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07x08 - Exes and OMGs

Posted: 08/16/16 23:46
by bunniefuu
Spencer: Previously on "Pretty Little Liars..."

It's Sarah Harvey. She's dead.

Hanna: Em saw something on Jenna's laptop that can link back to A.D.

[cell phone rings]

The case is officially closed.

Tell me what to do?

You obviously can't tell Ezra.

What good would it do?

I'll delete the call.

Hanna: Mrs. Grunwald.

She's a psychic. A real psychic.

And she seems to like us in some disturbing creepy sort of way.

Bye, Caleb.


Maybe we could just skip the headache and elope.

I'm callin' again for Dr. Cochran.

It's Noel Kahn.

Tell her I'm running out of time and patience.

Mary had a second child.

So Charlotte had a biological brother or sister.

I'm Agent Lee from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

You were involved with Nicole Gordon.


Yes, I was.

We have reason to believe that she may be alive.

Spencer: Okay, so we know that Noel Kahn stole the Mary Drake file from Toby's AirStream.

How's Yvonne doing?

She's, she's okay.

Toby's gonna spend some time with her.

And then right after he got that file, he called Dr. Cochran.

Caleb: Sounds like Jenna and Noel are on the same path that we are.

Only they're ahead of us.

But who burned us out of the storm cellar?

Somebody who didn't want us to know that Mary Drake had a second child.


Noel Kahn.

You guys, Noel's been in the middle of everything that's been happening to us.

He clearly has more A-ness than anyone else out there.

I wouldn't have put it that way, Hanna.

Hold on, Ali, you know Noel better than any of us.

I'm not proud to say it, but you're probably right.

I trusted him once, but then I realized he was spying on me for Charlotte.

But you had something on him? I mean, from years ago.

Yeah, that's right.

Must have been good.

Do you remember that frat party I took you guys to, freshman year?

We made those fake IDs.

Yeah, all the guys were super drunk. So?

Sorority girl fell down the stairs.

Oh, my God.

She didn't fall. Noel pushed her.

See, no story with Noel Kahn in it has a happy ending.

What if you went to Noel now?

Threatened to go to the police or...

No, it's too late.

His family paid the girl off years ago.

He got away with it.

Yeah, like he does with everything.

Exactly why we shouldn't be arguing whether Noel's A A.D., Uber A or whatever.

God, I can't believe you guys.




When are they gonna realize that Noel Kahn is the one that we're after?

They just wanna be certain, okay?

Mary and Jenna are still out there.

Oh, come on. How much more proof do we need than the words "I see you" being written on our car outside of the storm cellar?

Those were the exact words written on Ezra's car at Camp Mona.

I know, okay? I get it. It's just that...

You don't believe me either.

Look, we have to be completely positive before we do anything rash.

Well, I am.

And by now, if you're not I don't know what's gonna change your mind.


[engine revving]

Hanna, look out!

[Caleb grunts]


♪ Got a secret can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret if one of the them is dead ♪

So you're fine?

Really fine?

I'm fine.



So, um, how's it going over here?

Well, not that great. I mean, I'm going over all the material that you and Spencer took photos of from the lock box but everything except for Mary's DNA is in some code that I can't crack.

Yet, right?

I'm doing my best.

Why DNA?

Your guess is as good as mine.

What has Mary been up to?

There's no sign of her, at Alison's or the Lost Woods.

What about Jenna?

Any tapping around we need to be worried about?

No, she hasn't left her room.

I guess Noel's taken a leave while Jenna practices her flute.

Hey, um, speaking of Noel, give me your phone.

What's that?

This is your new phone.

It's 100% bug free.

I have some for the rest of you guys too.

You can't be too careful with Noel and Jenna on the prowl.

Really? I hate breaking in new phones.

Well, Noel's found his way into your dreams.

That's close enough.

I mean, I don't even know why I'm surprised.

I did this to myself. I deleted that call from Ezra's phone and now it's coming back, and it's gonna bite me...

Aria, take a deep breath.

It's been proven to prevent explosions in small women.

Ezra's with the authorities right now.

Nicole could be alive, Emily.

First off, you can't root for her not to be alive.

No. No, of course not.

And-and second, you deleted the call for all the right reasons.

You were tryin' to spare Ezra.

I lied to him, Emily.

Lied to me about what?

There was a call on your phone.

It said that it was from Nicole, so I picked it up and-and no one answered, so I deleted it.

You what?

It didn't make sense, Ezra.

And I didn't wanna get your hopes up.

Okay. Okay.


Well, uh, guess what?

One of the trucks in the aid convoy that Nicole was with was spotted near a rebel compound or or something in Colombia, so...

Have they found her?

Well, the military's, uh, going into the jungle in about two hours, and they don't know what they're gonna find.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, me too.

Okay, um, I think I'm gonna leave.

Um, yeah, I guess I'll go too.

I was just gonna shower, and then I'm gonna head back.

Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense.

Um, I'll see you.


So has Ezra heard anything else?

Has he called Aria?


Aria's going crazy waiting. Obviously, he is too.


[sighs] Well, I guess it's a big day for all of us.

What do you mean?

I'm going back to Rosewood High School today.

Back to teaching my class.


I, I know you've talked about it but do you really think now is the time?

I mean, are you even ready?

Well, the Welby social worker and Dr. Sullivan gave me a clean bill of health.

That's great, but it's been less than two weeks since Archer Dunhill...

Stole all my money.

Look, Em, I'm broke. I have nothing.

And unless Jason comes back from meeting with his forensic accountant in Philadelphia with a truckload of cash, I, I honestly have no choice.

It's 20 minutes to the first bell. I should go.

Wish me luck.

You'll be great.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I think so.

I took the liberty of...


How's Alison doing?

Better than can be expected.

Well, she's lucky to have a good friend like you.

Hi, I called ahead for a few dozen pastries.

My name is Hackett.

Thank you.

Principal Hackett.

Hi. How are you?

Emily Fields.

I-I was just thinking about you.

Really? Why?

We've got a job opening at the high school.

Uh, head swim coach.

You got your degree, right?

Yeah, uh, one last class, but I'm testing out.

Well, then if you're in town permanently you should think about applying.

We would love to have you back.

That is, unless you've already gotten a job somewhere else.

No. No, well, at The Radley but, um, thanks for letting me know.

I-I'll definitely think about it.

Splendid. Well, I gotta go.

Hell hath no fury like my teachers when I forget "Thank God It's Danish Day."


Thank you.


"Thank God It's Danish Day."

It's pretty catchy.

Emily Fields, you surprise me.


Would you really consider staying here to take that job?

I don't know.

Maybe, I guess.

Got it.


The Dr. Cochran that Noel was calling I checked over a copy of the Mary Drake file and I found a mention of a doctor with the same name 'that practices in Brookhaven.'

Spence, that file's more than 20 years old.

What are the odds of us finding any real information now?

They're better than the odds of us getting anything accomplished if we stick around here. Let's go.


[indistinct chatter]

[bell rings]


So how was your first day of school?

Usual pranks.

At least you've already been teaching there.

It's not like it was your first time back.

Like, deciding to take a job out of the blue or something.

Okay, how about we skip the part where I try and figure out what's going on and you just tell me.

I'm thinking about applying for a coaching job at the high school, and I was wondering how you'd feel about me being there with you?

I'm fine with it.


Yeah, in fact I'd love it.

Why? What? Did you want me to say that I didn't want you to?

No, no, not at all. I...

I don't know. I'm-I'm not, I'm not even sure I wanna do it.

It doesn't hurt to apply.

No, you're right.

Five years ago, who would have thought we'd both end up back at RHS?

[cell phone chimes]

It's Aria.

"Doesn't seem like the best night to spend at Ezra's.

Mind if I bunk with you at Lucas' loft?"


Em, what Aria did with Ezra's phone, it's not your fault.

No, I'm not so sure.

Even if I did get her into this mess maybe there's a way I can get her out.



Um, we're here to see Dr. Cochran.

We're the ones who called earlier.

How can I help you?

Oh, I'm... sorry, we were looking for a Dr. Cochran who would have worked at this address about 20 or so years ago.

That would've been my father.

Did he used to practice here?

He did. He was an OB/GYN.

He lost his license years ago.

Look, I really have to get back to work.

Spencer: 'I'm so sorry, Doctor, please.'

Is there any way that we can get in touch with your father?

We-we just need to ask him a couple of questions.

Look, I don't know where my father is.

I haven't spoken to him in years.

You two seem nice enough.

Are you in some kind of trouble?

Well, yeah, kind of.

Oh, no. Uh, sorry, no. Not that kind of trouble.


Well, then take my advice.

Wherever my father is, it's where he belongs.

Don't go looking for him.

Emily, I appreciate you coming. I really do.

And I believe you when you say that it was your idea to delete the call...

Good, thank you.

But that doesn't change the fact that she still did it.

Can you blame her?

Uh, yeah. A little.

She was scared.

Of Nicole coming back?

Of losing you.

Look, Ezra, I know what you're going through.

Do you?

Okay. Okay, I don't know, but I can imagine.

And possibility of Nicole being alive it seems like it changes everything.

But don't let it change everything.


Like the fact that you and Aria love each other.

That you proposed to her less than a week ago.

I hear you. I really do.


I-I really need to think this through.

And I, quite frankly, haven't had time to even...

[cell phone rings]

I'm sorry, I need to take this.


Uh, yeah, this is he.


Uh, how many hours till they reach the camp?

No, no, no, please no!

[knock on door]

Goodness, Hanna.

You look like you've seen a ghost.

Mrs. Grunwald, what are you doing here?

Are you alone, my dear?

Yeah, Aria and Emily are out, but...

I mean, are you alone?

Caleb and I are...

I'm sorry. I don't wanna be rude, but what are you doing here?

I had a dream.

What happened in it?

I've never considered the content of dreams to be important.

It's the impressions they leave that affect me.



Well, in this case the dream left me quite unsettled. The sense was strong enough that I felt compelled to come here.

The sense of what?

A darkness around you and Caleb. Are the two of you alright?
[cell phone rings]

This is Spencer Hastings.

This is Dr. Cochran, remember me?

Yeah, of course.

I'm the person whose office you had someone ransack last night.

Um, sorry, I don't know what you're talking about...

'Stop it, alright.'

You and your little friend came to see me and I didn't give you what you wanted so you sent someone back here to break in and find it for you.

'But he didn't find it, did he?'


'Well, guess what?'

I can't afford to have your guy come back here again so get a pen.

A pen?

Write down this address.

Oh, yeah, okay. Okay.



'431 Evangeline Highway. It's an apartment complex outside of town. It's a real pit.'

You should feel right at home.

And what's at this address?

My father.

At least he was the last time the police called me about him.

And here's a hint. You want him to talk you better bring a bottle of whisky.

Whisky. Got it.

So there. I gave you what you wanted.

Now please, call off your dogs and don't bother me again.

I-I promise I wouldn't...

Caleb and I...

We're definitely not alright.

None of us are.

Someone's been trying to hurt us.

Do you know who that someone is?

I think so.

But the others aren't quite so sure.


By any chance, does that person have a connection with this hotel?


Yeah, he's staying here.

He att*cked Alison, he kidnapped me and someone just died in this hotel.

Many people died here, Hanna before it became a hotel.

[sighs] Their pain radiates through these walls.

Their cries of anguish still echo.

Do you hear them?


You're lucky.

It's... deafening.

In "Winter's Tale," we're prompted to consider what happens to someone when those around them incorrectly conclude that they are immoral unworthy or outright liars.

So what happens to someone's character when they're wrongfully accused?

Well, Queen Hermione, she wasn't without fault but she suffered for a sin she didn't commit.

So why would her husband, or anyone else for that matter, put her through that?

What did Shakespeare observe in human nature that rings true today?

That some people like to troll other people.

I'd like to think that the Bard had something deeper in mind.

But that's what's going on in the story, isn't it?

No. Not really.

The king's ragging on his wife because she slept around on him.

But she didn't. That's the point.


If you're the king or the queen and people look up to you 'you can say or do whatever you want' and get away with it.

Until your lies catch up to you.

Yeah, well, you'd know.

woman on PA system: 'Miss DiLaurentis, please report to the principal's office. Miss DiLaurentis, please report to the principal's office.'

[all chuckling]

I apologize if my coming here disturbed you.

You say you feel this darkness around us.

I wanted to warn you that you are in danger but I see that you already know that.

But from who?

All I know is that the source of the threat against you is close.

'Very close.'

[glass shatters]

Hello, Hanna.

Take any country drives lately?

[screams] No!

Please let me get out of here.

No! No, please!


Sounds good. Thank you.


Please, uh, sit.

So how are you doing being back here at school?

I'm fine. Yeah, I'm doing great. Thanks. I'm glad to be back.

I heard about the shenanigans in your class yesterday.

I'm so sorry that the students put you through that.

It amazes me how cruel teenagers can be sometimes.

Must have been extremely unsettling.

Nothing I can't handle.

Be that as it may, I I feel the need to ask you if you're absolutely sure that you made the right choice in returning so quickly.

I am.

Alison, Mrs... Miss...


Even the strongest person would hesitate to rush back into things so quickly after enduring what you've been through.

I'm not here to judge, I'm here to support whatever decision that you make.

But, uh, I want you to be sure that you know there's no shame in taking all the time necessary to heal.

[female ♪1 knocks] 'Excuse me, Principal Hackett' but the crew counselor needs the students' file for a last-minute letter of recommendation.

Go ahead.

Hackett: 'So as I was saying... '

I made the right decision coming back here.

I think this place will provide just what I need to speed my recovery.

[telephone rings]

'Hackett. Splendid. Thank you.'

Spencer: Okay. Hanna, we're all here. What's the emergency?

I had a nightmare that Caleb was run over by a car.

But he's okay.

And then Grunwald showed up and told me he's not okay and then Noel Kahn showed up and made Grunwald's head explode.

To be fair, that does sound like an emergency.

Okay, can you go over that again more slowly?

And what exactly are you saying?

That Noel Kahn is A.D.

[sighs] You guys, I told you last night. He stole Mary Drake's file he hurt Yvonne, he called Dr. Cochran...

Wait, we weren't even together last night.

No, we were in my dream. Catch up.

You guys, he burned us out of the storm cellar and he wrote on that window.

He probably k*lled Sara and we know he's bad because way back when he pushed that sorority girl down the stairs.

Hanna, what about Sara telling me we're looking for the same thing you are?

I mean, she and Jenna were working with Noel.

To find Charlotte's k*ller.

And that still leaves room for Noel Kahn to be A.D.

And what about the storm cellar?

He's the only one who'd write "I see you."


No, you guys...

Emily: 'What about Caleb?'

How's he doing on breaking the code in the files?

Not good. But what does that matter anyways?

You guys are never gonna realize that Noel is the one behind everything.

Never say never.

Oh, thanks, Pam.


What else is there to look into?

Nothing. We're at a dead end.

No. Not exactly.

Aria and I have a doctor's appointment to go to.


Dr. Cochran?

What's it to you?

Uh, we were hoping that we could ask you a few questions about your time at Radley...

And a patient named Mary Drake.

I don't often get a visit from such a pretty couple of girls.

I'm shocked.

I mean, uh...

[clears throat]

Every couple of months maybe if I save enough from social security call one of those escort services...


Curb the perv or the bottle walks.

[clears throat]


It's been a long time since I thought about Mary Drake.

She was a pretty one.

What else can you tell us about her?

She lacked common sense and discrimination.

That seems pretty sure.

How so?

Back in the day, I was the on-call doctor at Radley, the, uh, sanitarium not the wine and cheese bar that they turned it into.

[chuckles] Let me tell you.

It kept me pretty busy.

Patients weren't treated very well and that created...


My job was to make the problems go away.

Problems like babies.

Babies that were born and that someone wanted to not be born.

So, Mary...

Oh, yeah, I dealt with two of her babies.

First one was a C-section, right?

A boy.

I gave him to Mary's sister, Jessica.


'What's that?'

You want me to tell the story or not?


Several years later damned if Mary didn't get into trouble again.

That baby was a fighter.

Underweight but tenacious.

I don't remember if it was a boy or a girl.

As was the custom then it was put into temporary custody of County Family Services.

So what happened to the child after that?

Not my problem. At least it wasn't then.


Society changed.

Rules happened.

Eventually, my ability to solve problems became a liability and Radley let me go.

Soon after that, I lost my license.

And Mary Drake?

Haven't heard her name since then till you showed up.

Keep buying me whisky and 'and I'll come up with something else to talk about.'

Thank you.


If you see my daughter again tell her something for me, will you?


Tell her that she can run from me and our history all she wants.

She can even pretend she's someone completely different.

But in the end she's gonna want that family more than anything.

'You can't deny human nature.'

You always return to family in the end.

Well, two days in a row. To what do I owe this pleasure?

I, uh, thought I'd apply for the coaching position.

What a coincidence.

I was just, uh, interviewing another candidate.

Actually, I believe you two were classmates.


Thank you.

So were you surprised to see me at school today?

Yeah. A little.

[chuckles] A lot.

Good surprised or bad surprised?

Good. Yeah.

How long has it been? Two years?

Nearly three.

When we were living together at Stanford that little place in College Terrace.

It's where my dad died.

It was a tough time.

I was a mess.

That's all I could think about.

I was the reason we broke up.

Hey, as good as things were between us when they were right there's no guarantee it would have lasted.

Something else could've just as easily come up.

Yeah? Like what?

Come on, I just took the hit for a whole relationship crashing.

I had my own rough patch.

I was pretty focused on making it to the Olympics.

I remember.

Well, then I had a little car accident.

Tore up my knee pretty badly.

It heeled maybe 90% back to where it was.

That last 10% that was gonna be the Olympics.

Now it's gone for good.

I'm so sorry.

Well, we both ran into some bumps in the road.

Me, literally.

But here we are better than ever.

So why are you bothering with Rosewood High?

I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of D1 colleges that would love to have you on their staff.

Yeah, I have a couple applications in but when this job came up, I figured what the hell?

Yeah. Me, me too.


May the best woman win.



I think we're gonna need more wine.

I agree.

[dramatic music]

[door closes]


man on TV: 'After years of searching and unresolved questions a joint operation between local police and Colombian government forces has been able to successfully locate the site of a previously secret rebel camp. This camp has long been suspected of holding foreign aid workers hostage. Some for years. There's been no comment from the Colombian government regarding whether or not the hostages are still alive. But they promised to release the latest as they have it and to establish a hotline for loved ones to reach. If any... '

God, it's incredible. The news.

Yeah. It's kind of k*lling me not knowing.

You should go.

In fact... I got you a ticket.

The flight leaves tomorrow morning.

I'll take you to the airport.

You... You didn't have to do this.

Yeah. I did.

I've cashed in our tickets to Italy.


I, uh...

I don't know what to say.

Well, hopefully...

Once you get there, you will.

Do you think Noel wrote it?

I don't know what to think anymore.

Well, whoever A.D. is they're still one step ahead of us.

Uh, not necessarily. You got to the doctors first.

Yeah, and I'll let you know how helpful that was after I look into every county childcare employee from the 90s.

Emily: Well, maybe it's time we go to the police and just say it's Noel.

Alison: 'And Toby hasn't left yet' and that Detective Furey seems reasonable...

Spencer: What happens if we're wrong?

Alison: A.D. fries us. That's what happens.

Spencer: Exactly.

[gasps] Stop!

No, no, no, no, no!

Please, don't do it! Please don't!




The deal's on.

I get you the money, you give me the keys.


And then you forget you ever heard from me.

My name, the location, this number, all of it.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?


The less you know about this, the better.



Um, I'm just stopping by to tell you that I'm gonna be off the grid for a couple of days.

Why? What's going on?

I'm going to New York.

I have to do some legwork for the design business Lucas and I are building.

Do you want me to go with you?

No. Thanks.

I mean, it's no trouble. This room's getting kind of old...

Caleb, I'll be fine.


Um, where you gonna stay?

I don't know yet.

Anyways, uh, I gotta go.

Well, have a safe trip, I guess.

♪ I waited so long ♪
♪ For something sweet like this ♪
♪ It's where I belong... ♪

woman on PA system: 'Please do not leave your baggage or any other items unattended. All items will be confiscated...'



♪ Nothing that could faze me now ♪
♪ I am caught up in a daydream ♪
♪ Nothing that could wake me now ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ Baby it's gone... ♪

So did you learn anything else about the job?

[speaking indistinctly]

♪ What could go wrong? ♪
♪ My heart is safe with you ♪
♪ My heart is safe with you ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ I am living in a daydream ♪
♪ Nothing that could faze me now ♪
♪ Nothing that could faze me ♪
♪ I am caught up in a daydream ♪
♪ Nothing that could wake me now ♪
♪ Nothing that could wake me ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪
♪ I am not gonna go on ♪