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02x10 - The Vanishing

Posted: 08/03/16 02:17
by bunniefuu
Zoe: Previously on Scream...

What do you want?

Distorted voice: I want to see what happens when she finds out the truth.

Please don't.

You're not a victim, Audrey. You're a k*ller.

I would do anything to keep it secret.

I brought Piper to Lakewood.

What I don't get is how the k*ller even knew about the recording in the first place.

Unless this is about us.

Oh, no.

Zoe, I might have gotten you involved.

I need you back on this case.

This is that picture of Emma at the pig farm. You know where I'm going with this.

The sheriff told me that Eli has a restraining order against him.

Apparently, he broke into some girl's bedroom in Atlanta.

That's completely insane.

Can I get a chance to explain, please?

Emma, wait!

Audrey: Now, all this stuff about Eli?

Do you think he could be doing this? Could he be doing all of this?

Oh, my God! Oh, my God, it's Piper!

The k*ller wanted us to find Piper's body together because we both k*lled Piper, and now, he wants revenge on both of us.

Maggie: Piper Shaw. White female. In her mid-twenties.

Five foot nine. Approximately, 140 pounds.

Initial cause of death, g*nsh*t to the head, as stated in previous autopsy.

There's decay present, but inconsistent with time of death.

Subject was removed from her grave and preserved through refrigeration.

There's a, um... a fresh incision along the sternum.

These are... These are new stitches.

You don't have to do this. She's your daughter.

Yes, I do.


That's strange.

It's a heart.

It's a pig's heart.

Scream - S02E10 - "The Vanishing"

I haven't been in your room in a while.

It's changed.


After last night, I need answers about Piper.

This is about us and it's about her, and you can't keep things from me anymore.

I get it.

Okay, uh...

Think of this as your own personal Audrey Jensen AMA.

Do your worst.

Okay. So...

You knew that Piper was my half-sister the whole time that she was here in Lakewood?


And last year, when... I started to think that the k*ller was probably my half-sibling... why didn't you say anything?

I never, in a million years, thought she could be the k*ller.

And she swore to me she wasn't.

And knowing what you knew, that was good enough for you?

No, no. She and I...

The night Rachel died, I was with Piper.

We were up late at the Crescent Palms Motel, going over Brandon James stuff.

If she didn't k*ll Rachel, how could she be the k*ller?

And... And I thought she was my friend.


Okay. So... you were with Piper.


How do I know that you're not lying right now?

I would never use Rachel in a lie.

I don't know that after everything that you've done.

You know me.


I knew you. We were best friends.

And then, we drifted apart.

That's one way to say it.

And then, you brought Piper here to get back at me.


Even if you didn't know that she was a psycho, you were still trying to do that to hurt me.

No! No, I wasn't!

‭Yes, you were!

Why else would you bring her here?

I wanted to make a documentary about Brandon James.

This was not about you, Emma.

It was about Lakewood and-and hypocrisy.

And I was just collateral damage?

Oh, my God. Audrey, this is your last chance, okay?

Tell me the truth. Stop lying, stop covering.

We need to be on the same side right now, and I am definitely not on your side.

I don't know what else to say.


This was a horrible idea.


Did we get anything from Hayley Meyers' phone? Or anything about a boyfriend?

Nothing yet, sir.

What about my son?

Word is, Stavo was at the party last night, but nothing after that.

All right, let everyone know, if they see him, bring him in.

You got it, sir.

Maggie, can I have a word?

Sure. Thanks.


There are a lot of possibilities here, but you have to see what I'm seeing.

No, I don't.

Who else would dig up the past like that?

I'm not just talking about Piper's body.

A pig heart? That's for us.

About what we did. Who else would know about that?

Piper apparently found out a lot. Maybe she told someone.

Or maybe the simplest answer is the right one.

I know this is hard for you to hear, but Piper was his daughter, too.

Maybe her death brought him out of the woodwork. Maybe he wants revenge.

Brandon couldn't have survived all that... out there on his own.

Even if he did, he wouldn't do something like this. He wouldn't target Emma.

You always saw him differently than the rest of the world did.

(SIGHS) That's because I knew him better.

I have to get back to work.








What's going on?

Zoe: I can't come to the phone right now, but leave a message.

Hey, Zoe! Zo-ologist!

Sorry, not funny. Just trying it out. Um...

Hey, so you weren't in psych today. What's up?

You're always in class, so, uh, just thought I'd say hey.


Um... anyway, not stalker-y, but just, you know, given the recent events, maybe you could call, text, uh, bat signal, so I know you're okay?

Okay. Um...









Uh, Zoe! Maybe this isn't the best time for a scavenger hunt!





Distorted voice: Hello, Noah.

Who, uh... Who is this?

Long time listener, first time caller. (CHUCKLES)

Why do you have Zoe's phone?

Where is she?

We're having a picnic, and she wanted to see you one last time.

If you hurt her, I swear I...

Don't you know the rules?

Now that you and Zoe have had sex, you're both on the slasher chopping block.

Isn't it how that goes?

You need to update your genre references.

That's a pretty outdated way of thinking.

Come into the woods, Noah, or I'm gonna make sure your little girlfriend needs a closed casket.

There are a lot of fairy tales and horror movies about going into the woods.

And they usually end up with wolves, or bears, or... an axe-wielding maniac.

I mean, I am really going out on a limb here, so... you know, why don't you give me something?

Tell me why you're doing all this m*rder stuff.




(BREATHLESSLY) Oh, God... Oh, God...


It's not supposed to end like this.


No, Emma, wait!

Noah wasn't in class today, and-and he hasn't been answering any of my calls.

I'm really starting to freak out.

‭I haven't seen him.

Have you talked to him at all?

No, that's the thing.

I know that he was annoyed with me yesterday about the Zoe thing, but...



Oh, my God!

‭He's got Noah.

Wait. Can you tell where he is?


Distorted voice: How are my favorite final girls?

If you hurt Noah, I will come for you.

Any more threats, and I light his coffin on fire and let you watch him burn.

Where is he?

You're gonna go on a little treasure hunt.

If you tell anyone... cops, friends, strangers in a school hallway...

Noah dies.

This is about us.

It isn't about Noah. Why are you doing this?

Because it's more fun this way, don't you think?

If you follow my clues, maybe you can save Noah's life.

He has... oh, about five hours of air left.

Clock's ticking.

Come on, come on.





I was stabbed.

And someone is recording me.

This is not good.

Help! Help!


I'm buried alive.

In a coffin.

A literal coffin.

But maybe somebody can see this?

Hey, guys. Uh... I'm alive. Still alive.

Please come save me.

I was just at Wren Lake, so... maybe I'm there?

And Zoe. Maybe she's somewhere close.

I'm just gonna stay calm and conserve my oxygen.

Unless I'm talking to the k*ller.

And no one's coming.

Is that it?

Are you just recording my final hours to torment my friends?

In which case, this is how I die.

Slow suffocation.

Number three on my "top ten worst ways to go" list.

I'm not gonna freak out.

I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction.

Female voice: Help!

Help! Please!

Hello? Is somebody else out there?




What are the clues? What is he talking about?

We have to call Sheriff Acosta. He could keep it quiet.

No, okay? No, absolutely not! We do that and Noah's dead.

How is this psycho gonna know if we call him?

Maybe he hacked our phones.

I don't know. He seemed to know we were together when he called.

Audrey, we cannot do this.

No, absolutely not, okay?

We can't risk it! You don't get it! This is how he works.

I tried to cheat him before and he made me pay.

He k*lled a hotel clerk just to prove a point!

He will one hundred percent k*ll Noah if we cross him.

The only chance we have is to play his game.

Okay. Where do we start?


Where he went wrong? How do we figure that out?

"He thought he had all the answers." Okay, maybe he was getting too close?

How are we supposed to know what he's thinking?

We know where his answers are.

His murderboard.


Brandon, we're there.


He left this.

Now, we have to forget all about this.






Sheriff's Department!

Hey, check it out. We're in the right place.

Wait, what is Noah's obsession?

The murders? Brandon James? The Morgue?

I don't know. Noah is an obsessive nerd by nature.

Maybe it's this. Maybe it's on the murderboard.

We're supposed to find where he went wrong.

How do we do that?

There's too much here! It's impossible!

Maybe his obsession blinded him to the truth, and that is where he went wrong.

I'm so sick of these cryptic clues.

Maybe it's in his podcast?

Audrey's voice: Dear Piper...

Best, Audrey.

Damn it! I'm not seeing anything!

What'd you find?


What's behind Noah's obsession?

I don't know! Insomnia and too much caffeine?

Are we really gonna find Noah this way?

I mean, we are clearly missing something!

Maybe it's a riddle. What is Noah's obsession?

The murderboard. The board.

What's behind...

Oh, my God. It's literal. What is behind the board?

Wow. This really is about us.

What do you mean? It's a daffodil.

Yeah. Don't you remember?

I think I know where to go.

Okay, I'm not really hearing a voice.

Help me!

There is no voice. I am just imagining it.



See, Noah? No voice. No voice.


You're starting to hyperventilate.

I'm starting to hallucinate.

You think I'm a figment of your imagination?

I know you are. This is impossible.

I'm buried alive and starting to lose it.

Did you know that taphephobia, the fear of being buried alive, is one of the most well documented and primal pathological fears?

Yes, of course I do, because you're just in my head, saying what I already know.

Are you sure?

You seem so real.

I'm scared, Zoe.

It's okay to be afraid.

The only ones that aren't afraid are the monsters.


Don't answer.

I know. I've already ignored three of Kieran's calls.

Good. Radio silence. It's safer this way.

Are you sure the old stables is where we're supposed to go?

Yeah. Those daffodils grew all around the old barn.

They made a big point of telling us they were poisonous to the horses.

No, I remember that, but how would the k*ller know that?

How would he know that a daffodil would send us there?

Flowers grow a lot of places.

You said it yourself.

This is about us. And that's where we first met. I'm sure that this is it.

But what is he trying to do? Why is he sending us there?

Whoever's doing this is screwing with us.

Sending us to a place we used to love, trying to ruin it...

It's important to them because it's important to us.

When my mom got sick, it was the only place where I felt okay, the only place I could forget what was going on.

Yeah. We used to go to the stables even after they shut them down.

Play outside.

Pretend to be elves traveling across Middle Earth.

We were so close back then.

Basically family.

Then, a couple years later, you tried to destroy us.

What did I do to make you hate me so much?

Like I said, it wasn't about you guys.

I already read it. It really cleared up some things.

Emma, this isn't...

Just don't.

What is it? What's wrong?


I went back to the pig farm.

There's a hidden room.

I found furniture, photos of Emma.

I think Brandon James might be back.

He could be alive. We don't know.

I just don't think it's possible.

He's dead in the woods somewhere.

Well, somebody's living in that pig farm.

If it's not Brandon James, then it's somebody who knows our secrets.

Either way, what's happening now is on us.

All right. Let's say he is back. What can we do?

It's not like I can put an APB out on a ghost.

I think I may have a way to tell if he's really back.


‭lt's a long shot.

Be careful.

Okay, your turn. Ready?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm ready.

You're in a rocket. It's at its apogee.

You're in that moment where everything is perfectly still... right before you're about to fall.

Do you feel it?

I feel... dizzy.


There's a window... and you can see the Earth below.

It's a blue, swirling marble.

It's so beautiful.


And I'm there with you.



No, no. I'm not... imagining you.

No, no, no...

No, no! God, no!

No! No, no!


It still doesn't add up. How does the k*ller know about our childhood?

How would he know about some random flowers?

They're not random. You just have to trust me. We're in the right spot.

How can I...? Noah's life is in danger, and you're still keeping me in the dark.

They must have been working with Piper from the very beginning.

It's the only thing that makes sense.


Piper and I came here a couple times.

I brought her here. I told her everything about us.


‭She wanted to know about you. She was your sister.


‭I know what this sounds like, Emma, but I think I was just looking for a friend.

I didn't know she was using me. I didn't realize.

I never realized it until the last moment and, by then, it was too late.

We have to go.

This psycho is doing this on purpose.

He showed you that letter to tear us apart!

Yeah. You're still the one who wrote it.




Acosta here.

Distorted voice: I need to report some very suspicious activity, Sheriff.

Who's this?

I'd like to remain anonymous.

I'd hate for this to get back to me.

But something very strange has been going on here at the old horse stables on Route 6.

You know the place?

I do.

What do you mean by "strange"?

It's abandoned, but someone's been going out there, to the barn.

I've heard screams, squeals...

It sounds like somebody's being gutted.

When did you hear all this?

You'd better get out there now.

Maybe you can make it stop. (HANGS UP)

How did you...?

That's not ominous.

Okay, let's do this.

You ready?



(COUGHING) What is that?

Oh, my God. It's a pig. I've had nightmares about that.

That's-That's not possible.

We have to find Noah.

Okay, um... where, where?

Look for... Look for signs of digging. Look for fresh dirt.


Audrey, come here.

Oh, my God! (GASPS)

‭Oh, God...


This is where he k*lled Jake. This is where Jake died.

Is Noah really here, or is this sicko just tormenting us?

(GRUNTS) Noah's running out of time.

Okay, okay. He's gotta be here somewhere, okay?

No, no, no, no, no!

What? What?

The video cut out! Why did the video cut out?

You... You go outside and look in that field of daffodils, and I'm gonna finish looking in here.

You've got to stay awake, Noah.

Maybe I should just sleep.

It's easier if I sleep.

No, that wouldn't be good.

I was thinking, in the spring... we could go to prom, and you can wear that adorable tux.

And when we graduate...

What do you think?

We could go to school in the same city.

Boston would be cool.


MIT? What do you say?

I'd like that.

Rocket scientists.

Maybe we could stay together...

Zoe: ♪ Hush, little baby... ♪

Grow old together... grow young together...

♪ ...gonna buy you a mockingbird ♪

Maybe we could go back...

When I was just a...

♪ And if that mockingbird don't sing ♪
♪ Hush, little baby ♪

Hey! Did you find anything?

No, there's nothing out there.

He's gotta be inside.

I already looked in here.

There's nothing in here.

Look again!

Do not put this on me!

What is that supposed to mean?



No, no, no. I didn't do this!

You brought this down on all of us!

You brought Piper here!

And why? What did I do to you?

I was pissed, okay? I was pissed!

You had your new friends and you abandoned me.

You wanted nothing to do with them!


No, not whatever! Why did you hate me? What did I do to you?

You really want to know right now?

Yes, I really want to know.

Why did you hate me?

You broke my heart!

I loved you, okay? And you broke my heart.

And the worst part is, you didn't even know you were doing it.


Do you hear that? (SINGING CONTINUES)

Audrey: Noah! ‭Help...

Hey, Noah, we're almost in!

(GROANS) Help!

Noah, we're almost there! Hang on!


Oh, my God.

Are you real?

Yeah, buddy, we're real. Come on.

You're okay. Come here.

I... I thought I was dead!

So did we, Foster.

I wasn't alone. I heard Zoe.

Zoe: Somebody help me!

She's down there still.


Hold on, Noah!

All right, ready? One, two, three!

I'm sinking! God, please help me!

Oh, my God. Help!

Please! Somebody help me!

Zoe's buried alive, too.

Please, somebody help me!

That's related to ****

Yeah, and there's water.

She must be at Wren Lake somewhere.

That's where I was att*cked, too. Wren Lake.

This has all been about you and me and Piper.

The dock?

Yes. Come on. It's not far. Let's go.

Dude, he's bleeding a lot.

I'm okay, I'm okay. I really am.

Okay, um, we're gonna turn around, and we're gonna go to the hospital.

Noah: No! No, it's fine.

We're gonna call the cops and they will get Zoe.

He said no cops. We do no cops.

We can't... We have to keep going.

Noah, you got stabbed!

We save Zoe. No hospital!

Okay, we keep going.

Help! Please help me!




She's gotta be here somewhere!

Please! Somebody help!

Wait. Look over there!

Help me!

She's still alive! Hurry!

Hang on, Zoe! We got you!

Hey, Zoe, can you hear us? ‭Zoe!

Zoe? Wha...?


Please! Help me!

Somebody help!


Oh, my God...

Copy that.

Emma, please call me back right away.

You were right. The carcass does appear to be missing its heart.

And the hand?

‭Male, average size.

It could be a match for Seth Branson.

Hey, I just got a call from Wren Lake. You should come with me.

Do you know this place?

I used to bring Emma and Audrey here.

This feels personal.

Maybe, but we should get to Wren Lake now.


‭Emma's there.

Man: ♪ No matter where you go, I'll find you ♪
♪ No matter where you go, I'll find you ♪
♪ I'll find you ♪
♪ Hold on for your life ♪
♪ Hold on for your life ♪
♪ It can't be time ♪
♪ I won't say good-bye ♪
♪ Hold on for your life ♪
♪ Hold on for your life ♪
♪ It can't be time ♪
♪ I won't say good-bye ♪
♪ Hold on ♪
♪ Hold on... ♪


♪ ...for your life ♪


We played your game and we followed your rules and you still k*lled Zoe.

I always win.

You're gonna lose in the end.

Really? Look at the evidence.

You're dead in the water.

Hey. I brought you some aspirin.


Zoe's dead because of us.

That's not true.

The k*ller is after me and Audrey.

He did what he did to get to us.

That's not your fault.

You didn't choose any of this.


But, if we want it to stop... it's on us.

It's on me.

It's not. It's not on you.