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07x09 - The Wrath of Kahn

Posted: 08/23/16 22:36
by bunniefuu
narrator: Previously on "Pretty Little Liars..."

Noel's been in the middle of everything that's been happening to us.

He stole Mary Drake's file.

He burned us out of the storm cellar and he probably k*lled Sara. Noel Kahn is A.D.

Hello, Hanna.

We have a reason to believe Nicole Gordon may be alive.

I got you a ticket. I cashed in our tickets to Italy.

I don't know what to say.

Once you get there, you will.

Miss DiLaurentis, this person that you married is actually a man named Archer Dunhill.

He's wanted in the UK for petty theft and fraud.

I had applied for the coaching position.

'Cause I was just, uh, interviewing another candidate.


I'm Marco.

I'm leaving.

I obviously did not know that you are a police officer.

You're investigating my friend's husband.

I wouldn't want anything to get complicated.


You haven't told anyone about us, have you?


Hanna: You guys are never gonna realize that Noel is the one behind everything.

The deal is on. I get you the money, you give me the keys and then you forget you ever heard from me.

"Went to New York to meet Lucas for work.

Be back in a few days?"

Do we really believe that Hanna's in New York?

Well, she and Lucas are starting a business together.

But why would she go now?

She's the one that's convinced Noel is A.D. and we're so close to nailing him.

Because all we have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence.

Right, which is why we need her here so we can find something more concrete.

Okay, I'm gonna call her and tell her to come back.

[cell phone vibrating]

Did Ezra get to Colombia okay?


He called when he landed.

Any news about Nicole?

The authorities said they rescued four hostages but Ezra doesn't know if Nicole's one of them yet.

Oh, my God, this must be overwhelming for him...

... and for you.

Did you get Hanna?

Went to voice-mail.

We have every reason to believe that Noel's A.D.

We also know that A.D. burned us out of the storm cellar so we wouldn't know the name of Mary's child.

What're we saying, that Noel is that child?

Well, if we can prove it, that's the evidence we need.

Yeah, and another reason that he would want to avenge Charlotte's death.

I did some research, turns out all adoptions of babies born at Radley went through the County Family Services Court.

I'm gonna go to the courthouse when it opens and I'll find out what I can about the adoption.

Okay, great, I'll, um...

I'll try to find out where Noel lives and works then maybe I would get some answers that way.

I have my swim coach interview in an hour so I'll come back after when I'm done and help out.


Let us know when you hear from Hanna.

Yeah, I will.

[door opens]

[door closes]

My name is Hanna Marin.

If you find this video before I finish what I need to do something went terribly wrong.

Please give this to the police.

♪ Got a secret can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you then I know ♪
♪ You won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪


[knock on door]

Marco? Hi.

Hey, you got a minute?

Uh, yeah. Of course, come in.

Stopped by Alison's to give her an update.

I saw your car outside, so I thought I'd say hi.

Uh, yeah, she's away for the day on a school field trip.

I know, Jason told me.

Well, what's goin' on?

Or if you'd prefer, I can ask Jason.

No, no, it's okay, I can tell you.

Archer fled to France a few days ago on a fake passport.


I know that's not the news you wanted to hear.

The case is still open but since he's overseas it's shifting out of my jurisdiction.

But there is one silver lining.

What's that?

Well, since I'm not investigating your friend's husband anymore maybe now you can have a meal with me.


... I'm not so sure that that's a good idea.

It's just dinner. Maybe wine.

Not a marriage proposal.

Unless you prefer brunch. I know this place that just opened...

It's not that. It's, um...

Then what?

The night that I met you, I was...

I was just kinda getting out of a relationship and it was too soon then and it's...

... too soon now.

I get it.

It's not the right time.


This has my cell on it.

In case you change your mind.

Give me a call.

I will.


Good to see you.

You too.

[door closes]

Someone woke up with a sugar craving.

Doesn't everyone start out their day like this?


No, we had a customer call and order a red velvet cake for a special occasion, so...

... I am testing out icing.

Which one do you like better?

[instrumental music]

Noel Kahn? That's your customer?

Yeah, you know him?

Yeah, we went to school together.

Look. He's bad news, Sabrina, please don't work with him.

Well, I'm not gonna be his best friend.

I'm just making him a cake.

Yeah, you shouldn't even do that.

Why, what's he gonna do? Steal my pies?

Write a bad Yelp review...

I'm being serious. I'm trying to protect you.

Protect me from what?

Just trust me when I say that he's dangerous.

Okay, look...

I can't talk about this right now.

I have to get to an interview.

You can't say something like that and then just walk away.

I know, I'm sorry.

I'll call you later.


I ran into Emily at The Brew. She said you were up here.

Yeah, I was actually just about to head out.

Can we talk later?

There was a fire at my Aunt Carol's a few days ago.

You know anything about it?


Apparently, Ali went out there.

Detective Furey said Archer was out of the country but I think he's still here.

I think he followed her out there and tried to hurt her again.

The fire was an accident.

Wait, so you were with her?


Ali asked me not to say anything.

Why not?

We... found some of your mom's personal things in the cellar.

What things?


Okay, we found some paperwork that confirmed your mom was in charge of Mary's care at Radley.

She oversaw Charlotte's adoption...

... and Mary's other child's adoption too.

What other child?

That was all we were able to read before the fire started.

Now, Mary won't answer any of Ali's calls and she's, she's not staying at the Lost Woods.

I'm sure there were more secrets.

And I'm guessing my mom was k*lled because of one of them.

I promised Ali I'd find out all I could about the adoption.

I owe her that after everything she's been through.

[sighs] I was just gonna head to the courthouse right now.

They won't give you any information.

Why not?

You're not a relative.

No, but you are.

[instrumental music]

[car starts]

[music continues]





You okay?


You're not having second thoughts about applying because we're up for the same job, are you?

I don't feel great about it, but...

... that's not the issue.

"Have you ever been arrested?"

I have never filled one of these things out before.

Should I be honest or...


Hackett knows your history.

He wouldn't have suggested you apply if it was a problem.

I'm just glad they don't have a "Have you ever committed a crime" box.

My answer would never fit on two lines.

Yeah, you probably need four. Maybe five.

I'm sure I've aided and abetted a few of them.


Forget about the past. They need someone now.

You'd make an excellent coach.

You're a wonderful swimmer and an even better person.

The best I know.

woman on PA: Calling number five. Number five...

Calling number five.

It's not bad.

Not bad?

They're on number five.

DMV moves faster than this place.

Relax, I've been in places where it takes a week to get an appointment just to talk with the clerk.


Here, got this while you were in line.

Sugar, dash of milk, right?

[instrumental music]


Mm, morning.

Thank you.

Aren't you gonna be late?

My training is done. I finished yesterday.


Three weeks went by fast.


So, what, what, that means you're... going back soon?

Next week.

You know, I was thinking that maybe... maybe you'd wanna come with me.

To Ethiopia?

What would I do there?

Help people who have bigger problems than we do.


Yeah, it's-it's just that traveling's not really part of the plan right now I've got, like, three job interviews this week.

You just graduated, Aria.

You have the rest of your life to work.

And, besides, I think this would be a great experience for us to share.

Yeah. I'm-I'm sure it would be.

[scoffs] But I'm not independently wealthy.

I kinda need a job.

My charity will pay for you.

And you only have to stay as long as you want.

At least think about it.

Yeah, I will.

Okay. I gotta go get ready for this interview.

Too much sugar?

No. No, it's perfect.

[whistle blows]

Hey. How did it go?

Really good, actually.

Yeah, Hackett saw that some of the girls on the team have been bullied.

So he thought I'd be an asset to them.

He's right.

When you going?

Fifteen minutes.

Well, I know you'll do well.

Thank you.

Hey, was this your old locker?

No. Um... this one was.

Wow. This hallway used to seem so big.

Yeah. Our whole lives were wrapped up in this place.

I couldn't wait to get out of here.

Now I kinda wish I could go back.


You miss being stalked and having acne that won't go away?

No, but there are some things that I do miss.

What are you doing later? You wanna hang out?

I'm probably gonna be with Sabrina.

Oh, I didn't know you were seeing anyone.

Yeah, it's new.

I mean, she's really great.

But I'm just starting to think it's not gonna last.

Why not?

There's a lot I can't share with her...

... about my past.

It's understandable.

And present.

What do you mean "present"?


It's happening again.

Please don't ask me any questions, okay?

You found a way to include me when we were in high school.

Whoever you're with now, you should be able to do the same.


Never sold these to a chick before.

Glad I could be your first.

[cell phone vibrating]

I'm sorry.

Emily, I got your messages.

No, I'm in a meeting. I can't talk now. I'll call you later.

Now, look, little bit goes a long way.

One of those... should knock him out for hours.

Good to know.

Look, the reason that I'm calling is because my mother wanted me to send out a thank you note to one of the donors but I-I've, I've misplaced the address.

Can you look it up in the voter...

... in the voter registration database?

Uh, yeah, the name's Noel Kahn. I can wait.

That's my mom's campaign manager.

Oh, good thinking.

I don't know, it's a long shot.

He might not even live in the district anymore.

Noel isn't the only one we have to worry about.

I talked to Hanna.


She said she was in a meeting and then hung up before I could even say hello.

Look, I know when Hanna's lying to me and she's definitely lying.

Well, we should call Lucas.

See if he knows what's going on with her.

Yeah, I already did. He hasn't responded yet.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm here.

You did? Great. What's the address?

Okay, thank you so much.

[phone beeps]

Emily: That's Noel's parents' cabin.

Oh, my God.


That's the same area where Hanna was held c*ptive.

How did we not put this together sooner?

Well, I thought his parents sold this place years ago.

Hey, God only knows what's inside.

Hopefully, the evidence we need to finally end this thing.

What are you doing?

I'm breaking in. His car isn't here.

Yeah, but what if somebody's inside?

Only one way to find out.

[machine whirring]

Does that sound remind you of anything?

Yeah, the bunker.


Hey, come on. We have to hurry up.
man on PA: Number 67, number 67...

Hey, they called our number.

We lose our spot, we'll be sleeping here tonight.

Yeah, let's go.

How can I help you?

Um, I just found out that my cousin was born in Radley Sanitarium 23 years ago.

Uh, this court facilitated the adoption.

I don't know the gender, but I know the birth mother's name.

How can I get a copy of the adoption records?

You can't, you're not the adoptee or parent of the adoptee.

I understand, but we don't know who the father is and the mother's nowhere to be found.

I wish there was something I could do.

Actually, there is something you can do.

Excuse me?

Jason's mother is dead, his dad disappeared his other cousin was m*rder*d a few weeks ago and his only other sibling was just released from a psychiatric hospital.

So he's really desperate to connect to some family right now and... finding this cousin would mean everything to him.

Please, help him.

You're lucky to have a fiance who cares so much.

Yeah, she's really special.

All Radley adoptions were closed adoptions which means I can't access them in this database.

Where are they?

Well, in the archives room.

They haven't been digitized yet.

I'm not promising anything, but I'll see what I can find by the end of the day.

Great. Thank you.

[instrumental music]

I've looked everywhere. Nothing. You?

No, I didn't see any room like Hanna described and nothing that leads him to being A.D.

Okay, but there's got to be something here, right?

Let's check his bedroom one more time.

Go through everything carefully.

What is that?

It's the same stamp that Maya had on her wrist in those pictures from years ago.

Yeah, that got you into Eric Kahn's parties.

Charlotte took me to one.

Maybe this has pictures on it from those parties.

Yeah, or pictures that Noel took of Hanna when he tortured her.

[instrumental music]

Emily: It's the Dollhouse.

Oh, my God!

It's Noel.

I really thought that I hurt someone.

Now you know you didn't.

Noel Kahn was there the whole time?

He was helping Charlotte?

We may not be able to prove that he tortured Hanna but this proves that he tortured us and he's gonna go to jail for that.

[thunder rumbling]

Come on, Spencer, let's get out of here.

Grab that. Come on.

Have you looked at any of the other folders?

No. You, you can, if you want.

No, I don't wanna see any of that footage, ever.

Yeah, well, the only people who need to see are the police.

Well, we can't give it to them without Hanna.

We need to be together for this.

Yes, in theory, but we have no idea when she's gonna be back.

Or where she is.

That was Lucas. He said he's not with Hanna.

They never had plans to meet in New York.

[thunder rumbling]

Where the hell is she?

She wanted to turn Noel in last night and we didn't listen to her.

Okay, but if she was gonna go to the police on her own she would've done it already.

Maybe she's with Mona?

Or Caleb.

[knock on door]




[indistinct chatter]

[cell phone rings]


[intense music]

What's going on?

Uh, Spencer and Aria are just inside so just thought it'd be better if we talked out here.

Okay, um...

Well, I'm just on a break at work and I thought I'd come by and see if you wanted to go grab a quick bite?

Oh, yeah, I'd love to, but I can't right now.

Why not?


First, you were weird about that whole Noel Kahn guy this morning and now this.

What's going on, Emily?

I wish I could tell you.

I'm not trying to pry I know that you've been through a lot in your life and you're extremely protective and rightfully so.

But nothing you can say is gonna scare me away.

Look, I'm sorry. Okay?

I-I'm just in the middle of something right now.

A-a-and if all goes well tonight I can explain everything to you tomorrow.

Okay. Just... be patient with me.



Thank you.

Cupcakes, red velvet.

I made them for you.


Hanna is not picking up and she's not with Mona.

Or Caleb, but she did drop by his place last night to tell him that she would be going off the grid for a couple of days.

She's gonna do something to Noel.

Like what?

I don't know.

Well, whatever it is, she's gonna do it alone because she thought that we wouldn't help her.

Okay, well, we really need to find her before she does something stupid.

He's trying to track her down on her phone right now.

And in the meantime?

In the meantime, we go to the police.

We tell them everything.

Tell them what?

That Hanna said she was gonna be in New York but we think she's here, hunting down Noel like it's "The Hunger Games?"

Uh, no. I-I think we wait and see if Caleb can find her.

Yeah, I agree.

Yeah. Okay. Sure.

[cell phone ringing]

Hello? Oh, it is.

Okay, I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me know.

Sorry, guys, that was my neighbor.

My mom's car alarm is going off 'cause of this storm so I just have to go get the keys and shut it off.

I'm gonna go to Jason's see if he got a hold of those adoption records.

And the more we have against Noel when we go to the police, the better.

And let us know if Caleb finds her.


[indistinct conversations]

I'm waiting for somebody.

You're waiting for me.

[intense music]

I know you k*lled Sara.

I knew you'd eventually slip up.

Oh, you got it all wrong.

Didn't you hear? Sara fell in the shower.

Then why did you have her phone?

Why drive all the way down to the city to dump it?

And then come here to try to get it back?

What do you want, Hanna?

The police are suspecting that there was foul play.

They wanna question me.

Sara died in my mom's hotel.

They know about her past.

And that someone took Sara's room key from the concierge desk.

Well, that doesn't sound very good... for you.

Or you.

The cellphone was a big screw-up but we can both walk away from this clean.


After the police talk to me they'll... question other guests.

I wasn't in the hotel when it happened.

I went to see a movie.

At my place.

We watched "Birdman," right?

You help me... I help you.

I wanna see the phone.


[glasses clink]

You should have some, it's good.

Not my thing.

You have it.

I already have one.

Just take a sip.


Be careful, Hanna...

... or you'll end up just like Sara.

[thunder rumbling]

[car alarm wailing]

[car beeps]

[thunder rumbling]

[instrumental music]




[thunder rumbling]

What did I do?


What did you make me do?


[phone beeping]

Hi, Marco, it's Spencer. I need your help.

Can you please come over as soon as you get this?

Looks like the whole town was out of power.

Yeah, we lost ours about 20 minutes ago.

Have you heard from the county clerk?

No. I haven't, but she said she has to fax over the report and we need the power for that.

Yeah, that's if she sends it over.

I think she will. Thanks to you.

You really turned it on today.

Yeah, well, it wasn't all an act.

My life's been a little complicated lately so it's... easy to channel my frustration.

Look, I know about Nicole that she might still be alive.

Emily told me Ezra went to Colombia.


Ezra hasn't called me since this morning.

I-I don't... know if they found Nicole but... I mean, if she is alive...


I-I don't know what that means for us.

[thunder rumbling]

You're engaged, Aria.

He loves you. That's not gonna change.

Yeah, but he loves her too.

If she hadn't gone missing they'd probably still be together.

You don't know that.

And what if I was just his consolation prize?


Don't believe that for a second.

You two were always meant to be.

And this, this was the first time this community had access to fresh water.

And we were a part of it.

And you could be too.

I got offered a job today.

It's an editorial assistant position.

Are you thinking about taking it?

I already did.

Alan B & Lawrence, it's an amazing company.

It's a great place for me to get my foot in the door.

I-I didn't feel like I could say no.


Alan B & Lawrence.

Didn't they publish Ezra's book?

Yeah, they did.

And they're working with him on his next one too, right?

Okay, well, that's just a coincidence.

I, I haven't spoken to Ezra in years.

I'm sure we'll never even cross paths at this job.

[thunder rumbling]

You were right about why I took that job.

Part of me was hoping that it'd bring me and Ezra back together.

Well, if Nicole is alive and Ezra goes back to her then it's his loss.

I can't imagine there's anyone better than you.

I should go.

You can't leave. It's crazy out there.

No, I'll be fine.

Look, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.

Please... stay.

At least until it calms down.

Yeah. Yeah, okay.

I'll make us something to eat.


Emily: Hanna, we know you're planning something.

Whatever it is, don't do it.

We found out Noel's been living at his parents' cabin.

And you were right all along. He is dangerous.

Hey, we were ready to go to the police and tell them everything.

But we wanna do this all together.

[sighs] We love you. Please come home.

[instrumental music]

[wind howling]



[door creaks]

[thunder rumbling]

[thunder rumbling]



What happened? Are you okay?

Someone's in the house.

Stay there.

[intense music]

♪ There is a devil in the dark one hand... ♪

Really thought that there was someone in the house.

Well, thankfully, that wasn't the case.

Wind must have blown the door open.

Can I get you anything? Blanket? Stiff drink?


I'm so sorry to make you come all the way down here for nothing.

And then I put you to work.

You didn't make me do anything.

I'm glad you called.

♪ So don't ♪
♪ Don't let me go... ♪

I should probably get going.

Um, you can... stay for a little bit longer.

♪ Don't ♪

Sorry, I just, I really don't wanna be alone right now.


I can do that.

Thank you.

♪ Who you want is who you need ♪
♪ Just give in ♪

[machinery powers up]

♪ The taste is on the tip of your.. ♪

Hey, can you talk?

I thought it was gonna be over tonight.

But it didn't go as we planned.

What happened?

Are you sure you wanna know?


Noel Kahn.

He's the one doing this to us.

'Can you come over?'

♪ Come back come back ♪

Paige: I'll be right there.

♪ Come back come back to me ♪

[cell phone rings]

♪ Come back come back come back ♪
♪ Come back come back to me ♪
♪ Don't ♪
♪ Don't let me go ♪
♪ Don't ♪
♪ Don't let me go ♪

Jason: I can't believe this.

The fax from the clerk came through
when the power came back on.


The entire file has been redacted.

What does that mean?

It means every important piece of information has been blacked out, father's name.

Who adopted the baby...

Let me see.

I don't know why she even bothered faxing this to us.

Everything's blacked out but the name of the judge.


"Steven Kahn."

That's Noel Kahn's dad.


I think he adopted Mary's baby.

[instrumental music]


It's over, bitch.