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01x09 - Close to Home

Posted: 08/07/16 05:32
by bunniefuu

(breathing shakily)

♪ ♪





(theme music playing)

Giles: Take it easy.

What do you want, Byron?

I came to say goodbye.


You came to gloat.

Now, you know good and well I'm too old and tired to get caught up in pride.

I didn't ask you to leave because I wanted to.

You didn't ask me to do anything.

But what I did for you, I wouldn't do for anyone else.

I gave you what you wanted.

A chance for you and Kat to... keep on keepin' on.

You had any sense, you'd have been running Anderson and Barnes out of town, instead of betraying your best friend of 20 years.

The one person who could have protected you from what's comin'.

And what is that?

(chuckles) No, you got something to say, come on out and say it.

You got things all turned around, Byron.

None of this is what you think it is.

Gettin' rid of one of 'em won't mean shit when it's all said and done.

Kat: Babe?

We should get going.

Lenny: I'm comin'.

You know how bad traffic gets on the interstate.

I said I'll be right there, honey.

Do yourself a favor, Byron.

Stay clear of things you don't understand.

Be a real shame if something bad happened to you.

(thunder rumbles)

Kyle: Watch out for all this mud.

Hey, firefly, why don't you, uh, have a seat here where I can see you.

I'll be right back.

Is everything okay, Daddy?

Yeah, it's okay.

Better than okay.

It's perfect, just like you.


Megan: Go away!


That's breakin' and enterin'. (scoffs)

Doors not even locked.

This is West Virginia.

I'm still allowed to sh**t you.

We just went by the school.

They say you called in sick.

Well, that's what normal people do when they're not feeling well.

What happened to your hand?

I broke a glass.

Oh, it was an accident.

Was it really?

I could really do without the judgments right now.

I'm not judging you.

Then what are you doin'? Hey.

Checking in on you, shithead, like you did for me.


Mark's gonna find another job.

Donnie, he'll crumble when the truth comes out.

You... need to quit beatin' on yourself for things you can't change.

That's good advice.

I liked it much better the hundred times I was giving it to you.

Yeah, well, just be glad I listened.

(scoffs) Finally.

Kyle: (sighs)

Megan, I need a favor.

Amber's, uh... she's having a hard time.

She's... confused.

I think she needs to just start acting like a normal kid again.

You want me to get her enrolled in my school?

Figure maybe you could pull some strings.

Without anybody asking questions?


I'll see what I can do.


Have you heard from Allison?


I'm tired of waiting around by the phone.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna go out and find her.

(distant thunder rumbling)

(door opens)

(door closes)


You know, when my son was about 13, he got kicked out of school.


Well, not exactly kicked out.

He got suspended for a few days.

There was this kid in his class teasing him, and, so, Matthew waited 'til after school... gave him a real ass whoopin'.

Fighter like his father.

I told him he'd embarrassed me.

That he was the son of a preacher man.

He needed to get his shit together and start acting like one.

Wonder what he would have made of my... little show the other night.

Well, I think he probably would say what I'm about to say.

Get your shit together.


I want you to move in with me.

Tricia... Don't worry.

I'm not looking for a crutch.

I just want some normalcy.

You know that people are talking about us.

f*ck 'em.

(children chattering)

(whispers) Hey, you know what?

Everyone says she's the nicest teacher in the whole school.

I wanna stay with you.

Look, Amber... you've been through a lot of changes recently, and that ain't fair, I know that.

But I'm gonna make it up to you.

I swear, I'm gonna get things back to normal.

You're gonna look for Mommy, aren't you?

Yeah, I am.

I know it makes you nervous, baby, but... you'll see, once we get her home.

It's for the best.

We'll be a family.

No one can ever hurt us again.

You're lyin'.

Why do you say that?

'Cause that's what grownups do.

Look... if you promise you make a good go of it at this school, I promise I won't lie to you about Mommy or anything else ever.

That's the honest truth.

I promise.

Oh, thank you, baby.


Good morning, Florence.

Reverend Anderson.

I just need a few minutes of your time.

Oh, I'm sorry, Reverend, I'm already really running late.

Florence, please.

If anyone sees me talking to you...

You and I, we've been on the front line for as long as I can remember, and together we've helped so many of our neighbors.

You know, the... the truth is I don't have many friends left.

And all I can do now is rely on those that still believe in my work.

Who may still believe in me.

Well, what can I do?

You could tell me what the deacons are saying about me.

What they're thinkin'.

They're meetin' at noon to discuss your replacement.

I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

You want anything from the store?

Somethin' salty.

No, your blood pressure is already high enough.

How about a nice, tasty apple?

Sounds delicious.


(knock on door)

Just a second.

I said just a second!

(footsteps approaching)

(door closes)

(toilet flushes)

Sidney: Aren't you gonna wash your hands?

What are you doin' here?

You left without saying goodbye.

Well, I couldn't.

Giles was watchin'.

I suppose some things are just... out of our control.

I wish everybody showed your initiative, Kat.

I have a new job for you.



Megan told me what happened.

I'm sorry. Yeah, it ain't my proudest moment, but... you know, life goes on, right?

Look, I know my timing's awful, but I don't really know what else to do.

About Allison?


You know, sometimes people just need time to sort stuff out.

What if...

What if this is different?

What if... something else?

She might...

What, you think she might hurt herself?

I don't know, but, Mark, I can't take that chance.

Would you if it was Megan?

When was the last time you were at her house?

Yesterday. There was no answer.

What, you didn't go inside?

I got the restraining order. I...

All right, well, if you don't say nothin', I won't.

Come on. I'll follow you.

All right.


(muffled chatter)

Man: The storm in Roanoke when I was...

(door closes)

Pardon the interruption.

But before you all make a grave mistake, I would like to be heard.

(scoffs) I believe I've earned that right at least.

This is a private church meeting.

I am this church, Tansy.

I built it from nothin'.

Laid the foundations of my own blood, sweat, and tears, and you damn well know it.

Now, at some point, every one of you has come to me for spiritual guidance, and I've always been there to provide it.

Now, I implore you to place your trust in me now.

I implore you to believe that my actions are in your best interest and that of this entire community.

The way they always have been, the way they always will be.

John, John!

You should leave now.

Sidney: Yes, Reverend... you really should go.

The hell is he doing here?

Do you have any idea what you have done inviting the devil into God's house?

Florence: Oh, no. Sidney has come to make a donation.

His decision to forgive your insults should be a lesson in kindness and charity.

Anderson: How can you be so blind?

This man is pretending to be one of us, but he is not!

John, that's it! He is not one of us!

That is enough out of you! I will not allow you to poison anymore souls with your hatred and bile!

I think you have the wrong impression of me, Reverend.

I'm not some kind of monster.

What are you?

Well, just a man, trying to live as... as righteous a life as I can.

Now, I'm sorry if that offends you, but... maybe you're the one who needs to be reminded what it means to be a... a good Christian.

Florence: Reverend, no!

Man: Chaplain!

Oh, stop!


What were you thinking?

I came to get my job back.

Hell of a strategy.

It's exactly what he wanted.

To get his ass kicked?

To isolate and embarrass me even further.

It's been his plan all along.

Well, if you knew that, then why'd you fall for it?

It's not every day you get to punch the devil in the face.


Why isn't he in handcuffs?

Look, mister.

Since there's no real harm done, I suggest we forgo all the usual legal formalities.

Why would we do that?

That man there, I've known for the better part of 20 years.

But you... you, I don't know from Adam.

Now, I warned you once about messing with my friends.

Don't make me show you just how little patience I really have.

I want to press charges.

I want him arrested.

It's okay, Chief.

You can get me out of here.

(handcuffs clicking)

One of the perks of not being a cop anymore.

After you.

Why don't you go upstairs?

I'll check around down here.




(clattering continues)


Allison, let me in.



Mark: Kyle?

She's not here.

You been through hell on this, and...

I may have been too hard on you.

Just protecting your family, Mark.

It's all right.

(phone vibrates)

Amazing how far a man will go to do that.

This is Mark.


Well, thank you.

That was the school nurse.

Guess Megan went home.

Is she okay?

I guess she's got some sort of stomach bug.

I'm gonna head home, see if she's okay.

I'm worried about her.

She hasn't been herself.

Well, she'll pull through.

She's been through worse.

Hell, you both have.

All right, I'll call you later.



♪ ♪






Lauren, please wait!


Just let me explain.

I'm calling the police, Kyle.

No, don't.

Listen to what I have to say first.

Allison left Amber with me.

I know.

Wait a minute.

You've spoken to her?

Where is she?

She doesn't want to see you.

That doesn't make any sense.

She came back to me.

And my daughter was very confused.

She's not afraid of me anymore.


She's afraid of herself.

I blame you for that.

I don't know what happened that day, but it changed my beautiful baby girl into someone I barely recognize.

I just want the real Allison back.

So do I.

Just tell me where she is.


What, that's it?

That's it.

Are you sure?

I mean, I can't stop until I've seen this through.

When you get jammed up out there, you give me a call.

I'll come runnin'.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Kat: (sighs)

He was right.

This is perfect!

I don't know about this.

Oh, what's not to know?

Everything we need is all right here!

Why you, Kat?

Why us?

Why not us?

Don't you think we deserve this responsibility?

Watchin' after a few folks in the woods is one thing, but this...

Why can't he do it?


There somethin' wonderful comin', sweetheart, and this is our part that we've been chosen to play.

You know I'd do anything for you, babe.

But none of this feels right.

We can get in the car right now and go anywhere we want.

Leave all this behind.

Just you and me.

You do what you have to.

There is no you and me without this.

If... if Giles finds out we haven't left town...

Giles chose the wrong side.

He'll get what's coming to him soon enough.

What about Anderson?

And Barnes? We got real lucky with them last time.

Luck had nothing to do with that.

You rescued me.



Come to think of it...

I never had a chance to... show my appreciation.


Hm? (breathes heavily)


You trust me, babe?


Then you have absolutely nothin' to worry about.

You puked in front of the whole school?


I've never been so embarrassed.

Oh, baby.

Are you okay? No, Mark.

I'm the opposite of okay.

What if the charges against you stick?

What if you go to prison?

That's not gonna happen.

How are you so sure?

I'm just trying to stay positive.


For both of us. (chuckles)

You may need to try harder.

I'm pregnant.

It's like some kind of sick joke.


Maybe you're just not looking at this the right way.

What's the right way, Mark?

This the absolute worst time this could happen.

Any way you spin it, we're f*cked.

I'll call the doctor in the mornin', have it taken care of.

Hey, hey, sweetie, come on.

You don't gotta do that.

Baby... this is a sign, Megan... that everything's gonna be all right.

That we're supposed to go on living our lives.

Have you forgotten what it's like?

Babies need car seats and diapers and doctor visits, formula.

Mm-hmm. With one salary, w... we can barely afford the bills we already have.

Yeah, well, it's a good thing I got a job interview tomorrow.

Wait, what? Yeah.

They need another security guard down at the mill.

Baby, I'm due for some good luck.

Are you sure we should do this?

Baby... this is a clean slate for us.

A fresh start.


I'm gonna be a mom!

Again. (both chuckle)

Maybe after this one, we can try for a third, huh?

Oh, don't make me hurt you!

Come here.

Come here.

(elevator dings)

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. All right.

Can I help you?

Uh, I need to see a patient.

Allison Barnes.

We have a strict no-visitor policy.

Ma'am, I broke into my own house today, convinced I was gonna find the love of my life hanging from a rope and afraid of how I was gonna explain that to our little girl.

If there was ever a time to break the rules, this is it.


Allison was particularly agitated when she checked herself in.

We've been giving her a sedative.

Something to help her relax.

Wait right here.


Woman: Mr. Barnes.

Mr. Barnes.

You can have a few minutes.

Allison. Hey, baby.

There's so many things I need to tell you.

Things I should have told you a long time ago.

And I wanted to.

The other night on the porch, I did.

I just didn't know how.

And I didn't want this.

What happened to us that day wasn't your fault.

My mother wasn't sick, Allison.

She wasn't bipolar like they said.

She had somethin' inside of her.

Something controllin' her.

And I don't know why, but... they seem to choose the people that I love.

I think it's 'cause they need me, we're connected or somethin'.

I know how this all sounds.

It's true.

But there's hope, baby.

I can stop them.

I can draw these things out of people and make 'em go away, and, baby, that's... that's what I did that day.

To the one that was inside of you.

It's gone.

Okay? You're not sick.

You're not dangerous to anybody anymore.

I want you to come home, baby.

I want you to come home to a family.

Our family.

You don't belong here.

You are the kindest, gentlest man I've ever known.

But, baby, you can't protect me anymore.

Baby, that's not true.

Not from myself.

You need to move on. Please.

You need to be the one to raise Amber now.

Not me.

Not us.



Please. Wait.

Baby, no.

(both crying)

I love you, baby. Please.


♪ ♪

(moped stops)

Sidney: (speaking indistinctly)

(line ringing)

Megan (on phone): Hey.

Hey. It's me.

You sound terrible.

Kyle: Thanks.

How's Amber?

Megan: You were right about school.

She made three new friends today.

That's great.

Any news on Allison?

No. Nothin'.

Don't give up, Kyle.

If anybody deserves a happy ending to their story, it's you.

Uh, thought I'd say, uh...

I might be a couple hours before I can come and get her. Is that all right?

Well, she's welcome to stay the night.

The girls would love a slumber party.

Thanks. That's all right. I...

I'd like for her to be under my roof tonight.

You know?

Give the firefly a little kiss on the head for me, will you?

Tell her I'll see her soon.

Will do.

Thanks, Megan.

Sure. Bye.

♪ ♪

What is this?

Where have you been? Out.

Just answer the question.

Bite me. Aaron!

I saw you with Sidney.

So what?

Now, I need to know everything.



I don't want you going near that man ever again.

He is very dangerous. Why?

Because the assh*le you're boning says so?

Don't you dare speak to your mother like that.

Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?

You know what? I should take a damn belt to that smart mouth of yours!

Teach you some g*dd*mn manners! John!

Don't let him hurt me! You have to leave. You have to leave!

He's playing you. Mom!

Get out of my house.

Please? Just go!

He's playing you, Patricia.


(engine starts)

My father used to beat the crap out of me.

Did the same to my mom.

I guess this means you won't be coming around here anymore.

Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot.

Sidney says that you're too late to stop it.

Stop what?

I'll catch you later, Reverend Shit-For-Brains.


We should talk.

(loud squeak)


(doorknob turns)

Megan, you all right?

I heard a scream.

Baby, you okay?


Megan, hel... help.

Help. Help.






♪ ♪


I'm so damn tired of pushing a rock up a hill.

I know the feeling.

My way isn't working.

I accept that.

But if anything, all I've done is hold you back.

The truth is...

I'm jealous of you, Kyle.

Shouldn't be.

I don't know what the hell I'm doin', Rev.

You're the one with the gift.

Whatever it is, it ain't a gift.

It's taken the people I love from my life.

Made me hurt people I don't even know.

Little Joshua, Sherry.

The way they looked at me.

Like I'm the freak.

Maybe they're right.

No, they're not.

(phone vibrates)


Amber: Dad? Daddy?

Amber and Holly: (sobbing on phone)

Amber, what's wrong?

Aunt Megan. She's sick like Mommy!

(screaming on phone)


(screaming continues)


(echoing) Amber! Amber! Amber! Amber! Amber! Amber! Amber! Amber!