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04x09 - The Root of All Evil

Posted: 08/16/16 12:15
by bunniefuu
Have you tried dating online?

I don't think you should give up.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

[Door opens, closes]

You won't be around much longer.

We won the debate! We won!

We always win.

Our friend Marisol is in the hospital.

Her ex-boyfriend att*cked her.

You can't see him anymore. You and Scott... over.

I thought Sally was the bitchy sister.

I guess I was wrong.

It's prescriptions for my nerves.

That is only gonna mess with your head. Hand it over. Come on.

I feel like we're moving in different directions.

It is obviously your choice, not mine.

♪ ♪




Too '80s.

Too frat guy.

Did you rob a flannel factory?

Easy, mate. You're throwing out half a wardrobe there.

You're lucky if I let you keep half.

Got to throw out the old to make room for the new you.

Not quite sure what was wrong with the old me, but okay.

Listen, um... Harold, Jonathan is paying me to upgrade your look.

You want to be a celebrity chef, you need to look like one.

Which means no more baggy leather jackets.

You're not the Fonz. Yeah, not that one.

That is my favorite. I've had it since uni.

Yeah. I can tell. Fine, you can keep it.

Just don't wear it outside the house.

I'll see you tomorrow so we can refill the closet the right way.

Can't wait.


Nice jumpsuit.


Who was that?

You mean the man who took half my clothes?

Did he take that hideous jacket of yours from uni?

Do you have a specific reason you came in here?

Actually, yes. Um, I'm... I'm going to move out.



I've given it a lot of thought, and... and it feels like it's time for me to get my own place, you know?

I've taken advantage of your generosity for long enough.

Kate, you're my sister.

You're entitled to my generosity indefinitely.

I appreciate that, I do.

But... But this was never meant to be indefinite.

[Sighs] You know that Joss and I love having you here, right?

I know.

And you've become like a sister to her.

Harry, my mind is made up, okay?

So just leave it alone.

I'm going and I don't want to talk any more about it!

[Keyboard clacking]

Spin class.

[Door opens, computer beeps]

Hi, Lydia. Is she already down?

Yeah, for the last 30 minutes or so.

She's such a good sleeper.

[Chuckles] Her little snore's so cute.

It always helps me work. It's like a metronome.


Oh, my God.

Jacob got married.

Who's Jacob?

An ex-boyfriend of mine.

I didn't even know he was engaged.

Do you want to talk about it?

Nope, I'm good.

This is what I get for going on Facebook when I should be writing.

[Sighs] I need a glass of wine.

Joss: You're gonna be great. Uh-huh. I'll see you on set.

Okay, bye.

[Sighs] Oh.

Everything okay?

Oh, yeah, it's fine. It's just Stacey.

You know, she's sh**ting a big commercial tomorrow and the hand holding is tiresome. [Chuckles]

What's up?

Uh, yeah, um... it's about Kate.

Hmm. What about Kate?

Well, she's acting strangely.

You noticed?

Uh, hmm? No.

But, you know, I haven't really been home all that much, so...


Well, this morning she told me she's planning to move out.


Yeah, and then she bit my head off when I told her she's welcome to stay as long as she wants.

It was... she hasn't said anything to you?

No, not a thing.

You know, she's... She's probably just stressed out about life.

You know how she gets.


I mean, you could talk to her.

Unless you two are having some sort of issue.

No. No, there's no issue.

Okay, great, yeah.

Just, you know, see what you can find out.

Okay. Yeah, I'll see if I can get the real story out of her.

Thanks. Appreciate it.


Um... okay, yeah. I got to... I got to run, so we'll talk later, all right?

Yeah, of course.


Okay. Oh.


[Door closes]

[Keys thud]

[Clears throat]

[Pills rattle]

[Exhales sharply]

You want some dessert, Mom?

Oh, I'm stuffed.

I do want to know the story between Lucy and that cute boy, Noel.

She clearly likes him.

Can we please not go there?

According to her, they are just friends, right?

Can we get the check, please?

Oh, no, I took care of it.

You didn't have to do that.

I wanted to.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah. Thank you, Marjorie.

No, I'm the one who should be thanking you.

I mean, the past couple of weeks has truly tested me, you know?

Giving up alcohol, and I never would've gotten through it without both of you.

I know that I've caused some strife, and for that, I want to apologize.

Please, you don't...

No, let me finish.

This arrangement has been unfair.

The last thing I want to do is to feel like I'm putting you all out, so I've made some decisions.


I am going to contribute some money to your mortgage while I'm here.


Mom. I mean, this is incredibly generous of you, but we couldn't possibly take this money.

If it makes you feel better, consider it rent money.

Yes. I mean, look.

You've been more than generous letting me stay with you, and I want to contribute, so I am going to cover your payments for six months!

Six months?

Yes, six months.

[Laughing] Six months!

You're planning on living with us for six months?

Well, maybe.

It would take a lot of pressure off the store.

Well, then you consider it done.

Oh, my God, I can't tell you how relieved I am that I'll know I'm not just such a burden, you know?

You'll never be a burden, Mom.


Thank you, baby doll.

It's just six months.


[Door opens]


[Door closes]

You don't have to leave just because I came in.

I know.

Come on, Kate.

You've been avoiding me all week.

I really think that we can talk through this, you know, and get past it, and then you can stay here.

I'm already looking at apartments.

You're not really serious about moving out.


I really think you're blowing the whole Scott thing out of proportion.

I was in love with him, Joss.

We were great before he spoke to you.

Whatever you said to him scared him off.


I don't want this to come between us, Kate.

I understand that you're angry. I do.

Do you still have feelings for him?

Is that what this is about?

Absolutely not.

Because I just get the feeling like there's something else you're not telling me here.

Kate, stop!

I love your brother.

Do you remember? You remember him?

The guy that you wouldn't tell about the whole secret relationship in the first place?

Lucky for you I didn't.

Or else I'd tell him what I really think of you.

Wow, okay. Yeah, we're done here.

Yeah, yeah. I think moving out's better for all of us.

Oh, definitely, yes.


You may have fooled Harry into thinking you're a nice person, but the truth comes out in the end.

No matter how hard you try and hide it.

Are you still doing Miss Thing's laundry?

I thought I'd trained you better than that.

Please, the fact that I get Lucy to put her dirty clothes inside the hamper is a huge victory.



I, um, wanted to say thank you again.

Oh, don't. It's the least I could do.

So, um... what did Marc say?

I mean, I'm sure you all talked about it.

Actually, he, uh, hasn't said anything.

Is that right?

I'd have thought that he would...

Never mind.

Thought what?

Well, take issue with it, you know.

Men and their pride.

Marc is not like that.

We're just both incredibly grateful.

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

Come here.


[Doorbell ringing rapidly]

Yes, okay! Hold your horses. I'm coming.

Oh, my God.

Stacey, hi. What... um, is the commercial sh**t over?

Yeah, I'm not doing that.

Excuse me?

I told Sugar Girl Cosmetics that I'm no longer interested in being the face of their brand.

What... What are you... Are you insane?

We... We just got you back on track after your whole bagel incident, and now you're pulling this crap?

They wanted me to say something like, "This makeup can change your life. It changed mine." I can't do that.

Okay, well, then, honey, we ask for a rewrite.

Jackie says the beauty industry makes women feel bad about themselves so that they can keep selling them things that they don't need.

Okay, that's great, but I'm not sure that Jackie should be giving you career advice.

And I didn't even know you were going to Impact.

Yeah, we go at different times.

Though I'm thinking about starting two-a-days.

Whoa, hey, stop...

Is that from class?

I think it looks kind of badass.

Jackie said that you had one just like it.

Yeah, well, I was, like, five months in, and you just started.

No, Stacey, that... That looks really bad.

Listen, I think you should pause on class, at least until that heals.

Are you kidding?

This is the most empowered I've ever felt.

Great, and I'm totally on board with that, but let's not forget the bigger picture here... your career.

Okay, I have P.R. set up for you, little lady, for the next three weeks that you can't do if you look like an MMA fighter.

Who lost.

That's why God invented Photoshop.

Stop acting like my grandma.

Besides, you're the one who suggested the class to begin with.


Do you have anything to drink around here?

I'm about to head out. Do you need anything before I go?

No. Have a nice night.

Are you sure you don't want to talk?

I'm... I'm not in any rush.

I'll pour some wine.

All right, twist my arm.

Okay, so, what's going on?

Is this about your ex getting married?

[Sighs] It's stupid that it bugs me, I know.

I mean, it's not stupid.

I just wish I didn't care.

I have a beautiful daughter and an amazing life, really.

Do you still love him? - No.

Just in a nostalgic way.

I guess I'm feeling a little lonely.

This is why social media is evil.

[Chuckles] Well, any guy would be lucky to have you.

That's sweet of you to say.

If you can't land a good guy, there's no hope for the rest of us.

[Chuckles] Don't be silly.

What is happening with you? Did you take my advice about online dating?

Um, I've chatted with a few guys.

Ooh. Anyone promising?

There's one.

How exciting.

Have you gone out with him yet?

No. No, no, no. I'm... I'm too shy.

The thought of meeting him in person makes me really uncomfortable.

I mean, I know it sounds strange, but getting to know him online just... feels safer.

That doesn't sound strange at all.

[Baby crying]

Oh, I'll take this.

You have a great night.

Oh, I think I'm gonna write from here tomorrow morning, so you can start a little later.

Around noon?

Oh, okay.

Oh, wait.

I forgot, I have spin class in the morning.

So I'll just see you at the usual time.

Good night.

[Crying continues]

Kate: Is Panorama City nice?

Randy: Perfectly nice... if you want to be m*rder*d.

Okay. How about...

Eagle Rock?

Sure, if you want to live with ex-hippies and breeders.

I love dogs. I meant straight people.

Have you really thought this through?

Going from Harry and Joss to this?

It's like trading in the penthouse for the outhouse.

You have it made.

There's also something to be said for being independent.

But things are weird at home.

What? Weird how?

Something feels off.

Harry and I have always been so close, and now there's this little... distance.

I think a bit of space will help us.

Will you come with me to look at places tomorrow?

What about work?

We can go after.

Since when do you care so much about work?

I don't. I just didn't want to tell you it sounded boring.

Maybe there will be some cute gay real-estate agents there.

[Sighs] Why do I let you do this to me?

But we're gonna have to get a few drinks beforehand.

Ha! Perfect! Drinks on me.

Ooh, that sounds way less boring.


Okay, you guys, you ready to go?!

[Cheers and applause]

Come on.

Bring your hands down to the middle bar right here.

Start to accelerate.

Take a deep breath in.

As you exhale, I want you to pick up those legs.

There you go. I want you to add one more turn on that wheel.

There it is.

In four, three, two.

Come up out of the saddle and let's drive it.

Pick up those legs. Yes, give me more.

Come on.

♪ Everything they wanna be ♪

You have eight more counts.

I want you to add a touch while we're up here. Come on.

Before you're ready. There it is.

Stay with me. Let it go.

Give yourselves a big round of applause.

[Cheers and applause]

When you said we were going shopping, I assumed you meant for food.

Well, it's Jonathan's idea.

Got some events coming up, and he thinks I need to upgrade my look.

[Scoffs] Why?

Your, uh... Your look is fine.


Says the boy with the cliched rock T-shirt.

What are you doing?

I'll be right back.

[Scoffs] Love that guy.

How's things with April's mum?

She staying sober? That's what she says.

Hey, so, I tell you she wants to give us 30,000 bucks?

For your liver?


No, to help pay down the principal on our mortgage.

Wow, that's nice of her.

Is it?

Or is it passive aggressive and evil?

She's trying to outdo me, obviously.

She already told me she wants me out of the house, and this is her way of moving in.

Well, maybe she's just trying to do something nice for her daughter.

That's how she's selling it, but I'm not buying it.

You don't have to buy it, mate. You just have to cash the check.

If you love April...

This isn't about my love for April.

It's about my hatred for April's mother.

I like this one. It's buttery.

In the fashion world, we don't use condiments to describe clothing.


Are you kidding me? It's $2,700.

It's a bargain, I know.

Jonathan's paying for it. You know what, get yourself something.

He won't even notice.

Maybe I'll just have Marjorie get me one.

[Chuckling] Don't be an ass.

Yeah, whatever, man.

You know, enjoy your shopping spree.

I know I'm taking a risk, but I just wanted to say hello.



Have... we met?

Uh, w-well, not yet.

I'm Adam.

Karen. Nice to meet you.

That was some impressive cycling in there.

I was struggling to keep up.

Your first time in the class?

Yeah. I, uh, heard it was a good one.

Look, I know this is a little strange 'cause we just met and I'm all sweaty, but I'd love to take you to lunch sometime.

Maybe Alimento?

That's my favorite place.

So, can I call you?

Uh, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you?

Sounds good.

I look forward to chatting later.


[Dishes clinking]

Hope you're hungry.

Brought hot wings with extra ranch.

What's the occasion?

This is my mea culpa.

Mm. That Latin for lunch?

[Chuckles] Close. It's more like, uh, sorry for being an ass earlier.

Clearly I'm not someone who can shop and carry on a meaningful conversation at the same time.

Well, don't sweat it. It wasn't all you.

It was kind of childish of me to walk out like that.

The whole thing just kind of hit a nerve.

Oh, yeah, right. Clothing issues?

Yeah, funny.

No, look, I'm... I'm really thrilled that you're doing so well... I really am.

It's just that the whole thing kind of shined a light on how broke I am, and April's mom already shined a giant spotlight on that, so I overreacted.

Oof. Marjorie's not into the band, huh?

Surprising, huh?


Well, mate, I'm sure if you have an adult conversation with April about it, she'll understand where you're coming from, right?

Yeah, that's the thing, I'm not great at adult conversation.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're right.

You're not at all.

Do you want me to do it?

Mothers love me.

Except for Joss' mum. She's...

You know, I think I'm good.

Dig in.

[Bell jingles]

I have a dilemma.

I have a dilemma.

I met a gorgeous guy at spin class, and he gave me his number.

I don't know if I should call him or not.

Honey, that's not a dilemma.

That's the start of a Meg Ryan movie.

Was there a spark?

I guess, but I know nothing about him except he sweats a lot less than me.


Thank you.

What's the big deal with calling?

You met him at a spin class. How psycho can he be?

What? This is how people used to meet each other all the time before the Internet.

Well, I mean, I guess that's true.

Stranger's just a friend you haven't slept with yet.

Mm, you mean "met yet."

Isn't that what I said?

Okay, but if I do call him, how do I know it's not a reaction to finding out that Jacob got married?



Jacob got married?

Yes. All my exes are married.

Oh, honey. Who cares if it was a reaction?

I say call him. It's worth a shot.

And now I say can we talk about me?

Because, ladies, phew, I got drama.

[Chuckles] What's up?

Oh, where do I start?

Um, well, Stacey North is still trying to ruin her career, which is making me question mine.

Is she licking bagels again?

No, I wish.

She's moved on to getting the crap kicked out of her at Impact.

Isn't that your place?

Yeah, well, I sent her there, but now I-I-I don't know if she's ready, and I'm really starting to understand what Harry was feeling when he saw my bruise, you know?

How's that going? You and Harry?

Oh, well, you know, the Reza thing was rough.

So, we're just trying to get through that, and then there's all this Kate stuff.

It's just like... Which Kate stuff?




I really... I wasn't gonna bring this up because it's basically over, and you guys have to promise that you are never gonna tell her that I told you.

Oh, God.

Kate was sleeping with Scott.


As in Dr. Scott, your ex-fiance?

As in my shoe-loving ex. Isn't that crazy?

And now she thinks that I was trying to sabotage the relationship.


W-Why are you not more surprised?

I sort of knew.

You sort... you sort of... You sort... what do you mean? What do you mean? You can't sort of know, April.

Okay, okay. Kate told me. We had just become friends, and it felt wrong to betray her confidence. And for the record, I told her she shouldn't keep sleeping with him.

And did you sabotage it? How'd you find out?

No, no. Scott told me last week right... before he declared that he's still in love with me and tried to kiss me.

[Gasps] That I did not know.


I know, I know, and I told him that he has to stay away from me and Kate.

But I can't tell her the truth, you guys.

It'll... It'll break her heart.

And now she's all pissed at me, and apparently she's moving out, and it's... see?

I told you. I told you.

It's drama.

You're right... That is a lot.

Though I'm impressed with how well you're handling it.

April: Seriously.

Yeah. Well, you know, I'm doing what I can.

Hey, who knows? I mean, maybe... Maybe moving out will be a good thing for Kate.


Ow! [Laughs]

Oh! It's even worse than the last four, which I didn't think was possible.

[Chuckles] Is there carpet on the wall?

It's got a lot of potential, doesn't it, Kate?

This place is... Is definitely unique.

If you like it, I could put in an application.

We've already got three interested parties.

[Cellphone rings]

Excuse me.

[Door closes]
Three takers for this at this price?

I tried to warn you.

You should just stay at your brother's.

I told you I can't.

Because you're mooching?

Who cares?

It's not because I'm mooching.

I slept with Joss' ex-fiance.

You what? What about the married guy?

He was the married guy.

Joss found out and broke us up, and I can't tell Harry because he'll freak out.

If this doesn't end our relationship, I don't know what will.

It's all so frustrating!

[Glass shatters]

Shall we?

[Whispering] Yes, definitely.

Let's go. Let's go.

[Door opens]

Kate, Randy?


I'm feeling okay.

A little tired at times.

But, you know, I'm not a young woman anymore.

Fatigue is to be expected.

So, are the liver function test results back?

Yes, and the enzymes are still a bit more elevated than I'd like.

I want to change one of your medications and increase your diuretic.

So I can be in the bathroom even more?

I know it's a hassle, but it's the best way to get rid of excess fluid.

Remember, we can't reverse the damage to the liver, only slow it down, and you need to make sure that you're not doing any more damage.

Are you avoiding alcohol like we discussed?

Like it was the devil itself.

April here has been my rock.

Where are we in terms of the liver transplant?

When would that happen? Do you have a... a general idea?

Well, that's the good news and the bad news.

While I wish you were doing better, Marjorie, you're not critically ill.

The problem with that is those are the people who get the first available livers.

So she's being punished for not being sicker?


How many months are we talking, Doctor, until this transplant could happen?

I don't like to give a number.

All I will say is that you're both going to need to be patient.

I mean, there's no easy way around it.

You have a long, tough road ahead.

So, you need to settle in and pray for rainy days and lots of motorcycle riders.

Come on, Adam, where are you?

[Door opens]

[Keys jingle]



You're home early.

I had a cancellation. How was your day?

It was good, it was good.

I took Vivian to the park.

How was yours?


Nothing eventful.

Except some guy hit on me at my spin class.

Oh, really? Was he cute?

Yeah, kind of.

He had these big sparkling eyes like one of those Disney movie princes.

Did you get his name?


Adam. I also got his phone number.

Oh! Sorry.

Are you feeling okay?

You look pale.

No, I'm fine.

I just... I forgot to eat dinner.

Oh, no, was Vivian being fussy?

No, she was great.

Um, I actually just put her down.

I'm sure she would love to see your face before she fell asleep.

You read my mind.

♪ ♪

[Door opens]

Harry: Kate!


[Door closes]

Uh, you got a call earlier from a Joan Paysinger at Figueroa Realty.

Did you break a lamp and then just not tell anyone?


Uh-oh? How old are you?

You do realize you're gonna have to pay for it.

My head is spinning.

Can we... Can we talk about this later?

Have you been drinking?

[Sighs] Mm-hmm.

Did you even go to work today?

No, I took the day off to apartment hunt.

I still don't understand the urgency.

Did Joss talk to you about staying?

She did, but I'm... I'm still sticking to my plan.

And what plan is that exactly?

I told you, I'm moving out.

Besides that. April's shop can't pay that much.

You're not gonna dig into your savings, are you?

Well, I haven't figured it out yet!

Well, that's my point.

You should've figured this out already.

Where do you think you're going?

My head is pounding and I don't really feel like being picked apart anymore.

[Crumples paper]

So, you want me to turn her away?

No, I'm not saying you have to turn her away, but you could go easier on her.

That's not really fair to Stacey.

Jackie, she's just a kid.

I know, but you wanted her to come here to get help, so let me help her, Joss.

Well, you could help her without letting her get her ass kicked.

I mean, those bruises...

Are part of the training.

You know that.

She chose to be here.

I only want what's best for Stacey.

Is it possible that you're getting so worked up because you don't want to look at your own issues?

Tell me what's going on.

How are things at home? You and Harry okay?

Harry and I are fine. Thank you very much.

We're talking about Stacey here.

Okay. Okay.

I just wanted to remind you that you can always open up more to the class on Sundays.


'Cause these women will always be here for you.

Can you honestly say the same thing about Harry?

Now, I have to call the hospital and check on how Marisol's doing.

What do you... She's back in the hospital?

She's still suffering the effects of the beating.

She threw a blood clot. She's back in ICU.

Oh, man.


This is the world we're living in.

So, you really want to send Stacey out there unable to take care of herself?

Night, Joss.

If we don't take the money, she'll be offended.

Well, I'm willing to take that risk. [Chuckles]

Why are you acting so weird about this?

Because I don't want to be indebted to her.

She already acts like she owns the place, and seriously, six months? [Sighs]

[Scoffs] I'm not gonna make it.

Shh! Keep your voice down.

What do you want me to do?

Ask her to leave?

I am not asking her to leave.

The doctor just told us that she's not doing well and that this is a long process.

It could be a year before she gets a liver.

A year?!

Look, I'm not suggesting that we throw her out on the sidewalk, but if she's willing to spend all this money, why can't she rent a place down the street?

Because she is working on her sobriety.

She has health issues. She can't be alone right now.

And to be honest, getting some extra money wouldn't hurt.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. Forget it.

No. Hey, I want to know.


It means when we first moved in here, you were doing the odd jobs.

You were going to go to school to be a drug and alcohol counselor.

Now you're in a band that takes all of your time and makes no money.

We're back to this again.

I thought you understood why I needed to do this.

I do, but it doesn't change the fact that there's only one income.

The store is doing okay, but not amazing.

It's a lot of pressure, and my mom is offering to help us.

I didn't realize we needed the help.

Isn't that the whole reason we downsized?

I was hoping it would help us get ahead, not drive us backwards.

So I'm dragging you backwards now.

[Scoffs] You're twisting my words.

I am just trying to do what's smart for the whole family.

If you have a better idea that doesn't involve kicking my dying mother out of the house, I am all ears.

Okay, then. I'm going to sleep.

♪ ♪

[Pills rattling]

Oh, hey.


Um... wow.

When did you become such a clothes horse?

We're gonna need another closet.

Oh, it's... it's okay. I've decided to Goodwill those, so...



Isn't this your favorite?

Yeah, I know.

Apparently I've, uh, outgrown it.

Oh, yeah.

I-I could've told you that since the first time I saw you wear it.

Ah. Yeah, well... [Chuckling]

I guess I just wasn't ready to hear it, huh?




Let's take this into the bedroom, yeah?

Oh, yes. That's an excellent idea.

Yeah. You go. Go.

Go, go, go.

Can I just say I'm glad you called?

I didn't think you were going to.

To be honest, I wasn't sure either.

Why did you?

I liked your boldness.

Well, I've never been one to follow the rules.

Just like you with your throuple.

You read my book.

I hope that's not a bad thing.

No, not at all.

It just means you know a lot more about me than I know about you.

Well, it doesn't have to be that way.

What do you mean?

Why don't we, uh, wipe the slate clean?

I'll pretend I know nothing about you, you pretend you know nothing about me?

That shouldn't be hard. I know nothing about you.


Uh, my name is Adam. I'm a dentist.

What do you do?



Sweetie... what's wrong?

He blocked me.

I tried calling Scott to hear his side of the story, but it rang once and went to voicemail.

That doesn't mean he blocked you.

His phone could be off.

No, no, no.

I read online about how to disguise my number, so I called back. He picked up.

I felt so humiliated, I just... I hung up.

Look, I think you're better off, personally.

You're probably right, I know, but... the truth is if he ever finds out about this, he's just gonna keep on feeling sorry for me.




Okay, well, wait.

How did we get to Harry?


Because when I was a kid, I worshiped him.

He took care of me.

All I ever wanted was to impress him because he was my cool older brother.

Apparently nothing's changed.

You should've seen how he looked at me when he heard I broke that lamp.

Okay, you know that Harry loves you.

Yes, but in a way that you love a three-legged dog.

Like... Like I'm some sad sack who has to live in his guest house for the rest of my life.

Okay, I doubt that. He's your brother.

Harry will always have your back, and sometimes a three-legged dog needs to get out and meet other three-legged dogs, and maybe then she'll realize that she actually has four legs.


[Chuckles] Come here.

♪ I'm here now ♪


♪ I'm here now ♪

I'm making flank steak for dinner.

Are you not eating here?

Ooh, no. Uh, band's meeting early.

Well, this'll be good for later.

April, we need to talk.


I've been doing a lot of thinking, and, um, I still think that all of us under the same roof is... it's a bad situation.

I told you.

If you had a better idea, I am all ears.

I think I should move out.


Yeah, just... Just temporarily.

Let's be realistic. Your mom doesn't want me here.

Now she's causing you and me to fight.

I'm just worried that if I stay, things are gonna keep getting worse.

I can't believe this.

You're punishing me for taking care of my mom.

That's not what this is. I'm doing this to take care of us.

By running away?

I'm not running away.

Well, that's what it feels like.

When things get hard, you don't just up and move out.

You work through them.

And if it was just you and me, I would.

But this isn't a good environment for me.

I need some space.

It's probably best for your mom, too.

Don't use her as an excuse.

If this relationship is so hard to be in, maybe we shouldn't continue it.

Okay, you're over-reacting.

I'm over-reacting? Really?

You're the one sprinting for the door, and this temporary arrangement you've cooked up in your head, that is not gonna work for me.

I'm a single mom. I don't have room in my life for a relationship that's taking a giant step backwards.

I need to know if you're in or out.

Don't do this, April.

In or out. Which is it?

Not giving me much of a choice.

Guess I'm out.

♪ ♪

[Door closes]




Harry: Oh.

Uh, Kate, wait up. Please, wait.

[Chuckles] Um, okay.

Uh, I was out of line yesterday, and I'm really sorry.

If you want to move out, I'm behind you 100%.

I'll even float you a loan if you need it.

Thank you.

But I won't need it.

Okay, uh, why not?

I was going to wait to tell you this, but, uh, I'm thinking of going away for a little while.

Maybe even moving back to Australia.

What? Why?

I need to be somewhere that I can figure out what I really want.

Why can't you do that here?

You've got great friends, you've got me and Joss.

I mean, I know that we've been caught up in our own...

Our own stuff lately. You know what?

We should all sit down over a meal, reconnect.

The three... The three of us. What?

Nothing. Just nothing.

Can we just sit down for a second, please?

Come on.

I can't help you if you won't tell me what's going on.

I don't want you to be mad at me.

Why would I be mad?

Come on. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can talk it through.

The guy I was seeing was Scott Trosman, Joss' ex.

Started out as this crazy coincidence, but then after I-I learned of who he was...

[Crying] I still couldn't break it off.

What? Did you think I'd be okay with that?

I didn't think. I just really liked him.

So, what, you hid it from me?

I was trying to find the right time to tell you, but then after Scott told Joss, I figured she'd tell you.

Sorry, what did you... Joss knew about this?



Harry, please.

I thought we were gonna work through this.

Trust me, you do not want to hear what I have to say right now.

Harry, please!



There you are.

[Clears throat]

Lucy's been looking for you.

Oh, I'll be right in.

I told her you need some time to yourself.

I heard you and Marc...

I don't want to talk about it.


This too shall pass.


Good job. Okay.

[Gasps] Your mommy's here.

Hi, Lydia.

I'm home.


We're just doing a little floor time.

[Gasps] Hi!

How was your day? Did you get a lot of writing done?

Mama's here.

Actually, I went on a date.


Good for you!

[Knock on door]

There you go!

Oh. I'll get it.

[Gasps] You playing?

How was your day?

Oh. Hi.

I'm looking for... Karen, hey.

Forgot your dessert.

Please, come in.

Adam, this is Lydia.

You must be Vivian's nanny.


[Chuckling] This must be Vivian.


She's beautiful.


Thank you.

Well, now that I've met your daughter, I guess we have to go on a second date.

I guess so.

[Vivian babbling]

Cutie pie.


Hey, honey.

Just thinking about going out for a run. You want to come with?

You lied to me.

[Keys jingle]


[Cellphone ringing]

Do not get that.

I wasn't going to.

You told me you didn't know why Kate was moving out.

I know about Scott.


I can't believe she told you.

I can't believe you didn't. Joss.

Okay, look, it was an unfortunate situation, Harry, but I handled it, okay?

Hey, this isn't one of your P.R. messes, Joss.

I'm not some 21-year-old singer you can handle.

This is my sister and this is us.

Okay, but when I found out about it, you and I weren't exactly in a great place, and so I made the decision not to upset you, but now...

Okay, stop pretending you're doing me a favor, please.

I'm not pretending anything.

You know, you were the one that said you never ever wanted to hear about Scott ever after last year.

Asking for his ring back and dating my sister are slightly different things, don't you think?

Okay, well, I'm sorry that I, you know, once again failed to decipher the code that is Harry, you know?


You can't even admit that you're wrong.

I guess you're so used to keeping things from me that it doesn't seem wrong anymore.

[Cellphone chimes]

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

I got to go.

Are you serious?

Joss, what are you... Okay, fine, yeah, good.

Just go.

[Door opens, closes]

♪ ♪

♪ In the quiet of a shadow ♪
♪ In the corner of a room ♪
♪ Darkness moves upon you ♪
♪ Like a cloud across the moon ♪
♪ You're aware in all the silence ♪
♪ Of a constant that will turn ♪
♪ Like the windmill left deserted ♪

[Vehicle passes]

♪ Or the sun forever burn ♪
♪ So don't forget to breathe ♪
♪ Don't forget to breathe ♪
♪ Don't forget to breathe ♪
♪ You know you are here ♪
♪ But you find you want to leave ♪
♪ So don't forget to ♪
♪ Breathe ♪
♪ Just breathe ♪
♪ Just breathe ♪

Hey. You okay?

I just can't believe Marisol's gone.


None of us can.

Look, I'm so sorry about what I said before.

You were right. I mean, I do. I need this place.

It's... it's okay, Joss.


♪ Just breathe ♪