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01x04 - Run For the Money

Posted: 08/08/16 08:34
by bunniefuu
Y'all stop it and get to work.

I ain't trying to be out here all day.

Oh shit.

Ma, how come your panties ain't burnt up?

Momma got them flame-Ret*rded drawers.

All right now! Y'all know my nerves is bad.

I'm not in the mood for that. Now y'all come on now.


Okay, like... Hey!


You've been living here how long?

I've been here for about two weeks.

Can you shed some light on what might have happened?

I'm sorry to say, but my gut is telling me it's arson, Dr. Brown.


You know anybody that might want to burn down your house?

No, not at all. We just moved here.

That's your job. You tell me.

It could be anybody.

Hobo, drunkards, gutter punks, secret enemy.

Maybe even a family member who begrudges you.


(Luke laughs)

Are those your kids?


(laughter continues)

Mario: ♪ Up in flames, up in flames ♪

Luke: ♪ All burnt up, all burnt up ♪

♪ Hotel, motel, Hampton Inn ♪
♪ Trying to make it back to my Philly friends ♪


Would y'all quit all that racket in there?

Don't you have homework to do?

Man, see, this is why I say we should've never left Philly.

This place is bumfuck.

Now, that's enough of this talk, okay?

This is our home now. Deal with it.

People here are corny as f*ck.

Well, you corny.

(laughs) Look at you.


I'm Candyman!

Uh-uh! Hey! Stop it with them matches!

Mario, what the hell is wrong with you?

Damn it! Break it up!

You're a bitch!

Break it up, I said!



(theme music playing)

(tires screech)


Boy: Go! Move it!

♪ ♪

What are y'all gawking at?

Get to class. Get in there.

It's not funny. Get inside.

What is...

So this is some kind of tradition?

It happens every year to kick of Spirit Week.

Pranks between North Jackson and Percival are legendary.

A whole week of this?

Leading up to homecoming.

Then they kick our ass in the game every year.

Y'all keep moving. Keep moving. Stop looking.

Well, not every year.

We beat 'em once, nine years ago.

All this means is we just gotta come back at them even harder.

Oh, I'm afraid not. We are not participating in this behavior.

Well, it's tradition, so you better...

I'm sorry if I do not share your enthusiasm with damaging property, Mr. Gamby.

My house burned down.

This, right here, is exactly why sports get on my nerves.

Us and them, winners, losers, it divides us in a very unhealthy way.

Yes, it does.

Sports unhealthy?

Well, you might want to take that up with the cereal Wheaties 'cause I think they would disagree.

(mutters) Sounds stupid saying sports are unhealthy.

Folks don't want to be seeing doo-doo on the lawn.

Clean it up.

Are you talk...

Clean it up!


Janice Swift. New fish.

The woman you are replacing worked here for 30 years.

Many people loved her, including myself.

You have very big shoes to fill. Are you ready?

Sure. I think so.

Don't be braggadocios. It's not attractive.

Grab that ISS folder and follow me.

We're on the move!

Each of you will be required to wear a safety vest while you dispose of the manure.

Ms. Swift, I expect you to be able to identify these problem students visually.

Watch. Jared Ribner, caught cheating on a math test.

Four days ISS.

Timothy Blanchard, called his teacher a dickhead.

Seven days ISS.

And finally, our main attraction, Mr. Barry Weiss.

I confiscated a vial of liquid LSD from his locker.

Where'd you get the acid, Barry?

Where's the trips?

Not mine, and you can't prove it was.

Have fun cleaning up Percival's horse shit, you assh*le.

Flag him and let's move.

Every morning, I come down here for breakfast.

I love to get a little something to eat.

They know what I like. What do I like to eat for breakfast, you guys?

Come on, this ain't a trick question. You guys know what I like.

Dayshawn, what do I like to eat for breakfast?

Chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, extra syrup.

What? No, I don't like that.



I know you're all about that game this weekend though.

I most certainly am.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

And I'll tell you what, I think we got a good chance of winning this year.


We are gonna get our ass... You are dead serious.

For real?

Yes, for real.

I mean, maybe. I hope so.

They do make us look like we suck like shit though.

I'm telling you.

Dayshawn, do not talk about sucking shit in front of Ms. Swift.

That is not appropriate.

I'm sorry, Ms. Swift.

My name is Dayshawn.

I like your glasses.


Do you have boyfriend?

Do you?

Hmph. Didn't think so.

Let's move.

You want this corn dog?

No, it's okay.

I'm gonna give you my corn dog.

Gamby: Whoo! Hot milk!

Looks like somebody caught a mean case of school spirit.

Hey, Mr. Gamby.

What was that?


Just a, uh, off-the-cuff remark about your school pride.

I'm not gonna repeat it word-for-word.

It just wouldn't be as fresh.

Okay. That's fine.

I mean, the gist of it was that, uh... it looks like you're really looking forward to homecoming.

Oh. Honestly, not at all.

I got assigned to be faculty advisor for the homecoming committee, but, um, I don't know.

This whole thing just makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Now I know you're f*ckin' with me.

Look at these signs.

Looks like you've been working on these all night.

I just found that in the shed.

Well, you breathed new life into it.

Keep up the enthusiasm, Ms. Snodgrass.

We're sure gonna need it.

I wish I had a million, ten thousands of you.


Thank you.

Get back to work. (snaps fingers)

Good work, Taylor! I love these signs!



On your knees!

(mutters) To paint the sign, not to do d*ck sucks.

Oh, f*ck. Shit.

Shit, shit, shit.



Someone's been eating strawberries.

No, no, no.

Look, look, we... We should talk.

We should talk. Uh... what happened in Charles Towne Landing, it was a one-time thing.


I literally just got finished blowing you.

You haven't told anyone, have you?

Are you serious right now? Are you playing with me?

Bosses and employees cannot f*ck each other.

That's not what you said at Charles Towne Landing.

Your recollection of events is all over the place, okay?

You wouldn't want to be fired for being a liar.

It's not a lie. You f*cked the shit out of me.

Well, then for being a whore.

Excuse me?

I'm just sayin'.

That's how it's gonna look to people.

Who's gonna gossip?

Whoever finds out about...

I'll f*cking k*ll 'em if they gossip. (giggles)

No. See? See?

There you go.

Just please don't tell anyone, okay?

If anybody gossips about my baby, I'll f*cking k*ll 'em.

No. Uh-uh.

Uh-uh. No, look, look. Look, look.

We'll... we'll talk later.

I love you.


No, no, no. No. No. Not really. I just...

I'm not one of those guys who's afraid to say that.

Just wait here five minutes and leave after I leave, okay?

Okay. (giggles)

(door opens, closes)

(whispers) I love you too.

Coach: All right, boys! Defense above the line!

(whistle trills)

God damn. Come on, Coach!

Get these boys movin'!

We're gonna get our ass kicked for homecoming! Again!

Pay attention to the game!

They suck.


Did you see Brown this mornin'?

Jesus! Put a fork in her. She's done.


I installed spyware on Cuntress' laptop.

She's been hittin' those Linkedln job searches like she eats cheesecake.

I'll tell you what, Gamby, we've got this bitch exactly where we want her.

One push and she falls into the Grand Canyon.

(chuckles) If she can fit.


If she can fit! If she can fit!

'Cause she's so big that there's no way she could probably fit.

I got it.


Gamby: Wait, is that a permanent marker?

No, no, Russell, you're defacing the athletic school property.

I don't give a f*ck about athletics. Don't you see, Gamby?

This is the perfect smokescreen.

We can do anything we want to Brown and blame it on Percival.

No. I do not like that.

(marker squeaks)

Russell: Oh.

Now that, I can get behind.

That's the spirit, Gamby.

Get your asses off the bed in those wet bathing suits.

Mario: They dry now.

Oh, I'm about to dry you.

I just spoke with your headmaster.

He said y'all been cutting class.

Dude suck. He's a old gay dude.

Yeah, he tried to touch my nipple.

Enough of this!

Now, how did you boys get to be so disrespectful?

We've been going through a lot. Our house burned down, Momma.

Oh, I know it did.

And they think somebody did that on purpose, and I'm startin' to wonder who would want to burn down our house?

What you sayin', Momma?

Now, I need y'all to tell me the truth.

Did you all burn down that house so we'd have to move back to Philly?

The f*ck?

Why would be burn our own shit, Momma?

Oh please! I know how you all used to like to mess with fire.

Remember that Volkswagen?

That wasn't fire.

Those were bottle bombs.

Bottle bombs.

I don't care what it was!

Now answer me this.

Did you all skip class on the day the house burned down?

Wait, what day was that?


Oh. Yeah, we might've skipped.

Oh, you think this funny, huh, little boy?

We didn't burn nothin'! Damn, Momma!

Stop bein' a assh*le.

Don't you dare call me no assh*le.

You both are grounded!

To the hotel?

You g*dd*mn right, to the hotel.

You gonna sit here and think about your mother being an assh*le.

Now get into bed. Now!

But it's only 5:30!

I don't care what time it is!

Get your ass into bed!


Smack your lips again. Hear?

Looks like your intel was f*cked up.

They were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago.

They'll be here.

Hey, I know that we're doing this to make Belinda look bad, but wouldn't it be awesome if we did some shit to Percival too?

You know, something that just got in their heads, messed with them, made them blow this game?

Who gives a f*ck about this game?

No, no, I know, I know.

I'm just saying wouldn't it be awesome if we took, like, a shit in that big fountain of theirs?

You think that's funny? Taking a shit in a fountain?

Well, it could be effective. You know, if you came there and you saw that someone had dookied on your stuff, it might f*ck with your head.

f*cking gross me out is what that would do.

Excuse me for brainstorming.

Be quiet. Look.

Suit up.

(tires screech)

Boy: Okay, let's do it!

Let's go!

Go, go!

(muffled chatter)

Who the f*ck is Belinda?

Don't worry about it.

Keep doing more! More!

(animals bleating)

Russell: f*ck you, Belinda Brown!

Jesus Christ, Russell! Those are our f*cking trophies!

I don't give a f*ck!

Finish it!


(animals bleating)

Whoever did this is vile.

Y'all keep going. Don't gawk!

Yeah, I gotta agree.

You know, this is the worst I've ever seen it.

Never seen it this bad.

But why would they single me out?

Russell: Well, maybe it's 'cause you're a figurehead.

Or maybe they see a weakness. I don't know.

I'll bet that's what it is.

I bet that they see a weakness.

They think you're a weak person.

Is that supposed to be my vag*na? Hmm...

I'm gonna say that's a negative.

It appears that they're saying that you are... a, uh, a c**t.

So, I think that's just a drawing of a c**t, not necessarily your c**t.

I don't think it's yours. It's purple.

Yeah, so I think you're good on that not being your c**t.

Mr. Gamby, get your keys.

Why? Where are we going?

We're going to Percival.

♪ ♪
Gamby. I thought I smelled feet.

What are you doing here?

Vice Principal Hernandez.

Vice Principal Sweed.

We're here to see Cavanaugh.

She's busy.

Oh, I think she'll see me.

And me.

And me too.

Ooh, oh, oh! Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It's fine. Come in.


Ms. Cavanaugh, I am Dr. Belinda Brown from...

I know who you are.

So glad another woman has taken an executive position in this district.

So, what gives me the pleasure, Dr. Brown?

Well, truthfully, I am here to speak with you about Spirit Week.


Ah, I see.

I have a scheduled engagement in the gymnasium.

Do you mind if we do this on the move?

Belinda: There has to be adults in this situation.

Can't we lead by example?

I'm just worried about the message we're sending if we let our students get away with vile pranks like these.

It has gotten rather extreme.

We were hit just this morning.

Someone defecated in our fountain.

Belinda: Oh!

Gamby: Damn, sorry to hear that.

Must be hittin' everybody here pretty hard.

It's a good prank.

It's uninspired and base.

It's sad to think what sort of child's mind would come up with such a thing.


Probably a pretty smart one, I'd imagine.

So Principal Cavanaugh, shall we end this rivalry?

(marching band plays)

(cheering and applause)



I can't imagine how emotionally unstable you must feel right now.

Newly divorced, moving to a new town, and your house burns to the ground?

And your only support is these two?

Everyone in the district knows they wanted your job.

I'm sure they're very supportive.

Ugh, I feel for you, Belinda, but I have a school of my own to run and we have a game to win this Friday.

A game we always win.

See you there.

Who are we?

Students: (chanting) Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams! Rams!

(chanting continuing)

Taylor Watt, what percentage done are these decorations?

Oh, I think we're almost finished.

You see, this is why I have to supervise these g*dd*mn things.

What's up, Neil?

Well, Taylor Watt seems to think that you guys are pretty much almost done decorating for the pep rally.

Yes, finally.

What do you think? (trumpets fanfare)

No. Don't do trumpets.

Look, this right here, this is not enough.

I've been to Percival.

I've seen what the Rams are doing, and they're f*cking crushing us!

I mean, this banner, what... what is it even saying?

It doesn't even say "Go!" It says "North Jackson High."

What... what do you think, we forgot what high school we go to?

There... there's no, nothing about winning, nothing about go and k*ll those m*therf*ckers, there's nothing!

Snodgrass: Okay, calm down.

The girls have been working very hard on this, and it's not like the decorations are gonna win us the game anyway.

Please do not underestimate the decorations, okay?

We could use all the help we can get.

I mean, Taylor, you are a beautiful young lady, but what you're working on here, it's horse shit.

You might as well just come out in the middle of the pep rally, bend over, and fart. Okay? Because it's nothing.

What you've done is a fart in the wind.


(school bell chimes)

(engine starts)



Come on, you grease monkey! Let's go!

Hey, Dad. Ray is just teaching me how to do an oil change.


Well, clean up your hands. Come on, I'm starvin'.

Ray: Gambo!

Car is lookin' good.

Thank you, Ray.

So you pumped for the big game tomorrow night?

Yes. Probably more than you are 'cause I work at the school, unlike you, who is involved for no reason.

Well, not no reason.

You know Percival is my alma mater, right?

Purple and silver all the way. (scuffs ground)

Percival Rams forever!


Jesus, Ray.

I don't know if you know this or not, but the reputation around town is that people that go to Percival suck.

Percival is gonna win.

No, they will not.

Percival is gonna win.

Warriors will win.

Percival is gonna win.

Warriors will win.

Don't talk about stuff you don't know about.

I think I know about the high school football teams, Ray, and it's gonna be the Warriors.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow night, okay?

Yes, you will.

And you won't be happy when we beat your ass!


There you boys are.

I thought I told you all you were grounded.

You said grounded to the hotel.

This is the hotel, right?

You know I meant the room.

So, you need to get up there right now.

Man, that room stink.

You know what?

You'll think about that the next time you call your mother an assh*le.

Momma, have you been crying?

What do you care if an assh*le's been crying?

Look, Momma, we did not burn down the house.

Okay? I promise you.

I know you all didn't burn down that house.

I believe you.

And I know moving here hasn't been easy.

(sighs) You guys didn't have a say in the matter.

And I just needed to be some place your dad wasn't.

I needed a... I needed a fresh start.

I should've asked you guys how you felt.

I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

Mario: It's okay.

Let's just move back.

Yeah. It won't be like a failure or nothing.

It'll just be like we saying, "Nah," and heading on.

Yeah, Momma. Can we please go home?

People say we're not very good this year because we only beat Derby High.

But Derby High was actually pretty good.

And we're good too.

And we're gonna be good in the game against Percival.

Maybe we'll even beat those guys.



Jesus Christ.

None of these students have any g*dd*mn school spirit.

Look at Brown.

She's all f*cked out.

♪ Doo, doo, doo ♪

Game over.

Game over.

So thanks for coming out and showing your school spirit!

Go Warriors!

(scattered cheers)

Taylor: Yeah!

Oh, this ought to be interesting.

Mostly everyone at...

May I have the floor for a second?

Thank you.

Belinda: All right.

In the last week, um...

I lost my house... had my car vandalized, had disparaging words graffitied about me.

And I'm not proud to admit that the whole circumstance got me... well, acting like an assh*le.

(audience gasps, laughs)

Is she drunk?

Belinda: It's true.

Who cares?

I lost my cool several times and I misjudged those I've come to count on the most.

See, sometimes, it's easy to assume the worst in people when you think you know their history.

But I am standing here today as living proof that we get to rewrite our history every single g*dd*mn day!

(audience gasps)

I know you all believe that this school has lost to Percival at homecoming every year for the last seven years.

Nine years!


Student: Nine.

Damn. Okay, okay.


Still, I know you think that we're gonna lose tonight.

Hm? That we're just no damn good!


I refuse to write that history.

The history that I write tonight says that we're going to rise up and kick some ass!

Come on!

(loud cheers and applause)

Whoo! Let's go blue! Yeah!

Hell yeah! Go Warriors!

Damn right, Ron Eggart. I see you!

And I see you too, Jason Pepper.

Oh, and I see you, Beth Chapman!

(girls giggle)

f*ck me. She learned their g*dd*mn names.

I see all of y'all!


Together, we will rewrite this school's history.

And that history starts today.

Right g*dd*mn now!

(cheering wildly)


Girl: Come on, we can do it!

Let's win this for f*cking Dr. Brown!

(loud cheering)

Jesus Christ, I did not see this coming.

That soaring, f*cking rhetoric of hers!

I gotta admit, it was pretty good.

I could've done without the profanities of course...

Do you have any idea what will happen if we win this game?

Everything that we have worked for will be for nothing.

(sighs) Now, we need to make sure that Jackson is crushed by Percival.

Oh, come on, Russell.

We don't have a choice.

Look, this is it. Everything is on the line.

If Jackson wins, we lose.

And if we lose, we win.

And if we dose them with Barry Weiss' liquid acid LSD, we win.

Are you talking about dosing the team?


Are you out of your f*cking mind?

We could go to jail for 20 years for that.


I'm just jokin', Gamby.

Everybody always says that about you.

"Gamby has no idea when I'm jokin'."

I'll think of somethin'.

You know, if it's a couple hits of acid or whatever...

I mean, not that, but you know.

No, I can tell that the plan for you is still to do the acid.

Look, Russell, we actually have a chance to beat Percival here.

Who f*ckin' cares, Gamby? Really, who f*ckin' cares?

Now, you need to just go home and just relax.

I'll handle it.

No f*ckin' acid.

Hey, Mr. Gamby.

Hello, Taylor.

(whistle trills)

(cheering and applause)

(announcer speaking indistinctly)

(whistle trills)

(cheering and applause)

Principal Cavanaugh. How are you?

I'm fantastic.

These are my sons Mario and Luke.

Uh-huh. I see the resemblance.

And this is Zachary, my in vitro child.

Hmm, wonderful.

I just want to thank you for everything.

Why thank me?

Well, I took your advice to heart.

When I left Percival, I had a clear vision of what it is I need to do.


I need to f*ckin' annihilate you and your candy-ass school, and tonight, I'm gonna bury you and those buttoned-up pancake titties of yours out in the end zone.

(boys snicker)

Good luck tonight.

Enjoy the game.

(whispers) Bitch.

Belinda: Go Warriors!

Lee, where the hell are you? I'm at the stadium.

Call me. Immediately.

Announcer: Warriors' ball...

Mr. Gamby, you missed it. We're stomping their asses!

Dayshawn, get the hell out of my way!

Announcer: That's in. First down.


Lee, stop right there.

Don't do this.

Don't do what?

The thing that I've already just done? I just did it.

Lee, we'll take down Belinda Brown, but not at the expense of North Jackson High.

Do you hear those people out there?

They're cheering for our school.

We could win this game!

I told you, Gamby, I don't give a f*ck about athletics!

f*ck sports!

It's not about us. It's about the school.

Ah, ah.

I command you to let go.

I command you to let go.

Lee, let go.

Let go.

Lee. You let go.

Let go.

Gamby, I'm not letting go.

Let go.

You let go.

You better let go.


You let go.

Gamby, let f*cking...

I command you to let go!

Don't do it! Don't drink it!


You f*cking idiot!

This shit gets absorbed through the skin!

Say what?


What? It... absorbs through the skin?

It's all over me! It's all over me!


What do we do?

Let's get the f*ck out of here!

Just get out of here! Go!

♪ ♪

(muffled cheering)

(distorted cheer)

(distorted cheering)

♪ ♪

Hey, man!

Boys sure are giving us a run for our money.

Whoo! Whoo-hoo!



♪ ♪

Neil! We're only one touchdown behind!

We can do this!

I love you.

♪ ♪

(g*n clicking)

(g*nsh*t echoes)

(g*nshots echoing)

♪ ♪

Thank you, spirit.

You boys get out of here.


(cheering and applause)

Announcer: Warriors have the ball on the 42-yard line.

10 seconds left.

And this play could win the game for the Warriors.

We might be witnessing North Jackson history here, folks.

Player: Blue 42!


♪ ♪


Announcer: History has been made with the Warriors here tonight!

North Jackson wins.

We won, Russell. (chuckles)

We've made her a martyr.

How long do we have to stay down here for?

This is our home now.