you can let this affair alone.

Tomorrow I take the coronation oath.

How can I promise to serve my country faithfully when my court is rank with corruption?

The problem with a scandal is that the mud does not always stick to the right people.

Is that all you care about, avoiding a scandal?

I do know how painful and humiliating a scandal can be.

I don't believe I sent for you, Sir James.


No, I... I...

I believe I know why you are here, Sir James, and you may tell the Queen that I have nothing to say.

I am afraid, Lady Flora, the Queen will not be satisfied with that.

What does my daughter want?

I believe, Ma'am, she would like an... examination.

For the avoidance of doubt.

The Queen feels it is the only way to put the matter to rest.

There are two things I hold dear in life, Sir James.

One is my church and the other is the crown.

If the Queen really believes that I am capable of betraying everything that I hold dear... then I am willing to prove her wrong.

But I want my own physician to be present as well.

For the avoidance of doubt.

Flora is so distressed that it has made her quite unwell.

Your daughter has always been unstable.

That is why we wanted a regency for the good of the country.

Well, now... now people will see that we were right.


I solemnly promise...

Majesty, it is still so early. You should rest.

I can't sleep any longer.

Can you hear them?

I am ready.

♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana Enter. ♪
♪ Gloria ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloria ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪

God save the Queen!

God save the Queen!

God save the Queen!


Come on.


I wanted to congratulate you on your performance today.

You were most regal.

Sir James Clark.

Forgive me, Ma'am, I thought it better that I come in person.

I have performed an... examination of Lady Flora and I have found her to be virgo intacta.

But is she with child?

Er... no, Ma'am.

The one generally precludes the other.

Oh, I see.

I believe that the swelling, which indeed could be mistaken for a pregnancy, is actually the result of a tumour.

I believe Lady Flora to be gravely ill.



How is Lady Flora?

She's er... She's very weak, sir.

She's refusing all food.

The Queen must be brought to account.

She has treated Lady Flora quite shamefully.

You know about the examination?

Lord Hastings is an old friend and fellow Tory.

He feels very strongly about the way his sister has been treated.

I think the public would be shocked if they knew of the Queen's part in this.

My niece must not be allowed to bring the crown into disrepute.

The Duchess feels that it is time Victoria received a more formal guidance.

A regency?

I believe it has come to that, yes.

Latest, Lady Flora's distress.

Come and see Lady Flora's distress...

This shocking mistreatment of an innocent woman does not reflect well on our new monarch.

Should our queen not be guided by a regent, someone older and wiser who will not lead the country into disrepute?

And forgive us our trespasses...

And those who trespass against us.

Melbourne, just the fellow I was looking for.

I'm on my way to the palace.

It's unfortunate that this business has got into the papers.

My niece has been queen for five minutes and already the crown is covered in scandal.

Good morning, Ma'am. I suppose... you've seen this?

A firm hand on the tiller.

That's what this country needs.

And would that hand be your own, sir?

The press can be so cruel. It seems the obvious choice.

But not the popular one, I think.

The Queen may have her difficulties, but what would rally the public to her support would be the prospect of being ruled by you.

Might I have a word with you, Ma'am?

I'm sorry, Ma'am, I'm afraid it couldn't wait.

Flora Hastings has taken a turn for the worse.

I should have listened when you told me to do nothing.

It's always easier to give advice than it is to follow it, Ma'am.

I'm afraid.

I know, Ma'am, but I also know how much courage you have.

Lady Flora.

I'm sorry to see you so unwell, but I'm sure with rest and care you'll soon be on your feet again.

Is there anything we can send you?

Some peaches perhaps?

I am beyond peaches, Ma'am.

You mustn't say that, Lady Flora. With rest and care...

Everything I need is here.

I know I am going to a better place.

I have...

I have wronged you, Lady Flora.

And now I've come to ask for your forgiveness.

Only God can forgive you.

I was wrong. I see that now.

You did not act like a queen.

I thought it was my duty.

To be a queen, you must be more than a little girl with a crown.

You have responsibility for your subjects.

They are not dolls to be played with.

It won't be long now. First death of the palace.

I wonder if we'll go into mourning.

If only the Queen had asked me, I could have told her that Lady Flora was blameless.

I have a nose for these things.

Look what I found on my daily inspection.

A parcel of the Queen's gloves on their way to what I believe is called "the pickers", to be sold at a profit.

Mrs Jenkins.


I think I recognise this as your hand.

No, Baroness, that is my writing.

I expected more from you, Miss Skerrett.

I shall have to tell the Queen.

What did you that for? Mrs Jenkins has been no friend to you.

Do as you would be done by, Mr Brodie.

Oh, forgive me, Majesty.

No, that's all right.

There is a concern about your new dresser.

There is evidence that she may be less than honest.

Baroness Lehzen tells me that I should dismiss you.

You must answer Her Majesty.

I've abused my position, Ma'am.

I've been selling your gloves to the pickers.

You mean there are people who buy my old gloves?

But after all, I don't need them.

Why shouldn't you sell them?

But Majesty, it is a matter of principle.

I've had enough of principles.

Skerrett can stay.

Thank you, Ma'am.

My... My poor Flora is dead.

Oh, Mama, I am sorry.

So you should be. You drove her to her grave.

Excuse me, Ma'am.

I went to see Lady Flora to apologise.

You sent doctors to humiliate a dying woman.

I am sorry, Mama.

I see now I was mistaken.

It is Sir John you should be apologising to.

He also has been accused and he too is innocent.

Of that particular crime perhaps.

But he is guilty, Mama, of far worse.

Do you think I am blind?

Oh, Drina.

You have always said you wanted to protect me but you have never protected me from him.

Every time he laughed at me for being short, you laughed with him.

Every time he told me I was young and foolish, you agreed.

But then, ever since I can remember, you have always looked at him first, then me.

My poor Drina. You are not yourself.

You cannot continue like this.


Enough, Mama!

You may leave us.

I suppose I should say thank you.

No need.

So long as we understand each other.

You are a strange one, Miss Skerrett.

I thank you all the same.

Good morning, Ma'am.

Come. There are three regiments waiting, I believe.

I can't.

I can't do it.

Everything is ruined.

It's all my fault.

I don't believe I ever told you... why I was late for the coronation ball.

Did you know I had a son?


And that day was his birthday.

When Caro ran away, he became very afraid of the dark.

He would only go to sleep if I was... holding his hand.

Funny thing is, I don't think I was ever happier than on those nights when I was sitting there... feeling my little boy drift off.

When he died, I thought there was no point to my existence.

Lord M, how can you say that?

I no longer feel that way, Ma'am.

I thought I would never find any solace.

But then I became your prime minister and I think... I hope, your friend.

Of course, nothing will ever bring my boy back, but through you I've been given a reason to continue.

And you must do the same.

You must go out and you must smile.

You must smile and wave, and never let them know how hard it is to bear.

God bless the Duchess!

Long live the Duchess!

What about Flora Hastings?

Shame on Her Majesty!

What about Lady Flora?

I followed your advice as far as I was able.

I waved, although I couldn't smile.

But I feel I shall smile in the future... with your help... Lord M.

Your boxes, Ma'am.

♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana, hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah! ♪

I'm afraid the strain of her position has disordered her senses.

So young and with such responsibilities.

Oh, Mama...

She seems to have lost all sense of propriety.

You understand what is at stake?

Lord Melbourne, you forget yourself!

You suggesting the Queen is not of sound mind, sir?

Calm yourself!



Could we have met before?

Even if Melbourne scrapes through, I don't think he'll carry on.

I can no longer lead the Whigs in government.

You really mean to forsake me?

♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪