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03x11 - Trust Issues

Posted: 08/04/16 05:52
by bunniefuu
♪ I want to realize ♪

Tell me real quick before he comes back.

How'd you meet this new guy?

In line at the grocery store.

Oh! Very 1950s housewife of you.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Well, he seems like a nice guy.

Yeah, you know, so far so good, which I needed right now.

Just... normal.



Are you okay?

Yeah. It's just hot today.

Actually, it's unseasonably cool for summer in San Antonio, I thought.

[Laughs] Oh, it must just be me then.

So, how long have you and Shannon been together?

Oh, uh, well...

Nope, we're not "together".
We don't use labels.

Well, uh, well, labels are there for a reason, you know?

I mean... I mean, how do you define together, Matt?

You know, I think that there is together, right?

And then there's together. Right?

And... And... And so...

Are you sure you're okay?
'Cause you're sweating a lot.

Yeah, I'm good.

Matt. Matt?

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, geez.

Woman: What the hell?

Oh, my God.

Okay, I need you to help move furniture.

I'll call 911 and meet the ambulance.

Ok, he's punctured femoral artery.

All right, I want you to cut the straps of my purse.

We're going to use it as a tourniquet.

He's still bleeding.

All right, let's roll him over.

Great, he's got a puncture in his butt.

We can't tourniquet it. What do we do?

I have to clamp the artery with my finger.

This date just keeps getting better.

Announcer: Touchdown.



There we go. There we go.

Nice to hang out with you.
Haven't done it in a while.

Each time taking up huge chunks of yardage.

It's Syd. She's in town signing her discharge papers.

She's gonna drop off a letter of recommendation later tonight for Brianna's social worker.



Uh, hospital sale... that's a kick in the nuts, huh?

Right? [Sighs]



I did not see that coming.

Just shows you not to trust women, huh?

Maybe just not that woman.

I wouldn't slam the entire gender... Then Annie tells me today that she's thinking of moving in with Scott.

Scott. Can you believe that?

Like, Scott, Scott.


So, to summarize, betrayed by a girlfriend, Annie ditching me, and ER being sold.

Thank you.

Hey, get a...

Coming up.

Thought you cut down on the drinking.

Yeah, I was.


And look where it got me.


Uh, you know what? I'm gonna go.

I want to see Brianna before she falls asleep.


We're gonna talk, okay?


Take an Uber home.


You can... you can just... you can have this seat here if you want.

Thank you.

You hitting on my girl?

[Scoffs] Trust me, I'm not hitting on your girl.


Oh, so you're saying she's ugly.

No. I just offered her my chair.


All right? Everything's cool, man.

Come on, baby.

Just... it's okay.

That's right, you better leave, you little bitch.

Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

No. No, Tee.

What did you call my friend?

I said he's a little bitch.

Come on, let it go. Tee, come on! Tee!



You need to stay focused on shadowing Kenny tonight.

First step back towards nursing school.

I'm really proud of you.

Thank you. I'm excited.

I'm... a little distracted.

I kind of had a rough start to the night.

What?- -
But, um...

I just... I told T.C. that we were talking about moving in together.

He did not take it well.

Oh. You told him that?

I mean, I know we... We talked about it one time, but we haven't decided anything about it.

Oh. Okay.

I mean, doesn't it...

Doesn't it seem fast?

Y... I know we had that moment where we were lying in bed and we were talking to each other about "what if?" But...

Yeah. No. You know what? I jumped the g*n.

Just forget I said anything.

Well, Annie...


There's my boss. I better go.

Annie, first patient's up. Let's go.

I'm ready.

What do we got?

Female, late 20s. She's tachy with a stable BP.

Patient lost control of her bicycle and fell on her chin.

Okay. Trauma 1. She's choking on her blood.



Can't find the cut with all this blood.

More suction, Kenny.

On it.

[Continues choking]


Hold it. Hold it.

She's not choking on blood.

It's something in the back of her throat.

Can we get forceps?


[Breathing heavily]


What is that?

It's a piece of food.

[Hacking, gasping]


Let's set up to suture her chin.

Annie: I'll get the kit.

[Continues choking]

I thought I got it all. Hey! Guys!

Wait. Annie?

On it.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

What do you see?


That's the problem.
There's nothing in there.

Hey. What do you got?

Uh, male, 42. Status post syncopal fall with multiple lacs from broken glass.

He's got a punctured femoral and sacral artery.

BP is in the 90s.

All right.

I'll stitch him up in Trauma 2, then send him up for an angiogram to see if he needs more surgery.

Uh, no, Paul... He can do it.

He's right behind me with Shannon.

What, were you guys...

Uh, hanging out.

So, where'd he come from?

[Sighs heavily]

We were on a double date.

And now you got your finger in his butt cheek.

This should be interesting.

Shut up.

There wasn't any other food in your throat.

So we need to figure out what's been causing you to gag.

Has this happened before?

Yeah, a lot lately.

That's why I fell off my bike.

I-I was riding in Brackenridge Park, and I took a bite of a power bar and started choking... and just lost control of my bike.

I just... I-I've been having trouble keeping food down lately.

You look a little thin, Dana.

Is there something else going on?

Here we go.


You think I have an eating disorder like all the other doctors.

What other doctors?

All of them.

I've been to so many I've lost count.

I'm... I'm not purposely starving myself.

I just... I can't eat.

Are you on any medications for it?

You seem a little anxious.

I took Xanax, but that zonked me out, so I stopped doing that.

I went holistic.

I have tried yoga, meditation, exercise.

I mean, I even went to Peru to see a shaman.

I took ayahuasca and went on a vision quest.

Wow, I-I, uh, would not have recommended that.

The ayahuasca made me puke for three days, and I feel like I haven't stopped since I got back.

I mean, this has ruined my life.

So if you're finished, I just... I really...

I just want to go home to my dog.

Yeah. I'm, uh...

I'm gonna give you a shot of a strong antacid in case this is from reflux.

And then I'll look through your chart.

Topher, can I talk to you for a second?

I don't have anything to say to you, Lucifer.

[Sighs heavily]

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you.

By secretly working for the company that's gonna fire everybody.

You might want to rethink that strategy.

You were going to get fired anyway, okay?

I didn't have anything to do with that.

I gave you the heads-up.

You gave them all our secrets.

Now they may fire everybody.


[Computer beeps]

Is T.C. okay?

[Scoffs] You should ask him.

He won't answer any of my calls.

Good for him. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of my patient while I still have a job here.


Mollie, I'm gonna need an office after the meeting.

Can you help me, please?

After what you did to Topher, try the local Starbucks.

Bye, Felicia.

I hate her.

Any news on what Hobart's going to do yet?

Besides replacing Topher, I heard they're gonna turn this place into an HMO.

Are the nurses safe?

We got a union.

[Chuckling] Hey.

So, this guy went on a date with you while he was high.

[Sighs heavily]

Yeah, we need to get a tox screen on him.

Yes, Doctor.

Thank you.

Yeah, Shannon seems to think that he's on molly.


Well, you know, molly isn't the pure MDMA that all the kids think it is, right?

It's cut with all kinds of stuff... aspirin, bath salts... cocaine.

Exactly, so he could be having an adverse reaction to any number of those things.

We don't know when he took what he took?


I really know how to pick 'em.

I mean, h-he just seemed so normal, you know?

Well, just because he took molly on a date doesn't make him not normal.

I mean, I'm not saying it bodes well for the future of your relationship.

[Both laugh] But...


Jordan, do you need help with anything?
Kenny asked me to check in.

Annie, uh, I'm sorry.

I forgot that you were shadowing here now.



Do you need anything?

Uh, yeah, actually, you can help us out.

We need an emergency contact for this patient.

Can you maybe go through his phone and see if you can find someone on his social circle who can answer questions?

Yeah, I'll be glad to do it.

Thank you.
[Cellphone beeps]

That was uncomfortable.


You didn't tell her about...

They found a match for Brianna. Lungs are on the way.


That's great.

Let's get the OR prepped and get Brianna ready.

Yeah, no, you should go.
Um, I can take care of this.

Paul, go find Drew and see if he's checked in yet.

Yeah. Okay.

[Cellphone vibrating]

[Police radio chatter]

Nothing still?

[Both sigh] I'm gonna k*ll Drew.

I'll go up and sit with Bri.

Here, I'll keep trying.

Whoa. Your patient's had nine GI work-ups. What's the deal?

Stomach cramping, vomiting.

Choking and gagging almost nonstop.

Look at her history. Tell me what you see.

Just had a CT a couple weeks ago.

Totally normal.

All her blood tests, including markers for Celiac and Crohn's disease are normal.

Severe GERD?


W-What does her endoscopy show?

Mm, never had one.

Looks like it was ordered a couple times, but insurance wouldn't cover it.


The GI consults all say her symptoms are "likely psychosomatic."

Well, anxiety can wreak havoc on the body.

Once she gets that under control, I'm sure her GI symptoms will miraculously go away.

I'm gonna discharge her.

Start the paperwork, okay?


Hey, uh, Topher?

Can I just say something, It's not really like you to just dismiss someone as nuts.

I'm not, Shannon. I'm looking at her history.

I'm going by what I see.

And so am I.

You're the one who told me you have to find a way to emotionally connect with the patient.

You're being like all those other doctors.

You're not listening to her.

If we all did that, we'd all be really sucky doctors...

Uh, not that you're a sucky doctor, because you are not, boss man.

You're right.

I'm, uh... I'm in a pissy mood, and I'm letting it cloud my judgement.

Let's do the endoscopy.

We'll label it as emergent so the insurance doesn't flag it.

Yeah! Screw the corporation.

You've never done an endo.


Come... Come join me.


Hey, Shannon.

Hey, I'll be right there.

You were right. He's on molly.

Right there.

Silver lining...

Your date's got a good drug dealer.

It was the pure stuff.


I swear, I thought he was just normal, you know?

That's what I liked about him.

Excuse me? Excuse me.

Oh, hey. You're Jordan, right?


I just got a phone call about Matt being brought to the ER. Is he okay?

I'm sorry. What is your relationship to the patient?

I'm Cristina, his wife.

His wife?


Why you got to start a fight?

'Cause the guy got in your face and called you a little bitch.

He needed his ass handed to him.

So what? Who cares what some drunk prick has to say?

Now because you got to prove what a man you are, I'm stuck in here, missing my shift and Brianna.

Hey, can I get my phone call now?!

Hey, I'm a doctor. I got to call in to work.

Drew, you're very loud.


Uh, so, you're in an open marriage?

Actually, we like to call ourselves polyamorous.

Okay, which means what, exactly?

We're involved with more than one person in a romantic, sexual, and loving relationship.

Whoa. Sorry. Uh, that sounded personal.

Oh, no, it's okay. I have no secrets.

Um [Chuckles] Cristina, this is Dr. Clemmens.

He sewed up Matt's wounds.

[Sighs] Cristina is Matt's wife.



So, I reviewed Matt's angiogram, and it looks like he doesn't need any more surgery, which is great.

Looks like Dr.
Alexander's quick thinking probably saved his life.

Thank you.


It's fine.

All right. Um... nice to meet you.

Dr. Alexander, if you need me, I'll be charting at the nurses' station.

I'm sorry, but did Matt tell you that he was seeing me?

Of course. Yeah.

He... He told me when he met you.

He even showed me your Facebook profile.

You seemed lovely, so I gave him my blessing.

Okay, that's nice, but, Cristina, he didn't tell me about you.

I know. And you should know that is not how we operate.

I'm... pretty upset with Matt right now.

I mean, he should've been honest with you, Jordan.

We put all our cards on the table.

Did you know that he was using molly?

I suspected something.

He's been seeing a much younger woman who's a little too wild for my taste.

They went to an EDM concert last night.

I think it's time for him to break things off with her.

That's why I was hoping things worked out with you.

Okay. I have to, uh...

I have to go out that door. [Chuckles nervously]

His wife?

I'm not talking about this with you.

In fact, I'm not gonna talk about it with anybody on this planet or in this galaxy... ever.


You think you'll give it a... give them a go?

You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

Yeah. I really am.

Okay, well, speaking of uncomfortable dating situations, um... did you tell Annie about our kiss?

See, look. Now your smile is gone.

I don't see the point of drudging something up that's just gonna hurt her feelings.

It was long, emotional night.

We said a lot of stuff to each other, and it just... happened in the moment.

Yeah, no, I know.

And, look, whether or not you decide to tell Annie, that's obviously your business.

But just take a page from my friends in Trauma 2.

It is never a good idea to keep secrets.

Dr. Clemmens, the transplant team said they'd be ready for you in 15 minutes.

Anybody hear from Drew?

No, and we can't find T.C.

Kenny sent the paramedics over to T.C.'s apartment just in case. No one was there.

Okay, I will call some of his motorcycle buddies to see if we can find him.

Officer, I want my phone call now.

Few minutes.

No, "few minutes"?

You said that 20 minutes ago.

Drew, take it easy.

All right.

Don't tell me, the more you bug them, the longer they'll make you wait.

[Sighs heavily]

Drunk t*nk rules, all right?

Don't piss off the cops, forget about time, and try to make friends.

Luckily for us, we don't have to worry about the making friends part.


This doesn't bother you?

I've been here before.

And you're proud of that?

Just stating a fact.

Yelling at the cops just makes it worse.

I've never missed a day's work.

I made a commitment to Brianna.

I read to her every night before she falls sleep, Tee.

This is your fault.

Yeah, okay, next time I just won't have your back, all right?

Is that what you think you were doing, Tee?


'Cause what you don't get is I had it, by choosing to be the bigger man and walking away.

I like to fight, Tee.

But in the octagon, not in the bar.

That, I'll leave to the drunk, loudmouth wannabe.

Oh, tell me more, Dr. Freud.

You want more? I got more.


You're a mess, and you're screwing everything up.

And over what? Over... over a break up?

Or over Annie moving out? What... what is it?

Because you're starting to act like you used to.

You're like, "Hey, everybody, look at me. I'm just gonna drink, and I'm gonna fight, 'cause I can't face my problems."

Says the guy who spent 20 years in the closet.

You shut your mouth.

'Cause I'm getting tired of it.

[Keys jingling, door shuts]

Can I have my phone call, please?!

Jordan, you got a second?

Yeah... a second.

I assume you hate me like everybody else here?

Hate is a strong word, but no, I am definitely not your biggest fan.

I couldn't tell anyone what was going on, okay?

I really need this job. And this was gonna happen anyway.

The place has been in the red for years.

That's why it's being sold.

That may be, but you can't blame everyone here for being angry with you.

And, look, we all love Topher, so if you mess with him, you're messing with all of us.

Thank you.

Look, I know.

I'm trying to help him keep his job.

I have a few ideas, but he won't even talk to me.

Neither will T.C., for that matter.

Any ideas on how to make good with him?

Yeah, you can just stop, because once that man makes up his mind, he doesn't change it.

Look, Jessica.

Are the rumors true?

Okay, are you guys really gonna sell off this ER and turn it into a surgical center?

I mean, is that what's happening?

I'm not allowed to say... legally.

[Sirens wailing, telephones ringing]

If you have a résumé, I would update it if I were you.

Shannon: Dana's esophagus is completely normal.

So why can't she eat?

I'm stumped.

I don't want to believe it, but maybe it is all in her head.

Hey, uh, Jordan, you want to take a look at this?

Need your input.

And I need to talk to you about what I just heard from Jessica.

Great, can't wait.

Jordan! Trauma 2!

Excuse me.

[Alarms blaring, monitors beeping rapidly]

What's happening? What's wrong with him?

He's seizing.

Okay, push a milligram of Ativan.

Let's get him on high-flow oxygen.

What is that... what...

Matt, Matt, honey, please...

Make it stop.

Meds are in.

Why isn't it working?

Push another milligram.

Since when do you smoke?

Nervous habit.

Trying not to start again.

T.C.'s not answering any of my messages.

I-I'm worried.

Is that all this is about?

Not our moving-in conversation?

I feel like I opened my big mouth, and I scared you off.

No, you didn't.

You didn't scare me off.

I scared think maybe I scared myself off a little.

What does that mean?

Well, we've just been moving really fast, so fast.

I mean, we're not even supposed to be dating each other as far as the program goes.

[Siren wails]

And so I think maybe because of all of that, I did something.

Did what?

Jordan and I kissed.


It was just something that it just kind of happened in a moment.

How does that just happen in a moment?

Oh, hey! Guys, hang on one quick second.

That's the transplant team with Brianna's lung.

I got to go. I'm sorry.

I know this is a crappy place to leave it, but I swear we'll talk more later.

We're going up to Peds ICU.

The donor lung is here. It's go time.

Is Drew here?

We're still looking for him, sweetheart.

No, I'm not gonna do the surgery without him.

We can't wait anymore, Brianna.

Please don't make me...

Brianna, we need to get you up to the OR, sweetie.

No. No. No! No!

Easy. Easy. Easy. Easy. Easy.

Hey. Oh. Oh.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hold her down.

Please don't. No.

Kenny, two of Haldol I.V.

Let me go. [Gasping]

It's okay. It's gonna be okay.


Matt! Matt!

I'm bolusing Keppra.

Dilantin is running in right now.

I'm gonna check the labs.

Why won't it stop?

I'm not sure.

I'm sure something should be working.

He was drinking a lot of water.
Uh, it could be hyponatremia.

What is that?

It means his blood is diluted from too much water, and his sodium levels are too low.

So give him sodium, then.

I can't do anything until I know his levels, and his chemistry isn't back from the lab.

He would need three percent sodium chloride.

But if I give it to him and his levels are already too high, his brain could swell. He could die.

Chemistry machine is being serviced.

That's why the labs aren't back yet.

They're down for another hour.

We don't have an hour.

Cristina, ongoing seizing can cause brain damage.

I'm sorry. What do you want to do?

Jordan, I love him. Please, you have to do something.

BP's increasing, Doctor.


Push 100 cc's of three percent sodium chloride.

Are you sure?

I have no choice.

I have to trust my gut.

Sweetie, they're waiting for us, and we're running out of time.

Hey, Brianna?

I know that I'm not Drew, but I care about you.

I'm not gonna leave your side, and I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you.

Neither will Nina or Kenny or Scott.

All right?

Hey, Brianna, they... they found Drew, okay?

He's on his way.

Uh, he... he says that he loves you and he's gonna be here when you wake up, all right?


[Alarms blaring]


Damn it.

What... what is happening?

She's crashing.

We need to intubate.

Tell the OR we'll be there in five.

Woman: Yes, Doctor.

Topher: The endoscopy didn't show any problems with your esophagus.

We checked all your records. We can't find any medical reason for your eating issue.

[Crying] Why is this happening to me?

My stomach pains are getting worse.

And I can't eat anything.

And I just... I feel like I'm losing my mind.

And I-I don't have anyone to h-help me.

We're here to help you, okay?

We just... we just need to find the right meds...

I don't want any meds.

Hey, Dana, I don't know what it's like to feel sick all the time, but I do know what it's like not being able to deal with the world like everybody else.

I'm on anti-depressants.
[Monitor beeping faster]

I need help to handle the slings and arrows, and that's okay.

It doesn't make you weak.

It makes you human.

What's going on?

Something's wrong.

My... my chest.

She has an arrhythmia.

Looks supraventricular.

Blood pressure's down to 74. What's going on?

We need to cardiovert.

Get the pads!

[Breathing shakily] Help me.

Okay. Clear. [Defibrillator whines]


[Paddles thump]

Drew convinced me that he was a responsible person.

This is a major letdown.

I don't even know if I'll be able to make a case for him.

Look, Nina, I've known Drew for a long time, okay?

This is the guy that runs into the burning building.

This is the guy who you call when your car's broke down on the side of the road, okay?

This is not the guy who just bounces when life gets too tough.

Listen to me.

This little girl has been shuffled around the system for her entire life.

Now, I will not place her in another home where the parents aren't completely committed to her well-being.

I promise you. This is not like Drew, or T.C.

[Cellphone buzzes]
Okay? Something's not right.

Drew, what...

Kenny, I'm in jail.

T.C. got into a bar fight.

I jumped in to help him out.

Drew, Brianna's about to go into surgery, okay?

Her donor lung came through. She fought everybody like hell, man.

She didn't want to go into surgery until you got here.

You get me out of here.

Now. You understand?

You do everything you can to get me out.

All right, uh, someone's coming to bail you out, all right?

He's in jail?

I promise you.

I promise you.


I know Drew, okay?


This isn't like him.


Got to give him the benefit of the doubt.


You're talking to me.

Look, I don't have a choice, all right?

I got to put all that hospital stuff aside.

I need your help.

I-I'll do anything.

All right, come on.

Everything all right? The shift survive without you?

Dana, your heart rhythm is back to normal.

I felt like I was having a heart attack.

Why don't you guys look worried?

Well, the arrhythmia is a problem, but it is physical proof that your symptoms are 100% medical, not psychological.


Uh, but what's causing all of it?

We still have no clue, but we have something to go on.

I was just starting to get used to the idea of a thousand psych meds.

Now you're telling me I'm not crazy.

Hey, we're... we're all a little crazy.

I already admitted to it.

And I'm currently at about 50%.


We won't give up.

We'll figure this out.

Okay. Order a cardiac echo and a barium swallow test.

What's that?

Um, unlike the CT and endoscopy, it checks the function of your esophagus, not just the appearance.

It may finally tell us what's... what's wrong, because something clearly is.


Hey, Syd.

Drew said you might be in town this week.

Yep, I'm here to sign my Army discharge papers.

Oh, that transition's never easy... from a daily mission to no mission.

Took me a few months to settle back into my civilian skin.

Yeah, well, I have a plan how to segue.

But first things first, I want to say hi to Drew and meet Brianna.

It's so exciting, Drew being a foster parent.

It is, but actually, we're a little worried about Drew.

He's completely MIA.

Oh, no, we just found him. He's in jail with T.C.


Yeah, Jessica went down to bail them out.

Well, that doesn't sound like Drew.

Something about a bar fight.

Sounds like T.C.

Yeah, well, Kenny spoke to Drew if you want the whole story.
He's upstairs with Brianna.

Thanks. I'll head on up.

Next time, docs, just walk away.

Yeah, tell him.

Uh, Officer, can I get a ride to San Antonio Memorial?

It's an emergency.

Jimmy, let's get Dr. Alister a ride.

Use the sirens.

Uh, Jessica, thank you.


That's it?

I bail you out and no thank you.

Thank you.

[Sirens wailing]

I have my car. Do you need a ride?

Talk to me, at least.

Stop avoiding me like a sophomore in high school.

I said everything I need to say to you.

Yeah, well, I haven't.


Really? T.C.


Yeah, the seizures stopped, but he could be out for a while.

So, it was hyponatremia?

Yeah, it looks like it.

We're gonna put him in the ICU overnight so we can monitor him and raise his sodium levels slowly, but he should be fine.

Thank you.

That was, uh, a tough call.

Yeah. You know, I, uh, had to trust my instincts, which I haven't been doing a lot of lately.

Well, hey, thank you so much.


For everything.



So grateful.

Yeah, sure. Sure.

I think we're done here.

All right.


[Knock on window]

George, hi. You're here.

He's good.

Who's George?


Oh, he's our boyfriend.

Uh, your boyfriend.

Mm-hmm. - Like, y-you share George?

Yeah, what would be the point of not?

Cristina, I'm sorry.

I'm not judging, I just...

It's a whole new world for me.

I understand.

It's not for everyone.


But I believe we can design our own relationships however we want them.

Whatever makes us happy.



So [Sighs] you really think that you can be in love with two people at the same time?


Matt and George are two completely different people, and I love them both.

We all get the best of both worlds, and it's never boring.



That's why we embrace our lifestyle.

One perfect person doesn't exist.

Well, it's been nice meeting you, Cristina.

It's been educational... to say the least.

[Both chuckle]



I've been Googling polyamory.

It's actually super complicated.
They have a lot of rules, and they tell each other everything... two things I hate.

Well, if they're happy and they can make it work, who am I to judge?

Not me. I always judge.

Hey, can I ask you a question?


There are rumors flying around that they may shut down the ER.

Is that really possible?

It is, but nothing is for sure.

Except we all lose our jobs, and I'm screwed trying to find another residency.

I know.

Shannon, I hear you, okay?

But let's take things one step at a time.

There'll be plenty of time to panic later.


We need to talk.

I got to brush my teeth.

Scott told me.

Annie, I am sorry.

Okay? We never meant to hurt you.

It was just an emotional night with the surgery and Malik.

That is all.

Do you want to get back together with him?

My first answer is no.

But if I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you, I don't know how I feel about anyone or anything.

It's been a hell of a year, and I...


I'm emotionally confused.

Okay. I totally get that.

Thank you for being honest with me.

[Chuckling] Oh, you're getting a lot of chick action.

Uh, maybe you should try it.

[Chuckles] Shut up.

Could be just what you need.

Shut up!


What OR is Brianna in?


The surgery's already started.

She's really weak. It's touch and go.


Give me an update.

50/50. - She's a fighter, Drew.

If she doesn't make it through the surgery, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I should have been there.

There is nothing you can do about that right now.

Look, as a parent, you are going to make mistakes sometimes.

I have made so many, I can't even remember them all.

But I try to learn from my screw-ups, and I work at being a better mother.

Drew, you're never gonna be perfect.

But right now, you have to pull yourself together, because beating yourself up will not help her.

And a little prayer never hurt.

This is some seriously petulant, childish crap.

I-I bailed you out.

The least you can do is talk to me.

I didn't ask you to bail me out.

I didn't ask you to get on this bus with me, so...

I don't blame you for being pissed off.

I screwed up.


I did.

I should have told you what was going on.

But that's in the past. How do I fix it?

How do I make it up to you, to everybody else?

What do I do?

Short of getting in a time machine and changing everything you did, it's not gonna happen.

So that's it?


No room in your heart for repentance, for forgiveness?

Not even a conversation?
You just shut down?

I get that maybe the way I do things is not the right way and maybe it's not good for me, but it's who I am.

And I'm self-aware enough to know that I'm not gonna change because I don't want to change.

And that's why Jordan left me, and that's why I am leaving you.


So, just get off the bus.

[Bus brakes hiss]

You know, you're missing out on a lot, because life is all about change.

See you around, Thomas Charles Callahan.

Could've been great.

It could have.

I understand you didn't start the fight, but from now on, you have to be more careful choosing your friends.

There is going to be a lot of scrutiny on you and Rick.

Don't give them any other excuses to deny you.

It was out of my control, but I can promise you this is never gonna happen again, okay?

I will do my best to make this go away, but do not make me regret going out on a limb for you.


Look who I found wandering the halls.

I just got the message.

I was on a drug bust. I came straight from the field.

Oh, did I need to see you.

Oh, what happened to you?

Uh, it's fine.

I'll tell you later.

[Sighs] How's she doing?

It was tough for a while, but they're finally putting in the new lung.

Even then, it's too early to say whether it's gonna take.

It's gonna be a long night.

Which brings me to coffee. You guys want any?


Please, yeah.



So, Dana, your swallow study shows that you have achalasia.

What is that?

Can you see that?

Your lower esophageal sphincter isn't working properly.

Okay, what does that have to do with my heart?

Now, you said your stomach problems got worse after your trip to Peru, right?

What does that have to do with my heart?

Well, did your eyelids ever get really swollen?

Actually, yeah. I just assumed it was an allergic reaction from my new dog.

I think you were bit by an insect, something called the... the kissing bug.

It's very common in Latin America.

You're thinking Chagas.


What's Chagas?

You developed an infection from the bug bite.

That caused inflammation that weakened and dilated your esophagus and heart muscle.

Are you serious?

I have a diagnosis?

Yeah, you have a diagnosis.

Yeah, luckily we caught it in time so the affect on your heart is minimal.

Thank you for believing in me.

Wasn't just me.

It's all part of the job.


Got somewhere else to go, buddy?

Can't ride this all night and day, you know.

There's a shelter down the street.

Yeah. Thanks.

[Monitor beeping rhythmically]


Yeah, I'm right here.

Hey, s-so is Rick.

Hey, sweetie.


How you feeling?

I can breathe.

Oh, my gosh. I can breathe.

[All chuckle]

Let's check your peak flow.

[Exhales deeply]


Is that good?

That's good.


That's very good.

[All chuckle]

Bri, this is Syd.

Hi, honey.

It's so nice to finally meet you.

You're prettier than Drew described you.

[Chuckles] Really?

[Chuckles, stammers]

But he likes boys, so...


You're k*lling me.



Thank you.

I don't think I could have done the surgery without you.

You're the best.

I'm just glad you're feeling better.

I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me.

And I will never let you down like that again.

I will always be there for you.

I know.

That's why you're gonna be my dad.

Both of you.

I just wanted to let everybody know that Brianna's new lung is working.

It's gonna be a long road back, but the transplant team is really optimistic that she's gonna do great.




All right.


Nice job!

Topher, the day shift is here.
And if it's all right with you, I'm gonna go break out the leftover beer from the 4th of July...?

As long as I get the first one.

Yes, sir.

Ooh, I get the second one.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

Hey, Topher.


Do you mind if I put some of these flyers up around the ER?

Sure. You're doing this?

Yeah, this is the segue out of the Army I was telling you about.


I can't go from daily missions to no missions.

Here you go.

And Riley is with her dad?

She's at summer camp for a month.

So I'm gonna go to the Turkish border and help Syrian refugees.

I was hoping to recruit some doctors and nurses to come with me, if that's okay with you.

I-I wish I could join you.

I've got too much on my plate.

Got to keep this place away from the devil.

Yeah, uh, Syd, this is very tempting, but with the sale of the hospital, we're just... we're all in crisis mode.

I-I can't leave.

Besides, I'm like Topher's woobie.

You are.

I was hoping you'd say that.

You are my rock, Jordan.

Hey, right back at you.

It's quite the family you've got here.

It's not something you see very often.

That's why I'm gonna do everything I can to keep it together.

Of course you are.

I'll be back.

Look, Topher, um... maybe it's time we tell everyone what's really going on.

You know, the rumor mill... it's going crazy.



After that beer, though, okay?
[ Hollow Coves' "The Woods" plays]

Yeah, or three.


[Chuckling] Yeah.

[Indistinct conversations]

♪ We're all falling, and we need a place to hide ♪

I really am sorry, about the thing that happened with Jordan.

Really? 'Cause it... it seems like maybe there's something more to it, from both of you.

It's just... there's a lot of history between the two of us, so...

It's complicated.

Yeah. You say you're with me, but you're kissing her.
That's pretty complicated.

♪ Our home ♪

I'm not someone's second choice, Scott.

No, I know. And you shouldn't be.

And I really care about you.

I do.

So, could we maybe just slow things down a little?


I think that's probably for the best.


[Indistinct conversations continue]

Well, look what the cat dragged in.

Yeah, uh, seen better days... and nights.

Look like you were hit by a truck.

Literally and metaphorically.

How's Brianna?

Surgery was a success.


Is Drew with her?

I would probably stay away from him.

I don't think that pretty face can take another shot.

Is that, um...

U.N. relief group, uh... you're doing that?

Yeah, I'm headed to Turkey next week.

Yeah, I could really do with a change of scenery.

Toph, um, you think that I could...

You know, honestly, brother, with everything that's going on in the hospital, I think it would help everyone if you got out of here for a little while.



Okay. I guess I'll go pack my bags.

Wait. Hold up, cowboy. I didn't give you the thumbs-up yet.

I don't need a loose canon.

I need someone who is there to do the job.

Toph, can you, um, tell her I can do it?

Despite his present condition, there is nobody that you would want to have your back in a place like that... than this guy.

All right, you're hired.

But you screw up, and you are on the first plane back home.

Guess I better not screw up, then.


I hope that was the right call.

It was. Chaos is his happy place.


Speaking of chaos... uh, everybody?

All right. Let me... let me catch you up on where we're at with the hospital.





Wow, looks like you had a really rough night.

[Sighing] Yeah.

It's been a rough couple of nights this week.

Tee, you've come so far. Don't slide now.

Yeah, I'm trying.

Maybe this is just who I am.

It's not.


I'm going overseas with Syd.

Good to clear my head.

Guess I'll see you in a couple weeks.

Come here.

♪ And we all sit around the fire ♪

You be careful over there, okay?

[Chuckling] You be careful over here.

[Elevator bell dings]

♪ And we all sit around the fire ♪
♪ We feel so much better now ♪