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03x10 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Posted: 08/04/16 05:52
by bunniefuu
Dr. Callahan.

It's good to see you.

You too, Bennet.

Meet Paul Cummings.


Victim's over here.

Out of the way! Hey, coming through!

What do we got?

Jalen Dawson, 17. Wind knocked the crane over, hit him on his head, rolled over onto his leg.

Clayton: No luck reaching his mom on her cell.

State Patrol's heading to their house now.

Pupils are fixed and dilated.

Stop bagging.

T.C., no corneal reflex.

Is that bad?

This is Clayton Timmons.
He owns the quarry.

This is Dr. Callahan and Dr. Cummings.

The blow to his head looks like it was too severe.

I'm sorry, but he's brain-dead.

He's not gonna make it.

Clayton: That's it?

You have to do something.
He's just a kid.

I-I-I understand that this is hard to hear, all right?

But he suffered total and irreversible loss of brain function.

T.C.: All we could do right now is make him as comfortable as possible before he passes, okay?

I'm sorry, again.

It's gonna be an hour, maybe less.

He was leaving for Duke in two weeks. Damn shame.

T.C., he's young and healthy, major organs intact.

He could be a donor.

Right, maybe... maybe Brianna.


And if not her, then somebody else.

Okay, Brianna. There you go.

Now you don't have to be stuck in that bed all day.

Thanks. Does it go back all the way?

Of course it does.

Up, down... I don't know. Press the buttons.

There you go.

Look at that.

It's not quite like a roller coaster, but it will do for now.

I got more good news for you.

You got bumped up on the lung transplant list, so you are in the top five.

That just means my lungs are getting worse.

I'm gonna have to go on a ventilator soon, right?

We'll figure it out, okay?

Listen, you've had eight potential donors in the past three weeks.

That's promising.

And none of them matched.

And the reason they didn't match was because you...

Because I have to match not only the blood type, but six surface antigens.

It has to be perfect or they'll go to someone else who is perfect... which is never me.



You're too smart for your own good sometimes.

You know that?

[Cellphone vibrates]

You got this.

Hey. Tee, what's going on?

I'm on scene with a brain-dead trauma victim...

Healthy, young college kid.

Look, his family hasn't okayed him as a donor yet, but Paul is drawing blood to check for a match.

Really? So you're bringing him in here?

Well, not yet.

He's pinned under a crane at a quarry.

But we're gonna send the blood over to you with a trooper.

Drew, don't get your hopes up.

It's a long shot.

They aren't.


So, it wasn't a rumor.

The hospital is really getting sold to Hobart Insurance?

Not necessarily. They made a low-ball offer.

Hobart's ruthless.

They bought my cousin Cherion's hospital in Tulsa.

They gutted the staff and turned the ER into a plastic surgery center.

[Groans] We're screwed.

Not if we can get the county to take us over.

We have a great argument... only ER for this community.

I'm banging on budgets to make the numbers work and save our jobs.

Thanks, Toph. I'm not holding my breath.

All right, let's get him set up with Ortho next week.

Yeah, you got it.

Hey, Jordan.

Where's the gallstone patient you paged me about?

Trauma 3.

Hey, uh, I switched and got Saturday off.

I was thinking brunch.

Uh... can't, Jos.

Uh, I'm training clients all... all day.

May... Maybe Sunday?

Yeah. Okay.

[Siren wails in distance]



That tone is the same tone that I use on dates when I'm not interested.

I-I was good with Netflix and chill, but now it's all plans and brunch and...


Then be honest with her, okay? End it.

Don't waste the woman's time.

It's not that simple, okay?

There's gonna be fallout in the workplace if you know what I mean.

And I know that you do.

That was mean!

[Shouting indistinctly]

They just gonna ignore me every step of the way, huh?!

I told you I do not want to come here!

Sara: And I explained to you...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.


What is going on?

18-year-old sent from dialysis with a clotted fistula.

Dad wanted to go somewhere else.

No, no, no! Not somewhere else, anywhere else!

Your doctor is the one who hit him!

Mr. Martin, Malik, my name is Dr. Alexand...

He knows who you are, all right?!

And so do I.

He's paralyzed. He's not stupid.


Hell... Hell no! No!

That bastard doesn't go anywhere near my son!

Okay, Malik's fistula is clotted.

He missed dialysis.

Well, then I need to put in a temporary catheter.

No, no! Anybody but him!

Mr. Martin, I'm sorry, but I'm the only surgeon here right now.

Dr. Clemmens is right.

Without dialysis, his potassium levels will climb and his heart could stop.

Let's get him to Trauma 2.

Fine. But she goes in there, too.

The name is Jordan, and whatever you want.

T.C.: Okay, we'll keep you updated on our end.

Okay, transplant team is mobilizing now.

Let's hope the mom gets here soon.

Yeah, his blood pressure's dropping, and here's the blood.


Get this to Dr. Drew Alister, San Antonio Memorial ASAP!

He's expecting it.

Young man: Help! Somebody help!

Please, help!

Ignore it.

Just the punk-ass kids from the trailer park up the road, always playing pranks.

We were doing jumps by the pit, then Robbie fell in a sinkhole!

No, he...

Please! Come on!


Robbie: Help! I'm caught.
Help, get me out of here.


Hold on, buddy!

Help! Help me, help me, I'm sinking!


Hold on, hold on!


Man: Hang on, Robbie! We got you. We're gonna get you out.

Hold on, Robbie! Hold on, hold on. I got you.

Timmons, get Bennett!

I can't reach it!

Hold on.


[Grunts, coughs]

Grab the hose! Hold on!

Help is almost here!

T.C.: We're gonna get you out of here, okay?

Hold on, buddy.

We got a ladder, Doc! Just try to pull yourself up.


Use the hose!

Bennett: Cut the hose in half.

Have him breathe through it.

Go get a rope!

Grab it. Use the hose to breathe!

T.C., he's going under!

I'm coming, Robbie! Hold on!



T.C., keep pulling.

Don't let go. He's coming up.

T.C., keep pulling.

You got him!



Let's go!

Okay, come on.

His breathing's getting labored. He's lost consciousness!

We got to get him out of here now! Let's go!

Here we go. Come on, Robbie. Stay with me!

Brandon: Don't you dare try and make me the assh*le and you're his savior.

This is not good.

Now don't forget who put Malik in that chair.

Oh, I remember, every single day.

But I also saved Malik's life, and if you would let me, I could make his life better now.

Better? Yeah?

Well, we don't need your pity.


This isn't pity. I'm trying to help.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa! Stop, stop, stop.

Malik does not need the two of you out here fighting.

What he does need is dialysis.

Fine. I'll suture in a line and page Nephrology.




Mr. Martin, are you okay?

Yeah. I-I-I'm fine.

I'm calling a private ambulance, and I'm taking us back to the dialysis center.

There's no need to do that.

No, we're out of here.


Okay. Topher!

Yeah, come here.

What's going on?

Um, it could be anything.
Let's get him into Trauma 1.

Okay. We got you.

Will you sit down?



Okay, trooper brought the blood in from the scene.

Maybe Brianna is...

Good. No, no. Don't... don't even, okay?

Let's see if, uh, the blood matches.

I'll be in the lab.


Bennett, get him on high-flow O2.

[Monitor beeping]
Ah, dumbass had it coming.

Are you blaming the victim now, Timmons?

"Victim"? Please.

Little bastards sneak in here, tag my rigs, mess with my machinery.

Okay, okay, okay.


There's something blocking his airway.

He can't breathe.

Bennett, we need the laryngoscope now. Come on.

Come on. He's gonna code.

I'll put an I.V. How's it looking?

There's gravel blocking his airway. I can't intubate.

Okay. We need to crike him, now. Come on.

There's no kit in here, T.C.



He's coding.

Starting CPR.

If we don't have a crike, we're gonna make one ourselves.


[Crowd groans]


Cut the chamber right here.

Okay, hand me the bag.

Wow. I have... never seen that before.

Yeah, well, sometimes you got to wing it, right?

[Monitor beeping erratically, rhythmically]

[Exhales sharply]

It's working. I feel the pulse.

Watch out, watch out! Coming through.

Man: Give them room.

Okay. Bennett, you go help Paul, all right?

Get him to the chopper as fast as you can.

Let's go. One, two, three.

Timmons, there anybody we can call for Robbie?

The sheriff? Kid's a Travers.

He'll be in jail by the time he turns 18, just like his brothers.

Timmons, I got you're upset.

Yeah, I'm upset! Damn right I'm upset!

There's a kid with a full ride to Duke laying over there, brain-dead, and that chucklehead Travers kid survives?

No thanks to you.

Look... show some respect, or I will put you in the ER myself.


[Helicopter blades whirring]

T.C.'s headed out on the chopper.


Is that the mother?


You ask her yet?

I, uh... I wanted to give her some time.

[Cellphone chimes]

[Cellphone chimes]

All right. That's Drew.

Brianna's first two antigens matched, so I guess we're gonna need to know now.


Is he in any pain, Doc?

He can't feel anything, Mrs. Dawson.


I-I'm sorry to have to ask you this, uh, but is your son an organ donor?

A donor?

We... we have a sick little girl at our hospital that will die if she doesn't get new lungs.

We... we thought Jalen might be a match.

W-We don't have much time in these situations.

You see it's... it's, uh... it's... it's a way to salvage...


You want to "salvage" him?

No, I'm... Mrs. Dawson, I'm sorry. I...

No. Get away from me.

Mrs. Dawson...

Get the hell away from me.

Get the hell away from me!

What do you want to do?

Come on. [Sniffles]

Let's keep them comfortable. Come on.

Find a tent, get them out of this wind.

Yeah, yeah.


That's just my ulcer acting up. [Clears throat]

Okay, your blood pressure is sky-high.

You are obviously in a lot of pain.

When was the last time you saw a doctor?

Not a lot of time to take care of myself these days.

Had to quit my job to take care of Malik.



That's a huge adjustment.

Thank you.

Well, Malik... he's lucky to have a father's comm...

Hey, can you pause that, please?

[Monitor beeps]

What is it, Doc?

Your pain isn't from an ulcer.

You have an aneurysm.

Now, if you look right there, your aorta...

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

It's starting to tear. Page Dr. Clemmens!


Aah! Aah!

Let's go!

Get him prepped. I'll scrub in.

Are you okay?


I just...

I've been waiting a year to do something for this family besides write a check, and I finally have my shot, and I... and I...

I-I don't know.

Okay, hey, hey, hey.

You're overthinking this.

I put Malik in a wheelchair.

I can't make him an orphan, too.

You won't. Okay, I'll scrub in.

We can do this, me and you... easy-peasy.

Okay. Let's do it.


[Monitor beeping]

Toph, I got the blood work back, and I told myself I wouldn't get excited, but holy crap.

No, no! Five of the six antigens match.

We've never had more than three.


It's gonna happen. She's gonna get her lungs.

Look... I-It's an impossible situation.

You did your best. Okay.

You hear what I said?
She's gonna get her lungs.

Drew, that was Paul.

Jalen's mother said no.

She can't say no.

Five of the six match.

Bri's so close. Why did she say no?

I don't... I don't know.
She's... she's his mother.

That's not... I'm gonna...

I-I got to go out there.

To do what, exactly?

To tell her that her son's lungs can save Brianna's life!

The woman just lost her only child, Drew.

Just imagine what you're feeling times a thousand.

I can change her mind.

Paul is out there.

He's doing everything there is to do out there.

I need you here, okay?

Just take five, clear your head, and get back to work.

Hi, handsome.

Hey, Jessica.

Uh, you're looking for T.C., he's out in the field...

Quarry accident.

No, actually, I'm looking for you.

T.C. told me about the Hobart sale.

I have an MBA.

He thought I could help, said you hate paperwork.

Those the budgets?

Uh, yeah. I've been, uh...

I've been trying to look for cuts so the county could take us over, keep Hobart away.

That's smart. I could help you crunch numbers.

I might see something that you don't.

It'd be a shame to see the ER end up in the wrong hands.

That's really generous.

Yeah, well, it will help me get laid later.

I'm pretty sure you don't need these to get that.


But, um, sure!

I mean, Really?




I really could use the help.

Uh, break room's all yours.


Want any help?

I got it. You're good.

[Helicopter blades whirring]

Got all the gravel out.
Gonna pull the crike now.



Okay, okay.

Take it slow. It'll hurt a little bit to talk.

You risked your life for me.


Couldn't let a fellow rider down.

So, what happened out there?

I went up to video the chopper on my phone.

The gravel shifted on me, like a sinkhole.

That happens.

Your, uh, parents know where you are?

My dad's on a barstool somewhere, and my mom bailed on us.

Timmons said you were a Travers, like that meant something.

My brothers are wild.

Timmons hates us... whole town does.

Me and my brother were like that...

The Callahan boys.

I tried to outdo him. I stole a car.

The cops threw me in Baltimore lockup for being a dumbass.

[Coughs, chuckles]

And now you save dumbasses.


I guess I just decided to not listen to all the crap people were saying about me.

I bet you could, too.

I'm not exactly college material.

Neither was I until I decided to do something about it.

I'll make you a deal, all right?

You get straight B's, I'll buy you a bike.


My legs... they're burning up.

Aah! What's happening?!

It burns! It burns! It burns!


I miss you, too, baby.

Oh, you're so dirty.

Oh, say it again.

With the pink panties?


[Exhales sharply]

Sorry, uh... no one's ever in here.

I am, Ray.

So take your booty call somewhere else.

Yeah, I'll just, uh...

Oh. Hey, sorry.

I didn't mean to bother you.

Oh, no, please.

It's fine.

I just talked to Kenny about Brianna.

So you heard the mother wouldn't approve the donation.


That's why I'm here.

You never see doctors in here.

They'd rather play God than talk to God.

Not me.


I like it here, feels like home.

I was raised in the church.

[Scoffs] Literally.

Your dad a preacher?

He ran a bodega in the Lower Ninth Ward.

We lost everything in Katrina and wound up in a FEMA trailer here.

Waited two years for the government to help.

Then a Methodist church took us in, helped us get on our feet again.

Is that why you're a social worker?

Kids are powerless in the system.

And I... I hated how that felt.

Anyway [sighs] we should probably do what we came here for.


I'm sorry, Mrs. Dawson, about earlier.

I can't imagine what you must be going through.

His daddy was never in the picture.

It was just me and him.

He was going to be the first person in my family to go to college.

Sounds like an awesome kid.



He was my... golden boy.

I always thought he was going to change the world.

Well, he still can.

Whatever you want to do is fine.

And I am totally on your side.

But I thought you should know that we found Jalen's wallet in his locker.

He was a donor.

That's what that means?

That's what that means, yeah.

He never mentioned that.

The good ones rarely do.

I am so sorry for your loss.


[Cellphone rings]
Okay, uh, Oh.

Uh, let's run the tests, okay?

[Cellphone beeps]


No way.


Yes, yes, yes, yes! No, thank you!

I... I'm gonna kiss you when you get ba... Yeah, no, I am.

There's nothing you can do about it.

Okay. I will see you soon.
[Cellphone beeps]


Paul convinced the mom to say yes.

Brianna's getting her lungs.

Oh, my God!

Yes, yes!

How'd he do that?!

I-I don't know!

He... I... You got to believe!

Sometimes a Hail Mary just works.

Yeah, right?!

I mean... okay.

Uh, can somebody call the transplant team?

I'm gonna book an OR.

Uh, Nina?

Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Monitor beeping]

Jordan: BP's holding in the 90s.

Good. Cutting the peritoneum now.

Okay, what can I do?

Uh, just retract and make a window in the mesentery, and we'll be there.

[Rapid beeping]

Damn it. His aorta ruptured.

Pressure's down to 64 systolic.

Still falling. 43 over 22.


Dr. Clemmens, do we tie off the proximal aorta or use a clamp?

I always forget that part.

[Beeping continues]

Uh... a clamp. A tie won't hold.

A Debakey now.

[Beeping stabilizes]

The bleeding stopped.

BP's back up.

86 systolic.


Soon as we get distal control, we'll fix the aorta.

Prep a three-centimeter Goretex graft.


Way to get him back, Dr. Clemmens.

[Beeping continues]

Want some coffee?


How's it looking?

Ugh, like the Titanic. [Sighs]

You have too many patients who can't afford to pay and you're giving them elite care.

Well, that's how we roll... treat everybody like family.

Which is why your hospital is broke and going to be sold.


What's that?

"Michael Fuller."

A headhunter I know. Thank you.

Your name came up in conversation.

He's been tracking you.

I think you should give him a call.

Might have a better gig for you...

More money, shorter commute.

Nice to be hunted.

Mm, yes, that. [Chuckles]

You're taking care of your mom, right?

You'll have a kid in college soon.

Yeah, Lynn wants to be a doctor.

I told her to do something more reliable, like be a poet.


Well, you'll have a backup plan, then, right?

What about the hospital's plan?

I'm working on it.


But... you should call Michael.

Yeah. Sure. Thanks.

T.C.: Hey, Toph! Hey, come on, man.

What happened out there?

He developed chemical burns in the chopper and then started runs of V-tach. He's coding.

Tee, you got them, too, man.
What were you exposed to?

I don't know. Hurts like a bastard.

Get Drew to help you! I'm going...

No, no. No time. He's in respiratory distress.

Mollie, we need a bed in here!

Okay. We can't. Just keep him on the gurney!

Let's go. Take it, take it, take it!

We got you, we got you.

You paged me? It's... 2:00 a.m.

Bri, you should be sleeping.

I heard the nurses talking.

They said I'm gonna get the transplant.


Of course you did.

I was... waiting to tell you.

But, yeah. The transplant team's on the way.


Bri... it's okay to be scared.

It's normal.

It's weird. [Chuckles]

Like, I want the transplant to happen, but I'm a little freaked out.

They'd be removing my lungs.


They're kind of attached to me.


Yeah, they are.

Hey, but you're gonna be asleep the whole time.

But what if I don't wake up?


These doctors, they perform miracles every day.

It's what they do.


I get it, I do, but a lot of random things fell in place for this to happen.

It's not a coincidence.

You really believe that?

Yes, or nothing we do matters.

And I can't live like that.





We're hooked up to a power generator.

Should be enough power.

Let's get started.


I did a nerve block and doubled the morphine.

He won't feel anything.

[Exhales sharply]

[Saw whirring]

[Beeping] And clear.


Refractory V-tach... third shock, no response.

Doesn't make any sense.
He's 14, young, and healthy.

Hand me 100 of lido.

[Beeping continues]

Wait, Toph. Look at his QT intervals.

It's prolonged.

The calcium in his blood is super low.

That's what's causing all this.

Okay, give me an amp of calcium chloride. Thank you.

[Exhales sharply]

Sinus rhythm. Good call.

Strong pulse.


Now we just need to figure out what's jacked up his electrolytes.

And yours, too.

Uh, Mollie, can you run a full chemistry on the both of them?


Toph, I'm good, I'm good.

W... just to be sure.

You were in the gravel with him.

Let's go, Superman.
You're not coding, too.

After you get him to recovery, I want crit checks every 30 minutes.

See, you had that the whole time.

You can stop pretending now, Jordan.

It's just us.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come on. You saved my ass in there.

I would not have gotten through that surgery without you.

Is that clear enough?

You would have done the same thing for me.

["Child" plays]

You know, I don't blame you for being scared.

The family has changed your life, you've changed theirs.

You're bound to each other.

I'm just glad you were on tonight.

Me, too.

♪ Light floods the dark ♪

You know, Scott, I really wasn't there for you last year for the accident, and I'm...

I'm sorry.

♪ Grateful heart ♪

You've got your own stuff going on.

♪ Yearn ♪

No, Scott, no.

♪ Thirst for love ♪

You have always been there for me.

When I had a stalker...

♪ Death, overcome ♪

.. you were the one who made sure that I got home safe.

And when I had a stroke, you're the one who saved my life.

[Voice breaking] And... when I lost the baby...

♪ I was a child in my skin ♪

.. you never left my side.

And where else would I be?

♪ There is a man somewhere within ♪
♪ Somewhere within ♪

[Normal voice ] You're the best person I know, Scott Clemmens.

♪ I was a child in my skin ♪

You're honest, you're loyal, you're decent, and you mean everything that you say.

♪ There is a man somewhere within ♪

And I know how rare that is.

♪ Somewhere within ♪

I never knew you felt that way.

[Sighs] Well, I do.



I should go... check on him before he gets into trouble.

Yeah. Yeah.


[Door opens]


Kenny, this is Dr. Angara.

She runs the transplant team for this region.

Make sure she gets everything she needs.

Just a free OR. We can hit the ground running.

The donation center said you have a transplant candidate here.

Yeah. She's 13. She's got cystic fibrosis.

She's at the top of the list.

We'll do it tonight.


I'm gonna make some calls.

I don't normally get to share good news at 2:00 a.m.

You know, Nina's been asking about you.

She asked me about me.
That girl's not shy.

[Chuckles] And you're a delicate flower?

Ask her out.

I like her. I do.




Jos is fun, man... nothing serious.

Oh, so you're just gonna tread water your whole life so you don't get hurt again.

That ain't living, Kenny. That's dying.

Paul: Incoming!

Hey, Dr. Angara! The donor's here!

He's posturing. Gave him a shot of mannitol.

You don't have much time.

We'll take it from here.

All right, let's go.

Kenny: I'll take you up to your transplant team.

Holy smokes!

Look at you!

It's good to see you.

How you doing?

Were you out there while this guy was showing off, doing a solo field amputation?

All right.

You kidding me?

Thank Bennett, all right? He was a rock star.

Well, I wouldn't have been there without you.

Well, yeah.

It's funny, huh?

Yeah, I know, you can't make this stuff up, huh?

Hey! Yeah. Thank you for getting her to say yes.

Of course, man.

Hey, hey. That's Jalen's mom.


Is there anything that I could do for you?

Can I see him one more time?

Yeah, of course.

I-I'll take you to him, okay?


[Monitor beeping]

Scott: We got in there just in time, Mr. Martin.

If you'd have left, you would have bled out on the freeway.


[Weakly] I'm grateful for you saving my life, Dr. Clemmens.

Of course.

If you think I'm gonna forgive you for what you did to my boy, that ain't happening.

I'm not asking for you to forgive me.

I'm asking for you to let me help.

I forgive you.

All this hate... it almost k*lled you.

Dad, just let it go.

Boy, you don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not a boy! I'm 18.

I can make my own decisions.

I want to explore some of the treatments that Dr. Clemmens researched for me.

Well, that's great, Malik.

But how did you know?

I told him.

I... though Malik needed to know his options.

You talked to my boy without my consent?

Yes, I did.

Mr. Martin, this accident has torn apart your lives.

But when are you going to start putting them back together again?

Now, Malik... he wants to, but you need to.

You got a second chance.

Don't waste it.



Excuse me.

Dad, please.

So... tell me about some of these treatments.


There are a couple of therapies that we should discuss...


Huh? Oh.

They said you got burned. Oh, my God.

Hey. Whoa. Hey.

I got exposed to something in the field...

Still waiting on the labs.



By the way, thank you for helping Toph out with the books tonight.

That was cool.

It's no big deal, really.

No, it is, to me.

It's his crusade, and, uh, it means a lot, so...

Well. [Chuckles] You okay?

Hey, T.C.


Ah, Evel Knievel is back out of CT. I got him.

I, uh, heard you fractured a few ribs.

Yeah. So, did my dad get here?

Yeah, about that...
I spoke to the sheriff.

They checked his work, but he never showed up today.


Yeah. I'm sorry.

So, are you feeling better?

Uh, much better now.


All right.

Robbie, this is Jessica...


My girlfriend.

"Your girlfriend"? That's a first.

Yeah. You know, got to keep you guessing.


Right. We better go.
I'll catch you later?



Bye, Robbie.


Hey, Jessica. Here's that card.

If this ship's going down, I'm going down with it.

That's a mistake. You need to have a plan.

I-I have a plan.

What do you think about this?

It's an election year.

We pressure the county supervisors to buy the hospital.

[Sighs] That's not gonna happen.

We make it about local jobs.

That's not gonna happen because Hobart already won the bid.

No. Wh... where'd you hear that?


Why wou...

They hired me to run their transition team.

Hired you?

You're a pharm rep.

With an MBA.

Wait a second. You've seen all our books.

I trusted you!


You've been playing us all this time?

Look, Topher...

Spare me.

I get it.

I get that you're pissed, okay?

But there's one more thing that you need to know.

What, that you're the devil?

You're the first one that's gonna be fired.

Hobart wants their own ER chief.

You don't have to be a martyr.

Just take the damn card.

Jesus. [Scoffs]


Those cops here for me?

T.C.: Yep.

Timmons filed a complaint.

Look. I know you think you got no other option right now.

That the story of your life's already written?

It's not.

There's good people out there, people you haven't even met yet who are gonna change your life for the better, trust me.

Yeah, sure.


Ugh, and the other kid...


The brainiac?

He's in my brother Garret's class.

Not anymore 'cause he's dead.

But you're still here, so what are you gonna do with that chance?

Don't screw it up, all right?


[Exhales sharply]

[Monitor beeping]

♪ Ooh ♪

I didn't think we had a prayer of making it back.

Sometimes, a prayer is all you need.

♪ This house was broken ♪

Hey. - Hey.

Hell of a night, huh?
Sitting court side.

♪ You fixed it up ♪ - I'm not letting Brianna's lungs out of my sight.

♪ Rebuild the walls ♪

There's... there's no other way to say this.

♪ And gave it hope ♪

Her final lab came back.

Her last antigen doesn't match Jalen's.

♪ And on that morning ♪

So she's not getting the lungs.

♪ You were taken from me ♪

Well, run it again. That's a mistake.

♪ The angel said ♪

They did... twice.

Hold on, she matched blood type...

♪ They set you free ♪

.. five out of six antigens...

I-It all lined up.

When do you not get the sixth?

I don't know, but there's a patient at St. John's matching all six.

♪ I've heard before ♪

So the... the odds of rejection are a lot less.

♪ That time stands still ♪
♪ For now♪

I'm sorry, Drew.

It's not fair. It's...

♪ So I keep moving ♪

She's a kid.

She doesn't deserve this.

You're right. She doesn't.

♪ So, I'll keep moving ♪
♪ Not waste a grain ♪

Hey, uh, Jos, um...


About Sunday... I, uh...

Um, yeah...

I wanted to talk to you about that, Kenny.

Oh, you do?

Um, look, I-I didn't want to do this on our shift, but I thought you should hear it from me.

♪ If you look down here ♪

I got back with Ray, my ex.


♪ Then you will see ♪

With that Ray?

♪ I'll make you proud ♪

Uh, yeah.

Um, you know, we kept it on the DL.

♪ Make you proud of me ♪ - You know how it is dating someone at work.

Oh, ye... I do know.

♪ And on that morning ♪

And you're a great guy, Kenny.

And you're gonna find someone awesome.

♪ When they set you free ♪
♪ The angels said ♪

Grace: So, that little got her lungs.

♪ That you'd wait for me ♪

No, she, uh... she didn't.

So it was a waste?

No. No, um...

♪ Said you'd wait for me ♪

Each one of these coolers contains a match for Jalen's organs.

Here, look...

Edward Curry... heart...

♪ Said you'd wait for me ♪

.. father of three in Houston.

Laurie Danario... liver, single mom in Little Rock.

Serena Owens... a freshman, Texas A&M, kidneys.

♪ Said you'd wait for me ♪

Juan Alvarez... lungs, music teacher, San Antonio.

[Vehicle doors close]

So, that's it.

Jalen's gone now.

Not to them, he's not.

See, you were right.

Your son did change the world.


We were emotional, okay, with Malik, his dad's surgery.

We just... needed to clear the air, you know?

It's what friends do.


So, do we need to do that now?


Um... I'm good.


I'm good.


Good. Well, I'm glad we cleared that up.




Uh, I got to get changed.
Annie's picking me up.

Yeah, I, um...

I've got charts... that I have to do, so...

All right.

T.C.: Topher told me everything.

Hobart offered me the job weeks ago.

They wanted to know more about the ER and the people who worked here.

So, this is all lies... you and me.

No. No, I did not lie to you, T.C.

You lied to me every time you didn't tell me.

You're working for people who want to destroy everything I care about, who see sick people as profit centers.

I didn't know then that I would feel the way I do now.

I-I-I-I mean...

Then why do you think I told Topher?

That... That's why I told him, to save him.

Mm. After you saved the deal.

You used me to get to my friends.

I know they're just numbers on a ledger to you, but to me, they're my family.

You mess with them, and I'm done with you.

I am done with you.


T.C., I made a mistake!

O-Okay. You can punish me or... or you can let me fix it.

No. There's nothing to fix, Jessica, 'cause you're what's broken.

Not the hospital, not the pacients, not the people who work here.

♪ Yes, I understand ♪

It's you.

♪ That every life must end ♪

Wait, please. Just listen to me for one second.

I'm... I'm... I'm sorry, but I... I think I love you.

♪ As we sit alone ♪
♪ I know someday we must go ♪


♪ Uh-huh ♪


I was beginning to think the same way about you, too.

♪ Oh, I'm a lucky man ♪
♪ To count on both hands ♪

Thanks for clearing that for me.

♪ The ones I love ♪


♪ Some folks just have one ♪
♪ Yeah, others, they've♪

Nina: Yeah, I know she's at the top of the list.

It's just not a piece of cake.

Well, look, w-whatever I can do to help, you tell me.

♪ Stay with me ♪

All right. Will do.

♪ Let's just breathe ♪

Hey, uh...

Hey, look... you know, uh, if you want, we could talk about this more over breakfast.

What about your complicated thing?


I, uh... cleared that up.

I-I have to be up-front with people.

It's just who I am.

♪ Practiced on my sins ♪

Mm, yeah.

Well, that and your nurse friend got back with her boyfriend, right, the brunette?

You know, it is amazing what you can hear...

♪ Under everything ♪

.. when you think nobody's listening.

♪ Just another human being ♪

It's always the quiet ones.

Oh, you know what? I'm not that quiet.


♪ Yeah, I don't want to hurt ♪

See you at breakfast.

♪ There's so much in this world ♪

Yes, you will.

♪ To make me believe ♪

Brianna: It's not your fault.

I got ahead of myself, and I let you down.

You didn't.

I always start off with the worst-case scenario, anyway.


How's this for a scenario?

How about after you get your lung transplant, you come stay with me and Rick?

Are you serious?


Would... I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't...

I mean, it's up to you, but...

Are you kidding? Nothing would make me happier.

You would have your own room and yard and... you'd have two wildly overprotective parents.

You'd really let me stay with you till I found a new foster family?


Bri, we want you to be a part of our family.

We want to adopt you.

If you'll have us.


Thank you!


[Strained] Too tight!

Hmm? Sorry.


How about you pass me that remote?

Come on.

[Sighs] You just...

I'm starting! [Laughs]

Just 'cause you know...


What are you doing?


What buttons are you...

♪ Meet you on the other side ♪