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03x10 - Scuttle

Posted: 08/22/16 01:04
by bunniefuu
Mom! Let's go!

What are you doing?

Kara, this is crazy. Why can't you tell me what's going on?

Where's the diaper bag?

I don't know. I thought you had it.

[Vehicle approaches]

[Horn honks]

That's Jed. Let's go.

Okay, I'm going.

[Dog barking]

Debbie: Hi, sweetheart.

Ashley: Hi.

Hi, Sam. Here, take this. Thanks.

Kara: You got gas? Supplies?

I filled up on the way over.

I need to know what's going on here, Kara.

Does this have something to do with my dad?

You dad's still in Asia, sweetheart.

In Hong Kong?

I'll explain everything at another time.

[Frankie fusses]

Debbie: Okay, ready.

I've got my sat phone if you need me. Call me.


[Frankie fussing]

Shh, sweetheart.

Ashley: It's okay. We got him.

[Frankie crying]

[Car door closes]

I'll call you as soon as I can.


Be careful.

[Car doors close]

[Engine starts]

♪ ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

Start over there. Whatever patients need one.

Here. Give this to the medic.

He'll give you further instructions.

Rios: We're gonna do everything we can to make you comfortable.

[Indistinct conversations continue]

Sasha, I need an I.V. bag over here.

How you doing?

Sasha: We're all out, Doc.

[Fabric rips]

How you doing?

Rios: Take a deep breath.

You'll be okay. Just rest.

Welcome back, buddy.

Man: We're out of compression bandages.

Anything you got for me?

Man: Not right here. I'll check with...

We'll get through this. You understand?


It's time.

Man: I'll cut up some extra for everybody.

[Man coughing]

Man: Then let's, uh, change that dressing.

[Metal creaking]

I was a plankholder.

Did you know that?


I don't believe I did.

I watched her being built.

Those my windows?

Yeah. We took everything we could use.

Like donating your kid's eyes after a car crash.

Team's clear of the vessel.

Charges have been set and rigged to ensure maximum damage to any sensitive technical equipment.

Ready to proceed.

Captain Meylan, switch is hot.

Thank you, Captain Slattery.

[Clears throat]

[Click, beep]


♪ ♪

So the plan is just to hold position until Peng rears his head?

Obviously, that's impossible.

Now that search and rescue is complete, we need to keep moving.

Cobb: Then what's on the table?

We're exploring several potential options, but we have to...


There's only one option I can see.

We need to go home.

Not that simple, Captain.

Excuse me, Captain.

SSES intercepted these communications...

...from the Chinese destroyer Sea Dragon.

The one we sunk? It's all coded.

Yes, but it's likely the cipher is still aboard the vessel.

At the bottom of the South China Sea?

Yes, sir. If we could send a team down to retrieve it...

Come on. This is ridiculous.


Peng could be anywhere right now.

We don't have the fuel to wait him out.

Our medical stocks are depleted, and in 72 hours, we won't be able to feed our people.

We'll find replenishments. We always do.

As I understand it, you've already shut down Peng's factory.

You've cut off his smuggling operation and destroyed the ship carrying the last of his chemical weapons.

What more is there?

As long as Peng is breathing, he's a threat to the region and to the world.

If we don't stop him, he'll just set up a new factory and start the genocide all over again.

Say we could get a lock on his position.

The man still has two destroyers that we know of, and most likely a sizeable army.

We've already lost Hayward and Shackleton, along with the lives of 300 American sailors.

Even if we could take down Peng, what's to say someone else won't rise up and take his place the minute we leave the region?

I'm sure I don't have to remind you that there are a lot of other people in this world who could use our help, and we are wasting our resources fighting what might be an unwinnable battle 10,000 miles away from home.

[Inhales sharply]

We need to finish the job we were sent here to do.

That means cutting the head off the snake.

This mission was approved by the Commander in Chief.

But the circumstances have changed.

We need to talk this over with the President.

We're at EMCON, Captain.

Until I can be assured that we have a secure line home, nothing changes.

Have Lieutenant Green form a dive team.

Search that destroyer. Find the cipher.

Alisha: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Thank you all for waiting.

[Camera shutter clicks]

This morning, I signed Executive Order 10842.

This order eases restrictions on the federal ration card mandate, provides more local control over banking issues, and temporarily suspends the private property claw back regulations, as set forth my predecessor.

Man: Mr. President. Mr. President.

[Reporters shouting at once]

Details can be found in your briefing packets, regarding the affected territories.

Where's Mrs. Green?

Woman: I don't know.

In addition, I have promoted the Army National Guard to active status and placed them under the control of local leadership in a bid to quell continued riots in the Five Territories.

Mr. President. Mr. President, Mr. President, you've been in office for 48 hours now.

How do you account for the immediate rollback of President Michener's policies?

[Camera shutter clicks]

How do I account for it?

[Birds chirping]

I'm sorry, but the President will not be taking any questions today.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Thank you, sir.

Man: Mr. President! Mr. President, please!

Mr. President, can't you at least answer anything?

Mr. President!

Ms. Shaw, there's been conjecture that President Oliver's political sensibilities lie to the right of...

I don't comment on conjecture.

Well, can you tell us if we can expect a further shift in agenda from this White House?

President Oliver is his own man, but the agenda remains the same...

Building a stronger and better America.

On that note and due to the President's increasingly demanding schedule, we'll be discontinuing these daily addresses... and replacing them with weekly briefings administered by my office.

Thank you very much. That's a lid on today.

Ms. Shaw!

[Reporters shouting at once]

One question! Allison!

Ms. Shaw!

Uh, call for you on 2.

When did we get a second line?

[Indistinct conversations, telephone rings in distance]

Allison Shaw.

Allison, it's Kara.

Man: She's not available.

Kara, where are you? We've been calling you all morning.

I'm... [Sighs] in trouble.

I need your help.

What's wrong?

Rivera's dead.


And Senator Beatty.

They were shot in the Capitol parking garage last night.

Oh, my God. There was no... there's no... no reports. Are you sure about this?

I was there. I saw it.

I've been wandering around all night.

I don't know what to do.

Where are you right now?

[Indistinct conversations]

It's all right. You're gonna be okay.

I will send someone to come get you.


[Laughter in distance]

I think we have a mole inside the White House.

And until we find them, there's no one I can trust except you.

You need to come alone.

Okay, just me. Tell me where you are right now.

Woman: He's gonna be coming by...

S&W Diner.

On Fifth.

Hold tight. I'll be right there.

[Receiver clatters]

Man: Could we get the check, please?

Man: Sure.

[Birds chirping]

You doin' all right?


[Tires screch]

[Car doors open]

[Engine stops]

Woman: What can I get ya?

Uh, can I get a glass of milk for my daughter, please?

Sure. Just one second.

[Door opens]

[Horn honks in distance]

[Helicopter blades whirring]

I need a favor.

My team went diving for an item we think was on the Chinese destroyer.

Seems some pirates got to it first.

You told me you still have some people out there.


You know of any way to get a message to 'em?

[Exhales] Might help us find Peng.

[Exhales sharply] Yes.

I will try.

Sir, my crew has had a couple run-ins with these pirates.

In fact, two of my sailors were gravely wounded during a swarm attack.

You don't need to remind me what they're capable of.

We don't always get to choose our allies.

So we're willing to do anything? Get in bed with anyone?

Like I said, we're gonna finish the job.

With all due respect, sir...

Usually when someone says "with all due respect," he's about to show a lack of respect, Captain.

I understand the damage that Peng has done, that's he responsible for a lot of loss to your crew, and that he even tried to k*ll you...

And you think this is personal for me.

I've lost a third of my crew, and I'm willing to walk away if that's what's for the greater good.


And I get the feeling there are other people in your senior leadership who feel the same way.

Sometimes a captain has to make the unpopular call because that's his responsibility.

Someday, I hope you understand that.

Now... all due respect, I have things to do.

Thank you, sir.

Are you sure you had the right diner?

Okay. Yes.

All right. No, just head back. I have something else for you.

Guess our Mrs. Green isn't just a pretty face after all.

It appears that way.

How much has she figured out?

It doesn't matter. She can't prove any of it.

And when are you gonna release the news about Beatty and Rivera?

I will leak it sometime tonight.

I didn't want it convoluting this morning's press conference.

Well, we need to start corralling the herd.

And if Chandler makes it home to rally the troops, all of our lives become much more difficult.

I told you that I am dealing with it.

You've been saying that for two weeks now.

Everybody's gettin' impatient.

I have done more than my part, Roberta.

And let us not forget that none of you would even have a seat at this table if it wasn't for me.

Don't fool yourself, dear.

You may have set the table, but we're paying for the groceries and we're cookin' the meal.

Let's not forget that.

[Door opens]

♪ ♪

[Men speaking Japanese]

[Speaks Japanese]

Did you find the decoder?

[Speaks Japanese]

[Speaks Japanese]

[Speaks Japanese]

[Speaks Japanese]

He's saying that was only a finder's fee.

If you wanna purchase the cipher, it's gonna cost double the rations.

We barely have enough food to feed our own crew.

That's not gonna work for us.

Takehaya: Please, let me talk to him.

[Speaks Japanese]

What'd he say?

Lau Hu k*lled Shirahama's brother.

[Speaks Japanese]

He said...

I got it.

[Speaking Japanese]

You have a deal at the original price.

[Door opens, telephone ringing in distance]

[Indistinct conversations]

Sir, I have an order here for your signature.

No one in their right mind would sign this.

This isn't a negotiation, Howard.

It's "Mr. President."

And I'm not gonna stand by while you destroy this country.

I don't care if you k*ll me, but I'm done taking orders.

We can't k*ll you, sir.

But I will remind you that we can k*ll your family.

It was only five months ago.

We had a plan, a good plan, and it worked.

We cured a whole country.

What the hell happened to that? How did we get to this?

There are forces at work here, and they are bigger than me, and they are bigger than you.

And they're stretched all the way across the Pacific, where you're exterminating whole races of people.

We had no idea what Peng was planning to do.

All we needed was his help to get rid of Chandler.

The landscape of this country is changing, and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it.

I am still the President of the United States, and I can stop it.

We can stop it.

It can't be too late, Allison.

[Whispers] Sign it...

[Normal voice] Mr. President.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Man speaks Japanese]

[Indistinct conversations]

Man: Passive radar is clear, sir. No sign of the Chinese.

How's the temperature below deck?

Considering the circumstances...

I'd call it a low simmer.

New kid thinks my motivations might not be completely impartial.

New kid's had a rough day.

He'll buck up.

What do you think?

Do you believe this is personal for me?

At this point, sir... it's personal for all of us.


The cipher the pirates found checked out.

So far, we've isolated two direct communications between the Sea Dragon destroyer and Peng.

Can we pinpoint his location in China?

That's just it, sir. He's not in China.

He's mobilized his remaining destroyers off the coast of Tokyo.

And the latest intel suggests he's aboard one of those destroyers.

[Knocks on door]


Are you alone?

I, uh... yeah.

Shut the door.

Is our relationship about to change?

Alex Rivera and Senator Beatty are dead.


I thought Rivera was leaking information to Peng, so I followed him.

He was meeting with Beatty when they were both gunned down by the Secret Service.

Gunned down?

I found pictures of troop readiness reports on Rivera's phone.

I need to know why he was bringing these to Beatty.

I need to know what they were into, what they were planning.

Okay, okay, slow down.

It was an inside job. [Pounds counter]

And Shaw was part of it. I don't know who I can trust.

But your press credentials still get you access to the White House.

So you want me to break into Senator Beatty's office, after he was just m*rder*d by the Secret Service along with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs?

And I think they k*lled the President, too.


And I know for a fact the Chief of Staff was in on it and that she's been double-dealing with Peng.

Please, Jacob, just get into Beatty's office.

I know there's something there.


XO, we have a top secret SCI communication coming from central command.

It's double encrypted.

Put it through first stage decrypt and print it out.

Aye, ma'am.

First stage decrypt commencing.


[Man grunts]

Meylan: There's gotta be something more you can give him.

I'm sorry, sir. I'm doing the best I can with the ice.

There's a lot of guys in worse shape than him.

[Labored breathing]

[Muffled] It's okay, sir.

I'm all right.

Captain Meylan, a message for you from central command.

First stage decrypted, it's now in command code.

Thank you, Commander.

Woman: You hanging in there?

Man: I am. It still hurts.

Woman: All right, let me get you some pain medication.

♪ ♪
[Pen clicks]

[Indistinct conversations]

Captain Chandler.

Captain Meylan.

Something on your mind?

I have a flash order from the Commander in Chief to place you under arrest, relieve Captain Slattery of his command, and take Nathan James back to San Diego.

What the hell did you say?

"Illegal incursion into the sovereign territory of a foreign country.

Attempted m*rder of a foreign leader.

Destroying a noncombative foreign vessel.

Dereliction of duty."

Ah, this is bullshit.

You can verify it if you like.

[File thuds]

Mike, you realize what this means?

The White House has been compromised.

That's how Peng kept getting our coordinates.

It's more than that.

My plane exploding, you guys getting ambushed...


You saying he didn't k*ll himself? We got a coup?

I talked to Oliver 24 hours ago.

He said we had his full support. Now this?

Code is accurate, sir.

Order like this comes through fleet command, addressed to our XO, not you.

Everything about this stinks. We can't follow it.

It's not our place to question a confirmed order from the Commander in Chief.

But my guess is that POTUS has lost faith in your senior command, which is a hell of a lot more plausible than your paranoid conspiracy theories.

Well, let's get the President on the phone.

We'll talk to him...

Can't do that, Captain.

Like you said, we're at EMCON.

It won't matter, not if Oliver's in on it.

Meylan: If you're so worried about what's going on back home, all the more reason we should head that way.

We'll sort it out there.

You don't understand.

We're not gonna make it home alive.

The person who sent you those orders is the same person who just destroyed your ship.

We'll get sunk before we hit Pearl Harbor.

Yeah, you heard those charges. They're absurd.

From what I've seen in my short time on this ship, these charges don't surprise me one bit.

But it's not about what I think.

Master at Arms Plummer. Yes, sir.

Please remand Captain Chandler into custody.

Stand down.

I'll comply with the order.

You need to keep the peace right now.

I'll be counting on you, Captain.


Lieutenant Granderson, Lieutenant Mejia, you are relieved of duty.

Please exit the pilot house.

XO Cobb.

Yes, sir.

Arrest those men stealing our food.

Yes, sir.

Set a course for Pearl Harbor, where we will refuel and continue directly on toward San Diego.

Aye, sir.

I've already sequestered Green, Burk, and Taylor, so don't think about doing anything stupid.

Not a good idea.

You are relieved, Captain Slattery.

Yes, I am, but if you get on that mike and you tell the crew that you've arrested Tom Chandler and you're taking control of the Nathan James, you're gonna have to sequester a lot more than just those three guys.

That's a course we don't come back from.

[Switch clanks]

[Whistle blows]


[Amplified voice] Attention, all hands.

This is Captain Mike Slattery.

Effective immediately, by order of the Commander in Chief, Captain Tom Chandler has been relieved of duty and placed under arrest.

Per that same order, I have been relieved of duty, and Captain Joe Meylan has taken command of the ship.

Come on, let's go.

Keep moving.


I expect every member of this crew to perform their duties with the professionalism and determination customary to this ship.

This is Captain Slattery. That is all.


The Chief of Naval Operations asked to see me.

I understand your captain was kind enough to grant me 10 minutes.

[Man speaks indistinctly]

[Keypad beeps]

10 minutes.

[Door opens]

Woman: We're just gonna move the additional pallets into...

Tom, what the hell is going on?

I want you to ask for a court martial.

You'll be my legal council.


Meylan will have to empanel a court.

He's not permitted to sit in judgment over a superior officer...

[Pen scratches] I'll have to hand in my commission.

You'll never win. He'll stack the court with his top people.

Good. Let him.

Tom, he could put you in front of a firing squad.

There hasn't been a military execution in the U.S. since '61.

Stop being cute.

We're pawns in a bigger game.

I don't know what it is yet, but I know this...

If we go home, whoever's behind this, they'll k*ll us all.

I need to retake command of the ship.

There's a way out of this, but technically, it involves me committing treason.

So if you want nothing to do with it, I'll understand.

Tell me the g*dd*mn plan.

[Crickets chirping]

Credentials, sir.


Tightening up security around here, huh?

Yes, sir.

Man: Make sure they're posted, teams of two.

Man: Yes, I, uh, will change them every 30 minutes.

Can I help you?

No. Uh, I was just looking for the senator.

He's out of town this week.

Oh. Must've got my dates crossed. Thanks.

♪ ♪

I still can't find any record of a conversation between Chandler and Michener regarding the break-in to Peng's mansion.

I asked Granderson. She says it doesn't exist.

[Files thud]

What a mess.

[Dog barking in distance]

[Door opens, closes]

Secret Service were cleaning out Beatty's office.

They beat us to the punch.

[Sighs] Damn it.

I was pretty sure you weren't crazy, but with Oliver reversing Michener's policies, Shaw hijacking his press conference, and now this, something's going on.

[Sighs] I didn't wanna have to do this.

Do what?

There's one person at the White House I can trust.

I didn't wanna put him at risk.


Didn't mind putting me at risk.

[Telephone rings]

Thank you.

Man: Yes, ma'am.


This is Dennis.

Don't react. Don't look up.

Shaw is the leak.

I don't know who else is in on it, but I need you to do something for me.

That's a lot of moving parts, sir.

We'll get it done.

Unfriendly on your nine.

[Door closes]

What's this?

Adding everything we can to the ration pile, sir.

Thank you, gentlemen.

[Bag rustles]

[Indistinct conversations]

Can I speak with you?

Yeah. Sure.



Me and my team have been over every file, every log, and deposed every key member of your crew.

And I can tell you with certainty that Tom Chandler cannot mount a proper defense with the evidence available to him on this ship.

You need to get him to reconsider.

Back when the plague broke, he refused a presidential order to return home.

Didn't have any information, didn't have any facts, didn't know what the hell was going on.

But we survived at sea and we found the cure because of his instincts.

Isn't it possible his instincts are right again?

I'm not saying he shouldn't refute the charges.

But to do it here, under these circumstances...

Circumstances don't add up. Come on.

Order from the Commander in Chief comes out of the blue for you to break the chain of command and arrest the head of the navy, just after we've been att*cked by the Chinese?

You're smarter than that, Captain.

It's not about...

I don't have a choice here.

Oh, we always have a choice.

To be clear...

I'm not saying exoneration is unlikely.

I'm saying it's impossible.

Well, then I can't help you.

He's gonna want his day in court.

And you're gonna have to give it to him.

[Pounding on door]


Hey. Hey.

[Exhales deeply]

[Lock turns]

[Door closes]

Did you get a message to the James?

It's gonna be almost impossible.

Shaw's upped security in the whole building.

Jacob: What about Oliver? Do you think he's in all of this?

It's hard to tell.

The guy barely ever leaves his office.

May I?

So I got Beatty's calendar, some projects he was working on for Michener.

I had to do some decryption work, but I found this one file tucked away...

[Beep] a hidden folder.

What are we looking at here?

Red dots. Sharp borders between regions.

These guys are staking their claim.

I gotta get back to the office.


Yeah, I'll get a message off to the James.

That's not what I was gonna say.

Just be careful.


[Footsteps depart]

Just doesn't make any sense.

I heard that.

This new President's been in office for what, a day?

I mean, what the hell's really going on here?

It's like some animal kingdom shit.

Marking his territory, you know?

Yeah, good luck with that.

Chandler's basically American royalty at this point.

He should just get a free pass for life.

What's that mean?


A pass? What's he need a pass for?

Nothing. No, I was just saying. You know, come on.

He didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't need a damn pass, especially from a grunt like you.

Whoa. Chill, Eric.

It's PO2, blivit.

You know what I meant, okay? Hey, I was eating that!

You've been complaining since you got here, and I'm sick of it!

How about showing a little g*dd*mn gratitude?


Yeah, for pulling you and all your helpless little buddies out of the drink!

[Chair scrapes floor]

Who you calling helpless?

We wouldn't have even been there if you pussies hadn't called us for help.

You just call me a p*ssy?!

Hey! Back off him, huh?!

You back off! Come here!

[All shouting indistinctly, chairs scraping floor]


[Dishes clatter]

Come on, knock it off!

Stand down!

[Grunting continues]

[Shouting continues]

Cobb: Master at Arms, Master at Arms, Report to mess deck immediately.

[Indistinct shouting continues]

Stand down!


Hey! Hey! Hey!

[Speaks indistinctly]

Slattery: Break it up! Break it up!

We're on the same side, you assholes! Break it up!

God... [Grunts]

Break it up!

Stand down! Stand down!

[Keys jangle]

Just like old times, huh?

Yes, sir.

What the hell is the matter with you?!

What the hell are they...

They're stockpiling supplies in all these warehouses.


Food, medicine. They're in such remote areas.

I mean, Clallam Bay, population's under 500.

But according to this, they've got enough food in the warehouse there to feed thousands of people for six months.

Isn't there a red dot near Clallam Bay?


Yeah, there is.

Looks like some of these other warehouses line up, too.

Maybe that's what the dots are.

No. The dots are prisons.

Check them out.

Benton, Arkansas.


Bismarck, North Dakota. Big Spring, Texas. Yep and yep.

46 prisons for a population our size?

All maximum security.

And they're spread out evenly in the territories.

There's controlling the troops, hoarding the food, and expecting people to resist.

Beatty must've been getting cold feet.

That's why he didn't go to the funeral.

That's why he was trying to get to Rivera.

[Door bangs open]


[Silenced g*nsh*t]


[Silenced g*nsh*t]

[Silenced g*nshots]

♪ ♪

[Boxes clatter]

[Racks shotgun]


[Loud clatter]



Gentlemen, I need to depose these witnesses.

Sorry, Ma'am. No one in or out.

Orders from Captain Meylan.

I don't have time for this.

You're interfering with official Navy proceeding.

What's going on here?

I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we got orders from Captain Meylan...





On your knees. Okay, boys.

Not a lot of time to discuss the ramifications here, but I will say upfront...

If we do this, it's dry fire only.

[Zip tie clicks]

Wolf: You want us to take back the ship without loaded weapons?

Well, Hayward's crew won't fire on us.

They don't want blue on blue either.

I appreciate what I'm asking.

I think history will side with us when the President's order is proven unlawful.

[Clips clicking]

Sorry about this, boys.

Well, if we don't have b*ll*ts, we're gonna need more g*ns, Captain.

Way ahead of ya.

[Door closes]

Take a seat, please.

Captain Chandler... [Sighs]

Before we begin, you're entitled to make an opening statement.

I've spent half my life in the Navy.

Like you, I did everything right.

Worked my way through the pipeline just to get my chance to lead.

Nathan James was my first command.



I was thrust into a situation that no one can prepare you for.

The world was turned upside-down, and all the rules were thrown out.

But... [Sighs deeply]

The Navy taught me many things.

Most importantly, it taught me to adapt.

I had to make some difficult decisions.

[b*ll*ts clatter, clip clicks]

God knows I made some mistakes.

[b*ll*ts clatter, clip clicks]

But never once did I waver from what I knew to be right...

The core values that run through all of our veins.

[Clip clicks]

Honor... courage... commitment.

Chandler: And I served my sailors as they served me.

Get down and drop your weapons!

...and as we all serve this great country of ours.

I didn't ask for this.

I could've taken this uniform off at any time.

[Zip tie snaps]

But I always believed in the work that we were doing as a team, and the decisions that I was making as a captain.

And though my tactics changed to address an insane world...

[Shouts in Japanese] resolve and my dedication to the Navy never faltered.

I stand by my record.

[Shouts in Japanese]

Keep your hands up!

What the hell is this?

I see.

This was never about your guilt or innocence.

You forced our hand here, Captain.

There was a moment today...

...where I actually had my doubts.

Thank you for removing those for me.

When the chips fall, if I'm proven wrong, I'll face justice from a higher power than you.

Cooper, Green, please remove the officers and sequester them in Helo Bay 2.


Captain, I need you to set a new course for Japan.

Yes, sir.

Let's go. On your feet.

Man on radio: ...the body of Senator Beatty and Secretary Rivera were discovered late last night.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Kara Green, a senior military advisor, and Jacob Barnes, White House reporter, in connection with the double homicide.

Meanwhile, we will have more of this story...

You really think this friend of yours can help us?

If we can find him.

In other news...

[Horn blaring]

What the...

Man: Get the last two off the truck!

Drop that one in, and we're ready!

All right, secure it! Easy!

What the hell is that?

They're building a wall...

Man: Drop a pin in it when she's done!

...making those regional borders permanent.

[Machinery whirring]