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07x06 - Wanted: Dead or Alive

Posted: 08/03/16 10:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Pretty Little Liars..."

'Did you see the article buried at the back of the paper?'

The cops are withholding details.

You're staying here?

Doctor's orders.

You're Sara Harvey, aren't you? I'm Jenna Marshall.

Caleb: We need to get that jacket to A.D.

How can I fix this?

Maybe you can start by figuring out why you're wearing one guy's ring when you might have feelings for another.

Have you guys met?

No, I don't think we have.

This is Detective Marco Furey. He is my new supervisor.

Elliot Rollins was last seen in Baltimore.

We deliberately pointed the police towards Philly.

'That's where the trail was supposed to end.'

Somebody knows what I did.

Will you marry me?

[pop song playing]

Aria, I called you last night after you went to Ezra's.

Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you.

Well, is everything okay?

Did he find out about the Nicole call?

No, he didn't.

Everything's fine.

Will you just focus on living enemies instead of dead ones, please?

What are you talking about?

Hanna thinks that Rollins could still be alive.

That detective told Ali he saw a photo of Elliot Rollins in a rental car.

Hey, last time I checked, ghosts don't show up in photographs.

Okay. We were all there that night, Hanna.

The man is dead.

You k*lled him, and we buried him.

Now, somebody knows.

So, frankly, that's bad enough without having to go all "Walking Dead."

She's right about the traffic cams, Spence.

If there's a photo of him...

Yeah, that could have easily been manufactured.

You find a Rollins look-alike and you stick him behind the wheel of a mid-size sedan.

The important thing is that A.D.'s fake...

Thank you.

A.D.'s fake Rollins trail picks up exactly where ours left off.

Yeah. This has to be Rollins' partner in crime.

Mary or Jenna knows that we k*lled him and they're helping cover it up.

You call that helping?

"A" never does anything for free.

Okay? Not test scores and definitely not a cover-up.

Guys, if Jenna was working with Rollins and she just found out what we did she could be grooming Sara to become her new seeing-eye dog.

No, there is no grooming involved.

Sara already hates us.

[door opens]

Is that...

Yes, it is.

Ali, where did you get that jacket?

It was a gift. From A.D.

[intense music]

♪ Got a secret can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

We had no choice, okay? A.D. was gonna k*ll him.

A.D. wanted Charlotte's k*ller and we, we thought that you were guilty.

Well, you were wrong.

I know, but you had already checked yourself into Welby and we all thought that Elliot was gonna be able to protect you.

No, okay, you thought that Hanna's life was worth more than mine.

Hey, in case you forgot, Hanna just ran over the guy who really is to blame for all of this.

We did everything we could to save you, Ali.

Just like we did everything we could to save Hanna.

[cell phone ringing]

What is it?

Mary said Detective Furey is at home with an update.

I've gotta go.

Well, I'm coming with you.

I don't really care that you're pissed at us.

Okay? I care that you're safe.

And if anyone had the opportunity to sneak that jacket and that note from A.D. into your bedroom it's Mary Drake, who's sleeping one room over.

We all should have followed her.

She just needs some time, Em.

[cell phones ringing]


Oh, we-we've really gotta stop group texting each other.

She's going to Ali's house to keep eyes on Mary Drake.

So, now, we're back on Mary?

Spencer's gonna follow Mary, I'm gonna keep tabs on Jenna.

'She's staying at the Radley and so is Sara.'

Do you still have Rollins' burner phone?

I'll let you know if I hear anything.



You sure everything's okay?

Yeah. Fine.

Detective Furey, thank you so much for waiting.

Not a problem at all, Miss DiLaurentis.

Hello, again.


Please, have a seat.


Miss DiLaurentis...

This person that you married is actually a man named Archer Dunhill.

He's 32 years old.

'Born in Wales.'

What else do you know about him?

He's wanted in the UK for several counts of petty theft and fraud.

Uh, what about the rental car?

The traffic camera photo?

Uh, we're looking into it.

Officer Cavanaugh has been dispatched to meet 'with a number of witnesses personally.'

Now, there was a rental car in Rollins' name.

Now, we don't believe that Archer Dunhill was in it.

But we do suspect that the car rental train ticket, all this was created to divert our attention from what really happened.

What really happened?

Uh, we're not exactly sure.

But you have a theory.

Why continue using the credit cards if you've already disappeared?

'We suspect he wanted us to find those charges' to follow that trail.

He's making it look like Archer Dunhill's long gone when, in fact, he could be much closer than we thought.

Why? Why would he do that?

Perhaps he's got unfinished business here.

We do believe that Alison's still in danger.

Oh, my God.

Now, you have 24-hour police protection and we're doubling our efforts to find him.

Miss DiLaurentis, I give you my word we will get this guy.

Detective Furey?


Uh... do you have a minute?

Of course.


I just really wanted to clear the air since our, um...



I obviously did not know that you were a police officer at the time.

And you have a problem with law enforcement?

No. I...

Yeah, no?

[chuckles] Okay, yeah.

Uh, you're investigating my friend's husband.

I wouldn't want anything to get complicated.

Not that you're at all interested in anything with me I just, um... Just saying.


Is there anything she could be holding back?

Anything that would help the investigation?

No. No, I think s-she told you everything.

Thank you.


Ezra: 'Hi. I-I just wanted to make sure that you got home okay.'

'I know you left upset, and we-we both, we both were...'

'Call me when you get this. Please.'


I left that blank on purpose.

Because I'm not a fortune-teller, Lucas.

How am I supposed to know the first quarter financial projections?

Alright, so what else did you not like about the business plan?

Everything. Got it.

You know, this would be a lot easier if you were here.

In person.

Because I have a degree in fashion not boring numbers that don't add up.

[cell phone chimes]

Hold on one second.

Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Yes, I nixed the pie charts.

Alright, I'll talk to you later.


[cell phone ringing]

male #1: 'Next time you bury someone, make sure they're dead.'

That voice may have sounded like Rollins, but he's dead.

He's really, truly dead.

Yeah, well, we thought Ali was dead too, remember?

And she survived.

I mean, back in the 1900s they used to bury people alive all the time.

They used to find scratch marks inside of coffins.

Hanna, seriously, you've gotta stop reading Wikipedia.

Jenna or Mary's trying to torment you by using a voice that sounds like Rollins.

They-they probably just want the burner phone back so they can protect their own identity.

And what if you're wrong?

You know what he did to me.

And that was before I ran into him with a car.

We have to tell the police.

Tell them what?

That you got a call on a phone they don't even know exists?

How are you gonna explain that?

I saw him.

I saw his eyes, and he saw mine.

He knows it was me.

Hanna, Elliot is not gonna hurt you anymore.

He can't... okay?

[cell phone vibrating]

Hanna? Oh...

[automated message] 'Hey, you've reached Aria Montgomery...'

Here is your iced tea.

Oh, thank you.

Is everything okay?


You sure?

Did Aria say something to you?

No. Why, is something going on with you two?

No. No, I-I'm good. Really.

I just came here to get some work done.

[elevator door dings]

[phone rings]

Radley Bar.

And what's the order?

What's the room number?

Room 303.

'I'll send that right up, Miss Marshall.'

No, I haven't heard from Hanna either.

Did you check with Em?


Aria: 'No sign of Hanna, but she just spotted Sara'

'going up to Jenna's room.'

Well, either Jenna or Mary orchestrated that call to Rollins' burner phone and all of those bogus charges to his credit card.

So, if I can find his credit card information inside the Lost Woods, maybe I can convince Hanna that "The Revenant" was just a really twisted movie.

Aria: 'It was based on a true story, Spencer... '


'Maybe you should wait'

'till you get backup.'

It's not me that I'm worried about.

Besides, I've already broken into this place.

I can get in and out without being detected.

'Just be careful.'

Yeah, just find Hanna.

[intense music]


Spencer. I thought you were Elliot.

You scared me half to death. Inside. Come on!

All that security at Alison's.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a good thing but I'm the one who broke ranks with the bastard.

It's me he wants.

So you believe them? The police?

That Archer Dunhill's still in the area?


Have you heard from him?


He's not in there.

That's why you're here, isn't it?

You're looking for Elliot?

Yeah, I just... I thought that if you and he worked together then he would know this place inside and out and it would be a good place for him to hide.

Well... if he were here, I'd probably be dead already.

That man has a temper like you've never seen.

And you cross him...

Let's just say he handled Ali with kid gloves compared to what he'd do to me.

Then why are you still here if you're so afraid?

I needed to get a few things to take back to Alison's.


[intense music]

Spencer, wait. He's dangerous.

Don't go out there empty handed.


It's okay. There's no one out here.



Please tell me you didn't just...

Don't worry, I didn't go in.


I wanted to, but I've just been sitting here.

So I talked to Spencer.

She's starting to believe Mary's story.

So that leaves us with Jenna.

Wow, it's like we never left.

I know.

Why couldn't we have been one of those people?

I'm not saying their lives are perfect.

'I don't need perfect.'

'I'd settle for boring.'


You couldn't be boring if you tried.

Ezra proposed.

Marriage? When?

Last night.

You said no?

I said I have to think about it.

I-I can't promise Ezra forever when my future could be spent behind bars.

We k*lled someone, Hanna. We can't just walk away from that.

And now A.D. knows.

Ezra wants a marriage, a wife.

Not conjugal visits.

Maybe that's not your decision to make.

Maybe it's his.

Does that mean you told Jordan what happened?

I mean, I-I guess that's why I, I texted you earlier.

I mean, if you guys can make it work, then maybe...

Hanna! What are you...


It's over.

It's a diamond.

No, it's not.


I gave Jordan his ring back and I bought a fake one so I wouldn't have to tell people the truth.

We broke up.

You didn't want Spencer to know.

Or my mom.

Or our caterer. I mean, she was really invested.


Listen to me...

Jordan and I were not... meant to be.

I know that now.

But you and Ezra, that's a whole different story.

Don't let this be how it ends.

Come on.

[indistinct chatter on radio]


Hey, Caleb.

Am I interrupting?

Oh, no, no, no.

Take a seat.

What's with the bag?

Are you coming or going?

Uh, I'm trying to figure that out actually.

I got my car, thinking I might head back to DC or New York.

And you ended up back in Rosewood.

Yeah. Funny how that happens.

What about you and Spencer?

We, uh...

I don't know. I don't know what we are right now.

Because of Hanna?

Because of a lot of things.

You know, sometimes, I think I know everything about this place.

And that other times, I feel like you could write me a book about everything I don't know.

[sighs] Yeah.

Well, I'll let you know when I'm ready to write the sequel.

Don't you feel like that, though?

Like, there's something they're not telling us.

Like what?

I don't know. It's just a feeling.

And what about you? How's your novel coming?

Good, I think.

I'm, uh...

On my last round of notes.

There a happy ending?

Yeah. I'm working on it.
[flute music]

Jenna: 'It's open.'

You can set it on the coffee table. Thank you.

[music continues]

I left him a message.

Hello, Emily.

Emily? What are you doing here?

She was looking at your computer.

Someone is threatening us again.

And I think it's you.


How come?

'Cause you're here in Rosewood.

And you're putting on a concert for her.

We're not threatening you, Emily.

'I know you don't believe me'

'but I really was looking out for you.'

'I care about you.'

And all we're doing is looking for the same thing you are.

Stop talking, Sara.

'That's enough.'

What Sara meant to say is...

Mind your own damn business, Emily.

This is my business, Jenna.

What I'm confused about is how you're involved.

Elliot Rollins is a fraud.

'And somehow, you knew his real identity before anyone else.'

'The police are looking for anyone with information.'

I can give them your name or you can explain to me what the hell is going on.

The truth? Charlotte was my friend.

So, everything's working out well with you two?

It certainly is.

We have you to thank.

[phone ringing]

Doctor Rollins speaking.

I'll be right there.

Duty calls, I'm afraid.

[sighs] Wait here.

Archie, wait.

Can't thank you enough for being here.

I don't know what I would have done if you...

I know. But I'm here now.

And I love you.



I was hoping to bring you more good news.

About my birth mother, did you find her?

No, nothing yet, but I-I promise you I will find her.

She's coming today to meet the new doctor.


She's not the person that you remember.

Archie needs to win her trust.

Convince her that I'm doing better.

Alison is the only chance that I have of getting out of here.

Well, he's a charmer.

He should throw in a few compliments.

Ali loves a suck-up, always has.

Archer can handle it.

He knows everything about me.

My family, my upbringing...

Everything I've done.


And he loves me.

He wants me out of here as much as I do.

Well, you're lucky.

That kind of love is rare.

I'm lucky to have you too.

So you got Archer into Welby.

I knew someone...

Who helped Archer get a passport, a new identity so they could be together.

And how exactly did your friendship with Charlotte begin?

I read about her, Emily.

Wasting away in that hospital.

So I reached out.

'I figured she'd welcome a visit even from a stranger.'

But you see, I wasn't a stranger.

Mona had told her everything about me I was... a celebrity.

'But she's gone now.'


A few weeks after it happened, I reached out to Archer.

And guess who answered his cell phone?

You think the cops wanna talk to me?

As far as I can tell, you and your little friend are the last people to see Archer before he just... poof!

He disappeared.

Maybe they should ask you where he is.

Well, your guess is as good as mine.

You should go, Emily.

Do not come back here.

Is that a threat?

I'm trying to keep you safe, Emily.

I want you to be safe. Please, don't come back.

Okay, look, I'm not afraid of Jenna.

I'm not talking about Jenna.

I'm talking about... - Sara!

I need you.


[phone chimes]

Caleb: 'You need to take that?'

No. That's alright.

I'm so sorry, Spencer.

And you were right. I am confused.

I never meant... - I know.

Look, we both made mistakes.

And I'm not saying that it's okay.

But I really don't regret trying.

You don't?

When Toby and I broke up...

I didn't date anyone for a really, really long time.

And nothing serious anyways, you know, it's just nothing ever stuck.

Nothing ever measured up.

'It was like my...' my heart had just stopped.

And I felt that way for a really long time...

'...until you.'

Oh, Spence...

No, it's good.

I'm saying, it's a good thing.

Okay, 'cause, I've, I hurt.


Believe me, I hurt.

'But I...'

I get to remember what it felt like...

To be in love again.


[exhales forcefully]

I think that you should probably go.


Bye, Caleb.


Alison: Welcome back.

You went through my bags.

You should know better than to take my mom's things.

We both know the conditions of your release from Welby but if you want me gone...

I'd like you to explain a few things.

Gaps in your story.

You said you never met Charlotte.


When I met her, she went by a different name.

CeCe Drake.

I wonder how she got the name Drake if she never met you.

Charlotte called herself CeCe Drake?

I... No, I didn't know that.

Oh, I honestly...

We never met.


'I don't know how she ended up with that name.'

Except that maybe...

Maybe she knew about me.

'Jessica told her.'

'Or she found out, I don't know.'

This is from Charlotte.

From her birth.

'The doctor was impatient.'

After a while, he just cut me open and... took the baby out.

[crying] I didn't even get to hold him.??

Jessica took my child from me.

She took my baby just like she took everything else.

Just like she took that necklace when we were children.

[knock on door]


'Hey, come in.'

I'm sorry I didn't call you back.

Well, you-you're here now.

Can I just say something?

I thought we were in a different place than we are and that is okay.

We could take a step back. We-we don't have to get married.

We can just be together...


I want to marry you.

I wanna say yes, more than anything.

But something happened.

And it, it's something that might make you wish you never asked me that question.

You can tell me anything, Aria.

Yeah, well, the thing is, I can't un-tell you.

We should probably sit down.

[sighs] I'm so sorry.

She lied to me. She lied about everything.

Doctor... Mary Drake...

Being friends with Jenna.

That doesn't mean that Charlotte didn't love you.

[scoffing] Love me?

I didn't even know she had a boyfriend.

And then I married him.

Because, Ali, it went too far.

He took matters into his own hands.

I thought we were sisters, Em.

'I wasn't her confidant or her friend.'

I was just this...

Stepping stone so she could get out of that place.

We had our first kiss right here.

It was Christmas Eve.

'Elliot somehow got the hospital board'

'to approve Charlotte staying overnight.'

He made me think it was my idea.

That Charlotte could live here.

That together we could convince the judge that she was stable and in good hands.



You don't have to go through this alone.

I know you're upset we gave your jacket to A.D. and you have every right to be...

Spencer already explained it to me.

Well, she left something out.

We are so sorry. so sorry, Ali.

I know.


I'll call you later, okay?

[keys jingling]

[indistinct police radio chatter]

[engine revving]

[intense music]

Spencer: You didn't have to do that.

You didn't have to pretend.

Hanna: I know.

Didn't work anyway.


Are you okay?

I absolutely will be.

You should tell him.

You should tell Caleb that you and Jordan broke up.

I haven't told anyone about this.

I had a dream about you.

'When I was in that place with A.D.'

I was so tired and scared.

I wanted to give up.

'And then suddenly, there you are.'

You were all smart and preppy and...

Ready to hatch an escape plan.

I really wish I could have been there, Hanna.

I wish that I could have helped you.

You did. That's what I'm saying.

You and... all you've taught me over the years.

[cell phone ringing]

Is that your phone?


It's Rollins.

[dramatic music]

male 1: 'First you turn her in, then you leave her all alone'

'stupid b*tches.'

[cell phone ringing]


[sighs] Ali, thank God, where are you?

Home. Why?

'Are the police still outside your house?'

Um, yeah. What's going on, Hanna?

We think A.D. is heading your way.

He might even be there already.

You mean Jenna and Sara.

No, he, as in Elliot Rollins.

The same guy who put a muzzle over you and fed you crazy pills.

'He crawled out of his own damn grave'

'and he's coming for you.'

Ali, it's Spencer.

Look, Hanna might be right, so just make sure that that cop doesn't leave your side, and we are on our way.

Oh, my God.


Can you please come inside?

My friends think that Archer Dunhill could be on his way so if you could just wait in here until backup comes.


Yeah, yeah, he's inside now.

Okay. I will.







[glass shatters]

[police sirens wailing]


[dramatic music]

We need to set up a checkpoint now.

And somebody better tell me why Officer Sheehan wasn't at his post.

Hanna: 'Ali?'


Where is she?

Where's Ali?

It's okay, Spencer.

She's okay. Alison's upstairs.

Thank you.


Oh, my God, Alison. Oh, my God.

Oh, God, you're hurt.

I'm okay.

I'm just glad that you guys are here.

What happened?

He was dressed up like a cop.

He had on another mask.

He could have k*lled me, but I think the police sirens scared him off.

It was really him, wasn't it?

[cell phone beeps]

Was that Hanna?

Yeah, Ali's okay but Archer Dunhill could still be out there.


[Etta James singing "I'd Rather Go Blind"]

I love this song.

Yeah. My mom had quite the record collection.

Mary brought a box down from the attic.

Where was she when that happened?

She was meeting with her contractor.

The police confirmed it.

Come on.

Sit down, you need to rest.


God, I'm so sorry.

For what?

Elliot knew that I'd push you away and make myself vulnerable.

That's why he put the jacket in my room.

I fell right for it.


♪ I would rather I would rather go blind for you ♪
♪ Than to see you walk away from me child no... ♪


Look at me.

I'm gonna try this one more time.


Will you marry me?


Wait... Is... that a yes?

[laughing] Yes.

Yes, Ezra.

Completely, absolutely, yes. Yes.

[dramatic music]


[owl hooting]

This is a really bad idea. We shouldn't be here.

Okay, but we can't just take A.D.'s word for it.

We need proof.

[twig snaps]

It's fine.

Let's go.

This is it.

This is the spot.

It looks just like it did before.

I guess he could have crawled out and covered the hole back up.

Well, there's only one way to know for sure.


I don't remember digging this much.

[pants] That's because you didn't.

You were in shock.


I don't know, maybe you're right.

Maybe he's not here.


[both gasping]

Oh, my God.


Spencer: 'It's him.'


[hard rock music over earphones]


[water running]


[dramatic music]


Hello, miss?

Are you alright?
